Just a Little Submissive Boy

Published on Aug 16, 2022


Just a Little Submissive Boy 8

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 I love hearing from readers and appreciate any comments or critiques. Send an email to boyscout2train@yahoo.com.

 Although the vast majority of this chapter are actual and true events the author has used some liberties to enhance the reader's experience. Those liberties will be left up to the reader to determine what is real life and what is fiction. Some names have been changed to protect persons involved. It is important to remember that all descriptions are and continue to be completely consensual.


The following content may contain detailed descriptions of sexual

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Chapter 8

Sammy and I sat in the little jail cell, naked as the day we were born. Both of us had our hands shackled together with the use of strips of leather which were locked on our wrists and if that was not enough our hands were then locked to each other. Both of us still were hard as a rock, although I didn't understand what was going on and fear was starting to get the best of me. Thankfully Sammy was right there with me. I boy that I trusted, a boy that I had fallen in love with and who I considered loved me.

"I know you're wondering what is going on", Sammy said while looking deep into my eyes. I choked some tears back and just shook my head yes. "Well we are in what's called a BDSM dungeon and you are being recruited as a service boy", Sammy continued. I wasn't sure what all this met, it was making me more confused by the second. "What is that", I inquired. Take a deep breath and let me explain it all to you", Sammy continued.

"BDSM means bondage, discipline, sadist and masochist, bondage means being tied up and not being able to move", beautiful Sammy told me. "You like being tied up, being restrained like the guys that were holding you down at camp". "Discipline means being punished when you do something wrong". "Sadist is a person who like to make another person hurt, just like Trevor was hitting your balls at camp". "And masochist is a person who likes to be in pain, a person who gets horny from having a person pinch his nipples, hit him in the balls". "I know you like that, don't you", my cell mate said.

What he was telling me so far was starting to register with me. I did like it, no loved it when the guys were holding me down and I had no say in what they could do to me. Discipline was nothing new to me, I had been corrected and spanked at home. I also liked it a lot when Trevor was hitting me in the balls and the harder he hit me the hornier I got.

"Dad and I saw weeks ago that you are a submissive masochist, you like other people taking control of your sexual pleasure and it even makes you hornier and more submissive when you are receiving some pain", Sammy informed me. "How do you know what I like", I asked in somewhat of an aggressive voice.

"Remember after last patrol meeting when you and I went swimming", he asked? "Yeah". Well remember when I really squeezed your nipples hard and it hurt", he continued. "Well you didn't try to pull away you didn't even try to knock my hands away, you actually stood there and took it, you even moaned in pleasure", "You told dad that when you were getting hit in the balls that yes it did hurt but it also gave you sexual pleasure", he mentioned. Everything he was saying was the compete truth, I couldn't deny it. I shook my head yes.

"Remember when we were swimming and I ordered you to your knees and said suck my dick bitch"? "You immediately dropped to your knees and gave me one of the best blow jobs I ever had". "You proved that you really like to be submissive and you really like to please another person sexually, you were totally engulphed in sucking me off", Sammy stated. He was right again, there was nothing that I enjoyed that to give another boy sexual pleasure. All I could do was shake my head yes and realize that he knew me better than I knew myself.

"Well after what you were doing on the campout and how much you were really into it, dad and I decided to test you", Sammy said, "That is what I was doing at the pool that night". "What you didn't know is that dad was watching us all the time and watching your reaction", Sammy informed me. I was in shock listening to how Sammy and his dad had this all planned. In my state of shock I asked, "You mean that you did didn't just walk in on us, he was watching all the time"? "Yep", was the only answer Sammy gave me.

"So what happens to me know", I asked in a fear cracking voice unsure of anything that was going to happen to me.

Sammy gave me one of those deep dimple smiles, "You are going to be trained just like I and other boys are being trained as a service boy or sex slave boy". I was all ears at this point, I'm not sure if I was excited by the idea or if I was even more scared by the idea. The one thing that I did know is that I was horny as could be listening to what Sammy was telling me. My dick was so hard it was stretching its skin and throbbing. I reached down to play with my happy toy when Sammy jerked his hands to his chest which caused my hands to follow his and away from my dick. "Remember what dad said", Sammy said, "he said no playing with ourselves or with each other and that he would be watching". "If he catches us playing with ourselves he'll punish us really hard". Sammy then took his finger and best as he could being tied to me pointed out camera in the dungeon, cameras that covered all parts of the dungeon, that his dad could see just everything that was going on in the dungeon.

