Jumping Over My Mountain

By Tiffani Chin

Published on Mar 14, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is copy right protected. Please do not post it on any other website. If you are not 18 or male on male action offends you, do not continue further. Email me, EliteECrew@verizon.net for any kind of feedback.

Jumping over my Mountain, Chapter 7

Crew's point of view

I walked into Hiro's house and was instantly hit with the pleasant aroma of cookies.

"Oma, ich ist Heim.!" Hiro called out once we were inside. (Grandma, I'm home)

I followed him into his kitchen where a short, thin woman with a full head of graying blond hair was pulling cookies out of the oven.

She turned around and she had the prettiest smile I had ever seen; so warm and welcoming.

"Hallo. Hiro ist wer Ihr Freund?" she said turning to Hiro. (Hello. Hiro, who is your friend)

"Crew, this is my grandmother," Hiro said looking at me.

"Dies ist mein Freund von Schule. Er ist der Bursche, den ich Geschichte mit studiere," Hiro said turning back to his grandmother. (This is my friend from school. He's the guy I study history with.)

She smiled at me. "Er ist reizend." (He's cute).

Hiro smiled and looked at me for a moment. I shifted nervously from one foot to another. I didn't understand a word of what they were saying. I didn't like it when people talked about me right in front of me, let alone in a language I didn't understand.

Hiro seemed to sense my discomfort. "You're cute."

My eyes widened. "Huh?"

Hiro thought I was cute?

Hiro smiled again. "My grandma said you were cute," he clarified.

I blushed. "Oh, ok."

"Hiro, ich verlasse, Klavier jetzt zu lehren. Sie haben Jungen einige Plätzchen.," she said and she kissed Hiro on the cheek. (Hiro, I am leaving to teach piano now. You boys have some cookies.)

She came over towards me and by my surprise she reached onto her tiptoes and kissed me on the cheek too. With one more beautiful smile she was gone.

"She left to teach piano at the local community center. Do you want some cookies?" Hiro asked reaching for one off the pan.

Hiro cried out and started waving his hand around.

"What?" I asked.

"Hot," was all he said.

I laughed as he made a face.

"Let's eat the cookies later when they cool off. Come up to my room," Hiro said and he walked out of the kitchen leaving me to follow him.

When I entered Hiro's room I was a little shocked.

The room was completely white; everything was white. The carpet, the walls, the bed, his bedspread, the curtains, his desk, his bookcase, his lamp, hell even his laptop was white.

"Did I just walk into a hospital?" I asked.

Hiro laughed good- naturedly. "I like white. I like the simplicity and serene feeling I get. I don't know how to explain it."

I shrugged. "Whatever works for you man."

I walked to his bookcase. I was surprised he didn't paint his books white. He was so neat and clean. He reminded me a lot of Storm.

His bookcase was filled with history textbooks and Japanese literature. It made sense since he was a Japanese literature major and history minor. There were a couple German books in there as well.

"Your grandma seems really nice," I said not knowing what else to say.

"Yeah, she's the best," Hiro said.

"You speak German."

"I sure do," Hiro said smiling at my obvious comment.

I turned around and noticed him lying down on his white bed, with his arms folded behind his head, his eyes closed. He looked very peaceful. I took the time to admire him freely.

His features were very exotic. When you looked at him you had to take the time to study him more and break down his features. It was hard to tell right off the bat what nationality he was, but that was probably due to his very diverse heritage.

His hair was the same style as mine, close cropped, buzzed. The shade was really hard to pinpoint though. I think it was light brown, but in certain angles it seemed to border a very dirty blond. His eyebrows though were brown, completely brown. They were shaped nicely, as if he got them done weekly, which I didn't think he did because he didn't seem like one of those guys who put a lot of effort into his appearance. He really didn't have to. His features spoke for themselves.

His nose was nice, narrow, and straight, with a nice bridge line. His jaw shaped nicely and his ears were small, which were cute. His skin was could only be described as perfect. I had never seen skin so good before. The twins had clear smooth complexions without any scarring, but Hiro's skin was so clear and pale and possessed a translucent quality; that's how clear it was, that I would call it a milky complexion.

His eyes were smaller than the twins, people would call them almond eyes, I guess that's what gave him away as being part Asian even though he had only one eighth Japanese blood. His smaller light brown eyes suited him though. They matched his quiet demeanor; his eyes were observing eyes, they were made to watch and study, but not judge. He had delicate features but his strong jaw and nose gave away his masculinity.

Hiro was about the twin's height but he was built differently. The twins were buff and anyone could easily see all contours of their muscles because Asian men were usually more slender and when they developed muscle it was usually more obvious compared to other races. Hiro himself had pretty broad shoulders which I could tell from his shirts or sweaters he wore. His clothes weren't overly tight, but I could tell he had a nice narrow waist and long slender legs. His outfits were always blue jeans, nice sweaters or tops, and sneakers. I had never seen him wear sweats to school before.

I scanned his desk and noticed a picture frame. I moved closer to get a better look.

It was a picture of a couple who were smiling and the woman was holding a young boy that was obviously Hiro, only Hiro looked to be much younger. But he was smiling widely, his eyes expressing pure happiness.

"Who are they?" I asked.

Hiro opened his eyes and propped himself up onto his elbows and looked at the picture.

"Oh those are my parents," he said.

"How come you don't live with them?" I asked curiously.

Hiro looked at me and I thought I had gone too far and was about to tell him he didn't have to answer me.

"My parents were killed in a car crash when I was younger. I was too young to remember them that much. Only some small facts," he responded almost nonchalantly.

My stomach dropped and I had to grip his desk to maintain my balance.

"Are you ok?" Hiro asked immediately noticing. He hopped off the bed and grabbed me by the waist.

I nodded. "Yeah, I just got a little dizzy over there," I said weakly. I let him lead me to his bed and sat down.

He resumed his position lying down on the bed.

"How old were you when they died?" I asked unable to stop myself from asking the questions.

"When I was five," Hiro answered.

"So you live with your grandma because of that?" I asked.

"I lived with my grandparents on my Dad's side in Colorado from I was five on and I would visit my mom's parents here for holiday and vacations. But when my grandfather died this past summer, my grandmother's husband, I decided to move in here with my grandmother. She was all alone and I couldn't bear that. Even though I didn't see her as often as I would have liked to we were still really close."

"That's why I transferred here from Colorado. And that's also why I'm a junior like you guys instead of a senior because I lost some credits. But it's worth it. My grandma was so happy to have me here and I like it here anyway. Plus I love my cookies," he added.

I had to smile at the comment. "I thought you liked your tea, vegetables, and fish?"

"Well I still like my cookies."

"Do you miss them?" I asked.

