Jumping Over My Mountain

By Tiffani Chin

Published on Aug 23, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is copy right protected. Please do not post it on any other website. If you are not 18 or male on male action offends you, do not continue further. Email me at EliteECrew@verizon.net for feedback

Jumping over my Mountain, Chapter 19


"Mom and Dad are not going to kill you," I reassured Storm after I had managed to calm him down enough to sit with me while we, or more accurately, I ate dinner. He was too on edge to put anything down.

"Yes they will. They're laid back and everything, but they always said to be careful about sex because we should have our lives settled and in order before bringing a child into this world," Storm said.

I nodded as I stuffed a large spoonful of chicken noodle soup into my mouth. I recalled that speech from back in the day. Lucky for me, I doubt any woman would be popping out my baby since I had Zeke now.

"Listen Storm, you're not a bad kid just because you knocked up some girl, ok? It happens and look, we're 21, clearly adults and not some high school kid. It could be worse."

"And you know when the time comes Mom and Dad will help out and be there when you need them. They always have been in the past."

Storm didn't look at me and was staring into his cold hot chocolate.

"And think about it. You could have done something worse. You aren't into drugs or smoking, you're responsible, for the most part, and now you're bringing life into this world, perhaps a little early, but it's better than killing someone which is you know, better than taking a life," I offered.

Storm glared at me.

"Well, come on, how much more pissed do you think Mom and Dad would be if you had killed a pedestrian while drunk or something? Not to mention the shame," I said biting into my pizza, "It's a baby. Mom shouldn't take it too hard. I'd think she'd be glad to be a young grandmother."

"But I'm too young to be a father!" Storm burst out so loudly that my head shot up and I inched my chair away from him. Storm cradled his head in his hands and groaned, "This is just so fucked up. I can't believe this happened. I mean, we used protection."

"Yeah, but there's always a risk of pregnancy no matter what," I reminded.

"I know," Storm snapped. He paused and then looked at me, "And that wasn't the worst part, her being pregnant. She doesn't want to keep the baby."

I frowned, "What?"

Storm sighed and took a deep breath, "Kate's parents are really religious. She wasn't planning on telling her family about the pregnancy, but instead is visiting her Aunt in North Carolina and she is going to have the baby there and was planning to give it up for adoption."

"Without telling you?" I demanded.

"That's the thing. Her Aunt said she had to tell the father of the baby, because it wasn't only her child to give up."

Smart Aunt.

"And you don't want to give it up for adoption, right?"

"Of course not!" Storm exclaimed, then he bit his lip, "Well, theoretically it would be ok, if she wanted to anyways, but I just can't do it," he said, his dark eyes looking sadly at me, "It's my baby Sky, my kid. How can I give it up to strangers? It would be like giving up a piece of myself."

I nodded in agreement. "But isn't that a problem?"

"What do you mean?" Storm asked.

"Well, if you want to keep the baby, and she doesn't?"

Storm rubbed his eyes, "Yeah, we discussed that too, although not too seriously and not in much detail. But we were throwing around the idea of me raising this baby. Alone."

My eyebrows shot up, "Alone? She doesn't want to be any part of it?"

I found it hard to believe that a mother wouldn't want to know or be there for her own flesh and blood that she brought into this world.

Storm shook his head, "If she did and admitted this pregnancy to her parents, they would disown her and she would be the shame of the family."

"But it's her baby!" I exclaimed.

Storm shrugged, "She was pretty torn up about it herself and she didn't look so well when I saw her. I know this whole thing is stressing her and must be killing her inside to give up our baby, but she made her choice."

"Wow, so you're going to raise the baby all by yourself?" I asked stunned.

"I have to. I did this, I have to take responsibility. And it's my kid."

Storm was silent and he looked like he was deep in thought. I knew Storm well enough to know that he was stewing and any minute he would be bursting with his thoughts, so I took the opportunity to rinse out my soup bowl and I began fixing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I had a feeling it was going to be a long night of eating and listening to him rant and cry, if need be.

"Even if Mom and Dad are ok with this and help me out, my life is ruined," Storm said quietly as I sat down at the table again, "The baby will be born the end of May if it's on time. I won't have time to get a job, and even if I did, I would need practically full time help from Mom or someone. I have to move in with Mom. I can't date for the next, I don't know, eighteen fucking years!" Storm slumped in his chair looking defeated.

"What if I'm a shitty father? What if the kid gets older and hates me?" he suddenly asked.

"Listen Storm, there is no such thing as a perfect parent. Every parent kind of fumbles and learns along the way, but the parent and kid loves one another unconditionally, that's how it works. Like I can't stand Dad, but I still love him. He's my Dad, I have to."

"This is huge! I don't know if I'm ready for this, it's all so soon. It's happening too fast!" Storm said looking panicked.

"Storm, calm down, ok?" I said rubbing his shoulder, "One thing at a time. You have to talk things over with Kate, make arrangements, legal ones if need be, and meanwhile, you need to tell Mom and Dad. You're going to need their support now," I said taking charge.

