Jumping Over My Mountain

By Tiffani Chin

Published on Sep 13, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is copy right protected. Please do not post it on any other website. If you are not 18 or male on male action offends you, do not continue further. Email me at EliteECrew@verizon.net for feedback.

Jumping Over My Mountain, Chapter 22


I sipped my coffee and looked up when I saw a figure walk in.

This was my third weekend in Boston and it was mid February. Zeke had a lot of work to do for his major because he had put off taking this one hard course he really needed, so I was staying out of his hair so he could concentrate.

Meanwhile, I spent my time alone, doing my own work, or chilling with Davy or Angelo, sometimes Zen and Callum.

However, during my private time, I observed him.

Once Angelo initially pointed him out, I made a point to find him again and follow him around. Getting to know his classes, his habits, his interactions with friends, and how he overall acted.

Like I said, I had a mission, a goal. I couldn't get it out of my mind.

I had become obsessed.

It didn't help that I ran into the guy everywhere I went. He was a fairly popular guy that had quite a lot of friends and he was always around somewhere. He definitely wasn't a nerd that holed himself up in his dorm room.

And right now, the devil had entered Starbucks.

Riley Tillman, Zeke's attacker.

He walked to the counter confidently and I easily detected his cocky manner. I assume I had the same air about me and I could see that quality in others.

But while normally I never had bad feelings towards anyone, Riley wronged me indirectly by hurting Zeke and I hated this guy. I really, really hated this guy. I wasn't a malicious or violent guy, and I was known on campus for getting along with everyone, including loner, crazy types, but I wanted to hurt Riley so bad. I wanted to make him hurt. Maybe not physically, but I wanted him to be humiliated and feel emotional and mental pain that would last forever.

My eyes were trained on him. He was around my size. Maybe an inch taller and a little heavier, all muscle. He was good looking, in that jock way, and his smile was condescending and manipulative. I wanted to knock that grin off his face as he smiled at the female cashier and flirted with her.

I had seen this guy's girlfriend on campus. Supposedly she was a big deal as well and even I could tell she was hot. Like model hot with her long rich red hair, bright blue eyes, a perfect pout, and her almost masculine like features that made her as hot as Gisele Bunchden.

They were always all over each in public. I wonder if she knew he liked guys as well or he just liked to force himself onto other guys.

My eyes narrowed when I noticed Riley's eyes looking at a slender artsy guy's ass.

I took a sip of my caramel frappucino and caught his eye.

He stopped moving and looked at me. I knew he recognized me from the way his expression changed. Even though I had been watching him for awhile, he never outright ran into me before. He was too absorbed in himself to notice me. But he noticed me now, right in front of him.

I arched my eyebrow and took another loud sip of my drink, never breaking eye contact with his hazel eyes.

Riley composed himself however and his cocky air was restored. He squared his shoulders and walked to the door, leaving.

My eyes followed him the entire time and I saw him stop and look back at me through the glass window, some uncertainty in his face.

I smiled, but it was a cold smile that didn't reach my eyes, and I simply pointed at him.

Riley frowned and swallowed before taking off, not sparing me another glance.

I chuckled to myself and smiled at the girl who glanced at me oddly.

That Riley, oh man, he was gonna get it, and he didn't even realize it.

Or if he did, he wasn't going to be prepared.

The best attack was a surprise one.

A lot of planning went into, my well, plan.

First, I couldn't continue to spy on Riley that much, so I had to have others do it for me. But it couldn't be Angelo, or Davy, or anyone Zeke was too close with. It had to be someone Riley didn't know Zeke knew.

So as for the reinforcements I was talking about, they came through for me.

Good ol' Callum and Mikhail.

Callum spent almost all of his time in NY now or in NJ to visit Mikhail. He did come to see Zen once in awhile, but he wasn't hanging with Zeke all the time anymore, which worked for my plan.

He came to Boston more often once I asked him to and so did Mike as well. Together they trailed Riley or made a point to show Riley that they were indeed gay.

I understood that Riley was someone important and was definitely a predator. If he saw someone weak, he would take a chance to hurt them simply because he could get away with it or have the upper hand

And if my Psychology class came through for me, he targeted gay couples or gay guys in general because he was ashamed of being gay and wanted to hurt someone that was like him, someone he ultimately thought he hated. Or perhaps he was just one sick motherfucker that got off on a power trip, hence raping drunk guys.

Riley also liked to party, but he didn't go to just any party. It had to be a good party, with popular people and such. Luckily, Angelo was a insane party person so he usually knew what good stuff was going on. He was our go to guy on that.

The first Friday of March, we got our chance.

Riley saw me on many occasions before this particular Friday night party, but he had seen me many times on every weekend and he was no longer scared or intimidated. Instead, he simply smirked at me or smiled at me, as if daring me to do something. In his defense, he didn't know me, but his thinking that I wouldn't do anything to him because I was scared, was really stupid. I did tons of stupid things in my life, and tonight would definitely not be the last of them.

"Where are you going?" Zeke asked me as I threw on my North face sweat jacket and zipped it up.

Davy and Angelo were already at the party.

"To a party," I said.

Zeke frowned, "Why?"

"You need to study and I'll just get away for a bit. I won't be too long," I said kissing his lips briefly.

Zeke grabbed onto my jacket and pulled me back, "Why won't you stay with me?" he asked, "We can have a quiet night together."

