Just an Employee

By Greg Stevens

Published on Jun 16, 2020


Just an Employee

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

Just an Employee -- Chapter 4

The rest of my day was uneventful. I finished the sod repair and several other projects that needed to be completed then headed back to the barn to put away the truck and the tools before grabbing some dinner. A quick meal and a shower and I was kicking back watching some before getting into bed.

I woke from a sound sleep to my phone vibrating. I looked at the clock to see it was after 2 in the morning. "Ugg I am not answering it" I said to myself thinking it was someone who had a wrong number or some sales pitch, etc. I laid back down but a couple minutes later the phone vibrated again.

"Yeah? What?" I said annoyed lifting the phone to my head. "Can you come get me?" The voice said. "What?" I asked. "Can you come get me?" the voice repeated. "Who is this?" I said not recognizing the voice. "Keoh, it's Percy. I am in town and I need a ride. Can you pick me up, please?" his voice cracked a bit and sounded like he may be in trouble. I wanted to leave his ass there, but with his folks out of town I felt like I had to. I pulled on some cloths and jumped into the pickup truck and headed into town.

The downtown area if you could call it that was small. There were a few restaurants and bars, nothing exciting. As I got onto Main Street, I saw Percy standing on the corner waiting. "Get in" I said, and he got into the truck. "What's going on?" I asked. "Please can we go home?" he asked, and it sounded like he was going to cry.

I pulled back onto the road and headed back to the house. As we started the drive there was complete silence. "What happened?" I asked again. Percy took a deep breath. "I went out with some of my friends and they decided to ditch me. They knew I didn't have a ride, but they left me to get home on my own." He said with a big sigh. "That's not fair" I said feeling momentarily sorry for him.

"It never would have happened if you didn't take my bike" he said starring out the passenger side window. "It never would have happened if you were nicer to me and showed me some respect. You didn't like it when your friends didn't respect you. How did that feel?" I asked.

Percy did not say anything, then I heard him sniffling. In a way I felt sorry for him. He had the potential to be a great guy, but he was so caught up on material things that couldn't see it all he really had. I placed my hand on his knee gently. "It's ok kid, you will find real friends someday" I said trying to be comforting. I could hear him crying, but I didn't say anything.

Finally, we got back to the house I and pulled Lucky Betty into the large circular drive and waited for Percy to get out. "Keoh, can you come in with me please? I don't like being alone in this place." He asked. "I gotta be up early Percy" I said but when I looked at him, I decided I would go inside with him.

Percy led me into a large family room with oversized sofa's and a huge tv. The walls were covered with artwork and there was a full bar on one side and a large custom pool table. "Make yourself comfortable" he said pointing to one of the sofa's. I took a seat but, Percy just stood there. "Sit down" I said patting the seat next to me with my hand. Percy looked at me then sat next to me.

"Thanks, Keoh" he said as leaned back on the sofa. "Thank you?" did he really say that? Did I hear that right? Was Percy becoming nice somehow? I did not know what to say or do. It was well after 3 and I was pretty tired. I placed my feet on the footrest in front of me and slouched down on the sofa. Percy did the same. "Are you ok?" I asked. "No. Yes. I guess" he said.

"I gotta get some sleep" I said looking at my watch. "Don't go" Percy said as I stood to leave. "I have to be up really early. I have a lot of work to do in the morning" I said walking to the door. Just as I was about to leave the room into the foyer something hit me in the back of the head. I turned to see some type of ball bounce onto the floor. It was the soft kind you use to squeeze for hand therapy.

"What the fuck?" I said a bit angry. The ball didn't really hurt, it was more of a surprise. Percy had that smug look on his face that I had grown to hate. "You can't treat people like this" I said my voice raising. "I am not your slave or servant. I work hard for an honest wage. If you ever did an honest day of work in your life you would understand." It was time Percy finally heard it from someone.