Storm swallowed hard and turned a little paler, but nodded, "Yeah, you're right," he gulped, "Oh god, I don't want to tell them. They're going to be so disappointed in me."

I looked at my brother sympathetically and knew how huge a deal this was for him, besides the whole baby thing.

All our lives, Storm has been the perfect twin, reserved, responsible, polite, more hardworking than me, and Dad's favorite.

And I was the crazy twin, who did as he pleased and got into trouble all the time. I was so used to being a disappointment, to my Dad mostly, that it didn't faze me. But for Storm to be knocked off his pedestal or whatever was going to be an adjustment for him.

Welcome to my world.

"Sure they'll be disappointed, but they'll get over it. And once they see your cute baby, they'll be ok. I like the idea of being a young uncle," I said smiling.

Storm smiled weakly.

"The sooner you tell them the better. Arrange a dinner this upcoming weekend. I'll be there for you, ok? You won't be alone," I promised and Storm shot me a grateful look.

"This is so messed up. I always assumed this would have happened to you," he said.

I smirked, "Yeah me too."

We fell silent and I looked at him sideways, "I bet you wish you were gay now, don't you? Should have hopped on the gay bandwagon while it still had an open seat," I sang out.

His arm moved so fast I didn't even see it coming.

"Hey!" I sputtered as I was covered in Storm's cooled off hot chocolate.

"Asshole," Storm muttered but he was smiling.

"Don't be mad that you missed your chance, bro," I said as I stood up to head to the shower.


I turned back once more, "Everything will be ok Storm. I know it will."

"Thanks Skyler."


"What's wrong?" Hiro asked.

I sighed and shook my head, "Nothing."

Hiro inched closer to me on the bed and kissed my neck and nipped gently at my ear, "Don't lie to me baby, I can tell when something is bothering you. Tell me."

I looked at him and rested my head on my elbow, "I'm just scared."

"Of what?"

"Of the future. Of things changing."

"What do you mean?"

"I like how things are, everything is so perfect right now, and I can't bear for it to change," I said frowning, "I can't take it Hiro. My life was shit after high school, all I had was work and school, and now I have you. I don't want to lose you too."

Hiro stroked my cheek, "You won't lose me baby."

I rolled away from him, "How do you know that? Things happen."

Hiro sat up and caught my arm and tried to pull me close again, "I know Crew, things can happen, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worst, but we have to go with it and if things get bad, we just have to try to make it ok."

"But I want things to stay as it is, forever!"

Hiro laughed and I crossed my arms, "Life is boring without change and unnatural. It's ok to be scared, but you can't let your fear consume you."

"I'm being dumb."

Hiro kissed my cheek, "You're not dumb Crew. You've been through a lot and I can see why you want things to remain the same. Things have been good, and I couldn't be happier, but the future can bring better things too, but we have to live through it and see, right?"

I nodded silently, "I love you Crew, please don't be sad," Hiro said hugging me affectionately, "I think about our future too, and I want things to follow as plan, but there is no such thing as that. All we can do is move forward and just be happy where we are, right now, together."

I looked up and Hiro's light brown eyes were peering into mine lovingly and he smiled at me. He leaned in, kissing me softly as his body pinned my body on the bed.

"You know, I remember when I saw you for the first time," Hiro mumbled between kisses.

"Yeah?" I breathed out as I closed my eyes and savored his tender caresses.

"It was a history class, and I was in the back of the room, and you were in the front near the door. I remember thinking how beautiful you were and when the attendance sheet was passed around, I thought you had the cutest name," Hiro murmured as his fingers roamed over my chest and stomach.

I squirmed beneath him.

"And I was thinking how I wanted to meet you but I wasn't exactly sure how to approach you. I didn't even know if you were gay."

"But Skyler," I said as it all came back to me. My first day meeting Hiro and how we had lunch together. Good ol' Skyler, he was the unknown matchmaker.

"I think it was love at first sight," Hiro said.

"You did?"

Hiro kissed my lips firmly, "Yeah, I just knew I wanted to get to know you and be around you. You're something special Crew. I'm so lucky to have found you."

"I'm glad you found me too, Hiro. I needed you, you were the person I needed all along to turn my life around. I was so miserable, with my family and all, but you made me deal with it. Thank you," I said sincerely.

Hiro never answered me, he was in the process of taking my shirt off. Then my pants and then my boxers.

I was surprised when I felt him wrapping a condom around my leaking cock and lubing it up generously.

He must have seen the shock on my face, but he just smiled as he began to ease himself onto me.

I inhaled sharply as the head of my cock popped into his hole and I felt warm tight heat as he slid further down onto me.

My eyes rolled back and I found myself gripping Hiro's knees and moaning.

"Jesus!" I gasped out as Hiro squeezed his muscles around my member and I felt a jolt of pleasure spread throughout my entire body.

