Just a Little Submissive Boy

Published on Jun 18, 2022


Just a Little Submissive Boy 1

Just a little submissive boy

Chapter 1 - Introduction to submission

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The story contains consensual sexual behavior between a young boy with other boys and older adult males. It depicts both unprotected sex. Safe sex practices are the way to go if you plan to be around for years to


If you are underage (below 18) or object to the subject matter, please leave now as the door that let you in will also let you leave.

I figure after many years it is finally time to tell my story.

This series will cover over 30 years of my life beginning at age 10 and progressing. The entire series is true and told from my firsthand account. Some of the names have been changed, as they say, to protect the innocent, but are any of us ever innocent?

I was one of two children in my family, the other was my sister who was three years older than me. Dad had a position that provided very well for the family, but his work took him out of town for 3 or 4 days at a time. Mom was a stay at home mom and very active in the community, I guess to take up some of the time that dad was away.

Dad's job demanded that he was always cool, calm and collected and that he performed his job with perfection. He showed no emotion when he was on the job and the same when he was at home. The only relationship that Dad and I had was me trying to meet up to his perfection and him reminding me that I wasn't doing that. So, I sought the father figure that I needed from other men close to me throughout my life.

One of those men was my next-door neighbor. He was funny, friendly and always invited me to do things with him. He had no children and I guess I filled a need for him as well as him filling a need I had. One fourth of July weekend he and his wife were going to Tennessee to visit his family and asked if I could go along. Mom and Dad agreed which made this little 10-year-old happy and feeling mature beyond my years. Late on a Thursday evening we loaded up in his Thunderbird and headed to his brother's where we would be staying. It was a long drive and we drove through the night with me sleeping in the back seat most of the way.

When we arrived the next morning, I was in a totally different world than I knew. There were mountains around me that I had never seen, a distinct way of talking that sounded funny and even different words than I had ever heard before. We were greeted by his brother, his wife and his 14-year-old son Billy. Billy and I immediately hit it off, I often wonder why a 14-year-old would even want to be friends with a short skinny 10-year old, but it seemed real. We headed outside and played, hiked, wrestled on the ground and even took a swim. He was so much bigger than I was and lots of fun, I soon admired him for his friendship.

The second night we were there his friend Jerry came over, also 14 years old and just a little bigger than Billy. They had plans on camping out in the back yard that night and Billy's parents suggested that they invite me to camp with them. I had never been camping in my life, but here were 2 older boys and I wanted to show them I was not chicken and could keep up with them.

So, we went to the far corner of the back yard and set up the pup tent. Inside we laid out a couple of blankets on the ground and one to cover us up. We loaded it with flashlights, some crackers and water and even a couple of cokes we snuck out of the house. Although I was somewhat reluctant, no scared, since I had never done this, I was also excited to show the older boys just how brave I was.

As night came the three of us climbed into the small tent. We started talking about lots of nothing, how our schools differed, how our towns differed and telling stories. With 3 active boys in the small tent it was getting stuffy and hot. Billy suggested that we take our shirts off and soon after taking our pants off. Here we were three young boys sitting in a tent in only our whitie tighties on. I was very self-conscious and embarrassed to be that close to naked with the others. But I sure didn't want to show it and show my weakness to the older boys.

After a few more stories we decided it was time to sleep so we all climbed under the top blanket with Billy and Jerry next to the walls and me in the middle. Tossing and turning to get comfortable we would occasionally bump our close to naked bodies together. I was surprised at how good it felt for my chest to come in contact with the other boy's flesh, kind of exciting in a way.

Several minutes later Jerry asked me if I wanted to do something grown up. There was no way I was going to say no, that would have made me the little kid in the group, I told both yes. Jerry told me that I would have to be the watch out first, then they would show me. I was to lay on my back with my head under the end of the tent and watch out for any parents that were coming.

So, I scooted my little body up to the head of the tent and stuck my head outside to do my look out duty. I don't know how long I was like that, I'm sure not near as long as it seemed. Inside the tent Billy and Jerry were moving all over the tent and making some different sounds. Heavy breathing, OOOs, Hahs, Yes, Faster, Deeper, I'm close. My curiosity got the best of me and I pulled my head back inside the tent to see what all the commotion was about.

