Jumping Over My Mountain

By Tiffani Chin

Published on Apr 26, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is copy right protected. Please do not post it on any other website. If you are not 18 or male on male action offends you, do not continue further. Email me, EliteECrew@verizon.net for feedback.

Hey guys! I hope most of you are enjoying my story.

I know that rolyp1@bigpond.com hates my story because I received an email from him telling me: "Getting fucking boring.You've run out of ideas.Kill it septic."

Well Roly, if you're reading this right now, I'd like to let you know that I like my story and I like writing it. Since my story is sooo "boring" and you dislike it, I dedicate this chapter to you. I'll make sure to post more and more boring chapters just for YOU!

Jumping over my Mountain, Chapter 13

(Skyler's point of view) ***

I glanced over at Zeke briefly when there was a lull in the dinner chatter and saw him shift uncomfortably in his seat.

Dinner was practically over and Zeke had looked constipated all night; his body tense and his face all screwed up with worry.

It wasn't Zeke's best looking moment.

In my opinion, it wasn't that bad. Sure Zeke's Dad referred to me as Zeke's little friend for most of the meal and halfway Zeke had stopped bothering to correct him although I could tell he was bothered by it.

However, these things didn't faze me. In reality, Zeke's Dad was no one important to me except for the fact he helped create Zeke, but other than that, whatever. I could care less for his Dad thought of me; I knew Zeke and I would still be together at the end of this meal.

I had answered all the typical questions a boy would have to answer if he were meeting his girlfriend's parents for the first time. I never got far enough to meet a girl's parents, but I imagined it would be similar to the things his Dad and stepmother asked me.

I was asked how I met Zeke, what college I went to, what my major was, what my parents did for a living, what nationality was I, and all that boring crap.

I noticed Oliver throughout dinner was staring at Zeke nonstop and the looks he was giving my boyfriend were annoying. He was practically undressing Zeke with his eyes and I didn't really care for it, but I was not one to make a big deal out of thing, so I let it go. Zeke was mine, and some Oliver wasn't going to change that. What the fuck kind of name was Oliver anyway?

I felt Zeke grab my hand suddenly and he shifted his legs towards mine. I frowned, wondering what the problem was.

I happened to glance down and I noticed a pair of Birkenstock sandals with socks underneath grazing Zeke's shin, which he was desperately trying to angle away. I looked at Zeke and his face was a little flushed and his dark blue eyes were pleading with mine.

I looked at Oliver who was smiling in amusement at Zeke's discomfort and I was really pissed now. I was pretty obnoxious myself, I was the first to admit it, but I would never hit on some guy or girl who was spoken for and especially not in front of their significant other! This guy had a lot of nerve.

Keeping my facial expression neutral, I slid my leg over Zeke, shielding him from Oliver's advances and when I felt Oliver's sandal touch my shin, I swiftly raised my heel and stomped on his foot and with my other leg I kicked powerfully at his shin.

"FUCK!" Oliver shouted, wincing.

Michelle and Andrew turned to Oliver, looking shocked and appalled at the random outburst.

Zeke looked stunned, his mouth forming a small "O" as he looked at Oliver who was flushing with pain and I smiled angelically as Oliver looked accusingly first at Zeke, then at me.

"You asshole!" Oliver seethed, glaring at me.

"You're a prick," I said coldly, "I wish you were closer so I could have delivered that kick to your balls. I didn't appreciate you trying to give Zeke's crotch a massage with your foot."

Michelle gasped and Andrew looked slightly repulsed.

I turned to Andrew. "Mr. Masters, for the last time, I am Zeke's boyfriend, NOT friend! I hope you don't do this with your friends, sir," I said and I turned to Zeke and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him to me.

I then proceeded to stick my tongue inside his mouth, searching for his tongue, probing farther and farther into his mouth, kissing him for all I was worth. It seemed my mouth kept opening wider and wider, in order to get more access to Zeke's mouth and I felt Zeke's breath on my cheeks as he inhaled through his nostrils as he tried to breathe.

When I pulled back with a smack, Zeke's lips looked red and swollen as I'm sure mine did too. Zeke's eyes were wide and he licked his lips, not knowing what to do, but luckily I did.