"This is how you make me feel all the time, Crew. I want you to experience this as well," he whispered as he looked into my eyes.

I felt his fingers gently rolling my nipples as I arched my back while I felt him begin to slowly ride me, increasing his pace gradually.

There was too much going on. My entire body felt as if it was on fire, there was no break from the wonderful feelings I was experiencing. My nipples were gently teased and I bit my lip, digging my head into the pillow.

Hiro rode me faster and kept his muscles tight around me and I couldn't resist crying out. I didn't think I would be able to last very long, not with the way Hiro was stimulating me.

"Hiro, I'm gonna cum!" I groaned out as my eyes were tightly closed and I arched my back.

I felt myself reach the point of no return; a shudder went through my body, my muscles tightened and I thrust upward into Hiro's hole sharply.

I screamed as I felt my orgasm tear out of my cock and my juices were deposited in the recesses of his ass.

"FUCK!!!" I shouted.

I pumped my hips slowly as I was still inside of him, even after my orgasm subsided. We lay in that position for a bit, until Hiro pulled off of me, settling on the other side of my bed.

I pried open my eyelids and noticed he was still hard.

I reached for him and felt his throbbing hardness in my hand. He gasped as my fist closed tightly around his cock and I stroked him.

I stroked him twice and I felt his cock enlarge and then his cum shot onto my forearm and some of it landed on my palm.

Hiro groaned and his arms supported his torso as he gripped the blankets and thrust into my hand while he came.

When he opened his eyes and met mine, he smiled, his cheeks flushed.

"I couldn't last long."

I grinned sleepily at him, "I didn't want you to last long."

Hiro gingerly pulled the condom off my cock and went into the bathroom. He wiped the bed down when he emerged and then lay down next to me, his head resting on my pillow.

His arm wrapped around my stomach and we shuffled into a spooning position and I pushed my ass into his crotch. He snuggled up tightly behind me and I felt his chin resting in the crook of my neck.

"Good night Crew, I love you," he said softly into my ear before kissing my neck. I was becoming accustomed to his daily kiss in that spot.

"I love you, too," I said I rubbed my head against our shared pillow and I sighed, closing my eyes, letting the post orgasmic bliss overcome me.


"You didn't tell Storm you're going to California over winter break and that we're most likely definitely going to be moving there at the end of May?" Zeke asked in disbelief.

I sighed, "I know, I should have, but he was so upset ever since he found out Kate was pregnant, and he's so moody and depressed. I'm afraid of how he'll take the news," I admitted.

"Well, I'm sure he'll miss you, but he'll want what is best for you and for you to be happy," Zeke assured me.

"I know he does, but we've been together all our lives, we're twins, and now, just when his life is thrown for a loop, I'm leaving?"

"You want to postpone moving?" Zeke asked with understanding in his eyes, "I don't mind Sky, I know it's for a good reason. I can wait, and once school is done for good, it's not like I have to go to Boston anymore."

I kissed him quickly, "I know, but I really wanted to head out right after school ended, like that was my original plan. I just don't know what to do. I feel so torn."

Zeke stayed silent and just rested his head on my chest.

"You've told your parents about it right?"

"I told my Mom and she said if it would make me happy, I should do it. But I didn't bother to tell my Dad. He's hopeless, remember how much of a jerk he was during dinner?" Zeke reminded me and I nodded.

"I'm having dinner with my family tonight. Storm is planning to tell our parents about Kate and the baby. With my luck, my Dad will bug me about moving to San Francisco and the cat will be out of the bag," I said frowning, "So in a way, I'm saved from the trouble of telling him."

"You can tell him before your Dad mentions anything?" Zeke suggested.

I groaned, "Nooo! So then I can make him feel even worse before dinner, right before my parents will rip into him about him knocking up a girl?"

Zeke chuckled and kissed my neck.

"God, why does life suck?" I muttered.

"Holy shit Storm, breathe will you. You look like as if you're about to be electrocuted or something. It's dinner with our parents," I hissed when I walked into his room in our Mom's house where I found him sitting on the bed, silently, and hyperventilating slightly.

We walked into the dining room where my Mom was putting the last of the dishes on the table. Dad sat across from her, and left his wife behind, upon Storm's request.

She was a nice enough woman, but we never got to know her too well and even though she was technically family, Storm felt more comfortable just telling Mom and Dad first.

"So Storm, what is it that you have to tell us?" Dad said. Clearly he was anxious about what Storm had to say, because even though Mom and Dad were on good terms, they didn't get together too often outside of holidays, so this was something out of the ordinary.

I glanced at Storm and saw him swallow a couple of times and I noticed a few beads of sweat on his pale forehead.

"Um," Storm began.

"Yes?" Dad said.

I slapped Storm's thigh and gave him an encouraging look.

Mom frowned, "What's going on?" she demanded catching our look and I think she sensed trouble, probably assuming it was my doing, no doubt.

"There's no easy way to say this," Storm stalled.

"What is it? What happened?" Mom said, panic rising in her voice.

