Just a Cash Slave

By Andrew Davidson

Published on Jul 23, 2023


I received a text from Jamie just a day after our initial meeting, as he had promised. I had to go to AT&T and make up a lame excuse as to why my phone was crushed. Luckily, my insurance hadn't expired, and I was able to get a new phone and SIM card. I bashfully sent Jamie my new number over the messaging system of the site where I had met him, as if it were my own fault that I had to get a new phone.

He had ignored my message and responded at his convenience, as I expected he would. I noticed on my online banking site that he had managed to spend over $1,000 from my checking account just in one day. Most of his purchases were made at sports stores, western clothing stores, and on food. Boy, he could eat a lot! Or so I deduced from my charge history. Any man with an inch of pride would just call his bank and cancel the card, but I had lost any backbone I had the night Jamie had whooped my ass and made me his.

It wasn't a huge deal anyway. I had seen many patients the day before, most of whom paid for their appointments and scans in cash, so I was covered for at least the rest of the month, if his spending habits continued. Besides, he deserves it. He is an Alpha.

"Coming over at 6. Get beer & food." was all the text said. He hadn't told me what kind of beer he liked, but I figured a good ole boy like Jamie would be fine with Budweiser. I got some Coronas just in case I was wrong, and simply sat on my couch and waited for six o'clock to come. My furniture was still rearranged as Jamie had left it, mainly because I lacked the strength to move the couch by myself without injuring my back. I was still bewildered as to how Jamie simply pushed it across the floor like he had done, though I shouldn't have been. Jamie did quite a job of demonstrating his jock strength during the first few minutes of our meeting.

About half an hour till six, I began grilling some steaks and hamburgers. I cooked enough for three people, because I figured Jamie could eat enough for two men. I was glad I had, though for different reasons than I had expected.

When Jamie helped himself inside the house at 6 o'clock sharp, he was not alone. He had brought two friends with him, who looked just as young and intimidating as Jamie.

"Y'all, this is the fag." he said casually as he plopped himself down on the big couch.

"Sup queer?" the shorter one said.

"Hey homo." the other one smirked.

"What's your names?" I asked the shorter one, ignoring their insults. He stood right back up from having sat down and sauntered over to me. Despite being a few inches shorter than me, I still began to tremble as he stood inches away from me. One glance at his thick biceps made me regret even speaking to them.

He wrapped a meaty, callused hand around my neck and lifted me easily off the floor. As I felt the air leave my lungs, he looked up into my eyes with a smirk. "Well, boy, we are both SIRS to you, and as such, you will not need to know our names. But just so you don't ever forget your other masters, I'm Doak, and that's Jed." He sounded more redneck than Jamie had, and might be even more a jerk than Jamie was. He gave me a strong squeeze around the neck before dropping me on my ass and walking back to the sofa, taking a seat next to Jamie.

They laughed amongst each other as they watched me stand back and tend to their cooking dinner. "Oh, fag, get us some beers. And don't worry about eating tonight. I have company." Jamie instructed as if I were stupid.

"Would my masters like Corona or Budweiser?" I asked earnestly, not wanting to anger them.

"Bud, and bring all of them over here." Jamie commanded. "But you can only use one hand to carry the case." he added with a laugh.

I felt my stomach drop but I did as I was told anyway. I felt my weak arm trembling as I struggled to carry the heavy 30-pack over to the Alphas. Before I knew it, the cardboard strap snapped and I dropped the entire pack on the ground. Some cans rolled out, and others burst open.

I wanted to sink into the ground like the beer was doing with my hardwood floors just then, but Jed brought me back to reality. As he approached me, I felt myself flinch which caused a howl of laughter to ensue. "Please don't hurt me!" Jed mocked as he lightly kicked me across the face with a booted foot.

"Listen homo, I'm gonna escort you to the corner store and you're going to buy us some more beer since you just fucked up. But you have to wear my dirty briefs over your head as punishment." Jed said calmly, as if he were explaining a weather forecast.

"No, please no." I said weakly. I went to the corner store all the time, and the clerks knew me by name. It would be so embarrassing to walk in wearing a teenager's dirty underwear.