Andrew's mouth was wide open too and it was opening and closing as if he was trying to say something and Michelle had her hand over her mouth, probably not prepared to watch her stepson make out with a guy. Knowing someone was gay was different than actually seeing it.

I didn't bother to spare Oliver a glance.

I shoved my chair back and stood up, grabbing Zeke with me.

I turned to Andrew. "Mr. Masters, you should really try to be more supportive of Zeke. This is how we are and the sooner you accept it, the happier everyone can be. Too bad you're so hung up on this gay label that you're missing out on the good moments of your son's life and I think that's a damn shame. There is nothing wrong with Zeke, he's perfect and if you can't see that, well then, later for you," I said in a calm even voice.

Andrew looked at me in disbelief as I said all this but I didn't wait for a response from him.

I turned to Michelle next. "Thank you for dinner. Everything was lovely," I said smiling and she just nodded in a robotic manner.

I curled my lip at Oliver. "Good luck finding someone, Oliver," and Oliver glared at me.

I then led Zeke out of the house and towards my car. I spun around and Zeke literally flew into my arms and I hugged him tightly.

"Thanks Sky," he said his voice muffled from my sweater.

"No problem Zeke. I meant every word, you know," I said resting my chin on his head, his short blond hair tickling me.

"Yeah," he said in a small voice.

"And your Dad wasn't that bad," I said.

Zeke looked at me incredulously. "Ok, well I wouldn't care to see him on too many future occasions, but there are worse Dads out there," I pointed out and Zeke nodded after a moment.

"I guess so."

"So one parent down, one more to go," I said optimistically.

Zeke smiled faintly. "I actually think my mother would be better than my Dad, well hopefully," he said looking slightly worried.

I rubbed his back. "Hey, don't worry, I'll handle it, just like I did back there," I said jerking my thumb at the Masters house.

Zeke smiled. "That was pretty damn cool, Skyler."

"I know," I said smugly, "I have an abundance of great ideas."

Zeke snorted.

"Why didn't you say something about Oliver groping you?" I asked.

Zeke shrugged. "I guess I just felt weird or embarrassed bringing it up at dinner. I didn't know how to bust out and tell Oliver to stop."

I snickered. "Well too bad for Oliver that he was wearing sandals and I was wearing dress shoes with a heel."

Zeke laughed. "That was hilarious."

He laughed further when I imitated Oliver's pained expression after I kicked him and stomped on his foot.

I opened the passenger side door and threw Zeke into the seat.

"Come on the night is still young and I'm still hungry. Let's get some food or ice cream or something, ok?" I asked smiling at him.

Zeke nodded pecking me on the lips before I started to drive.

The next night Zeke and I were having dinner at his Mom's house. I don't think Zeke was as nervous about my meeting her than he had been about me meeting his Dad.

As soon as I stepped inside, I felt more at ease. His mother had a really nice smile and I could see where he got his blond hair and red flushed cheeks.

"Hi, you must be Skyler," she said enthusiastically and I smiled back at her.

"Yeah, that's me."

"Well come on in, dinner is almost ready. I'm still finishing up in the kitchen," she said ushering us inside.

"It smells really good in here," I commented and she smiled at me in a pleased manner.

"I hope you like minestrone soup and spaghetti and meatballs and cherry pie."

I felt my mouth water. "Oh wow, can I move in here?" I asked.

She laughed loudly. "Well, ever since Zeke's gone off, it's been too quiet in the house," she said glancing at Zeke who averted his eyes.

"Do you need help with anything?" I asked trying to take the focus off of Zeke.

She waved her hand at me. "Oh no, you boys just relax and I'll call you when dinner is ready," she said she turned back into the kitchen.

Zeke looked after her with an odd look in his eye. "She's acting weird."


"She's like, pleasant," he said.

I smirked. "Maybe she's coming around or maybe it's my charming personality."

He slapped my arm and took my hand. He led me up the stairs and into a room at the end of the hall.

"Ooh, fooling around in Mommy's house? How exciting," I said and Zeke shot me an amused look.

"I just wanted to show you my old room. I've barely been here since I graduated," Zeke said looking at his own room in awe.

