Jumping Over My Mountain

By Tiffani Chin

Published on Apr 12, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is copy right protected. Please do not post it on any other website. If you are not 18 or male on male action offends you, do not continue further. Email me, EliteECrew@verizon.net for any kind of feedback.

Jumping over my Mountain, Chapter 9

(Helaku's point of view) ***

"Curse you Dad," I muttered to myself as I fell for the billionth time on my ass. I hadn't realized falling on snow was so painful until I fell for the tenth time.

I really sucked at snowboarding.

It felt like ten years before I managed to stand up again without sliding but once I did I angled the board so I could begin again.

I had refused to go on the baby slope because I figured that's where all the instructors were and that mean running into the twins and Crew, which in my present state, I wasn't really in the mood for.

I saw young children and teenagers gliding past me like it was nothing. Their limbs weren't flailing awkwardly like mine were.

Jeez, how embarrassing.

I shrugged it off and decided to try again. At least focusing on how to maneuver the board helped me to not imagine Bryce's face every five seconds.

I felt nervous and I wobbled around as I came around some turns and came this close to falling but I managed to stick it.

When I got to the end of the trail and the ground was flat, I just glided along and I felt like jumping up and down for not falling.

Wow. I couldn't stop smiling. I must have looked like an idiot. I didn't care. For me this was a major accomplishment.

My Dad was right after all; doing something new and different was a good idea.

I wasn't torturing myself anymore, I was having fun, and I accomplished not falling on my ass. It was shaping up to be a very good day.

I couldn't help glancing at the baby slope area which was directly in front of me. I immediately noticed Skyler because he was with a group of young kids and he was laughing uncontrollably as one of them fell onto him when he lost his balance.

I scanned around for Storm and I finally noticed him further at the top with a young guy.

Lastly, I searched for Crew. I couldn't find him.


I turned around and saw Crew staring at me, his eyebrows raised with surprise. No wonder, we haven't spoken or seen each other since he left and that was about eight to nine months of no contact.

He didn't look pissed which was a good sign. He looked worried and I felt myself tense up.

"Hey," I said weakly.

"What are you doing here?"

"I decided to give snowboarding another try," I said lamely.

Crew nodded and we just stood there not knowing what to say.

"Are you ok?" Crew asked. The question took me by surprise.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Um, Storm mentioned he hasn't seen you in almost two whole weeks and that you pretty much disappeared. And you look kind of tired," he said.

I sighed and looked down. "I'm alright. I've been staying at my Dad's place for awhile now," I explained.

"But I'm fine," I added.

Crew cocked his head and looked at me. "Are you sure?"

I felt like shit. After everything that I had done he still was asking if I was ok and he didn't seem to be forcing himself to care; Crew looked like he genuinely cared.

"I'm fine," I choked out overwhelmed with guilt and self pity.

As soon as I said that Crew only began to look more worried.

"Hey I was going to get a drink. Want to come with me?" he asked.

I nodded. I followed him to place our boards on a standing rack and then headed inside the food area. We got some drinks and since it was becoming crowded, we sat in the outdoor seating area.

"I'm sorry," I blurted out just as we sat down.

Crew didn't even ask for an explanation. He just understood.

"I know. I'm sorry too."

I was surprised. "Why are you sorry?"

"Because we both made mistakes Helaku," Crew said sighing. "I admit I blamed you for awhile and I was just so angry." I looked at the ground guiltily. "But then I slowly got over it and realized it was partly my fault too. You're a good person Hela and I know you cared for me and was just trying to, I don't know, get closer to me but I wouldn't let you. So in a way I pushed you to cheat and for that I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, Crew. I should have been more understanding."

Crew grinned at me. "How about we both agree we both fucked up and we're both sorry, otherwise we might be here all day and I have other lessons to teach later."

I laughed. "Ok, truce."

"So really, what's up? You look really down?" Crew started in again.

I sighed. "My life is just messed up and nothing is going right. I mean they were for awhile but then they got fucked up again," I shook my head and closed my eyes.

Crew was silent and I just decided to spill my guts since nowadays I had no one else to talk to but my Dad.

"After you left, I quit bartending," I said. Crew looked at me questioningly. "I felt like shit when you left Crew and I know why you left, to get away and feel better, but I really hated myself for awhile. I stopped bartending, I stopped hanging out with my bartending buddies, although I should really give them a call because they were real cool. I haven't touched alcohol since." Crew looked impressed.

"I got a job in advertising through my uncle and I really liked it. I mean I was really good at it and I got used to the whole business type thing, wearing a suit, waking up early, and I even got a haircut," I said pointing to my head.

Crew laughed. "I noticed. I miss the faux hawk."

"Me too," I said shaking my head sadly.

"So then what happened?" Crew prompted.

"Oh well, as soon as I started working there, this asshole Bryce totally was on me all the time. He made fun of me, got in my face, ignored me in group settings and he said it was because I was the nephew of the owner. Then one day I just lost it. I yelled at him and told him I was gay and that I only wanted this job so I could get my mind off my ex. I was so shocked that I told this jerk I was gay and he was so stunned that I didn't know what to do so I ran. I ran all the way to the parking lot and then I went home. Just like that." "Wow, did he out you to the company?" Crew asked in awe.