"Lift your arm up as if to flex it, homo." Jed said. I lifted my arm slowly, confused by his order. I flexed as hard as I could, but not even bone mass was evidence from the tiny lump that formed. Jed and the other straight teens howled with laughter as Jed lazily flexed his bicep beside mine, bringing my cock to life yet again.

"Do you see how my arm muscle totally obscures yours? I think that is because I am stronger than you, but I'm not sure. Maybe we need a contest? Or do you understand who is in charge? Because I have no problem asserting my authority." the cocky teen said.

"No sir, I understand completely." I said, defeated.

"Aw, what a shame. I was really looking forward to crushing you." he said.

"Save it for later. It'll be funner when we're drunk." Doak laughed a big booming laugh that made me jump.

Jed lead me outside and instead of walking to his truck, he walked to my Ferrari and told me to get in the passenger seat. I did not really want this country boy driving my Ferrari, but he was not giving me a choice. He was giving me an order.

He revved the engine a few times to test out its power, then sped like a madman just a block down to the convenience store. Under any other circumstances, I would have severely reprimanded someone for driving my car that way, but with this beast of a teen, I felt powerless.

"Hurry up." he said as he leaned his seat back and casually fondled the package through his jeans, as if no one was watching.

I nervously exited the car, painfully aware of all the eyes on me and my underwear adorned head. I knew that Jed was watching me though, so I didn't dare remove it. I entered the convenience store which immediately drew a laugh from Alan, the cashier and owner.

"What are you wearing on your head, bud?" he asked.

"Just a new fashion statement." I said meekly, too intimidated to tell the truth: that I was a gay cash slave to three powerful teenagers.

As I was checking out with the beer, a gruff man in line behind me whispered into my ear: "Homo." I felt my face turn red, but I dared not say anything. I didn't want my ass whooped any more than it was already in for. I got back into my.. er, Jed's car, and he had taken off his boots and was rubbing his sweaty feet all over the dash of `my' Ferrari.

"Say something. I dare you." he smirked threateningly.

"Your feet smell heavenly." I said, defeated.

"That's right." he said, rubbing his package once more before driving back to my house.

"I better carry this. We don't want a repeat, do we?" he took the beer and easily carried it with one hand to the front door. I felt just a bit smaller seeing his teen arms effortlessly control the weight of the 30-pack, knowing he could lift much more than that.

When we entered the house, Doak and Jamie were eating the food I had cooked before we had left, and they had saved a few burgers which I knew better than to think were for me. Jamie stood up upon our entrance and walked over to me with a zip-lock bag.

"Here's your dinner, little man." he said almost affectionately, until I looked inside the bag and saw that it contained about ten saltine crackers.

"But.." I started, but was interrupted.

"Little man, how much do you weigh?" Jamie asked me.

"140lbs, sir." I responded.

"Oh okay. You see, us three were raised on cornbread, chicken, and steak every day. Maybe that's why we're big and you're scrawny. Anyway, we need more meat and protein to feed these muscles. You have almost no muscle that needs nutrition." he explained matter-of-factly.

In any other circumstance, I would have told this boy/man that his interpretation of the body's needs for nutrients was incorrect, but I dared not. Jamie had proven that he had no tolerance for backtalk, so I merely nodded and accepted my `dinner'.

Jed and Jamie sat back down on the couch with Doak, who commanded me to bring them some beers.

"Sir, you know it isn't cold yet?" I asked tentatively.

Doak stood up and walked over to me. He was so intimidating that I felt myself sweating as he looked up at me.

"Do I look like a fuckin' idiot?" he asked, in the thickest country accent out of any of them which would have warranted a very different answer had the circumstances been different.

"No, sir." I said feebly.

"Was he this mouthy yesterday?" Doak asked Jamie.

"Y'all, we've only had him for a day. We gotta break him in." Jamie said.

"When I get drunk, I think you'll be able to tell how much I can squat by the end of the night." Doak said before walking over to the beer and getting some cans. I had no idea what he meant by that, but it sounded painful. Actually, with just my eyes I would say Doak could probably squat my car.

