Just Another Day

By Jennifer Lankford

Published on Jul 9, 2001


************************************* Disclaimer: Don't know them yet, don't own them. Complete fiction. Honest to God, its fiction. ************************************* Just Another Day - Chapter 7

I looked at the phone, expecting him to call back and want more information. But then again, he was my brother, the one person I didn't have to tell anyone to. I sighed. In the next room, I had a man, who was deadly cute and had a smile that could melt ice, and I had no idea what I was going to do with him. Tapping my foot I looked around the kitchen.

Then the phone rang again. I jumped and picked up the phone almost immediately.

"Hello?" I asked

"Chad, it's Donny, AJ... he's not too good. I think you need to bring Brian down."

My mouth hung open for a minute, "What do you mean? Not to good?"

"We lost him, and now, to put it simply, he's almost a vegetable." Donny said.

"You're shittin' me." I said. I got out of the kitchen chair and walked into the room I sent Brian into. He was bent at the waist, looking at my CD collection by the TV.

"No, I'm not, you need to come down." Donny said and hung up.

I hung up the phone just as Brian discovered I was in the room.

"We need to go to the hospital, Brian." I said softly.

"Why?" Brian asked.

"AJ's not doing to good. I think you should be there." I said.

Brian slowly took the information he was givin, in. Then he looked up at me.

I knew that look. I knew that look so damn well. The look that said `Take me to him.'

I grabbed my car keys and walked to the front door.

"Hi Dr. Ray!" Tiffany practically yelled, making me jump.

"Uhh..Hi, Tiffany." I said and pulled Brian by the arm. "Umm, a patient of mine has been called to my attention and I need to go to the hospital." I opened Brian's door and went around to the driver's side frantically. I unlocked the car and stuck the key in the ignition.

"Tiffany, we'll talk later, okay?" I said and shut the car door before she could answer.

I drove to the hospital, occasionally looking at Brian to make sure he wasn't going to break down. I turned on the radio again. It was a newer song, one I'd never heard of, but out of the corner of my eye I saw Brain Spring to attention and turn up the volume.

"Who is it?" I asked curious to who was singing. The voice was familiar, but I couldn't place it. I listened to the lyrics, taking in every word the singer was singing.

Mrs. Callahan, is Paul Michael home I can see the light on in his room Mrs. Callahan, is he all alone You say he needs to change his attitude

Can he come out to play He didn't make school today And I wonder why he never wants To do the things you say

Did he blame you today Said you made him that way If you could only see he's just like you

Mrs. Callahan, does it hurt to know You might have got it all wrong Mrs. Callahan (Mrs. Callahan your son) Don't you let him go He'll be gone before too long (If you would only listen) (I know that he would listen too)

Can he come out to play He didn't make school today (I know that he would listen too) And I wonder why he never wants To do the things you say

Did he blame you today Said you made him that way If you could only see he's just like you

How'd ya let him get so out of hand He was just a kid, Mrs. Callahan You can try and say you did the best you can Who you gonna blame, Mrs. Callahan

How'd you let him get so out of hand He was just a kid and I know that he would listen too Can he come out to play He didn't make school today (I know that he would listen too) And I wonder why he never wants To do the things you say

Did he blame you today Said you made him that way If you could only see he's just like you

The song definitely brought a tear to my eye. It reminded me of coming out to my family, not that long ago with Alex.

I turned and looked at Brian. He was in tears, staring into space out the window. I pulled into the Hospital parking lot and turned off the engine.

Any other day I would've punched him in the shoulder and told him to come to earth. But this was different. I sensed that this song had some sort of meaning to him beyond the fact that it made you cry. I put my hand on his thigh gently, so I didn't shock him. He turned to me slowly, looking so depresed. I put the armrest up that was between us and scooted over so that I could hug him. He laid his head on my shoulder, silently crying.

While rubbing his back I realized something, I'd fallin' in love with him. I stared into space over his head and tried to get a grip of what I was feeling. It felt like Timothy was alive, and he was in my arms instead of Brian. But that wasn't possible. Timothy was dead, and had been dead for a while now. But the truth was the truth, I'd fallin' in love with him.

Song Credits: Mrs. Callahan - Joey Mcintyre (Meet Joe Mac - 2001)

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Next: Chapter 8

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