Just a Little Submissive Boy

Published on Aug 24, 2022


Just a Little Submissive Boy 9

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 I love hearing from readers and appreciate any comments or critiques. Send an email to boyscout2train@yahoo.com.

 Although the vast majority of this chapter are actual and true events the author has used some liberties to enhance the reader's experience. Those liberties will be left up to the reader to determine what is real life and what is fiction. Some names have been changed to protect persons involved. It is important to remember that all descriptions are and continue to be completely consensual.


The following content may contain detailed descriptions of sexual

interactions between a minor and adult. If the laws in your place of

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Chapter 9

After a few minutes of gasping for air I was able to set up with the help of Tommy. He positioned me so that I was sitting between his out stretched legs and then wrapped me with his arms and pulled me back into his defined chest. For several minutes he cuddled me, rubbing my arms and chest. The smile on my face couldn't be erased, I was proud of what I had done, take Tommy's huge 7 ½ thick dick all the way down my throat. I had given him so much pleasure that he shot his big cum load down my throat and all over my face. I had pleased Mr. McKenzy doing something I didn't think I could do but something that he had ordered me to do. Even the boy hero, Sammy, was proud of me.

Mr. McKenzy stood up and moved back to his chair. He let us stay there on the floor where both Sammy and Tommy were comforting me. After about 10 minutes he cleared his throat to get our attention, "Cock sucker go wash you face off", he said pointing his finger to a corner of the room where a toilet was. I moved that way figuring that there would be a sink there where I could wash up, When I got to the corner there was no sink. "Sir, where is the sink to wash up at", I dared say. "Sink, sink", Mr. McKenzy laughed, "you think you're worthy of a sink"? "You're nothing more than a fucking low life cock sucker boy, you're not worthy of a sink". "Wash that fucking face up in the toilet", Mr. McKenzy stated in a very stern voice.

I looked at him with many questions in my face. "Do it fucker", Sir yelled at me. I turned at looked at the toilet, from what I could tell it looked clean. Mustering up all my courage, I dipped my hands into the water and lifted them to my face and with some great hesitation splashed the water on my face. "Get your face in that toilet boy", Mr. McKenzy yelled. One side of my mind was yelling at me how dirty and nasty this was, the other side was telling me that I didn't have a choice in the matter, I didn't have any control over what I did.

I took a deep breather and ducked my head in the toilet almost gagging when I did it. I took my hands and rubbed the slime, snot, spit and cum from my face as quickly as I could. I lifted my head out of the toilet and shook my head causing toilet water to go everywhere. Blowing out through my mouth I tried to prevent any of the toilet water from entering my mouth. On the edge of crying I looked over at Mr. McKenzy for his approval. "Now that wasn't so bad was it", he questioned. I knew the answer I was expected to give and gave it, "No Sir". "Well any filthy boy who would put a cock in his mouth and suck it and let the guy cum in his mouth shouldn't have any problems with drinking out of a toilet", he humiliated me with.

Pointing his finger at the floor about 5 feet in front of him he ordered, "Kneel boys". Sammy and Tommy jumped to their feet and hurried to the exact place, I followed their lead and joined them. knees spread, hands behind my head, elbows back, chest out, head down. I was broken before and accepted my place as a submissive boy, now he had broken me further, I knew that I should no longer think about myself as a person, but as a sex slave boy.

In a loud and forceful voice Sir started to speak, "Piss boy did you have my permission to cum"?

"No Sir", Tommy responded.

"What happens to a boy who cums without my permission", Mr. McKenzy continued.

"They get punished, SIR", Tommy replied in a shaky voice.

"Do you have something else you want to ask me piss boy", Sir said somewhat impatiently.

"Sir, please punish me for breaking your rule and allowing myself to cum", Tommy responded with fear in his voice.