I shook my head, a small smile forming on my lips. "No, he came by the apartment. I thought it was Storm trying to cheer me up because he saw me on his way out but it turned out to be Bryce. He had gotten my address from my uncle and he came by to apologize and then he took me out for dinner."

"Out to dinner?" Crew asked smiling a little himself.

I blushed slightly. "Well, he wouldn't leave the couch until I agreed. At the time I just wanted him out," I protested. Crew chuckled.

"After awhile we became good friends. We ate lunch together, had dinner, we did our work together, and we played basketball on weekends. He's really good. He wins all the time and he would do this little cheer and dance," I said wistfully.

Crew was studying me. "When did you two start dating?" he asked. I looked at him. "It was obvious Hela. If the guy was still an asshole in your mind you wouldn't be talking of him so fondly."

I smiled. "I was so clueless Crew. He had been giving me compliments and little hints since he apologized to me at the apartment but I was just so out of it. Around August, he asked me to sketch him nude."

"Nude?" Crew asked in an incredulous tone.

I blushed even more. "Yeah and I was so shocked because he never told me he was gay. So I sketched him and then was about to bolt, but he stops me, still naked by the way, and tells me he's flattered and then kisses me."

"Was he hot naked?" Crew asked.

I cracked up. It was funny to imagine Crew and me talking like we were college buddies.

"Are you going to let me finish my story?" I asked in a mock angry tone.

"Sorry," Crew said smiling in such a way that made it seem like he didn't mean it.

"Well we made out for awhile after that and then I told him I needed to think because I was confused. Hell I didn't even know he was gay. I pretty much ignored him for the rest of the weekend and then on work Monday morning he cornered me and asked if I liked kissing him and if I liked him. I told him yes."

"How sweet," Crew teased. I shot him a dirty look.

"And we still didn't begin dating yet. We were both just scared I guess. Then he just asked me one day and basically said we were dating anyway since we spent all our time together and may as well make it official."

"Sounds nice," Crew said seriously.

"It was for awhile. Until everything got fucked up like it usually does in my shitty life," I said resting my head in my hands.

"You're not with Bryce anymore?" Crew asked in confusion.

I shook my head without even looking up at him.

"How come?" Crew asked gently.

"He didn't tell his Dad he was gay and now he's dating some girl," I groaned, my reply coming out muffled because of my hand covering my mouth.


"Yeah, he didn't tell his Dad and his Dad must be, I don't know, some major homophobe and he's afraid to tell him the truth, which I get. But I told Bryce I wouldn't pressure him but I couldn't be the other person in his life while he pretended to be straight. I did the right thing right?" I asked Crew, suddenly needing clarification.

"Absolutely," Crew said firmly nodding once emphatically.

"It still hurts. I miss him," I said in a small voice. "It's hard seeing him at work all the time and not talking or touching him."

"I'm sorry Hela."

"I guess I deserve it for being such a shitty person," I said sadly. "Ouch!" Crew hit my arm.

"You're not a shitty person Hela. You're human, ok, and we all make mistakes. How else would we learn if we didn't make mistakes? And look how far you've come since your mistake? No more drinking and a real corporate job?"

I nodded. "I guess you're right."

"I think everything worked out for the best anyway," Crew said confidently. I looked at him curiously.

"Look, I think we both realize now that we weren't meant to be, right?" Crew said looking at me. "I mean we had fun and I can honestly say I cared for you."

"I cared for you too," I interrupted.

"I know you did. It's just that our relationship was kind of superficial. I was such a workaholic and I was never around and our schedules were different. We only got together briefly to talk or fool around and there wasn't much substance to our relationship, which I think ruined us in the end. And now I can tell you're unhappy and missing Bryce like crazy; you must really like him."

"I do," I admitted.

"I don't wish anything bad on you Hela, I want good things for you too."

"Thanks," I said truly touched. "I'm so emotional lately; I think I'm going to cry."

Crew laughed. "Oh you big woman." I laughed as well.

"You look really good," I commented suddenly looking him over. He was smiling broadly and he looked happy and spirited. "How's Hiro?" I asked remembering the guy at the twin's apartment I had met awhile back.

Crew looked down and blushed. I knew I had him.

"There's nothing going on with Hiro," he said.

"No?" I asked in surprise.

Crew shook his head. "It's kind of like you and Bryce. I don't even know if he's gay or not but I told him I was. And we spend a lot of time together. Like I'm talking everyday during the semester, either in classes or between, and then I go to this house every Saturday and Sundays we have lunch with the twins. Other times we just sit together and do nothing, but I love being with him."

"Why don't you make a move?" I asked.

Crew blushed. "You know me, Hela. I'm chicken shit."

I laughed loudly. "Well is Hiro any good at art or sketching? You could do what Bryce did. I do remember you looking good naked," I teased.

Crew spit some soda onto me and I yelped while he laughed.

"So you like Hiro then?"

Crew nodded. "A lot."

"In that case, I hope he's super gay," I said.

Crew smiled. "Thanks."

"What else has been happening with your crew, Crew?" I asked smiling.

Crew grinned and paused to think about it. "Well, Skyler and Zeke are officially a couple now," he offered.

"Wow. I never would have thought that," I said.

"Me neither. I never thought Skyler could be serious enough about anyone, but they seem pretty tight," Crew said.

"Well, good for them," I said sincerely.

"This is nice," Crew said.

"What is?" I asked.

"Us being able to talk again. I missed you," Crew said.