"Zeke," I said making eye contact with him, "Get that assignment done, and I promise to be back before midnight. We can have a late dinner then, I promise," I said and Zeke's brow knitted, as if he was contemplating on questioning me further.

I placed my hands on his shoulders and held him firmly, "Zeke, you have nothing to worry about, ok? But I'm gonna be honest with you. I'm going to this party with Davy and Angelo for a specific reason, and I don't want you to be there to see what I'm going to do, ok?"

Zeke's mouth dropped open, "Sky, what are you going to do?" he asked worriedly.

I kissed his forehead, "I'm not going to hurt anyone. I just need to do this, ok? I have to get him," I said firmly.

"Why can't you just let it go?" Zeke whined, gripping my arm.

"Hey, it will be fine. If anyone can pull anything off, it's me. Just trust me, ok?" I said hugging him tightly, "But I can't let this go. I can't let anyone get away with hurting you. It will haunt my mind forever unless I do something. I need to send a message to everyone here. Let everyone know that you're not an easy target. That you're not someone who will take shit sitting down. I have to do this," I repeated fervently.

Zeke studied me and he bit his lip, "I don't know what you're planning."

"It's better that way," I said confidently.

"I'd rather know what to expect," Zeke admitted.

"Well, I'll show you the end product."

"The end product?" Zeke asked confused.

"Trust me baby," I said, "You know you can trust me right?"

Zeke nodded.

"Well, I need you to do that for me now, alright? Have faith in me, in us, and everything," I said walking to the door, "I love you and I will see you tonight before midnight. I promise to be here."

I saw Zeke's worried face in my mind even as I left his dorm room.

He really had nothing to worry about.

"You sure you can hold your alcohol, Mike?" I asked.

Mike smirked, "Of course I can. I'm Russian. I was drinking vodka in the womb," he replied in his Russian accent and I cracked up.

"Nice man," I said and I hung up the phone.

I walked in and pulled my baseball cap lower over my eyes as I navigated towards the center of the party.

I spotted Riley in the corner with a bunch of other athletic looking guys and his girlfriend.

He was drinking and laughing and I nodded at Mike from where I was standing.

Mike picked up a bottle of beer and walked in plain view of Riley and started chugging the drink staggering slightly.

Riley's eyes washed over Mike's tall, long frame and I saw his eyes widen with interest.

Mike was working it tonight. He wore nice blue jeans that fit his ass well, Diesel sneakers, and a thin black sweater that was made of this clinging to every contour of your body type of material. Mike looked good; his long, lean muscles visible.

He had that sexy Eastern European vibe, with his harsh, yet mysterious facial features.

We had Riley hooked. I knew it. I could tell by the way his eyes never left Mike's body, or how he barely paid attention to his girlfriend.

Mike continued to drink until the body was empty, but it was watered down beet.

Riley continued to watch as Mike stumbled to get more drinks. Mike washed down some more, a couple shots, and then began walking up the stairs, pretending to fall over as he did so.

Damn, I never knew Mike was that good of an actor before.

I smiled as I noticed Riley get antsy. I knew he wanted to follow Mike. He knew Mike was gay, he had seen him around campus with Callum, and now he wanted to get his rocks off while Mike was passed out drunk.

That was Riley's MO.

I was just waiting for him to take the bait.

And here we go.

Riley stood up and began walking slowly towards the stairs and chatted with some people on the way up.

I got my camcorder ready and followed him, keeping a low profile.

I made my way to the bedroom where I knew Mike would be lying down and where Angelo, Davy, and Callum were hiding out.

I waited patiently.

"Get the fuck off me!" Mike screamed and that was my cue. That was the phrase I told Mike to shout out.

I slid into the room quietly, closing the door and locking it behind me gently so I wouldn't catch Riley's attention.

Riley was straddling Mike's chest and pinning his hands over his head.

Mike was struggling, but he was holding back. He was stronger than he appeared since he wasn't actually drunk.

I walked over to the side of the room, to get a better angle and started filming away.

Mike's face was in the other direction so Riley wasn't looking at me while he was talking.

"You want this, don't you, you faggot?" Riley sneered smiling, "Where's your boyfriend tonight? I've seen you two fags all over campus. Since he's not around, you must be in need of a good fucking to feel good, right?"

Riley leaned down and kissed Mike's cheek and neck and I felt sorry for Mike. Mike was gonna have to burn his skin off to get rid of Riley's gross evil spit.

"Let go of me!" Mike yelled struggling and Riley grinned even wider.

"Don't do this!" Mike shouted as Riley began taking off Mike's belt and unbuckling his pants.

"No!" Mike screamed, "Help me!"

Riley slapped Mike across the face and I flinched. I had warned Mike about this, but I knew that was going to leave a mark in the morning.

Ah well, we all had to make sacrifices, eh?

"Shut the fuck up!" Riley hissed, "You should be happy to be taking this," he said snidely, grabbing his hard cock through his pants. "I'm doing you a favor fag. You get to be fucked by a real man."

I was getting great coverage here. I grinned. Good stuff.

I continued to tape as Mike fought back some more and Riley tore off Mike's pants.

Riley ran his hands over Mike's flat stomach and up to his chest. He looked like a kid in a candy store.

Wow, was someone stuck way back in the closet.

Mike tried to unbalance Riley by bucking his hips and torso, but Riley managed to regain his balance.