Wow I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Jerry had his underwear completely off and Billy, oh Billy had Jerry's peepee in his mouth. Jerry had his hand on the back of Billy's head and pushing it down further and further. "That's nasty, how can you do that, why are you doing that", I asked. "Get out there and keep watch", Jerry hissed at me. Not believing my eyes I ducked my head back under the tent and returned to my look out duties with hundreds of questions in my young mind.

As I laid there watching out my mind was racking, what were they doing, why were they doing it, was it just to be nasty? Was this something that older boys did? By the noises they were making it sounds like it must be having fun. My mind was trying to comprehend what was going on and why they were doing this to each other. I don't know if it was what they were doing was so nasty but I found myself getting a tingling feeling in my stomach and breathing faster, I was getting excited and not just excited but really excited. My mind was in a daze trying to process all this new information.

Suddenly my mind sensed more input that I couldn't process, not just my mind was dazed and dizzy but my whole body was dazed and dizzy. I was physically shaking and involuntarily jerking around, trying to move but couldn't. I started to process what the new feelings were, my legs were pinned down so I couldn't move them, I could feel the air on my private parts, and my peepee was in a warm, soft, wet place.

I was trapped, my legs were pinned down, my head was stuffed outside the tent, I couldn't move. Stop, stop, stop it I was whispering in a loud voice. Don't please don't, that's nasty, stop, please stop. But the other side of my mind was realizing just how good my peepee was feeling in that warm wet soft place and all the brand-new feelings that I was getting. Things that I never felt before, things that were so much better than I had ever experienced. My mind and my body were so divided in what they wanted that I thought I was going to be pulled apart.

"Shhhh, shut up, you want people to hear you", Billy as saying. "Get back in here", Jerry said in a very commanding voice.

I crawled back inside the tent. What were you guys doing to me? Without even answering me Billy bent down and engulfed my peepee back in his mouth, not just a little of it but the entire length of it. My reaction was completely different this time. I shook and quivered, I humped my hips and tried to push more of my member in his warm mouth. "Oh, that feels so good on my peepee", I whispered in a harsh voice. "That's you dick not a peepee", Jerry told me, "Billy is sucking your dick". My mind was a buzz I loved what I was feeling, I wanted that new wonderful feeling to last forever.

Billy was sitting on my legs and Jerry moved up and was holding my arms above my head, I couldn't move, but I didn't even if I wanted to. In that commanding voice that Jerry had he was telling Billy, no he was ordering Billy, "suck his dick boy, suck his dick good". I was breathing hard now, I was making sounds that I had never made before and my dick felt like it was going to rip right out of my skin and explode right out the end. With my arms and legs being restrained by the older boys just added to this new experience.

All too soon it was over and Billy had taken his mouth off my dick. He looked up at me and asked, "did that feel good". Out of breath I whispered. "oh yes, it was fantastic". Then I realized that I was completely naked in front of these two older boys. Immediately I got embarrassed and tried to cover up my dick with my hands. "Take your hands away", Jerry ordered in that commanding voice, "we're all naked". I look first at Jerry and then at Billy, he was right all of us were naked and our dicks were just as stiff as they could be.

Billy laid back and spread his legs wide with his arms tucked under his head. His dick was pointing straight up and bouncing. "Your turn", he said looking at me. "No way, I can't do that, that's nasty, you pee out of your dick, no way". "Yes way", Jerry commanded, "suck his dick". I just shook my head no. My mind was telling me how hot it was, my upbringing was telling me that you always return a favor, but my stomach was telling there was no way I could put a dirty dick that was used to piss with in my mouth.

"Just kiss the tip, that's all you have to do, kiss the tip", Billy said.

I thought about his request, and again my mind was thinking it was so nasty. I didn't want to taste piss. But what if it didn't taste like piss? Yeah but piss is what comes out of it. But that doesn't mean there is any piss on it. My mind was playing through all the scenarios. I thought I want to do it cause if feel so good to have it done to me. But still my mind thought of the piss that might come out of it.

"Just kiss the fucking tip of his dick", Jerry said sternly.

Okay, okay I have to do it, if I don't I'll look like a little scared kid, like a baby and they probably won't want me to hang out with them anymore. So, I finally put all other thoughts out of my head and obeyed what Billy and Jerry was telling me. Cautiously I leaned down, Billy was holding his dick still, and I puckered my lips and kiss his dick right on the tip of the head.