"Fine you can go" he said smugly then got up to leave the room. As he got close, I grabbed him and pushed him up against the wall causing a thud. "Get off of me" he said trying to break free. "You don't tell me what to do, ever boy. Do you understand?" I said bringing my face close to his. "Or what you'll spank me again?" he retorted. As he said the words it dawned on me that was exactly what he wanted. Percy liked me taking control.

I let go of Percy's hands and moved away. "You know, I think that's exactly what you want me to do." I said with a smirk. "I think you get off on serving me" I said with a bit of attitude. "You're just an employee" Percy shot as I began to leave. I stopped dead in my tracks then I turned to him. Initially I was pissed, then I realized I was right. He wanted me to get mad and spank him and use him.

"Good night, Percy" I said in a soft, calm voice. "Please don't go" Percy called back. "You can do that to me again like this morning" he called out in desperation. "Beg me" I said turning to stare at him. "What?" Percy asked. "Beg me to fuck you. Beg me to use you like the horny fuck that you are." I said enjoying myself. "I don't beg for anything" he retorted smugly. "Ok" I said and turned.

"Please" Percy called back softly. "Please what boy?" I asked. I wanted to hear the words. "Please do that to me like you did this morning." He said completely avoiding the words. "Say it; Please fuck me sir like you did this morning. Please use me like the little bitch I am" I wanted him to say it. I wanted to humiliate him. I could see Percy's dick snaking in his jeans, I could see him processing what he wanted, but he couldn't get the words out.

I moved towards the door slowly. "Please" he said again. I turned but said nothing. "Please fuck me sir" he finally said dragging the words out in more than a mumble. I walked swiftly up to Percy and placed my hand on the lump in his jeans then placed my other hand behind his neck and pulled him to me. My lips found his and I shoved my tongue deep into his mouth.

Percy moaned deeply as I roughly rubbed his cock in his pants and explored his mouth with my tongue. I let my hand trail from his neck, down his back and to his firm ass cheek giving it a rough squeeze. I had Percy where I wanted. I could have done anything I wanted to him, any way I wanted it. "I am going to bed" I said abruptly breaking off the kiss and moving away from him. "Please" I heard him say before I walked out the door and jumped in my pickup truck to get a few hours of sleep before work.

I heard the noise just before the alarm. Rain was pouring down hitting the roof of my little apartment. Rain like this meant no work as it would be much to wet to get anything done. I pulled the blanket up and decided to go back to sleep for a while, hoping the rain would stop.

As I laid in bed listening to the rain, images of Percy flowed through my mind. I hated his smugness, and his gut-wrenching air of superiority. I blamed it on his parents for spoiling him and enabling him. They threw expensive toys at him and gave him no responsibility. Not an ounce of him understood what it meant to be humble, to be nice.

As I thought about Percy and all the things, I hated about him, I realized my dick was getting rock hard. I reached under the covers and into my underwear and grabbed my shaft. What was it about Percy that got me so turned on? Yeah, he had a great body and that hot tight little hole. "Fuck" I said out loud as blood surged to my hard cock.

Reluctantly I drew my hand from my underwear. A few more moments and I would have filled my shorts with my cum. I went to the kitchen trying to get my mind off of Percy, of his hard ass cheeks and that perfect little hole that felt so good wrapped around my cock. My dick was so hard at this point that it began to hurt.

I gulped down some eggs and a protein drink and changed into my workout clothes and decided I would fight the rain to go up to the house to work out. The rain was too heavy to walk so I jumped into Lucky Betty and drove up to the house, then quietly made my way to the gym for a good long work out.

I had just finished some cardio and sat down on the bench to cool down when the door to the gym opened and in walked Percy. He was wearing only his white briefs with a very obvious bulge. I could clearly see the tip of his hard 7-inch cock just peaking over the top of the waist band.

Percy walked up to me without a sound. His cock was at face level and I could feel the heat coming off of him. There was a soft clean smell mixed with a musky male smell. Percy placed his hands softly on my shoulders and began to slowly rub them. As he did, I could feel my cock getting hard again and pressing on the mesh jock I was working out in.