A look of anger washed over his face and he pinned both of Mike's hands over his head while attempting to choke Mike with the other.

Mike became still.

"That's right bitch, I own you now. Just take it and enjoy the ride or in your case, the fuck," Riley said laughing loudly.

As he reached for Mike's boxers, I decided now was the time to stop.

"NOW!!!" I shouted and all at once, there was a flurry of movement in the room.

Davy bounded out of the closet with a bang, Angelo rolled out from under the bed, and Callum ran out from under the large desk.

"What the fuck?" Riley got out before Davy and Angelo tackled him to the ground, with Davy effectively trapping him to the floor.

Callum immediately went over to Mikhail.

"What are you guys doing?" Riley shouted angrily.

"Payback is a bitch," Davy hissed as he placed his forearm strongly against Riley's throat.

I smiled as I heard Riley's strangled coughing sounds.

I shut off my camcorder and headed over to Callum and Mike.

"You ok man?" I asked as I picked up his pants from off the floor and handed it to him.

"Yeah, I'm ok," Mike said as Callum gingerly rubbed the red spot on his face from where Riley had hit him.

"Sorry about that hit dude," I said sympathetically, "Want to get one in while he's restrained?" I asked.

Mike laughed good naturedly, "Nah, it's not like you didn't warn me. It's ok. I'll consider this my battle wound," he said before wrapping Callum in his arms, "Besides, I'm sure Callum will attend to me later, won't you babe?"

Callum grinned and tenderly massaged Mike's face, "You bet your hot ass I will!"

I laughed, "Ok, good, now I don't feel so bad."

Mike put his pants back on and buckled his belt before heading over to where Davy and Angelo were.

"What the fuck is this?" Riley demanded.

"Hi, you remember me, don't you? I'm Skyler, Zeke's boyfriend, the guy you tried to rape back in January. Well, I'm here to fuck you over," I said showing him my camcorder and I saw his eyes widen with fear.

"What are you going to do?" he asked, his voice shaking.

"Why don't you come and find out!" I said in an announcer's voice and I nodded to my boys.

Davy and Mike, the biggest in our group took hold of Riley's arms and literally propelled him out of the room, towards the stairs.

Callum and Angelo followed close behind in case Riley got a little out of control.

I walked ahead into the living room where there was a huge TV and I began attaching wires and hooking up the stuff I brought with me in my messenger bag.

Once all the wires were in the right outlets through the TV, I pressed pause.

Callum shut off the music and people began to chatter in annoyance.

"Everyone, can I have your attention?" I yelled out, "I have something very interesting to show you all!"

People then got quiet and looked at me expectantly.

"NO!" Riley shouted struggling in Davy's and Mike's strong grip.

I saw him bowl over from where Davy punched him in the stomach.

I smirked, "Take it like a man Riley," I mocked before pressing play.

Instantly the large TV screen was filled with what I had just recorded.

Mike's cries filled the now silent room as everyone witnessed Riley's attack on Mike and as the mini film played out to the part where Riley hit Mike and tore off his clothes, I heard murmurs and gasps through the crowd.

"Dude, what the fuck is this?" a guy called out.

"Riley, what were you doing?" another guy asked.

"You were trying to rape him?" a girl cried out.

"You're fucking sick, man," I heard someone murmur near me and there were similar sentiments among the large crowd.

I saw some girls place their hands on Mike's shoulders, obviously recognizing him from the video.

"Are you ok?" some of the people asked Mike, as a small sympathetic crowd formed around him.

Glancing at Riley, I was satisfied to see his expression of horror on his pretty boy face. Knocked him off his high horse for sure.

His hot girlfriend looked disgusted and sick to her stomach.

Finally, the video was over and there was shocked silence.

Slowly though, people began to talk and look at Riley.

Riley was looking around desperately, not knowing what to do or who to go to. His friends were giving him funny looks and his girlfriend had completely disappeared.

I met his eyes and smiled that same cold smile I gave him at Starbucks back in February. I took off my hat and lifted my hand, pointing at him eerily.

Riley looked around one last time, appearing as if he was gonna cry and then pushed his way through the crowd, bolting.

I detached all my stuff and placed them in my bag.

"Thank you everyone!" I called out and Callum turned the music back on.

I made my way over to my friends and smiled, "Thanks guys," I said, mostly to Callum and Mike, since they played important roles in all this and technically didn't have to help at all.

"No problem," Mike said, "It was fun."

I raised my brow and Callum shook his head, "Anything for you and Zeke," he said smiling warmly at me and I nodded in thanks.

"You guys gonna head home now?" I asked.

"Yeah, we're gonna have our own party," Mike said kissing Callum's cheek and Callum blushed.

I laughed, "Sounds like fun. Drive safely. Call me tomorrow or something."

"You got it," Mike said waving and leading Callum out the door.

I then turned to Davy and Angelo who were both grinning.

"We did it guys," I said smiling.

"We sure did," Angelo said.

"Dude, that was a great plan," Davy said, "It never occurred to me to do that. I would have settled for kicking hiss ass."

I shook my head, "No, a beating would eventually heal. It's not big enough. But this will go down in history. His reputation is ruined, no one will look up to him anymore, his friends and girlfriend will ditch him, and not because he's gay, but because he's a gay basher. That's a worse stigma to shake off than being gay itself. It`s almost the equivalent of a hate crime if he actually did rape Mike and got caught doing it."