"My parents?" I nodded. "Well I miss not having parents around. I miss not being able to tell parent stories, like how they embarrassed you on your first date, or bought you a car or something. Or even how they grounded you or when kids say `oh my parents are going to kill me', I miss not having that. The memories to share with everyone else, the experiences. It's hard to miss people you don't remember all too well, but I do remember loving them. That's all I really remember, but that's one memory I'm glad to have."

"I remember when I was growing up my grandparents treated like a fragile kid and they never talked much about my parents and I never understood why. I think they were just trying to protect me which I appreciate but I wish they would have just been upfront. I hated not knowing the answers to something whenever people asked about me and my family."

"But I think I'm pretty well adjusted. I never had any issues with drugs or alcohol, I'm fairly decent in school, more intelligent than most, I got to learn German, I participate in sports, I never went hungry and I sleep under a warm roof everyday and I'm surrounded my people who love me. I'm pretty well rounded so I don't think I fared so bad. Some people in the world have lost their parents but are in a much worse situation than me. Some people have none of the other things I have."

I didn't know what to say. So many emotions were running through me.

I was angry, I was sad, I was jealous, I was feeling guilty.

Hiro was the most amazing character I had ever met.

How did he manage to be so open and upfront about everything?

How did he manage to believe he had a great life even without his parents around?

How come he never questioned me about my past like everyone else?

Was I wrong for grieving everyday for my lost family?

Was I a bad person for feeling sorry for myself and angry at the world for taking my family away?

All these questions ran through my head and it was driving me insane.

"It's not fair," I blurted out.

"What?" Hiro said frowning, his lips pursing.

"It's not fair that you lost your parents," I said tears beginning to fall down my cheeks.

Hiro didn't say anything but his expression wasn't one of worry or confusion; it was one of understanding and compassion.

I think he knew I wasn't crying over his loss.

"It's just not fair. To be left all alone like that. It's not fair," I chanted over and over again, unable to stop.

"And what's worse; I killed them," I sobbed.

Hiro sat up and pulled my face close to his and looked directly into my eyes.

"Who did you kill Crew?" he asked gently.

"I killed my family. I was driving and I killed them. Why am I alive? I should have died with them!" I was screaming at this point.

I kept my feelings in for so long I didn't realize how strong they still were.

"I wish I had died with them. Now I am all alone, being punished for killing them."

"Shh," Hiro said soothingly hugging me tightly rubbing my back.

"It was a mistake, just one big mistake. If I had taken a different route they would still be here with me. It's all my fault that they died. My fault," I said as I felt Hiro rock me back and forth.

"Crew, slow down!" my older brother Luke warned.

"I'm only going fifteen above the speed limit," I answered.

"Still, it's late and you can't see other cars as easily. What if a car comes out of nowhere and you don't have time to react?" Luke asked.

"Calm down old man. My reflexes are better than yours, it will be fine," I said.

I glanced in the rearview mirror and saw my parents sleeping in the back seat.

"See, everything is fine. Stop worrying," I said smiling.

"So as I was saying. Zeke and I are planning to visit Boston over the summer so we can explore a little bit and get to know our way around. He's been dying for a road trip for ever and I thought it would be a great opportunity to-"

"Crew, look out!" Luke shouted.

I saw some car up ahead make an illegal left turn, cutting me off so to speak. I jammed on my breaks but realized I wouldn't be able to stop the car in time as I approached the other car at an alarming pace.

I panicked.

I swung the wheel abruptly to the right and our car went careening off the road. I had trouble maintaining control and it felt as if the tires actually lifted off the ground. The car kept going and I once again tried the brakes but it seemed as if they weren't cooperating. Instead the car spun again, this time heading for the woods off the road.

I saw large tree trunks in my line of vision and my eyes widened.

Here it comes. There's nothing we can do now but wait for it.

I glanced at my brother who seemed as stunned as I did and the trees came to us in slow motion.

I braced myself for the hit.

Luke looked at me and the look in my eyes made me want to cry. He looked as if he knew it was all over and we were going to die. His eyes were saying Goodbye.

I tried to reach for his hand but I couldn't.

All I felt was a searing pain in my neck, little nicks on my face from the windshield smashing, and the seatbelt holding my body in place.

Then everything went black.

*** Hiro handed me a tissue to dry my face. I hadn't realized I had been crying so profusely, but my entire face felt soaked and I had trouble breathing through my nose and my throat was thick with mucus.

"Then what happened?" Hiro asked gently.

I swallowed hard.

"I woke up in the hospital three days later. I was so confused and I had no idea where I was. I kept asking for my family but no one ever answered me. The doctors and the nurses just kept ignoring my questions while attending to me. It was when I saw the police did I know something was really bad."

"They told me that my family had died in the crash, all of them," I said blinking more tears. "I was the only that survived, how odd is that?" I asked looked at Hiro, "The entire car was mangled and torn apart, but the front seat where I was managed to stay in one piece, lodged between a gap in a tree. My brother was smashed against the tree," I choked out.

Hiro wrapped an arm around me and rubbed circles on my shoulders occasionally squeezing.

"The cops asked me if I had any relatives to contact but I was too out of it to remember their information. I just told them no. They were about to leave when I remembered the oncoming car. I asked them about it."

"They said that it was a young guy, around twenty and he had been coming back from a party. He had initially tried to run but eventually the cops caught him from a description from other vehicles on the road when I crashed the car. It turns out he was slightly above the legal alcohol level and was in holding. The cops mentioned trial and jail time but I was just so overwhelmed at this point that I had trouble processing everything. I just wanted to go back in time. I wanted to have left the party earlier so we could have avoided the guy or if I had been driving slower would I have been able to stop in time? I should have listened to Luke," I sobbed into Hiro's arms.

"All my relatives were spread out so all I could think of was to call Zeke. Him and his mother picked me up and I ended up staying at his house for awhile. It was for the best anyway, I don't think I would have been able to cope being in my house all alone. I forced myself to finish school; I was so close to graduation at this point, but I totally shut down. I never talked to anyone anymore, I never hung out with friends or any of my soccer teammates. The only person I spoke to was Zeke and I was even limited with him. I just really wanted to die. Everything just felt so bad; it hurt so much."

"After two months I moved back into my own house and it was so dark and empty. Everything was as the same right before my family left for that party. It took me awhile before I let anything change but eventually I had to do some housecleaning and stuff, but it took a lot of mental strength."

"I had already turned eighteen and I had to attend the will reading. Luckily my parents were really good about protecting their assets and I managed to keep everything. There were substantial savings and life insurance from all three, but I used it to pay off the mortgage of the house and for the car maintenance and insurance. But I knew the money was going to be gone soon so by freshman year of college I had two jobs, one of which was a snowboarding instructor where I met the twins," I said. By now I was calming down a bit and my eyes were no longer acting like a faucet.

