Just a Little Submissive Boy

Published on Jul 20, 2022


Just a Little Submissive Boy 4

Boy Scout Advancement – Chapter 4

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The majority of these writing are from my own person experience and are a true reporting of them, where there is some liberty in making the stories more vivid I will notify the reader of that. Some names have been changed to protect persons involved. It is important to remember that all descriptions are and continue to be completely consensual.

Although the vast majority of this chapter are actual and true events the author has used some liberties to enhance the reader's experience. Those liberties will be left up to the reader to determine what is real life and what is fiction.

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Our nightly strip poker games continued at each campout. As time went on so did the sexual acts that we would have to perform when we had lost all our clothes. With each campout the sexual acts would become more and more daring. First it was just touching each other's naked bodies, rubbing our dicks together or stroking ourselves in front of the other boys. But in a few months things really changed. When a new sexual act would be introduced it would be stated as a dare. I dare you to stroke him, I dare you to kiss his dick, I dare you to put his dick in your mouth. No boy would ever consider saying no to a dare, it would just be unmanly or unboyly in our case.

In June, our troop went to a week-long summer camp. Of course, our nightly strip poker games were nightly occurrences as were are sexual activities. Since I was so ready for sex I learned quickly how to lose in poker so that I would be one of the first to have to sexually perform in front of the other guys. I had to play it cool because I didn't want outed as being a queer, although I didn't consider myself queer at that time of my life, just a horny 12-year-old that liked sex and wanted more and more of it.

The first night at summer camp sure enough I was the first to be naked and the first to have to perform a dare. That was the night that I returned to what I so much liked. I was naked, Kim lost his clothing next, then I lost again and was the subject of the dare. Sammy came up with the dare and announced it to all the guys, "we dare you to suck Kim's dick for 3 minutes".

"Suck his dick", I questioned with a shocked and puzzled look on my face. "Yeah, suck his dick for 3 minutes", Sammy repeated, "are you going to take the dare or not"? I looked at Kim hoping to find some relief, but he was just lying on his back with a big smile on his face. "Well you going to do it or not", Kerry injected. "He's going to chicken out", someone else added.

Fuck there was no way I could chicken out with all these guys pressuring me. A quick look at Kim again, no relief, he was laying there with his dick in his hand and pointing it at me. "Suck me". I looked around the other boys checking their expressions, hoping they would a second say they were just kidding, but no such relief from them.

Slowly I looked at Kim's hard dick and lowered my head toward it. Hesitating as much as I possibly could. My face was just now inches from his hard dick and I could see a little clear liquid right at the piss slit. I turned my head, hoping upon hoping that someone would stop this embarrassment by telling me they were just kidding. No such luck, I had to do it and I had to do it while everyone was watching.

I opened my mouth and extended my tongue. Suddenly my tongue touched the tip of Kim's dick and I tasted the sweet honey juice that was leaking out. I lowered my mouth and closed my lips around the head of his dick. The feel of his dick in my mouth, the sweet smell of his manhood, and just the thought that I was doing this while everyone watched, was almost more than I could handle.

I was in a world that was all focused-on sex, it felt so good, so natural for me I almost didn't hear Kim's brother Kerry telling me, "well suck him, move your mouth up and down on his dick". So, I did exactly as instructed, I started moving my mouth down on Kim's dick until it hit the back of my throat and I gagged a little, then all the way to were just the tip of it was in my mouth. It felt fantastic in my mouth and must have felt even better for Kim who was at this time moaning and gasping for air.

"Oh, oh, oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, I'mmmmm goingoing to", Kim was panting. "Stop", Sammy was insisting, "Stop before you make him cum". I slowly pully my mouth off Kim's dick making sure that I squeezed his dick head between my lips hoping that I might get just another taste of his pre-cum.

"Fuck he really did it", Trevor said in shock. "Fucking right he did", Kim said catching his breath, "and it fucking feels really good". I just looked up with a grin on my face, pretty much saying to them, yeah, I took your dare and I did it, I'm no chicken.

By the 4th night at summer camp things were really progressing in the dares. Everyone was sucking each other dicks. I was getting better and could take Kim's dick all the way into my throat with just a little gagging. Even after the poker games and the dares some of the guys were pairing off and sleeping under the same covers. My imagination was going wild thinking about what they were doing under those sheets.