I could understand her worry, Storm was making things seem worse than they were.

"Just tell us, Storm," Dad said, the impatience and concern in his voice also.

"I got my ex-girlfriend pregnant," Storm blurted out.

His confession was met with complete silence and I waited for someone to say something, but it seemed as if the silence dragged on for minutes.

Mom and Dad both stopped eating and were staring at Storm, Dad's face was hard to categorize, but Mom looked shocked, her mouth hanging open a little.

"What?" she asked.

"How did this happen?" Dad asked at the same time.

"We were broken up," Storm said with near tears in his eyes, "But I ran into her after a bad date and then we, you know."

Dad groaned, but Mom still looked shocked.

"Were you safe?" he asked.

"Yes!" Storm exclaimed.

"Then how did this happen?" Dad demanded raising his voice slightly.

Storm shrunk in his chair like a scolded child, "I guess it broke."

Dad fumed at the response.

"Danielle, do you have anything to say about this?" Dad snapped at my mother.

Mom was just sitting in her chair, frozen, her face expressionless.

"Danielle?" Dad said a little more forcefully.

"Mom?" I tried.

"Mom?" Storm said weakly, looking at her.

I saw tears fall from her eyes as she looked at Storm and then she stood up, walked over to him, and hugged him tightly.

"It's ok Storm, everything will be ok, baby," Mom said as more tears fell. I saw Storm's eyes were closed and that he was crying as he clung to Mom.

I glanced over at Dad who was staring intently at them and rubbing his head.

"And you both plan on keeping this baby, right?" he asked in a tight voice.

Storm nodded without opening his eyes.

"Are you going to marry her or get back together with her?" he pressed.

Storm sniffed and disentangled himself from Mom's arms.

"Well," he began hesitantly, "umm, there's a little more to the story, but the short version is that Kate doesn't want the baby."

"I don't understand," Dad said frowning.

Storm swallowed, "Uh well, I'm going to raise this baby. Without her."

"What?" Mom gasped.

"She's just going to dump the baby on you and take off?" Dad asked loudly and Storm cringed.

"Her family is really religious and-"

"Then she should have kept her legs together!" Dad shouted.

"Steven!" Mom yelled.

"So it's ok for her to have this baby and then walk away from this problem? It's ok that she can ruin your life? She doesn't want anything to do with this child?" Dad asked his eyes narrowed.

"Well we haven't talked everything through just yet. Things were a little crazy the last time we talked," Storm tried to explain.

Dad stood up abruptly and the scraping of his chair was so loud, Storm and I both cringed.

"You should marry her and have a family. That's the right way to do things," he said.

"But I don't want to marry her!"

"Well you should have thought about the consequences before your pleasure," Dad said angrily.

He began to pace back and forth and he was rubbing his eyes in frustration.

"Storm you really screwed up this time," Dad said, laughing dryly, "Knocked up a girl and didn't even finish college. You don't even have a job and you're not in a relationship with this girl. And you," he continued pointing at me, "the other son is gay. What a family."

"Steven!" Mom hissed.

"Well, it's true isn't it?" Dad snapped back, "Skyler is some crazy kid which I've accepted, but Storm was supposed to be the one on track with his life. Aren't you a little angry at how things turned out?"

"No," Mom said firmly, her lips quivering.

"Liar," Dad said, "You're as ashamed of them as I am."

"I am not!" she screamed, "You're the one that cares so much about appearances and what others think of our family! You're the one that can't accept anything, especially if you don't approve of it. All I want is for them to be happy and safe. Being gay and having a baby a little early doesn't affect their happiness and safety!"

"You think Storm will be happy having to deal with a baby when his life isn't even if order?" Dad shouted back.

"Well, it's too late now. We all have to deal with it and move forward!" Mom yelled.

"I am so disappointed," Dad said under his breath. He looked at Mom, "I blame you for this, Dani," he said harshly, "Always babying them, spoiling them, letting them think it's ok to do whatever they want and get into all kinds of trouble. Now I have a son that will soon be shacking up with another guy and the other, well, who the fuck knows!"

"Oh fuck you Steven!" Mom interrupted, her lips curling, "You think you're so much better than me, huh? A better parent? Well fuck you, you didn't put up a fight for their custody so don't go calling me a bad mother, you bastard," she ranted as she walked closer to Dad, "And you rarely even saw them, just sent over your stupid money! And you want to talk about appearances? How about you marrying a jobless whore who is practically half your age? Sure, our families will talk about Storm's baby, and Skyler and Zeke, but don't forget they still talk about you and that little bitch you married! So cut your holier than thou attitude!"

I watched in horror as my Dad's hand reached out and slapped my mother across the face.

I swear I could see it in slow motion, but I was helpless to stop it.

Why is it that when something bad is about to happen, like a car accident, time seems to slow down, but never slow enough where you can prevent it. Or maybe the human body can't react fast enough. Hmm, tough one.

Does that even make any sense at all?