I didn't think this was right, I made Tommy cum, if I hadn't taken his dick down into my throat then he wouldn't have cum. I did an excellent job and made him cum. I lifted my head to make my protest know, but before I could open my mouth Mr. McKenzy interrupted me, "Shut the fuck up cock sucker, yours will come in time".

I still didn't understand it, why was Tommy being punished for something that I made him do? On the other hand, I knew 2 things, first, my opinion didn't matter and second, Tommy was the one getting punished and not me.

"To the St. Andrew's Cross", Mr. McKenzy instructed him.

"Yes Sir", Tommy replied as he stood up and moved to the wooden "X" shape cross. When he arrived the stood facing the cross, lifted his arms to the upper points and spread his legs to the lower points. "Faggot, secure him and secure him tight", the man in leather ordered in a scary voice.

Sammy jumped up hurried over to the cross and fastened Tommy's ankles to metal loops in the lower legs of the cross, then he got up on a stool, took ropes and fastened them to Tommy's wrist restraints and then looped them through the metal loops at the top of the cross. Sammy then put all his weight on the rope and pulling it tight before tying the rope. He then repeated the same thing on the other side, causing Tommy to be really stretched as tight as possible. Sammy then took a leather belt and put around Tommy's waist and fastened it tight around the center of the cross. When he did this I could hear Tommy's breath leave his body. I thought this must really hurt, being stretched as far as possible, being on his tip toes and then with the belt not allowing to breath fully. Tommy's body was trembling and I figured it was in anticipation of what was coming.

Mr. McKenzy got up from his barber chair, walked over to the wall where all the paddles and things called flogs were hanging. He inspected a few of the flogs running them through his hands. Finally, he selected on, pulled it off the wall and walked over to Tommy stretched out on the cross. He then ordered Sammy and I to kneel in front of the cross where Tommy's head was hanging. He must have wanted us to see Tommy's punishment.

"Piss boy I don't believe you broke my cardinal rule by spilling my cum", Sir started while rubbing Tommy's back. "And you did it on the eve of your deflowering", he continued.

"I'm sorry Sir, I'm so sorry Sir, I should have been able to control myself better Sir, please Sir, I beg your mercy Sir", Tommy pleaded.

"There is no mercy for a boy who breaks a cardinal rule piss face", Mr. McKenzy screamed at him.

"Yes Sir", Tommy responded back crying.

"Fifty lashes for you". "Are you ready piss boy", Sir asked him.

Tommy hesitated before he answered, he opened his mouth a couple of times but the words just wouldn't come out. He must be scared to death was my thoughts. Finally, on the third attempt Tommy was able to get the words out, "Sir please punish me severely for my faults".

Mr. McKenzy stepped back from Tommy. "Fifty lashes for cumming and 23 more because you hesitated 23 seconds in asking for your punishment... Count them boy", Sir commanded.

With that Mr. McKenzy sung the flog a couple of time then stuck Tommy's right shoulder hard with the leather tails. Tommy yelled out, the pain had to be great, "One Sir", he said in a strained voice. Almost immediately the flog lashed out on Tommy's left shoulder. Tommy left out a big huff but no scream like before. Although the sound of the lash was as loud as the first on, I was wondering if it was as hard because Tommy didn't yell out. "Two Sir", Tommy cried out. Then my memory reminded me of something that Sammy had told me in the jail cell. Don't scream, cry.

Whack, "Three Sir". There was no doubt about it, Tommy was in real pain, his counting was cries of pain.

Whack echoed through the walls of the dungeon, "Four Sir", Tommy cried out.

The lashings continued, each time Tommy had a harder time getting the number out. By the time he reached 25 lashes Tommy couldn't even catch his breath due to crying that he could barely get the words out. His legs were trembling, his face was ugly with pain. But I knew he had to continue.

Whack, whack, whack, whack, whack the lashing continued. Tommy's crying increased, he could hardly get the number out and Sir. When he reached 55 lashes his legs collapsed and he just hung on the cross pathetically. His head just hung.

