Just Another Day

By Jennifer Lankford

Published on Jun 18, 2002


Disclaimer: You've read these, you know it's fake, so why bother saying it again?

Just Another Day - Chapter 14

Kevin threw his head phones across the room. "God dammit, Brian, just call him for Christ's sake. You've been driving everybody nuts since we left Raleigh."

I sighed. It was true, I couldn't get Chad off my mind. Everywhere I went I was thinking of him, and it was effecting everything I did, including recording. It was taking twice as long as it should to record a song, all because of me.

"I think we should quit for the day, I'll be back to normal tomorrow, I promise." I said and left the recording booth, grabbing my stuff before heading to my car. When I got to the door I turned to sign out of the guard station and saw the news on, with a group of guards around the TV.

I entered the guard station and squeezed my way to the front. The news was on, and I turned the volume up.

"We're live from I-29 20 minutes outside Raleigh, North Carolina, where a drunk driver collided with an Activity Bus from Piper Elementary School. It appears that the bus was returning from a field trip to the planetarium, when the driver hit the bus, flipping it onto its top, and another car from oncoming traffic hit its side, making the bus spin 360 degrees. Dr. Chad Ray, was one of the first doctors on site, and thankfully was a pediatrician from St. Mary's Hospital. He crawled inside the overturned bus and got all the children out, and thankfully, the children haven't been hurt."

The scene in the background was of Chad carrying one of the kids, while the others followed him to the helicopter. I gasped. The shot to the bus where it was on its top, and they were pulling a body bag from the bus.

"It's been reported that Dr. Chad Ray was also the doctor who doctored to the Backstreet Boys, with Dr. Donny Chavis. It seems that these two doctors are the ones to go to if in an emergency situation." The reporter moved out of the way as they zoomed to Donny, who was on the ground beside somebody.

I left the guard station and got into my car, and went to the home I kept in Florida. I called up Chad's house, but got no answer, and called the hospital, but they wouldn't let me speak to him. So I waited, leaving message after message on Chad's answering machine.

~ Chad

I told Kayla to hold all calls, so I could get the paperwork done. There was only two kids left, a brother and sister, whose parents had left on a business trip to Wilmington. We'd contacted them and they had left at the call, and should be arriving any minute. I finished the paperwork, and stretched.

"Hey, Chad." Kayla said as she cam into my office.

"What is it? I was just getting ready to go home." I grabbed my glasses and tucked them in my shirt pocket.

"You told me to hold off calls, but I just wanted you to know that Brian called about two hours ago." Kayla told me. I looked at her shocked.

"Well why didn't you let me talk to him?" I asked.

"You told me to hold off all calls. No exceptions." Kayla justified her side.

"I did no such thing." I said.

"Well then, your mother called."

"I told you to hold off all calls. Jesus, Kayla don't you listen to me?" I said. She looked at me, her mouth hanging open.

"I d... oh never mind." She waved her hands toward me and I laughed. I made sure I had everything, then I left the hospital. Everything was fine, normal even, I just couldn't get Brian out of my head.

I got home, and opened the automatic garage door from the bottom of the driveway. I looked briefly in the rearview mirror and then looked back at the driveway. I paused, and thought about what I saw in the rearview mirror and then looked back. I put the car in park and got out, walking across the street to the neighbors trash and recycling containers.

As I got closer to the boxes, I heard whining, not a child, but a puppy. Lifting the boxes I found a batch of practically newborn puppies, a type of terrier it looked like.

"Holy." I said simply. I went up to the neighbor's door and knocked. After a few minutes the old lady came to the door, with her dog at her feet.

"Yes?" She asked. She wasn't very nice to me.

"Do you know there's newborn puppies in your trash?" I asked.

"Yes, what about it? No god things shouldn't have been born." She said evilly.

I was shocked to say the least. I looked down at the dog at her feet, assuming it was the mother, by the way she was whining and looking longingly at the garbage. I opened my mouth to say something, but stopped myself, and left her doorway and went back to the trash. I took the box they had been `thrown' into and set into the passenger seat in the car. I got in and closed the garage door, put the car in reverse and headed for the vets, where I knew I could get a favor.


He still wasn't answering. I'd called, and called, but there was no answer. I sighed. I should have done something while I was in North Carolina, anything. Something to show that I actually did like him... or even love him. But we'd left, and I hadn't called him yet. Second chances are few and far between, and I knew that I might have missed mine.