I walked around and noticed some pictures of Zeke when he was much younger, with both of his parents, smiling broadly. I saw some soccer team photos and noticed Crew was also in them. And there were some photos of Crew and Zeke making weird faces into the camera.

"You were cute when you were younger," I said.

Zeke pouted. "And I'm not now?"

"Nah, not so much," I said nonchalantly and I grabbed his side affectionately.

I came across another photo, with Zeke standing beside a tall, dark haired guy.

"Is this an ex of yours?" I asked pointing to the picture.

Zeke looked over my shoulder at the picture. He didn't answer me and I looked at him. Zeke had gone slightly pale and his eyes had a lost look in them.

"Zeke, what's wrong?" I asked.

Zeke shook his head and grabbed my hand, leading me out the room. "Nothing, let's go downstairs."

I stepped back and firmly planted my feet into the ground. I pulled him back and wrapped my arms tightly around his waist.

"Zeke, who's that guy?" I asked in his ear.

"He was an ex," he said quickly, "that's it."

"That's it? Did you have a bad breakup or something? Your reaction was more than just a blast from the past type reaction," I said.

Zeke was tense in my arms and I squeezed him comfortingly. "Come on, you can tell me anything," I reassured.

"He was an ex of mine^Åright before I started my freshman year. I met him at a frat party that I crashed and he was a senior. He um, we broke up, well I broke up with him, because he^Åbecause he^Å"

"What did he do?" I asked.

"Because he started beating me and it got pretty bad towards the end," Zeke finished quietly.

I was silent as I processed this and I felt my anger building.

"How long were you together?" I asked forcing my voice to be calm.

"About nine months. The first few were really good, but then it started with an occasional slap, push, and then that escalated into punching, throwing me against the wall, choking me. He broke my ribs and gave me a serious concussion you know," he said in a soft faraway tone. "I remember one bad night I drove all the way to Crew's house late at night just because I needed to get away from him."

I hugged him to me and kissed the side of his neck.

"It's ok Zeke, it wasn't your fault. That guy had a problem and he took it out on you," I murmured.

"I know, but it's still tough to think about. I can't believe I even kept that picture," Zeke said leaning into me.

"Hey, it's a part of your past and makes up who you are, even if it is negative. It's ok if you didn't get rid of the picture," I offered.

Zeke took the picture and tore it up, throwing it into his trashcan. "Well, I don't want to remember him," he said frowning.

I gently touched his cheek. "It's ok Zeke. I love you," I said gathering him in my arms again, taking in the scent of his skin that still smelled of soap. I rubbed my lips against his neck and cheek, moving to his lips where I kissed him softly.

I felt him kiss me back and grip my neck tightly.

"Zeke, I love you, you know I won't hurt you, right?" I asked pulling back to look him in the eye.

He nodded and I kissed his nose.

He finally smiled.

"I love you Skyler. I feel so lucky to have met you," he whispered. "Thank God for Crew ditching me for Hela otherwise we may never have had that chance to hang out."

"Yeah, I guess Crew is useful for something," I joked and was pleased when Zeke laughed.

I kissed him again, more passionately this time, but his mother's voice broke us apart.

"Boys, dinner is ready!" she called loudly up the stairs.

We laughed and I took his hand.

Walking hand in hand we went to have dinner.

(Crew's point of view)

"So I'm guessing dinner went well with his mom?" I asked Skyler as I finished the last of my fried rice.

Spring break was almost over and Skyler and I were grabbing some food at Noodle Gourmet, a really good Chinese place practically right on College Ave.

Since Hiro and I had been away for five days straight, Hiro was spending the day with his grandmother, eating out, seeing a movie and all that. Meanwhile Zeke was surprisingly having lunch at his Mom's house.

When I heard Skyler tell me that I was definitely shocked. Hell, ever since Zeke went off to college, he usually spent all his vacations from school at my house or more recently, at Skyler's place. So him going out of his way to have lunch with his mother was a hard concept for me to grasp.

Skyler nodded. "Dinner was much better with his Mom than with his Dad. His dad was an ass but his Mom seemed pretty nice and genuine and I had fun talking to her. I hope she's not secretly telling Zeke how much she wishes he was straight as we speak though; I think that would crush him."

