Just a Little Submissive Boy

Published on Jul 29, 2022


Just a Little Submissive boy 6

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 I love hearing from readers and appreciate any comments or critiques. Send an email to boyscout2train@yahoo.com.

The majority of these writing are from my own person experience and are a true reporting of them, where there is some liberty in making the stories more vivid I will notify the reader of that. Some names have been changed to protect persons involved. It is important to remember that all descriptions are and continue to be completely consensual.

Although the vast majority of this chapter are actual and true events the author has used some liberties to enhance the reader's experience. Those liberties will be left up to the reader to determine what is real life and what is fiction.

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The next morning we woke up, had breakfast, broke camp and packed the scout trailer up. None of the guys in my tent said a single word about what we had done the night before or what my talk with Mr. McKinzy was about. They kind of stay clear of me probably thinking that I was in trouble or that I had squealed on them.

Sammy finally acknowledge me when he came up and put his big arm around my shoulders, pulled me into to him, and asked, "Are you okay"? I responded with a shake of my head which caused him to hug me with the arm around my shoulders. "Everything is going to be okay, I know you're going to love our patrol", he reassured me. It felt so good to have someone recognize me and even better to have one of the guys touch me with reassurance.

I rode the hour and a half home with Mr. McKinzy, Sammy and Todd. Todd had called shotgun meaning that he got the front passenger seat, leaving Sammy and myself in the back seat. I dozed off during the ride. When I woke up we were still a half an hour away from home. But what woke me up was Sammy's hand. He had rested it on my left half way between my knee and my hip. I didn't reject, but I was confused, how could Sammy be this bold with his dad right in front of us? I looked over at Sammy with wonder in my eyes only to find that he was looking at me with a smile on his face. I nodded my head in the direction of his dad, he just kept smiling and worded, "it's okay".

When we arrived in town we dropped Todd off first. After Mr. McKinzy said a few words to his parents we headed to my house. Just before we pulled into my driveway Sammy turned my direction and gave me a big hug, "we'll see you at the patrol meeting", he whispered in my ear. When the car stopped I jumped out, Mr. McKinzy opened the truck and I drug my camping gear out. Mr. McKinzy spent a few minutes talking to my mom, dad was out on one of his trips. He explained that the troop made some adjustments at summer camp and that I was now assigned to his son's patrol and that he would be serving as my mentor. Mom seemed to be agreeable, so everything was worked out.

The next Tuesday mom had to run to the store so she dropped me off at Sammy's house around 4:00 pm. Mr. McKinzy wasn't still at work so Sammy and I had some time to talk and get to know each other better. Sammy was 14 so he knows so much more about the world than I did. He asked me if I had a girlfriend, which I didn't. Asked me about my family life, and then the conversation turned to that last night at scout camp. He said for a guy my age it looked like I was really into the sexy challenges and wasn't afraid to take on any challenge. I smiled when he said that, but I was in no way going to tell him about all the stuff I had done before. Sucking Billy and Jerry, sucking all the guys at the birthday party. I didn't want him to get the impression that I was a fag, even though anyone looking at what I had done would have no questions.

He also asked if I could cum yet, which I still couldn't and was honest with him. He described how good it felt to shoot cum. We also talked about cum stuff I hadn't even thought about, how it was clear when guys first got their cum, but how it got thicker and turned white when the matured. We talked about the amount that guys cum and how far cum shoots. I was hard all the time we were talking and it showed through my shorts. I thought I noticed Sammy a couple of times checking out the tent I had in my shorts. This just made me harder, thinking about someone looking at my dick.

"Hey, you want to see something dirty", Sammy asked? I was horny and hell yes, I wanted to see it and let him know by simply shaking my head yes. We ran up to Sammy's room where he dug into his bottom dresser drawer and pulled out a porn magazine. That was the first time I saw a magazine with naked people in it, and what shocked me even more was the magazine only featured men. Men doing all kinds of sexy thing. Sucking each other, kissing, showing off their huge dicks, one page showed a guy with his head buried in another guys butt. The look on the guy who was having it done to him was totally awesome. His mouth was wide open, his eyes were glassed over, it must have felt really good.