Whack, another and Tommy's limp body jumped, "63 Sir", he gasped out. Whack, whack, whack continued to echo off the dungeon walls.

Finally, with one last harder than ever lash, Tommy gasped out with what sounded like his last breath, "73 Sir, Thank You Sir". Then he broke down into complete tears without even being able to make a sound.

"Cut him down boys", Sir ordered me and Sammy.

Oh, my I felt so sorry for Tommy, I just wanted to take him and hug him and give him all the comfort I had in my little 12-year-old body.

Sammy and I unfastened Tommy's ankles, then the belt around his middle, then Sammy had to take the stool and release his arms. As soon as his last arm was released Tommy crumbled to the floor, curled up in a ball and cried out of control. His back was scarlet red from the beating, his body was limp. I felt so bad for him.

Sammy and I sat on the floor with Tommy between us. We hugged him and comforted him with all we had. Right then I felt something that I had never felt before. I felt a real connection with both Sammy and Tommy, a connection that was warm and genuine.

Tommy sat there trying to talk but sounded like a three-year-old that couldn't get words out of their mouth because they were crying too hard. What sounds did come out of Tommy's mouth were undistinguishable but that didn't matter, all that mattered now was that warm connection the 3 of us were experiencing. After several minutes Tommy crying started to settle down and the words he was trying to get out finally came out, "Master thank you for punishing me so severely, I will not fail you again".

"You're welcome boy, I love you", Mr. McKenzy said. I didn't understand it at the time, how could Mr. McKenzy beat Tommy so severely and then tell him he loved him?

"I love you too Master", Tommy responded. Wow, even more confused, my mind questioned, you just got the shit beat out of you by this guy, he totally broke you down to nothing more than a sobering mess, and now you are telling him you love him?

After about 20 minutes of the three of us cuddling together and kissing each other Mr. McKenzy spoke, "Cock sucker boy, did you make piss boy cum"?

As bad as I wanted to lie and to tell him that it was all Tommy's fault I couldn't, I wouldn't. There was no way I was going to let Tommy take all the blame, I would not desert him. I recalled how I wanted to protest Tommy talking all the punishment for something that we both made happen. "Yes Sir", I said with great hesitation.

"Boy, you know you broke one of my cardinal rules by making a boy cum that didn't have my permission to cum", Sir questioned me.

No, I didn't know that was a rule, I didn't know many of the rules, but even if I didn't I was not going to tell him I didn't know better. "Yes Sir", I answered.

"Do you have something that you want to ask me for boy", Mr. McKenzy asked.

I didn't know what I was expected to ask for, I had a puzzled look on my face, I was confused, this was my first time in the dungeon and certainly my first time seeing Mr. McKenzy acting with this much power and authority.

I looked at Sammy for help. Sammy just nodded his head toward Tommy. Oh my god, was the first thing that hit my thoughts. He's going to punish me like he did Tommy. I couldn't take a beating like Tommy did, I would most likely be injured, my mind couldn't take it. "Ask for it damn it", Sammy whispered to me.

No, no, no I didn't want to be beat like Tommy, I couldn't take a beating like he did. My entire body was trembling in fear, I had a sick feeling in my stomach. "Ask for it now or he won't take any mercy on you", Tommy whispered.

I swallowed hard and then swallowed again, I tried to open my mouth, I wasn't sure if I was going to do what Mr. McKenzy had asked or if I was going to break down crying. I wanted so badly to run and run far far away. Finally, I gave up, I knew what was expected of me and I knew if I didn't do what was expect of me that it would be much worse. "Sir, please punish me for breaking one of your rules", I croaked out, the fear obvious in my voice.

"Very good boy, I will punish you for your transgressions", Sir informed me, "put him on the tee-bar and winch and make sure his feet are 12 inches off the ground".

Sammy and Tommy stood up. They noticed how much I was trembling and sensed that I couldn't walk on my own. The each reached down talking hold of each of my arms helping me up off the floor. We started walking to the center of the floor with them on both side of me assisting with my failing legs. It felt like I was walking to my death.