I nodded remembering when Zeke and I were in high school and I was at his house; we were talking about what guys we liked and his mother overheard us. She then said to us that we would both find nice women to settle down with once we got this gay thing out of our system and moved on from this phase. I remember how defeated Zeke had looked; that his mother couldn't accept how he was and was hoping that he would change who he was.

I shook my head and changed the subject. "Did you have fun in Florida?" I asked.

Skyler nodded. "It was great. The weather was awesome and it was packed with young kids. And there were some damn good restaurants to eat at. We tried every single one of them."

I smiled. Only Skyler would enjoy vacations for the pure sake of eating out.

"We hit up the beach a lot, which is why I'm a fucking lobster right now," Skyler said somewhat bitterly looking himself over.

I looked him up and down and from what I could see his normally pale skin was a little red and seemed to be peeling slightly. Skyler looked wholly annoyed.

"I put on sun block and everything and I still got burnt. Jeez, I will never know what a tan looks like; freaking Asians, can't tan for my life," he muttered and I guffawed.

He then smiled at me and perked up. "But it was a lot of fun putting sun block on. Zeke helped me out and he put sun block on everywhere," Skyler said dragging out the last word and raising his eyebrows at me suggestively.

I choked on my water as I got his meaning. "Ew, gross Skyler. Learn to keep the details of your sex life to yourself, please?"

Skyler smiled at me. "What, I'd thought you'd be interested," he said as he motioned for me to get up and follow him. We walked next door to Thomas Sweets, an ice cream parlor.

"After all, from what I've heard, you don't have any sex details of your own to speak of," Skyler added shooting me a sideways glance.

I sighed. "I cannot believe Zeke told you about our talk."

Skyler burst out laughing. "How the hell do you function without have sex? It's torture when Zeke leaves; I only have my hand or the shower, depending on the setting."

I groaned. "Way too much info."

"I would have thought that as soon as you guys started dating, you would have done it already," Skyler said, "I mean you've been sort of together from the beginning of last semester. Why would you want to wait any further?"

"Skyler, we've haven't been a couple that long. Liking someone as a crush and then actually dating them is different. I don't want to rush anything," I said. "And besides, it's not like Hiro has initiated anything either."

"Have you guys even done anything at all?" Skyler asked. I shook my head. "Nothing?" he pressed in disbelief. "Not even a hand job, blow job, nothing?" I shook my head to everything he listed.

He frowned. "Not even when you were in Vermont with him?"

I shook my head, the memories of our recent trip together flashing through my mind.

I remember how much fun we had snowboarding all day long and then cuddling in bed at night, but I was too scared to bring up anything.

I didn't regret the trip though. It was a great trip with Hiro and I loved spending time with him. And he obviously felt the same way about me otherwise he wouldn't have gone to the trouble of setting it all up.

"Wow, Crew. You are definitely married."

I frowned at him questioningly.

"You know, being with someone but minus the sex stuff, that's what you and Hiro have. Only I would have thought the nonstop sex part would come first, before the boring married life set in, but hey, whatever works for you," Skyler said as he smiled at the girl and ordered a large cup of mint chocolate chip ice cream.

"We're not boring, and I do want to have sex, I just don't know how to bring it up or go about it," I defended.

"You're a virgin?" Skyler asked, "You haven't been with a guy or girl?"

"No, I have very little sexual experience. Hela and I never had that kind of sex and all I ever did with him was blowjobs, and that kind of stuff. The same thing with Zeke," I slipped before I could stop myself.

Skyler eyes snapped to mine. "With Zeke?"

I blushed.

"When?" he demanded.

"It was in high school when we first met and came out to each other. It stopped senior year and we never had serious feelings for each other. He went on to have a series of hookups while I was coping with losing my family," I explained quickly.

Skyler's frown disappeared and he grinned at me. "Normally I would have kicked your ass but I know how much Zeke loves me and how bad you got it for Hiro," he said eyeing me knowingly, "so I have nothing to worry about," he paused, "And imagining you and Zeke together is kind of hot." His eyes looked at me up and down and I turned even redder.

"Stop it!" I cried out and he laughed.

"Well, I think you should just do it already. Spice up your life a bit," Skyler said taking a huge bite of ice cream.