Another color page showed one guy laying on his back holding his legs up in the air. The other guy was standing between his legs and you could see his massive dick pointing right at the guys ass hole. "What are they doing", I asked Sammy. "There fucking", was his response. "But it takes a girl and a boy to fuck, two guys can't fuck", my innocence was showing. "Oh yeah they can and do", Sammy explained, "the guy on top sticks his dick into the other guys ass hole and fucks him in the ass". "What", this was all so new to me. "Yeah, guys really get into it", Sammy continued. My mind had immediately changed from thinking about how good sucking was to how it must feel for two guys to fuck.

As we laid on his bed both of us were hard as looked at the porn magazine. I wasn't even conscious that I was humping Sammy's bed, I was so caught up dreaming of doing some, no everything that I was seeing on the pages. Sammy was laying right beside me also humping the bed and exciting his dick. "Dam, I need to jack off so bad", Sammy said. Before I could even think about what I was saying, "Yeah me too, I want to jack off too". Sammy looked over at the clock on his desk, "dam it's too late, dad will be home anytime".

Just about that time we heard the front door open and knew his dad was home. Sammy scrambled to gather the porn magazine up and stuff it back in his dresser drawer, hiding it. What a disappointment that was, I almost had the chance to jack off with hot Sammy, see his big dick and watch him when he shot his cum. Maybe even give him a quick suck if he would agree. But it wasn't going to happen now.

"Sammy", his dad called from the bottom of the staircase. Sammy and I took off to had downstairs. "Oh, I'm glad you're here, I hope you and Sammy had some time to spend together and get to know each other better". "Remember we are going to practice knots at the patrol meeting tonight", his dad reminded him. "Why don't you run downstairs and get about 8 of the short ropes, Sammy", his dad directed. Sammy headed for the kitchen where the basement stairs were and I started behind him. "Oh no, not you, Sammy can get them himself, I have other things that you can help with", McKinzy told me. So I stayed upstairs and help get chairs set up out in the back by the swimming pool.

Within minutes the rest of the patrol boys showed up and we got the meeting started. When all the formalities were over we paired off in groups of two and started practicing knots. I was with Sammy, he would show me a new knot then I would demonstrate it back to him. When it came time to do the clove hitch Sammy had me extend my right arm and tied the clove hitch on my arm. "Got it", he asked. "Yeah, I think so", was my response. "I don't think so" and with those words Sammy quickly swung around me pulling my right arm behind my back. Then he grabbed my other arm and forced it behind my back. Before I know what was happening Sammy had both my hands tied tightly behind my back and I couldn't get loose.

I pulled at the knot trying to get loose, then my 12-year-old mind found the relationship between my hands being bound and the sexual bondage I was in the last night of summer camp. Immediately my dick stood straight up and tried to push its way out of my shorts. There is was, standing with my hands tied behind my back, my dick hard as a rock and tenting my pants, right there in front of all the boys of the patrol. Sammy not missing an opportunity saw my hard dick and swung around back in front of me and standing inches from my face. "Got you boy, you can't do a thing", Sammy said as he moved closer and rubbed his thigh against my throbbing dick. I couldn't keep myself from my natural reaction, I moaned in the pleasure of be bound and my dick being stimulated. Sammy just looked at me and gave me an evil grin.

When I came to some of my senses I looked around hoping that none of the other guys had noticed my tented shorts and moans. None of them seemed to as they were caught up in their own knot skills. Then I saw Mr. McKinzy standing only a few feet away. He was watching Sammy and I closely and was smiling. Was he smiling at my predicament or was he smiling at Sammy's skills to get me into this helpless position? I couldn't tell. To add to my embracement Sammy was right in my face, "You're mine boy", he whispered and again rubbed my dick harder with his leg. I did the only thing that I could do, I closed my eyes and moaned again but louder this time.

I lost all track of time, I have no idea if Sammy had me tied up for a minute or for an hour. All I knew was that I was having those feelings again that Mr. McKinzy asked at camp. I was having the feelings of helplessness, being at the total will of another person, not being able to resist anything regardless of I liked it or not. A few weeks later I would learn a word that described exactly what I was feeling, I was feeling submission.

