Just a Little Submissive Boy

Published on Aug 31, 2022


Just a Little Submissive Boy 10

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 I love hearing from readers and appreciate any comments or critiques. Send an email to boyscout2train@yahoo.com.

 Although the vast majority of this chapter are actual and true events the author has used some liberties to enhance the reader's experience. Those liberties will be left up to the reader to determine what is real life and what is fiction. Some names have been changed to protect persons involved. It is important to remember that all descriptions are and continue to be completely consensual.


The following content may contain detailed descriptions of sexual

interactions between a minor and adult. If the laws in your place of

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Chapter 10

I must admit that I didn't sleep too well. It was the first time that I had slept with someone else in bed with me, although I really did appreciate the warm bodies of these two beautiful boys touching my skin. But the main reason was that I would wake up every time I got a hard on. The plastic cage that Mr. Mckenzy had put on my dick wasn't big enough for my little 4-inch dick when it was hard. The plastic cage would pull at my balls and would hurt my dick. I really wanted it off, I wanted to be able to touch my dick, to play with it, I wanted to get that special feeling so bad.

By the time I work up for the 3rd time I was so frustrated that I couldn't even touch my dick. Tommy must have been suffering from the same frustration and pain that I was because he was awake. "Dude I want this thing off, this isn't fun", I complained to him. "Little fellow, you haven't figured it out yet", Tommy responded. "Figured what out", I asked. "You don't own your dick, Master owns your dick, it's his dick, not yours anymore". Tommy informed me in an educational way. "What do you mean", I asked. "We are sex slaves and Master is our owner, because we respect and love him we agreed to give him our dicks, balls, mouth, tits, and body for his pleasure", Tommy continued, "and when you get my age he also owns your ass".

"What about my needs", I further questioned Tommy. Sammy had woken up and was listening to our conversation, "Our needs are not important". "What", I said as I was trying to figure this whole thing out. "Our needs are meet when we make Master happy or when he is pleased with us", Sammy informed. "Like when you sucked Tommy's big cock all the way down into your throat, that didn't just make you and Tommy happy that made Master very happy". When you took your punishment voluntarily and without screaming, and you suffered and cried, well that didn't just make you happy, that you were able to suffer that much, it also made him very happy", Sammy continued. "Yeah dude", Tommy said, "When you make Master happy he will reward you in sexual ways that you can't even imagine".

"You're right, when I was able to take Tommy's dick into my throat and when I took the flogging Mr. McKenzy gave me when I couldn't even imagine I could do it, I felt real proud for doing them", I reasoned. "So, he's going to do something to me sexual that is going to feel really great", I asked. Sammy responded this time, "Sexual things that are so pleasurable that you'll be out of your mind. Now let's get some sleep while we can".

Tommy had the last word, "Fuck dudes, my dick hurts so good"! Then they both rolled over and went to sleep. As for me, I had a lot to think about, a lot to process in my 12-year-old mind. I worked so hard to get Tommy's big dick down into my throat. There was no way I thought I could do it, but with the coaching and encouragement of Mr. McKenzy I did it and I got pleasure from not only doing it but by making Mr. McKenzy so proud of me, not to mention it must have been really good for Tommy, because I made him cum when he knew he would be in trouble for it.

Then when I had to ask for my punishment. After watching Tommy take his I knew there was no way I could last through it. I would either pass out from the pain or I would die from the pain. But I didn't do either, I was brave as I could be. Yeah, I was scared to death, I knew it would hurt and hurt bad, probably hurt worse than any pain that I had ever felt. But I did it, yeah it hurt and hurt bad, but I didn't scream, yeah, I cried and cried hard just like a little 3-year-old, but I suffered through it and I did it. I even experienced something that was totally wild when my mind seemed to have left my body and the flog blows were feeling good. I was so proud of myself afterword's and Mr. McKenzy was so pleased with me.

My dick got really hard from both and I felt so much like a real victim that I liked it. Yeah, this is what I wanted more than anything else in my life. I wanted to be a sex slave, I wanted Mr. McKenzy to own my body, my dick, my balls, my tits. I wanted to please him more than anything, to be proud of what I was able to do for his pleasure and to make him proud of me. I was smiling and pacified as I drifted off to sleep with my brother slaves naked bodies lying against me.

"GET YOUR FAGGOT ASSES UP", Mr. McKenzy was yelling at us. We all woke with a startle and set straight up. "Yes Sir", all three of us said in unison. I didn't know about the other two boys but I felt so safe, so much at peace, it must have been processing the thoughts I had just before I fell asleep. I felt as though I had accepted my place as a sex slave and it felt so good, so right. This is what I was born to be and now this is what I wanted to be more than anything else.