The loud smack seemed to echo in the silence of our home and everyone remained still.

Storm was staring back and forth between our Mom and Dad with his mouth open and Mom was just standing there, motionless.

I think she was in shock. I don't think Dad had ever hit her before, but I could see her small body trembling with either rage or sadness, as I noticed a red tinge began to coat her cheek where she was hit.

I reacted first.

I stood up and got in Dad's face, so close, we could have been kissing.

"Get the fuck out!" I said, my jaw twitching.

My Dad puffed out his chest and pushed against me slightly. He was an inch shorter and had a similar build to Storm and me.

"Don't tell me what to do, you ungrateful shit. You have no respect for anyone!" Dad said evenly as he looked back at me, eye level.

"I have no respect for you, I hate you!"

I didn't see it coming. So much for time slowing down, huh?

My head hit the dinner table as I fell over from the impact of my Dad's fist.

I tasted blood in my mouth and I felt a pool of liquid in my mouth that I doubted was saliva.

Turning my head to the side, I spat out and saw red in front of me.

"Oh god, Skyler," Mom said, but all of my attention was on my Dad.

I stood up and shoved him hard, so hard that he fell onto the ground, looking up at me with shock.

I don't think the bastard expected me to hit him back. Something about respecting elders or some shit. But in my opinion, being twenty years older didn't exactly automatically warrant a person respect, especially when that said person was acting like a complete dick.

I heard my mother crying behind me, but it didn't really register.

My father stumbled to his feet and looked at me with rage.

I'll admit it, that look of rage got me a little scared. I froze on the spot and was waiting in fearful anticipation at what he would do next.

He grabbed my collar, pulling on it tightly with his clenched fists, yanking me to him and back handed me sharply. I felt my cheek sting and my eyes automatically began to tear up.

He grabbed me again and threw me onto the table, my head knocking on the wood with a loud thud.

I just stared into my father's eyes, blankly. He was breathing hard and staring right back at me.

"Steven!" my mother screamed; her cry choked with tears.

He continued to look down at me and I watched as the rage dissipated slowly from his eyes.

Then my Dad suddenly blinked and he released my shirt, taking a step back from me.

He looked like he was confused over what had just happened; I could see it in his eyes.

And the regret.

Our relationship wasn't so great to begin with, but after what had just happened, I doubt it would be getting better any time soon.

I stood up and touched my cheek which felt sore and then my lip, where I saw a faint trace of blood.

I glared at my Dad and he stood there looking defeated.

"I'm so sorry," Storm choked out, but I didn't turn around to face him.

"Steven, please leave," Mom said quietly, still frozen on the spot.

I fixed my shirt, keeping my face expressionless, with my eyes on my Dad the entire time.

Then I casually strode over to the front door, knowing everyone`s eyes were on me.

"Skyler," Dad said as I passed him. He reached for my arm, "Sky, I'm sorry."

I spun around, my eyes flashing. I ripped my arm from his grasp, "Don't touch me."

The regret was even more pronounced in his eyes and I could see that it pained my father to see me walk away, with hatred in my eyes.

I didn't give a shit at this point.

I opened the front door and left, fishing for my car keys in the process.

I needed to get out of there. And fast.


"You're going to have a baby?" Crew asked incredulously as he, Storm, and I sat in a small table by the window at Starbucks.

It was Monday night; we all had finished with our classes for the day, and were on campus when Storm called Crew, saying he needed someone to talk to. The Starbucks in New Brunswick was the closest place from campus.

We all got hot chocolate as it was mid November and pretty cold and nasty outside.

Storm had just told Crew and me what had been going on with him, since that afternoon when he had come to his apartment and was in a state of shock.

"Yeah, that whole thing is a mess. I don't want to get into the whole spiel of things, but Kate doesn't want the baby, but I don't want adoption, so basically it's just going to be me and the baby, alone, in the future," he explained.

"And I told my parents this past Saturday night and let's just say it was a disaster. A screaming match between my parents and even a fight between Skyler and our Dad," he said closing his eyes.

"A fight?" Crew asked wide eyed.

"Are your parents not ok with it?" I asked at the same time.

Storm looked at me, "My Mom took it better and is dealing with it accordingly. She has the attitude of, it's been done already, let's move forward. But my Dad was pissed. He was angry at me and thinks I screwed up. He's a firm believer in a good career first, then marriage, and then a baby, and then living happily ever after. What a fucking hypocrite," he muttered, taking a sip of his drink.

"And Skyler?" I asked carefully.

Storm shook his head, "Skyler and Dad always have shit between them. It goes way back. Dad pressuring Skyler to do better in school or have more goals or ambitions, and Skyler resisting and what not. I mean, we both were pressured, but I kind of took my Dad's advice, while Skyler ignored it. Anyway, things were out of hand that night. My Mom and Dad were already fighting, my Dad slapped my Mom. Skyler got between them and that's when they started to throw some punches."

"No shit," Crew said in awe.

"And now, I can't find him," Storm said.

