Just Another Day

By Jennifer Lankford

Published on Jan 29, 2002


Disclaimer: Don't know, don't own, don't care to. Complete fiction, straight and to the point, you care, or this is illegal for you? Here's a quarter, call someone who cares.

We sat around in the family room, eating the pizzas and talking about our lives, well Brian and Nick did most of the talking, Alex and myself didn't give much on our background.

"So, guys," Nick said to me and Alex, "What about you guys, how did you grow up?"

I looked at Alex. He shrugged. I watched him look at Nick.

The silence was hard. "Ever seen Finding Forester?" Alex said, breaking the silence.

Brain and Nick nodded. "Well, it was kinda like that. We were in separate schools, and neither were up to our levels. We wanted challenges. Our parents got tired of driving to two schools, and took us to the same school. We took the SATs in 6th grade, and passed, with... what... a..." Alex looked at me.

"1700" I said quietly. Our past was confusing.

"Yeah, 1700, so they, the school board, sent us to a private school where we could be challenged, a prep school, if I remember correct. We were in everything from sports to the arts, winning awards, prizes, getting straight A's. And never once, did we pay any attention to the teachers. Chad was on the cheerleading team, the guard, and winter guard, sports, and he was in the top singing choir in the state of Florida. Me, myself, and I were in sports, and acedemics. Just to make life fun, we switched places. If one was sick, and they had something important the next day, the other went, our parents knew, it was nothing big. And if we both had something important, neither went." Alex stopped.

Brian looked at me. "Singing? I thought you said you don't sing."

"I don't." I said. "I was into the community activities too, gymnastics, horse back, vocal and dance lessons. I'm surprised that our parents made enough money to keep me going. I'll tell you something funny." I looked at Alex, and he busted up laughing and nodded. "Way back when, I was asked by my vocal teacher to enter this group that some of his students had put together. Never knowing the name, I went back to him years later and found out that "IF" I had said yes, I would have been a Backstreet Boy." I shoved a pillow onto my face to keep from laughing.

Nick and Brian were in shock. Then Nick spoke up. "You were the kid Mr. Sellers was talking about!" He pointed and snapped his fingers. "He had recommended you to Howie and AJ and said you had one of the best voices he had ever heard. Why didn't you take the chance?"

"Singing was a passion, a great one, but I loved medicane more than anything, I hated seeing people sick, and so I went straight to college and got my degrees nessesary to become a doctor. And hear I am." I said.

"Wow, what about you Alex, same thing?"

"Oh HELL no, I wouldn't have been caught dead at a voice lesson or dance lesson. I was a jock, couldn't change me to save my life. I breathed sports, and I still do, I was offered a spot on the Olympic Gymnastic team early on, you know, like the twin brothers in the 2000 Olympics, but Chad wouldn't do it, so I said no."

"Wow, big story." Nick said and took a gulp from the 3 liter coke bottle.

"Sing something for us." Brian asked."

I looked at Alex. He knew I didn't sing much any more. But this was a request from Brian, I had to do it. "Sure I said."

Alex gaped at me thinking I wouldn't do it. I got up and led to the way upstairs and into the studio, or the bonus space. In there I had guitars, a piano, a drum set, and some recording stuff, basically a home studio. Once we got to the room I opened it and listened to Brian and Nick gasped. Alex pushed ahead of me and walked over to the guitars I had. He ran his fingers down the neck of one.

"You still have it?" He asked in wonder.

"Why would I have gotten rid of it?" I asked.

"I don't know, the memories maybe?"

I shook my head.

"What do you want me to play, I've kept up with most music." I said and sat down at the baby grand on one side of the room. Alex picked up a guitar, and sat on a stool, near the piano.

"Let's do one that we wrote Chad." Alex said.

"Nah, I forgot most of those," I said and ran threw a song we HAD written, but not letting Nick and Brian know that. Alex started playing along to the music I was playing on the piano.

I started singing, throwing Nick and Brian off guard.

I still remember

The night we met

You said you loved my smile

Your love for me was like a summer breeze

It lasted for a while

I could hold on a little tighter I know

But when you love someone

You gotta let them go

Alex joined me, and we harmonized through the chorus.

So I'm gonna smile

`cause I wanna make you happy


so you can't see me cry

and even if it kills me

I'm gonna smile

Alex sung the next verse while I focused on the music.