Angelo whistled, "Wow Skyler, I am glad to have met you, but man, I am glad I'm not on your bad side."

"Me too," Davy added, "Thank God Zeke is my roommate."

I patted them on the back as I draped my arm over their shoulders as I led them to the door.

People parted, allowing us to get through, and I got some curious glances but I ignored them.

"Well this whole thing tired me out. I'm glad you guys are on my good side too, because I don't know if I have enough energy to create another plan like this."

They laughed.

"Hey," I said breaking away from them when we got outside, the cold air hitting my face, "I'm heading back to the dorm, ok? I promised Zeke I would be back to eat with him," I said glancing at my watch.


Perfect timing.

"Sure, Davy can crash in my room tonight," Angelo said grinning at me.

I laughed, "Thanks man. I gotta go now. I'll see you tomorrow, maybe we'll do breakfast?"

They nodded and waved as I placed the hat over my head again and took off running to Zeke's dorm building.

I burst inside Zeke's room and found him lying on his bed with a book in his hands.

He sat up instantly when he saw me.

I grinned at him and jumped onto the bed with him.

I threw my wrist in his face, "Hah, told you, right on time!"

11:45. Oh yeah, I was a fast runner alright. I wasn't even out of breath.

Zeke smiled faintly at me.

"So what happened. What did you do tonight?"

I studied him, "Do you really want to know?"

He nodded.

"You won't get mad at me?" I asked.

Zeke shook his head, "No, you were honest with me. You, in a way, told me what you were doing, but now I want to know the details," he said simply, staring at me.

"Ok," I said and I reached inside my bag for my camcorder.

"Ready?" I asked and he nodded.

I pressed play and I heard Zeke gasp, but he leaned in closer to get a better look.

It wasn't even over before he turned to me, concern all over his face.

"Did he hurt Mike? Did he? How did you get this?" he asked.

"Calm down Z," I said placing my hand on his thigh, "No one got hurt. We planned this."

"We?" Zeke asked frowning.

"Yeah, for awhile now. Me, Davy, and Angelo. We got Callum and Mike to help, since it would be too obvious if Davy, I, or Angelo did it ourselves," I explained.

"How long have you been planning this?"

"Since I started coming here on weekends and Angelo pointed out who Riley was," I answered honestly.

"But how?"

"Easy Zeke. He isn't a hard guy to figure out. Powerful, cocky, thinks he can do whatever he wants without dealing with the consequences. I watched him for awhile. Waited for him to be at that party. I got Mike to act drunk and go into a bedroom where everyone else was waiting. Mike said a code phrase and I walked in and taped away."

Zeke's mouth was open in shock.

"I taped it all and no one got hurt. I went downstairs, shut off the music, and played the entire tape in front of everyone."

Zeke squeaked.

"He won't be hurting anyone anymore Zeke. He'll be too busy defending himself. No one looks highly on a gay basher," I said and kissed his forehead, "A lot of people are going to be getting in his face and looking down on him."

"I can't believe you," Zeke whispered.

"I'm sorry. I know I promised not to do anything, but I had to do this. I was feeling so much hate and anger Zeke. I needed to do this, please don't be mad at me," I said waiting for his reply.

Zeke shook his head and he didn't look at me. I heard him sniffle.

"Zeke?" I asked tentatively as I leaned forward and engulfed him in my arms.

I took it as a good sign when he didn't fight me off but instead leaned into me.

I inhaled his clean scent. He must have showered not too long ago and I kissed his neck.

"I love you Skyler," he murmured against my chest.

I wasn't really expecting that.

"You're not mad?" I asked leaning back to look into his eyes.

"How can I be?" Zeke asked, "I mean sure you promised to let this go and not do anything, but deep down I knew you wouldn't."

I smiled, "You know me so well."

"Yeah, I do. And I can't be mad at you, you did this for me. You went to all this trouble for me and got all our friends involved. And I have to admit," Zeke said laughing, "You came up with a creative idea."

"It was intricate as well," I said chuckling, "Took a lot of planning and impeccable timing."

"I applaud you. I am glad you're making use of your skills," Zeke teased.

I hugged him tighter, "Well, we did it. We got him good. No one is ever going to look at him the same again and you can bet people will be watching him a lot more closely from now on. His chances of hurting another guy or you or me, or anyone else is pretty slim."

Zeke leaned into me and wrapped his arms around my neck, "My very own crime fighter."

I pulled him backwards onto the bed with me, "I'm hardly a crime fighter. I could give a shit about other people. I only fight crimes for the people I care about, or in your case, I love."

"You're gonna make me cry," Zeke joked as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Cry all you want baby, I'll still be here," I said closing my eyes.

I had a fun night, but it was still a long night.

I felt Zeke's even breathing and I realized how tired he must have been, between studying and worrying, and then waiting up for me.

I felt myself drifting off, knowing that Zeke was safe with me and that Riley and all other potential gay bashers would know not to mess with Zeke ever again.

It was a good day.


"You guys have to be there otherwise my Mom will go to your house and take you out," Skyler warned and Crew burst out laughing.

"I'm serious man," Skyler said and then he began smiling, "Ok, well mostly. But my Mom says it wouldn't be much of a graduation party if no one showed up," he explained.

I smiled, "We'll be there," I said.

