Just an Employee

By Greg Stevens

Published on Jun 10, 2020


Just an Employee

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

Just an Employee -- Chapter 3

I gathered up my tools and drove Lucky Betty down to the area of the property I wanted to get started on. The pickup door creaked causing an echo that reverberated across the otherwise quiet property. The day was cool, but the sun was coming up bright and causing a glistening effect on the dew coated lawn.

I walked to the back of Lucky Betty and began getting my tools ready. As I climbed up on the bumper of the pickup, I noticed the big patch of Percy's cum that had dried on my jeans. A smile crossed my face thinking about how hot it was to face fuck that little entitled shit. I began to think about his tight little hole and how hot it would be to sink my 8 inches into it for the first time. To feel him squirm under me as I fucked him hard.

As I pulled all the tools down from the truck, I saw Percy walking across the lawn. Some of the smugness that showed on his face was mostly gone, replaced by what appeared to be desperation. "Ok what do I need to fix?" he said with an air of indignance. "We need to rip up all this torn up sod and re-lay it properly. Then the sod has to be rolled and watered." I said trying to remain calm. "Ugg how long will that take" he said looking at the raw patches. "Longer then it took you to rip it up, that's for sure" I said.

Percy paced around trying to figure out how to start. "Here use this to start ripping up the sod." I said handing him a hoe. Percy touched it with his smooth, never worked a day in his life hands. He had no clue how to even hold the tool. I stood behind him and placed his hands on the hoe. "Hold it like this" I said moving him like a child till he got the motion down. As I showed him, his ass pressed into me and I couldn't help thinking what it would feel like to fuck him.

As I thought about it my dick started to harden in my jeans, I decided to move away from him before something else happened. Unfortunately, my dick was now rock-hard pressing against my leg as I watched him awkwardly try to use the hoe. "Take off your shirt or you are going to ruin it" I instructed. The shirt was some expensive designer that daddy and mommy bought for him and not intended for menial labor in. I didn't really give a shit about it, but I wanted to see his body.

Percy gave me a look then removed the shirt and placed it on the front seat of the pickup. Then started back to work. I watched as his smooth skin and lean muscles moved as he hacked at the ground with the hoe. I took a seat on the tailgate and my eyes focus on his firm tight ass in the designer pants. They weren't my style but damn they contoured perfectly to his butt.

"Take off your pants" I shouted out at him. "No" Percy said giving me one of his nasty looks. "I said take them off boy" I replied in a very stern voice. Percy dropped the hoe and began walking away from the work. "Where are you going?" I asked as headed back towards the house. Percy did not answer.

I got down off the truck and came up behind him quickly surprising him. I reached into the back of his pants and grabbed him like you would the scruff of a dogs neck. "Get back to work" I demanded. A shocked look crossed Percy's face. Percy turned and with my hand still holding his pants he moved back to the spot where he dropped the hoe.

"Take off your pants before you ruin them" I said again when we got back. Percy kicked off his shoes and then pulled his pants down so that he was in just his white briefs. "Here" I said shoving the hoe back into his hands before returning to my seat on the tailgate to watch Percy fix the sod.

As I watched Percy work, I ran my fingers over the outline of my hard cock in my jeans. It was less than an hour since I blew my load down Percy's throat, and I was already horny again. I was so caught up on feeling my cock through my jeans that I didn't hear what Percy was saying. I looked up to see him standing in the grass naked except for his tighty whitey's with the hoe in his hand and his body coated in a bead of sweat.

"What do you need?" I asked. Percy looked at me then down at the hole he dug out with the hoe. "I'm done" he said a bit frustrated. "What the fuck did you do?" I said looking at the mess he made. "You were just supposed to take up the sod, not dig a fuckin hole" I shouted. Percy looked angry and sad and confused. "I'm sorry" he said, and I heard a bit of honesty in his voice. "Sorry what?" I asked. "Sorry sir" he said softly. Without thinking I got off the tailgate and I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him over to the truck. "Bend over" I said and pushed him forward so that his hands came to rest on the tailgate. "You do nothing but cause me more work. First you tore up the sod then you dig a hole instead of just removing the sod." I said reaching for his underwear to expose his tight ass.

Percy did not move, he did not try to run or put up any fight. I drew my hand back and smacked his ass. A loud "crack" echoed across the property. "I am going to teach you how to be a man" I said before slapping his ass again. Percy let out a low groan as the sting from my hand shot through his body. "Do you understand" I asked raising my hand to slap Percy again. "Yes. Yes sir" he said raising his voice a bit.

I stopped and just starred at his naked ass. My cock was so hard in my tight jeans that it was beginning to hurt. I popped the button on my jeans and slid the zipper down freeing my hard cock then I stepped behind Percy. "What are you doing?" I heard Percy ask. I could hear fear in his voice. I did not answer, I was lost in what I wanted. For too long I took shit from Percy and his kind. For too long I sat back watching as the got whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted it. Well now I wanted something.