"Piss boy, come here", Sir ordered Tommy pointing at the floor just inside the jail cell door. Tommy quickly crawled over to where he was pointing, knelt in the position we had been taught. "Yes Sir, please use me Sir", Tommy answered. With that Mr. McKenzy took out his dick. I was shocked, I had never imagined a dick that big and he wasn't even hard. It must have hung a good 9 or 10 inches long and was twice as thick as Tommy's.

Mr. McKenzy ordered Tommy, "Open your mouth boy". With that he started pissing on Tommy, pissing on his chest, on his dick and balls, then directing his piss stream up started pissing on Tommy's face and hungry mouth. He was pissing right in Tommy's mouth and Tommy was moaning like it felt so good. I was shocked, letting someone piss on you and willingly kneeling there taking it and not even trying to avoid the piss stream. I'm not sure but I think that Tommy was even swallowing the piss that was being directed into his mouth. That was the nastiest thing that I had ever seen one person do to another.

It seemed to go on forever, but it was probably just a minute or so. When Mr. McKenzy was finished he spit Tommy in the face. Tommy just remained kneeling there, his hair was soaked with piss, his mouth remained open as he swallowed hard, piss dripping off his body as he knelt in a pool of piss. "Thank you Master for your piss, I loved it", Tommy said as if he had been awarded a gold medal.

I was looking at Tommy with amazement. He really enjoyed getting pissed on. Now I understood how he got his nickname Piss Boy. Mr. McKenzy took the key out of his vest pocket and unlocked the jail cell door. Then he produced another key and ordered Sammy to stand in front of him. He reached for the pad lock that held Sammy's dick captive. I thought, finally I'm going to get this plastic torture device off my dick. My dick is going to free and my hard on would feel good instead of hurting me.

"Foggot boy get your young ass over to the spanking bench, piss boy you strap him in good and tight", Mr. McKenzy ordered. Both Tommy and Sammy jumped to their feet and headed out of the cell. "Cock sucker get your ass over there with them and kneel at the head of the bench", Master ordered of me. I jumped up, "Yes Sir" I said for good measure, and headed over to where Tommy was fastening leather restraints around Sammy's wrists, ankles, thighs and stomach as Sammy lay face down on the bench.

As I knelt there I had no idea what the bench was used for, but from how tightly Sammy was being secured to it I imagined it was to get the spanking of his life. I had no idea what Sammy had done wrong, what rule he had broken, but I anticipated that Sir was going to take one of the big paddles or belts off the wall and give Sammy a severe spanking. I wondered how Sammy would deal with it, the pain had to be excoriating. Would he scream his lungs out? There was no way he could keep from screaming as the leather paddle hit his ass. No one could just lay there taking swats from one of those instruments. Although Sammy would have no option than to take it because the restraints held him in place where he couldn't move or avoid the paddle.

"Cock sucker boy kneel at faggot's head where you can look at his face", Mr. McKenzy ordered me. I quickly took the position he had ordered and was only inches from Sammy's face. To me he looked scared to death, I could see tears in the corner of his eyes. I could imagine him trying to say, "please, please don't, please don't Sir, please". I wanted to tell him that I was there for him, that I hated the fact that he was going to have to suffer. Master was standing right beside us so I didn't dare say a thing. All I could do is try to convey with my eyes my feeling for this boy that I had learned to love.

"Cock sucker boy", Master said trying to get my attention. "Yes Master", I automatically responded but kept my eyes looking deep into Sammy's eyes. Then Master grabbed me by the hair and twisted my head toward him. I think I must have gasped as my eyes focused on Mr. McKenzy's massive dick and huge balls only inches from my face. "Open up boy", he commanded and started slapping my face with that huge dick. First one side of my face then the other side. It didn't hurt as much as it humiliated me. "I said open that fucking mouth boy", Master McKenzy ordered.

The first thing that I thought was that he was going to piss in my mouth like he had Tommy's. I had no idea of how I was going to be able to taste piss in my mouth and not vomit. I had to face the fact that I was not as good of a slave boy as what Tommy was. I opened my mouth, dreading what was to come, piss. I was already starting to cry, how embarrassed I was going to be when I couldn't take his piss like Tommy. I closed my eyes.

