Just Another Day

By neil kavanagh

Published on Dec 23, 2007



I don't own the x-men they belong to corporations and stuff I am borrowing them for sexy and fun purposes

Current Team Cyclops -- Scott Summers Marvel Girl -- Jean Grey Jubilee -- Jubilation Lee Pyro -- John Allerdyce Iceman -- Bobby Drake Havok -- Alex Summers Wolverine -- Logan Angel -- Warren Worthington 3rd Shadowcat -- Kitty Pryde Colossus -- Piotr Rasputin Psylocke -- Betsy Braddock Rogue -- Marie Polaris -- Lorna Dane Storm -- Orroro Munroe

They are all teenagers at this point excluding Wolverine. Now on to our main event the first in my hopefully ongoing series called JUST ANOTHER DAY ALSO IN THIS PART I HAVE ADDED 2 EXTRA MINI STORIES THAT I WILL ADAPT OUT IF I GET A GOOD RESPONSE THESE ARE: The Beastly Encounter && True Friends


Bobby and John knew that with Xavier gone with all the psychics and Scott they could and would be able to have a party. They left on their trip and the boys told everyone their plan except Logan & Storm because they were in charge. Kitty called Spider-man and he called The Human Torch and so on and so on getting as many super people as they could to come. Storm wanted to go out on patrol and Wolverine left with her not before telling Bobby that he had a half tankard of beer in his room and a couple of bottles if he wanted to give them around. Bobby was shocked at his luck but he knew he and John better not push it.

At 9 everyone started to arrive. Spider-man had some beer and a bottle of wine with him and Ben Grimm brought beer as well. There wasn't many but that suited Bobby and John just fine some hot guys, some hot girls and Dazzler and her band playing in the background. They danced and drank and partied until one o clock when everyone decided to head home. Bobby had seen The Thing flirting with rogue because her powers didn't affect him and she flirted right back. John had seen Johnny storm getting off with Colossus. Some other mutants that had been hanging around had already left at around twelve except for Sunspot who had ended up all over Jubilee. She didn't seem too unhappy about it Havok had told them. Spider-man and Kitty had disappeared with the wine after about 2 hours with the others. He seemed ok and headed home. Kitty seemed incredibly satisfied. Dazzler had hooked up with Nightcrawler who had left the team a while ago on good terms and Angel was passed out on the floor. Bobby picked him up and Angel started murmuring. "What wrong buddy?" Bobby asked. "Horny... suck ... Please" Angel said. "You want me to suck you off" Bobby asked half laughing half wondering whether he was to drunk to know what he was saying. "You and John. I want in with you guys just once." He said drunken but clearly. "I'll see what I can do" Bobby said and put Angel to bed.

John lay on his bed in a pair of tight fitting Calvins, waiting for Bobby to come up. He loved Bobby and he knew it but he wondered if his wonder boy loved him back. He laid back every muscle in his 6 ft 2 body twitching one after another his triceps and biceps. His chest and stomach muscles. His calves and the rest of his body. He knew he looked good and he loved the feeling of his muscles moving. He heard the door opening. He had lit some candles and he was partly drunk. His lover walked in smiling. "What has you so happy?" John asked. "Angel wants us to suck him off" He sniggered "Cool if he remembers tomorrow he was serious and we should have a threesome" John said excitedly. "Everyone knows we are gay since Kitty caught us this morning in the bed" John laughed. "Yeah but right now my boyfriend seems to have set up a cosy little sex den for us to play in" Bobby said as he dropped his pants and whipped off his shirt. "Since when do you wear a jockstrap under your clothes" John asked. "Since my boyfriend started fucking me I decided to have my ass as accessible as possible at all times" Bobby teased as he bent over to pick up his clothes. "I love it when you call me your boyfriend" John laughed as his cock started to grow. "Get used to it" Bobby said. He turned his back and bent over to look in a drawer across from John's bed. His perfect little asshole still as tight looking as the first day John had seen it. His cock continued to grow as he slipped off is underwear. "I have a surprise for you Bobby" he called.

Seconds later Bobby was moaning loudly as faster and faster his ass was destroyed by John's 9 inch cock. It went deeper and deeper and then it hit home. "Ohh God JOHN" Bobby nearly screamed as he shot his load all over John's face. John continued to pump away at Bobby's ass. He turned him around and fucked him like a dog. Bobby moved his ass higher to get more of it inside him and dug his face into his mattress. His cock exploded and all the candles went out as he moaned. He removed himself and took a scoop of the cum on his face onto the tops of his fingers. He then slowly inserted them into Bobby's hole. He removed his fingers and sucked out Bobby's ass. With a mouth full of cum he kissed Bobby and they slowly swapped the cum between each other swallowing some every time. Bobby quickly dressed say he was hungry. He ran downstairs it was nearly 3 o clock he had been talking to storm who was staying with a friend. She had ringed to check up on them. He walked into the kitchen and saw a very satisfied Wolverine drinking a beer and smoking a cigar.