"I missed you too," I said honestly.

"Maybe we can try to be friends? Hang out together?" Crew said hesitantly.

"I'd like that, but I'm not sure how everyone else will react," I said.

Just then I heard someone shout, "CREW!"

We both turned to the voice and I saw Skyler coming towards us with Zeke on his back.

Wow, Crew wasn't kidding about them two being tight.

As they got closer I got a little fearful from the looks Skyler and Zeke were shooting at me.

Zeke jumped off of Skyler's back and headed to us, his blue eyes flashing angrily.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he demanded while Skyler followed behind him looking serious.

His serious look was downright frightful.

Crew stood up quickly and got between the two of us.

"It's ok Zeke. I asked him to talk," he said. Zeke was still looking at me angrily, but his body wasn't as tense.

Crew turned to me. "We should get back to work," he said smiling. "Maybe we can have lunch over the weekend or something to catch up some more."

I nodded while Zeke and Skyler looked between the two of us curiously.

Crew waved and then grabbed onto Zeke and Skyler pulling them away from me.

For my own safety, I suppose.

Things had a weird way of working themselves out.

Something bad happens, then something good, something bad again, then something good.

I just wish something good could happen again.

And I really wanted that something good to be with Bryce.

I sighed and picked up my board and headed towards the lift.

"Life fucking blows," I muttered when I managed to slip and land on my hip harshly. ***

(Crew's Point of View ) ***

"Skyler, slow the fuck down man!" Storm called out from the back seat as Skyler weaved narrowly between two cars and missed hitting the one in front of us by an inch.

"Chill out, I've got it bro," Skyler shot back as he shifted into neutral while we waited at the light.

The five of us were halfway through winter break and we decided to hit up the city. We had come from Times Square to just enjoy walking around and enjoying the lights and atmosphere. Hiro particularly enjoyed it since it was his first time in New York. He never knew that a city could be so alive at such a late hour.

After we had had enough of Times Square, we hopped back into Skyler's car and were thinking what to do next because none of us were ready to go home just yet.

"Chinatown?" I suggested. The Chinese food was really good and cheap.

"No way," Skyler groaned.

"Why not?" Storm inquired.

"Because you know how it is every time we go to Chinatown," Skyler said.

"What's it like?" I asked in amusement.

"We walk around and every Asian person around stares at us," Skyler said dragging out his words. "It's like they've never seen another Asian person before which is odd since most of them are foreign and probably came from countries where everyone is Asian!"

I laughed out loud.

"I mean, do they stare at every Asian person like that back home where they're originally from? I surely hope not because that would be weird," Skyler went on.

"Then again," Skyler said going off on a tangent, not really paying attention to the road. "I am ridiculously good looking, so I can't blame them for staring at me."

"At us," Storm corrected.

Skyler rolled his eyes. "Just keep telling yourself that bro."

"Zeke, you think I'm good looking right?" Storm asked.

"Of course, you look like Skyler," Zeke replied and Skyler grinned. "The difference is that with Skyler I want to tear off his clothes all the time," he said before leaning in to kiss him.

Storm groaned and covered his ears. "Don't say that to me. That's my brother you're talking about!"

Skyler and Zeke cracked up.

"How about a gay club?" Zeke piped in.

"Yeah!" Skyler said his eyes lighting up.

"No, a regular club," Storm argued.

While we were driving, Storm and Skyler were having a debate on which type of club to go to.

"I thought you were ok with hanging out with gay people," Skyler said as he jammed on his brakes for another red light.

"I love gay people Skyler, but I don't want to go to a gay club," Storm said as he grunted when he fell forward onto Skyler's seat.

"Come on, it will be fun. Try it once," Skyler coaxed.

"I don't want to be the only straight person there," Storm said.

"You won't be Storm. Anyone is allowed in a gay club," Zeke put in.

"Although most are gay but that's what makes it more fun, well for us anyway," I teased Storm who pouted.

"Come on Storm, I promise I won't let anything happen to you," Skyler prodded.

"Yeah, but just to be on the safe side, don't leave your drink unattended," Zeke added.

I burst out laughing at Storm's horrified expression.

Skyler started cackling even as he dangerously switched lanes.

"It will be fine. Gay clubs are just like straight clubs when it comes to the people. In either club you'll have obnoxious people who invade your personal space. It's up to you to just handle it," Hiro put in reasonably. "Besides, I've never been to a gay club either and would like to try it."

"Group vote!" Skyler shouted.

Storm groaned because he knew he was definitely outnumbered.

I smiled at him. "I'll dance with you Storm. You can be my boyfriend," I said patting his hand.

"Lovely," Storm said sarcastically although he was smiling slightly.

"Hey, pretend you're gay. Maybe you can get some action," Skyler said snorting.

"Ew, Sky, stop being so crude would you?" Storm asked frowning.

"You'll dance with me?" Hiro said quietly into my ear.

I looked at him. "Of course. We'll just sandwich Storm so we can protect him," I added.

Hiro nodded and then we both jerked forward as the car came to an abrupt stop.

"Skyler!" we all called out.

"Sorry guys," he said.

*** I smiled and surveyed the crowd as we danced.

Everywhere we went we somehow managed to attract attention.

It was no surprise considering how hot my friends were.

Zeke was an amazing dancer as always and Skyler was holding his own beside him.