The next say I called Kevin and told him I didn't feel well, and that I couldn't make it to the studio. He asked what was wrong and I told him I was sick. I didn't tell him what kind of sick, just that I was, `sick'. He allowed me to stay away again and I sat around the house all day, with the phone by my side.

"Sick..." I snorted. "Love sick."

~ Chad

It'd been a long night, very long night. I'd spent most of it in the vet's office, making sure the puppies were okay. I told them I'd found the puppies on the street, the mother had left them. Well it wasn't the truth, but it wasn't a lie. I wanted to keep the cute little things, heaven forgive me. Ken owed me a favor, from when his daughter was sick and he brought her to my house, since we lived a few blocks from each other.

"Well, here ya go, they're going to be a sleep for a while, because of the shots, but other than that, they should be fine. You'll have to feed them from a baby bottle, until their teeth grow in." Kevin said and handed me a pet carrier.

"Thanks again, Ken, I knew you wouldn't turn them away." I said and yawned. I walked to the door and he called out to me.

"I'll just expect special treatment next time I'm a the hospital." Ken laughed and waved, walking back into the back of the vets office. I walked out to my car just after 3 am. I felt like I was going to fall asleep at any moment.

I drove home and made it to into the house this time. I set the carrier down on the bar and took off my shoes, stumbling every once in a while. I slipped on the floor and fell, and the puppies started to wake up and whine.

"Oh, no, don't do that." I said to them, even though they couldn't understand me. I picked up the carrier and walked into the hall, hitting the play button on the answering machine as I passed.

"Message 1" said the answering machine.

"Chad, its Brian, just saw the news, and I was wondering if you're okay. Call me back, I'm worried."

"Message 2"

"Chad, it's Brian again, where are you? The hospital won't put me through to you, and it doesn't take you that long to get home, call me."

"Message 3"

"Chad, it's you mother, darling, call me please, why didn't you tell me Alex got in touch with you? You two should have come down, we would have loved to see you. Oh my, you're on the news again, Chad why don't you ever stay out of these messes. Call me back immediately! Love you baby."

"Message 4"

"Chad, it's me again, please call me. Kevin's getting on my back, and AJ won't leave me alone. Call me so I can sleep tonight, I don't care what time."

"Message 5"

"Bro, it's me, everything's fine here, just letting you know that, since I know you like to check up on me. Well, I'm needed in surgery, bye!"

"Message 6"

"Chad, I demand you call me! I'm your mother for Christ's Sake! Chad! I know you're there! CHAD!"

"Message 7"

"It's Kayla, just making sure you got home safe, cause I know how tired you are, take tomorrow off, we'll be fine here without you. But do call and leave a message with Fred so I know you got home safe. Nighty Night!"

"Message 8"

"It's Donny, Kayla told me you weren't answering the phone, and I didn't know how to take that. Get rest, I don't want to see you're sorry ass around here for a day or two."

"Message 9"

"Hi... It's me again, last message I'm going to call cause I know you must be running out of room on your machine, just thinking you made it home by now."

"Message 10"

"Hey Chad, mommy told me to call you, cause she's worried, I've been doing good in school and everything. Call mommy before she goes crazy. Luv you! Heather."

I sighed and rolled my head on my shoulders. I'll call them all back tomorrow, since they gave me a day off. I had unbuttoned my shirt while I was listening to the messages, and took off my socks.

"Come on you little guys, let's go to bed." I told the puppies, who either yawned or whimpered. I picked up the cage and took it to my bedroom, setting it on the floor beside the bed. I went into the bathroom and grabbed a few towels, laying them on the other side of my bed, beside where I sleep I put the cage on the bed and took the puppies out, one by one, and set them on the towels, trying to shhh their whimpering. I put the cage against the wall, so they couldn't jump on it.

I stripped down to my shorts and crawled into bed. Just another long day.

Email: silverwings4ever@hotmail.com

AIM: Hazy Cea Yahoo: lilyellerdudetripsalot

Let me know what you think!

"Do It By Hand, Make Do, Or Do Without"

"The Beginning is the Middle of the End"

"I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright. I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more. I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive. I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger. I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting. I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess. I wish enough "Hello's" to get you through the final "Good-bye.

http://www.geocities.com/ms_sleepalot/front.html http://www.angelfire.com/music2/slipupwizshs/index.html

Definition for Monday: filing cabinet - a place to organize mistakes. "Why is it called tourist season if you can't shoot them?" "I do whatever my rice crispies tell me to." "I graduated! Can I go back to bed now?"

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