As he held my head tightly in position by the hand full of my blond hair I felt his dick head press against my lips. "Open wide you fucking cock sucker", he ordered. I forced my jaws open as wide as I could get them and even heard my jaw pop. Then he slides the rest of his dick head into my little 12-year-old mouth. He held it there for a few seconds, "use you tongue bitch", he yelled at me. My mind woke up to the task at hand. He wasn't going to piss in my mouth, he was going to make me suck him. I must admit I was relived.

I started running my tongue all over the head of his massive dick. Just the head of his dick felt like it was filling my entire mouth. My tongue roamed over the top of his dick head, under neither his dick head, even explored his piss slit that he had used to soak Tommy down. "Ah fuck yes you little cock sucking bitch", Mr. McKenzy moaned. That encouraged me and I started bobbing my mouth up and down on just the first few inches of his dick. "Ah fuck, I'm going to fuck your pretty little face", he was moaning.

With that he grabbed two hands full of my hair and started pumping his hips and driving his big dick in and out of my mouth. I was afraid that he was going to expect me to take his dick down my throat just like I did for Tommy. But instead he rammed his dick all the way to the back of my mouth and I started to gag. His dick started to grow harder and harder and bigger and bigger. He was just too big for it to fit into my throat. I couldn't stop gagging, my mouth was over stuffed, my jaws were aching. Then he pulled his dick back to where just the head was inside my lips. I was relieved, my stomach stopped turning and I stopped gagging, I could breath. But this was only a momentary relief as he shoved his dick right back down into the opening of my throat.

My eyes were flowing with tears that were running down my cheeks. I was gagging like never before, I felt the contents of my stomach start to come up and I fought the urge to vomit. Master was moaning telling me to take his cock, calling me every nasty name in the book. He started pumping in and out of my mouth and the opening of my throat with an urgency in his pumping. I was thinking that he was going to cum in my mouth or down my throat at any second. I was mentally preparing for the onset of a mouth full of cum and how I was going to swallow it at the same time I was gagging.

Suddenly he pulled his dick completely out of my mouth. I stared at it only inches from my face. He was rock hard and his dick dripped of the slime that came from my mouth and throat. He slapped my face with that mammoth hard dick and slime sprayed everywhere. "Good job face fuck", he commented. That made me feel pretty good, but he didn't allow me to make him cum. My mouth was hungry for his cum. The thought entered my mind, if I wanted his cum that bad then he really owned me.

Master then moved to where he was standing behind Sammy. Sammy looked so much like a victim as he laid on the bench face down and restrained to the point he couldn't resist anything that was coming. "You ready for my cock faggot", he asked Sammy as he swatted his ass hard. "Yes Sir, please fuck me Sir", Sammy responded in a weak shaky voice. I had again established eye contact with Sammy as he laid there unable to protest or resist. I know he was scared, his lower lip was trembling and his breathing was in short gasps.

All of a sudden Sammy took a really deep gasp of air and his eyes rolled to the back of his head, his mouth flew open and a silent scream came out from some place deep inside him, then he stopped breathing and held his breath. I looked past Sammy and saw that Mr. McKenzy had now forced his dick into Sammy's butt hole. "Take my cock you fucking faggot pig", Mr. McKenzy was yelling at Sammy. I focused back on Sammy's face, his eyes were shut tightly, I could see the pain on his face, his breath was being forced out of him with every stroke that Master took.

Master was shoving more and more of his mammoth dick into Sammy's ass with each stroke. Between the sound of Sammy's breath being forced out of him, he was silently screaming inside. Tears were flowing free from his eyes and pooling on the floor between us. The boy that I loved so deeply was having his butt hole brutalized. I kissed him passionately on the lips and kept kissing him. I wanted to relieve his pain in any way that I could.

"You love my cock deep in your boy pussy don't you faggot", Mr. McKenzy moaned. "Yes, Master I love your cock fucking my boy cunt", Sammy cried out between thrusts. "Fuck me Sir, fuck me hard Sir, use my boy cunt for your pleasure Sir, hurt me Sir, fuck me, fuck me, fuck my cheap worthless ass Master", Sammy moaned as he could catch enough breath. I heard Mr. McKenzy hips slapping Sammy's ass as he pumped his full 9 ½ inches all the way into Sammy's 14-year-old ass. I looked again at Sammy's face, his eyes were open wide now and had a blank look in them. I chanced to look under the bench and found that Sammy was harder than I had ever seen him before. There was cum dripping out of the head of his dick.

