Jumping Over My Mountain

By Tiffani Chin

Published on Jul 28, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is copy right protected. Please do not post it on any other website. If you are not 18 or male on male action offends you, do not continue further. Email me at EliteECrew@verizon.net for feedback.

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who emailed me and I apologize for taking so long to update. After school let out, I went on vacation and when I got home, I didn't really write much. It was a combination of not feeling well and not having any inspiration. Currently, whatever I do write, I feel as if it's a whole bunch of crap and then I get discouraged, and then I stop writing for periods at a time. It's a crappy cycle. I hope you guys like this chapter and where it's going. And I'll honestly try to post more frequently, if I can manage to crank out anything substantial. Peace.

Jumping over my Mountain, Chapter 17

Zeke's point of view

I groaned as I came hard and at the same time I felt the warm gush of Skyler's own release in my mouth.

Skyler pulled himself out of my mouth and spun around and kissed me, mixing our respective cums.

I was out of breath and so was Skyler so out kiss didn't last very long. He collapsed beside me and I curled my body towards him, resting on my side and I slid my leg over his.

I felt Skyler's hand move along my back gently, while his other hand caressed my thigh and ass.

I sighed. Skyler sighed heavily and I curiously looked up at him.

"What's up babe?" I asked.

Skyler sighed again and looked at me. "I don't want you to leave," he said quietly avoiding my eyes and I felt stomach flutter with sadness about the topic of my leaving and happiness that Skyler was going to miss me even though I knew for sure that he would.

"I don't want to leave either," I said kissing his chest.

Skyler shifted so he was lying on his side facing me and looking me in the eyes.

"I know, but I've just had such a great time spending literally every day together. Hanging out together, working together, living together, it's great and now it's gonna be shit having four months of limited contact," Skyler said grumpily, "I really hate school."

"Me, too Sky, I wish school were over already so we can be in the same state always," I sympathized.

"I know, it's only one more year and we can see each other for breaks and stuff, but it's not the same," Skyler continued, "It's like we're so close but then so far and in between we have to keep saying goodbye. I know I'm being such a fucking girl about it, but it does suck. Saying goodbye all the time even though we're not that far," he said peering at me.

I kissed his nose and I ran my fingertip gently over his eyelashes and he smiled.

"I know, it's like the waiting is getting to us since we know we only have about eight to nine months before we graduate and have our life together," I said dreamily, "I can't wait."

"Me neither Zeke," Skyler said rubbing my head with his hand. "Everything is just perfect, like right now for instance. What happens when the semester starts and I'm lying in bed and I'm wishing you were here and you're not."

Skyler looked at me a second later, "Yeah I'm not making much sense, but bottom line, I'm going to miss you."

"I love you Skyler," I said kissing him, "We made it this far, we can keep going," I said confidently.

Skyler grinned, "I know."

We lay in bed silently, staring at the ceiling and rubbing each other's back.

"Hey, we have to get ready to go over to my house soon," Skyler said glancing at the alarm clock on his nightstand.

Crew and the twins had agreed to have one giant sleepover party at the twin's Mom's house because their Mom would be visiting her sister and their house was big enough to accommodate everyone.

I knew Crew was trying to squeeze in something fun and something we could do as a group before school started. I had a week left and I was happy to be with my friends, but I guess I was feeling melancholy and just wanted to spend all my time with Skyler but Crew said I couldn't be one of those guys that ditched his friends to be with his boyfriend.

Storm had backed out at the last minute because he had a date. It turns out he met up with the same group of girls at the beach and convinced them he was straight. It was funny when he told the story, but the Storm man scored a date. It was cool with me though, with just Crew, Hiro, Sky, and myself. We would most likely split up into couples anyway.

"Alright," I said standing up and we began to pack our bags. We were both in quiet moods so we didn't talk much. We were just together in comfortable silence.

When we got to Sky's house, Crew and Hiro were standing outside his door, each with a book bag.

Crew was laughing and smiling as Hiro had his hand around Crew's neck, a particularly sensitive and ticklish spot.

"Hiro, stop," Crew whined twisting away, but he didn't get very far before Hiro caught hold of him and trapped him in a one armed hug and assaulted his neck with his fingers again. "Hiro!"

I watched the two of them interact; Crew was laughing like crazy and I had never seen Hiro smile so widely before. I had seen Hiro smile before but it was usually faint and out of amusement or politeness, but when he was with Crew, he smiled a lot and he looked genuinely happy.

I couldn't help being jealous of the two of them since they would always be around one another. Even if they didn't have classes together, they could literally see one another whenever they wanted. Not like me and Skyler.

"Hey guys," Crew said smiling once he took notice of us approaching. "Hiro!" he squealed again and Hiro just smiled and kissed Crew's head.

"Hey," Skyler greeted and he unlocked the door and let everyone inside.

"Are you ok?" Crew asked frowning as he looked back and forth between me and Skyler.