The twin's Mom was planning a graduation party and from what was relayed from Skyler, she was already calling people and inviting relatives and friends.

It was the end of April and in about two weeks and some days, we would officially be done with school.

Graduation; senior year over, finished, kaput.

The time went by so fast and with finals coming up, it wasn't going to be slowing down.

For the most part things were great, except Crew got occasionally bummed out about things changing.

He said he could already see how it would turn out with the way things were already going.

Skyler had quit snowboarding and chose to spend his time in Boston with Zeke and Storm was constantly MIA because of Kate and would probably fall off the face of the earth once the baby was born, which should be very, very soon.

"I'm gonna miss everyone," he said sadly.

"You'll have me," I offered.

"It's not the same."

I arched my brow and he looked at me sheepishly and I smiled and leaned over to kiss him. I gathered him in my arms and felt him snuggling against my chest.

"You know what I mean," he said.

"I do," I said.

"It's just that being in college, everything was so carefree and relaxed. Then when everyone started pairing off, and well Storm having a kid, I feel like we're drifting apart and we're growing up too fast," Crew mumbled.

I hugged him tighter, "Well that's life Crew. Things change, people have different priorities in life, but it doesn't mean you're never gonna see anyone ever again," I consoled.

"I know, but it doesn't help me to not feel bad," Crew added in a petulant tone.

I smiled and rubbed his back. "Well this is where I tell you to toughen up and deal with it," I said lightly and I felt Crew hit my stomach playfully.

I shook my head when I realized Skyler was still talking.

I heard the word moving, but I didn't understand fully what was going on.

"You're moving after all?" Crew asked a little shocked.

Oh ok, I'm all caught up now.

Skyler shot Crew a smile, "It shouldn't be surprising man. I don't want to be here forever. And California is too far for the time being, so New York is the next best thing now. I thought Zeke told you all about that."

Crew shrugged, "Well, he mentioned in, but now that you're making actual plans to move, it seems more real, you know?"

Skyler nodded, "I know, but we just lucked out. I mean my Aunt is subletting this apartment in Manhattan and I've been talking to her for awhile now on renting it out, and we finally got it all settled. She's a pretty cool woman, so it wasn't hard to reason with her."

"When are you heading out? Right after graduation?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yeah, I'm packing right now, but once Zeke finishes school, he can pack up and then we're out. After the graduation party of course," he added pointing at the two of us and Crew and I laughed.

"Dude, we'll be there," Crew said rolling his eyes.

"You're going to drive all your stuff down there?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm taking my car with me there so we can come back here whenever we want. But my car isn't that big, it's gonna take like ten trips to bring all my stuff. Dude, I have a lot of shit."

"Yeah, you're full of shit all right," Crew snickered and he toppled into my arms when Skyler pushed him.

"Well, I guess I can't move all my stuff down with me. I mean, that's a lot of stuff. Cause I have stuff in my Mom's place and in my apartment," he went on talking to himself.

"I guess I'll have to figure out the important stuff," he murmured.

"Anyway, I gotta jet," he said turning to leave.

"Where?" Crew asked laughing, "You don't have class anymore for the day."

"You're right, but Storm does," he replied.

"What?" Crew asked frowning.

Skyler ran his fingers through his hair, "Well, he's been tired lately and he said this one class is killing him and he doesn't think he can manage to make it through the lecture."

"What class is it?" Crew asked.

"Religions of the Western World," he responded.

"Ooh," Crew groaned, "Boring."

"I guess it is, but I have to go for him. He looks like he hasn't slept in weeks, and as much as I hate school, I have to go since he needs to ace the final in order to pull a B in the course. He's been slacking with everything that has been going on."

"Understandable," I input.

"And what better person to take his place than his identical twin brother?" Crew teased.

"Oh shut up," Skyler said good naturedly, rolling his eyes, "I gotta go. The class is in Murray," he started to walk away, "Hey, I'm thinking of visiting Zeke this tonight since I can't next weekend because of cramming for finals. Do you guys want to come with?" he asked.

I saw Crew's eyes light up and he turned to me with the question in his eyes.

I smiled, "Yeah we can go," I answered and Crew grinned.

Finals was always a stressful time, but with being so close to done with college, who really cared? It was hard to put in tons of effort knowing that our GPAs were good as it was and that finishing our courses now was just a formality. There was no longer a need to strive for perfect A's. I'm sure Crew and I would, but if we didn't get them, it wouldn't be the end of the world.

Plus I knew how bummed Crew got with not seeing everyone so I figured this would be good for him.

"Ok, we can head out after your last class Crew," Skyler decided, "Come by my Mom's house around 6:00? I`ll still be there packing and whatnot."


"Later guys," he said and Skyler was off.

"Want me to go to class with you?" I asked Crew.

"Of course," Crew said smiling, nudging my side, "When do I ever not want you to go to class with me?"

I shrugged, "Just thought I would check to make sure."

I didn't have school on Fridays at all, but I always came on campus to be with Crew who had one morning and one late afternoon class. I sat in with him in both classes because they were filler electives and huge lecture halls, so I wouldn't stick out.

And I admit I enjoyed spending the extra time with Crew. Even if we couldn't talk, I liked sitting beside him or watching him listen and take notes. That's how crazy in love I was. I could watch Crew for hours as he did something as mundane as sitting in a classroom chair.