"Okay boys that will do it for tonight", Mr. McKinzy said, "take the knots out of your ropes and give them to Sammy then circle up". Sammy started to untie my hands but not before all the other boys saw how he had me bound and most likely saw the tent in my shorts. Embracement, helpless, viable, horny and sexy, I was experiencing all those feeling one on top of the other. I wanted sex.

Soon after all the boys departed, Mr. McKinzy, Sammy and I when into the kitchen and had dinner. Afterwards Mr. McKinzy announced he was going to catch some TV and that if I and Sammy want to take a swim it was okay. Hey, I was 12 and Sammy was 14, what boys that age would pass up a chance to go swimming. I grabbed my swimsuit from my bag and headed to the downstairs bathroom while Sammy run upstairs to get his swimsuit on. I finished changing first and was waiting at the back door for Sammy. When he came down my eyes almost jumped out of my head and my dick almost jumped out of my swimsuit. Sammy had put on a pair of red Speedos that honestly looked like he had outgrown them last year. I could clearly see his dick making an imprint in the silky fabric, I could even make out the head of his dick and it looked like he was half hard. I wanted to touch him so bad, I wanted to suck him.

He quickly walked past me and slapped my ass hard, "let's go boy". There was so much happening at his house that I was hornier then I had ever been and know he was calling me "boy" which for some reason was making me feel even more horny.

We scampered out on the pool deck and jumped right into the water. The water was warm but also refreshing. Sammy grabbed me and we started wrestling around. Our bodies were touching each other's and we were grabbing each other anyplace he could reach trying to gain control of the other. Quickly Sammy proved to me that I was no match for him. He could manhandle me in any way he wanted and I wasn't strong enough to fend him off. "Man do you always have a hard on", Sammy asked me with little respect. "No, I don't have a hard on", I lied. "You do to boy", and with that he stripped my swimsuit straight down to my knees. To keep from drowning I kicked them off my feet, then went after them.

Sammy grabbed me by the arm, "leave them", he said in an authoritarian voice. Sammy had a way of saying some things that little doubt in my mind that I had to do it. I was now naked in his outdoor pool, nothing to cover myself up with, and his dad was just inside and could show up any second. I tried the best I could to cover my hard dick with my hands, but we were in deep water and I had to depend on my arms and hands to stay afloat. "Ha-ha, you said you weren't hard, you're as hard as I am", Sammy said. With that the dark tanned blond bombshell lowered his Speedos down below his dick and balls. He was hard alight just as hard as could be.

All those sexual things put our grab ass play to an end. We now swam down to the shallow end of the pool where Sammy finished stripping his Speedos off and threw them onto the pool deck. "Doesn't it feel good to swim naked", Sammy asked. "Yeah", was all I could manage to say. It did feel incredible, the water flowing past my dick and balls, my ass sticking up out of the water as I sway. It was hot and so daring to be naked outside. Even better to be naked outside with this boy that was so sexy.

We stood in the shallow end of the pool talking about anything and probably everything that dealt with sex. We were standing so close that our dicks were rubbing together, making it hard to concentrate on what was being said. After a few minutes Sammy looked at me and said, "hey remember what we wanted to do just before dad came home"? "Remember we both wanted to jack off", he reminded me. "Uahu", was my nervous answer. "Let's do it now", Sammy injected. "Right here, right now, what about your dad, he could come out anytime and catch us". As bad as I wanted to jack off and get the feeling, I was scared. "He won't" Sammy reassured me, "come on".

Sammy climbed out of the pool completely naked, his hard dick bobbing in the air and at the ready. I lagged, still scared we would get caught and all the embarrassment that would come from that. As Sammy was laying down on one of the reclining pool chairs he looked back at me and said, "come on pussy boy, let's get to jacking". I looked over my shoulder and all around the back yard to make sure no one was looking on. Then I slowly climbed out of the pool, standing at the side stark naked and feeling the breeze blowing between my legs, tickling my balls and giving my dick a whole new feeling. Oh, I was so horny, and right before me was sexy Sammy, the boy of my dreams.

I snuck over to a pool recliner next to Sammy who had already started stroking his super hard dick. For a while I just sat there looking at the sexiest guy I knew. I studied his body, I want to look so much like him, sexy in every way. The I started questioning my sex knowledge. Sammy was 14 years old but he didn't have any hair around his dick, I thought all 14-year olds had hair down there. Then I noticed that he didn't have any underarm hair either. All 14-year olds have underarm hair don't they? I had always thought that before a boy could cum he had to have hair around his dick. Could Sammy cum? I was confused at this point.

