Just a Slut

By Writing About Josh

Published on May 20, 2019


***Normal cautions apply up front. This story contains sexual content including some content that may be offensive. If you're offended by man to man sex, BDSM and other similar topics, this isn't the story for you. If you are underage in your area to read this, don't read it. There may be unsafe sex described in this story...be smart in the real world and make good choices.

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***This story is a work of fiction and should not be taken to represent any real people. That being said, there were several "inspirations" for characters but I've tried to keep them different enough to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

---Just a Slut - 01---

The music was pounding in the club. I had been cruising all night, horny as fuck and needing someone or multiple someones to just use the fuck out of me.

I had just arrived in town early this Friday afternoon for a conference that started next week. I had the weekend to scratch my slut itch and I intended to scratch it hard.

I had been sexually active with men since I was 15 and a cousin and I sucked each other off on an overnight campout where we shared a tent. Since then, I knew I was meant to serve men's cocks. The rest of high school and college were pretty vanilla, I got my share of action and became pretty well known on the college campus as a reliable go-to if someone needed to get their cock sucked or slam a nice ass. But I had always felt like I wanted more.

After college, I got a decent job in advertising and, after a couple years, began to travel quite a bit.

On one trip, I was cruising Craigslist (momentary pause here to mourn no more hookup ads on Craigslist) and came across an ad for an orgy that was being hosted close to my hotel. I e-mailed the poster and, with a couple e-mails back and forth where I included some pictures, I had the address and instructions to arrive, walk on in and join.

At the orgy, I definitely enjoyed myself, giving and receiving plenty of head and fucking. While there, I saw a guy in one of the bedrooms, he was blindfolded, tied to the bed and had at least 10 guys around him, touching him and feeding him their cocks. Something clicked in my head and I began planning for my time as that slut.

Before leaving home for this trip, I had printed out about 100 business cards that read as follows:

27 yo slut

5'11, 165, smooth, slim, toned build

Disease free on prep

Taking all cocks and other uses

11:30pm tonight till...

Main Street Motor Inn - Room 119

There was also a pic of my ass on the card.

I knew the Main Street Motor Inn from a cross-country road trip I had taken with a buddy back in college. Back then, we chose it for the cheap price, now, I chose it because of what type of motel I knew it was.

A phone call in advance to the owner had helped me make sure I had the room I wanted so I could pre-print the cards and for other reasons.

119 was a room I had specifically requested as it was around the corner from the main parking lot of the motel. All the rooms opened out on the parking lot except 119 which required you to park and walk around the side of the building. The door of the room faced a vacant field and a railroad track.

When I had told the owner over the phone that I would be entertaining a few friends so I wanted the room to avoid bothering others, he just chuckled and said "just don't do anything that gets the cops involved and know that I'm pretty strict on enforcing the cleaning deposit on your credit card."

"No problem" I had said. The only cops who might show up as far as I knew would be there to use me. And I was fully ready to give up the $250 cleaning deposit if it meant the night played out like I hoped it would.

Thankfully, the city where I was visiting was a reasonable drive from home so I was able to pack things that would have been awkward to clear through TSA. I first stopped at the hotel I'd be staying at for the conference and left my regular suitcase, business backpack and other stuff I wouldn't be needing with the bell desk there. I wanted to be as free as possible and not worry about any personal property.

After checking into room 119, I had quickly set about making the room ready for the night I had planned.

I brought in the cooler full of beer, water and various liquor single shot bottles and set it up near the door. I stripped the king size bed and put a black rubber sheet on it. Bondage straps and cuffs were attached at each corner of the mattress. A sling was set up next to the bed. I then brought in a rolling suitcase full of various BDSM toys and opened it up on the dresser.

Rewiring the TV to a cheap smartphone I'd loaded up for the occasion, I started up a repeating playlist of my favorite gangbang porn, some of which was fairly rough.

Standing there watching the porn, I began to get horny. I turned the TV off, stripped, grabbed my toiletry kit, shower shot hose and headed to the bathroom. In the bathroom, I shaved everything except my eyebrows and head, scrubbed clean and cleaned myself out several times.

Once the cleaning was done, I switched the water in the shower to cold. Shivering, I waited for my 8 inch cock to go down and put on my cock cage. Tonight, I was planning to be a total slut. The only way I would cum was if some guys fucked it out of me. My cock wasn't important, theirs were. I then attached the ball stretcher to the cage. This pushed my large balls down, stretching my sack nicely.

