Jumping Over My Mountain

By Tiffani Chin

Published on May 1, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is copy right protected. Please do not post it on any other website. If you are not 18 or male on male action offends you, do not continue further. Email me, EliteECrew@verizon.net for any kind of feedback.

Jumping over my Mountain, Chapter 14

Helaku's Point of View

"Dad?" I said into the phone with surprise.

Even though my Dad and I were much closer these days, I still haven't heard from him in awhile. I knew that as a lawyer, my Dad had some big and long cases to work on.

So his phone call was definitely out of the blue.

"Hey Hela. Do you have any plans for tonight?" he asked.

I thought it over, "Well, just having dinner with Bryce," I answered, "Why?"

"Oh, right, so things are going much better with him then?" he asked.

I had told my Dad that Bryce and I had gotten back together, but I didn't have much time to go in any of the details of everything that had happened between us because as usual my Dad worked nonstop.

"Sheryl and I just finished a case and we were wondering if you'd like to have dinner with us tonight. Bring Bryce as well," he offered "I would really like to see you tonight," he added.

Wow, my Dad never seemed too eager to have me over before.

"Yeah, ok," I said. I was actually looking forward to seeing my Dad and meeting this Sheryl woman he had been seeing for awhile now.

"Great, come by the house around 7:00, is that ok?"

"Sure," I answered.

"See you then Hela," he said.


I saw Bryce walk past me at that moment and I grabbed his arm, stopping him midway.

He stumbled slightly and lost his balance, gripping my shoulder to steady himself.

He didn't look bothered though and smiled at me.

"What's up?" he asked. A piece of his blond hair fell into his eyes and I really wanted to brush it away but we had agreed not to be out at the office.

"Hey, so I know we had dinner plans tonight," I began.

Bryce pouted, "Are you canceling on me?"

I smiled and lowered me voice, "Stop being so damned cute Bryce," and he grinned at me while I leaned closer, "Otherwise I'm going to have to lock you in the bathroom and make you scream," I said curling my lips.

He laughed, "Okay, so what about dinner then?"

"Well, my Dad called and asked if I wanted to have dinner and meet his new girlfriend and he's been wanting me to meet her forever," I explained.

Bryce nodded, "That's ok, I understand. You go have dinner with your Dad and then see me afterwards," he said raising his eyebrows, "and then we can get to that screaming."

I chuckled, "No Bryce, I want you to come to dinner with me," I emphasized `the with me' part.

Bryce's eyes widened, "Wow, meeting your Dad? That's like a big step," he said with awe in his voice.

My smile spread, "Of course Bryce, I always wanted you to meet him. Hell I would have had you meet him even sooner if he wasn't so damned busy all the time."

"I would love to meet your Dad and his girlfriend," he replied looking really happy.

"Good. Dinner is at 7:00 at my house, or well his house," I stepped closer to him, "We could always go back to our apartment and have a little quickie before we go to dinner," I added lowering my voice to a near whisper.

Bryce blushed but he nodded slightly, smiling.

"Ok, I'll see you later," I whispered and I watched as he took a seat in his cubicle before I went back to my computer.

My first impression of Sheryl was that she was extremely beautiful and exactly my Dad's type.

Well to be honest I didn't know what type my Dad had actually. I don't think he dated much when I was younger and I had never seen any if he did. All I had to go by was my mother who I still had a firm memory of; her dark skin and dark hair which I had inherited.

Sheryl had tan skin and dark black hair also, but she wasn't Native American, instead she looked Spanish. She appeared to be in her mid thirties and looked like Eva Longoria only taller and a little bit curvier. She had a polished quality about her and she spoke very intelligently.

I took an immediate liking to her.

When Bryce and I had arrive my Dad had answered the door and when we made it to the dinner table it appeared that she and my Dad had been waiting for us while having drinks.

"Sheryl, this is my son Hela," he pointed to me since I didn't resemble my Dad at all and Bryce had a better chance of being his son, looks wise.

"And that is his boyfriend Bryce Whitman," my Dad continued introducing, "Hela, Bryce, this is Sheryl," he said smiling adoringly at her.

I had to fight the urge to burst out laughing at my Dad's facial expression. He looked like a guy in high school who was in love with the prom queen or something.

I thought my Dad was a good looking enough guy for someone in his mid forties, but he looked ten years younger right now. And he looked extremely happy.

"Hi, Hela, Bryce," Sheryl said smiling at us, "It is so nice to finally meet you both," she said glancing at Bryce, "You father has told me so much about the both of you."

I glanced at me Dad and we shared a smile.

"Come, sit down, we'll bring the food out," my Dad said waving at me and Bryce.

"You cooked?" I asked in surprise. From my memory of when I was a kid, my Dad always had a cook around to prepare both of our meals or more specifically, my meals since my Dad was never really around to eat with me or at home when I was younger.

My Dad grinned at me, "Come on now Hela, you know I can't cook for my life. I wouldn't want to kill my only child now would I.?" he joked.

We all laughed at that one.

"No," he continued, "Sheryl actually cooked."

