Just an Employee

By Greg Stevens

Published on Jun 17, 2020


Just an Employee

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

Just an Employee -- Chapter 5

Once Percy had finished licking my fingers clean, we both went very still, just laying together. I had to admit it felt good to have someone close to me for a change. Percy was unlikely but, I enjoyed being with him when he was quiet and humble.

"I better get going" I said breaking the quiet. "Oh ok" Percy said sounding like he did not want me to. I waited a moment for him to ask me to stay, but he did not. I got out of the big bed and realized I was naked and covered in drying cum. I looked down at Percy still laying in the bed. There was something sexy and sweet about him.

"I'll grab my clothes from the gym and leave" I said leaving his bedroom to head down the hallway. Once in the gym I grabbed my towel and cleaned most of the dry cum off my body before pulling on my sweaty workout clothes. I took my time hoping Percy would come after me. Wondering if we could be friends. Percy did not appear.

My alarm went off early in the next morning and before I opened my eyes I listened for the rain. Not hearing anything outside, I got up and got ready for the gym. The air was cool and there was frost on the grass as I made my way to the house to start my workout. About halfway through, I heard Percy in the hallway. I was wondering if he was looking for me. I was surprised to see Mr. Wittingham standing in the doorway.

"Good morning Keoh" he called out. "Good morning Sir. I did not realize you were already back" I said standing and showing respect. "I got back last night; Mrs. Wittingham stayed behind." He added. "When you are done with your workout will you meet me in my study? I want to discuss something with you" he asked before pulling the door closed. "Yes, sir I can come now if you want" I said not wanting him to wait. "No rush. When you are done with your workout" He said and closed the door.

Thoughts swirled in my mind. Did Percy say something? No, if Percy had said anything, Mr. Wittingham would not be telling me to finish my workout. I finished quickly and did the best I could to get the sweat off me before heading down the hallway to Mr. Wittingham's study. It was a large room with 2 stories all covered with dark wood and bookcases. Mr. Wittingham's desk was a huge solid desk that probably needed 4 people to lift. There was a reading corner with big leather wing backed chairs and a bar set up with drinks.

"Come in Keoh and close the door" he said as I approached the room. I walked in tentatively towards the desk. "Sit down" he said pointing to a chair. "I probably shouldn't. I am pretty sweaty" I said looking at the leather material. "Please sit and relax" Mr. Wittingham sent with a smile. "Thanks for coming" He added.

"What can I help you with?" I asked not able to wait to see what he wanted. "Well I want to thank you for looking after the property while we were gone and for taking care of Percy" he said. When he said "taking care of Percy" I felt like his eyes widened a bit. "Yes, sir no worries" I said. "I know Percy can be, oh what's the phrase -- an asshole" he said without hesitation. I wanted to laugh but I held my tongue. "I also want to thank you for opening him up" He said, and the words caught me off guard.

I did not say anything, I just watched, waiting for him to continue. "I am a very wealthy many Keoh and because I am, I have put in security to ensure that me and my family are safe." As he said the words, I could feel myself getting a bit anxious. "I reviewed some of the footage while I was away" he added never changing his tone. "Let me show you some of it" He said turning his monitor so that I could see.

Mr. Wittingham pressed a key on the computer and a clear picture emerged of the gym. I could see myself working out, then Percy entered in his white briefs, then to my horror the whole scene played out on video. My stomach turned over several times as I watched. "Mr. Wittingham" I stammered trying to come up with an excuse. "It's ok Keoh. I am not mad at all" he said interrupting me.

"You're not mad?" was the only thing I could ask. "No quite the opposite. To be honest, I have watched you work out in that gym on video more times then I can count. You have an incredible body and seeing your cock, was fantastic. I think I jerked off watching the footage about 3 times already." He said.

My whole world seemed to swirl as if this were a bad dream and I would be waking up soon. "I especially loved the part where you used Percy. I have wanted to shove my hard cock in his mouth to shut him up more times then I could count" he said then stood up and came around to the front of the desk and sat on the edge of it in front of me.

Mr. Wittingham was wearing a pale blue dress shirt with dark blue slacks and the bulge in his pants could not be concealed. "I hope we can keep this between us Keoh?" he asked with a smile. "Um yes sir no worries." I said moving my eyes from his bulge to his face. "As a matter of fact, I thought maybe you could even help me out." He said running his hand down the length of this hard cock in his slacks.

Mr. Wittingham was a good-looking man. He was about 45 years old, about the same height as Percy at about 6'. He had very dark hair and eyes and was clean shaven. While I watched, Mr. Wittingham reached in and pulled down his fly then quickly fished out his semi-hard cock. It was thicker than Percy's and looked about the same length. Unlike my cock or Percy's Mr. Wittingham was uncut.

I did not move as I wasn't sure if this was for real or some type of trap. Mr. Wittingham reached down and took my hand and brought it to his cock. "It's ok you can touch it." He said as I closed my fingers around the thick, warm flesh. "Yeah that's it" he said leaning back on the desk. "Suck it" he said in a gentle coaching way. I bent forward and drew the cock into my mouth. "Oh, fuck buddy that feels good" then he reached down an began tugging my shirt up over my head.