The 4th night I also scored big on another dare. This time it was to suck Todd off until he came. Todd was really enjoying it, he was gasping for air and moaning so loud that Trevor had to use his had to quiet him. Todd was pumping his hips up off the ground and actually fucking my mouth. When it finally reached that point of no return he arched his back high in the air and stopped breathing. Although it was not stated in the dare, I let him shoot his cum into my mouth, it was so sweet and salty at the same time and the temperature of his creamy cum just made me hornier. I tasted his cum and let it stay in my mouth for a few seconds before spitting it outside the tent flap.

Our last night in camp, we knew we had to make it an all-out sexual party. It would be another month before we could enjoy things we were all loving. We had to make it a total delight. All day I had been thinking of what the groups dares would be, the more I thought the hornier I got. By time for us to retire to our tents for the night I was in the mood that I would do anything they dared me to do.

This night, as hard as I tried, I wasn't the first to get naked. Kerry lost his clothing first, then Trevor. I was the third, so I was the third to have to take the dare. When my time came everyone was just horny and thinking with the little heads.

Trevor came up with my dare, "okay you're going to lay on your back spread your arms to the side and spread your legs open. Kim you're going to fuck his mouth, and I'm going to thump his balls. The rest of you guys are going to hold his arms and legs down so that he can't move or resist. I'll quit thumping your balls when Kim cums in your mouth and you swallow it".

I was just like the rest of the guys, thinking with my little head. I didn't care what the dare was, I was ready to do whatever they came up with. I quickly laid down on the tent floor and spread my legs and stretched my arms out to my sides. Sammy sat on my left arm while Todd sat on my right arm with their balls rubbing all over the inside of my arms. Kerry was holding my left leg down and Trevor was sitting on my right leg. They had been right, I couldn't move at all, there was no way I could resist what was coming. My little dick was pointing straight up and was throbbing with anticipation.

Kim climbed into position straddling my face with his leaky dick pointed right at my mouth. I greedily opened my mouth and Kim slid his dick right in. He started pumping in and out of my mouth, all the way to where is pubic hair was against my lips then out to where just the head of his dick was behind my lips. Trevor started thumping my balls, but unlike before he was using the back of his hand and slapping them pretty hard. Every time he slapped my balls I would jump and my breath would be forced out of my body. Of course, I couldn't move because of the other boys restraining me, there was no way I could avoid or even anticipate Trevor's assault on my balls, I just had to take it. This coupled with Kim face fucking me was my introduction in the praline worlds of pain and pleasure.

I must have been a sight laying there dick throbbing in the air, balls being slapped around, and being face fucked. Things also must have been getting loud too, me almost crying because of the pain my little balls were going through, gagging on Kim's dick as he fucked it deeper and deeper in my throat. Kim moaning and gasping along with the other boys encouraging Kim to fuck my mouth and their degrading comments toward me, "suck him boy, suck him, take that cock".

My mind was completely in that other world of lust and desire. All that mattered to me at that time was Kim's sweet dick sliding in and out of my mouth. The feeling I was learning to accept and even enjoy that was coming from my balls. I wanted nothing more that Kim to cum in my mouth, to shoot his creamy juice down my throat. I already made up my mind that I was not going to spit it out this time. I was going to savor the flavor and then let it slide down my throat. I would show those other horn-dogs just how sexy I could be.

"Humm, boys just what do you think you're doing"? It was an adult's voice. Everyone froze, it felt like we had ice running through our blood vessels. Shit, shit, we had been caught. I had been caught being a nasty sexual pig. All the other boys dove under their sleeping bags, I was left there naked, hurting, but still horny and hard as I could be.

When my eyes could focus I was able to find out that it was Mr. McKinzy that was standing there with his head completely inside the tent flap. How much had he seen? How long had he been standing there? He must have thought that I was the dirtiest nastiest kid he had every know. I was caught. I would be kicked out of scouting, my mom and dad would be told, I would have to answer to them and to the troop adults about what I was doing and why. I would be known by everyone in school and in the town as the town fag.

"You boys get in your sleeping bags and get to sleep right now", Mr. McKinzy was ordering. Then he looked at me and pointed his finger, "and you, get your clothes on and come with me". By this time I was crying as any 12-year-old would when caught naked sexually servicing his buddies.

Next: Chapter 5

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