Sheryl stood up and excused herself. "I'll bring out the food," she said.

"I'll help you," my Dad said standing up as well.

I turned to Bryce and saw him staring after my Dad and Sheryl before they disappeared into the kitchen.

"Are you checking out Sheryl or my Dad?" I asked throwing him a sidelong glance, "Because I could understand Sheryl since she is pretty hot, but if you were skeeving on my Dad, I don't know whether to be jealous or grossed out," I said with a mock confused tone and expression.

Bryce laughed heartily and leaned over to kiss me briefly on my lips. I placed my hand on his neck to hold him there before he could pull away and deepened the kiss.

Bryce took a breath and licked his lips when we broke apart and then smiled, "No silly, I was just wondering about something."

"What's that?" I asked.

"I think Sheryl might be pregnant," he stated.

My eyebrows shot up, "What, why would you think that?"

"She has a small bump," he replied.

I frowned, "A small bump?"

"Like a pregnancy bump," Bryce clarified.

"No way," I scoffed, "She's in her thirties, she doesn't have a flat stomach anymore," I argued.

Bryce smiled and shook his head in disagreement, "It's more than that. The rest of her body is slim and toned and then she has a bump. I really think she's pregnant."

"She can't be," I protested, "My Dad is like old. He can't have another kid at his age. The kid will be young and my Dad so old, well I could be his father!" in said shuddering at the thought.

Bryce laughed, "I'm just saying. It's not like it's for sure just because I say so. I was just making an observation."

I wanted to say more but at that moment Sheryl and my Dad had stepped back to the table both holding large dishes. From where I was sitting it looked like some kind of steak and a plate of vegetables and yellow Spanish rice.

"Wow, everything looks great," Bryce complimented Sheryl and she smiled broadly at him.

"Thank you," she said pleasantly before sitting down beside my father.

We each passed around the dishes and place some food onto our plates.

I took a bite of steak and it literally melted into my mouth; that's how tender it was.

Damn, Sheryl was a good cook.

I saw my father take Sheryl's hand and I noticed a ring on her slender finger. Then I looked over at his glass and studied it more closely and realized it wasn't white wine like I thought but a sparkling cider or something.

Things began to click and I remembered Bryce's words.

Maybe Bryce was right, but I didn't feel right asking them directly. This was my first time meeting the woman after all.

"I heard you both work in advertising," Sheryl began, "how do you like it?"

"It's great. I never thought I would be into a typical desk job, the whole nine to five thing, but I really like it," I said and my Dad smiled proudly at me.

"It helps that we're involved in a lot of creative projects so it doesn't get that tedious," Bryce added.

"I understand," Sheryl said in a smooth voice, "I was never into having a desk job either where I would sit on my butt all day getting fat eating cookies that were stored in my desk drawer."

I blinked at her bluntness.

Bryce was covering his mouth laughing and my Dad was shaking his head and chuckling as if he was used to her saying these things often.

Perhaps she did.

"What?" she asked smiling and looking at us, "it's true!"

"Anyway," she said becoming serious again, "That's why I love being a lawyer. It's never boring and I feel like I'm always actively using my brain. And I really do love to argue with people," she said sipping her glass of clear liquid.

"That she does," my father agreed squeezing her hand, "I can never win a fight with this lady," he added.

Sheryl looked down smiling, pleased.

"So what's new with you?" my Dad asked, "I feel as if we have lots to catch up on."

I wiped my mouth with my napkin, "Well, Bryce and I are still looking for a house."

"Oh yeah, any luck on that?" he asked.

I shrugged, "Well, I guess we haven't been really actively looking, so it's hard to say what might be out there."

"I guess we've been comfortable at the apartment and have gotten lazy," Bryce admitted.

"Well, it's a good idea to invest in actual property. You get more benefits out of it than just renting something," my Dad advised.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes in front of him. I wasn't annoyed, but it was something I totally expected my Dad to say, but then I guess all parents said such things to their children.

"I know, we'll look more thoroughly this weekend," I assured.

Bryce nodded in agreement.

My Dad cleared his throat suddenly and I looked up at him. I saw Sheryl squeeze his hand and look at him pointedly.

I frowned, wondering what was going on.

My Dad looked at me and licked his lips, "I, or we, actually have some big news of our own or several big news, to, uh, let you know, or talk about," he stammered.

I was suspicious. My Dad was a lawyer, he didn't get flustered talking about anything. What was up?

"Well, first Sheryl and I are going to get married," he burst out and I smiled because I was expecting them to tie the knot sooner or later, not to mention the ring was clear evidence of that.

"Congratulations," Bryce said, "When's the big day?"

"I always wanted a summer wedding," Sheryl said, "So we set the date for July 20th so I have plenty of time to plan it. I've been busy lately. Plus I always wanted to get married on the beach," she added excitedly.

"So we're getting married in Hawaii," my Dad finished for her.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise, "In Hawaii? Wow," I said in awe, "that's so far."

"Well, we wanted to have a small wedding. We're going to just have family and some close friends, and lawyers from the firm and the such," my Dad explained.