I looked at Crew. "Yeah, we're fine," I said honestly although I'm sure my face looked kind of bummed.

"Okay," Crew said slowly. "So what do you feel like doing?"

Skyler stepped behind me and wrapped his arms around my chest. "I don't know," he said. "Something fun."

Hiro smiled, "Well that was vague."

Skyler smirked, "Well, I don't have any specific ideas. We can just do what we always do and just shoot the shit I guess."

"Okay, but let's get something to eat, I'm hungry," Crew piped in.

"Ooh, food, yeah that sounds great," Skyler said and I could hear the new cheerful tone in his voice. Yeah food made everything all better for Skyler.

"Okay, but I'm not cooking. I'm a guest," Crew said looking at Skyler with amusement. "You're husband over there can cook for you," he said nodding at me.

Skyler's lip curled teasingly. "Jeez man, what kind of friend are you?" then he rolled his eyes, "Nah we can always order something. We're guys, that's what we're supposed to do," he started heading towards the cordless phone on the counter top. "Papa John's pizza ok?" he asked glancing at us as he was already dialing. Without waiting for an answer he began talking when someone picked up on the other line. "Hey, can we have five large pies, all with extra cheese, and make one with olives and peppers, oh and three garlic breadsticks, and one of those pie desserts you guys make. Uh sure, that one, sounds good, yeah. Yeah I want it delivered."

I smiled as I watched him order the food. My baby could sure eat.

"Hey, where's Storm?" Crew asked when Skyler hung up the phone.

Skyler frowned as if trying to remember and then smiled, "Oh yeah, he had a date and bailed on us last minute."

"A date with who? Where does he meet all these girls?" Crew asked curiously.

"From the beach. It turns out he did get some of their numbers," Skyler replied smiling.

Crew grinned, "Really, so we didn't scare all the ladies away?"

Skyler sighed dramatically, "No, perhaps next time we should have sex in front of them and really run them off."

"What, I'd bet the girls would stay to watch!" I exclaimed and everyone laughed.

"Well, maybe," Hiro speculated, "I mean straight guys think two girls together are hot, so maybe straight women think two guys together are hot?"

I pointed at Hiro, "Excellent point my friend."

Everyone fell silent again. It wasn't an awkward silence since we were all friends, but it didn't feel right. We were supposed to be loud and crazy together.

"Why is everyone so quiet?" I demanded, "That's just not right, well, maybe except for Hiro, well, you know, because you're always quiet," I said looking at him.

Hiro simply nodded in agreement and I smiled.

Crew shrugged, "I dunno. Just a little bored and I'm trying not to think about going back to school."

I frowned. Damn school.

"Yeah, school is bumming me out too," Skyler added, "As in I don't want it to start or I do want it to start so it can be over and done with."

I looked at him and we shared a look. I know why he wanted school to be over so quickly; I shared the same thinking.

"Well we're all bummed about school starting, so the best thing to do is just do something to take our minds off of it, so we have to do something, besides eat all night," Hiro said shooting at look at Skyler.

Skyler pretended to look offended.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked Hiro.

Hiro became silent and slightly thoughtful looking when I asked that.

How come there was never anything to do?

Well that wasn't entirely true. There were things to be done, like hanging in NY or going clubbing, but I wasn't feeling either of those activities.

"Wanna go paintballing?" Hiro asked.

Skyler looked mildly interested.

"Don't we need more people than just the four of us?" Crew asked frowning.

"What about Hela and Bryce?" Skyler asked.

I shook my head. "It's a Thursday night. They're still at work and even if they finished work, they probably wouldn't want to go out. You know, old people," I finished and Crew snorted.

"Okay we can save that activity for some other time then" Hiro reasoned, "then how about the beach?"

"Uh Hiro, it's kinda raining and misting outside," Skyler pointed out.

"So?" Hiro asked, "The beach is beautiful when it's a little wet and misty and that just means less people will be around."

"I'm in," Crew said sitting on Hiro's lap to which Hiro smiled and kissed Crew lightly.

"Yeah, that doesn't sound too bad," I mused and then I turned my eyes to Skyler, "Hey and that means we can cross having sex on the beach at night off of our list," I teased.

Skyler grinned, "Yeah, I like the sound of that," he drawled out walking over to me. "It sounds like it would be hot."

"But you have to be quiet," I reminded.

"Well you have to be quiet too; you know how loud you get when-"

Skyler was cut off by Crew.

"Ok, enough of the sex talk, please."

Skyler wiggled his eyebrows at Crew. "You probably know the end of that statement though? I mean, after all you and Zeke were pretty close back in the day."

Crew and I both blushed and I saw Hiro looking at the both of us.

"How close?" he asked.

I saw Hiro eyeing me differently and I took a step closer to Skyler as Hiro turned his evil eye glare on me. Well not really, but when he looked at you so calmly and blankly, it could be a little scary, not knowing what was going on inside that head of his.

