Just Another Day

By Jennifer Lankford

Published on Jun 4, 2001


Disclaimer: No, I don't know the Backstreet Boys... probably never will either! And that's JUST my luck, too! Underage? go away Illegal in your area? Then why are you here? Offended at the thought of two guys together? Please someone tell me why you are actually here! Now...you may continue...

Just Another Day - Chapter 2

I left Brian under Kayla's supervision and went to help elsewhere. I went into the next room and saw that Kevin was frantic.

"What's wrong?" I asked Will, who was head of nursery.

"He wants to know how his cousin is, I told him that I didn't know, but he's not taking that for an answer." Will said. "Stubborn basturd." Will muttered under his breath.

"Let me deal with him, you start on his leg." I said to Will and started wiping blood off the gash on his forehead. Kevin had gotten a large piece of metal stuck into his lower left leg.

"Brian is fine, not damaged much, he's knocked out in the next room as we speak." I said to Kevin and sucked the blood out of his right eye, below the gash.

"Positive?" he asked. "Yes, I'm positive, I'm the one that watched over him a while ago." I said and brushed his hair away from his face. "I'm gonna go see how the others of your group are doing, okay? I heard you like being in charge of them so how about I report back to you?" I said.

"That would be great, thank you!" Kevin said.

I left emergency room 2 and went down the hall in search of the others in Brian and Kevin's group. Not far down the hall I heard bloody murder coming from room 5. I quickly walked in to led a hand. I saw a Spanish guy screaming at the pain he was in.

"What's up Donny?" I asked and stood beside him.

"Well, Howie here, can't tell us what's wrong, I wonder why?" Donny said.

"Geez, could it be cause he's in pain?" I sarcastically asked.

"Damn right," I heard Howie say.

"Your friends Kevin and Brian are fine, just a little bit of pain is all." I said, "Does that calm you some?"

"Yes, much, don't know what I'd do if my brothers where dead." Howie said jokingly.

"Good, now let the nice doctors take care of you," I said playfully.

"Hell no, they wanna shove needles all up in me." I gasped.

"Really??? Are you sure??? They're job is to heal, not hurt."

"Well, they are hurting me," Howie said.

I patted Donny on the shoulder. "Good job Donny, another unsatisfied customer!" I said and turned to leave.

"Yeah, right, at least he didn't have you watching over him queer." Donny said jokingly.

Everyone on the hospital's staff knew I was gay, so there was no biggie about secrecy.

"Well, he's gay so what? He probably would hurt me less than you," Howie said and laughed a little.

"Grrrr," Donny said and stared at me. "I'll get you for that, Chad."

I only laughed as I left room 5 and went into the waiting room. I saw a blonde man sitting impatiently in one of the hard back chairs. I cleared my throat to get his attention. He looked up at me and then stood up.

"Would you like to go somewhere else, those chairs are uncomfortable, your names' Nick right?" I asked.

"Yes, do you know how my friends are? Nobody is saying anything to me, they keep saying that only family is allowed to see them."

"Well, Brian, Kevin, and Howie are pretty much okay, Howie is screaming bloody murder though," I said. "I've heard that AJ is lost a lot of blood and is out of it at the moment. Why don't I take you up to the children's ward, it's much more," I waved my hands in the air and tried to find the word. I heard Howie scream again and smiled. "Calm."

"That would be great," Nick said and followed me as I went to the stairs. "The elevator is probably in a lot of use right now, so, we will have to use the stairs, if you get tired, we can take the elevator." I said.

"Lead the way." Nick said.

We walked up the 5 flights of stairs in silence. When we got to the pediatric ward, I snapped my fingers. "I promised Lily I would check in on her earlier. We better head that way. I walked into Lily's room with Nick behind me and was greeted by Lily's mother.

"Lily's asleep, I'm sorry Chad." Her mother said. "We will have to have you over for dinner sometime." She said.

"Why thank you, but I couldn--"

"I'm not taking no for an answer." She said.

"Well, okay, just call me, and I'll come." I said. "Tell Lily that I stopped by and that I'll be back tomorrow to sign the release forms."

"Okay, I will, will you be coming to her birthday party on Saturday?"

"I'll asked her about it," I said and walked out of Lily's room.

"Come with me, I have a nice, cozy bed you can sleep on tonight, I don't really think you want to stay in those nasty chairs downstairs." I said and lead the way to the sleeping room. All the sleeping room was, was a room with a bunch of beds, for cat napping on duty.

"Thanks a lot, I'm exhausted." Nick said and laid down on the first bed he saw.

I turned out the lights. "See ya tomorrow, Nick, I'm right down the hall if you need anything, 3rd door on the right." I said with a smile.

I left Nick alone and looked down at my watch. With all the commotion, I'd totally forgotten where the day had gone to. The `Backstreet Boys' as Cathy had called them, had come in at around 11 this morning, and I'd been working on Brian, Kevin, and Howie, and stayed with Nick till around 7 p.m. I shook my head at the time and headed for the break room. I grabbed another coffee and then headed toward my locker. I took off my white jacket and scrubs and put on my regular clothes. I headed down the stairs and out the emergency door sipping my coffee all the while. It had been just another day.

Comments, death threats, warnings, whatever to: silverwings4ever@hotmail.com

If you'd like more information on the characters, pictures, diagram of the hospital, or other stories I've written, please go to http://www.angelfire.com/music2/slipupwizshs/index.html

I pride myself on my website :) and...feedback wouldn't hurt either... cheesy grin

Next: Chapter 3

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