"Which brings me to another thing," he continued, "Would you be my best man, Hela?" he asked.

I smiled, "Of course I would Dad."

"Oh and of course, you're invited Bryce but I'm sure Hela would have brought you as his guest, but you know," my Dad said turning to Bryce.

Bryce smiled and nodded in thanks.

"What's your other news?" I prodded curiously

"Well, it's not as big as our future wedding, but Sheryl has moved in here," he said carefully.

I nodded, taking that in. That wasn't too scary.

And it made sense since they were about the get married and had been seriously seeing each other for awhile now.

I picked up my fork and started to eat again.

"And" Sheryl trailed off.

My head popped up at the sound of her voice. She was looking at my Dad with a helpless expression on her face.

"We're going to have a baby," my Dad announced and I dropped my fork onto my plate. It fell with a loud clatter and my Dad flinched.

I noticed everyone was staring at me obviously awaiting my reaction. I could even feel Bryce's eyes on me through my peripheral vision.

Sheryl looked tense while trying to maintain her pleasant expression and my Dad looked like he was preparing for some loud outburst or tantrum to come from me.

"What?" I asked in a calm tone, "You're having a baby, NOW?"

"I'll be due September 19," Sheryl said and she and my Dad shared an excited look.

I blinked and shook my head, holding out my hands.

"Wait a minute," I said in disbelief, "You can't have a baby now. Dad, you're like 46," I said and he frowned at me.

"Hela," he began.

"Dad you'll be like his grandfather when the kid is my age," I went on and I felt Bryce squeezing my thigh, probably in an attempt to stop my ranting which was starting to bother my father and upset Sheryl.

"I mean, can you even handle a kid, you're like never home. I doubt you'll change your ways. Are you going to have maids or something take care of this child also?" I asked feeling angry.

"Hela, that's enough," my Dad said his voice taking on a sharp edge.

Even Sheryl looked uncomfortable and wisely didn't contribute to the discussion. She was a nice woman, I didn't want to snap at her in my rage.

"No Dad, I'm serious. Why would you bring another kid into this world and not even be there for them? I mean what if something happened to Sheryl, then what are you gonna do? Run off and let some stranger take care of the kid so then the kid can feel like you never cared about them?" I demanded.

My Dad's naturally pale Irish skin lost all of its remaining color and he swallowed hard.

"Hela," he said in a controlled voice, "I would hope you can be mature about this and be happy for us."

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. There were a few useless squeaks and my verbal skills at that moment could only be described as sputtering.

"You're going to put this on me?" I spat out. I stood up abruptly, "I feel sorry for your future kid."

Sheryl gasped and hurt flashed all over my father's face.

"Hela!" Bryce said in a shocked tone.

I couldn't think straight and I felt frustrated and overwhelmed with all these conflicting feelings. On one hand I wanted to be happy for them but all I could think about was how lonely and bitter I had been when I was younger growing up without my mother after she died and then not having a father at all. I resented that he always put work before me.

"I can't handle this, I'm sorry," I said and spun around heading for the front door.

I was silently fuming as I walked to my car and Bryce was right on my heels.

He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.

"Hela, what was that back there?" he asked with shock and concern on his face.

I shrugged off his hand petulantly. "I don't feel like talking about it right now. This is just too much for me," I said getting into the driver's seat.

Bryce quickly got in the passenger seat and turned to me.

"That was uncalled for thought, Hela, you really hurt their feelings. This was supposed to be a happy announcement and you made them feel badly."

I stared at him. "It was a happy announcement for them! Not for me! I'm not, jeez, I'm not happy about it at all!"


"I don't want a brother or sister. I'm too old, he's too old. That kid will be unhappy and miserable just like I was. The kid's going to wish they were never born!" I shouted at him.

Bryce backed away from me in astonishment, "You regret being born?" he asked.

I shook my head and sighed deeply, rubbing my throbbing temple. "No, that's not what I meant; it's just that, I don't know. Before my Mom died things weren't perfect. My Dad still worked crazy hours; he was starting out at the firm and moving up quickly, but he was there, like actually still there," I said glancing at Bryce who waited for me to get this off of my chest.

"Then when she died, he just disappeared on me! Completely left me all alone! I never saw him and I was used to him not coming to my basketball games or signing me up for fencing and then never coming to see my competitions, but when she was gone, he left me totally! Coming home to an empty house, eating meals alone, sleeping in that huge house alone! It sucked! Everything just sucked! Does he even know that? Does he want to put another poor child through that shit?" I asked Bryce angrily.

Bryce just stayed silent as I ranted.

When I was done he took my hand gingerly in his and rubbed my arm soothingly. "Hela, look at me baby," he said softly and I turned to him and his blue eyes were filled with sympathy.

"I know all about shitty childhoods, ok baby, and I know things were lonely when you were younger, and your Dad wasn't around, but he had trouble dealing with your Mom's death and he handled it in his own way even if it was not the right way," he added when I opened my mouth to interrupt him.

He rubbed soft circles on my palm. "And now he's trying to start over again. Have a fulfilling life with Sheryl and his new baby. Maybe he wants a second chance to be the father he couldn't be before and show that he has learned from his mistakes. And besides, things won't be bad for that little baby, and do you know why?"

