Just Another Day at Work

By Paul Tenney

Published on Jun 25, 2004


The story below is a work of fiction. It may contain erotic or sexually explicit behavior between males. If you find this work offensive or are too young, please exit now.

The author reserves copyright privileges as of June 2004. This work may not be posted on any other website nor reproduced, except for personal use, without the written permission of the author.

If you'd like to comment or just say `Hi', my e-mail address is dpxeiv@yahoo.com.

Just Another Day on the Road by DPT Copyright 2004

"Dude, you're really gay?" my brother Anders asked as we sat in a booth at the neighborhood bar down the street from our mother's house.

"Yup," I said chugging the last of my beer, "you want another?"

"Yes," he said sounding kind of dejected.

I grabbed his mug and went up to the bar, "Two more," I said signaling the bartender. He pulled two more and placed them in front of me. I threw down a five, and grabbed the beers and went back to my brother.

"Eric, I don't believe it, you're a motor head, a slick as shit salesman, and have always had to beat the chicks off. How can you be a fudge packing, sperm burping, pillow biter? I just don't believe it," Anders said and then tipped back his mug and swallowed half of his new beer.

"Believe it bro," I said sipping my new beer, "it's not like I chose to be gay, it's just something I am, like I'm left handed, or have blue eyes."

"Oh man, good thing Dad's already gone, this woulda killed `em," Anders said. "Why couldn't you keep this you're dark little secret. Why'd you have to make such a big deal out of being some kind of pervo and announce it to the world?"

"I'm not announcing anything to the world," I said taking a deep breath, "I'm being honest with myself and my family about who I am, and who I love."

"Whoa, you're in love?"

"Yeah, I am," I replied equally surprised at my response.


"Mark, my roommate," I replied.

"I haven't met him yet, what's he like?" Anders asked.

I looked at my watch; "he's been waiting out front for like the last five minutes."

"Oh, well, let's go meet him," he chugged the last of beer, and slid out of the booth.

"Aiight," I said chugging the last bit of my beer, and standing up. We put on our coats, and waived to the bartender and headed out to sidewalk. There at the curbed idled the silver Volvo wagon.

"Hola!" Mark yelled out as the passenger window slid down.

"Hey bubba," I said absent mindedly as I leaned into the window, "that's Anders, we're both pissed, can we drop him?"

"Sure," Mark smiled, "Anders, Mark!" he called past me, "hop in."

I opened the passenger door as my brother stumbled into the back seat. Once we were all strapped in Mark asked, "Where we going?" He began to ease forward and pull onto the nearly deserted street.

"Turn around, back three miles on the right," my brother grunted from the back seat.

"Okay, so," Mark glanced from the rearview mirror to me then back on the road, "how'd it go?"

"Pretty good, he broke our mother's heart and confused the hell out of me!" Anders said unbuckling and leaning up between Mark and me.

"I see," Mark replied, "could you buckle up again, I'd hate to accidentally put you through the windshield."

"Oh," Anders said, cuffing the side of my head as he sat back.

"I didn't break my mother's heart, she's just depressed to find out that she doesn't have any real sons now," I said as Anders kicked the back of my seat.

"Seriously, what happened?" Mark asked as he pulled into a parking lot to turn around.

"I told them, they're both blown away. We're not a family that has ever shared a lot."

Mark stopped the car and put it in neutral. "So what happened?" he asked turning and looking back at Anders.

"He told us, I don't get, I got nothing against fags, but my own brother?"

"See what I mean, they're so enlightened," I said interrupting my brother.

"And that's it?" Mark asked, "you told them, you two went down to the bar, got sloshed, and here we are?"

"Yup!" Anders and I said in unison.

"I guess that's it for now," Mark said turning forward and putting the car back in gear. "Up here three miles on the right?"

I stuck my head out the window and took deep breaths of cold air to try and sober up. "Damn," I said pulling my head back in the window.

"Dude, it's like another two hours before we get home," Mark said as I put the window up. "Why don't we stop for the night?"

"You wanna play?" I asked as a light bulb went off and my head seemed to clear.

"What ya got in mind?"

"There's a Denny's in front of an indie at the next exit," I said as Mark began to downshift.

"So do I drop you off, and go check in, or vice versa?"

"Let's flip for it," I said digging my lucky silver dollar out of my pocket.

