Just an Employee

By Greg Stevens

Published on Jun 19, 2020


Just an Employee

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

Just an Employee -- Chapter 6

I went back to my apartment and started my day. As I worked on the landscaping everything just felt weird. Fucking my boss's son was one thing, fucking the boss was another and at an even more crazy level was the knowledge that my boss wanted me to set it up so he could fuck his son.

I tried to focus on work, but my thoughts kept coming back to how I was going to set it up. How I was going to get Percy in the right place and time so that dad could come in and shoot his seed inside his son. The more I thought on the crazy idea and began the planning the hornier I became. On my way back to the barn I had a rather good idea of what I was going to do. I stowed Lucky Betty and went to shower and get some dinner while I worked out the rest of the plans.

The next morning just as I was finishing up my workout, Jasper came into the gym and closed the door behind him then immediately walked up to me and placed his lips on my neck. "Fuck your body is so fuckin sweaty" He said drawing in a breath before stepping back. "Did you think about my request" he asked trying to keep his voice down.

"Yeah I have an idea" I said, and I could feel my dick starting to get hard. I explained that Percy had fucked up the sod while he was gone and how I took his bike until he helped me fix the sod. "When he came to get it, he was acting like a real douche bag and I bent him over and spanked him." I started "sorry didn't mean to call him a douche bag" I said humbly. Jasper smiled "He is a douche bag" he added.

"So I was thinking I would insist he come get his bike and while he is in the barn I would tie him up and blindfold him, then you could come over and fuck him." I said trying to make the idea sound ok. Jasper thought for a minute. "I think it would be a good idea if you wore leather gloves. Your hands are rougher than mine and Percy may realize when I grab hold of his hips and shove my cock in his ass" he suggested.

"I have a pair of gloves that you can wear" Jasper said which was good because I only had some gardening gloves and they were very crusted. Jasper left the gym and came back with a pair of dark brown leather gloves. They were soft but strong and even before I put them on, they had a great leather smell. "They feel good, don't they?" he asked watching me feel them. "They feel even better on your cock" he added with a smile.

"When are we going to do this?" Jasper asked with excitement. I had to admit I was also excited by the idea of watching Jasper breed his son's ass. "How about around 10 this morning? I think I can get Percy mad enough to storm down to the barn" I said thinking about what I needed to do. Jasper agreed and explained where he would be hiding before Percy arrived.

Jasper gave me a deep kiss shoving his tongue into my mouth before leaving the gym. I went straight to the barn to set it up for our encounter. The rope was easy but finding something that would make a good blindfold was a bit tougher. I found a piece of material that I was sure I could secure over Percy's eyes, but I needed something else that I could put over that as a double protection. I found a black cloth bag that could go over his head that would allow him to breath, but he wouldn't be able to see through it even if the blindfold fell off. I stored the gloves that Jasper gave me before going back up to the main house.

"Wake up" I said walking into Percy's room. Percy lifted his head and looked at me. "What are you doing here?" he asked groggily. "You still need to help me with the sod" I replied gruffly. "I'm not going to" he said with a snide tone. "Ok no worries, I still have your bike and I am thinking about riding it into town, maybe take it off road too" I said calmly knowing that would piss him off. I didn't wait for an answer, I began walking out of the room. Just before leaving I said, "if you want it, you know where to find it." Then closed the door behind me.

Fifteen minutes later Percy was entering the barn. He didn't seem particularly pissed at first. "Can I have my bike" he said closing the door behind him. "Can I have my bike ??" I asked waiting for him to address me properly. "Sir" he said not bothering to put it all together. "If you want it you will need to work for me to get it back" I said. "Doing what?" he asked forgetting the "sir" again. "Doing what sir" I corrected.

"Doing what Sir" he shot back, and I could see his dick beginning to snake down his pant leg. I walked up to him and Percy took a half step back flinching as I approached. I grabbed him by the hair and pulled him over to some of the bales of hay. "Get on your knees boy" I said shoving him down. Percy dropped willingly into place.

Still holding him by the hair I began to rub my crotch in his face. Percy placed his hands on my hips and began to moan as my dick hardened into his face. "Yeah get in there. That's a good boy" I said. "I want to be good and hard before I fuck your tight ass" I added. This must have excited Percy because he began to really mash his mouth onto my dick. Then without being asked he took the top of my shorts and began to pull them down to expose my hard cock.

I looked down as Percy began licking my sweaty cock and balls. His tongue coated as much of my cock as he could get, moaning the whole time. "Enough" I said pulling back from him. There was a look of lust in his eyes. "Take off your cloths boy" Is said in a gruff voice. Percy looked around. "My dad is home, Sir" he said with a bit of fear in his voice. "Fuck your dad. In the time I have been working here he has never stepped foot in this barn. Now take off your fucking clothes" I ordered and, I stepped out of my shorts and underwear

Percy cautiously began removing his cloths till he was standing completely naked in front of me. His hard dick dripping precum and standing proud against his bush of pubes. "Come here boy" I said and took his cock in my hand like a handle pulling him towards me. Percy sucked in air but didn't say anything. I wrapped my arms around him and held him close, then I placed my lips on his. Immediately he opened his mouth to accept my tongue.

As our tongues intertwined, I realized that I really liked kissing Percy. He was good and he felt good. I let my hand slide down his back, and I cupped his tight ass. I loved the feeling of it, but I knew I would be turning it over to daddy soon. Reluctantly I broke off the kiss and went to get the blindfold. Percy looked at me not knowing what to expect. "turn around" I ordered, and Percy turned his back to me.