Kiss me once for old times baby

Kiss me twice for goodbye

You can't help how you don't feel

And it doesn't matter why

I sang the pick up to the chorus with all the heart and soul I had.

And that's how I want you to remember me

Then we sang the chorus again.

So I'm gonna smile

`cause I wanna make you happy


so you can't see me cry

and even if it kills me

I'm gonna smile

So I'm gonna smile

So you can find the courage


So you won't see me hurt

And even if it kills me

I'm gonna smile

I let my hands fall in my lap from the piano keys but didn't turn around.

I looked at Alex, who had his hands still on a guitar chord. I put my hands on the keyboard again and listen to him softly count.

We sing all our songs in almost the same fashion.

Would you dance

If I asked you to dance?

Would you run

and never look back?

Would you cry

if you saw me crying?

And would you save my soul, tonight?

Would you tremble

if I touched your lips?

Would you laugh?

Oh please tell me this.

Now would you die for the one you loved?

Hold me in your arms, tonight.

I can be your hero, baby.

I can kiss away the pain.

I will stand by you forever.

You can take my breath away.

Would you swear

That you'll always be mine?

Or would you lie?

Would you run and hide?

Am I in too deep?

Have I lost my mind?

I don't care... You're here tonight.

I can be your hero, baby.

I can kiss away the pain.

I will stand by you forever.

You can take my breath away.

Oh, I just want to hold you.

I just want to hold you.

Am I in too deep?

Have I lost my mind?

I don't care...You're here tonight.

I can be your hero, baby.

I can kiss away the pain.

I will stand by your forever.

You can take my breath away.

I can be your hero.

I can kiss away the pain.

And I will stand by you forever.

You can take my breath away.

You can take my breath away.

I can be your hero.

Nick and Brain clapped for us, and cheered us on, and I started playing another song. Alex looked at me as if I was nuts, I didn't have any sheet music to the song, so I started calling out the chords until he got the hang of the song. He didn't recognize the song, but he figured if I could play it, it must be good. Since he didn't know it, I sang it as a solo. And I did it with the biggest shit eating grin on my face.

Don't pretend you're sorry

I know you're not

You know you got the power

To make me weak inside

Girl you leave me breathless

But it's okay 'cause

You are my survival

Now hear me say

I can't imagine life

Without your love

Even forever don't seem

Like long enough

'Cause every time I breathe I take you in

And my heart beats again

Baby I can't help it

You keep me

Drowning in your love

Every time I try to rise above

I'm swept away by love

Baby I can't help it

You keep me

Drowning in your love

Maybe I'm a drifter

Late at night

'Cause I long for the safety

Of flowing freely

In your arms

I don't need another lover

It's not for me

'Cause only you can save me

Oh can't you see

I can't imagine life

Without your love

And even forever don't seem

Like long enough

'Cause every time I breathe

I take you in

And my heart beats again

Baby I can't help it

You keep me Drowning in your love

Every time I try to rise above

I'm swept away by love

Baby I can't help it

You keep me Drowning in your love

Go on and pull me under

Cover me with dreams, yeah

Love me mouth to mouth now

You know I can't resist

'Cause you're the air

That I breathe

Every time I breathe I take you in

And my heart beats again

Baby I can't help it

You keep me

Drowning in your love

Every time I try to rise above

I'm swept away by love

And baby I can't help it

You keep me

Drowning your love

Baby I can't help it

Keep me drowning

In your love

I keep drowning

In your love

Baby I can't help it

Can't help it no, no

'Cause every time I breathe I take you in

And my heart beats again

Baby I can't help it

You keep me

Drowning in your love

Every time I try to rise above

I'm swept away by love

Baby I can't help it

You keep me

Drowning in your love

I stopped playing the piano and pushed the seat back, and stood up, stretching.

I saw Brian look at Nick out of the corner of his eye. Then they both bursted up laughing.

"I don't get it, some one let me in on the joke." Alex said as he stood beside me.

I looked at him and rolled my eyes, then I put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it, bro, don't worry about it.

Brian and Nick just laughed harder at the clueless look Alex had on his face.

Notes: That's it, that's all for now, tell me what you think, I need the feedback to help me out on the story.


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Next: Chapter 12

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