Storm was dancing close by to Skyler and Zeke and I could tell other men were drooling over the twins.

Hiro had smooth moves, they were slow and didn't always fit the music but he made it work somehow.

And I was kind of just bobbing around to the music. I was never much of a dancer. I always felt out of place.

But I was still having loads of fun being with the people I loved and watching them have a good time.

I glanced over at Skyler who had grabbed Zeke away from some guy trying to edge his way in and Zeke laughed before kissing Skyler.

"I'm going to get something to drink," I told Hiro, fanning myself.

He nodded and followed me as I headed to the bar.

I felt myself being spun around suddenly and lips were planted on my mouth. They were soft and gentle. Arms wrapped around my waist tightly and I was pressed close to this person. I felt my lips being nibbled on lightly before the kiss ended.

I opened my eyes and stared into Hiro's almond shaped brown eyes. He looked serious.

"What was that for?" I asked uncertainly.

"Some guy was eyeing you and I didn't want you to get jumped on," he replied.

"Hiro, are you gay?" I blurted out.

"Yes," he said simply.

God, why does he answer everything like it was no big deal.

"Do you like me?"


"As more than a friend?" I asked a little anxiously.


"For how long?" I wondered.

"Since I saw you the first day of last semester," Hiro answered without having to think.

"How come you never told me you were gay?" I asked.

"You never asked."

"Does everyone have to ask you something in order to get answers?" I asked slightly annoyed. I had been driving myself crazy over Hiro for four months straight and all along he liked me too. I could have saved myself a lot of stress.

"Yes," Hiro said again.

"Stop saying that!"

"I'm sorry. I guess I'm not good at explaining feelings and stuff. I didn't grow up that way," Hiro said still holding me.

"Yeah, you don't talk much," I said as if thinking it over. "But I like that. You're the silent, sexy, brooding man," I said smiling up at him.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Hiro agreed. "You feel the same for me?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Good," Hiro said and he leaned in again to kiss me. I put my hands around his neck and kissed him back, enjoying the tenderness of his kisses. He was always so gentle with me.

"So who was eyeing me?" I asked when we broke apart.

"He was," Hiro said nodding at a brunette guy standing two spaces beside us.

I saw Hiro shoot him a sideways glance and with Hiro's calm and silent demeanor, coupled with his naturally serious look and narrowed eyes, the brunette guy quickly glanced away.

I laughed. "Jealous?"


I laughed again.

Hiro kissed me again.

*** Our kissing moment was ruined by Zeke and Skyler who ran up to us and began making obnoxious kissing noises beside us.

Then they started to make out as well.

It was an odd night.

But a fun night as well.

We stayed at the club until 2:45 in the morning and by the time we were headed home, Skyler and Zeke were passed out in the backseat and Hiro was dozing slightly on Skyler's shoulder.

I smiled in amusement as I glanced over at him.

Hiro had such a clean living and laid back lifestyle, I didn't think the clubbing nightlife really agreed with him.

And Zeke was using Skyler's lap as a pillow. Freaking adorable.

Storm was forced to drive which he didn't seem to mind since he didn't want to end up carsick with the way Skyler drove.

All in all, it was a relaxing and quiet drive home.

"Did you have fun?" I asked Storm.

He nodded. "It was an experience all right. And Hiro was right. Gay clubs are pretty much the same as straight clubs, except more gay guys and less underdressed girls," he said.

"So you would ever go with us again?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Sure."

"I swear that blond guy was totally crushing on you," I teased. "He wouldn't stop dancing around you, Skyler, and Zeke."

Storm smiled. "Perhaps. It was heartbreaking to tell him I was taken."

I grinned. "I'm sure he'll get over it."

"Hey, Skyler told me that you and Hela were talking the other day at work? Everything ok?" Storm asked.

"Yeah, things are fine. I think Hela and I are starting to become friends again," I replied.

Storm looked over at me. "Yeah, that sounds good. It's been long time and I think Hela is getting worried over Skyler's nasty looks."

I laughed. "Skyler doesn't have nasty looks or a mean bone in his body. He has a serious look."

"Which is just as scary as his so called nasty look. Skyler never looks serious, so when he does, it's a real kick in the balls for some people," he pointed out.

"That's true," I agreed.

"Is Hela ok? I've been a little worried; he hasn't been at his apartment and I can't reach him on his cell," Storm said hitting the Holland tunnel.

"Yeah, he said he's been staying at his Dad's place," I said.

Storm raised his eyebrows. "Really? I thought he didn't get along with his Dad."

"Me neither, but I guess stuff changed. We didn't get a chance to talk much before Skyler and Zeke came and scared the poor guy off," I said chuckling.

"Do you still have a thing for Hela?"

I shook my head. "Not anymore. I care for him but only as a friend."

"He's a good guy. I'm glad you're giving him a chance to be a friend," Storm said.

"Yeah, I was glad I talked to him. Hiro said I should do it to let go of Hela and forgive him so I wouldn't have any bitter feelings eating away at me forever."

"Hiro's a smart guy," Storm said.

"I know," I answered smiling like an idiot. Storm of course noticed.

"What's going on with you two anyway? Something happen?" he asked.

I looked down. "He kissed me before. I was surprised; I didn't even know he was gay."

"I'm not too surprised really," Storm said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well you guys spend every waking minute together and I could tell he was pleased to be around you. I notice things too," Storm reminded.