"My life is fine," I retorted.

Skyler rolled his eyes. "Ok, if you say so."

"Hey, not everyone has to jump into having sex right away, like you and Zeke did," I said folding my arms.

"We didn't jump into anything. We did it because the time felt right and we're even closer now," Skyler said licking his spoon.

"Yeah, I guess I'm having the urge to get closer to Hiro," I sighed.

"So just do it," Skyler said.

"It's not that easy," I protested.

"It is that easy," he shot back.

"Well, fine, how should I do it? I mean, how do I broach the subject to Hiro? What if he doesn't want to have sex with me?" I said worriedly.

"That's your problem right there," Skyler pointed out.

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

Skyler pointed to his temple. "You're thinking way too much. Just go with what you feel. When you're with him and the mood strikes, go for it. Most likely you'll be deflowered," he said grinning, "I mean, I doubt Hiro would turn you down."

I flushed. "I hope not."

Skyler smirked. "Crew, have you looked in a mirror lately? You're not repulsive and Hiro likes you as much as you like him, if not more, trust me," he said, "I've seen the way he looks at you."

I took a deep breath. "I think I'll make a move tonight."

Skyler rolled his eyes, "Yeah that was real convincing," he said sarcastically.

"I'm new to this!" I said, "This is a big deal for me," I reminded.

"That's true," Skyler said looking at me seriously. "Well I was just kidding around Crew. You do what's right for you, ok? Don't let anyone influence you, even if it's wise ol' me," he said smiling.

I smiled appreciatively. "Thanks Skyler."

"You're welcome and good luck," he added.

I immediately felt nervous all over again.

"Do you have some condoms and lube I can use?" I asked nervously and Skyler grinned at me.

I was going to have sex with Hiro.

Or at least try.

*** (Zeke's point of view)

I hugged my Mom and for the first time I felt really happy.

I couldn't remember the last time I spent any time with my mother and actually enjoyed it.

This was definitely a monumental moment.

After having dinner earlier in the week and her having met Skyler for the first time, I didn't think my mother would ever approve of my so called lifestyle choice. But after I came home from Florida and my mother called me up and invited me to lunch, I was slightly nervous.

Yet all my nervousness was for no reason. She had spent the entire lunch telling me how much she missed me, loved me, how sorry she was for not being there more when I was younger, and she was full of questions about how I met Skyler and how serious we were.

"Thanks Mom," I said into her hair.

"I'm sorry sweetie for not being more supportive before," my mom apologized again and I smiled.

"It's ok, it means so much to me now that you are now," I said. "So you really like him?" I asked excitedly.

She laughed. "Yeah, I really do. I don't think you could have found someone better, not even a girl."

I chuckled. "Wow that must mean you really like him."

"You have to understand honey that finding out your son is gay; whom you've thought was straight up until that point was a big shock. And I admit I didn't react the best, but in all fairness, what parent wants their child to have to deal with the problems that comes with being gay. How people will treat you differently, look at you differently, and not to mention you won't have any grandchildren. And you're such a beautiful boy," she said pinching my cheeks.

"Mom," I whined slapping her hand away.

She smiled. "But I really do just want you to be happy and Skyler seems like a great person."

"He is," I interrupted.

"And if he makes you happy, then that is all that matters," she finished.

I didn't say anything as I hugged her again.

*** As soon as the door opened, I checked to make sure I had the right twin, and I threw myself into Skyler who enveloped me with his arms.

I just started kissing him. After having lunch with my mom, I was in a really good mood and then as I was driving around, I just got really horny and in need of some Skyler.

Skyler kicked the front door shut with his foot and he leaned into me, kissing me back.

"I take it lunch went well," he mumbled in between our kisses.

I kissed his chin. "Very well. I'm really in a good mood right now," I said pulling his shirt over his head before we even reached his bedroom.

"Mmm, I can tell," he said lifting his arms over his head and my hands ran along his bare chest.

He spun me around so that I was walking backwards towards his bedrooms, his own hands going underneath my shirt and moving along my back.

I was slowly laid down on his bed and he shifted so I was on top of him. Although Skyler was only an inch taller than me, he was considerably heavier and more built. I'm guessing he didn't want to crush me, not that I would have minded being crushed by him.