"Best friends, fooled around, but it meant nothing, I love you," Crew said all at once, kissing Hiro.

Hiro seemed appeased when Crew broke away and I was a little relieved. Hiro was looking at me like he wanted to beat me over with a bat.

Apparently Skyler noticed that as well, "Yeah man, when I found that out I was like, hmm, them two together, but then I thought, how hot that must have been," he said looking back and forth between me and Crew.

"Stop it!" Crew and I cried out together, blushing.

Even Hiro was smiling, "Yeah, I guess I could see what you mean. I mean, they do look kinda alike, so it's like having two Crew's having sex and I like the sound of that."

I stared at Hiro in amazement. That was such an unlikely comment coming from him. It sounded like something Skyler would say.

"Or it's like two Zeke's having sex and that's making my pants tight right now," Skyler said and I groaned.

"Ok, no more of this, please?" Crew asked his face as red as mine.

"Look, they even blush the same!" Skyler teased.

"Oh yeah, well what if Zeke and I were teasing about you and Storm together?" Crew said suddenly.

Skyler's face took on a look of disgust, "EWWW!!! That's just sick, he's my freaking brother!"

I laughed out loud at his reaction. His reactions were hilarious.

"What a way to make someone lose their boner," Skyler added.

Crew laughed. "Well there, that's how it is for us. I mean we were young when we messed around and we weren't thinking, but now it feels weird, looking back, because we're as tight as brothers."

I looked at him and smiled. Yeah, we were as tight as brothers.

"Fine, fine, fair enough, no more sex jokes," Skyler grumbled, "Well, until later that is," he said grinning again.

"So the beach then?" Hiro said bringing us back to our previous topic.

"Sure, but we have to wait for the food first. It should be here soon," Skyler said.

When we food came we inhaled it pretty quickly and then hopped into Skyler's car to head to the beach.

At least at this hour there was no traffic or competition for parking. We pulled right in front of the boardwalk and even though it was misting and drizzling, the weather was still humid and felt nice on our skin.

Hiro and Crew started walking along the boardwalk, just talking quietly amongst themselves.

Skyler and I walked to the Seven Eleven and got large slurpees and then walked on the beach, near the shoreline where the sand was firm and wet. It was dark out here and we were away from people so we held hands and drank our drinks.

We were both quiet, lost in our own thoughts and melancholy moods of being separated too soon, so we just walked along, hand in hand.

Hiro and Crew ended up walking along the beach as well and were sitting on some rocks further out.

They were silent also, wrapped up in one another's bodies, just looking out at the water crashing up around them.

Skyler and I passed them and I waved, but I didn't think they noticed. We ended up staying at the beach for awhile, doing a whole lot of nothing.

But it seems the quietness of our group had been left at the beach because on the way home we were more rowdy.

For one thing the grounds had dried up and Skyler was racing with some kids on the highway. It was fun, even if little bit scary when Skyler weaved in and out between cars, cutting it close this one time when he was straddling a lane between switching altogether and we got ridiculously close to this SUV.

We were laughing and even the guys in the other cars that we were racing were laughing and gesturing out their windows.

I really loved the summer time. Everyone was just in more of a good mood than normal and it showed.

When we got back to Skyler's house, Hiro and Crew retreated into one of the guest bedrooms, and Skyler and I rinsed off quickly in the showers to get some of the salty smell off our bodies.

It was pretty early still, around 11pm, and Skyler and I were in his room, lying in bed when I heard a sound.

I lay still trying to listen but it was hard with Crew's giggles coming from down the hall.

"Did you hear that?" I asked Skyler.

"Hear what?"

A loud crash sounded downstairs and Skyler sat up curiously.

"Mom is out of town," he mumbled as he stood up.

I saw Skyler grab his light saber and turned it on. The red glow lit up his room and even though we didn't know who was in the house, it was still funny watching Skyler holding his toy light saber as a weapon as he walked out of his room and into the hallway.

I followed behind him and we walked quietly down the stair case and entered the dark kitchen.

I saw a shadow come from the corner and Skyler shot out his arm and his saber connected with the intruder with that saber sound from the movie following the contact.

"Dude, what the fuck!"

"Storm!" Skyler asked.

"Who else would it be?" Storm asked standing back up and I switched on the light.

Skyler started cracking up and I soon joined in as did Storm when he saw the light saber.

"Nice weapon bro, really hurt me," Storm said smiling, "You know when you hit me with that my limbs won't slice off like in the movie?"

Skyler rolled his eyes, "Yeah, but I figured it would surprise the attacker and hey, at least it would give me a good laugh. It's always important to get a good laugh, especially if you're about to get mugged, beat, or robbed," he said all this with a straight expression but I knew Skyler could never maintain a serious look unless he was upset or something. Sure enough his face split into a large smile and Storm just grinned and shook his head.

"I thought you had a date?" I asked Storm.

Storm shrugged, "I did, but it had to end early. We ran into her ex and she got wasted after that, so I took her home and left."