"How did you know he was gay though?" I asked curiously.

"Well he was always watching you which kind of gave it away. Not to mention when you went somewhere he always made sure to follow you," Storm said.

"I never noticed," I said.

"Yeah, you're permanently stationed in la-la land most of the time," Storm said as he signaled to switch lanes once he was out of the tunnel.

"I am not!" I retorted.

Storm smiled. "What I meant was that you don't notice the little things or hints. You're a typical guy."

"Thanks, I think," I said awkwardly.

"Are you and Hiro going to start something then?" Storm asked.

I shrugged. "I have no idea. We haven't exactly had a chance to talk that over just yet."

"Do you want to though?"

"Yeah, I do," I told Storm.

"Well, I'm sure he does too," Storm said confidently.

I really loved Storm for his optimism. He always managed to make everyone feel better, even if you hit rock bottom.

"You know Hela sort of has someone to, although they're in a bit of a messy situation at the moment," I said.

"Oh yeah, he met someone? With Skyler around, Hela has steered clear of me too."

"Yeah he met someone and got a job in advertising," I said.

Storm looked at me. "I kind of figured he got a different job. He no longer worked at night and was sporting suits and ties."

I nodded. "Yeah."

"But he was never around either. Is that because of his new man?"

"Probably," I speculated. "They're working through some issues. Something about the guy not coming out to his Dad and now he's dating a woman so Hela broke it off."

"Dude, poor Hela. How's he doing?" Storm asked worriedly.

I smiled. "He's ok and that's why he's with his Dad. But I'm sure he wouldn't mind a visit from Dr. Storm."

Storm stuck his tongue out at me, very Skyler-esque.

"I was thinking one day soon we could invite Hela to hang out with us again," I said.

"Sure," Storm agreed. "But you have to convince Skyler to agree with it. His serious look skeeves me out too," he said shivering.

I laughed. "Fine, it's a deal."

I paused and looked at Storm carefully.

"You know Storm, you should really think about jumping on the gay bandwagon," I said quoting Skyler. "When we hang out as a group you kind of mess up the mojo you know?"

"Three or four gay guys and one straight one?" I continued. "Come on man, that just isn't right," I mocked.

"I can't help it," Storm said playing along. "I was born this way! I can't change the way I feel!" he exclaimed dramatically placing one hand on his chest.

I fell over laughing and my seatbelt prevented me from going any further into the dashboard.

"I look at woman and I get excited and turned on. I try to tell myself to stop but I can't. Oh Crew!" Storm said in a high pitched tone.

Tears were literally running down my face now and Storm was laughing pretty hard as well. So hard that the car kind of straddled two lanes before Storm managed to steer it straight forward again.

"Well force yourself to like guys," I said in a mock gruff tone. "The bible says heterosexuality is a sin. It's Adam and Steve, not Adam and Eve!" I said taking on a southern preacher tone.

Storm leaned forward laughing.

"Well the best I can do is pretend to be gay when we go out as a group. When men hit on us collectively, I'll be like my boyfriend's name is Wolfgang who is a bodybuilder and gets very jealous," Storm offered.

"Awesome Storm. You're such a trooper," I said grinning.

"I'll take one for the team," Storm said lifting his chin up.

I grinned. "Team player," I drawled out winking at Storm in a leering manner.

"Skeevy!" Storm and I sang out together before we burst out laughing again.

"Shut up, I'm trying to fucking sleep," Skyler mumbled.

We laughed even more.

"Asswipes," Skyler muttered.

"Come on Hiro," I said softly as I took his arm and wrapped it around me so I could support his weight.

Storm had dropped us both off at my house since I didn't want to run the chance of waking up his grandmother and I declined Storm's offer to crash at his place because there was limited space.

I led him inside which was difficult since he was still half asleep and he was bigger and taller than me, but I somehow managed.

Thankfully I lived in a ranch where the entire house was one floor. I don't know how I would have been able to get Hiro up a flight of stairs.

I brought him to my room and laid him on my bed.

I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth quickly and I stripped down to my boxers.

I walked back to my room and noticed Hiro hadn't moved at all.

"Hiro, do you want me to help you get undressed?" I whispered.

He didn't answer me but he kicked off his shoes and undid his belt but then he just lay there unmoving again.

I stood there uncertainly, wondering what I should do.

Then I figured I wanted him to be comfortable so I pulled off his belt and slid off his pants, which was hard since he wasn't helping me at all.

Once I had his pants off I grabbed Hiro and pulled him into a sitting position with him leaning again me and I rolled his jacket off, then his sweater, and his undershirt.

Hiro was like dead weight in my arms.

I felt his breath wash over me as I struggled to get his clothes off.

I let him fall back onto my bed and I flopped backwards as well.

"Night Hiro," I said and I turned on my side to sleep, pulling the covers over both of us.

I felt Hiro lean over and move closer to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and I felt his head on my neck.

He was nuzzling my hair and it felt strange.

"So soft," he murmured and then he kissed my neck.

I felt his lips on my neck even as he pulled them away and I snuggled deeper into Hiro's embrace and let sleep overcome me.

*** (Helaku's point of view)

"Do you want to do something this weekend?" Andy asked me as we both got out of our cars Monday morning.