"What does a service boy and a sex slave boy do", I asked. "A service boy and a sex slave boy are basically the same thing", Sammy informed me. "Our jobs are simple yet complicated". "Simply we are to please men in any way they request". "That might be sucking their dicks, licking their bodies and sometimes their boots and leather gear, letting them fuck us, taking a whipping or a flogging form them". Above all making them happy with our bodies", Sammy told me. "Letting them fuck us", I said in a fearful voice. "Yeah letting them fuck us, but that won't happen until you are 13, by that time you'll want them to fuck you", Sammy continued. "But doesn't that hurt really bad", I crocked out. "Yeah the first few times it hurts really bad, but seeing us in pain brings pleasure to them and that's our job, to bring pleasure to them", I was really scared now.

"How hard to they spank us, and what is a flogging", I asked to confirm or disprove my fear. "They spank really hard, it makes you butt sting worse than you can imagine", Sammy told me, "but to suffer for them give them really good pleasure and they will really love you for it". Then he pointed at a wall where leather things with handles hung. "Those are flogs and they use them to flog our backs, butts, inside our legs and our chests". "Sometimes they feel like someone is bunching you hard and other times they really sting, it just depends on the flog and how they use it", Sammy said with a hint of pride in his voice.

"Just remember you have to totally trust the men, they may cause you a lot of pain but they won't do anything that will last", Sammy said trying to comfort me and my trembling. "Oh, and if you think you can move out of the way of the flog you won't be able to because they will have you tied tight". You just have to stay there and take it". "And another thing", Sammy added, "when they are spanking you or flogging you or hitting you in the balls, try your hardest not to scream or call out, that just pisses them off more". "They don't want to hear your screams, but what they do want to see is for you to cry". So, do your best not to scream out in pain, just break down and cry as hard as you can, and they will love you more than you can imagine", he told me.

My mind was swarming with all this new stuff, things that I had never thought of or even knew existed. My life had completely changed in just a few days. I was excited that I was going to be a sex salve and sexually pleasure men. At the same time I was scared, scared that I was going to be subjected to what sounded like lots of pain. And the one thing that I feared most was that I was never going to be able to return to my home, to my mom, to my dad, that I would never see them again.

"Will I have to live with you from now on, will I ever get to go home", I asked Sammy? He saw the fear in my mind, he felt the trembling in my body. "Yes, you'll go home tomorrow afternoon, you'll live at your home, we'll go to school and scouts just like before, but you'll come here for slave boy training", Sammy reassured me.

"Oh, yeah, one more thing before I forget and you get punished for it and I would probably get punished for it". "Always remember to call the men SIR and always remember to thank them for both pleasure you might be having and also for pain that you might be having", Sammy urgently told me. "Remember thank you and SIR".

My mind was so confused from all the additional information and from the many emotional feelings that I was having. Thank them, call them SIR, don't scream in pain, cry, suffer for their pleasure, sex slave boy is to allow his body to be used for someone else's pleasure. So much information to process, so many feeling to try to sort out. But I was starting to like the situation I was in, I was getting harder by the second, I was hornier than ever before in my young 12-year-old life. I was going to be a sex slave boy for men's pleasure.

Just as my mind started to day dream on what was to come the door to the dungeon rotated. I looked that direction and could see Mr. McKenzy and another boy walking in the direction of the jail cell. "Cock sucker, faggot boy", the man in leather yelled, "On your feet".

Sammy and I rushed to stand up, but stumbled due to how our hands were locked to each other. We made it to our feet, "YES SIR", Sammy and I said in unison. Wow that felt good, to tell a man "Yes Sir", it made me feel submissive, it made me realize that I had taken the first step to give myself over to a man's total and complete control.

I was straining to see who the other boy was. Did I know him, if I did how embarrassed I was going to be, naked, locked to another boy, even if it was Sammy, and locked up in a jail cell like I was a criminal. As they walked closer my heart seemed to stop and my mouth fell open. It just wasn't another boy it was Tommy the 13-year-old 8th grader who Sammy told me had such a big dick and that he had sucked off in the shower at school.

Tommy was dressed only in a tight yellow speedo just like the one that Mr. McKenzy had given me and had made me strip off in front of him. I got to see just how hot Tommy was, his chest, arms, legs, stomach were all muscled up, his dick was stretching his yellow speedos out to the max. As they got closer I could see how Tommy's dick reached all the way to his right hip bone. Tommy was a dream, but why was he here, why was he in the dungeon?

The man in leather reached in his black leather vest pocket and pulled out a big key. He unlocked the jail cell and the door squeaked loudly as he opened it. He reached in the cage and grabbed the lock that held our hands together, "Get out here you fucking pigs", he yelled right in our faces. As soon as Sammy and I were outside the jail cell he unlocked our hands. It was quite a relief after being locked to each other. Even if it was Sammy the boy that I loved.