When we reached the center of the floor they removed the leather straps that were around my wrists and replaced them with a much larger pair or restraints that came half way to my elbows. Then Tommy went over to the wall and retrieved a metal bar, at the same time Sammy went to the other wall and pushed a button. I hear the sound of a motor and then noticed a cable and hook coming down. Tommy fastened my new restraints to the metal bar stretching my arms out wide. Then Sammy hooked the cable to the metal bar and returned to where the control buttons were.

My knees gave out on me and I fell to my knees, my entire body was trembling uncontrollably, my mind was screaming run, run, but my legs wouldn't cooperate. My dick was completely soft and shrank to 2 inches, I no longer felt horny, I was more scared than I had ever been in my 12 years. Tommy knelt down beside me and kept me from falling over. Then I hear the wine of the motor and felt my arms being lifted. "Secure his legs together", Mr. McKenzy ordered. Tommy connected the leather restraints of my ankles together. There was no way I could run now.

Mr. McKenzy nodded at Sammy and the motor started to wine again lifting me off my knees and then further up and up until I was on my tip toes. Sammy hesitated there for a moment and then pushed the button again. I went further up; my feet were not touching the ground any more. I looked down and the floor was at least 12 inches below my feet when Sammy took his fingers off the controls.

I gently started to twist on the cable, my eyes were wide open and I was taking in all the horror the room had to offer. This was it, I would be lucky if I survived I thought.

Mr. McKenzy approached me, he reached out and put his hand on my bare chest, in his hand he held the instrument that he had tortured Tommy so badly with. "For causing piss boy ot cum you will receive 25 lashes, are you ready boy", he said.

Am I ready? Fuck no, no fucking way was I ready for him to beat me within an inch of my life, it was going to hurt, it was going to make me scream in pain, it was going to make me break down and cry like a little baby, hell no I wasn't ready. Then the memory of what happened to Tommy came fresh in my mind. I certainly didn't want extra beating for hesitating in answering him.

I swallowed hard trying to get the huge lump out of my throat. It felt bigger than Tommy's dick did when he was all the way down in my throat. "Yes Sir", I managed to say with a trembling voice.

"Is that your entire answer you fucking cock sucking faggot", Mr. McKenzy yelled.

My mind was racing, what exactly was it that Tommy said when he was asked if he was ready for his punishment? I need the answer quick, I need it right now, I was afraid of getting more lashes if I didn't remember. With a last fleeting memory, I opened my mouth to repeat to the best of my memory how Tommy had answered. My voice trembling even worse now, "Please Sir punish me", I said almost as a question.

"Is that a question or is that what you want boy", Sir screamed.

"Sir, punish me please", I said just as Mr. McKenzy spit in my face and a big hocker landed right in my wide-open mouth. I had to be completely out of my mind, I had just asked and given permission for him to beat me with that instrument of torture.

"Very good boy, I'll punish you for your transitions against me". "Count them out, and don't forget SIR after each count boy". "If you forget to count or forget the SIR or if you lose count I will start over again", Sir informed me in no uncertain terms. "Yes Sir", I responded in a defeated mind set.

With that Mr. McKenzy lightly rubbed my chest paying special attention to my nipples. He then started to play with my little 2-inch softy. It was having nothing to do with this and wasn't even starting to respond. He then sung me around and started lightly rubbing my back. I gasp as I felt his hands rub down my back and to my butt. My trembling had stopped, I had resigned my fate to what was going to happen.

He stopped rubbing my back and butt and I sensed he had moved back away from me. I hear the whish, whish of air as he started spinning the flog around. I tensed knowing it was coming, the unknown would be the known in seconds as to what this instrument of torture was going to feel like.