"You just in" Bobby asked. "Yep was your party fun" Logan asked. "Yeah thanks for the beer. What were you doing till now?" Bobby asked. "I'll tell you some other time right now I'm tired" Logan yawned. "Ok night Logan" Bobby called. "Night cocksicle" Logan smirked as he left.


Hank Mc Coy watched as the seductive mutant in the back trench coat helped save the two girls from the mutants from the sewers known as the Morlocks. This guy parried every shot sent to him and then hit back. He had this long staff made of metal and he could shot some pink energy or something that looked like pink energy at his opponents. He spoke with a southern accent with a hint of French. He always wore the same black boots and trench coat whenever Hank saw him. Hank was covered in blue fur during an experiment but he had always been a mutant agile, strong, and big feet which also meant a big cock. He was gay and whenever he saw this back coated hero he ended up going to town on himself. He was flexible enough to be able to suck his own cock and had created several dildos.

He watched the blue furry guy from the corner o his eye. Remy had seen him before. He always saw him at least once a week. 2 young girls had been walking down the street and 2 sewer mutants jumped them. Remy went to help them firing his cards imbued with kinetic energy and using his staff the same way tripping and firing all the energy. He knew if he used enough energy he would be bale to knock these guys out so he could fuck them. He was also gay and really loved fucking. Being fucked or fucking and ass or mouth Remy loved it. He even had lube in his pocket should the need arise. Then from behind him another guy big and strong picked him up and flung him into the wall. Hank saw this and jumped from the rooftop he had been on to help the sexy stranger.

Hank swung his ape-like fist into the oncoming mans face. He picked up anpther guy and flung him at the big guy who had hit his sexy stranger. The man flung the oncoming person away and began to wrestle hank to the ground. Hank's knee shot up into the man's groin completely distracting him with pain. He fell to the ground as the sexy stranger began to stir. Hank picked him up and climbed back to the rooftop in the hopes of staying away from the fighting. "Merci beaucoup mon ami the name is Remy" Remy said to Hank as they moved away from the fighting. "I am Hank sleep now my friend I will bring you to safety" Hank assured in lulling tones. Remy then fell asleep feeling warm and safe.

Remy woke later on a metal bed. He remembered meeting the blue furry guy named Hank after he go hit in a fight. This must be his room Remy thought. He looked at the clock it was midnight he had been out for 2 hours. He got up to find his host. "Hello?" he called. "Ah you're awake. Nothing to serious except maybe your ribs might feel sore" Hank said as h came in the room. Remy sat up and cringed the pain was bearable. "So mon ami why have you been watching me. I would think a hot mutant such as you would have better things to be doing n'est pas?" Remy asked. "You think I'm hot?" Hank asked. "Oui of course I do. I hope my host doesn't mind my being gay?" Remy enquired. Hank jumped beastly forward and kissed Remy hard on the mouth. "What does that tell you" Hank laughed. Remy began to strip losing his boots and his coat. He than took off his shirt and trousers and stood up in a silk red thong. Hank didn't wear any clothes his fur was long enough to cover everything. He would always wear a coat going out so as not to scare people. His cock began o rise from within his fur. 12 inches of furry blue meat stood hard and proud perfectly perpendicular to his body. Remy was amazed he knew he needed to give his cherry to this beast. His cock at 9 inches rose immediately. He removed the thong slowly. "Will you fuck me please? I want to lose my cherry to that amazing cock." Remy begged. Hank got on his knees and began to suck on Remy's cock. He sucked the purple head and licked the tanned shaft and with the rest of his mouth he swallowed Remy's balls. Remy cried out "Oh God" as he felt an obviously expert tongue sucking and play with his cock and balls. Then something strange began to happen. Hank's legs began to crawl up Remy's back. Hank began to slowly ease his cock into Remy's tight virgin hole. Remy was in both pleasure and pain as this huge cock began entering him. He took all 12 inches and was being fucked and sucked at the same time. He got a familiar feeling in his cock. Hank got the same feeling he knew he needed to hit the gold mine now to drive Remy wild. He shoved hard a he began Cumming. His cock hit Remy's prostate. Both men screamed as the most intense orgasms they had ever experienced came to them. Hank climbed onto the bed and lay back. Remy joined him and curled up on top of his warm fur. "I love you mon ami" Remy said as he fell asleep. "I love you too Remy" Hank said as he too fell asleep


True Friends

Anyone wondering where Logan went during part 2 up above. Well here it is.

Logan had left the kid to have their little party back at the mansion while he and storm went out to patrol. She had called him to say she saw an old friend and was going back to her place to catch up. Logan didn't care about working alone he preferred it. He had gotten a tip off some thug that the Red Skull was in a workhouse in south New York. Logan knew this guy from WW2 because of his healing factor Logan had been there and fought in it. He had become very good friends with Bucky and Captain America and the rest of the Invaders because of it. He had wanted to take Red Skull down because of all the crimes he had committed. Logan tracked down the warehouse and made his way inside. Nothing in the world could have prepared him for what he saw.