There I did it and there was no piss on it. I felt pride swelling in my chest, I did it. I had been brave and was as grown up as they were.

"Kiss it again", Billy said, and I kissed it again, then again and again, and again, spending more time with my lips in contact with the tip of his dick each time. "Okay this time open your mouth and just put the top of it in your mouth" Jerry said. I thought so far so good, so I opened my mouth and took the head of Billy's dick in my mouth and closed my lips around it. The hard yet silky smoothness of Billy's dick felt really good in my mouth. The thoughts of it being nasty had completely left my mind. It felt good to have a dick in my mouth, I liked it, that's all I knew, that's all that mattered.

"Take more of it in your mouth", Jerry ordered, and I felt his hand on the back of my head. I had little choice but to take more of Billy's dick in my mouth and I did, and it even felt better as it rubbed against my tongue and cheeks. Almost natural.

Jerry was telling me now to go up and down on the dick. Without even giving it a second thought I started running my mouth up and down on Billy's dick. Billy started moaning low under his breath, "oh yeah, oh fuck yeah, suck my dick, fuck he's good". And there I was, at 10 years old sucking my first dick.

After sucking Billy like for five minutes he squealed that he was getting close and for me to stop. I stopped and without moving my head away from his dick looked up at him with questions in my eyes. "Why do you want me to stop, did I do something wrong", I asked Billy? "Oh no you did nothing wrong, you were perfect", he responded. "It's just you needed to stop before you get more than you expect".

"Now it's Jerry's turn, suck his dick", Billy told me.

Without any hesitation, this time I turned my attention to Jerry's dick and sucked it right into my mouth. Jerry's dick was quite a bit bigger than Billy's, a little longer but quite a bit thicker. I sucked on Jerry like I had been doing this all my life. I didn't think of it being nasty anymore, it was just exciting. Up and down, up and down, running my tongue all around the head and making him moan and curse out loud. Jerry started pumping his hips up so I would have to take more and more of his dick in my mouth. His dick hit the back of my throat and I choked. "No boy don't you dare come off that dick, you take it", Billy told me.

Billy put his hand on the back of my head and pushed me down on Jerry's dick. I was gagging but Billy just held my head in place. I started to cry but Billy and Jerry started telling what a good boy I was and how proud they were of me. Suddenly their words pushed me over the edge with desire and I pushed my own head all the way down on his dick. My nose was buried in his pubic hair, his dick was past my mouth and in my throat. It hurt, I thought I was going to throw up, I couldn't take any air in, but I wanted it, that's all I wanted was to have his dick totally and completely in me, to feel used by these two older boys.

I thought I was just about to pass out, things were going dark, when Jerry put both hands on the sides of my face and pulled his dick out of my mouth. "Fuck boy you're a real cock sucker", Jerry told me, and I took it as a compliment. I had made both of them happy and I was now part of them.

"Your turn now", Billy said. "Lay down on your back and put your hands over your head and stretch your legs out wide". Jerry took some rope out from his backpack and started tying my arms together. At the same time Billy was tying ropes to my ankles. "What are you doing to me", I asked in a panic voice. "This makes it 10 times better", Jerry told me. If it makes it better than do it was what I was thinking.

After they got the ropes tied around my ankles and arms they took the other ends of the rope and tied them to the tent stakes, stretching my little naked boy body out tight. I realized how exposed I was and how I couldn't resist them or do anything without their approval. This was turning me on even more, it was sending my senses skyward. They could do anything in the world they wanted to me and there was nothing that I could do about it. I was theirs and I really liked the feeling, it made me shiver and shake. Later I learned this is what submission is and that I was a submissive.

Jerry was at my head with his knees on both sides of my head while Billy was between my legs and was going to do the sucking. I was ready, I was so ready. Two new feelings, my dick being sucked good and being tied unable to resist. My dick was so hard it was almost hurting, it was throbbing and bouncing wildly as it pointed to the sky. "Do me SIR, do me", I have no idea where the idea to call them Sir came from but it fit the situation just right.