"She got wasted? That blows man!" Skyler said, "So I'm guessing you didn't get any?"

I snorted as Storm smiled.

"Well," Storm said grinning, "Funny thing was that I ran into Kate as I was stopping for a drink. She was visiting her sister in law and we got together and-" he trailed off, the meaning of his sentence known.

"Nice," Skyler congratulated grinning at his twin.

I rolled my eyes. Skyler was such a guy.

Just then Hiro and Crew walked down the stairs at our loud laughter.

Crew eyed the saber in Skyler's hand and started to crack up.

Skyler shot him a dirty look, "Dude, it was all I had."

"I think you might have been better off without the toy," Hiro said in amusement.

Skyler looked offended, "Hey! It was better than nothing, and you weren't here. And besides, it looked damned cool glowing in the dark."

This only made Crew laugh that much harder and Skyler looked half offended and half amused.

His amused side won out. "Yeah, I guess it was pretty lame," he admitted and he hugged the saber to his chest, "but I love my saber."

I grinned at his childish moment.

"So what have you guys been up to?" Storm asked glancing at all of us.

Crew shrugged, "Not much. We went to the beach to just hang out. Mostly it's been a quiet night for all of us."

Storm eyed all of us wearily, "Um it's gonna stay quiet right? I'm not gonna have to leave when you guys, um, you know, start getting, uh."

"What's that Storm?" Skyler asked in a teasing tone.

Storm's face was turning pink.

"When we get it on!" Crew cried out hopping up and down.

I smiled at him and then looked at Storm, who turned even redder.

"Yeah, what he said," Storm muttered.

Skyler smiled at his brother, "No worries there bro, I think we'll just watch some movies and stuff," he said glancing at me and I nodded.


Crew's Point of View

I watched as Skyler and Zeke shot each other googly eyes at one another across the table from Hiro and me.

Zeke was leaving tomorrow and we were having lunch together at a Chinese restaurant on campus and drinking bubble teas.

"Hey Zeke, open up and eat my balls," Skyler cracked up as he lifted the straw from the lid and blew the tapioca balls into Zeke's wide open mouth.

The black balls were fat and got stuck in his straw so Skyler blew harder and I saw two black blobs fly into Zeke's mouth.

Zeke closed his mouth when they were inside and started coughing.

"Dude, are you ok?" I asked and Zeke was laughing and smiling.

"Yea, I almost choked there, but I'm good now," Zeke answered and he turned to Skyler, "Mmm, your balls tasted gooood," he leered.

Skyler cracked up, "Well, fucking, duh!"

Some students nearby heard the exchange and shot us weird looks.

"Hey Hiro, don't you want to taste Crew's balls?" Skyler asked.

Hiro smiled and touched my arm briefly, "I'd love to taste his balls, but I'd rather do it later, when we're alone," he said glancing at me.

I blushed furiously as Zeke and Skyler laughed at me.

"Tell me Hiro, do his balls taste good?" Skyler pressed and I felt my face burning further.

"Everything about Crew tastes great," Hiro said and I was shocked at his forwardness to joke around with our sex life, but I didn't mind since it was only Zeke and Skyler.

I'm positive my face was as red as a tomato, and Skyler laughed while Zeke smirked at me.

"Wow, I am really enjoying this conversation," Skyler said leaning forward, "Hiro, tell me more," he said wiggling his eyebrows.

Hiro smiled and shook his head, "Sorry, no more. That's all I'll say."

Skyler groaned, "Agh, just when you were appearing cool in my eyes."

We were about finished with our food and drinks so I stood up and everyone else followed.

We walked outside and I shaded my eyes as the sunlight hit me.

I turned to Zeke and hugged him.

"Bye Zeke, call me or something when you get back ok?"

Zeke hugged me back tightly, "Of course."

"Later Hiro," he said nodding at Hiro and Hiro smiled back, waving a hand.

Zeke followed Skyler in the direction of his apartment and Skyler waved back wildly before taking Zeke's hand and tugging him along.

I walked with Hiro to my car and drove back to my house.

As we walked through the door I spun around and Hiro grabbed a hold of my waist in surprise with my abrupt movement.

Hiro fell back against the door and shut it and I grabbed onto his shoulders and jumped onto him, wrapping my legs around his waist, with his hands cupping my ass.

"Hi," I said smiling as I kissed him.

"Mm," he murmured tightening his grip around my waist and hoisting me higher in his arms.

He walked towards my bedroom kissing my nose, cheeks, eyes, and lips continuously.

I tilted my head and kissed his neck, sucking gently.

Hiro moaned and I felt his arms buckle slightly as we came closer to my bed.

I licked his throat and bit on his collarbone.

"Crew," Hiro moaned out as he placed me on the bed and stretched out on top of me.

I grabbed his shoulders and rolled us both until I was on top.

I was lying between his legs and I continued to kiss his neck, rubbing my hands underneath his shirt.