I bent my face forward and pressed my nose and lips against the cotton material and into the hard bulge. I breathed in the musky scent and my dick jumped and dripped precum into my shorts. I reached out and placed my hands on the back of Percy's legs.

As my hands reached the tight mounds of flesh, Percy sucked in air and his dick jumped against my face. "Please, I need to feel your dick inside me" he said, and his voice was soft and innocent. I pulled my face away from Percy's cock and looked up into his eyes. There was desire and honestly like I had never seen before from him.

"OK" I said simply. Percy reached down and pulled my sweat covered shirt up over my head. Once the shirt was off, I lifted and flexed my arm then brought my hand behind my head. "Lick it" I said looking at my sweaty pit. Percy looked at it then crinkled his nose. For a moment I was sure he would say something snide, but to my surprise he bent forward and placed his face in my pit.

"Fuck yeah boy. Clean that sweaty pit" I moaned as he licked ever inch like a hungry dog. When one armpit was cleaned I had him move to the other. Again, Percy went to work without saying a word. Finally, I stopped Percy by taking a clump of his hair in my hand and pulling him off my pit. "Good job boy" I said as Percy's face was inches from mine.

Percy bent forward thinking I was going to kiss him. I was going to but once he made a move to, I decided not to go through with it. Percy needed to learn I was in charge. "What do you think you are doing?" I asked pulling him away by his hair. Percy looked confused but remained silent. "Get on your knees boy" I said, and Percy sank down to his knees between my legs.

I lifted my hips and slid my workout shorts down my legs exposing my sweaty jockstrap. The jock was well worn and frayed in several places. I didn't wash it after every workout and was coated with sweat and some traces of crusty dried precum. With my hand still gripping Percy by the hair I pulled his face into my jock. "Get in there boy" I said rubbing my sweaty jock in his face.

Percy started to kiss my cock through the meshed material, then began moving his face in all directions getting as much of my sweat as he could. "Yeah good boy rub that pretty face on my dirty jock" I said leaning back. Percy continued to rub and lick and kiss. Several times his tongue came into contact wit my bare skin between my leg and the end of the jock.

Finally, I put my fingers under Percy's chin and pulled him back up. I bent forward and this time Percy remained perfectly still. Slowly I moved closer. Percy's mouth was wet and red from working my jock. I stared directly into his eyes moving very slowly until finally my lips touched his. I placed my hand behind his head and I gently parted my lips, then I moved my tongue forward. Percy parted his lips and opened his mouth to accept my tongue. As we kissed, I pulled Percy's body to me so that his skin was against mine. Percy ran his hands up my legs and the warmth of his hands sent a spark through my body.

"Standup" I said breaking off the kiss abruptly. Percy looked at me for a moment, as if he didn't want me to stop kissing him, then stood up. As Percy rose, his hard dick was back at face level. I hooked my fingers on the waistband of his briefs and pulled them down his legs exposing his hard cock.

A slim line of clear precum slowly dripped down from his cock head. I stuck my tongue out and licked the precum then stuck out my tongue and showed it to Percy. "Turn around" I ordered, and Percy did as he was told. "Bend over" I ordered and placed my hand on his lower back pushing him forward. Percy's perfect ass was directly in my face.

I grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled them apart exposing that pink hole that I desired so badly, then I bent forward and ran my tongue up the length of his crack just barely touching the hole. Percy shuddered as my tongue grazed him. I licked again and this time I spent just a split-second longer on his hole. Again, Percy reacted. Each time I made a pass with my tongue, I spent a bit longer focused on the hole, until I was poking his hole with the tip of my tongue.

Percy moaned as I began driving my tongue deeper and deeper into his hole. As he relaxed, I was able to get my tongue deeper into him. I began adding a finger into the wet hole and began to stretch him a bit. Then I pulled my finger from Percy's ass and gave it a slap. Percy flinched a bit but said nothing.

"Follow me" I said standing up. I walked to the chest bench and lifted the back up the I sat down placing my legs on each side of the bench. "Straddle me" I said taking Percy by the hand as he lifted a leg over my body. Percy had one leg on each side of me, facing me.