I shook my head.

"Because that kid will be so lucky to have you as their older brother," Bryce said softly.

I looked away from him and gazed through my windshield mirror.

"That's right," I murmured.

"Yeah," Bryce said, "That kid will never be alone. Sheryl seems like she would be a great mother and whenever that kid does get lonely he or she can always call you. You'll never leave them, right?" Bryce asked gently smiling.

I shook my head vehemently, "No way!"

Bryce smiled and brushed my hair, "That's what I thought."

I nodded and just sat there, with his hand resting over mine.

"Why don't we go back in there and talk things through? Let them know that you're happy for them?" he asked me.

"I can't," I said with shame.

"Why not?"

"Because my Dad looked so mad and then hurt. I can't go back in there right now," I muttered childishly.

Bryce touched my cheek. "Listen baby, he's probably more worried than mad. Did you see how nervous he was to tell you about the baby? He was worried about your reaction. He cares about you Hela. He's your Dad, he loves you. He's doesn't want you to be upset. I'm sure he would feel better knowing you were ok," Bryce reasoned, "And I bet he's thinking you're mad at him too."

"Come on Hela, let's go back inside and make everything right," he insisted tugging on my arm after I didn't make any effort to move myself.

I watched as Bryce got out of the car and walked over to my side.

"Come on baby, do the right thing," Bryce coaxed gripping my arm more tightly and pulling.

"I don't want to," I told Bryce but I allowed him to pull me out of the seat.

"But you should and you have to. You and I both know that," Bryce said firmly shutting my door and steering me towards the house.

My feet felt heavy as Bryce pushed me to the front door. He grabbed my keys from my pocket and fished out the house one to open the door and we walked inside.

Sheryl and my Dad were still at the dinner table with all our unfinished meal plates still out.

They both looked up when we entered and Sheryl appeared as if she had been crying and my father looked distraught as he tried to comfort her.

The guilt just exploded in my gut. I did that to my Dad. I caused that look on his face.

What a shitty son I was.

I avoided their eyes when they looked at me.

"Hela has something he would like to say," Bryce nudging me forward slightly, but he kept his hand on my lower back for moral support.

I took a deep breath before continuing.

"I just wanted to congratulate you on your engagement, your moving in here, and your baby," I said mumbling the last segment in a rush.

"And Dad," I said finally looking him in the eye, "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything that I said before. You both will make wonderful parents, and even if you're not always around, I know you still cared for me. You will make a great Dad and the baby will be lucky to have Sheryl and you, who has been so supportive to me over the years," I said quietly.

My Dad stood up without a word and walked over to me, pulling me into a tight hug,

Bryce stepped back so I could have a moment with my Dad.

I buried my face in his shoulder and squeezed back.

"I'm sorry for being such an asshole," I said my voice muffled since my Dad was hugging me so hard.

"Helaku, you know I love you right?" he said quietly in my ear.

I nodded.

"Good," my Dad said patting my back, "And I forgive you for being an asshole."

I laughed as we pulled apart.

"Besides, I was expecting that sort of reaction. You were always a bit of a hot head," my Dad teased, his bright blue eyes sparkling with humor. "I'm surprised you even came back."

"That was my idea," Bryce chimed in and Sheryl and my Dad laughed as I rolled my eyes.

My Dad reached over and yanked Bryce into a hug as well.

"Well good thing he has you; no scratch that, good thing we all have you. We're gonna need more of you in the future to help us with this oaf over here," my Dad joked.

"Hey!" I protested as everyone laughed.

"You better stick around Bryce," my Dad continued, ruffling my short hair.

"Dad!" I whined fixing my hair.

"Don't worry Mr. McAdams, I plan on ticking around for awhile. You can't get rid of me if you tried," he said wrapping an arm around me possessively.

I couldn't help blushing when Sheryl squealed delightfully when Bryce leaned over and planted a chaste kiss on my cheek.

"Come on, let's finish dinner," my father suggested, "and then we can get to the amazing dessert Sheryl prepared." He led Sheryl back to her seat before taking his.

"Congratulations, I really am happy for you," I said more to Sheryl than to my Dad because I felt bad for upsetting her as well.

She beamed at me and placed her hand over mine, "Thank you honey. That means so much to me."

I looked over at Bryce and he smiled at me.

"Thank you," I mouthed.

"I love you," he mouthed in return.

"Aw, so cute!" Sheryl exclaimed and everyone, including Bryce laughed as I blushed.

Crew's point of View

"Storm!" I called out as I walked inside the twin's apartment.

There was no answer.

"I brought the orange juice, vitamin C, and tissues you asked for!" I yelled out as I ventured into the kitchen.

I opened the fridge door and was stunned at what I saw.

Absolutely nothing.

Every single shelf was empty, including the damn freezer.

"What the hell?" I muttered to myself in shock.

I heard footsteps behind me and I turned to face Storm.

"I know, we have no food," he said before I could get a word out, "I'm going shopping tonight after class."