Hiro was writhing beneath me and sighing as his hands massaged my ass, kneading it.

I felt his hard cock pushing against mine through our respective jeans.

"Crew, you're killing me," Hiro groaned finding my lips with his and sucking on mine.

I pulled back briefly, "I love you," I murmured before kissing him again, sticking my tongue into his warm, wet mouth.

We kissed one another deeply, our mouths constantly opening wider, our heads turning, tongues dueling.

I rocked on him and Hiro grabbed my hips pulling me off of him. He had his eyes squeezed shut and he was panting. "Crew, with you moving like that over me, I'm gonna cum too soon, baby."

The phone rang suddenly and I reflexively moved up to go answer it.

"No," Hiro said reaching for me and hugging me tightly to his chest.

"The phone," I said but didn't finish as Hiro attacked my lips with his, pulling me backwards onto him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back, undoing the button of his jeans. Hiro didn't wear belts too often so it was easier to undress him. I unzipped him.

Then I heard the machine click and then Zeke's voice drifting in.

"Yo, Crew, I left a pair of sneakers at your house. I don't know how I left it there but somehow I did. Anyway, I'm gonna stop by and pick it up later. I would do it now, but since you're not answering the phone I assume you're doing something naughty with Hiro, so-"

"And we're about to do something nasty, too, so Zeke will call back later. Happy humping!" Skyler's voice broke in and then I heard a loud click.

Hiro and I started laughing before Hiro flipped me onto my back and started taking off my belt.

I pulled off my shirt and reached for his. He took over the task and soon he was shirtless also.

My pants and boxers were pulled off and thrown onto the floor as he shrugged off his jeans.

He kissed my stomach gently and I arched my back as a tingle was sent to my cock. He ventured up to my nipples and while he sucked on one he gently rolled the other with his fingers.

My fingers clawed the sheets as he sucked and stimulated my nipples and I could feel even more blood rush to my cock.

The pre cum was starting to flow and I could feel the wetness seeping onto my abdomen.

I whimpered, "Hiro."

"I know baby, I know," he whispered reaching into my dresser drawer and pulled out lube and a condom.

I watched through glazed eyes as Hiro rolled a condom onto himself and applied lots of lube onto himself.

He spread my legs and I took a deep breath to relax myself and pushed out as he slid one lube covered finger in slowly, going directly for my prostate.

I bit my lip and let out a muffled cry as the overwhelming sensations hit me.

"Beautiful," Hiro murmured as he gently slid another finger in.

"Hurry," I moaned, shaking on the bed.

Hiro smiled, "Be patient baby. The slower the better, I don't want to hurt you."

"I don't care," I panted, my entire body aching with need.

"But I care angel," he whispered sliding in a third finger.

I cried out as he slowly began to make love to me with his three fingers, widening my hole in the process.

I grabbed his neck and pulled his face down to mine and kissed him furiously, sucking on his tongue.

As soon as Hiro pulled his fingers from my hole I felt the wet tip of his cock replace those fingers immediately and with a slight resistance his head popped in.

I felt myself being stretched and filled as Hiro slid more of himself into me. At the same time his hand wrapped tightly around my hard on and he stroked me slowly, not enough to get me off, but enough to make me crazy with the multiple sensations.

"Fuck, Hiro, why are you so good at this," I mumbled my eyes rolling back as his thumb circled the head of my cock.

Hiro chuckled and I felt his balls hit my ass slightly as he was all the way in me.

"Because of you Crew, because I love you and I want to make you feel good," he answered softly as he continued to gently caress my cock with his hand while he let me adjust to his girth.

"I'm ready," I said licking my lips with desire and Hiro eased himself out of me and pushed back in.

He would take an inch out at a time and gradually his thrusts became longer and deeper as he took himself completely out and shoved back in to the hilt, causing me to cry out.

Hiro thrust at a different angle each time and once he found my prostate he aimed continuously at that spot. He began to thrust faster and he gripped my hips, pulling me into his thrusts.

I pushed my face into my pillow, my eyes closed, biting my lips.

"I'm close," I whispered to Hiro and Hiro seemed to hit my prostate even harder, purposely digging into me.

My mouth was wide open as I tried to gasp for air and I felt my eyes rolling beneath my eyelids.

This just felt amazing.

I arched my back with pleasure, anticipating my release as I felt my balls tighten and my body tensed.

I cried out as I came, shooting onto Hiro's chest. I clawed at my blankets, gripping them tightly in my fists and pulling on them as I shot. I wrapped my legs around Hiro's waist, needing to do something with them and pumped him as I came, feeling him explode inside of me.

He shouted and leaned over me, his arms by my head. I felt the heat coming off his body, and then he collapsed on top of me, my cum slapping me on my chest.

He was breathing hard, his breath hot on my cheek as he inhaled deeply.

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you," he rambled softly in my ear as he kissed behind my ear and bit gently on my earlobe.