"Heads your prey, tails you're the hunter," Mark said as he stopped at the end of the off ramp and clicked on the hazards.

I flipped the coin, "Damn, heads!"

"You're the prey," Mark said.

"I know, I'll get the room," I said.

"See you in there, go to the room and change after you get it, there's a bag packed you in the back," Mark said with a big smile as he pulled behind the restaurant and parked by the office door to the motel.

We got out of the wagon and Mark headed for the restaurant as I walked into the office. The bell sounded as I walked through the door.

"You're just in time, we were just about to close up for the night," an older guy said as he walked up to the counter in what looked like a ratty bathrobe.

"What time is it?" I asked as I looked at my watch.

"Midnight, all we got is a double, forty-five is the single rate," the motel manager said.

"I need a double, there's two of us for sure," I said as I started filling out the card he handed me.

"Then it's sixty-nine," he chuckled.

"That works," I said handing him my credit card. I signed the slip, and the credit card slip, took the key and headed back out into the cold, and fetched the bag from the Volvo.

I quickly showered and ran naked into the room and pulled out the clothes Mark had packed for me. "You've got be kidding!" I said out loud. I pulled out my tightest pair of jeans; a jockstrap, my old cowboy boots, and one of Mark's tight ski shirts.

"What the fuck," I laughed to myself as I pulled on the jock.

I walked into the Denny's just as a bunch of drunken college students were being seated. I scanned the lay of the land and spotted Mark sitting in the booth with a young kid about nineteen or twenty. I walked over the counter and sat down.

"Be right with you sweetie," the counterman sneered at me.

I sat there feeling very self-conscious about what I was wearing. I was wearing a skin tight lycra shirt that was a size too small, so it didn't quite meet the top of my jeans. I kept my leather jacket on over it, but I still looked like an improvised vision of a male streetwalker.

"Hey," someone said sitting down behind me.

I turned to find the kid that had been sitting with Mark on the next stool. "Uh, hi," I replied.

"I'm Leopold," he said offering his hand.

I laughed and took his hand, "Seriously?" he nodded, "I'm Eric."

"What's going on Eric?"

"Nadda, hungry," I said picking up the menu the counterman had put down in front of me.

"Yeah, for what," I felt Leopold's hand on my knee.

"Well a burger, that's for sure," I said brushing his hand away.

"How you want that?" the counterman's voice asked startling me.

"Oh, um, medium."

"Make that to go, and add it to my check over there," Leopold said pointing over to where Mark sat.

"Is that what you want?" the counterman asked sounding surprisingly concerned.

"I'll pay, but to go isn't a bad idea," I replied. "I'll wait over there with them," I said standing up from the stool. Leopold stood up too, he was a "fucking giant," I thought. He had to stand at least six feet eight inches. He was broad, but had a slight hunch that too tall teenagers have. He also seemed older than my first impression. He was skinny as a rail, but his eyes had the start of fine lines around them. Also, his teeth were stained yellow, and in desperate need of a cleaning.

We walked over to the table where Mark sat, "Mark, this is Eric," Leopold said.

Mark reached up and offered me his hand, "How's it hangin?"

"How's it hangin? Who's he fucking kidding?" I thought to myself as I slid into the booth opposite him. "Nadda!"

Leopold slid into the opposite me and next to Mark, "Eric here ordered some food to go and is going to hang with us," he said smiling at both of us.

"You staying at the motel?" Mark asked.

"Yeah," I said shyly.

"So are we," Leopold said as the waitress brought the check over. "I'm going to go take care of this, by right back," he said picking up the check and heading for the cashier.

"What the fuck?" I whispered once I saw that Leopold was at the counter at the other side of the restaurant.

"Dude, this guy is a total trip," Mark replied in a similar whisper, "he's been playing me from the moment I ran into him outside having a smoke."

"Gross he smokes?"

"Don't sweat it, he's got a room," Mark smiled, "we can still ditch him, but I want to see what his game is."

"Your burger is ready, I already paid for it Eric," Leopold said putting down a take away container in front of me. He was standing in front of me so that his waist was right at my eye level.

"Holy fuck!" I exclaimed as I saw the outline of his snake like cock.

"Leo, you're too fucking much," Mark laughed as Leopold slid into the booth next to me and taking my hand and placing it in his lap. It was one fluid motion that I wasn't even aware of what had happened, but there was my hand feeling the outline of a hardening monster that had to be at least ten inches.