"I was supposed to go to Boston University with Zeke. We planned everything; our living situation, our classes, it was all perfect. But after the accident I wrote a letter to BU and transferred to community college for two years to save some money; I was working two jobs now and paying my own tuition, and now here I am at Rutgers."

"Zeke stayed over with me a lot; I still had trouble being alone. I would wake up with nightmares; needless to say I spent much of my senior year in high school an insomniac. I looked disgusting," I shuddered at the memory.

I glanced at Hiro. I had been talking for a long time getting everything out. He just looked at me calmly with a totally neutral expression on his face.

Inside I was grateful for his silence; most people would be spewing apologies and saying how I turned out ok. What was their definition of ok? I didn't feel ok? And I really hated hypocritical apologies. Like these strangers even knew my family?

"Did you know I tried to kill myself?" I whispered.

Hiro's eyes widened at that comment, but still he said nothing, waiting patiently for me to continue.

"It was over the summer right before our annual family vacation and I don't know. All the memories and stuff got to me and I swallowed of bunch of pills. Luckily Zeke came by to check up on me since he knew I would probably be feeling pretty depressed. He knew of my family's annual summer vacations. I owe him my life."

"Do you feel better?" Hiro asked suddenly.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Do you feel better after telling someone? I mean other than your close friends?"

I thought about it for a little while and slowly nodded. "Yeah, I guess I do."

"Keeping secrets and feeling guilty is a burden Crew. It's a burden that can do serious damage to you," Hiro said. "You did nothing wrong; it was a terrible accident, but no one would think badly of you."

"But I drove my family into those trees," I protested.

"You reacted like anyone else in your situation. You avoided that guy in the other car because you didn't want to hit him."

"I should have hit him," I said bitterly folding my arms, "at least my family would have only been injured and still with me now."

"You don't know that," Hiro said quietly, "in that case you would have had the guilt of killing someone else and jail time."

Fresh tears began to course down my face.

I felt a cold towel being dabbed on my eyes.

"To help the swelling," Hiro offered. I nodded in a thank you.

"It's ok to grieve Crew. No one said it was a bad thing. Its worse just keeping it all in, which I have a feeling you've been doing."

I looked at him questioningly.

"I notice how you act Crew. You're so quiet and reserved, even around Storm and Skyler and I know you're close with them. I haven't met Zeke yet but he may be the exception," Hiro said thoughtfully.

"I told Storm and Skyler what happened," I said defensively.

"How about Hela?" Hiro asked.

I blinked. "What do you mean?" I asked uneasily.

"Well there's something between you guys. The way he was staring at you when I met him wasn't just a friend who got pissed and was avoiding you; something happened," his eyes bore into mine, "do you want to talk about it."

I opened my mouth to give my stock answer of, "I don't want to talk about it" but for some reason I felt like telling him.

"Don't hate me please, I can't handle that right now," I said biting my lip. "I'm gay," I said slowly waiting for his reaction.

I got nothing but a nod and an encouraging expression for me to go on.

"I'm gay and Hela was my boyfriend. He got fed up when I wouldn't tell him about me and then I got angry and broke up with him. A week later I tried to make up and tell him I made a mistake and I was ready to open up, but then I found out he cheated on me with some jerk," I said.

I was surprised that I no longer sounded bitter or felt ridiculously angry.

Dude, was this what healing felt like?

Well, I'll be damned.

"Do you still want to be with Hela?" Hiro asked.

"I don't know," I admitted. "I used to ask myself that a lot and wonder if I could get past the cheating. But I don't think it was just the cheating; it was just us. We weren't a couple of substance; we never spent enough time together and we didn't talk enough. It was no one's fault, we were both just busy and we were kind of different."

"Are you still angry with him?"

"A little."

"Go talk with him."

"Huh?" I asked my brow knitting.

"Tell him how you feel. Actually talk; no yelling. Get everything out in the open; it can help both you and Hela to move on and maybe one day you can be friends."

"I don't know," I said uneasily.

"Can you forgive him?"

"What do you mean?"

Hiro sat closer to me. "Crew, it takes a lot of energy to hate someone or even to be angry or bitter about someone. I'm betting Helaku feels badly still; you two need to have an actual talk. I bet you haven't spoken since you officially broke up?"

Damn, this guy knew everything.

"No," I said looking down.

"You both need closure, you know?"

"I know," I agreed. I looked at him and gave him a funny expression. "You're not like most people you know that?"

"Yes," Hiro agreed smiling.

I smiled. "Aren't you going to ask why I think you're not like most people?"

He made a gesture for me to go ahead.

"You never pressured me to talk to you, even before. You just waited and waited and stuck by me when most people would have been itching to know everything."

"Well, I'm not most people," Hiro grinned. I chuckled.

"Listen Crew," Hiro said his smile fading. "You can tell me anything, ok? I won't judge you and I won't pressure you to say something or do something you're not ready. You decide when you want to give something. I don't like to pull something out of someone."

I started to thank him, but he kept talking.

"You know Crew, you should be happy, even with the accident that killed your family, you didn't kill them," he said sternly when he saw my downcast face. "You should be happy because no matter what you have memories. You have the memory of your family and the great things you've done. When people ask or talk about their families you have something to say; you can look back and smile and laugh about it. And when you're feeling really down you can imagine their faces and have them with you. Not everyone has that," Hiro said but his voice held no bitterness or jealously. He was just stating a fact.

I suddenly felt bad. He was right, I did have many memories. Eighteen years of memories with my family and so many great ones at that. When I first tried snowboarding with my brother and I was so bad that I vowed to never do it again until I did it the next day. All my birthdays and family vacations, holiday dinners and the chaos of it all, my Sweet Sixteen, making Varsity, soccer games my Dad attended. I had endless memories.

Hiro had no memories of his parents. He said he remembered loving them and he had a picture to see their faces but that was it. They were killed when he was five and he didn't have much to go on. Yet he still loved his family and was able to talk freely about them. It was an amazing concept to me. We both sat in a comfortable silence just lost in our own thoughts.

Then I looked at him and smiled. "I know why people feel compelled to talk to you in this room?"


"It looks like a freaking hospital."

*** I woke up and blinked my eyes groggily. My eyes felt so heavy and fat that I had trouble opening them. I guess that cold towel Hiro gave me didn't work.

I didn't even realize I fell asleep but I was always tired after I cried. Took a lot of energy out of me.

I realized I was also in Hiro's neat white bed and my shoes were beside the bed. I assumed Hiro had taken them off for me. I looked around the room and figured it was evening because the room was dark and no light was coming in from the curtains.

I looked over and a huge smile broke out onto my face.