"Mm, I'm sleepy," I murmured and Hiro chuckled, "I love you, too Hiro."

I could feel Hiro smile against my ear and he eased his flaccid penis out of me slowly. My eyes were closed but I could hear him walk into the bathroom and then the water running.

He returned moments later and I felt a warm wet cloth on my chest as he wiped me clean.

Then the bed dipped as he slid into bed beside me and wrapped his arms around me, kissing my head.

"Sleep baby, sleep," Hiro whispered into my ear and he ran his fingers lightly over my forehead and my cheek.

"I love you, I love you so much."

He cooed endearments into my ear and his professions of love were the last words I heard before I fell asleep.


Zeke's Point of View

"Dude, why are you moping so much?" Davy, my roommate asked me as he caught sight of me lying in bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Huh?" I shook my head.

Davy looked at me strangely.

I guess I was feeling a little off. I was back at school and it had only been like three days, but I was feeling so bummed.

I missed Skyler already. I wanted to be with him now even if we weren't doing anything. I wanted to just lie beside him in bed, feeling his firm body and warmth against me. I just wanted to stare into his beautiful, dark eyes that always smiled at me. I just wanted him.

"I'm ok," I said sighing loudly.

Davy shook his head, "You're a shitty liar, man. Didn't you have a good summer or something?"

I nodded, "Too good and I'm missing it."

Davy nodded knowingly, "Missing your man, eh?"

Davy knew all about Skyler. We had been roommates since freshman year and clicked immediately. I wasn't sure if I wanted to come out to him at first, but I was already dating Xavier and besides it was too stressful pretending to be straight so I just got it off my chest.

Luckily Davy was pretty cool about it and even pointed out cute guys to me on campus.

I figured he was straight but I was thinking lately he might have some bisexual tendencies. I mean, the guy had way too much fun pointing out good looking guys. They couldn't all be for my benefit, now could they?

"I'm glad you're gay Zeke. It cuts off the competition, the ladies would be all over your blond ass and cherry lips," he had told me when I came out to him.

I looked at him, "Davy, you trying to tell me something?"

He smirked, "You wish blondie."

I smiled at the memory. After that Davy and I were mad tight and lived together in the dorms from then on.

I sighed heavily, "Yeah, yeah I miss Skyler," I said my thoughts going back to him.

"Well stop being so sad! It's bringing me down man," Davy exclaimed and I smiled weakly at him.


Davy rolled his eyes and got up, "Come on, let's go out and do something."

"I don't feel like it," I mumbled.

Davy sighed, "Come on Z! We have to do something before the workload gets heavier and no one has time. Come on, I'm getting together with some friends and we're just gonna chill, relax."

"I can chill in my bed," I grumbled.

"No way," Davy said firmly gripping my arm and yanking me to my feet which wasn't hard for him. He was 6'3 and was the star of his basketball team in high school.

We walked out of the dorms and towards some apartment off campus.

He knocked on the door of one of the apartments and, Zen opened the door.

Zen was known for having pot smoking gatherings at his place and he was always out of it. His eyes were constantly glazed over and he had a small smile painted on his lips. But he was a friendly enough guy, with sandy brown dreadlocks, hazy brown eyes and rosy cheeks.

"Z-man, Davy boy!" he called out as he welcomed us in with hugs.

I smiled as walked inside, being hit with the smell of pot and I noticed some other guys I knew from classes and other dorms; Gary, Ray, Jackson, and Pete. There was also another guy I didn't recognize. Jackson and Pete were sitting on the couch playing video games while Gary and Ray and the unknown guy were sprawled out on the ground eating pizza at a ridiculously fast rate.

"Yeah, the party has already begun," Davy exclaimed hopping over to the table where some doobies were rolled up.

He lit one up and inhaled, smiling broadly.

I chuckled and shook my head, taking the hit Davy offered me.

"Hey man, I'm Zeke," I said to the new guy.

He smiled at me and held out his hand, "Callum."

"Nice to meet you Callum."

I didn't know if the pot was getting to me so soon or what but I could have sworn Callum was eyeing me intently and smiling.

He was cute, a little on the thin side, pink thin lips, fair skin, pale eyes, and light brown hair. Attractive but he was no exotic Asian man like my Skyler was.

"How do you know Zen?" I asked Callum.

"Cousin. I'm just visiting for the day," he explained taking another hit.

"Oh yeah, where do you go to?" I asked.


"Oh, good school," I answered.

"It's alright," Callum shrugged indifferently.

"What are you studying?" I asked.

"Film studies," Callum replied.

My eyebrows shot up, "Really? That sounds pretty cool."

"It's not bad. What are you studying?"

"Economics," I answered inhaling and holding in the smoke before blowing it out.

"Economist? Wanna work on Wall Street?"

I laughed, "Hardly, it's just that I picked economics because it was interesting and I had a knack for it. Shit if I know what I'm going to do after graduation."

Callum laughed heartily, "I like your attitude."