In fact, I wanted to spend all my time with him. I was in the process of planning a trip to Colorado after graduation. I haven't seen my other grandparents since I moved in August to Jersey and I knew they would want to see me. Especially after I finished college. It was a bit of a milestone that they wanted to celebrate.

I hadn't told Crew yet about Colorado, in part because I didn't have any definite plans yet. But I actually wanted him to go with me. I wanted my grandparents to have at least seen and met the love of my life and I wanted to show Crew where I grew up and we could do some snowboarding up there since the season was over in the East Coast.

I needed to talk to him about it in private, but somehow the subject never came up.

It was partly because we were busy doing other stuff when we were together or we would be hanging out with Skyler and it was hard to talk about serious issues with Skyler hanging around.

Another reason was that even though I wanted Crew to meet my grandparents, I wasn't exactly positive my grandparents wanted to meet Crew. It's not that they had anything against him whatsoever, having never met him, but when I came out to them, they weren't exactly thrilled.

They still loved me and supported me, but they chose to ignore the fact that I was gay or would be out of the house when I brought home dates. I guess they didn't want to see me being gay, but I needed to bring Crew with me. He was a part of me now and I couldn't just leave him at home, while I visited my family. And I didn't want my grandparents to brush him off or shun him, so I guess I was uneasy about all sorts of things, which was unusual because a lot of things never made me uneasy.

I cared too much about Crew for him to have a bad time on this trip.

Ah well, just had to deal with whatever came our way.

I would ask him tonight.

Or this afternoon.

It turned out Crew's class got canceled due to the professor's emergency and the assignment was to basically just read the next few chapters.

"Awesome!" Crew said grinning, "More time to relax. Let's go to my house!" he said grabbing my hand once we were in the parking lot.

When we were at his house, I sat him down in his kitchen.

Sushi walked slowly up to us and I patted his head before pointing to his living room. Obediently, Sushi slowly began walking away from us and I shared a smile with Crew.

"What's up?" he asked looking at me expectantly.

"Crew," I began hesitantly, staring into his blue eyes, the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. I felt my mouth curve into a faint smile.

"What?" he asked self consciously.

I shook my head, "Nothing. Well, no, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to take a trip with me after graduation. Well, after the twin's graduation party," I corrected.

Crew raised his brows, "Where do you want to go?"


"Oh, you want to visit back home?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I haven't seen my other grandparents for two years now because I got caught up, in well everything, and they've been asking to see me. Plus, it's graduation and I bet they would want to have some sort of celebration for me."

"And you want me to go with you?" Crew asked frowning.

I nodded slightly, "I want them to meet you."

"Wow," Crew murmured.

I looked at him questioningly, tilting my head.

"Well, it's just that, I'm shocked," he explained, "Not shocked that you want me to meet them and go with you," he added quickly, "Just that I never met parents before, and I feel a little overwhelmed, maybe nervous, anxious."

I didn't have a reassuring answer to give him, because for the most part, I kind of felt the same way.

"What if they don't like me?" he asked.

I laughed, "Who cares if they like you?" I asked and he looked at me incredulously.

"I mean, my grandparents are nice people but they aren't too crazy about their only grandson being a homosexual, but they have no reason to dislike you. And if they did, big deal?" I stated, "You and I will still be flying back over here and I will still love you. Their opinion is not going to change how I feel about you. Nothing can."

Crew brightened, "Well I know, but it's nerve wracking meeting parental figures and subconsciously trying to impress them."

"I guess, but I'll be there with you the entire time. I won't leave you," I promised.

"I know."

"So you'll go with me then?"

He nodded, "Ok."

"Alright, good," I said smiling, "I'm going to set up the flights and call my grandparents. Is the day after the twin's party ok?"

Crew nodded again, "Sounds good."

"Thanks baby," I said kissing his full lips. Once I got a taste, I leaned forward, cupping the back of his neck to deepen the kiss, my tongue moving slowly over his.

Crew fisted my shirt and pulled me forward, but I didn't have good leverage because of the kitchen chairs and the way we were seated.

He groaned when his hand fell through the space between our chairs and he smacked his chin against the table.

"Are you ok?" I asked rubbing his face as I cupped his cheeks.

"That hurt," he muttered opening and closing his jaw.

I smiled and stood up, taking him with me to his bedroom.

We ran together and landed on his bed, bouncing slightly. Crew giggled as he climbed over my body and rested on top of me while kissing me.

His full lips moved over mine, his tongue eagerly going further into my mouth, our mouths opening wider, and our breathing becoming more ragged as our kiss waged on.

Crew pulled back and took a breath, before diving for my lips again, kissing me hungrily as he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I want to make love to you," Crew whispered in my ear.

I grabbed his face and kissed him passionately to indicate my approval at his request.

I began to kiss and suck on his neck, adding more pressure as I went on. Crew groaned in pleasure, or pain, or possibly a little bit of both, but at the moment, it all felt good.

His fingers unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down past my hips as I lifted my ass to help him. Using my legs, I began to shimmy them down past my legs to my ankles where they rested at my feet.

Crew whipped off his shirt and soccer shorts and boxers quickly, while I pulled my shirt over my head and plopped it on the floor.

His hands moved around my chest to my abdomen and his gaze rested on my cock, which was sticking straight up.

Reaching for a condom in his drawer, he put one on himself and in one fast swoop, I felt incredible moist wetness around my member and saw the top of his head buried in my crotch.