Doak sat down at the couch and ate the remaining hamburgers and steak meat while he drank his warm beer. I realized that teenagers don't care what they are drinking, as long as they get a buzz on.

"I can tell you've had some disciplinary problems in the past, homo." Doak said.

I wanted to shout out that my license had a clean record, that I had no criminal history, and that I had never been involved with drugs, but I realized I needed to accept my position in these boys' lives, so I simply looked down and nodded my head.

"Did you not learn from previous punishments? Surely someone else has whooped you into shape." Doak asked.

"Sir, I've never had men as powerful as you three in my house, sir." I said.

"It must be humiliating to be at the mercy of some teenagers." Jed laughed as he raised a flexed bicep high enough that I could see it over the back of the couch.

I felt a twitch in my pants again and said, "Yes sir, it is."

"Have you never lifted a weight in your life?" Jamie asked mockingly.

"No sir. I've always been too intimidated to enter a gym." I said.

"That's too bad. We could have had you sooner." Jamie laughed without turning around to look at me. They were watching a football game and I had no idea what was going on as I never watched football. "So boy, now that we have beer and food, why don't you get over here and service our feet while we watch the game." Jamie continued.

I knew that he wasn't making a request, so I walked over to them and then got on my knees. With incredibly strength, Doak wrapped his legs around my scrawny chest and lifted me off of the ground. His bulging thighs were crushing my ribcage as he held me suspended in air with just his legs. Supporting my weight and his own with his triceps, he lifted himself up off the couch using his palms. I watched in pain and fear as I saw his powerful triceps easily support the weight without shaking. I had no idea what he was gonna do next.

"Haha bro, you're evil." Jed said as he and Jamie watched with smirks on their faces. Before I knew what was happening, Doak had thrown his legs backwards and released me in doing so, and I found myself slamming into the opposite wall of the living room, then sliding to the floor. I was gasping for air now that my body wasn't being crushed, and holding back yelps of pain from what felt like a broken arm.

All of a sudden, Doak was standing above me, and all I could see were his booted feet, his thickly muscled calves, and silky black gym shorts with the school mascot on the side.

"From now on, you will crawl to us wherever you go. You may not use your pathetic legs for walking, unless otherwise instructed." Doak smirked before walking back to the couch. "Now homo, try again. Come clean our feet."

I had no choice. His strength seemed to be without limits, so I weakly used my probably-broken arms and knees to crawl towards my expensive leather couch that was occupied by three teen wrestler studs. I started with Doak, since he was on the edge. I removed his boots while he ignored me and watched the game, as if nothing had just happened. The stench of his feet was similar to that of Jamie's, except Doak's feet were wider and had no problem concealing my face.

He didn't turn his head to look at me, but he did acknowledge that I was at his feet by roughly kicking me across the face. I did what I thought I should and thanked him for each kick, as dirt from his feet stuck to my face every time.

I moved on to Jamie, whose feet I was already familiar with. I knew what kind of stench would blast me in the face once I took off his boots, but I dared not hesitate. He paid a bit more attention to me, though that wasn't necessarily a good thing. Whereas Doak's feet were idly resting on the coffee table in front of the couch, Jamie made it a point to force his feet in my face. Of course, I did not complain. By now, the combined stench of Jamie and Doak's feet had filled the air, even overpowering the scent of freshly cooked hamburgers.

Once I had gotten to Jed's feet, it was game over. I could feel myself getting light-headed as all I had to smell was the masculine feet of these studs, but they didn't seem to notice. They were too engrossed in the football game. Eventually, I worked up the courage to move away from the boys' feet and ask, "Is it okay if I eat my dinner, sirs?"

"Sure, wimp. But don't make us wait long." Jed said.

"Y'all, I gotta piss. Where's the bathroom?" Doak said.

"Hey bro, don't piss yet. We'll all do it later." Jamie said as he smirked at me.

I gulped nervously as I sat down behind the couch with my small bag of crackers, listening to the snickers of the young jocks who were slowly crushing my willpower. I knew things were getting serious as I actually felt thankful that they had given me crackers to eat. It's gonna be a long night.

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