"Come on boys, I'm fucking hungry. Let's get some food," Zen drawled out lazily and we all laughed even though there was nothing funny to laugh about. This is what happens when you're high. You laugh at nothing.

We drove to a Taco Bell and ate a lot of tacos. I never knew how much I loved tacos until that very moment.

Zen was picking the cheese off his taco and studying it intently.

Gary was poking at the beef in a daze.

Davy looked at Zen looking at his taco and burst out laughing. It wasn't long before Gary, Ray, and I laughed, and then Callum.

What a ridiculous day.

Apparently Callum visited his cousin often since Boston was the closest to New York and he was originally from California. He didn't have any other family to visit and if my cousin were as cool as Zen was, I'd be visiting every weekend too.

Callum was fun to hang out with, easy going, intelligent, and always had something to say.

About three weeks into September, I ran into Callum at a nearby food place on a bright Friday afternoon.

"Hey man, what's up?" I greeted.

Callum smiled. "Not much. Do you know where Zen is by any chance?" he asked me, "I knocked on his apartment but no one answered and I tried calling him."

I shrugged, "Beats me. I haven't been going over to Zen's as often as I did my first two years here, so I'm not really aware of his schedule. Sorry."

Callum smiled, his pale blue green tinged eyes sparkling. "That's ok."

"Do you need somewhere to go?" I asked, "I'm done for the day so you can chill in my dorm until you can get a hold of him. Davy might be around and maybe we can all eat or catch a movie or something."

He nodded, "Sure, that sounds great."

Together we walked over to my dorm building and I walked inside. As I was about to round the corner, I heard a familiar laugh or a mixture of a cackle, laugh, with some snorting and choking in between. Only one person in the entire world had that kind of laugh.

My heart jumped and I whipped around the corner.

At my sudden movement the two guys standing by my dorm room door turned in my direction and my face split into a huge grin.

I saw Storm and Skyler standing there, laughing and talking.

The only problem was that I couldn't tell which one was Skyler.

Now that they both had short hair, which was now covered by baseball caps, one red, the other powder blue, it was hard to tell them apart. Even their clothes were kind of matching; dark slim fitted jeans, white sneakers, and long sleeve shirts, one black, the other one brown with a tan print on it.

I started to walk over to them but hesitated, not sure if I wanted to kiss Storm by accident.

Both of them smiled at my hesitation, and the twin with the brown and tan shirt started to walk over, but the other twin pushed him back forcefully.

That meant the one wearing the black snug fitted shirt was Skyler. He smiled and pointed at himself raising his eyebrows at me.

I grinned and walked over to him, where he enveloped me tightly in his arms and kissed me briefly before pulling back.

"You need to learn how to tell us apart babe," Skyler teased.

I rolled my eyes, "It's hard! Why do you guys have to look so much alike?" I complained.

Storm chuckled, "Well, we have to because we're identical, otherwise, we'd be fraternal," he said as if stating the obvious which I guess he kind of was.

I smiled. "What are you guys doing here? And how did you know where to find me?"

"Well I know you went here but I got your rooming assignment from your Mom. She cooked us a great lunch though," Skyler said patting his flat stomach.

"Did you ditch class?" I wondered.

Storm replied before his brother could, "Nah, we had early morning classes and it was just a short lecture and quiz, so we decided to take a little road trip," he glanced at Skyler, "Although I really think Skyler asked me to come along because he needed a ride."

"What happened to your car?" I asked frowning at Skyler.

Skyler shrugged, "I got in a little accident."


Storm laughed, "It was nothing major. He was driving behind me and HIT me."

I couldn't help it and burst out laughing at Skyler's sheepish expression.

"How did you end up hitting Storm?"

"I got distracted," Skyler said, "There were these punks driving next to me in some shitty car and they were all trying to race and everything. Anyway, I was trying to switch lanes but those idiots blocked me and then a car pulled into my lane and I couldn't stop in time."

"And that was Storm," I finished. Skyler nodded.

"Luckily there was no damage to my car, but Skyler pretty much smashed the front of his."

"My baby," Skyler said clutching his heart as I imagined he was visualizing his black Infiniti G35.

"Anyway," Skyler said snapping out of his thoughts, "Is your roommate around?"

"I don't think so because if he was he would normally leave the door open to greet people. Why, you want to meet him?" I asked.

Skyler grinned devilishly, "Nope."

I started blushing, knowing what he wanted to do since my roommate wasn't around.

"Hey, I'm Storm."

I turned around to Storm's voice and saw him holding out his hand to Callum who was slightly behind me.

Seeing Skyler and catching up, I had completely forgotten about Callum.

What an ass friend I am.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Callum. Callum this is Storm and this is Skyler," I introduced grabbing Skyler's arm as he smiled at me.

"Hey," Storm said.

"Sup," Skyler offered.

Callum looked slightly shocked and stunned at me and Skyler. I guess it was a normal reaction since he didn't know I was gay, but hey, I don't meet new people and go, "hey, I'm Zeke and I'm gay" because it's not like being gay defines who I am.