Back in the room, I dressed in my slut outfit for the night. A tight black leather jock that was filled nicely by my locked cock and large stretched balls. Black knee length compression shorts, a leather shoulder harness and a tight black leather sleeveless shirt that showed off my slim frame and my tattoos and did nothing to hide the harness underneath. Finally a pair of black socks and black work boots.

By this time, it was 5pm. I knew the club opened at 8 and I had a couple more stops before I got there. I went out to my car and started it. As I was backing out, I thought about how, the next time I parked in this lot and walked into my room, I was going to be getting ready to have who knew how many men use me as they pleased.

My first stop was a large truck stop near the interstate. In the mens restroom, I discreetly left several cards in places like the stalls and shower area.

After repeating this at two more truck stops, I stopped by a couple gay leather bars I had looked up. I had a beer at each and struck up a conversation with the bartenders. At the right time, I showed the bartenders the card and asked if they might be interested themselves and if they'd hand them out to any patrons they knew might be interested. Both bartenders smiled and gladly took 20 cards each wrapped in a $20 bill.

At the second bar, I had about 30 minutes before the club opened and I was only five minutes away according to my smartphone map. I decided to hangout and finish my beer.

"So, any chance I can sample the goods early?" I heard a voice behind me say.

I turned and faced a mountain of a man in a black leather jacket with no shirt on underneath, showing a deep carpet of chest hair. He was also wearing tight blue jeans and black motorcycle boots. Looking to be well over 6 feet tall, he was built large but definitely not fat. He was holding one of the cards.

"Handing out cards like this, you must be a slut" he said, slipping his hand inside the waistband of my shorts and running his rough finger up and down my shaved slit.

I glanced at the bartender at the other end of the bar and he was watching us and grinning.

"You ain't nothing I can't handle" I said, thinking to myself, `what the fuck are you saying?' but the beers, the atmosphere in the bar, the heat coming off this man and my horny caged cock were doing the talking now.

Suddenly I was airborne, having been grabbed by my harness through the shirt, lifted off the barstool and literally carried to the restroom in the corner.

The patrons in the bar looked up but didn't seem overly shocked. Guess this was just that kind of bar.

In the restroom, biker dude put my feet on the ground again and shoved me towards the urinals on one wall. Grabbing me from behind, he spun me around to face him and pushed me down to the floor between two urinals.

He knelt down slightly, using his knees against my shoulders to trap me against the wall. As he unbuttoned his jeans, I saw that the carpet of hair extended down to his crotch. An angry looking, uncut cock was pulled out and pointed at my face.

"I gotta beer piss I need to take. You can either drink it or get soaked in it smart ass" he said.

Not wanting to get piss soaked before the night even started, I quickly wrapped my lips around his cock head. He clearly hadn't showered recently and I could smell and taste his working man's' scent. Within a couple seconds, he began to piss. It was strong both in taste and in velocity. I frantically drank and drank, wanting to avoid getting piss on my clothes.

As the piss began to wane, I noticed his cock was getting hard. Not wanting to miss what I guess would be a rough face fucking from him to kick off my night, I made my willingness clear and began to use my tongue to get under his foreskin and I could taste the rankness. I kept digging and his cock kept growing. Eventually, it grew in my mouth far enough that the head came out and I prepared to open up my throat and take it.

"Fucking slut" he growled and proceeded to fuck in and out of my mouth. I quickly learned to hold my head back against the tile on the wall because, if I didn't, he forced it back and it hit the wall when he slammed what became his roughly 9 inch cock into my face. Few hard hits and I'd be in the ER with a concussion rather than my hotel room later.

While I was getting face fucked on the floor of the restroom between two urinals, two guys stepped up to the urinals on either side of me. They pulled out their cocks and pissed in the urinals. After they stopped pissing, they remained in place, cocks out, stroking.

"Stroke their cocks for them slut" my throat assaulter ordered.

I reached up and grabbed both of their growing cocks and began to stroke them as best I could while getting my skull slammed.

The guy on the left was younger, in biker gear similar to guy that was slamming me and had a nice sized 7 ish cock. The guy on the right was older, maybe in his 50s, and was just wearing blue jeans and a white t-shirt that showed that he didn't miss any days in the gym. His 8 ish cock was rock hard.

"Fuck, yeah, take my cum bitch" my skull fucker growled, slamming all the way into me and just holding his cock down my throat as I felt it pulse and unload into me.

When he was done unloading, he pulled out a little and I made sure to clean his cock well before he stepped back, spit on my face, buttoned up his jeans and walked away.

The older guy on the right stepped in his place and said nothing, just shoved his cock in my mouth and proceeded a repeat of my motorcycle guy. I continued to stroke the younger guy.