"Find who?" Crew asked in confusion.

"Skyler, I can't find Skyler."

"What do you mean? Where did he go?" Crew asked.

Storm sighed, "That's just it. I have no idea where he went or where he is right now. After their fight, Dad tried to apologize, but you know Skyler. He was pissed and just took off. Mom and I figured he needed time to cool off but he never came home that night. When he wasn't home for dinner Sunday night, my Mom got real worried and started to call around. She was able to reach Sky on his cell, but all he said was that he was safe and ok, but he needed to be away for a bit. After that, he must have shut off his phone, because no one can contact him. And we don't have the same classes together, so I have trouble locating him on campus even though I've looked for him everywhere. Did you two see him?"

Crew and I both shook our heads.

Storm groaned, "This is just too much shit to deal with! I can't take it," he said miserably, "I have school, I want to be there with Kate as she's going through all the doctor's appointments and classes, I want to be normal, I want to find my fucking brother!"

"Where is Kate now?" I asked.

"She was planning on staying in North Carolina to have the baby, but I'm trying to convince her to stay around here, with me. I mean, she lives in Northern Jersey and it's doubtful she'll run into anyone she knows, but she can always hide out at my place or something. I don't really know, everything is just a mess and I have yet to clear a bit of it up."

"So what's your plan for everything?" Crew asked, "What's going to happen once she has the baby? Where are you going to live?"

I stood up with my empty cup, "Hey, I have a lot of homework to do, I really need to get back home and get started on it. Plus, I want to check on my grandmother," I said apologetically, "I'm sorry to bail so soon on you," I said to Storm.

"It's ok Hiro, I understand. It is getting pretty late," he agreed, "Do you want to head home, too?" he asked Crew.

Crew shook his head, "No, I can stay. I have a late class tomorrow."

"Alright, I'll catch up with you guys later," I said glancing at Storm and patting his back before turning to Crew and placing a soft kiss on his lips, "Bye baby, I love you."

"I love you, too. Call me when you get home."

"I will," I promised.

As I passed Storm to get to the exit, I leaned down and said, "I'll keep a lookout for Skyler."

"Thanks," he said gratefully.

I waved one last time to Crew and headed outside, braving the cold weather as it hit my face.

I walked into my house and saw that the kitchen and living room was empty. My grandmother must have been sleeping already. It was only 9:30m but for a 75 year old woman, that was considered late.

Careful to make as little noise as possible, I walked upstairs to my bedroom and quietly opened the door.

I saw an empty glass cup and an empty plate with cookie crumbs on my white desk. I smiled and shook my head, knowing that my grandmother was totally feeding Skyler nonstop meals.

I glanced at Skyler sleeping on my bed, the covers crumpled at his feet. He was wearing my sweat pants and sweatshirt and his black hair was thrown over his face while he slept.

I took the plate and cup and went downstairs to the kitchen, rinsing them off quietly, as I recalled Saturday night and Skyler's arrival.

I was eating in the kitchen and my grandmother was down the street at a neighbor's house.

There was insistent banging on the door and when I answered it, I came face to face with a very cold Skyler, wearing only his long sleeve shirt, his nose red from the wind.

There were some faint blood stains around his mouth and his cheek looked a little bruised.

"Can I come in?" he asked.

I nodded and moved out of the way, watching him as he sank into the kitchen chair and the warmth of my house.

I sat down across from him, and slowly resumed eating my dinner.

"I had a bad night," Skyler said, "Is it ok if I crash here?"

I nodded, looking up at him while I ate.

So Skyler had been staying with me since Saturday night and it didn't look like he had any intention of leaving tonight either.

He had been quiet and sullen, and very un-Skyler like. And since it wasn't in my nature to press people, we never discussed why he was here, but after my coffee break with Storm and Crew, I had a little more insight to the whole situation.

However, he did tell me some things. Like he didn't really want to talk to anyone, so he didn't want me telling anyone where he was, and that included Crew.

He also said that staying with a friend was better than going to a hotel, because by staying with me he had clothes and food, which he forgot to pack in his haste to leave his own house.

Lastly, he chose me because he knew I wasn't a big talker and he wasn't in the mood to have Crew asking him a billion questions since he had originally thought of staying with him.

I agreed to everything he said, although that left me in a tight spot of having to lie to Crew, and Skyler's very worried brother.

But this was serious. Skyler didn't have to say, but I could tell.

Nothing really affected Skyler, but something clearly rattled him enough to shut out his friends, so I respected his wishes.

I headed back up to my room where Skyler was still sleeping soundly. I took a quick shower and then settled into my sleeping bag. I had a feeling I would be sleeping on the floor for a little bit longer.

I took my phone and text messaged Crew, telling him I was really tired and wished him a good night. I waited for his response before I tried to get comfortable in my sleeping bag.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Thanks for letting me stay, Hiro," Skyler said as I emerged from the bathroom.

I saw him sitting on my bed wearing my jeans and my pale blue sweater.