The relief was short lived as he moved behind us and locked our hands behind our backs. "Present", he order. I remembered that and went straight to my knees beside Sammy, knees apart, shoulders back, chest out, head down. This was so exciting, I loved the feelings I was getting.

"Piss boy", Mr. McKenzy yelled, "strip". It seemed like he had a degrading name for each of us, I was cock sucker, Sammy was faggot boy, and Tommy was piss boy. Piss boy? I knew how I got my name, because I had been caught sucking dicks in the tent and then sucking Mr. McKenzy's son's dick. Faggot boy was Sammy and I was sure there was a reason why he was called that. But piss boy, how did Tommy get the name piss boy? My mind started to wander and I could only imagine how he got his name, and it was so filthy.

I saw Tommy's yellow speedo fall on the floor right in front of me. I wanted to see his naked body, his huge dick so bad, but I didn't dare look up at him. Just the thought of him naked standing this close to me made my dick jump and hurt.

Piss boy this is our new boy. He's called cock sucker because he loves sucking cocks. Shit, was it not embarrassing enough to be seen stark naked, on my knees and with my head in the most submissive position? Now he was telling dream boy Tommy how I sucked dicks and even that I loved sucking dicks. I felt heat overtaking my entire body, my face must have been so red in embarrassment. I just wanted to curl up in a little ball and hide.

"Yes, he loves sucking cocks, he can't get enough cock to suck, but then again, he has never been introduced to your big dick", the man in leather continued. I was now scared more than ever, what kind of reputation was I going to have at school, around town, I was going to be known as the biggest dick sucker every. Tears were flowing from my eyes now. "I think it's time he got introduced to your cock, piss boy", Mr. McKenzy just kept making it worse.

"Yes Master", Tommy sharply said. The next thing I remember is Tommy's dick touching my face. It hung all the way from my forehead down past my lower lip. Big dick? No, it was bigger than big. I could feel the heat from his dick as he rubbed it back and forth on my face. Drips of pre-cum was flowing from his piss slit and being smeared all over my chin.

"Cock sucker you want his dick in your mouth don't you", Mr. McKenzy asked, "you want it to suck his dick don't you". "Yes Sir", I said in almost a whisper not wanting Tommy to hear me. "What did you say cock sucker", Mr. McKenzy yelled. "Yes Sir" I said again but still trying to keep Tommy from hearing me. Whack ... Mr. McKenzy's hand slapped my butt so hard that it stung and I almost screamed out, but at the last moment remembered what Sammy had told me.

"Speak up so you echo off the dungeon walls and tell piss boy what you want, or do you want another love tap on your ass", Mr. McKenzy ordered.

I was embarrassed beyond embarrassment, I was going to have to tell Tommy that I wanted to suck his dick or I was going to get another hard slap on my butt. "I ah I want to suck your dick", I said between tears of shame. "Tell him again", I was ordered. A little louder, "I want to suck your dick", there I said it, I no longer had any pride in myself.

"Then suck it you fucking cock sucker", the man in leather told me.

I opened my mouth wide, placed my lips against Tommy's soft dick head and sucked it in past my lips. His dick head was all slimy with pre-cum but the sweet taste of it on my tongue was like medicine. All my humiliation left and all I could think of was how bad I wanted Tommy's big dick in my mouth. How bad I wanted to give him pleasure, how bad I want to hear him moan and his dick get bone hard.

I started my best, my cock sucking best. I was sucking the head of his cock, not only was it long it was also think, just the head and may be 2 more inches filled my mouth. "Suck his cock boy", Mr. McKenzy in a very authoritan voice, "suck his fucking cock"! I could feel Tommy's dick getting harder and the harder it got the longer and thicker it got. Suddenly I felt a hand on the back of my head pushing me toward Tommy and more of Tommy's dick into my mouth. Tommy moaned, "fuck yes you bitch, suck my cock".

I was taking as much into my mouth as I possibly could but I could see there was still half of that mammoth dick that I couldn't get. Mr. McKenzy pushed hard on my head and Tommy's dick hit the back of my throat. My hands were restrained behind my back, I couldn't even use them to push away. I gagged, tears were flowing from my eyes. I had to get his dick out of my mouth or I felt like I was going to throw up, but my head was being held in place and wouldn't let go.

Then the hand that was shoving my mouth deeper and deeper on Tommy's dick let up the pressure. I immediately pulled my head back and slime flowed from my mouth. As soon as I pulled back the hand grabbed my hair, jerking it back and up so that I was looking right into the man in leather eyes. "I thought you were a cock sucker boy", Mr. McKenzy shouted, then he spits right in my face. "Are you a cock sucker or just a little pussy boy", he shouted at me again. All my humility was gone I had slime and spit running down my face, I yelled back at him, "Yes, I'm a cock sucker".