I looked at him slightly surprised. Andy was the new coworker and we immediately clicked. I knew he liked me but I couldn't tell if he liked me more than a friend. We strictly hung out together at work, never outside. It felt weird to take that step towards a relationship outside of work.

I mean did he think I was gay?

I didn't know if he was gay.

Maybe he had gaydar. What the hell was that anyway? And why didn't I have one?

I hesitated in answering him. Andy was cute, four inches than me; leaner and more wiry than I was. He looked good in his slim fitting suits because of his frame. He had light brown hair and dark brown eyes. His lips were shaped oddly, like they were constantly pursued in a kiss, and it gave him a feminine quality. He had a young boyish quality, but that could be because he just finished college. He wore glasses but didn't give off the nerd vibe. It gave him a trendy aura and combined with his colorful ties and matching hush puppie shoes, Andy reminded me of someone who should work in New York City as some arts designer.

"Well?" he asked looking at me.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked cautiously.

"Want to hit up the comedy club? How about the Stress Factory in New Brunswick?" he asked.

Andy opened the door for me to walk through as we headed to the elevators to take us to our floor.

"I don't know. Things are a little up in the air because my Dad wants me to meet his new girlfriend but hasn't had a chance to finalize a time or date. They both work a lot," I half lied.

Andy looked slightly disappointed, but then shrugged. "That's fine. We on for lunch?"

I breathed a quiet sigh of relief. "Absolutely."

"Great," Andy said. "I'm in need of some coffee. I was up late last night catching up with friends on the computer. Later," he said steering himself towards the kitchen.

I was about to turn the corner where my cubicle was when I felt a hand latch onto my arm and shoulder and I was yanked into a dark empty office.

"What the fuck!" I called out losing my balance slightly and falling into another body.

The body grabbed me and supported my weight, preventing us both from toppling over.


"Bryce?" I asked in confusion. "What the hell are you doing man?" I demanded.

Bryce switched on the light in the room and closed the door. "I needed to talk to you."

I rolled my eyes. "You could have just come up to me before instead of pulling this spy like shit," I said.

Bryce stared at me pointedly. "Well you're harder to find than the President of the United States. I tried all weekend to get in touch with you. You weren't home and never picked up either of your phones. What's up with that?" he asked sounding slightly annoyed.

"Relax. I was still at my Dad's place and I was gone over the weekend snowboarding," I answered straightening my jacket.

"Since when do you snowboard?" Bryce asked frowning.

"Since I tried it when I was dating Crew," I explained.

"You were with Crew?" Bryce asked his frown deepening.

"No, I mean yeah," I stammered as Bryce folded his arms. "I mean I was there alone until I ran into him and our friends. He works there."

I raised my chin defiantly. "I don't know why I'm explaining this to you anyway, it's not like we're a couple. I don't have to tell you where I am all the time or defend myself especially when you're out on dates with a woman." I turned around and reached out to grab the door handle when Bryce firmly pushed me against the door.

"I did it," he said.

I was confused. "Did what?"

"I told my Dad I was gay," Bryce said sighing heavily.

"You did?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah, over dinner with him, my stepmother, and Savanna."

"Savanna?" I asked.

"The girl he set me up with," Bryce said.

I frowned. Savanna.

Bah. I never even met the girl, but still bah.

"How'd he take it?" I asked carefully getting back to the main subject.

Bryce ran his fingers through his silky blond hair. "Not well like I expected."

"I'm sorry. I hope you didn't do it for me," I said automatically.

Bryce's eyes met mine immediately. "Of course I did it for you."

"Well, you shouldn't have, you should have done it for yourself."

"Doing it for you was doing it for me," Bryce exclaimed in frustration. "I want to be with you."

"Well I don't want you to resent me," I said.

"Why would I resent you?" Bryce asked.

"Because I ruined your relationship with your father," I explained looking down at the ground.

"You didn't ruin anything. I never had a real relationship with him. I was just some little toy he could manipulate," Bryce said bitterly.

I stayed silent.

"I was willing to give up my happiness for him? What the hell was I thinking? This all occurred to me over dinner and I was so miserable and my father looked so indifferent and mad that I wasn't acting lively enough. No matter what I would embarrass him, so I had a `fuck this shit' moment," Bryce said pacing the room.

I smiled.

"I don't care if I ever see him again. I visualized how I would feel if I never saw him for holidays or dinners and I didn't feel remotely bad, but when I thought about never seeing you except for work and that was barely enough, it killed me," Bryce said quietly. "I could never resent you Helaku. I would resent my Dad forever for making me lose you and I would hate myself for not standing up for myself and fighting for what I want." He stepped closer to me.

"I love you Helaku. I haven't known you long and we haven't been dating that long, but I love you Helaku. I love you so much," Bryce said and with one giant step he was in front of me.

He grabbed my collar and kissed me, swiftly sliding his tongue into my mouth and finding my own.

I felt a warm feeling spread throughout my body. It had been so long since I kissed Bryce and I realized right now how much I missed him.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him in closer to me, wanting to have every inch of us in complete contact.

I deepened the kiss, leaning into him as well.

He pulled back but I yanked him back to me and kissed him again.

"Bryce," I murmured kissing his chin and cheeks and finally resting my forehead against his. "I love you," I said kissing him briefly on the lips.

Bryce looked at me and his blue eyes literally brightened and looked so happy.

"I'm glad I turned down Andy," I said quietly.

Bryce looked at me questioningly.