"Isn't Skyler starving all the time? How can you manage until tonight?"

Storm smiled at me, "Well we're gonna have to manage. This week is busy for me with exams and writing papers. I've been bringing food from Mom's, but we finished those this morning and I don't feel like heading back right now. I keep trying to convince him to stay with her for a few days. Our house is close enough to campus, but he wanted to stay here for some reason," he rolled his eyes.

"What a stubborn bastard," Storm added with annoyance.

"I heard that!" Skyler yelled from his bedroom. I smirked.

"Is he contagious?" I asked.

He shook his head, "No, not anymore. He's almost better at this point. After I've been taking care of him for the past three days in a row!" he said raising his voice so Skyler could hear him.

"You can't see me now, but I'm flipping you off right now, jackass!" Skyler called back.

"Love ya bro!" Skyler added after a pause.

Storm smiled, "You'd better dickhead!"

I looked at Storm with amusement as they cursed each other out. "What's with all the new nicknames?"

Storm chuckled, "I don't know. They just started randomly popping up the past few days while I was playing nurse to him. I guess we're both frustrated, him being sick, me having to take care of him. It's worse than caring for a newborn child. Shit."

"I'm sick, not deaf, bitch! Bring me some juice!" Skyler ordered.

I laughed as Skyler rolled his eyes and stood up to pour a glass of juice and took out two tablets before walking to Skyler's room.

Moments later he returned and sat down on the couch with me.

"Now we wait," he said cryptically.

I frowned, "Huh? Wait for what?"

"Wait for him to pass out," Storm explained, "I told him to take some Vitamin C but I gave him something to knock him out. I need a few hours."

I smirked when Storm glanced at his watch almost impatiently.

"He's been driving me insane. God I wish Zeke were still here so he could pamper that idiot."

I smiled.

"It's part of Zeke's fault that he's sick anyway. Those two boneheads were sitting outside in the pouring rain getting fucking drenched!" Storm shook his head.

"Those crazy kids," I quipped while shaking my head.

He turned to me and smiled tiredly, "Thanks for bringing the juice and stuff. I can pay you back."

"Nah, don't worry about it man," I said. I looked at him, "You know I could stay with Skyler if you want to rest some more before you go to class. I'm done with my classes and can study here instead of at home," I offered taking in Storm's slightly dark eye circles.

Storm looked at me seriously and without warning yanked me into a hug. "Thank you."

I laughed, "No problem."

"Well I have some time before my next class anyway, so I can stick around for awhile," he said, "How are things with you? I haven't seen much of you during the semester except for our Sunday lunches and then over Spring break everyone was gone."

"Everything is great, school is great, Hiro is great," I said smiling.

Storm burst out laughing hitting his knee and I looked at him questioningly.

"You had such a dopey look on your face just now," he said.

"I did not!" I said defensively.

"You so did!" Storm shot back.

"Well, fine, maybe I was," I said turning my head away from him, but I instantly turned towards him again, "How about you, what's up with Kate?"

He shrugged, "Actually, we broke up."

"When?" I asked with surprise.

"A few weeks ago," he replied nonchalantly.

"How come you never said anything?"

"It wasn't really a big deal," he answered, "It was a mutual thing, we both agreed that we lived too far and it was difficult getting together with one another. The timing in our lives just wasn't right for either one of us."

"But you guy were together for so long," I said.

"Nah, not really, well ok, maybe, for a little over a year, but it just wasn't meant to be. I liked her a lot, but I didn't love her."

I nodded, "Well, I guess as long as you're ok. I mean whatever works for you."

"Yeah," he said smiling, "It was a good breakup and I'm still young. There's no reason for me to get tied down so soon."

"Spoken like a true player," I said and Storm laughed.

"Yeah, well I wouldn't call myself a player, but I'm not looking to get married anytime soon," he explained.

"Wow, imagine that, you and Skyler switching places," I commented.

Storm nodded thoughtfully, "Yeah I guess we have. I would have never seen that one coming. I remember Skyler coming home with a new girl every weekend or going somewhere with a new date. Now there are no more girls, or parties, and there's only Zeke," he fell silent with a pondering look.

"Yeah, him and Zeke have been getting pretty close," I observed.

Storm leaned back in the couch, "Buddy, you have no idea, I'm thinking of moving back in with my Mom every time Zeke comes to visit. And it's not because I dislike Zeke or anything, but it's really disturbing listening to them have sex," he shuddered, "It was bad enough with girls, but I don't want to hear two guys doing it, and for such a long time," he said and then he glanced at me before adding quickly, "But you know, no offense or anything like that. Go gays!" he did a mini whoop.

I laughed loudly. "Thanks for the support there Storm, but no offense taken."

"So you're single again?" I asked him.

"It's no big deal. Sometimes it's good not to be in a relationship because I find that you kind of lose yourself in it, which isn't always good. But if a nice girl comes along soon, I wouldn't be opposed to her," Storm said reflectively.

"Of course you wouldn't, you dog," I teased.

"What can I do man, the ladies love me," Storm said in a Skyler manner. At that moment I swear they could have passed for one another.