My cock slowly slide along the length of his crack. It was warm and the muscular mounds held my cock tight. I bent my head forward and allowed a wad of spit to fall from my lips down to my cock providing some lubrication. As I continued to rub, the spit smeared across his hairy ass. "Don't do this" Percy said softly and began lifting his head and body up. I placed a hand on his back to hold him in place. "Crack" again I slapped his ass.

I moved slightly exposing the pretty pink hole that I wanted to badly. I stuck my finger into my mouth and got it wet with saliva that began to insert it into his ass like I had earlier in the barn. Percy seemed to relax a bit. As I loosened up his ass with my finger, I could hear Percy making some soft moans. After a few minutes I decided to insert a second finger.

Slowly I spread his hole enough to gently enter him with my index and middle finger. I heard Percy suck in some air as my fingers moved past the outer rings, then I felt his ass relax as my fingers went deeper into him. Slowly I slid my fingers out of his ass and moved in behind him.

My dick was dripping with precum as I held the base aiming it at his puckered hole. I moved just the head of my cock to the opening and slid the precum around coating it with the clear, slick fluid. Then with a bit of a push, my cockhead entered his hole disappearing from site. Slowly I moved forward driving my cock into his ass. Everything moved in slow motion as inch by inch it slid further into his hole.

Finally, my body was pressed against his, my dick fully inserted. Percy let out some sounds, but I could not tell if they were moans or groans or a combination. I gave Percy a moment to adjust then I slowly slid my cock back then forward. Then I slid out again this time a bit faster before pushing my dick back into him. Each time I moved a bit faster.

Finally, after going as slowly as I could, I took hold of Percy's hips and began to fuck him the way I wanted to; deep and hard. As I drove my hard dick into him Percy began to moan almost rhythmically. Every time I pounded him, he let out a soft, long moan. "You like this boy?" I asked breaking the otherwise silent fuck. Percy did not respond with words; it was more like a double moan that sounded a bit like "uh huh". It did not matter; I did not care. In that moment I was lost in the raw fuck I was giving him.

I was getting close, and I did not want it to end just yet. I pushed into Percy and held my cock deep inside him. Then I reached around his body and across his chest taking his firm nipple with my fingers. Percy pushed his torso up so that his head was close to mine, then nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck. "You want this cock boy" I asked as I gyrated my hips into him. "Yes" Percy responded very softly. I bowed my head and began kissing his neck. Percy breathed deeply.

I began pulling my cock out of him then shoving it back in. I looked over his shoulder to see his hard dick laying on the tailgate of the pickup. Percy reached for his cock, but I stopped him. "Please" he whined trying to break free to take his cock in his hand. "No" I said, and I grabbed both hands and pulled them behind him and forced his upper body onto the bed of the truck. "You better listen to me boy" I said as I drove my cock into him hard.

Percy's body moved up and back against the bed of the truck as I pounded him harder and harder. I could feel my balls slapping against him as I fucked him grunting like an animal. "Do you like this boy? Do you want my cock" I asked roughly. "Yes" Percy said with a muffled moan.

I was ready to cum, but I was holding back as long as I could. Percy's ass was so tight and warm that I wanted to make it last as long as I could. Finally, I crossed a threshold and I knew I would not be able to hold off any longer. With a great tug I pulled my cock from his ass, then grabbed him by his hair and spun him around. I placed my hand behind his head and pulled him to me, mashing my lips on his. My free hand carefully stroking my cock.

Percy placed a hand on my chest to stabilize himself. He parted his lips and allowed my tongue to enter. A couple more strokes and my dick was shooting a thick load of cum all over Percy's cock and pubes. My body jerked from the intensity as the last drops of cum oozed from my cock onto Percy.

While my dick was still hard, I spun him around and shoved my dick back into his ass, then reached around grabbing his dick and began to stroke it. Every fiber of his body tensed, and he moaned loudly. His body pressed against mine and with a great huff I saw his cum shoot out onto the bed of the pickup truck.

Percy placed his hands on the bed of the truck as his body shuttered. He did not move, did not try to remove my dick from his ass. He simply stood there breathing heavily for what felt like several minutes. Slowly I let my cock slip from Percy's ass. Percy turned to me, his dick still hard even after the large orgasm. There was a look in his eyes as if he were asking if he did a good job or was waiting for a reward.

"Go back to the house. I will fix the mess you made" I said in a strong voice. Percy looked at me, disappointment on his face. Percy moved to collect his clothing. "Go back the way you are" I said not allowing him to get dressed before walking back to the house. I watched as he decided what to do, then he turned and headed house naked. I watched his tight ass as it crossed the lawn.

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Next: Chapter 4

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