Sitting on Hiro's pristine clean white desk was a plate of cookies his grandmother had made and a large bottle of water. Beside the plate was a note that said: Eat over plate. No crumbs in the hospital. I giggled a little and looked a little lower and saw Hiro passed out in a sleeping bag, white of course, his arm stretched out along the white carpet.

I studied his face. He looked so serious when he slept; well he always looked serious. It was just the set up of his fine and delicate features. He looked nice when he slept.

I fished for my cell which was wedged in deep in my pocket. It read 9:45. Wow I was sleeping for a long time.

I took the plate of cookies and knelt beside Hiro and nudged his arm. He stirred and blinked as his eyes focused on me.

"Want to share the cookies with me?" I asked.

Hiro shook his head and closed his eyes. "Mm, ate lots before. Full," he said before he fell back asleep. I smiled and bit into a cookie, watching the rise and fall of his chest as he slept.

*** The rest of the semester passed quickly. It was only four months of school and with all the work, time was just eaten up.

I actually enjoyed college for the first time. It didn't seem like a chore anymore. I wasn't sure if it was because I was at a four year college now and with Storm and Skyler or if the change in me was due to meeting Hiro.

I felt happier and more alive and I felt like I had someone special in my life even if we weren't intimate. And I didn't mind not being intimate. I was surprisingly ok with just being friends with Hiro.

We spent every waking minute together. If I was around Hiro was by my side and if Hiro was somewhere, I was a couple paces behind. We had history class together and I started going to his Food Science class. In return he went to my Exercise and Relaxation class. In between other classes we had coffee breaks and we made a weekly habit of having lunch with Skyler in the student center. I had more time since I quit one of my jobs and only focused on snowboarding since I didn't really need the money that badly. I had more leisure time for fun things.

I continued to spend Saturdays with Hiro studying for history but usually we hung out afterwards. I had really taken to spending time at his house. His grandmother created such a warm atmosphere that I really enjoyed. Most Sundays we ate at the twin's house; Skyler wanted to have an excuse to get more food.

Even Storm and Skyler noticed how much time I was spending with Hiro. Storm just gave me small smiles and knowing glances which I tried to avoid.

Skyler teased me to no end about Hiro, thankfully when Hiro wasn't around me. I would have pummeled Skyler. "Crew and Hiro, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" which he always finished with obnoxious kissing noises.

I swear Skyler was rubbing off on Zeke, because when we talked on the phone he would chant over and over again, "Crew likes Hiro, Crew likes Hiro, Crew likes Hiro! Crew wants to kiss Hiro, Crew wants to kiss Hiro, Crew wants to kiss Hiro, Crew wants to scr-". By the time he got to the screw part I usually hung up on him only to have him call me back and do it all over again.

I rolled my eyes and put up with my friends teasing good naturedly. And they weren't entirely wrong. I did kind of like Hiro. He was great and we got along perfectly.

Yet I wasn't going to start anything or initiate something.

What if he didn't feel the same way?

Hell, what if he wasn't even gay.

Oh man, being gay was more stressful than that college calculus course I took. Dude.

"I'm such a chicken shit," I muttered annoyed at myself.

*** Hiro's point of view

I sat in the twin's living room and just smiled at Skyler.

"Salad, gross," he scoffed eyeing my lunch disdainfully.

"Mm, salad good," Storm said dramatically closing his eyes as he stuffed a piece of lettuce in his mouth. I laughed.

Skyler rolled his eyes. "Mm, pizza and donuts," he said in return.

It was cute watching the twins eat their lunches and make their faces; their expressions were exactly the same when they did that.

Today was the typical weekly pizza and donut lunch at Skyler's urging.

Except Storm and I weren't participating.

"It doesn't work if you guys don't eat," Skyler whined.

"Well Crew and-"

Storm was cut off when the door swung open and Crew and another blond burst in. Their arrival was accompanied by a large cry, "WINTER BREAK!" Then they started laughing.

The other guy must have been Zeke Masters, Crew's best friend from high school and who went to school in Boston. Crew had mentioned Zeke usually visited for winter break and stayed for the entire duration, but I didn't know the exact details of Zeke's arrival because for the past week there were finals and Crew became a hermit for finals. Not that I blamed him, school was very important to him and I respected that.

Zeke ran over to the couch where Skyler was sitting and jumped onto Skyler. Skyler fell backwards with Zeke on top and I saw Zeke give Skyler a quick kiss on the lips before settling himself onto his lap.

I know my expression was one of surprise. I knew Crew was gay because he had outright told me but I never even suspected Skyler of being gay or bisexual. Then again it never came up and I was not one to ask questions.

I saw Skyler kiss Zeke's cheek before Zeke turned to me. "You must be Hiro Takashami." He said my name real fast and it sounded good. It rolled off his tongue.

"I am," I said.

He held out his hand. "I'm Zeke Masters."

"Nice to meet you," I replied taking his hand.

"He's the newest addition to our gang," Storm added.

"Yeah like a stray cat," Skyler said but gave me a huge grin to let me know he was only joking.

"I heard I may have some competition as Crew's best friend," Zeke said wiggling his eyebrows in a mock challenge. I smiled. "I may have to take you out," Zeke said before he squealed. Skyler had tickled him. I smiled again. They were very cute.

"So what do you guys want to do for spring break?" Skyler burst out.

We all stared at him.

"Um, Sky, it's like months away from spring break," Storm reminded.

"Hey, it's never too early to plan ahead," Skyler answered taking on a haughty tone of voice.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked.

"I don't know. Somewhere fun and different. Somewhere we haven't been to in awhile," he said. I assumed he meant him and Storm.

"How about Florida?" Zeke suggested.

"It's pretty affordable," Storm added.

"Awesome," Skyler said eating more pizza. It appeared he was done with conversation.

"Is that the extent of your planning?" Crew asked in amusement.

"Yeah," Storm and Skyler said at the same time.

"Ok, let's plan sleeping arrangements," Skyler piped in. "Zeke and I, Crew and Hiro." Hiro and I shared a glance and Crew smiled briefly before looking away, blushing slightly.

Skyler turned to Storm and put on a mock sad expression. "And poor little Storm all alone."

Crew smothered a laugh with his hand.

"I am not all alone," Storm retorted.

"Then where's your man?" Skyler asked. Then he looked as if an idea just came to him. "Oh yeah, that's right. You're straight."

Zeke and Crew were full blown laughing now.

"Straightie!" Zeke and Crew shouted through their laughter. Storm was just shaking his head as if he was used to all this.

Skyler put on a disgusted expression. "Get out of the room straightie. We don't want to catch your disease!"

"Fine, I will give being gay a try," Storm said suddenly.


I looked at Storm curiously. What did he mean by that?

"How bout it Zeke? Want to give the better brother a try?" Storm asked and then he lunged over to Zeke.