I reached for his belt and pulled it off quickly and then I unbuttoned his jeans and yanked them off along with his boxers with one hard tug. I threw them to the ground and worked on my own belt and jeans.

"Whoa, Zeke," Skyler said somewhat stunned at my frenzy.

I was even a little surprised at myself, but I suddenly wanted Skyler really bad right now. I couldn't even explain it.

Once my pants and underwear was off, I reached into his dresser drawer and pulled out a condom and a bottle of lube. I rolled the condom onto Skyler's cock and he arched his back when my fingers came into contact with his throbbing hard on.

I spread a generous amount of lube on him since I was too impatient to stretch myself out.

I grabbed his cock lightly, not wanting to stimulate him too much, and lined his head at my hole.

Slowly, with one hand braced on his chest, I pushed down and felt the head pop in and I felt a momentary burst of pain, but I continued to push anyway.

I kept leaning my weight down until I felt his pubes against me and that fullness every time we had sex.

Skyler was holding onto my hips gently, rubbing small circles with his thumb. Right now his eyes were closed and he had a look of pleasure on his face and it pleased me that I could make him look and feel this good.

"Oh god Zeke, you feel fucking amazing," Skyler murmured as he just held onto me, not wanting to rush me until I adjusted.

I closed my eyes and slowly began to rock on him and then I felt backwards slightly as Skyler sat up and I felt myself jump as his cock bumped into my prostate.

I moaned loudly and wrapped my arms around his neck as his own arms came around my lower back.

When I opened my eyes I saw him staring directly at me, occasionally, his eyes would flutter but for the most part he was intensely gazing at me and that turned me on even more.

"I love you," I whispered as I looked back at him just as intently and my eyes rolled back as he lifted my hips, making me ride harder on him.

He kissed me, tightening his grasp around me, causing me to fall forward onto him so that our naked chests touched.

I broke my lips free from the kiss and cried out as he hit my prostate again.

"I love you," was all he said and I gripped his shoulders tightly and rode him faster, feeling myself get close.

We were so close I could feel Skyler's heart beating through his chest and his hot breath hit my cheek each time I came down onto him.

"I'm going to cum," I panted as I hugged him tightly, rocking faster and faster.

I felt Skyler's hand wrap around my own leaking cock and with three strokes I shouted as I felt myself shoot all over Skyler's lower stomach.

"Fuck!" I cried out as I tensed and felt my muscles contract.

I shuddered even more when I felt Skyler cum a second later; a burst of heat shooting into my ass. Even as Skyler was shaking with his own orgasm, he still held onto me.

At the same time, we both fell, I fell forward onto him and he fell backwards onto a pile of pillows.

We were breathing hard, our chests rising in unison.

I felt the stickiness of my cum sliding between our bodies, but I wasn't ready to move off of Skyler.

"I know we've done it a lot, but that was by far the best time ever," Skyler sighed running his hand up and down my back tenderly.

"I don't know, I'm thinking last night was pretty hot also," I said smiling.

Skyler chuckled and my face shook against the vibrations.

"Yeah, last night was pretty hot, both times, but I still say this topped it," he argued half heartedly. "What can I say, we always manage to have great sex," he sighed.

He sat up carefully and supported my weight with his arms. "Let's shower before we get stuck together," he said and I shot him a puppy eyed look. Skyler smiled at me. "Of course when I say shower, I mean have sex IN the shower, with a bunch of steam rolling around us," he said waving his arms around as if he were presenting some innovative idea.

I laughed and leaned in to kiss him.

As we were kissing I felt Skyler lift me carefully as he was still inside of me, and carry me to his shower.

I was suddenly grateful his brother wasn't around because even though Storm heard us have sex on many occasions, I'm sure seeing us with his own eyes literally having sex on the way to the shower would have given him a heart attack.

*** (Crew's point of view)

I felt the package of condoms Skyler had given me after we finished having lunch together.

"I don't think I need so many Sky," I said.

Skyler winked at me. "You never know."

The condoms and lube felt heavy in my pocket and I was nervous. My hands were slightly damp as I waited for Hiro to come over.