Billy went all the way down on my little 3 ½ inch dick, his mouth was so warm, wet and smooth. In seconds, I was breathing in short bursts, then Jerry started pinching my little boy nipples between his fingers. That did it, I was pumping my hips up off the ground and my dick into Billy's mouth, I wanted all my dick in him. I was moaning loud and using that word that I wasn't allowed to ever use, "fuck oh fuck, fuck, fuck, ohh fuck". My mind shut down to everything that I had even know and opened to a totally new world. It was the second that I became a sexual creature not just a boy.

Billy was going wild on my little boy dick sucking up and down, side to side, using his tongue to touch every spot of my dick. Something was covering my face, I looked up and discover Jerry's dick was rubbing all over my face. I wanted it, I wanted his dick in my mouth, so I did just that. I opened my mouth, stretched my neck and sucked the head of his dick right into my mouth. That is what was natural for me, that is what I was to do, suck a dick.

"Look at this little cock sucking bitch", Jerry said to Billy. "Fuck he's a faggot dick sucker, he was born to suck cock", Billy responded. Those words made me feel really dirty but they really made me double my efforts on Jerry's big dick, sucking for all I was worth. I would be a faggot dick sucking bitch if it made me feel this good.

Jerry pinched my nipples even harder and made them hurt really bad, but the harder he pinched the more pleasure I was getting from my nipples the feelings in my dick kept getting better and better, now they weren't just in my dick but in my stomach, in my chest, my legs. "Stop, stop, please stop, I'm going to pee, oh stop, stop, I got to pee really bad", I was screaming. "No, you're not going to pee", Jerry told me. "Yes, I am I got to pee really bad really bad". But instead of Billy stopping he sped up and went even more wild on my little boy dick.

"I'm going to pee, I can't hold it back anymore, I'm going to pee", I tried to scream through my spiritic breathing. Every muscle in my body tightened up as tight as they could, my entire body was convulsing. It I hadn't been tied down I would have hurt someone because of my flailing around. My whole body arched upward, I screamed, " I'm peeeeeeing", my eyes slammed shut and I saw fireworks going off in my brain. I couldn't breath and was screaming, " ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".

That's the last thing I remember. Next thing I knew was I was laying naked and being cuddled by the other two naked boys, the ropes had been untied from my arms and ankles. "What, what happened", I asked in a very weak and shaky voice. I was still trying to comprehend where I was and what I had gone through. "You had your first dry orgasm" Billy told me as he stroked my cheeks and then kissed me right on the lips.

Jerry kissed me too and said, "and what an orgasm it was, you passed out afterwards". "Oh, wow", was all I could manage to get out, my head was still spinning.

We all cuddled together that night, naked boy bodies touching, dicks rubbing each other, kissing each other. We sucked each other 2 more times that night. I got to suck both of them and both of them got to suck me.

Just before morning Jerry looked at Billy and asked him if he thought I was ready to take it all the way. I had no idea what he was talking about, but I knew I was ready for whatever they were talking about. Billy looked me right in the eyes and said, "Hey you little cock sucking faggot bitch, you think you're ready to take my dick all the way". I just shook my head yes and give him a great big smile. I still had no idea what he was talking about or anything else about boy/boy sex.

"You're a good boy", Billy said. "Now get down between Jerry's legs and start sucking his dick really good and make sure you suck it really deep". "You're going to keep sucking him until he has his orgasm and he's going to shoot his cum in your mouth". "Don't you dare stop sucking him, and don't you dare try to spit his cum out, you take it boy, you understand", Billy instructed me.

"It's milk that is made in your balls and shoots out your dick, it's the milk that makes babies, you'll get cum when you get older", Jerry told me, "I'm going to shoot it right in your mouth".

"That's gross", I said in protest. "Look you're a submissive little dick sucker, that's what you do and you're not finished sucking a guy's dick until he shoots his cum in your mouth". Billy told me. "Do it bitch", Jerry said in that commanding voice. "Okay, okay", I was forced to tell them.

Jerry was giving more orders, "when I cum in your mouth you're going to really enjoy the way it tastes. Don't spit it out and don't let a single drop escape. With your mouth full of my cum you're going to immediately go over and suck Billy's dick until he cums in your mouth. Then you are going to lay on your back and open your mouth so we can see you have our cum in your mouth. You understand?