"You two are a couple aren't you?" Leopold blurted out.

"What makes you say that?" Mark asked smiling.

"Well, I saw you two pull up together. I saw Eric here dressed all goomba go check into the motel, and now he comes in here twenty minutes later all whored out," Leopold said cupping my balls. "And you Mark," Leopold says obviously kicking him under the table. "You chat me up out front giving off this `I'm horny lets see what happens' vibe."

"Leo," I began.

Leopold puts his hands up in a gesture of stop, and says "tell me outside on the walk back to the motel. I need a smoke."

Mark picked up my burger and starts to follow him. I sat for a second and then got up and follow them outside.

"That's too fucking funny," Leo laughed as he leaned back on the bed across from the one that Mark and I were sitting on in our motel room.

"So like Eric ended up looking the hero to his boss. Moving this old car for the ridiculous asking price, and I had a fun morning buying a car that I needed," Mark finished the story.

"So you two get off on role-playing this stranger pickup thing?" Leo asked.

"Basically, but it only works if someone else is aware and thinks it's some kind of conspiracy," Mark explained.

"So lay out for me the scene you'd planned for tonight?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, just what was the scene you had in mind?" I added looking down at my still embarassing ensemble.

"Well, Eric doesn't always dress this fine. He likes to hide his body under that thug, slash, car salesmen look," Mark paused, "What did you call it, goomba?"

"Dude, you look mighty fine like this," Leopold said.

"Doesn't he? He needs me to pick out his clothes more often," Mark teased, "So anyhow," he continued. "I was just going to play it by ear. You played your role pretty good, although you always seemed to be two pages ahead of me in the script."

Leo laughed, "It was fun fucking with both your heads. I'm going to go back to my room so you guys can fuck like bunnies."

Mark nudged me, "I'm the prey remember?"

"Don't run off, make yourself comfortable and watch me take my prey," Mark said as he pushed me back across the bedside ways and straddled me.

"Are you going to toy with your prey, or go right for the kill?" Leo asked.

"What do you think I should do?" Mark asked pinning my hands over my head and leaning down licking the exposed skin between the top off my jeans and below my navel.

"In this case, I'm all in favor of you toying with your prey," Leo said as I heard him unzipping himself.

Mark started pulling my tight shirt up, and before I knew it I'd been stripped down to the jock strap. Both and Mark Leo had stripped down to their boxers. Leo was lying on the bed opposite Mark and me. He was stroking his erect member through the fly of his boxers. Mark was straddling me again; his hands roaming my body as his tongue darted in and out of my mouth.

"That's so fucking hot," Leo moaned.

"You ain't seen nothing yet," Mark whispered. I took that as my cue, and freed Mark of his boxers, and then slid my jock off. Mark slid down my body, and then lifted my legs and scooted up between them so that I could feel his eight inch member pressing against my ass. Mark reached over and grabbed the condoms and the lube and started to prepare himself to enter me.

"Oh man," Leo uttered as I looked over to see that he had shed his boxers and was manually manipulating his huge ten inch tool.

I felt Mark begin his assault on on my ass. I felt his forefinger, and then his lubed thumbs enter me. He spent a few minutes fingering me. His face had taken on a look of fierce concentration as he worked my tight hole.

"You ready bucko?" Mark asked, and then without waiting for my reply, forcefully entered me.

"Holy fucking..." I began, and then screamed in a mixture of ecstasy and pain as he entered me fully. I looked over at Leo who was staring at us and still working his member. Mark started to pump me, pulling out, and then into the hilt. I felt that tingling as my balls started to tighten, I looked up into Mark's face. "Fuck me Mark," I yelled, "I love you so much!"

"Oh yeah," Mark said as he quickened his pace. "Yeah, yeah, yeah....OH FUCK YEAH!" I felt his body tighten, triggering my own geyser of an orgasm.

"You two are fucking hot," Leo said as he redressed, "fucked in the head, but so hot! This was a fun distraction."

"Glad you enjoyed yourself," Mark said, who had pulled a blanket over the two of us in some newfound modesty.

"Well, see you guys around," Leopold said as he walked out of the room.

"So?" Mark asked nuzzling up to me as we lay there in the afterglow.

"Sew buttons?" I asked.

"You love me?"

"Of course, you know that," I replied.

"Not that you've ever told me before," Mark said.

Next: Chapter 3

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