I reached under him and pointed my hard dick straight up. "Sit on it" I said looking at him. Percy looked at me for a second then slowly bent his legs to lower his body. I positioned my cock so that it would line up with his wet hole. As the head entered Percy's ass, he winced a bit, but did not stop. Slowly he moved lower and lower until I was deep inside him. Once he stopped, he let out a loud sigh.

"Do you like that boy?" I asked. "Yeah" He said. In a flash I reached out with both hands and grabbed both of his nipples hard. "I asked you if you like that boy" I asked watching him wince. "Yes sir" he said with short breaths.

A calm came over Percy as I watched him. Slowly I began to lift my hips up and bucked my cock into him. Percy placed his hands on my chest to balance himself and stared into my eyes. Again, I bucked up driving my cock into his ass. "Do you like that?" I asked. "Yes sir" He said softly. I didn't really need to ask; I could tell by how hard his cock was.

"Come here" I said placing a hand behind his head and pulling him to me. I began kissing him hard as my dick slammed inside of him. Our tongues intertwined as I continued fucking him. I was close and didn't want it to end yet. "Get up" I said, and he slowly stood up drawing his ass off my dick. "Follow me" I said and left the gym and walked down the hall to Percy's bedroom. "Get on the bed on your back" I instructed, and Percy immediately followed my order.

I climbed up on the bed between Percy's legs and lifted them up exposing his hole. I slid my dick back inside him, then moved over his body. Percy wrapped his legs around my waste as I began to fuck him. In this position I could fuck as hard as I wanted.

I began driving my dick harder and harder into Percy, pushing him hard into the bed. Sweat dripped from my body as I worked his ass. The harder I fucked him the more he moaned. "You like my dick in you boy" I asked. "Yes sir" Percy moaned. "I'm going to fill your ass with my seed boy" I taunted. "Yes sir" Percy moaned again. As I drove my dick into him, I bent down and began kissing Percy again. Percy took my head in his hands and kissed me back, his mouth sucked my tongue as my dick raped his ass.

I was getting close and knew I couldn't hold on much longer. My body tensed and strained. "Fuck I am going to cum" I said pulling my mouth from his. My dick swelled and recoiled and then I felt that sweetest of feelings when my cum launched from my cock and shot deep inside Percy's tight ass.

I did not move as my juices continued to blast inside Percy's tight hole. Percy did not move he just watched me as I fully unloaded. Finally, my body quivered as the last of the orgasm passed leaving me trying to catch my breath. I slid my dick out of Percy and flopped on the bed next to him, exhausted.

For a moment there was silence as Percy laid next to me on the bed, then he shifted his weight and turned to me. At first, he placed his hand tentatively on my chest, then he moved closer and placed his head on my chest. As he did, I wrapped my arm around him pulling him even closer. Percy sighed as he got comfortable.

Once my breathing relaxed, I reached over with my free hand and took Percy's hard cock. Percy began to make small circles on my chest as I began to stroke his hard cock. "Does that feel good?" I asked softly. Percy moaned and let out a very low "yes". I continued to stroke him then placed my lips on his head and gave him a kiss. It felt good being close to someone as it had been too long. I would never have imagined it would be Percy.

Percy began to moan more, and I could feel his dick swell and his body tighten. "Oh fuck, I am going to cum Keoh" He said in a raspy voice and then warm cum splashed across my cock and stomach. As his dick unloaded, I continued stroking feeling more of his fluid stream across my body. Percy trembled as the orgasm finally subsided. He did not lift his head off my chest and soon his breathing returned to normal. My hand remained on his spent cock as it slowly softened.

I lifted my hand to see Percy's cum coating my fingers, I brought them to his face. "Lick it" I said softly. Percy did not move. "Lick it!" I said louder placing my cum soaked fingers on his mouth. Percy opened his mouth and began to eat his cum. "Good boy" I said, and Percy went about sucking my fingers clean.

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Next: Chapter 5

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