I couldn't tell if Callum was bothered by this or not, but I had been getting vibes from him so I'm guessing he shouldn't care too much.

"It was nice meeting you Callum. We should have dinner later and hang out, but until then, I'm gonna steal Zeke away for a little bit," Skyler interrupted as he tugged me towards my door. I fished my key out of my pocket and stuck it into the keyhole, turning it.

Skyler turned to Storm, "Storm, be cool and find something to do for a few hours."

"A few hours?" Storm groaned.

"Come on, be a good brother, I'd do it for you," Skyler said.

Storm nodded, "Well, that's true," he admitted. He turned to Callum and smiled warmly, "Hey wanna show me around here and see if I can find something to occupy myself since my own flesh and blood has decided to abandon me."

Skyler rolled his eyes, "Dude, we shared the same womb, the same house, and the same apartment for 21 years. I think you can do without me for a few hours. Jesus, cut the umbilical cord already," he said snapping the air with his two fingers as if they were scissors.

Storm laughed at his brother's choice of words and nodded. "Fine, I'll call you later," and he turned back to Callum. "Any good food places here?"

Callum smiled and nodded and started to lead Storm away. He nodded to me and I was slightly relieved that he didn't make a big deal out of anything, since I sort of just came out on him.

I waved and then gave a little cry as Skyler shoved my door open and pushed me inside.

Skyler easily could tell which bed was mine since my side of the room had some pictures of Crew and my family, and a soccer ball lying around.

He pushed me onto my bed and then flopped on top of me, smiling.

"I'm so glad you came," I murmured as I wrapped my hands around his face and pushed off his baseball cap.

"Mm, me too, I missed you," he said leaning down to kiss me gently as my fingers tangled through his hair. I inhaled his coconut scented shampoo and sighed. "Hey, do you and your roommate have any special signal to let the other know that one of you is getting some and should stay away?" he asked once we pulled apart.

I laughed, "Um no, not really."

Skyler shrugged and leaned back down to kiss me, harder this time, sliding his tongue into my mouth, "Okay, well no big deal. I don't care if anyone sees us," he said nonchalantly as his hands began to roam underneath my shirt.

"Oh man, poor Davy is gonna get an eyeful," I said between kisses and sighs as he caressed me.

"Poor Davy, alright, poor Davy has no idea how much he's gonna see," Skyler said mischievously, pushing his hand under my jeans and groping for my dick. He gently stroked my shaft as he kissed my neck.

I moaned loudly, praying Davy would be out for a long time.

"I don't want you to go," I whispered childishly in Skyler's ear as I clutched his neck.

After Skyler and I had made out and had sex several times, we slept for awhile and then met up with Callum and Storm for dinner. Davy came along too because we ran into him on the way to a pizza shop.

We talked, ate, joked, got to know one another, but I wasn't having the best time because I knew that as soon as dinner was over, the twins would be heading back to Jersey. I knew they couldn't really stay because Storm worked on the weekends.

Skyler rubbed his hands up and down my back comfortingly. "It's ok Zeke. I'll visit again soon," he promised kissing my forehead.

"I know," I answered quietly and I did know he would try to visit but I also knew that as the semester went on and everyone became busier with their classes, Skyler would have a harder time getting away. Not to mention, when snowboarding season came up, he would be working every weekend again.

"Don't do this Zeke, don't be sad, please," Skyler murmured softly in my ear. "I can't take it when you're sad."

I hugged him harder and closed my eyes, "I don't know why it's so hard. It should be easier by now. I shouldn't be acting like this," I said, burrowing my face in his neck.

Skyler patted my neck, his thumb circling my skin lightly, "It's hard Zeke, it's always hard to say good bye even for a little while. But I don't want to go home feeling sad or knowing that you feel sad, ok? I need you to be happy baby, even when I'm not with you. You have to be happy, you have friends and stuff here, enjoy that."

"Yeah," I whispered.

"I love you Zeke, the time will fly by and we'll have the entire winter together again, ok? I love you so much."

"I love you, too."

I felt his lips grazing my neck as we hugged. Skyler slowly pulled away and I let go of him reluctantly. He was standing in front of me and I already missed him, not being hugged by him anymore.

He gave me a smile and held my hand as he walked to the door. Storm was already waiting in the car, deciding to give us some privacy to say good bye.

"I love you Zeke, I'll call you tonight," Skyler said as he slowly let go of my hand and walked towards the car.

I waved and watched him walk to the car, as he got into the car, and even as Storm pulled out of the parking lot. I even watched the car pass down the street and out of sight.

At that moment Davy walked back in.

"Hey man, you alright?" he asked not realizing that Skyler had just left.

I shook my head at him, ignoring my roommate's concerned expression and silently walked back to my room, suddenly feeling very tired and in desperate need of some sleep.

Next: Chapter 18

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