My eyes rolled back as I pumped slowly into his mouth while his tongue swirled around the head, stopping to slip inside my piss slit. He would bob up and down, keeping a tight suction and then on his way back down he would use the flat of his tongue on the underside of my cock.

"Fuck," I muttered and I could feel vibrations around me as Crew chuckled.

I felt a subtle pain in my ass and a slight burning as the pain and discomfort increased, but I was too distracted by the blow job I was receiving.

"Crew, I'm so close," I whispered arching my back and Crew rolled his tongue around my head a few more times before pulling off and wiping his mouth.

I peered at him through half closed eyes and watched as he lubed his cock generously and added some to my hole, inserting a fair amount of fingers as I felt my hole being stretched pretty wide.

He aimed his cock at my entrance and then he pushed in and I clenched my teeth.

"Hiro," Crew said stopping his movement.

"It's ok, keep going," I instructed, placing my hands on his bare ass and pulling him forward while I wrapped my legs around his waist, drawing him into me.

I heard him whimper as more and more of him filled my hole.

I hadn't been fucked in awhile, but even though there was slight discomfort, I was enjoying this.

I panted as Crew slowly continued into me and I sighed when his balls hit my ass.

"Wow," Crew said softly as he closed his eyes and stayed still, waiting for me to let him know when he could move.

"You feel so good Hiro," he said his eyes still closed as he savored the feeling.

I smiled and reached up, rubbing his hard nipples slowly, enjoying myself as I rolled them between my fingers gently, glancing at his face as he leaned his head back, moaning.

Lifting my ass up, I pushed onto Crew's cock and heard him gasp and his arms fell around my head and he heaved forward.

"Oh god!" he cried out.

He opened his eyes, looking into mine.

"I love you," I said quietly and he took that as his cue to begin moving.

He pulled out of me slowly and paused, before pushing back into me, with a moderate amount of force, causing me to let out a muffled, "Mmpf."

Crew continued thrusting in and out with powerful thrusts and I shuddered when he rubbed against my prostate.

I arched my back and reached up for Crew, clasping my fingers behind his head and yanking him down to me.

"Wha-" he managed to get out before I covered his mouth with mine, keeping a firm hold on him as he pushed his cock in and out.

He groaned into my mouth as I refused to let go of him and I pushed my ass into him, meeting his thrusts, doubling our pleasure.

The head of my cock rubbed up against the ridges of his six pack and I had trouble kissing Crew as I felt my release approaching.

I let go of Crew, "I'm going to cum!" I informed him and Crew took a hold of my hips and began pushing into me with a faster pace, sliding along my prostate, sending tingles all over my body.

His face was flushed and he was biting his lips, his eyes squeezed tightly as he approached his own orgasm.

His hand wrapped around my aching cock, but I pushed his hand away gently.

Crew finally looked at me and I smiled as my eyelids fluttered as he hit that special spot again, "I want to cum with only you inside of me," I said and Crew smiled before throwing his head back and mumbling incoherently.

My entire body felt hot and sweaty and I just wanted to get off and I lifted my ass as Crew held my hips and I grabbed the dresser and held onto it as my body was moving around during out lovemaking.

At this angle, his thrusts were hitting my prostate regularly and I gasped.

"I'm cumming!" I shouted, a ripple running through my abs to my groin and I shoved my ass into him as Crew pounded into me one more time.

I inhaled and breathed rapidly as I came, taking a hold of Crew's waist and holding him tightly.

I clenched my ass muscles and with a roar, Crew shouted and collapsed on top of me, while his hips moved slightly, as he rode out his orgasm.

"Oh god, oh fuck, Hiro!" he cried out.

Chest to chest, I could feel his heart beating and his breath against my cheek.

We were both breathing hard, trying to recover from our release.

I rubbed my hands up and down his sweaty back, feeling his heartbeat slow down gradually.

"You feel slimy," Crew said and I laughed.

"You don't think you're slimy?" I asked teasingly.

Crew rubbed his face against my chest and wiggled in my arms, "No," he sang out and giggled.

"We have to meet Skyler soon to head to Boston. Want to shower?" I asked.

"No," he said softly.

"Crew, you can't fall asleep," I warned.

"Why not?" he mumbled.

"Because it's Friday night and we're going to visit Zeke," I answered.

"But I'm so comfy," he whined, gripping my shoulders.

"Too bad, let's clean up," I said and when Crew still didn't move, I held him tightly and rolled us over so I was on top of him and I forcefully lifted him off the bed with me.

"No, let's stay in bed a little bit longer," Crew pleaded and I shook my head smiling.

I pushed him gently to the bathroom laughing as he grumbled in annoyance. I turned on the water and adjusted the temperature before shuffling the both of us inside.

Crew let the shower spray wash over him and then he got out of the way for me to do so.

I couldn't help laughing as Crew shook his head free of the water like a dog and grinned at me playfully, hopping over to me.

He placed me under the water and we cleaned up quickly, running soap over one another's bodies and shampooing our short hair.

Crew was in a playful happy mood and would move away whenever I tried to soap him and then he would run up to me and kiss me.

"Ok, no more showering. We're wasting time here!" I said in a mock annoyed tone and I picked him up and carried him out.

"Ah come on Hiro!" Crew called out kicking his legs up and down as he squirmed in my arms.