The whish of the air speed up and then I head the flog make contact, BOOM. At first my mind didn't register the hit, then a second later the pain overcame all my senses. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH", I screamed out at the top of my lungs. BOOM, a second one hit me. This time my mind didn't hesitate in registering the pain. "AHHHHHHHHHH", I cried out again louder.

Mr. McKenzy in a matter of fact voice said, "So when you stop that fucking screaming and start taking your punishment like a man we'll start". My mind exploded with the memory of what Sammy had told me in the jail cell. "Don't scream, cry".

I set my mind that I would do my best not to scream. BOOM, my mouth flew fully open fully, and my body started to automatically react with a scream, but my mind was fighting to take control and not let me scream. Without any air in my lungs I barely got out, "One Sir". My body spun on the cable, BOOM, this one hit me right on the chest. Again, my mouth flew open and my body wanted to scream. Luckily my mind was able to take control. All the air had been forced out of my lungs and I gasped "Two Sir". My body spun again.

BOOM, my back this time, my mind was screaming in pain but my mouth was silent with the exception of the air being forced out of my lungs. "Three Sir". BOOM on my chest, this time right across my sensitive nipples. I thought I was going to pass out with pain, but managed to gasp out, "Four Sir". BOOM, again across my tortured nipples. I started to cry hard and my body was trembling as I hung there only by my arms. "Five Sir", I managed to get out.

BOOM, on my back. It felt like my back was on fire, it hurt like nothing that I had ever felt before. "Six Sir". BOOM was my body spun around. This one was right on my lower abdomen, just fractions of an inch from my dick. "Seven Sir", I screamed out in shock. BOOM, BOOM, 2 in a row right across my ass which immediately felt like it was on fire, "Eight Sir", "Nine Sir" I screamed out.

I was sweating profusely now, my body was trembling, I was crying loud, I was broken down into a little balling three-year-old. I was really scared, he had come so close to whipping my dick, I knew he was going to do it before the beating was over, and I knew it was going to hurt worse than anything that I could imagine.

BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM across my shoulders, two on each shoulder. My head jerked back, my mouth flew open my body was screaming in pain but my voice was silent. I felt warm liquid running down my legs to where my feet were tied together. I realized I was peeing as a reaction to the pain and not being able to scream out to the pain. It was becoming very hard for me to breath and what air I was getting was being consumed by my crying. With the very last bit of air in my lungs I was able to get out, "Ten Sir", "Eleven SIR", "twelve sir", "thirteen sir".

BOOM across my ultra-sensitive nipples. My mind went blank, I felt like I was floating, my vision was blurry, I felt something like I had never felt before. "Fourteen Sir". BOOM, I felt the power of the flog hit me but the pain wasn't even there. I was warm all over, I was in a dream land. "AH Fifteen Sir" I felt my dick getting hard and before I knew it my dick was standing tight against my stomach pulling my little balls up tight. Was I starting to enjoy the lashing? Had my mind just closed down from pain overload? I didn't care, the lashes were starting to make me feel all sexy all over. Yes, I was crying and crying hard but now it was more out of humiliation than it was pain.

BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, three more across my lower stomach, again just fractions of inches from my hard-throbbing dick. "Oh yes, sixteen Sir", "seventeen Sir", "eighteen Sir", whispered out almost in pleasure. Hanging by the cable was making me work hard just to breath, but the way I felt my body floating I wasn't sure it mattered.

The next strikes from the flog fell on all parts of my body. I heard the whish as the flow flew through the air on the way to strike my body, I heard the boom when it came in contact with my skin, but the pounding and the stinging of the instrument of torture felt good. It was more total humiliation and having absolute no control of my body or my life that was causing me to cry like a baby.