"Well Herr Captain, it looks like you are in a sticky predicament now aren't you" The Red Skull said to Captain America who was suspended from chains naked. His clothes were thrown to one side with his shield. Batroc the Leaper, Crossbones and Baron Zemo were standing around all obviously having helped capture this great hero. "And Herr Winter Soldier is also being in trouble" The Skull laughed "Bullseye took him away drugged up who knows what could be happening to him" The Villains began laughing. Logan had already taken out any camera he came across.

The Red Skull stepped behind Captain America. "Well I think now is the time to truly humiliate you before anything else" He laughed as he unzipped his pants. The Red Skull then lined his bloated cock up with Cap's exposed vulnerable asshole, and shoved. Cap felt the head of Red Skull's huge member forcing its way into his tightly sealed bottom. He let out a loud yell, as he felt his asshole being entered raw, without lubricant. The Red Skull shoved his hips forward, until his pelvis came into contact with Cap's firm round ass cheeks. Cap was completely impaled on Red Skull fat member. His head fell forward once Skull let go the fist full of hair he

practically yanked off of Cap's head. "Yes Captain America! Feel ze power ov your Superior!" the Red Skull boasted while he began to ride Cap's asshole like a madman. Cap could feel every vein, every bump every curve of Skull's cock as it ravished his sore insides. The cum rocketed into Cap's asshole and further into his gut. Cap almost cried this was humiliating. Red Skull moved in front of Cap. His cock blood-red and covered in cum. He slapped Cap with it, covering his face with cum. Logan hated to admit it but he was getting hot. "Well hoe does it feel to have been fucked by yourself" Red Skull laughed as it dawned on Cap. Red Skull was a clone of his body.

Batroc stepped up. "I guess I am next then oui?" he asked as he lowered his pants to knee level. Again Cap was violated by an enemy. He got a strange feeling as batroc screwed deeper he found Cap's prostate. Cap moaned as he felt pleasure. He hated that he had done it. It had happened when Hank Pym gave him a prostate exam. He felt it in his cock it expanded in girth and length. "Do you like it Herr Captain?" Red Skull asked. "Fuck You" Cap spat. He spat right in Red Skull's face. "Scum" Red Skull shouted and slapped him across the face. "UGH MON DIEU" Batroc shouted as he filled Cap's ass with another load of cum.

Zemo moved forward and the same happened again leaving a third load in Cap's ass. Then Crossbones did the same except he went out of his way to hurt him. Red Skull took out a knife. "Its time to finish this" He said as he moved forward. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?" Logan screamed. He jumped from the landing he had been watching from down onto the floor. He snarled and stabbed Baron Zemo in the gut. Then he took on Crossbones. Red Skull fled and Batroc grabbed Zemo. Crossbones jumped up and ran s fast as he could. Logan didn't give chase.

"So Cap what's been going on" Logan asked laughing. "It doesn't matter Logan with the video surveilence around here it will be on the internet in a half hour" Cap said ashamedly. "I somehow doubt that there are no cameras working here I took hem out before the fun began" Logan told him. "Well then cut me down and we can chase those nazi scumbags" Cap said seemingly happier. "Oh no I want to have a little fun first" Logan said seductively. "NO LOGAN, PLEASE DON'T" Cap shouted. "Oh come on you will like it better with me" Logan said and moved in for the kiss. Cap struggled at first hating what was being done to him but then he felt a warm caressing feeling. He started to get hard again reaching his massive 9 inches. "Logan please...do it" Cap said.

Logan moved behind Cap. He saw the cum leaking out of his well worn ass. Logan sucked tentivly making sure there was enough for entry. Cap moaned as he felt better and better. Logan unzipped and began moving in slowly. He was enjoying this aswell. Not humiliating Cap but loving him like he always had. Logan thrust in deep causing Cap's prostate to send loving swirls of energy around his body. Logan started to wank Cap's cock as fast as he was fucking him. He kept getting faster and animalistic. He growled like a dog and he fucked even harder. Cap screamed in pleasure enjoying this much more then the last time with the villains. "Harder Logan harder" He urged. Cap came all over Wolverines hand and the floor. Wolverine let out a roar and came profusely in Cap's ass to the point of making it overflow. Logan calmed down and cut his lover free. Cap pulled his clothes on and went to Logan. They kissed as if they were long lost lovers. "We better find Bucky." Wolverine said. "Yeah but I think I have a better partner now." Cap said.

They left the workhouse and made there way to Hells Kitchen were Bullseye was fucking Bucky's clearly virgin asshole hard and fast. "Cap help, please" He called. Logan pounced and threatened Bullseye that he would cut his cock off if this happened again. Cap let Bucky down after giving him a quick inspection. He couldn't help but thank God that his ass wasn't that bad off. Logan Shred Bullseye's Pants and strung him up. Logan left him at the mercy of his new lover and his previous victim

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