We had agreed he would spend the night since tomorrow was Sunday and our first day back to school would be Monday. He normally stayed at his own house on school nights.

So tonight would be our usual sleepover, unless I took the step in a different direction.

As I waited I kept imagining potential scenarios. Like if I would be on top or the bottom or what if Hiro turned me down, or what if it hurt too much and I had to stop him. What if I stopped him and said I needed more time and he got mad? What if we broke up because of that.

But then I realized Hiro would not break up with me for that; hell how could he? He never once mentioned having sex so breaking up with me because I initiated sex but couldn't go through with it would just be, I don't know, I ironic?

Shit, shit, shit.

Since when did sex become so fucking difficult?

All these thoughts were giving me a damned headache.

My head snapped to the door when I heard the bell ring.

Hiro was here.

I went to answer the door and Hiro flashed me a smile.

"Hey baby," he said stepping towards me and placing his lips on top of mine briefly, his hands going to my waist. I just stood there, motionless, not really returning the kiss. I was still lost in my thoughts.

He stepped back and eyed me. "Are you ok?"

I swallowed hard. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Hiro studied me further and I looked down. I felt like I was being judged or that he knew I was lying somehow.

"Are you sure? Did something happen?" Hiro asked curiously.

I looked at him questioningly. "No, why?"

Hiro smiled. "No reason, it's just that you seem quiet, quieter than usual, and a little nervous. And since we're not on a first date, there's no reason for you to be nervous."

Damn, why did Hiro have to be so damned intuitive?

I licked my lips and looked around the room. "No, nothing happened, and I'm not nervous," I stammered.

Hiro studied me again and I felt my face flushing.

I really hated my cheeks at that moment.

Hiro took a step closer to me. "I haven't known you that long Crew, but I think I know you very well. And I'm just good at reading people. Something is definitely up with you. Now tell me," he said.

He said it in a neutral tone but for some reason he sounded so commanding and I knew I would crack sooner or later. Most likely sooner than later.

I took a deep breath.

I needed an opening for this conversation, but unfortunately at this time I couldn't come up with anything.

"Uh, um, well I guess there is something on my mind," I said honestly.

Hiro smiled. "I figured as much. So tell me," he prompted.

"Um, it's just that I don't know how to say this, or tell you," I began.

Hiro reached for my hand and held it before kissing it.

"Listen Crew, since it's you I doubt you have something that bad to tell me, but with the way you're acting and starting this conversation, you're making me a little nervous, so just tell me," he said staring at me seriously.

"I know we haven't been dating long, hell it hasn't even been three months yet, but I feel we should, I think that we should," I continued unable to get my point across.

"Are you breaking up with me?" Hiro asked quietly.

My eyes snapped to his. "What? No! Why would you think that?" I asked.

Hiro shook his head. "Well it kind of sounds like it," he said in relief and I smiled at the fact that he was actually worried I might break up with him.

I smiled, a little more confident. "Well, no I'm not breaking up with you," I said. I forced myself to look him in the eye. "I don't want to rush us or anything but I think I want to have sex with you," I said in one large breath.

For a second I wasn't sure if what I had just said even registered with Hiro. His face remained expressionless and he was silent.

Normally I was comfortable in his silence, but now was not one of those times.

Finally he spoke. "You think you want to have sex with me?" he asked I thought I saw the corners of his lips turn up slightly, but I was a bit distracted by the question.

I blinked. "Yeah."

"Crew, if you're still thinking about whether or not you want to have sex with me, than you're probably not ready for it yet," he said gently.

I frowned slightly. "You don't want to have sex with me?" I asked.

Hiro tightened his hands around mine as I tried to pull back. "Of course I do!" he replied immediately and I looked at him and couldn't help smiling when I saw a faint pink tinge appear on his milky white skin.

He cleared his throat. "I mean, yes, I do want to have sex with you, but that's the difference. I know I want to."

I stayed silent and refused to look at him.

"Ok, let me just talk for a bit ok?" he asked and I didn't answer him. "I think about sex with you^ÅI think about it a lot," and I looked at him when he said that. He smiled, "How could I not? We're always staying in the same bed and I love holding you when you sleep, but we just got together. What kind of boyfriend would I be if as soon as we became official I asked for sex? And besides, I'm not like that and I think you know that." I nodded in agreement.