I remember whispering out in a dreamy voice, "twenty-four Sir". Then the last lash struck me, I screamed my head off, "FUCK" and broke down into a bubbling mess, my body racked in pain. This one he landed right on my dick and balls, it hurt like hell, I wanted to bend in half but I was being stretched by all four and couldn't move. I was immediately shocked me out of my dreamy state of mind. I was instantly drawn from my body floating to being snapped back into my body. My head jerked back, "FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK" I screamed again for the entire world to hear. Damn I had to count that one out before he said he was starting all over again. "TWENTY-FIVE SIR, FUCK", I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I was stretched tightly in midair, by my arms and legs, my entire body had never hurt so bad, I was crying harder than I ever had in my life. I was in total misery and was loving the feeling gained from turning my entire body, mind and life over to Mr. McKenzy. My mind felt like it was split in half, I can't describe how much I hated the pain, humiliation, disrespect as a person, but I can't describe how much I loved the pain, humiliation, disrespect. I never wanted it to happen again, but I couldn't wait until it happened again.

"Cut the little shit down", Mr. McKenzy ordered. With that Sammy hit the button to lowered me, as my feet contacted the floor again my body just kept melting until I was nothing but a blubbering pile of, as Mr. McKenzy said, shit.

Tommy immediately moved in and unfastened my wrists and ankles, he rubbed my sore legs and arms gently as he cuddled me in his arms. Sammy moved to the other side of me and cuddles in as tight as he could. They both were wiping tears form my face, petting my cheeks and kissing me passionately. The warmth, caring and love radiated from them right into me. I was at total peace with everything in my life. For the first time in my young life I was feeling what true love is.

After about 20 minutes of the three of us laying in each other's arms, just loving each other Mr. McKenzy approached, "Give him to me", he ordered. Sammy and Tommy released me, I tried to stand, but my legs were shaky and felt like they wouldn't hold me up. Mr. McKenzy bent over and picked me under the arms. He lifted me up until I was pressed tightly against his warm hairy chest where he hugged me tightly. He was holding me so we were eye to eye. He was looking directly into my eyes and I was returning the stare. I felt him looking not just at my eyes but looking deep inside of me. "I told you that you're a very special boy", repeating his words from camp, "and you just proved that to me and to your bother slave boys".

At that point and with all the passion in the world he kissed me right on the lips, and surprising myself, I kissed him right back. "I love you boy, I love you so much", he said after breaking the long kiss. "I love you Sir", I responded automatically but in total truth. He hurt me, but I loved him for hurting me, I really did.

When I started to be conscious of the world around me I noticed that Sammy and Tommy were standing on each side of us and we were all in one big hug. The realization that we are one family hit me, I couldn't have been happier. A family where we all loved each other in the deepest part of our hearts. Tears welt up in my eyes from the happiness and love that I was feeling. My young 12-year life was perfect.

"You boys have all done well, and you have suffered for me, but before we move on you need to rest", Mr. McKenzy said as the silence broke. He continued, "we have sometime before our guests arrive, I want you to get some rest so you are ready for them".

"I am going to lock you all up in the cell, but I don't want to chain you up, I want to give you the chance to love each other, but nothing sexual". "Therefore, I am going to lock your boy dicks up so you can't play with each other or with yourselves", Mc McKenzy said. "Yes Sir", Sammy and Tommy said in unison. "Yes Sir", I said a second later.

The three of us were ordered to stand at attention. As we stood there shoulder to shoulder, not moving, Sir took a plastic device that had a ring that he placed around our dicks and under our balls, then he took our dicks and put them into curved plastic tubes. It felt very strange, it felt like my dick was trapped. Then Sir did something that made me jump inside, he took a small pad lock and locked the plastic tube to the plastic ring. The sound of that pad lock snapping closed gave me such a feeling of having lost all control of my body and my life.

"March", Mr. McKenzy ordered. We all turned and walked without hesitation or dread into the jail cell. Mr. McKenzy then threw a mattress in with us and slammed the cell door closed. Again, we were all reminded that we had given up all control of our bodies and lives to Mr. McKenzy.

Sammy, Tommy and I lay there on the mattress hugging each other, kissing each other, calling each other brother until we fell asleep from exhaustion.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 10

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