"He asked me to hang out with him this weekend, I don't know whether or not he meant as more than friends, but I said no. I just couldn't do it," I said rubbing my nose against his neck, inhaling his aftershave.


"You missed me did you?" Bryce said in a sugary tone.

I laughed and attacked his lips again.

"Maybe a little," I said backing away from him.

"Just a little?" Bryce pouted pulling me back and kissing my neck, sucking lightly.

"A medium amount?" I offered panting slightly. Then I realized we were still at work and I needed to deflate my swelling cock if I was to get back out there soon.

I pushed him back. "Bryce, we're at work. We can't do this now because once we start I won't be able to stop," I said.

Bryce rubbed his mouth. "Yeah, you're right. I've just missed you so much," he said looking a little down.

I laughed. "I can see you tonight. I'll officially move back into my apartment. I think my Dad is getting sick of my moping around anyway."

"Wait, that's it," Bryce said taking my hand.

"What?" I asked.

"Move in with me," he stated.

"What?" I asked again.

"Move in with me," he repeated looking into my eyes. "I don't want to be away from you," he said. "I love you Helaku. It's torture not being with you."

"You're being a tad dramatic, don't you think?" I asked chuckling.

"Is that a no then?" Bryce said in a sad tone.

I couldn't bear the expression on his face. I hugged him tightly and buried my face in his neck. "It's a yes. I've missed you so much." I peppered his throat with kisses and rubbed my knee in his crotch. I smiled as Bryce moaned. "Plus you have a pool and I don't."

"Ouch," I said as Bryce pinched my ass and he kissed me one last time.

"Fine, you can be my pool boy," Bryce said grinning. "No clothes allowed."

I slapped his cheek lightly. "I'll think about it," returning his grin.

Bryce groped my ass one more time and we giggled as I poked my head outside and left the empty office with Bryce following behind me.

I spotted Andy coming back with his cup of coffee and I walked up to him and wrapped my arm around his shoulders.

"Listen A-man, I won't be able to make lunch today. I have to check out this new place I plan on moving into," I said winking at Bryce.

"Oh ok," Andy said and he headed in the opposite direction where his cubicle was.

I mouthed "I love you," to Bryce and Bryce's grin grew even wider.

"Bryce man, watch it," I said as he smacked me in the face as he pulled off his tie.

"I'm sorry baby, are you ok?" he asked leaning over me to check out my eye.

I didn't answer him. I just yanked off his jacket and shirt and then reached for his belt buckle.

We both ran out of the building during our lunch hour and raced to Bryce's house since it was closer than my apartment.

I threw his belt to the ground and started pulling down his pants.

"Oh god, Helaku," Bryce breathed once I had his pants completely off and I rubbed his erection through his boxers, feeling the moisture developing.

Bryce's hands reached out for my belt and pants as I undid my shirt buttons and threw of my coat. I almost choked myself trying to pull off my tie, but I figured it was worth it.

I leaned down and covered Bryce's mouth and pried his mouth open with my lips. I kissed him furiously, not being able to get enough of him. My tongue dug deeper and deeper into his mouth, running along his gums, cheeks, teeth, any part of him I could reach.

Bryce moaned and I felt him shift my boxers down my hips. They landed around my knees and I forced myself to break the kiss. My lips felt cold without the contact of Bryce's lips.

I rolled off of Bryce and kicked my boxers off and reached for Bryce's and tore them down.

Bryce rolled on top of me and kissed me, grinding our hard cocks together.

I had trouble kissing him as the sensations form my cock shot through the rest of my body.

"Bryce," I moaned as I felt myself getting close.

Bryce didn't say anything; he just grunted and held onto the headboard as he humped me faster.

My pleasure was mounting; I could feel the familiar tingle and my anticipation was increasing.

I opened my mouth, shut my eyes and arched my back.

"Shit!" I yelled as I came. I felt my orgasm tear through me, my hot semen shooting out onto our cocks, slicking them up further.

Seconds later I felt warm liquid being splattered between us and I knew Bryce came as well.

Bryce let go of the headboard and dropped all his weight onto me and I rubbed my hands up and down his back, feeling his heated skin.

"That felt really good," I said stating the obvious.

Bryce started to laugh and I soon joined in. "Yeah, it did."

"I want to skip the rest of work," Bryce whined caressing my chest.

"I know. So do I but if we did that it would look suspicious," I said.

"But I haven't seen you in so long. I miss you, I need you," Bryce said wiggling around and spreading our cum around.

"Come on, I'm moving in soon. We can have sex all weekend in every part of the house," I offered.

Bryce smiled. "I want you now."

"Tonight? Dinner but no eating?" I suggested.

Bryce smiled and kissed me. "Tonight and we're not eating."

(Hiro's Point of View)

"Hey!" Crew protested when I smacked some frosting onto his face.

I grinned at his offended expression.

I leaned over and licked his cheek and I saw Crew's stunned face. Before he had time to react I kissed him and slipped my frosting covered tongue into his mouth.

"We should bake cakes more often," Crew said innocently licking his lips after we broke apart.

I smiled and shook my head as we frosted some more cupcakes.

The temperature had dropped considerably and none of the group felt like heading out anywhere, so Crew came over and we did our usual bunch of nothing.

It suited us perfectly.