"Well, whenever you do decide to settle down, the future Mrs. Chin will be very lucky to have you."

"Why Crew dear are you hitting on me?" Storm asked in a mocking tone.

I hit his arm and snorted, "Yeah you wish."

"Yeah I do wish, with those eyes," he said flicking my ear and laughing when I flinched. I shot him a dirty look but he only pursed his lips at me and then fell on the couch cushion laughing.

He sat up suddenly and stopped laughing, "Hold up Crew, we have to be quiet. We don't want to wake IT up," and then he paused and cocked his head as if listening for any signs of movement from Skyler's room.

I shot him an amused look, "Why are you telling me to be quiet, you were the one laughing."

Storm glared at me, "Well it's your fault for making me laugh," and then he smiled. "but I didn't hear anything, so we're good. So you and Hiro, good good?" he asked going back to our previous discussion.

"Better than ever."

"Did you have fun in Vermont with him?"

"It was great. We went snowboarding and no we did not have sex. I know you were gonna ask that, I can see it in your eyes," I rushed out as he opened his mouth with a grin.

He widened his eyes innocently in another Skyler type mannerism, "I don't know what you're talking about," he said in a singsong voice.

I snorted, "Like hell you don't. You guys talk about everything."

"Well, that's true," Storm admitted.

"So did you have sex with him then?" I turned my head and saw Skyler wrapped up in blankets, shuffling over to us and he planted himself on the other side of me, coughing loudly.

I edged away slowly, moving closer to Storm.

"IT'S awake!!!!" Storm cried out to the ceiling dramatically.

Skyler shot his twin a dirty look, his nose raw and red from wiping it constantly with tissues.

"You better get out of here," Skyler warned Storm, "I'm going to be asking Crew some detailed sex questions soon. Some hot man on man action. Do you want to be here for that?"

"I'll stay," Storm said lifting his chin defiantly.

"Suit yourself bro," and then Skyler elbowed me, "So how was it? Did you use all the condoms I gave you?"

Storm groaned.

I shook my head, "I'm not telling you anything."

"What, why not?" Skyler protested with a tissue hanging comically out of his nose.

"I feel weird telling you all that intimate stuff and it's not right. I would be blabbing about Hiro also and I can't do that. He wouldn't want that."

"I care about you and that's why I want to know," Skyler said, "Come on, Hiro won't mind. We're all tight."

"I can't," I said firmly and Skyler folded his arms and leaned backwards sighing heavily.

"Fine," he huffed, "Well I know you did it but can you at least tell me if it was good or not?"

"It was good," I said quietly after a moment.

Skyler crowed loudly but it sounded broken up since his throat was scratchy and full of phlegm, "Which position were you in?"

"I'm not saying anymore," I said.

Skyler groaned, "Ah, come on man!"

I glanced at Storm who was looking uncomfortable and I smiled.

"Breathe Storm, breathe."

"You're worse than a woman," Skyler said, "I know for a fact that women tell each other everything about their private sex lives."

"First off, I'm not a woman, and second, I would love to tell you if I was just fucking some random loser, but Hiro is important to me Sky. I won't disrespect him by sharing private details, even with our close friends."

Skyler rolled his eyes, "Shit that was a good answer," he said in defeat, "I'm all out of ideas now," he said biting his lip.

"Yeah, not everyone likes to talk about AND show their sex lives to everyone around them," Storm accused leaning over to look at his brother.

"Hey, I have never had sex in front of you before! Even I would draw the line there, that would be like, incestuous," Skyler said shivering in disgust.

"Dude, watching you and Skyler come out of the bathroom naked or hearing you guys banging the headboard is close enough," Storm argued.

Skyler pointed his finger at Storm, "Hey! Hey now, if you're talking about Zeke's last night here, that's different. He was leaving for Boston the next day, I had to make it extra special and the shower feels really nice," he winked.

"Can you at least put a tie on the door or something when you guys are having sex?" Storm asked in exasperation.

"What would that accomplish?" Skyler asked furrowing his brow.

"So I would know to keep my eyes shut and make a direct beeline for my room without stopping anywhere else," Storm answered as if it should have been obvious.

Skyler appeared to be thinking it over, "Fair enough. I think I can manage that, if I remember. Sometimes I don't think when I'm about to do it."

"Bro, you never think," Storm said.

"That's not true!" Skyler protested in a kid voice.

Skyler stuffed a tissue in his other nostril, "Damn runny nose," he muttered nasally, breathing through his mouth only, "I'm out," he said standing up and heading towards his room, "Later."

I turned to Storm and smiled, "So did you really see Zeke come out of the bathroom naked?"

Storm nodded looking slightly horrified.

I grinned cheekily at him, "Well that shouldn't have been so bad. I had my share of showers with Zeke back in the day. He's easy on the eyes, eh?" I joked and laughed as Storm's eyes widened on me.

I looked up from my textbook and just stared at Hiro's profile. He appeared to be in deep concentration, the way his eyes were trained on his notebook, but it was always hard to tell.