Skyler was faster and reached his hand out, stopping his brother's head from reaching Zeke just in time. He pushed Storm's face away.

"He's taken. Find someone else," Skyler said pecking Zeke again on the lips and rubbing Zeke's stomach.

"Come on Skyler. Sharing is caring," Storm said pretending to pout.

"I don't care then," Skyler said.

Storm's cell phone started ringing. He held it up after checking the caller ID. "I'm not all alone," he said sticking his tongue out, "it's Kate." He then ducked into his bedroom. Zeke and Skyler continued to eat and were in their own little world between pizza and donuts.

I watched Crew eat his pizza.

I loved watching Crew. Whether he was eating, sleeping at my house, studying, or sitting in class taking notes.

I wasn't big on showing my feelings and I was known to be quiet, but I really liked Crew. I just wasn't sure how to show affection.

My grandparents who I lived with back in Colorado, before I moved with my grandma here, were strict. My grandfather used to be in the military and believed young men shouldn't cry or show their feelings. That's just how I was raised. No hugs or being tucked in at night by my parents.

I was ok with that, but now I liked Crew and wasn't sure how to say it. I didn't give information away but I would if they asked. I worked in mysterious ways.

I remember when Crew first told me he was gay, I was elated, but I couldn't start bursting with joy because he was feeling so down after talking about his parents and Hela.

Plus we were such good friends now and did I really want to mess that up?

And how did he feel about Hela?

Crew looked at me and caught my eye.

Crew really did have the most amazing blue eyes. I liked looking into them. I was really good at staring contests. I always won. Like right now for example.

Crew looked away and started to blush and I smiled. That boy blushed way too easily and his cheeks were already pretty red most of the time.

"Hey," I said quietly.

He looked at me.

"Want to do something with me later?" I asked eager to spend more time with him now that school was officially out.

Crew smiled. "Definitely."

I wanted to say more but Skyler burped. When I first met him I was really shocked at his loud burps. In Colorado my grandmother would have scolded me for burping like that, but as I spent more time at his house for pizza and donut lunches, I became pretty accustomed to them. I even grew to expect them. It was as if I didn't hear a burp per week, I felt off. Weird huh?

I just sat back and continued to watch Crew eat.

After Skyler and Zeke proclaimed their dire need for ice cream, Crew and I decided to book it.

As Crew got in the car he turned to me.

"What do you feel like doing now?"

"Trying to keep busy?" I asked.

"Well I feel restless. I'm so used to doing things nonstop and now I have a whole lot of nothing to do. It feels weird," Crew said shrugging.

I smiled. "I know how you feel." I thought for a little bit. "Do you have a computer?"

Crew nodded. "Cool, let's get on it," I said buckling up.

He shot me a confused look but started the car and headed in the direction of his house.

"Perfect," I said as I logged off his computer and held the paper with the directions in my hand.

"What?" Crew asked still a little confused.

"Just go here," I said giving him the paper. And then I walked out of his house, with him following me in a daze.

*** "So what's this place?" Crew asked when we parked the car.

"Kendo. It's a Japanese sword fencing. It's a type of martial arts," I explained walking to the door.

"And you want to do this?" he asked uncertainly.

"It will be fun, come on, at least give it a try. If you hate it we'll never do it again," I said. I looked at him and waited.

Like I expected Crew nodded. "Fine."

I opened the door for him. "After you, dear," I said causing him to crack up.

Crew's point of view

I put on the Kendo uniform that they let us borrow for one class. It was kind of cool, all black with white trimming and then we wore this type of head gear that looked like mesh material for the face, but wasn't.

I checked out Hiro. He looked good in the uniform. His broad shoulders filled out the top and his pale skin contrasted nicely with the dark fabric.

"You look good," I said blatantly looking him up and down. Hey I wasn't ashamed. He knew I was gay. I was bound to check him out.

"I know," Hiro said simply causing me to laugh. "Come on, let's get to the lesson."

I listened carefully as the instructor explained some of the basic moves and how to hold the sword. It was just one beginner's class; I wasn't supposed to be a pro.

Hiro obviously had done this before. He already knew the moves we were being taught and was slicing the air with his sword deftly. His hands really knew how to handle that sword.

I wonder what else his hands could handle.

I shook my head rapidly.

Focus Crew!

The instructor noticed that Hiro had done this before and asked if he wanted to spar with one of the more advanced students which he agreed.

I took a seat wit the other students and watched.

My eyes followed Hiro's every movement. He was really good at this, not that I was an expert or anything, but he certainly looked good.

He knew when to block and retreat; he had impeccable timing and his long limbs seemed to be dancing with every lung and stroke of his arm. His arm movements were so graceful it seemed that the sword was an extension of them. I couldn't see his face through the mask but I imagine his fine features were completely calm and neutral, just like his demeanor.

I glanced over at the instructor and even he seemed impressed. It was obvious he had done this more than a "few times". What a modest bastard.

The other students were transfixed by Hiro and the guy he was fighting and as they continued their duel, they seemed to go faster and faster.

I heard the slapping of their swords and Hiro's movements became shorter and tighter in order to compensate for the increased pace.

The instructor called out and Hiro and his opponent stopped; took a step back and bowed to each other.

Hiro pulled off his headgear and gave a nod to his opponent and accepted some praise from the instructor. He then turned and looked at me.

His narrow light brown eyes looked intense as they were trained on me. His pale skin was slightly flushed around the cheeks; as if it was snowing outside and he had gone running. I thought Hiro looked breathtaking.

I was in trouble.

I liked Hiro. I really really liked Hiro.

Ugh fest. I didn't know how to deal with this.

*** I put a piece of fish into my mouth with a pair of chopsticks. Ever since I met Hiro I had been eating meals often there and had gotten used to eating chopsticks.

I was still amazed that Hiro cooked a lot; well it was pretty simple. His diet consisted of rice which he made with a rice cooker, fish, and some vegetables and the occasional noodles.

I liked his cooking though. It was simple and he was damned good at seasoning his stuff. I had to ask him what he used.

"Did you have fun today?" he asked his nimble fingers manipulating the chopsticks.

I nodded. "It was something new. I enjoyed it although I probably won't do it again," I admitted.

Hiro smiled. "It's ok. It's not for everyone. I get that."

I drank some tea to wash down my dinner. I set down the teacup and waited until he was done.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked.

He looked at me with sideways glance. "Want to bake a cake?"

I raised my eyebrows. "A cake?"

"Yeah, you said you loved chocolate cake," he said standing up. "But I have to say it won't be from scratch. I'm not that good," he said smiling as he reached into the cupboard and took out a box of cake mix.

I smiled widely. "Sure!"

He laughed at my loud cry of enthusiasm but hell if I would apologize for it.