We were trying to squeeze in as much time as possible because we had one week left before winter break was officially over. We both wanted to spend a lot of time together because this upcoming semester we didn't have any classes together and our schedules were a bit off so it was hard to find time to meet in between.

I remember when we had first compared schedules the previous semester.

"All our classes are conflicting," Crew said pouting as he frowned down at the schedule as if he could magically change it just by looking at it.

"Don't worry Crew. I'll find you somehow," I promised.

Crew looked at me and smiled.

All those dimples. What a beautiful smile.

I knew I would miss seeing him all the time; I had been spoiled last semester.

I was happy that Crew and I were dating now.

I was shocked I had the balls to kiss him at the club when we all went to New York but I figured I had half the equation since I had the advantage of knowing he was gay. I wasn't sure if he liked me in that way, but I had to take a chance.

Especially when I saw that smarmy guy at the bar looking at Crew like he was a piece of meat.

I didn't think Crew would go for a guy like that but I had to make sure.

I decided right then and there that Crew had the most perfect lips for kissing.

The day after New York I had woken up snuggled against Crew, holding him and enjoying his body heat and the steady rhythm of his breathing.

I kissed his neck and then made my way to his shower. I felt sticky and grimy from the club and I smelled faintly of cigarettes and I didn't care much for that.

The hot water felt good as it washed over me and I considered how to tell Crew that I wanted a relationship with him and an exclusive one at that.

I decided to just tell him my way, which was directly and bluntly. In all honesty, it was the only way I knew how to. I lacked subtly or tact. Everything I thought kind of just came out.

After my shower I made my way back to Crew's bedroom where he was still sleeping.

I sat on his side of the bed and studied him.

He looked like a small child, with the comforter wound up to his chin, his chin tucked in towards his chest.

I reached out and slowly ran my fingers under his eye and down the bridge of his nose and to his full red lips.

His eyes fluttered open and I saw his large bright blue eyes staring back at me.

I rubbed his soft hair and tickled his neck, causing him to smile.

"Morning," I said so softly I practically mouthed it.

Crew closed his eyes and rubbed his face into the pillow getting comfortable again.

I just sat there watching him.

His eyes popped open again and met mine. "Stop watching me," he complained.

I smiled. "I can't help it," I said.

He pouted and then shut his eyes again.

"Crew, will you go out with me?" I asked quietly.

His eyes shot to mine, wide with shock.

"Like boyfriends?" he asked in amazement.

I chuckled. "Yes, as boyfriends."

"Ok," Crew said in a shy manner.

"Exclusively," I added and Crew broke out into a grin.

"What?" he gasped in mock surprise. "You don't want me to see other people?" his tone filled with fake wonder and awe.

I tweaked his nose and looked at him affectionately. "I don't want you seeing anyone else but me," I clarified.

"Ok," he said again. He looked much more awake now.

"Want to get breakfast?" I asked.

"I'm tired," Crew said yawning. "What time is it?"

I glanced at his clock across the room. "8:30."

"8:30?" Crew cried out. "We got home like four something in the morning. Why the hell are you up?" he demanded.

"I woke up early. I have an inner alarm clock," I said.

"Sleep!" Crew groaned covering himself with the comforter.

I pulled the comforter down so it no longer covered his face.

"I'll wait for you," I said simply.

"Well, I'm up anyway," he said grudgingly. I laughed inwardly. I had no idea he was such a morning grump. It added to his charm.

"I get to pick where we eat though," he said shooting me a look.

I shrugged. "That's fine, where do you want to go?"

"IHOP!" he cheered bouncing into the bathroom. "My favorite!" he called out.

I realized after watching Crew inhale some very large chocolate chip pancakes that he really loved his chocolate.

At this moment, he was happily biting into his chocolate cupcake, smearing frosting onto his lips.

I leaned behind him, wrapping my hands around his front and rubbed his flat stomach.

I wasn't really into being affectionate or anything, but I had some trouble keeping my hands off of Crew. In a strictly PG-13 kind of way of course.

I rested my head on his shoulder and I felt the vibrations coming from him as he chewed heartily on his cupcake.

"Come on, let's watch a movie," I suggested leading him into the living room.

He grabbed my arm preventing me from going any further and shot me a pleading look.

"Bring the cupcakes," I said grabbing the containers of frosting.

Crew trailed after me holding a large plate of cupcakes and he plopped down on the couch, continuing to frost more cupcakes which would soon be devoured by him.

I started the DVD which happened to be another German film.

I liked German films because I never had to deal with subtitles.

Too bad for Crew.

I looked over at him and I had a feeling he wouldn't be paying much attention to the film as he frowned in deep concentration as he frosted his cupcake perfectly at the edges, his tongue poking out slightly.

Crew was so adorable.

Finally he noticed the film we were watching

He groaned. "Another German film?"

I smiled.

"I love your German side and all but man, we watch a lot of German films," Crew said in exasperation.

I took his hand in mine and rubbed circles with my thumb.

Crew fell silent and looked into my eyes, smiling.

"Eat your cupcakes," I said as I turned my attention to the TV screen.

I watched out of the corner of my eye as Crew did just that.

I brought his hand up to my lips and kissed it.

Crew leaned into me and I shifted so he could sit in between my legs.

Once he positioned himself comfortably, resting his head on my chest, while still eating of course, I wrapped one arm around his waist and pressed play on the DVD machine.

Next: Chapter 10

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