"No problem," I replied easily, sitting beside him.

He smirked at me, "Not tired of me yet?"

I looked at him seriously, "You can stay as long as you need."

The small smile faded from his lips and he looked away from me, sighing.

"I'm sorry. I don't feel like going home, I don't feel like going to my apartment. I don't want to see or deal with my mom, Storm, Crew, or Zeke. I don't want to talk or answer questions. I just want all this shit to blow over!"

He was panting as he flopped backwards onto my bed.

"Storm's worried about you," I murmured, "He's been looking for you."

Skyler sat back up with a guilty look on his face and then he covered his face with his hands and growled, "Shit, he doesn't need more to worry about, especially me! FUCK!"

"Storm told us about the baby, and the fight at your house," I said slowly, "and I won't pretend I know what you're going through, but you and Storm can work together and help each other out. It's better than going through it alone or avoiding everything, because you know it won't just go away. You're going to have to deal with it. The sooner the better," I advised.

Skyler looked at me from the corner of his eye, "Damn you Takashami," he muttered.

I just smiled and patted his back, "I said you should deal with it, but I didn't say you had to leave," I reminded him, "but since you're wearing my clothes on a daily basis, you're gonna have to pitch in with the laundry."

He smiled, "Fine."

"Alright, I got to get to class. I'll see you later?"

He nodded.



"Where the fuck have you been?" Storm called when Skyler walked into the apartment they shared.

I caught Skyler's eye but he didn't say anything to me or Crew who was sitting on the couch beside me.

"Nice to see you too, bro," Skyler retorted he walked to his bedroom.

"Sky, where the fuck did you go off to for the past week and a half?" Storm demanded, following him, "Do you know how worried everyone`s been? Especially Mom?"

"Listen, I just needed to get away for a bit, ok?" Skyler said exasperatedly as he walked towards the living room.

"I know that, but where have you been? I couldn't find you anywhere? I looked everywhere for you, I called everyone you know. Well not everyone; that would have been too many people. Were you with Zeke or something? I didn't have his number to call, but you could have let me know."

"No, I couldn't miss all my classes," Skyler said vaguely.

"Then where were you? I was going out of my fucking mind, Sky!" Storm demanded getting angry.

"Fucking hell, I was at Hiro's!" Skyler yelled finally.

I instantly felt Crew stiffen beside me.

"What?" Crew asked.

I turned to him, "Crew, I couldn't tell you," I began, feeling my stomach clenching when I saw the hurt in Crew's bright blue eyes.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because I told him not too," Skyler interrupted, "I didn't want anyone to know my whereabouts and the only reason I went to Hiro was because I knew he would just let me be."

Crew was frowning and biting his lip, most likely debating whether or not to be understanding or get mad.

Crew nodded at Skyler, but he avoided my eyes.

I tried to take his hand, but he edged away from me.

"Crew," I said quietly.

"I'm going to head home," Crew announced standing up abruptly, making his way to the door.

"Crew, wait," Skyler said grabbing his arm, "Please don't be pissed, ok? I told Hiro not to say anything. I needed to be left alone. I'm really sorry, but I just couldn't deal with everything. Don't be mad at him, alright?"

Crew nodded, "It's ok Sky, but I still need to get home."

Skyler released his arm but looked at me worriedly as I hurried after Crew.

"Crew," I said firmly grasping his wrist as I caught him in the hallway platform near the stairs.

He didn't say anything, but pulled away from me as he quickly descended the stairs, refusing to look at me.

"Crew, stop!" I said as I grabbed onto the back of his jeans when we landed on the ground floor and I literally yanked him backwards into me. His arms flew around as if trying to hold onto something, but there was nothing to grab onto.

With a cry he became trapped in my arms.

"Hiro, don't!" he said as he struggled to get away from me, but I wrapped one arm around his small waist while my other hand pinned both of his hands together in front of his chest.

"Let go of me," he said twisting in my arms furiously, "Hiro, get off of me!"

"Crew, just listen to me," I started.

I tightened my hold on him and waited patiently for him to settle down, my nose burying in his neck and I kissed his soft skin.

I felt him go rigid in my arms.

"Stop it, Hiro. Let go of me," he repeated, breathing hard.

"I'm sorry Crew, but I couldn't say anything to you. Please don't be mad about this. You didn't see Skyler that night he came by. He was really messed up. I had to promise him that I wouldn't say anything. I didn't want to lie to you and it killed me to do that, but," my voice broke, "Skyler and everything, I'm sorry Crew."

"A week and a half Hiro," Crew said heatedly as he finally stilled in my arms, "everyone was worried for a week and a half. I was consoling Storm every day and even helped him look for Skyler. And you were pretending to help when all along you knew where he was! How could you do that to Storm and me? How could you look me in the eye and lie about not knowing where he was? How could you lie to me? Me of all people?"

I hugged Crew tightly and swallowed hard when I heard Crew's small voice.