Sammy shook me out of my thoughts, "Hey pussy boy you going to start working on that dick of yours or not"? I was so nervous but horny all at the sometime. Anyone could see us laying there jacking off, anyone. Cautiously I laid back on the recliner and reached down to stroke my dick. I had such a need to get the feeling that I had to do it. I jacked my dick and jacked my dick, soon my thoughts turned from my fear of being caught to my physical feelings of lust. My eyes closed shut as my mind drifted to the sexy boy I was lying next to and we were both jacking off right there, right then. I wanted to see Sammy cum, I wanted to see how his body reacted to the ultimate pleasure, I wanted to see his white creamy cum shoot from his big dick. But could Sammy cum yet? No hair equaled no cum in my world. All I could hope is that before he squirted his cum he would say something or I could tell by his moans.

What a new wonderful feeling, outdoors completely naked, the gentle breeze tickling my little ball sack, the same breeze blowing across my naked chest and little dime size nipples. Totally and completely exposed, I could only imagine the entire world watching my little naked 12-year-old body as I jacked off to the pending mind-blowing feelings.

I was so caught up in all these new feelings that I hardly realized that my hand was no longer jacking my dick off, but I was still being jacked off. It took me a few seconds to realize this and then a few more seconds to process it. Someone else's hand was on my little dick and was jacking me off. For a minute or two I didn't care who's hand it was, it just felt so good as the feelings started to overcome my body and mind and my moans became louder. I cracked open my eyes, and discovered Sammy had sit up on his recliner and he was now jacking me off. I looked at him and he looked back, he had a wild grin on his face. It looked like he was enjoying it as much as I was.

He had his hand completely closed around my little dick and was moving his hand all the way up and over the top of my dick. Every time his hand would come up and move over the head of my dick my whole body would shutter. I was moaning louder and louder with each stroke he took. That special feeling had completely encompassed me in my entirety. There was no other world except the feelings of my dick and my body. Every muscle in my body tensed up, my back arched up off the recliner and my body was shaking uncontrollable. I could no longer hold back and was about to scream in pleasure and bliss when Sammy stopped stroking me.

I was devastated, I was so ready to reach the peak of that special feeling, I wanted it so bad and now I wasn't going to get it. I reached down for my own dick to finish what Sammy had stopped. Sammy slapped my hand away and with that authoritian voice again used those words, "leave it". I jerked my hand away, his voice left on choice but to obey him.

"Stand up and come over here", Sammy said as he moved to the edge of the pool. I did as I was told in all the glory of my nakedness. "Put your hands behind your back and act like they are tied up just like I tied them earlier, don't move them and don't make a sound", Sammy commanded of me. Again, I obeyed him, his authoritian voice was starting to push me beyond being horny, I was in a totally new world. I stood there at the edge of the pool exactly as Sammy had commanded, I liked the feeling of being controlled by another person, especially when it came to sex.

Sammy stood right in front of me, only about 6 inches from my face, "you like this don't you boy", he asked. By this time I was so overcome with the rush of new feelings I was experiencing that all I could do is shake my head yes. But in doing so I took the biggest step in my young life, I came to realize that I had accepted my position and my submission, and it made me happy.

Sammy just stared into my eyes and I returned the stare. Suddenly he took both his hand and pinched my dime size nipples. It felt good, really good. Then he squeezed harder and started to twist them. My face screwed up in pain. I gasped due to the pain and my knees started to buckle, it hurt really bad. "Shut you fucking mouth boy", Sammy said in a mean voice so unlike him. He pinched harder and twisted more, my mouth stood wide open but not a sound came out of it, my knees buckled and I almost fell to the pool deck. I was obeying him I was confirming to myself that I was accepting my submission to this beautiful 14-year-old boy.

"That's more like it boy", Sammy said with a bit of compassion, "you like that don't you boy"? Again, I couldn't find the words to describe my feelings, and anyway he had told me not to make a sound. All I could do was shake my head yes. I was so horny at this point standing there naked for the entire world to see, Sammy hurting my little nipples, and my little 4-inch dick throbbing with need, I had never been this horny in my life.