Within a few minutes, I was getting load number two of the night pumped down my throat. Continuing the trend, I cleaned the cock, got spit on and the guy left.

Younger dude stepped in his place and presented his cock. Unlike the other guys, he wanted me to do the work so I set to sucking and stroking his cock. He was breathing hard within a couple minutes and it wasn't long before "here it cums" came out of his mouth and his cum came out of his cock onto my face and into my mouth.

As I was cleaning his cock, I reached down into my boot and pulled out one of the cards and handed it to him. I'd be happy to have this guy at my party tonight!

He looked at the card, smiled, and put it in his pocket. Then, because the other guys did it I'm sure, he spit on my face, buttoned up and walked out of the restroom.

So, here I was, hadn't even made it to the club and I was three loads in.

I got to my feet, looked at myself in the cracked mirror over the sink. I did my best to wash my face and straighten my hair and headed out into the bar.

I did a walk of shame across the bar as it seemed like everyone was watching me. Biker dude was sitting at a table in the middle and called out "see you at the Main Street, room 119 later tonight slut".

I paused and must have turned red but my cock also twitched. This was my role tonight, a slut, and I wasn't going to be embarrassed.

I took a deep breath and turned back, looking straight at him and said "bring some friends" loudly enough for everyone to clearly hear.

The bar erupted in yells, claps and whistles. Biker dude stared back and me and smiled.

I turned back towards the door and continued my `walk of shame', being sure to do my best to wiggle my ass as I went.

At the dance club, I again chatted up the bartenders and shared cards. As I drank another beer, I counted, I had 25 cards left. I fully intended to distribute them.

The club was warm so I took off my shirt, showing my harness off. I thought about tucking the shirt into the waistband of my pants but that would just run the risk of covering up my ass-ets so I tossed it in the trash can behind the bar.

I headed to the restroom and left a stack of 15 cards on the shelf above the sink.

The club was busy and the restroom was packed. By the time I had relieved myself in a stall (you sit to piss when you're caged) and returned to the sink, only a few cards were left. This was promising.

The remaining 10 cards in hand, I headed to the dance floor. I moved to the middle of the floor and began to gyrate to the heavy beat. It wasn't long before I had dance companions. Any of them that got close and, ideally, handsy, got a card.

Once all the cards were handed out, I made my way out of the club and into the cool night air. Getting into my car, I drove back to the motel. It was 10:30 when I arrived. There were about the same number of cars in the lot as before so plenty of open spaces. I parked, my hotel key card out of my wallet and put it and, my car keys in the glove box. I got out and locked the car. I could unlock the car with the app on my smartphone and it required a secret code and could, worst case, call the auto club. I wanted to let go tonight and not worry about anything other than the cocks around me.

Back in the room, I dragged the cooler outside, drained the water from the melted ice and put the cooler back in the room. I made two trips with the ice bucket to the ice machine and topped off the ice in the cooler. I hit the bathroom and did another couple shower shots to double check and took another shower to freshen up.

I put just the leather jock back on. From the cooler, I pulled out a plastic bag with six bottles of fresh poppers. I unsealed each bottle and placed five of them in places around the room. The sixth, I attached to a string necklace I put around my neck...I wanted easy access to my own poppers.

At 11:00, I turned the TV back on, restarted the porn loop, turned off all but the bathroom lights and pulled the door partially closed. The room was now dimly lit by just the TV and the little light from the bathroom.

At 11:10, I had a momentary panic and began to contemplate just trying to head for my car and forget it. I then looked at the TV and a white guy screaming as he was being double penetrated by two incredibly hung black guys and my cock strained in its cage.

At 11:25, I took out a leather blindfold and a large spider gag. I put the blindfold on my forehead and strapped the spider gag around my neck. I pulled a roll of duct tape out of the suitcase and tore off a piece. Using the tape, I opened the door and covered the latch. The door would still close but not be latched. As I did this, I heard male voices outside the room.

`Guess we can open early' I thought. I reached down and positioned the spider gag in my mouth, opening it wide. I then pulled the blindfold down, got on my knees, reached out for the door handle and pulled it wide open. I felt the cool night air hit my body as I kneeled there, naked but for my jock strap, spider gag and blindfold.

For a couple minutes, all I heard was the sounds from the porno playing on the TV. I then heard footsteps. I couldn't tell how many but more than one person had entered the room.

I have another series on Nifty->Authoritarian->finding-out-who-i-am. I'm having some writers block so thought I'd bang out this story that had been running around in my head. Appreciate thoughts and ideas to writingaboutjosh@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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