I was scared but again I was out to prove myself and show them how brave I was. They really had made me their submissive cock service bitch and I loved it.

I got on my hands and knees and took Jerry's dick in my mouth. It didn't take long and he was hard as a rock, pumping his big dick deeper and deeper in my mouth. In a little bit his muscles started straining. He started ordering me around in a very strained husky voice. "Take it boy, take my fucking cum you fucking bitch, eat my fucking cum faggot". It happened, I felt a steaming hot liquid exploding in my mouth, coating my tongue and my teeth and my lips. He keep pumping in and out as he shot more and more of this hot milk into my mouth. My mouth was full of Jerry's hot cum.

"Now go suck your other Master", Jerry ordered. Master, what the hell? But it didn't matter, I had a mouth full of cum and another dick to suck. I knelt over Billy's cock, it was harder than ever before. I got close to his dick head before I opened my mouth to take him in, I didn't want to spill any of Jerry's cum. When I took Billy's hard dick in my mouth a little of Jerry's cum dribbled out and coated Billy's dick. "Fuck yeah, suck me", Billy said as I started servicing him.

I really wanted to make Billy feel good, he had been so good to me in every way, he had taught me so much so I wanted to give him an extra special suck. I suck like never before, up and down, side to side, deep and shallow, shoving it into my throat. Every time Billy's dick would move in my mouth Jerry's cum would move around in my mouth. I realized that my mind was no longer thinking, my true self had taken over and I was nothing more than a sexual mass.

Billy kept moaning louder and louder and I was moaning around his boy dick. "You ready boy, you ready to take my cum"? I looked up into Billy's eyes and shook my head yes. "You want it boy, boy do you want my cum in your mouth?" Again, I couldn't take his dick out of my mouth, all I could do is look him in the eyes and shake my head yes. It was more than just a head nod, I really wanted his cum, I wanted to feel his hot cum shooting into my mouth, I wanted to taste his sweet salty juice.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, here it comes, take my fucking cum boy, eat my cum you cock sucking whore boy". I kept looking straight into Billy eyes and saw his face wrinkle up in the bliss of orgasm, it was so hot to see him cum and even hotter to feel him cum directly into my mouth. Did Billy ever cum, he shot his hot load all the way back to my throat and some down my throat. My mouth was completely full of his cum and Jerry's cum.

I did exactly what Jerry had told me. I laid on my back and open my mouth wide so they could witness my mouth full of their cum. They took a flashlight and looked in my mouth full of their cum. Each of them put a finger in my mouth and got cum all over their fingers, then they licked them off and enjoyed the taste of their mixed cum.

"Now swallow it boy", Jerry ordered in his ever-imposing command voice. No way was I going to swallow their cum. "boy I fucking said to swallow that fucking cum" Jerry said even more forcible. Still I wouldn't, it was sick enough that I was made to take their cum in my mouth, but to swallow it, it might make me sick, I would probably throw up. There was no other warning and no other excuses. Billy grabbed my little tiny balls and started to squeeze them hard. At the same time Jerry held my shoulders down so I couldn't move. I had tears in my eyes, I don't know if it was from the pain I was feeling in my balls or from the knowledge that I had to swallow their cum and actually eat it.

I swallowed, not once, not twice but 4 or 5 times to get it all down to my belly. Billy was kissing me and licking up my tears and then Jerry started kissing me. But these kisses were not like to earlier ones, these kisses were ones that really felt like we all loved each other. Both of them were whispering in my ears what a good boy I was and how I had done such a good job sucking them. I really like hearing those words, they made me proud of what I just found out I loved doing.

Before we left the tent they both sucked me again. This time one would be on my dick and the other would be licking my little ball sack. I had another dry orgasm just as strong as the first and my mind went completely blank of any thinking and was totally dazed with sexual feelings. I was a very happy 10-year old boy.

Well there you have it, every word is the truth of my first sexual experience of any kind. For a 10-year-old, a night of many firsts.

First time camping out

First time being naked in front of other boys

First time sucking a dick

First time being put into bondage

First time to have a dick shoved down into my throat

First time to have my nipples tortured

First time to have my balls crushed

First time to have a guy shoot his cum in my mouth

First time to eat cum

First time to be the real person I am.

Next: Chapter 2

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