I really did love chocolate cake.

"Want to help me make it?" Hiro asked.

"Uh, I think you got it covered buddy," I replied eyeing all the ingredients spread out on the counter.

"Ok, you don't have to help," he said his eyes twinkling as he cracked the eggs.

So I didn't. I guess I found him baking far more fascinating.

And the fact that he was baking for me was even more fascinating.

It was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. The only person to ever bake me something in the past was my mother and my brother; but he ended up burning the cake so I chose not to remember that. Who the hell burns cake?

It took all of five minutes for Hiro to crack the eggs, add the oil and water, and blend all the ingredients before he began to pour the batter into a pan.

He stuck it in the oven and set the timer. "We got a half hour to kill," he said looking at me.

Hiro paused and looked as if he was thinking.

"Up to learning some German?"

By the time the cake was done I knew how to say My name is Crew' and Nice to meet you' in German.

"Hallo ist mein Name Hiro" Hiro said quizzing me.

"Nett, Sie zu treffen. Mein Name ist Mannschaft" I replied back trying to get the spitting sound at the back of my throat right.

Hiro smiled at me. "Very good. You would fit right in if you went to Germany."


"The cake's ready," he said putting on oven mitts.

I could tell. The entire kitchen was filled with the smell of cake.

Mmm, cake. I could feel my eyes light up with excitement.

I laughed when I saw him wearing pink oven mitts with blue flowers. He looked adorable.

My mouth began to water when I saw the chocolate cake.

"Here have a slice before my kitchen becomes flooded with drool," Hiro joked.

I shot him a dirty look but willingly took the plate containing the large slice of chocolate cake.

"It's hot," he warned.

"I know," I said and I blew on it like crazy. Hiro began cracking up.

"You're crazy man," he said smiling and then he cut himself a considerably smaller piece.

"Hey, it worked," I said literally stuffing my face with cake. "Good!" I cooed when the richness filled my mouth.

I was about to ask for milk but Hiro seemed to read my mind and wordlessly handed over a carton.

"Thanks," I said but my mouth was so full that crumbs fell onto the table.

We just looked at each other and began cracking up.

*** I slept on Hiro's bed again. I smiled as I looked at Hiro in his sleeping bag on the floor.

"Stay here tonight," Hiro had urged when he took notice of my sleepy eyelids. After inhaling more than half the cake I felt really full and groggy all of a sudden.

"It was all those carbs," Hiro said.

"I know all about carbs. I'm learning how the body is able to metabolize certain foods," I mumbled groggily.

"Well don't drive home like that. Plus it's late. Come on, let's go to my room. I'll sleep on the floor."

"Such a gentleman," I teased.

He blew me a kiss. "Only for you buddy."

I would have liked Hiro to sleep with me but I felt weird asking him and he obviously didn't want to. I knew it wasn't because I was gay because he was comfortable with that.

I wonder if he just felt awkward and shy too. Did he want to sleep in the same bed as me too?

I felt like a stupid school girl with a really bad crush.

The feeling didn't sit too well with me.

I sighed and looked up at Hiro's white ceiling. Everything was so damn white that it glowed even at nighttime. Or maybe it was because I was just focusing on it too much.

My eyes were once again drawn to Hiro as he slept.

I loved watching Hiro. He could be doing anything and I would love watching.

Hell the other day he was reading some German book and I was watching Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle and I was focused more on him than the damn movie. Even though most of our interests were different we got along anyway. We made it work. We did everything together even if we were doing something different.

As I thought that it didn't make sense yet it still did.

I had a feeling if Hiro and I ever got together we could make it work. I was really drawn to him.

My thoughts than went back to a conversation I had with Skyler before I left for California.

I told Skyler that if the emotional and mental part of a relationship came before the physical then that meant it was probably something special.

I thought of Hiro and all the time we spent together just being with each other and slowly getting to know each other.

I smiled and wondered if I had found my Zeke like Skyler said I would.

I wonder if Hiro thought of me while he slept. He looked so peaceful.

It didn't matter.

I went to sleep that night with Hiro in my thoughts. *** Skyler's point of view

"Dude I have got to get a bigger bed," I announced as I came inches from rolling off. I was going to have to visit my mom and beg for a bigger bed.

"Seriously," Zeke said. "Move over," and then he nudged me.

"Hey!" I protested as I grabbed onto Zeke just as I was about to fall off.

"Sorry," Zeke said in a tone that indicated he really didn't mean it.

"Last time I share my bed with you," I grumbled.

"Really?" Zeke asked his eyes going wide. He leaned closer and kissed me on the cheek.

"How bout now?" he asked batting his eyes.

I pretended to think about it. "You can stay," I said and I leaned in and placed a light kiss on his lips.

Zeke snuggled into me and I couldn't help thinking his body was made to fit mine. He just fit in perfectly. He was a little shorter and a little smaller and it just made him so cuddly.

Jeez, I had no idea I would think a guy was cute or cuddly.

How things change.

"So I told my mom I was bisexual," I said suddenly.

Zeke's head shot up. "Really? How'd she take it?" he asked.

I smiled recalling the memory. "She was awesome as I expected. The only thing was she said she wouldn't watch gay porn with me. Not that I blamed her. I would draw the line there too."

Zeke burst out laughing. "You're unbelievable. I can't believe you asked your mom to watch gay porn with you." Then he paused to think it over. "Then again it was pretty funny, and it was something you would do. Hell I'm bummed I never thought to ask my Mom that. She would have fainted."

"Your mom didn't take it too well?" I asked turning to face him.

Zeke shrugged. "Both my parents and my stepparents took it ok. But just ok. There weren't totally supportive, but they tried to make the best of it and stuff. But I know that deep down they don't approve and are probably a little ashamed and disappointed," he replied looking downcast suddenly.

"Well I know it's tough feeling like your family is ashamed of you, but don't feel bad Z. You're the best person I ever met," I said sincerely.

He looked up at me with his dark blue eyes and grinned. I loved when he grinned.

"You're the best person I ever met," Zeke countered.

"No, you're the best person I ever met," I argued tweaking his nose and he giggled. I leaned over on top of him and pinned him down with my body. He looked up at me curiously and expectedly.

I just stared at him, taking in his features. I haven't seen him in so long; we just communicated by phone, emails, and texts. This was something to just look at him. I really enjoyed it.

"What?" he asked becoming self conscious. I shook my head and leaned forward, making contact with his lips. I kissed him and soon I wanted to kiss him like crazy. I pried his lips open with my own and slid my tongue inside, reveling in his mouth's warmth. I felt his tongue moving against mine in soft slow circles. I sighed as he moaned. I moved my mouth to his neck and sucked gently on his soft skin and I heard him panting heavily.