"Then you're going to learn how to take his entire cock in your mouth and down your throat", Sir yelled at me. I didn't even take a second to wipe the slime off my face. I dove in on Tommy's cock with renewed determination. In one swift move, I planted his now rock-hard cock all the way back in my mouth. I pressed harder and started to gag again. I wasn't going to be humiliated any more, I held his cock touching the back of my throat and tried to control my gagging. My stomach was heaving and I'm sure you could see my stomach muscles contracting uncontrollable.

It felt like my stomach was coming up my food tube, I was running out of air and the gagging was not calming down. I pulled off Tommy's cock, I was crying, not because I was scared or humiliated, but because I was failing. I was failing on living up to my name, cock sucker. More slime had collected in my mouth and was running out and running onto my chest. "Again", Sir ordered. I looked up at Tommy and saw the passion he had in his eyes, I had to do this if not for myself for Tommy.

I went back down on his huge dick again, this time taking a little time in getting it to the back of my throat. I took a deep breath and pushed my mouth harder and deeper on his dick. I felt it hit the back of my throat and then slide a little down my throat. Was this what Mr. McKenzy was wanting? Tommy's big dick was in my throat. Was this far enough. "You still have 2 more inches cock sucker", Sir was telling me. I pushed harder and felt a little more slide down. I was gagging but I didn't care, tears were running down my face mixing with the slime and spit, but I didn't care. I was going to be the best cock sucker in my school or die trying.

I started to get dizzy and realized it was because I was out of air, I need to breath. There was no other option than to pull off his dick. I repeated this 5 or 6 times. Going down on Tommy's dick, letting it hit the back of my throat, then pushing harder and harder to get it to slide down my throat. But each time the head of his dick would hit something in my throat and wouldn't go any further. Each time more and more slime flowing from my mouth running off my face and down my chest, I was covered in slime.

I finally pulled off, crying harder than ever. "I can't do it Sir", I got out as I gasped for air. I had failed. Suddenly everything went black and I could feel my head being sharply turned. It took a couple of seconds to realize that Mr. McKenzy had slapped my face and slapped it hard. It hurt, it stung really bad and it made me cry more.

"Don't you ever use that word in my presence", Sir was screaming at me in anger, "don't you ever fucking use the word can't where I can hear it". "You fucking understand me cunt"? Then he spits in my face again.

There was no question that he was really mad at me, I was unable to please him, I was unable to take Tommy's dick all the way. I shook my head yes, but that was the wrong thing to do. He slapped me again on the other cheek, slime and snot and spit went flying in every direction, both sides of my face stung. "Yes Sir", I was able to respond with a raspy voice. My throat hurt, my cheeks hurt, my butt hurt and my emotions hurt.

I looked up at Mr. McKenzy then looked up at Tommy and finally I looked at that big dick pulsing in front of my face. I had no choice, I had been ordered to do it, I was no longer in control of myself or my body. I took another deep breath, I thought for a second and with all the determination I could muster up I plunged back down on Tommy's beautiful dick.

Just like before his dick head hit the back of my throat, but I didn't gag. Then I felt his dick head start to slide down my throat, I was starting to like the feeling. His dick head hit that spot and wouldn't go any further. I wasn't going to fail this time, I pushed hard and it just wouldn't go past. I was starting to panic, I needed air, I pushed one last time and actually felt a pop in my throat and Tommy's big dick slide all the way down. I could feel the smooth hairless skin of his pressing into my nose. I had done it, but my mind was in a fog, I couldn't feel my face stinging anymore.

"AH FUCK, FUCK, FUCK AHHHHHHH FUCK YOU BITCH", Tommy was screaming at the top of his lungs as he fired his hot cum on down my throat and into my stomach. Then things went all black and I felt my body relax and crumble to the floor causing Tommy's dick to slide out of my throat and mouth.

When I came too I was lying in a lump on the floor, slime, spit, nose snot, and Tommy's cum all mixed on my face. Mr. McKenzy was kneeling next to me on one side Tommy and Sammy on the other side. They were all giving me a passionate smile. I wanted to scream for all the world to hear, but when I spoke it was only a faint raspy whisper, "I did it".

"Your dam fucking right you did it", Mr. McKenzy said.

"Dam right, you really did it", Sammy said with a great dimpled smile.

"You're the best cock sucker, you can suck my dick anytime", Tommy said as he reached down and rubbed my slimy chest.

I was so proud of myself. I had brought real pleasure to Tommy and made him cum. Sammy was proud of me, I had pleased Sir and I had succeeded at being a sex slave boy.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 9

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