Just Another Day

By Jennifer Lankford

Published on Jun 7, 2001


Disclaimer: Yes, I misspelled Backstreet Boys in my last section. Which, if I hadn't said anything, you probably would've never known! Stupid me! No I don't know them, but I may one day...In another galaxy far..far.. away... Anyway, if this illegal in your area, leave... I've heard that Disney is a good place these days. If you believe that everything I say is true... The money on your shoulder just told me that you must kill the world to stop starvation. NOT! No don't do that! Stop that right now, put that missle down!

Just Another Day - Chapter 4

Walking down the main hall of the 1st floor of the hospital, I decided that I should go to the grocery store and get the supplies for the steak and macaroni and cheese.

I walked out of the hospital and toward my car, thinking of Brian. I smiled at the thought of his smile. At this point I was beginning to fall for him, seriously. I drove to Harris Teeter and picked up a thick steak and a box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and headed back to the hospital. The idea came to me while going through checkout. `Why don't I bring Brian home with me? I can get him out, he's not seriously hurt.' I smiled. I parked the car and went up to the 3rd floor. I grabbed a release form, I filled out all of the information and then realized that I needed the doctor in charge of Brian to sign. I buzzed Donny and waited in front of Brian's door. I tapped my foot impatiently and looked around again.

"What is this all about?" I heard Donny ask while he came off the elevator. "I was in a meeting."

"I need you to sign Brian's release form." I said plainly.

"Why?" Donny asked.

"Because, if you don't I will cause pure hell, and I want to take him to dinner." I said.

Donny's eyes widened. "Dinner? Is that all?"

"When was the last time I went on a date, Donny?" I asked and put my hands on my sides.

"Good point, give me the damn paper." Donny said and signed the paper.

I jumped up and down like a little kid.

"Sometimes, it's hard to understand that you are only 24, Chad." Donny said and shook his head.

"Well, you love me for it anyway." I said to Donny and grabbed the paper and headed into Brian's room.

Brian looked up when I came in, "Where's my Mac and Cheese?" He asked and pouted like a little kid.

"I'm taking you to it," I said with a devilish smile.

"What do you mean?" Brain asked.

I pulled the IV out of his arm and turned off the machines. "I'm taking you to dinner."

"When was I going to be informed about this?" Brian asked.

"When I wanted you to." I said and looked around. "I'll be right back, okay? I need to get you some clothes."

I left Brian's room without looking back and hurried to the elevator. Then it dawned on me, I didn't need to get him clothes, there were plenty of scrubs around the hospital and no one would miss a set. I grabbed a pair off the cleaning chart and went back to Brian's room.

When I got there I saw Brian sitting up. He looked my way and I tossed the scrubs at him. "Get dressed." I said and left again.

I went back in 5 minutes later and saw Brian sitting on the edge of the bed, rolling up the pants legs of his pants. When he was finished he looked up and smiled.

"So what's this about dinner?" Brian asked.

"It's coming don't worry. Want to go see your cousin?" I asked and nodded toward Kevin's room.

"Yeah, let's go." Brian said and got off the bed. He stood for a minute, to get used to standing again, and followed me to Kevin's room.

I stopped outside the door and knocked.

"Go away," I heard Kevin yell.

I opened the door anyway and kept Brian outside the door.

"That's not very nice." I said.

"Where's my steak?" Kevin asked questioning.

"I'll bring it later, I have a dinner date," I said and pulled Brian into the room.

Kevin's eyes bugged out and his mouth dropped. "How come he gets to leave?"

"Because his doctor signed the papers saying he was released." I said.

"But..." Kevin stuttered, pouting. "That's not fair!"

"Actually it is," I said.

"No, it's not." Kevin said.

I held Brian's hand in mine and rubbed my thumb over his skin, "I'll bring you your steak, when we come back, I promise, Kevin." I said and turned around pulling out the door.

"Bye," I heard Brian reply quickly as he was being pulled along.

"Now, where is dinner?" Brian asked.

"Always thinking about food are you?" I asked and smiled.

"Only when I've been stuck in a hospital with no real food." Brian said and pouted.

We talked as we walked and by the time I had convinced him that he would get his Macaroni and Cheese, we had reached the hospital parking lot. I stopped and unlocked the car, letting the lights show where the car was.

"Nice car," Brian said and stared at my car in the little daylight that was left.

"Yeah, I guess, it's a little old now, I need a new one." I said and walked Brian over to the passenger side and opened his door, giving him my hand to get in.

"What a gentleman." Brian exclaimed and got in.

I ran over to the drivers' side and got in. Starting the car, I quickly turned off the radio that was still on.

"Turn it back on," Brian said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, I happen to like that song." Brian said and tried to turn on the radio.

I stopped him and pushed a series of buttons, turning on the radio. It was one of my favorite songs too, I loved it, it was something about the melody and the lyrics put together that just made it sound right.