I shook my head and smiled.


I took a deep breath and was wringing my hands together as I waited anxiously for my Uncle to say something.

He slammed his hand down on his desk and I jumped a little in my chair.

"I can't believe that asshole!" he yelled.

"Uncle James," I began.

"I can't believe him. He actually did that you? He said that stuff?" he said angrily as he stood up and began pacing the room.

"I-" I opened my mouth.

"He actually said that to you? I can't believe that!"

My Uncle looked seriously pissed.

"That stupid little shit," he muttered angrily, ruffling his dark brown hair.

"The nerve of that little fucker. He's young and rich and he thinks he can make you go to bed with him? I wonder how many other guys he's done that with!" he rambled on.

"It's ok," I tried to say.

"Well, let me tell you something, Hela," James said pointing his finger at me, "I don't care if he walks away and his pretentious little new company too!"

"But wouldn't his business be good for us?" I asked hesitantly.

Uncle James looked outraged, "Not for the cost of a person or their dignity. I mean, did you honestly think I would want you to trade yourself, your body, for some money?" he asked.

"No, of course not!" I said quickly.

"Well, good, because I don't!"

"What if he discourages other companies from going to us?" I asked worriedly.

Uncle James waved his hand at me in a dismissive manner, "I can't worry about that right now. Whatever happens, happens. And I'll let McAdams Ink speak for itself, not some young rich bitch. It's not like I don't have any contacts of my own."

"Oh," I said nodding.

I looked at him and he looked at me.

I saw the corners of his mouth twitching and then I felt my lips curling. In seconds we were laughing loudly.

"I would have liked to see your face when he asked you for sex!" Uncle James crowed.

"Oh great, I'm glad my discomfort and being blackmailed causes immense amusement to you!" I shot back.

"Come on, what did you look like?" he coaxed sitting down beside me, "Did your mouth drop? Were you speechless?"

I rolled my eyes.

Obviously, it was times like these that made it apparent that James was definitely the younger brother.

I knew my Dad would never joke about these matters. In fact, he would have slapped Nigel Lane with a lawsuit.

As if my Uncle could read my thoughts, "Are you going to mention this to your Dad?"

"No, why bother? I said no, he won't be doing business with us, and there's no need to delve any further into this mess," I said, "And besides, you know how angry Dad would get if I told him?"

Uncle James nodded, "Yeah, you're right."

Then he turned playful again, "So how did he look when you turned him down? Did his little rich boy face get all screwed up and pissed?" Uncle James asked scrunching up his face in a horrible imitation.

I fell over and laughed, "I didn't see his face! He left to go to the bedroom, thinking I would follow him in, but I just left, remember."

"Oh man, classic," James said chuckling.

"I hate snobby little shits like him. I could tell he had an attitude right from the start," he added.

I breathed a sigh of relief, "Good, because while I knew you wouldn't want me to go through with it, I also felt bad to have caused you any trouble."

Uncle James became serious at that moment and he leaned forward to talk to me more closely, "Listen, you didn't cause me any trouble ok? Jeez, Helaku, you're my only nephew, I'm not gonna throw you to the wolves for some mere business. I can always get more business."

"Well, yeah but-"

"And if you're going to mention the whole thing about hiring you even though you don't have a marketing or advertising or business related background, don't even say a word. You're a good hard worker and you have a natural gift for this business. Must be from your Mom. Lord knows your Dad can't even paint a picture or draw a straight line," he said grinning, his bright blue eyes twinkling.

I laughed and hung my head, "Thanks."

"You're welcome kiddo," he said affectionately, but then he looked like an idea struck him.

"But you know how you can repay me for this little thing?" he asked.

"How?" I asked frowning.

"Can you baby sit Madeleine this weekend? I told your Dad and Sheryl I would, but I would much rather spend the weekend with Lauren, baby wailing free, you know?"

I shook my head, "Oh man."

"Come on," Uncle James said looking at me imploringly, "We're family!"

"Fine," I huffed as I smiled.

I felt silly for being all worried about telling my Uncle about what had happened, but I couldn't help it.

Bryce reassured me constantly and as usual, he turned out right.

He smiled at me when I came out Uncle Jame's office and I flashed him a grin, letting him know that everything was all right.

After that work was a whole lot easier.

At one point during the day I went to get some coffee and on my way back, I observed Bryce working.

He was on the computer and he looked so focused, his lips pursed as he thought, his face scrunched in a slight frown.

Bryce slowly turned around and met my eyes. He seemed surprised for a second as to why I was just standing there, but then he smiled.

In that smile and in his eyes, I saw complete trust and love in them and I couldn't believe that was almost jeopardized.

It made me have a newfound hate for Nigel Lane and I wasn't one to hate anyone.

I mean, Hate was such a strong word after all, but that's what I felt for Nigel, for almost costing me the best thing that's ever happened to me.

"Hela, you alright?" he asked in a hushed voice, as I was still standing there, looking at him, not saying anything.

I shook my head and smiled, "Yeah, everything's perfect. I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight instead of cooking in?"

He smiled and nodded, "Sure Helaku."

"Ok," I replied finally striding over into his cubicle. Checking to make sure no one was around I placed a soft kiss on his lips and touched his cheek lightly when I pulled away.

His eyes were still closed and I chuckled, leaning forward again.

I just had to have another kiss.

Next: Chapter 23

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