People always said I frowned when I was concentrating really hard but Hiro's facial muscles didn't do anything different. That boy was going to be wrinkle free even in his old age.

It was the beginning of April and thought Hiro and I didn't share any of the same classes, we still got together on the weekends to study our separate subjects. It was a way for us to spend time or at least be in the presence of one another while still getting our individual work done.

It had been literally two weeks since we first had sex and I think Hiro was happy, as was I, that we hadn't been screwing nonstop since then. We were still comfortable doing the little, normal things that couples did together, like eating out, going to the movies, hanging with our friends, or stuff like that.

I think Hiro was relieved that we were still boyfriends rather than fuck buddies. I knew he didn't want us to become like that.

The thought of us just being a sexual couple never crossed my mind because Hiro and I really connected, and not just physically. We were compatible together, we were emotionally connected, we were a strong couple. We had the perfect combination of being intimate while balancing the dating aspect.

And most of all we loved each other.

I felt a smile spread across my face and Hiro took notice of that.

He leaned over the table and kissed me softly, "What's so funny?" he asked once he pulled back.

"Nothing," I murmured smiling still.

He looked like he didn't believe me but he just smiled and shook his head. He rubbed his finger over my nose before going back to his notebook.

"I love you," I said suddenly and Hiro immediately turned back to me.

"I love you, too," and he leaned in to kiss me, more passionately this time.

We became so engrossed in our kissing that my arm knocked my textbook to the floor and the loud sound echoed in my empty kitchen.

We jumped apart and started laughing.

"You're such a distraction," Hiro said fondly kissing my forehead.

"I am not," I shot back sticking my tongue out at him which only caused him to smile as he gazed at me.

But Hiro was right. Being with him, watching him study, all sexy like was distracting me. I had read the same paragraph for the past half hour and still didn't remember what I had read, but I didn't dare tell Hiro that. He would have left me so I could study but I didn't want him to go.

"I want to take a break," I announced, "I can't read anymore."

"Ok," Hiro said closing his book instantly and I was surprised he didn't argue with me more. Maybe he was getting distracted as well. "What do you want to do?" he asked me.

I looked outside and saw the sun shining brightly and a slight breeze moving the trees. It was too nice of a day to be stuck inside the house.

"Let's go for a walk," I suggested.

He nodded and stood up with me.

It was quiet outside, not many cars were driving by.

I was in such a good mood that I grabbed Hiro's hand loosely and held it while we walked, occasionally swinging both of our hands.

Hiro smiled at me affectionately.

We never broke apart, even as the cars passed us.

"My Dad is having a baby!" Hela announce as soon as he entered the twin's apartment for pizza and donuts; Bryce wasn't too far behind.

Skyler raised his eyebrows and smirked, "Dude, I didn't know your Dad was harboring a secret uterus."

I snorted.

"Very funny Skyler," Hela said with a sarcastic tone, "My Dad has this new girlfriend and I had dinner with them about two weeks ago and they said they were going to get married and have a baby. Or more specifically, they were already engaged and she had something in the oven," Hela continued heatedly.

"But you're ok with it," Bryce piped in with a reminding tone as he stepped up beside Hela and rested his hand on his shoulder.

Hela crossed his arms and exhaled, "Well, yeah, of course I'm totally ok with it."

"You don't sound so convincing," Storm said opening up the pizza boxes and the aroma of pizza hit my nostrils.

Our group had skipped last week's lunch because Skyler was so sick and Storm didn't want the rest of us to eat pizza that was full of snot if Skyler suddenly came down with a sneezing frenzy.

Yet Skyler was all better now and seemed to be eating enough to make up for last week's quota of missed pizza.

"Well, my Dad is like old," Hela told Storm.

"So what?" Skyler asked chewing loudly, "Dude, Michael Douglass is like way older than your Dad and he just had a second kid with his hot wife? What, the kid's like freaking four. He can already be the child's grandfather."

"It's just weird, that's all," Hela continued in a huff.

"Well, congratulations to your Dad?" Hiro asked uncertainly, not knowing for sure if that's what Hela wanted to hear.

"Thanks Hiro," Bryce answered for Hela who still looked slightly disgruntled.

"When are they getting married?" Storm asked.

"July 20th and the baby is due sometime in September," Hela responded.

"Do they know the sex of the baby yet?" Hiro asked.

Hela shook his head, "No, they don't want to know until she gives birth."

"What does his girlfriend look like?" Skyler asked.

"She looks like a taller version of Eva Longoria," Bryce replied and Hela looked at him.

"Hey, that's what I was thinking at dinner," he said sharing a smile with him.

"Wow, a taller version of Eva Longoria, that's hot," Storm said with a glassy look in his eyes. He was probably conjuring up a mental image of the actress right now.

"Your brother or sister is going to be hot," Skyler commented, "I mean half of your Dad's genes and half of Eva Longoria's genes," he whistled, "When that kid is legal, tell him OR her to give me a call. I can swing both ways; gotta love the versatility," he finished with a charming grin.

"Gross Skyler," Hela said.

"What, it's true," Skyler said innocently.