*I couldn't have been more than a day over three

Tired to do and be everything that I saw on TV

That won't work now like it didn't work back then

But then I was easier to imagine for me

We never had to care which party would win

Would the fighting go on or would it ever end

Now knowing right from wrong was the safest way to be

When we were free , so young and free

And we didn't have a care in the world

We were just too young to understand at all

And if you feel what I'm feeling, then you remember

Tell me do you remember when

Everything in life was so much better then

Tell me do you remember when

Do you remember

Never had to save for a rainy day

Just enjoying this time in our lives, come what may

`Cause you and me, we never needed to think about time

Because we were free, so young and free

And we didn't have a care in the world

We were just too young to understand at all

Since you feel what I'm feeling, I know you remember

Tell me do you remember when

Everything in life was so much better then

Tell me do you remember when

Do you remember

Tell me do you remember when

Everything in life was so much better then

Tell me do you remember when

Do you remember

Tell me do you remember when

Everything in life was so much better then

Tell me do you remember when

Do you remember

Tell me do you remember when

Everything in life was so much better then

Tell me do you remember when

Do you remember

By the time the song had ended, we were almost to my house, and I had thought that Brian was singing along with me to Boys II Men, but evidently he wasn't. I looked over at him quickly and then back at the road.

"What's wrong?" I asked questioning.

"Why didn't you tell me you could sing?" Brian asked.

"Does it really make that much of a difference?" I asked and stopped at a stoplight.

"Well, no, I guess not, but you the most beautiful voice..." Brian said. I cut him off before he could continue.

"I love this song." I said and turned up the radio. As the music started playing I couldn't think of anything else but the melody and lyrics again of the song.

**You can hardly

Wait to tell all your friends

How his kisses taste sweet like wine

And how he always

Makes your heart skip a beat

Every time he walks by

And if you're feeling down

He'll pick you up

He'll hold you close when

You're makin' love

He's everthing

You've been dreaming of

Oh baby

I wish you'd look at me that way

Your beautiful eyes

Lookin' deep into mine

Telling me more than

Any words could say

But you don't even know I'm alive

Baby to you all I am

Is the invisible man

You probably spend

Hours on the phone

Talk' `bout nothing at all

It doesn't matter

What the conversation

Just as long as he called

Lost in a love so real

And so sincere

You wipe away each other's tears

Your face lights up

Whenever he appears

I see you all the time baby

The way you look at him

I wish it was me sweetheart

Boy I wish it was me

But I guess it'll never be

I wish you'd look at me that way

Your beautiful eyes

Lookin' deep into mine

Telling me more than

Any words could say

But you don't even know I'm alive

Baby to you all I am

Is the invisible man

I wish you'd look at me that way

Your beautiful eyes

Lookin' deep into mine

Telling me more than

Any words could say

But you don't even know I'm alive

Baby to you all I am

Is the invisible man

By the end of the song I was unknowingly in tears. I couldn't help it, the words of the song were so powerful to certain situations and it threw me every time how much the past came back to me. I pulled into the drive of my home and turned off the car. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Brian each toward me.

Brian turned my face to him and wiped the tears off my cheeks with his thumb. I pressed my face into his hand, wanting his touch. I closed my eyes, trying to stop the crying, but it seemed impossible, it was one of those things that I couldn't have stopped if I had wanted to.

Finally, deciding to myself that it was to public of a place to be touching each other, I pulled away.

"Let's go inside, get some dinner, and relax." I said and opened the car door.

As it seems, Tiffany had decided to stake out my house until I came home. After locking the car up, I turned around.

"Hey, Dr. Ray," Tiffany said, scaring the shit outta me.

"Fuck," I shouted, "Don't do that!"

"Sorry, I was just wondering if you had found out where the Backstreet Boys were, since you said they weren't at your hospital.

"Nope, they aren't, sorry Tiffany." I said and started toward the front door, with Brian faced away from me and Tiffany.

"Who's your friend?" Tiffany asked, trying to see around me.

"He's an old high-school buddy, from the basketball team." I said, lying through my front teeth.

"Well what's his name?" Tiffany asked, doing that hip thing again.

"Thomas, Thomas Richardson." I said earning a poke in the back from Brian.

Tiffany finally got fed up with me and tried pulling me out of the way.

"Hi, Thomas," Tiffany said and looked at Brian.

"Hey." Brian said.

"An old high-school buddy? You don't even look the same age," Tiffany said, not realizing the man in the shadows was actually one of her idles. "I mean, Chad's what? Thirty-five?" She said.

"I'm 24, Tiffany," I said, still backing Brian to the front door. Damn, I never realized how far the front door was from the car.

"24?! You're joking right?" Tiffany asked non-believing.

"I graduated early. When I was around 16." I said and finally reached the porch. "Well, it's been nice Tiffany but, I have to go."

Just as I spoke, the automatic porch lights came on lighting Brian and my face.

"Oh My God! Do you know who he looks like?" Tiffany basically screamed.

"Tom Cruise?" I asked stupidly, receiving another poke in the back.

"No, he looks just like Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys." Tiffany said and tried to get closer. "If I didn't know better I'd say it WAS Brian Litrell of the Backstreet Boys!"

"Well, sorry to disappoint you." I said and unlocked the front door and pushed Brian in. "He's not Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys, he's just a flunky from high school I used to get high with after basketball games."

Then I closed the door in her face.

Song Credits:

*Do You Remember - Boys II Men (written by: Nathan Morris, Michael McCary, Shawn Stockman, Wanya Morris) Off the CD: "Boyz II Men - Nathan | Michael | Shawn | Wanya

*Invisible Man - 98 Degrees (written by: Ddane DeViller, Sean Hosein, Steve Kipner) Off the CD: 98

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If you liked this story, there are pictures of the characters, more information on the story, diagram of the hospital, and more stories by me at:


I pride myself on my website... It's my baby, and sign the guestbok, please? pout

Next: Chapter 5

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