I kissed across his throat and kissed the other side of his neck and I could feel Zeke writhing beneath me. "Be still baby," I whispered. My hands reached under his shirt and felt his firm muscles. I lifted his shirt and pulled it off of him. Then I reached for his belt.

His hands moved on top of mine to stop me. Zeke studied me cautiously. "Are you sure about this Skyler? I don't want to rush you. We have plenty of time," he said running his fingers through my hair. "I'd rather wait then freak you out and lose you," he said.

I took his hand and kissed the palm. "You know me Zeke. I may be spontaneous in my actions but I never regret my actions even if they cause me trouble. And this is one action I would never regret." I pulled off his belt and lowered his jeans where he was sporting a nice looking tent.

Zeke was breathing hard again and his cheeks were more flushed than usual. I'm assuming from the excitement and anticipation. I lowered his boxers, getting it around his hard on. He lifted his hips to help me in the process. So now here he was, in all his naked glory on my bed. I had the sudden urge to whip out my digital camera.

God, he was fucking gorgeous. All six and half inches of him.

I slowly kissed the insides of his thighs, and I heard Zeke moaning. I gently cupped his balls and massaged them slightly.

I always liked to try new things and jumped head on into something. So I stuck out my tongue and ran it slowly on Zeke's shaft. The skin was soft. I heard him hiss and he jumped a little.

"That feels really good," Zeke managed to get out.

Well, that was some positive reinforcement. I then ran my tongue on the underside and when I got to the head I swirled my tongue around it slowly and then dug it into the piss slit. I imagine if someone were doing it to me it would feel good.

Apparently, it felt great.

Zeke let out a loud cry and bucked his hips. I placed my hands on his hips and held him down.

"Calm down Z. Remember this is not the biggest bed. You do more of that I might end up on the floor with a concussion," I smiled at him. "Then who would finish blowing you?"

I leaned back down and tried to get him inside my mouth. I couldn't get him in all the way; this was my first time doing this after all. So I sucked on what I could get in and then I opened my mouth a little wider and mentally told myself not to gag. I managed to get him pretty far down although I hadn't engulfed him completely.

Zeke sighed and I felt his body tensing and moving around so I once again held him down. I wanted to please him, I wanted him to just lie there and enjoy what I was doing.

Slowly I bobbed my head up and down his entire length, taking long slow strokes with the tip of my tongue. I used the flat of my tongue to run it up and down his head which created more pressure and seemed to drive Zeke wild. I would alternate that with slipping my tongue into his piss slit and after a few times of this I knew Zeke was getting close.

He was groaning and straining against my hands to buck his hips, but I applied more pressure to hold him down.

"I'm going to cum Sky," he whimpered.

I just continued to work on his cock, slowly, prolonging his release and increasing his pleasure.

"Skyler, please," Zeke begged as I moved my tongue even slower along his shaft and he once again tried to buck his hips. "Please, I need to cum. Oh please Skyler."

I suddenly started bobbing my head up and down faster and I heard Zeke shout and his body strained against me.

"Oh fuck!" he cried out and then I felt him begin to shoot in my mouth. I didn't think ahead as to whether or not I wanted to swallow, but I figured, what the hell. Give it a try and if I was bad I never had to do it again.

It had a thick, gooey consistency but I already knew that and the taste was hard to describe. I guess a little salty, but overall not bad. I could deal with it.

When Zeke finished cumming and laid there breathing hard and trying to catch his breath, I licked him a few more times and came up to him.

"You were amazing Skyler. Are you sure you haven't done that with other guys before?" he asked with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"Nope, you're the first. My mouth is no longer a virgin," I quipped. "Besides, I just did what I thought would feel good to me and it's not like I never got a blow job before."

"Right, from girls," Zeke said quietly.

I gripped his face. "Hey Zeke, I haven't been with anyone, guy or girl, since we met, you know. I would tell you the truth. I don't have a reason to lie to you and I'm not very good at covering my tracks if I did lie. There's only you, ok?"

Zeke nodded. "I know, I just get scared sometimes."


"Yeah, that you'll realize this is just a stage for you and then later on you want a family of your own. And then you'll leave me for some woman," Zeke finished looking downcast again.

I kissed his pretty pink lips and enjoyed the softness of it.

"It's not a stage Zeke. I know I'm a little out there and I do things randomly, but you are not a stage for me or some experiment. You're just like me, we're kindred spirits or some shit. When I first met you we had so much in common and so much fun together. I never had that much fun before with anyone and I never talked so much with anyone about my personal life; not even Storm. You know me inside and out and I don't think I want anyone else to know me that way but you," I said. I nuzzled his head and enjoyed the soft furry feel of his buzzed head. I slowly rubbed circles on his stomach and enjoyed his sighs of contentment.

"Do you think we'll work out?" Zeke asked timidly taking my hand in his.

"It's hard to tell the future Zeke. I can't go promising anything. We have to be realistic. I mean even straight couples don't always work out, but I care for you so much and want us to continue seeing each other and when we go back to school I don't want us to see anyone else. I want it to be just you and me," I said firmly squeezing his hand. "When school is over for good, we'll see where we're out."

Zeke smiled at me his blue eyes lighting up. "Ok," he whispered and leaned into kiss me. I wrapped my arm around him and rolled him onto me.

He dug his tongue deep into my mouth, frantically dueling with my tongue. Our kisses became faster and sloppier. I felt him try to pull back so I cupped his head and pulled him back down and continued the kiss. I only let go when I desperately needed to breathe.

Zeke looked even more flushed and was panting as if he finished a marathon. I smiled when I glanced at his slightly puffed and raw looking red lips. Those were my lips now.

"Will you make love to me?" Zeke asked in a small voice, looking away briefly.

My eyes bugged out of my head. "What?" I asked in shock.

"I need you Skyler. In me, please," he said. I stared into his eyes which looked so vulnerable and saw in them desire, passion, and lust. I really wanted him too.

I nodded. "Only if you want to Zeke. I never want to pressure you or hurt you, ok?"

Zeke smiled. "I know Skyler, that's why I feel ready for this."

"Is it your first time?" I asked.

Zeke looked down at his hands. "No, but I wish you were my first."

I lifted his chin up. "It's ok. As long as the emotions are there, that's all that matters. Besides it will be my first time making love to a man and maybe one day you can be the first to make love to me."

His eyes lit up and he kissed me again. "You're the best."

I smiled. "No, you're the best."

Zeke grinned and reached into his luggage bag and whipped out some lube and condoms.

I couldn't help it. I cracked up. "Were you planning on this?" I asked.

Zeke looked slightly sheepish then met my eyes head on. "And what if I was?"

I shook my head. "No complaints here, baby."

"I didn't think so," Zeke smirked tearing the condom wrapper and rolling it onto my hard, already leaking cock. I gasped slightly as he put it on. That's how turned on I was.