I fastened the blindfold over his eyes then pulled the black bag over his head. "You need to be punished" I said, sternly but softly. I walked in front of Percy and took his hands in mine and ran them over my cock. Percy's hands came alive feeling my hard dick. "Did I ask you to touch me?" I asked. "No sir" he responded letting go of my cock. I took the piece of rope and tied Percy's hands together. "This will control" I said.

With Percy's hands bound I led him to the pile of hay and pulled on the leather gloves. Then I began rubbing the soft leather between Percy's legs then up to his balls and around his cock gently teasing him. Percy's dick began to ooze precum and some of it dripped on to the leather. I brought it to my lips and the smell of the leather filled my nose as I licked the precum off the leather.

"Bend over" I commanded, and I helped Percy move his hands on to one of the bales of hay so that he was in the perfect position. "Whack" I smacked his ass and the sound rung through the barn. Just as I was ready to slap his ass again, I saw Jasper coming out from his hiding place. He was completely naked except for the leather gloves which looked remarkably like the pair he had given me to wear.

Jasper approached silently, his hard cock bobbing as he approached. "Don't move" I said to Percy before slapping his ass and turning to Jasper. I dropped quickly to my knees and took his cock into my mouth. Jasper placed his hands on my shoulders and started to slide his dick in and out. I stopped sucking and stood up. Jasper gave me a wink then moved up behind Percy.

I indicated silently that he should slap Percy. Jasper pulled back his hand and gave his son's ass a slap, Percy moaned as the leather glove met his ass leaving a red mark. Jasper began rubbing Percy's ass now with the leather gloves then sunk to his knees. A big smile on his face as he drew his tongue up over Percy's ass before starting to stab Percy's ass with his tongue.

I knelt beside Jasper and reached around to play with his dick. "You like that boy" I asked being sure to time my questions to what Jasper was doing. "Yes" Percy moaned. "Whack" Jasper slapped Percy's ass. "Yes what?" I asked. "Yes, sir I love that" Percy said. Jasper bent his head forward and licked and poked Percy's hole a few more times before standing up.

Jasper looked at me as if to ask if it was time. I nodded silently and moved a bit out of the way. Jasper took his cock and pointed it at Percy's wet hole, the slipped the mushroom head in as I watched. He waited a moment then slowly began to sink his dick deep inside his son's ass. Jasper mouthed the words "Oh fuck" as his dick disappeared deeper inside Percy.

"Do you like that boy? I asked when Jasper was inside Percy as far as he could go. "Yes, sir please fuck me sir" Percy said and Jasper didn't need anymore convincing. Slowly he began pulling his dick out then sliding it back in. I looked down between dad and son and watched as Jasper's dick disappeared then reappeared faster and faster.

Sweat began to bead on Jasper's hairy chest as he continued fucking his son. I reached over with my one gloved hand and ran it across Jasper's hairy ass. Then I began to work the fingers of my other hand towards his hole. Jasper turned his head to me, and I bent forward to kiss him. He silently moved his tongue into my mouth, and we kissed while he pounded his son's ass.

Jasper pulled away and I could see his body tensing, his chest muscled tightened. I looked at him to see if he was going to cum. Jasper shook his head. "Fuck boy your ass feels good" I said. "I am going to fill your ass with my seed" I added. "Yes, sir please I need you" Percy panted. Jasper began to slam his cock hard into Percy. Then with one great push, he shoved his cock deep into Percy's ass. His body went rigid and he shifted his head up to the roof as if he were going to howl. For a moment there was no movement and then Jasper's hole body shook before he came to a calming rest.

Jasper allowed his cock to slip out of Percy's ass. It was semi hard and coated in cum. I moved my finger to Percy's hole as Jasper began to back away silently into his hiding place. I got down on my knees and began to lick at Percy's hole. It was stretched out from Jasper's thick cock and cum began to ooze. I stood up and shoved my dick inside of Percy to coat my dick with Jasper's cum.

"Get up" I ordered moving in front of him. I untied his hands then I pulled the bag off his head and untied the blindfold. Percy blinked his eyes as he adjusted to the light. "Did you like that?" I asked running my leather gloved hands over his torso. "Yes sir" he said softly. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him too me, then placed my lips in the crook of his neck. "You were a good boy" I said, and Percy relaxed and wrapped his arms around me.

Both of our hard cocks began to grind together. I pulled away and took my shirt and laid it out on a bail of hay then sat down so that Percy's cock was in my face. I reached out with my leather gloved hand and took Percy's cock pulling him too me. "Climb on me boy" I said, and Percy straddled my legs like he had in the gym then lowered himself on to my cock.

"That's a good boy" I said watching him. "Now fuck yourself" I said, and Percy began to rise up and down on my cock. I ran my leather gloved hands all over Percy's body before stopping at his nipples and giving them a bit of a tug. "Yes sir. Thank you, sir," he moaned as he continued riding my hard cock. I looked beyond Percy and saw Jasper in the shadows watching me fucking his son and stroking his dick.

As I watched Jasper stroking, I reached up and took Percy's hard cock in my leather gloved hand and began to stroke him. "Oh FUCCCCKKKK" Percy called out and cum shot from his dick hitting my mouth and chin. I continued stroking as more cum shot from his hard dick. Percy began to twist and jerk as the powerful orgasm took over his body. Finally, he let out a breath and his body began to return to normal.

Percy looked down at me with an expression of full satisfaction on his face. Then he bent forward and began to lick his cum from my chin. I placed my leather gloved hand on his back and pulled him to me placing my mouth on his and allowing my cock to slip from his ass. As we kissed, I reached around and began to stroke my hard cock. "Fuck, I'm going to cum" I said, and my dick began spraying Percy's ass. Percy and I continued kissing as Jasper quietly left the barn.

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Next: Chapter 7

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