"Like I'd let you near my brother or sister," Hela said and Skyler looked like he was about to protest or argue when Storm interrupted him.

"Have you ever even seen Hela's Dad?"


"Then how do you know what the baby will look like?" I asked.

"Well Hela here is pretty easy on the eyes," Skyler said winking at Hela who looked like he didn't know how to respond to that, "He has that nice combination of dark skin and hair with light eyes, which I'm assuming comes from his Dad. Now if his brother or sister got the same combination of dark hair and skin, with light eyes, it's gotta be hot, and come on, Eva Longoria, people! Or if they had dark hair and pale skin with light eyes, that's hot too, or light hair, wait, what color hair does your Dad have?" Skyler asked peering at Hela.

I watched him with amusement.

"Light brown," Hela replied.

"Light brown hair, dark skin and dark eyes? Nah, that just doesn't fly. Light brown hair, dark skin, light eyes? No, that's not good either," Skyler mused and he stared up at the ceiling with a pondering expression as if he was putting serious thought into the genetic outcome of Hela's future sibling.

"Are you done yet?" Storm asked rolling his eyes but he was smiling, "Why don't you just visit the baby when it's born and study it then?"

"Perhaps I will," Skyler said crossing his eyes immaturely at Storm.

"Storm, too bad you're not dating Kate anymore. She was hot and if you had babies, they would be pretty got too," Skyler continued.

"Please don't refer to my imaginary children as hot, that makes me nervous," Storm said warily and we all cracked up.

Skyler shook his head, "You know what I mean. You and Kate would have had good looking children. I don't want ugly nephew or nieces. Who wants to be seen in public with uglies?"

Hiro and I stared at Hiro, half with amusement and astonishment.

The things that came from his mouth.

"You don't really think that do you?" Bryce asked with concern.

I looked at Bryce's shocked expression and understood where he was coming from. He didn't know Skyler as well as the rest of us and didn't know when he was joking and if his statements should be taken at face value.

"He's just kidding," I assured Bryce.

"Yeah I don't mind ugly people. Not everyone can be as genetically blesses as me," he said cockily, "and besides, I have tons of ugly friends. Ugly people can be mad cool, yo."

Skyler chewed calmly on a pizza crust while Bryce stared at him, appearing to be conflicted over whether to laugh or not because Skyler said all that with a straight face.

But then Skyler started to laugh moments later, "Chill man, you're not ugly."

"Where are they getting married?" Hiro broke in trying to steer the conversation in a different direction.

"In Hawaii. Sheryl wants to get married on the beach," Hela said.

Hiro nodded, "That sounds really nice."

"Oh god, Hawaiians are mad annoying," Skyler said.

I frowned, "Why?"

"Because Hawaiians are just big mutts. Like a total mixture of Asians, Polynesians and all that shit. It's like, Polynesian isn't a race, it's a fancy word for meaning I'm everything. They should really concoct a family tree or something," Skyler said.

"Anyway," Skyler said, "We need to plan our birthday party," he said to Storm and I shook my head at the abrupt subject change. I guess thoughts flew really fast into Skyler's head.

"Our birthday is in June," Storm said, "The end of June," as if his brother had forgotten that fact.

"And it's April now," I added.

"I know," Skyler said sticking his tongues out at us, "But it's never too early to plan a party!" he finished enthusiastically.

"Let's just finish the semester out before we plan for our birthdays. After finals we still have plenty of time to plan something big," Storm suggested.

"No," Skyler argued, "We have to plan before finals so we can invite people from school. Otherwise I won't know how to contact everyone."

"Skyler, we can't possibly invite everyone from school. They'll never fit into our apartment."

"You think Mom would rent us a place?" Skyler mused.

"I don't know," Storm said honestly.

"I'll ask her," Skyler said confidently.

"Why don't you just have a small gathering of friends and go to a nice dinner or a club in the city?" Hela asked.

Sklyler shot him an incredulous look. "What are you kidding? I have way too many friends to do that and besides, small dinners are for old people. I'm not old! Besides, it's out 21st, we need to make it memorable."

"You don't need a huge party to make it memorable," Hiro said, "As long as you have the important people there and have a good time; that will be a memory in itself."

I smiled at Hiro and rubbed his arm.

Skyler rolled his eyes, "Hiro, cut the Buddhist crap or the fortune cookie shit, will you. I'm about to upchuck my pizza here."

Hiro just smiled at him indicating he was not at all bothered by Skyler's reaction or comments.

"Okay, I have a question," Storm broke in, "Which would you choose? A huge ass party or a nice hotel room with Zeke?"

Skyler turned to face Storm, "ooh, that's tough bro. Booze or sex, booze or sex?" he asked looking around.

"Um I'm gonna have to go with the hotel room and the nonstop sex marathon," Skyler finished grinning widely, "Who needs friends in that case?"

We all laughed.

"So why don't I give you that as your gift and the rest of us," Storm waved his hands to us, "can have a boring dinner or something?"

Skyler nodded seriously, as if he was really thinking it over.

"Perhaps, perhaps," he said thoughtfully, a small smile tugging on his lips.

Next: Chapter 15

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