"You have a hot body Keoh" he moaned and though it was flattering it sounded weird to me. Mr. Wittingham reached under my arms and pulled me up to him. As I did his dick rubbed against my body. Mr. Wittingham then leaned in and placed his lips on my neck and began kissing and licking causing goosebumps to cover my body. "I want you inside me Keoh" he said in my ear. "Do you want that?" he asked. My dick was rock hard at this point and I did not need any convincing. "Yes Mr. Wittingham" I said grinding my dick into his.

Mr. Wittingham began opening his shirt revealing his body. Surprisingly, he was coated with dark soft hair all over his chest and down his abs. A quick pull on his belt and he dropped the trousers to the floor, revealing and even hairier lower body. He kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his pants so that he was completely naked. I ran my hand under his balls feeling his hairy legs and teasing his dick.

"Fuck me Keoh" he said then placed his lips on mine and shoved his tongue deep into my mouth. I pulled away and got out of my sweaty workout pants and jock. My dick was rock hard. "That is a hot cock Keoh. Much better in person" he said, then laid down on the desk with his ass hanging over the edge.

I raised his legs up giving me access to his ass. He had a hairy ass with a tight puckered hole. I got on my knees and started to rim his ass. "Oh, fuck Keoh, that's it man." He moaned as I drove my tongue deeper inside of him. Once I had him nice and wet and loosened up, I stood up and pointed my cock head at his ass. I started off slowly not wanting to hurt him. "Shove it in" Mr. Wittingham said reaching for my waist to pull me towards him.

As he asked, I shoved my dick forward entering him quickly. "Oh fuck, your dick is so big Keoh" he said as I mashed my body into his. "Slap my ass" Mr. Wittington moaned with my dick deep inside him. I pulled back my hand and slapped his hair ass sending a crack throughout the room. "Oh yeah Keoh. Fuck me like you fucked Percy. I want to feel you inside me." He demanded.

I began to draw my cock back and plunge it back in. It seemed the harder I fucked him the more he liked it. Mr. Wittingham had a hot ass. Not as tight or firm as his son Percy's, but still hot. Mr. Wittingham reached for my hand and I allowed him to take it. I assumed he was bringing it to his cock, but instead he brought it to his lips and sucked my index finger deep into his mouth, then he added my middle finger and continued sucking.

The warmth of his mouth was driving me crazy. Sweat beaded on my body as I continued to work Mr. Worthington's ass hard. "Fuck, where do you want my cum?" I grunted as my dick continued to ram his ass. "I want to feel it on me" he said removing my fingers from his mouth and lifting his head to watch. With a tug, I pulled my dick from his ass and grasped it in my hand then aimed it at his body. A couple strokes and cum shot from my dick and hit him right in the middle of his hairy chest.

"Fuck" was all he said as I continued stroking. Another shot launched from my dick head coating Mr. Wittingham's lower abs and down on his pubes. While the last of my cum streamed from my dick, Mr. Wittingham scooped a wad of my cum and began stroking his cock. "Shove your dick back in me" he said he began vigorously pumping his cock.

I could feel his ass tighten and squeeze my cock as he jerked off. "Fuck Keoh" He said and his back arched and cum oozed from his uncut cock mixing on his abs with the pool of cum I shot on him. Mr. Wittingham continued pumping his cock until the last of the cum oozed from his dick. "Fuck I needed that" he said laying back, breathing hard. I let my dick slide from his ass, and I stepped back to allow him room to get up from the desk.

Mr. Wittingham groaned a bit as he got up off the desk. "Thanks, Keoh that was incredible" he said looking down at his matted body hair. "Thanks Mr. Wittingham" I said awkwardly. "You can call me Jasper. I think after what just happened it would be ok" he said with a grin. Jasper went to a drawer and pulled out a couple towels handing one to me then began mopping up the mess with the other before sitting down naked on his chair.

"I have a favor to ask" he started, and his look turned serious. "You can count on me Jasper; I won't say a word to anyone" I offered before he could finish. "Thanks, I appreciate that. But I want something else" He said, and a look came over him. "Yes sir?" I asked waiting to hear what he wanted. "Well you see I haven't fucked a tight ass in some time" he started. "Not you Keoh" he said seeing the look on my face.

I waited for him to go on. "You see my son Percy is a real prick" he said, and I could not help smiling. "For some time, I have had the desire to fuck some of the smugness out of his tight privileged little ass. When I saw you fucking him it made that desire so much stronger." He said.

I could not believe what I was hearing; Jasper wanted to fuck his own son?? "Ok what do you want me to do?" I asked tentatively not sure where he was going. Well I am not sure I want him to know it was me. I want you tie him up and blindfold him and let me come in and fuck the shit out of him" Jasper said laying out the plan.

I did not know what to say to him. He was asking me to help him fuck his son. The idea of setting Percy up and then watching as his daddy fucked him, was weirdly interesting to me. "I see you need time to think about it. Why don't we talk about it tomorrow." he said then stood up from his chair still naked and coated in 2 loads of cum. I pulled on my shirt and left his office to go back to my apartment and get ready for my day's work.

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Next: Chapter 6

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