"I'm sorry, but I was torn, Crew. I didn't want to lie to you or Storm, but I didn't know how to be a good friend and a good boyfriend at the same time," I said.

"I love you, I didn't want to hurt or lie to you. You know that."

At that comment Crew relaxed a bit and we both fell silent.

There was a long pause, "Fine, it was a tough situation," he said exhaling, "And I guess it was a special circumstance, but I don't want us to lie to each other. We're supposed to tell each other everything," Crew said twisting around so he was facing me and his face rested on my chest.

The tension fell away from my body and I hugged him harder to my chest.

"I know Crew. Of course I want to tell you everything and be completely honest. I love you too much to do otherwise. I'm sorry for hurting you, but I'm glad I was there for Skyler."

Crew's arms came around my lower back and he nestled in closer to me as I kissed the top of his head.

"So you'll excuse my bitch moment?" he asked, his voice muffled by my chest.

I smiled and rubbed his back, "Hey, we're all entitled to our bitch moments. And I can understand why you were hurt. Just as long as we're still good."

"We're good," Crew mumbled.

"Good," I said peppering his neck with soft kisses, eventually claiming his red full lips, and slipping my tongue inside his mouth.

My eyes closed while I enjoyed our make out session. My body became hot. Both of our hands began roaming the other body, and Crew's scent effectively intoxicated me.

I pulled back and kept my arm around his waist. "Come with me?" I asked, stepping ahead and holding out my hand to him.

Crew simply nodded and took my hand, clasping it firmly.


"So what was with the disappearing act?" Storm asked, sitting beside me on the couch after Crew and Hiro had taken off.

I sighed.

"I went crazy looking for you. How come you couldn't tell me where you were?" he continued with a hint of hurt in his voice.

Oh fuck, a longer guilt trip.

"Bro, I'm really sorry I bailed on you at dinner, but I just got so mad, and Dad," I trailed off. I couldn't even go on.

Storm was silent.

"Yeah dinner was a pretty big mess," he finally stated.

"No shit," I replied, but without sarcasm.

"Dad was a real prick."

"Totally," I agreed.

"Mom kicked him out after you left. She was about to call the police you know."

I raised my brow, "Really?"

Storm nodded, "Yeah, she was furious when Dad hit you."

I shrugged.

"You ok?" Storm asked after a pause.

"Yeah," I responded, "You?"

Storm sighed, "Yeah."

And then we just sat.

"So, what's the deal with Kate? You talk to her anymore?" I asked after ten minutes of silence.

"Yeah. I convinced her to stay with me until she has the baby so I could be involved."

I nodded. Responsible Storm.

"Where is she gonna stay?"

"Either at Mom's place or here, in my room, or a hotel," Storm said, looking tired.

"She can stay here with you, in my room," I offered, "I can move in with Mom."


"Sure, it's better in the long run" I said dismissively, then I faced him, looking serious once again, "Listen, while we're here and spewing our hearts out, I have to tell you something."

Storm looked at me expectantly.

"I never got a chance to tell you, but over winter break, Zeke, Mom, and I are heading to San Francisco to look at property," I explained and watched as Storm's face contorted with confusion and curiosity, "Because we plan to buy something, for me and Zeke to live in, when we move. After graduation," I finished waiting for his reaction.

Storm looked shocked and appeared speechless.

"You're going to move? To California?" he asked quietly.

I nodded, "Yeah, I want to try a different state out, a different scenery. And Zeke and I want to live together, of course."

"Wow, I'll miss you," Storm said, "I mean, it's great, for you two, but I'll miss you," and then he looked at me, his eyes telling me how sad he was to see me go, even though I wasn't moving quite yet.

"Storm, I'll miss you, too. And I feel like shit for leaving you then, when the baby arrives. Zeke and I were talking about postponing our move," I said.

Storm's eyes widened, "For me?"

I nodded.

He shook his head emphatically, "No way, you can't put your life on hold for me. You have to do what is best for you, and I'll be ok, Sky. I'll have Mom, you know how she is. Please, I want you to go," he insisted.

I smiled, "I'll miss you, too, you know."

He smiled back, "Yeah, I know."

We simultaneously slumped onto the leather couch.

"So much shit has happened, overnight it seems like," Storm said, breaking our silence once again.

"Yeah, I feel like I aged ten years since last semester," I added.

Storm shot me an incredulous look.

"Dude, I'm gonna be a Dad!"

I held up my hands, "Yeah, you win, totally."

"I'm scared," Storm admitted.

"I know, but this is what growing up must be like," I said thoughtfully, "I can't say that I care for it."

Storm snorted, "I have to agree with you on that, bro."

"If you need me, you know I'll be on the first red eye flight back to Jersey, right?" I said looking at my twin.

"I know."

Again we became silent; the realization that before we knew it, our lives would change dramatically, and we would be separated for the first time in our entire lives, hit us.

It was not a good feeling at all.

I wanted a change, but I didn't know if I was ready for this.

Next: Chapter 20

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