Just Another Day

By Jennifer Lankford

Published on Jun 1, 2001


Disclaimer: Do you actually think I KNOW these people? If I did, why would I be writing this stuff? By the way, this isn't real in any way, it's just an idea I came up with at 3:30 am in the morning while watching reruns on Nick-at-Night. If this offends you...why are you here? If this is illegal in your area, go away... As said, I don't know the Backstreet Boys or any one that knows them, now, you may continue.


Just Another Day - Chapter 1

With everything I've done with my life, I've never once taken it for granted. Nothing. Straight out of high school I got a scholarship to work in the pediatric ward of the St. Mary's hospital in Raleigh, North Carolina. Since then, I've moved up in ranks and recently I became the head over the pediatric ward.

You see, I've always loved children. And since I can't have any, this seemed the best way. Over the years, many families have `adopted' me as part of their family. Mostly out of kindness, some out of respect, and some because they felt bad for me.

As I walked down the main hall on the 5th floor of St. Mary's, Kayla Moss came up beside me. She's the 2nd in command around here. I continued to look over my clipboard and started rounds.

"So, Chad, who's first on the list today?" Kayla asked as she tried looking over my shoulder to see who was first.

I pulled the clipboard away and shook my head. "Timmy, I believe, his parents have been asking for him to be released soon, and he seems to be doing pretty well now." I said and turned to the right and entered Timmy's room.

I knocked quickly as I entered and was greeted by four smiling faces.

"Good morning all," I said to everyone in the room. I began to check Timmy's vitals while Kayla recorded heart and pulse patterns.

"Dr. Ray, when is Timmy gonna get to leave?" Timmy's mother asked worriedly. I looked up at Kayla and saw the frown she was giving me.

Deciding how to answer I thought for a minute and absentmindedly looked at my charts. "Well," I said calmly. "If everything seems okay by lunch, Timmy should be able to leave this afternoon." I messed up Timmy's hair and walked to the door. "I need to continue my rounds, get the nurses station to page me if anything serious happens before this afternoon." I said to Kayla.

After leaving Timmy's room I walked down the hall and into the break room.

"It's to damn early to be working," I heard Will complain behind me as I walked over to the coffee machine.

I laughed, "It's always to early for you, Will. You shouldn't spend so many nights on the town. They cause stress." I said over my shoulder. Once my coffee was done I added sugar and creamer and sat down at the table across from him.

"How's Heather?" I asked. Heather was his most recent girlfriend, quite a looker too.

"She's fine, I think we'll be breaking up soon though." Will said and sipped his orange juice.

"Why is that?" I asked, "things seemed to be going good."

"Yeah, well, she's too jealous, I hate that in women." Will said and signed off his patient's charts.

I laughed. "Glad I don't have that problem." I continued to sip my coffee.

"Well, that's `cause you don't have a boyfriend. Maybe if you did, we could talk dating sometime." Will laughed and went back to work.

I smirked and pushed open the break room door open with my hip. I turned and started down the hall again. Next on my list was Lily. She had a bad asthma attack and was still recovering on oxygen. I turned into Lily's room and smiled at the little girl.

"Good morning, Lily," I said and began checking her vitals.

"Hey Dr. Ray." Lily said with a smile.

"Where's you mommy? I wanted to see if she could take you home tomorrow." I said as I sat on the edge of her bed.

"Really? I get to go home?" Lily said and started jumping in her bed.

"You can, that is, if you are good and don't get hurt again, you scared us very much." I said and tapped her on the nose.

"Oh, I promise, I'll be the bestest I can be!" Lily said excitedly.

"Good, now I have to go see the other kids. I'll be back around later to see you." I said while I got off the bed and walked out of her room saying good-bye over my shoulder.

`Yep this day is looking up,' I said to myself as I walked down the hall. I saw Kayla running down the hall with her hand out. As she ran past me she grabbed my arm. I whirled around and tried to pull her to a stop.

"What's going on?" I asked confused.

Kayla was taking deep breaths, "Wreck.... all doctors... on deck... NOW!"

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" I said sarcastically and grabbed her arm, pulling her down the hall. We stopped at the elevator, I pushed the button, but it was taking to damn long again.

"Fuck this," I gasped and ran for the stairs. Kayla didn't follow of course; she had ran from the 7th floor and was tired. I started down the 5 flights of stairs and reached the emergency room just as they were bringing in the first person.

"How many hurt?" I yelled and checked the person over.

"Don't know, half were sent to the Raleigh Central, there had to be 10 cars piled up out there. It was grab and run... some band or something... don't know all the details." Patch said. I took the bed from him and headed to emergency room 1 with nurses in toe.

We made it to the bed and got ready to lift him. "On 3," I said and grabbed the bloody jeans and shirt with gloves on and counted. "1...2...3" We pulled him up onto the table. Kayla came into the room and started cutting off the clothes. I checked his eyes, they were responsive.

"Anybody know who he is?" I asked the nurses. One started searching for ID.

He wasn't bad looking, had to be about 25 give or take, blonde hair, blue eyes. I looked him over once more and heard a groan come from the patient.

"Where am I?" He asked. Well obviously the vocal cavities weren't blocked. Good sign.

"You're at St. Mary's hospital in Raleigh, North Carolina, can you tell me who you are, sir?" I asked him and gave him some morphine.

"Littrell, Brian Littrell," he said.

"And relations to Bond? James Bond?" I asked then got serious, "Any past injuries, allergies?" I asked.

"Heart problems, not allergic to anything, at least not that I know of." He said groaning, "What about my friends? There were 4 of them." He asked me.

"Do you have a picture so I can look later? Names would help." I said.

"My cousin," he paused and coughed.

"Cousin's name is Kevin Richardson, Chad, band mates are Nick Carter, Howie Dorough, AJ McLean, and his cousin, they are in a group called the Backstreet Boys, sir." Cathy replied. Everyone stopped what they were doing for a minute and looked at Cathy.

"What?" She asked. "I like the group, so sue me!" She said and then answered Brian's question. "Nick is fine, Kevin's in the next room over, AJ's lost a lot of blood, and Howie's not doing to good. You and Nick were pretty lucky." She said and left.

"Well," I said turning back to Brian. "There you have it."

He managed a nod and said, "I'm gonna pass out now, is that okay?"

"Sure, see ya later." I said as he drifted off,.


Feedback IS welcome at silverwings4ever@hotmail.com.

Is it good? Is it bad? Do I suck donkey nuts? Tell me, I promise to reply. For more information on the story, other stories I write, pictures of the characters of this particular story, and a diagram of the hospital, please visit http://www.angelfire.com/music2/slipupwizshs/index.html

Next: Chapter 2

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