There was no doubt in that his pain had turned to total pleasure and that Sammy was so far in sexual pleasure his mind wasn't working enough for him to even form words. He moaned and begged to be fucked harder and faster, he begged for it to hurt, he begged for his dad's mammoth dick to drive deeper and deeper inside him. Mc McKenzy must have been enjoying it just as much, he would hall off and slap Sammy's butt as hard as he could and make comments like, "Take my cock you fucking faggot" or "I'm going to fuck your brains out bitch", then he would slam his dick into Sammy's battered hole with all his might.

Sammy was breathing like he had just ran 2 miles full out. He hardly had the breath to get the words out showing the pleasure he was in. "Dad, daddy, I'm about to cum, you're fucking the cum right out of me", Sammy screamed. Master reached down between Sammy's sprawled restrained legs, grabbed his ball and squeezed hard. "No, you're not faggot, you're not going to cum until I order you to cum", Master screamed back at him.

Sammy's head lifted straight up, his mouth flew open. I could see the severe pain in his eyes. His dad was crushing his balls. Sammy was flinging his head back and forth and his tears were splashing all over me. His pain had to be beyond belief.

"Cock sucking bitch, get that mouth down there on my boy's dick and use it for the only thing it's worthy of", Mr. McKenzy scorned at me. His eyes were full of lust and power. I looked under the bench and Sammy's dick was rock hard, his dick head was purple, throbbing and tons of pre-cum dripping form the head. I didn't hesitate, I crawled under the bench and without even touching his dick with my hands swallowed his entire dick in one move. It felt so good as the slimy pre-cum dick stretched and rubbed the sides of my throat. The taste of his pre-cum was like a drug to my mind. All I wanted was his dick in my mouth and to feel and taste his hot cum as it shot in my mouth and coated my tongue.

Sammy was moaning at the level of a scream. I was giving him extra pleasure through his dick as he dad was giving him pleasure in his butt hole. Sir picked up the speed of slamming his dick in and out of Sammy, he was driving it as deep as possible. Sir's big balls were slapping my face as he brutally fucked his son. "Cum now faggot fucker", Sir screamed at Sammy. "FUCCCCCCCK I'M CUMMMMMMMMMING", Sammy screamed louder than ever and every muscle in his body tightened.

Then it happened, Sammy started shooting burning hot cum down my throat. I wanted more, I wanted to taste his cum, I wanted to hold his cum in my mouth and to savor the sweet salty taste of the slimy cum. I pulled back just a little on his dick so it was in my mouth. Sammy kept shooting his burning hot cum into my mouth. Every time his dad would slam his big thick dick into his ass he would shoot more and more cum. With each shot I figured it had to be his last, but he just kept on cumming. My mouth was full of cum and even started to leak out my lips. I swallowed a little, but I didn't want most of it to stay in my mouth.

Master slowly withdrew his mammoth dick out of Sammy's battered hole, he took a step back and then with both hands wide open he brought them down and across the gapping well fucked hole. "There you go faggot, just want you deserve", Mr. McKenzy said. The sounds of Sammy's skin being slapped echoed off the dungeon walls. I expected Sammy to scream out in pain, but he said nothing, he was totally wasted and just laid lifeless on the bench in his restraints, gasping for air.

The smell of sweat, hot leather, cum and even the piss on Tommy, the coating of Sammy's cum in my mouth had me in a euphoric high. I would have done anything and I mean anything at that point. My entire self wanted to do nothing more than to please people sexually. I wanted nothing more than to be a 12 year old sex slave, to serve boys and men.

"Cock Sucker boy, get your lousy mouth over here and put it to use cleaning my cock off", Mr. McKenzy order me. Without any hesitation and with my mind winding in pleasure I quickly crawled from under the bench and hurried to where Sir was standing. Immediately I opened my mouth as wide as I could and devoured his dick as deep as I could. I was gagging myself, I wanted nothing more than to take his Master dick all the way down into my throat like I did Tommy, he would be so pleased with me. But at the size of his man dick I knew and he knew there was no conceivable way.

The taste of Sammy's hole, the smells, the sounds, the sights, I was in a totally new world, a world that I loved, that I wanted never to end. I wanted to stay naked, I wanted to stay locked in the plastic torture device on my dick, I wanted to be nothing more and a sex slave boy to be used by anyone and everyone. I was happier that I had ever been in my 12-year-old life.

My mind was floating as I serviced and cleaned Mr. McKenzy's man dick, what I couldn't get stuffed in my mouth I licked with my tongue. "Decent job", Master told me. Then he took his black boot and placed it on my little shoulder. He pushed me away and I fell backwards and into a ball like a baby. I felt so used, I felt so much as peace, I felt so submissive, I had discovered who I was and what I was to be used for.

To be Continued

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