Again, Sammy was standing there staring directly into my eyes and with an evil grin on his face. I was trying to stare back into his beautiful blue eyes, but my vision was blurred from the pain he had just delivered. Sammy reached down and grabbed by ball sack right where it attached under my dick. He squeezed and then pulled down on it so that he was pulling by little balls down. The pain shot from by balls throughout my entire body, I was feeling weak and my mouth flew wide open, I gasped at the new pain but caught myself half way through the gasp and stopped it. I had already been in trouble with Sammy for making sounds when he was torturing my nipples. I didn't want to be in trouble again, I wanted to do what he had told me to do.

Sammy tugged harder on my balls, I was afraid that he was going to crush them. I started crying in pain, but not a sound came out of my mouth. Tears were flowing down my face, I felt sick in my stomach, my knees buckled due to the pain and I almost fell to the pool deck before catching myself. Sammy continued to pull down harder and harder on my balls, I was crying harder and harder. It was all I could do to keep from falling to the ground and rolling in pain. But the harder he pulled the harder my little dick got, it was throbbing and bouncing now, it was so hard that it hurt and I thought the inside of my dick was going to explode right out the head.

Just as quickly as he had jerked my balls down he let them go. The relief wasn't immediate, they still hurt and I still felt sick to my stomach. But I had not made a sound and I had not moved my hands from behind my back. I found myself being proud for obeying Sammy's orders and not quitting no matter how much pain he was causing me.

The next thing that Sammy did totally caught me off balance. As I stood there perfectly still, hands behind my back and totally exposed to whatever he wanted to do to me. Sammy wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly, the feeling of his warm naked chest against mine was almost more than I could handle, I felt weak again. Then he shocked me when he kissed me right on the lips. It wasn't one of those kisses I was used to from my mom or grandma, this was a kiss of passion a kiss of love. I cocked my head to the side to receive his kiss and the tears in my eyes changed from tears of pain to tears of happiness. I had never been kissed by a boy before, this was a first and I was completely loving it. I had taken all the pain that Sammy gave me and I had not resisted it, I had not tried to avoid it, I had made Sammy happy. I cried harder out of happiness.

Sammy kissed me for well over a minute, it almost felt like an eternity, and I was loving every second of the kiss from this beautiful blond haired, blue eye, sexy guy. He finally broke the kiss and hug. He placed both his hands on both of my shoulders, I felt pressure on my shoulders, "suck my dick bitch", came out of his mouth. I didn't even hesitate, I didn't even think, I went right to my knees, opened my mouth wide and took his hard-dripping dick right in as far as I could get it. "Ah yeah, suck my dick", Sammy commanded. I sucked all his dick, well at least as much as I could get in my mouth. I sucked from the very tip of his dick all the way down until it hit the back of my throat and I started to gag.

I found Sammy's hands on the back of my head guiding my sucking motions. "Take my dick you bitch", he snarled at me, "take all my dick cocksucker". With that he forced more and more of his dick in my mouth. It hit the back of my throat and I gagged but that didn't stop him. He pulled my head back and then forced it back on his dick and further in. I was gagging, tears were running from my eyes and slime from my throat was covering Sammy's dick. Suddenly he tightened his grip on my head and thrust his hips forward, ramming his hard cock down into my throat. I felt it reach a tight point in my throat and then the tight spot yielded to his thrusts and his dick slid right down my throat. He held is dick deep down in my throat, I was beyond gagging, I had accepted it into my body, my lips were pressed against Sammy's hairless skin. He held it that deep for so long that I felt an urgent need to breath. I started to push him away from me so I could get his dick out of my throat and breath. Sammy slapped the back of my head, "take it bitch, take my fucking cock". I got the idea, I had no say in what was happening to me, as Sammy had said before I was his cocksucker. I stopped fighting him.