He handed me the lube and I looked at him blankly. "You have to get me ready," he said.

"How?" I asked confused. Zeke chuckled at me.

"Put some lube on your fingers and put it inside of me. Go up to three fingers and I should be stretched out enough to take this," he said wrapping his fingers tightly around my cock.

I hissed. "Ok." I squeezed a generous amount of lube and slicked my finger up. Then I gingerly pushed into his hole and hesitated when I met resistance.

"It's ok," Zeke encouraged, lying on his back.

I pushed a little harder and my finger literally popped in.

"Whoa," I said in amazement. "Cool."

"Skyler," Zeke said reminding me to focus on the task on hand.

"Oh yeah, right. Now what?" I asked.

"Massage and rotate your finger around to stretch the skin. And dig in deeper to find my prostate," Zeke instructed.

"I never knew how intricate anal sex was before," I said frowning.

Zeke shot me a dirty look and I just smiled impishly and did what he said.

I dug my finger all the way to the knuckle and then started to search around for his prostate. I did some quick circular motions and then located something hard. I hit it hard and I saw Zeke jump up and yell.

"Are you ok?"

"No, that's it, keep doing it!" Zeke cried out. I glanced at his cock and noticed it was rock hard.

I lubed up another finger and stuck it in as well. This time I went directly to his prostate with my two fingers and rubbed it. Zeke couldn't stop moaning.

I slowly finger fucked his hole, rotating my fingers to get him stretched out enough. Then I lubed up my third finger and I got an idea.

I stuck it in and as before I went directly to Zeke's happy button. I poked it really hard with my three fingertips and Zeke jerked.

"Skyler, don't do that man. I'm gonna blow if you keep it up," he said.

I glanced up and saw Zeke's head thrown against the pillow, his mouth open and his eyes squeezed shut.

"Ok," I simply said and I poked his prostate again.

"Skyler!" Zeke cried out.

I poked and rubbed his button with my three fingers over and over again.

"Skyler, I'm gonna cum. Please stop," Zeke begged and he began to thrash, but I continued to massage him, enjoying his writhing. He looked dead sexy.

Then I rubbed his button with my three fingers in a circular motion, applying more pressure and never stopping.

"Skyler, no, please! I'm gonna cum too soon!" Zeke shouted trying to grab my hand and move backwards to dislodge my fingers.

"AAAAAAAARHGGHHHHHHHH!!!!" Zeke screamed as he went over the edge and large bursts of his white semen flew into the air, landing on his stomach, chest, and forehead. I felt his muscle clamp on my fingers continuously and I was amazed at all of this.

Gay sex equals awesome.

He panted and I waited patiently for him to calm down, my fingers still inside of him.

"Skyler, why did you do that?" Zeke breathed. "I want you to be inside of me."

"I know baby. I just love pleasuring you and watching you come. You get even more beautiful if that's possible," I said sincerely. "Besides, I think you can go again."

"I don't think so," Zeke said sighing. "This was my second time cumming remember?"

I didn't answer him and instead I began to rub his prostate again applying firm pressure. Zeke's eyes popped open. I didn't think he realized my fingers were still deep inside of him.

"Skyler," he began but was cut off as a moan escaped his throat.

I watched as his cock began to harden once again as I stimulated his prostate. Once he was full mast I felt he was ready.

"Skyler," he whimpered as he spread his legs further apart allowing me access.

I nodded and lined my cock to his hole and pushed in. It slid in really easily and I slowly inched all seven inches of myself into him with Zeke's moans encouraging me. He was so warm and slick and I felt my entire cock encased by his tight hole.

"Wow," I sighed just resting inside of him, giving him time to adjust and letting him decide when he was ready.

Zeke squeezed his ass muscles and I fell over Zeke.

"Oh god!" I cried out.

"I'm ready," Zeke said looking at me through half closed lids. He squeezed his muscles again around me causing a tingle to spread throughout my entire body.

I never felt so good. I leaned down and kissed his lips before withdrawing and then reentering him. I took long slow thrusts and aimed hard at his prostate watching his face contort into one of ecstasy every time I did so. Plus I really enjoyed how his muscles tightened around me each time.

"Jesus Sky," Zeke moaned, "You feel so good."

"Oh baby, you feel so good," I said as I thrust into him deeply. I watched as Zeke threw his head from side to side and his tongue hung out of his mouth slightly.

I was getting close and my thrusts became shorter and more urgent. I still made sure to touch that spot inside him but now since my thrusts were so short they rubbed him at a faster pace.

"Oh shit, I'm gonna cum again," Zeke said half in amazement and half in anticipation.

I groaned as I felt the first wave of pleasure knock into me. I knew I was coming soon.

I pumped inside of him faster even: in, out, in, out, in, out; a continuous rhythm.

Zeke gripped my forearms as I leaned down over him and I felt him meeting my thrusts.

I couldn't stop it. I felt an electric sensation shoot through my entire body and exit out of my cock. I never felt so good before when I came.

"ZEKE!" I screamed as I came. I bumped Zeke one last time and felt his muscles contracting around me which only milked me further and increased the waves of pleasure washing over me.

I shot inside of him and felt his semen hitting my chest. It felt warm and hot and for some reason knowing Zeke came on me turned me on even more and I felt like I was never going to stop coming. I gripped his hips firmly and held onto him as I pumped the last of my cum out.

When I was done I just collapsed on top of Zeke and I felt like I was going to die.

Zeke stroked my hair and I could hear him breathing hard as well.

"That was the best sex ever!" I exclaimed. "Forget bisexuality. Girls can't compare to this. That's it; I'm a full blown gay man. It's a done deal," I proclaimed.

I heard Zeke chuckling and the sound vibrated into me.

"Well, I guess that's good to hear, from my perspective at least," he said.

I panted and felt too lazy to move off of him. I felt like I could stay in this position forever.

I caressed Zeke's chest muscles and rubbed his nipple.

"Skyler," Zeke moaned in a warning tone as I felt the nipple harden.

"Want to go again?" I asked mischievously moving my cock around his tight hole.

Zeke groaned. "Damn it. I created a monster."

I moved my head up to kiss him again and we just enjoyed slow sensuous kisses.

My fingers tenderly stroked his neck and I kissed around his throat, chin, ears, and then rammed my tongue deep inside his mouth.

I was a monster; I couldn't get enough of Zeke.

Zeke- mania; ticket for one please.

Nevertheless I felt myself harden up once again and I grinned as Zeke's cock began to poke my stomach.

"Look's like I'm not the only monster around," I said grinning as I slowly retracted my cock out of him and plunged it back in to the hilt.

"Oh god!" Zeke cried out.

God indeed.

Next: Chapter 8

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