Just as I thought I was going to pass out from lack of air Sammy pulled his dick from my throat and out of my mouth. There was slime dripping from my mouth and slime dripping from his throbbing dick. "Ah AH, fucking YESSSSSSS", Sammy screamed as he unloaded his cum and five or six blasts hit me right in the face and even some right in my wide open gasping mouth. It tasted super good, salty but sweet all at the same time and I swallowed it, wishing there was more of it. I was a mess, slime dripping form my mouth and all over my face mixed with Sammy's cum which was covering my face and mixing with the tears that were still flowing from my eyes.

Was my knowledge of boys and cum ever wrong, although Sammy didn't have any hair around his dick he shot a huge amount of cum, and my face was proof of that.

"Nice, very fucking nice", I heard from a voice behind me. It took me a second but I recognized the voice, it was the voice of Mr. McKinzy. He had been watching us have rough sex we had seen everything. I was shocked and read to run when Sammy said, "I think he is ready dad, I think he is more ready than I ever way". "I agree with you son, he is certainly a completely submissive boy", Mr. McKinzy said.

I was completely confused, I was scared that his dad had seen everything that I had willingly done, the pain from my nipples, the crushing pain from my balls, and the forced sucking of Sammy's dick all the way down my throat. But he didn't sound mad or even surprised, he sounded happy, he sounded satisfied. What was all this about, I was totally lost, Mr. McKinzy must like seeing boys do sexual things to each other. Just the thought of this made my dick jump right back to maximum hardness and throb.

"I think you better finish up Sammy", his dad told him. With that Sammy took me by the hand and lead me back to the pool recliners. He told me to lay down and then he took my 4-inch dick into his mouth and started sucking me. He started licking the slit where I piss out of and then took just the head of my dick in his mouth. He used his tongue and touched every part of the head of my dick, then he took the whole dick in his warm wet mouth and sucked hard on it. After only a couple of these moves he had me moaning loudly and breathing fast and hard.

I looked over and Mr. McKinzy was standing there watching and smiling at us. I discovered another thing about myself, I liked it when men watched me having sex. My dick was throbbing begging to reach the cleft of that special feeling where I would fall over the cleft. Sammy pulled back to where only the head of my dick was in his mouth, after teasing my dick head with his tongue he plunged all of it in his mouth and started going up and down while applying a big suction. Every muscle in my body tensed up, my back arched up off the recliner and my body was trembling and out of control. I could no longer hold back I was on the edge of that cleft, I couldn't breathe but scream in pleasure and bliss as I fell over the edge. I think that I even blacked out because the feelings were so intense. More intense than I had ever experienced before.

I lay there exhausted, trying to get my breathing under control. My face was still covered with the slime and Sammy's massive cum load. Not to mention the tears and now sweat. I finally looked down at my own chest, hoping that there was a lot of my cum all over it, but there wasn't a drop of cum. Out of breath I asked Sammy if I had cum in his mouth. He responded that I had not and that I was still to young to have cum, but it would happen soon.

"Okay boys, excellent job, Sammy I'm very proud of you, Randy I'm very proud of you". "I told you that you are a very special boy and you certainly proved it tonight", Mr. McKinzy told us. "Jump in the pool and clean off, then dry off and don't forget your swimsuits". "It's time we got you home", Mr. McKinzy told us.

We jumped into the pool and rubbed the remnants of sex off us. Sammy swam over to me and give me a big hug and another passionate kiss, "you did good tonight, very good", he said to me. "Did I please you", I asked him back. "You pleased me very well", he responded. This made me happy all over again. What a night it had been, I experienced so many new sexual things and so many new feelings that I couldn't even start to figure them out.

We climbed out of the pool and dried off, grabbed our swimsuits and headed into the house to get dressed. When we were all dressed and I had gathered up all my things we got into Mr. McKinzy's car and he drove me home. Very tired but very happy.

On the way home Sammy asked me if I liked everything that we had done that night. Of course I did, I loved everything that we had done, I loved all the new feelings and emotions that I had experienced and told him so. "Well there's lots more of it if you want more", Mr. McKinzy said. "Yeah, I want to do more of it, I want to do all of it", I responded. "Then I don't need to tell you that what happens at my house stays at my house and we don't talk about it to anyone", he continued, "you agree to that". "Yes Sir", I said not just to Mr. McKinzy but also to Sammy.

"Great", Mr. McKinzy said, "you boys then need to make plans for a sleep over this weekend then".

Next: Chapter 7

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