"Another reason why I haven't brought up the subject of having sex is because I've had relationships in the past where we jumped into a sexual relationship too soon before we got to know each other that well. Then our relationship became just about sex and eventually we would break up because ultimately sex is never enough to keep anything going." Hiro stared at me and inched closer to me.

He touched my cheek gently. "I don't want that to happen with us, Crew. I don't want us to have sex and then whenever we're together, that's all we do. I want us to still have this comfortable feeling where we can do nothing together but still be happy. I guess what I'm saying is that I want more than just sex with you; I want all of you."

I didn't know what to say. I was glad Hiro was interested enough in me to want to have sex but I was surprised he wasn't in a hurry to have sex.

But then again I could see his point. When I was with Hela, we never did much but fool around. We never talked or tried anything new like Hiro and I did.

I nodded as everything made more sense.

"I understand," I said smiling at him. "So does that mean you want to wait?" I asked.

He looked at me. "Crew, you have no idea how much you turn me on," and I couldn't help averting my eyes and blushing profusely. Hiro chuckled at my embarrassment. "But I want to wait until you feel like you're really ready. When you KNOW for sure you want to be with me. I don't want you to regret anything or feel pressured that just because we're together now we automatically have to have sex."

"I do want to be with you," I said. "And I haven't felt pressured. It's just been on my mind a lot recently."

Hiro cocked his head at me. "When you're ready, trust me, I'll be willing," he said his eyes sparkling.

I bit my lip. "When you had sex in the past, did you, uh, I mean were you-"

"A bottom or a top?" he finished for me. I nodded flushing a little again. "I was both," he replied honestly. "I could go either way."

"Which way did you like better?"

"Both were pretty good," he eyed me, "Which do you prefer?"

I blushed. "I'm not sure. I never had sex before, with anyone."

Hiro just nodded and I'm glad he didn't have the same reaction as Skyler did when I told him I had almost no sexual experience.

We were both quiet as I was thinking how to pose my next question and I couldn't help fidgeting as Hiro just looked at me, seeming unbothered by this entire conversation.

"Do you," I hesitated, "Um, do you want to do it now?" I asked timidly and at that question Hiro's eyes widened.

"Now?" he asked somewhat surprised.

I felt my face heat up and I swear my shirt collar was getting a little tight.

I rubbed my head with my hand and looked at the table. "This is awkward," I muttered.

Hiro stood up. "Now is good," he said quietly and I looked up at him abruptly.

"It is?"

He nodded. "Just so you know Crew, I want you too, but I just needed to be sure you were ok with it. If you feel ready now, then now is good." He said all of this so calmly and confidently, like he had these kinds of talks on a daily basis.

How the hell did he do that? I don't think awkwardness was in Hiro's vocabulary. Everything he did, he did it smoothly even if it was a somewhat embarrassing topic.

I for one was glad that Hiro made everything seem so normal; it took a lot of the stress off of me.

I stood up slowly and faced Hiro who was patiently waiting for me to do something. I took his hand and we walked into my bedroom.

Before we got to the bed I whirled around to face him and he took a brief step back to compensate.

"When you bottomed, um, did it hurt, like a lot?" I asked.

Hiro smiled reassuringly. "It hurt a little, getting it in initially. But once it was in all the way and I had time to adjust, it felt good. And the more prepared you are, the easier the penetration is."

"More prepared?" I asked questioningly.

"Lube, getting you stretched, that sort of thing," he explained.

"Oh," I said softly.

"Do you want to bottom?" he asked me quietly.

"I think so," I answered.

Hiro smiled. "If you're not sure, it's fine. You can do it to me first and whenever you feel like it, you can bottom," he said. "Like I said, I'm versatile," he added flashing me a large grin which was very un- Hiro like.

"No, I want you inside of me," I said a moment later. "I want to try that first."

I didn't want Hiro to have to accommodate me just because I was a littler nervous about the potential pain of having sex. I didn't want Hiro to baby me for this.

"You sure?" Hiro asked skeptically.

"Yes," I insisted more firmly. "I want you to make love to me," I said peering at him.

"Ok," he said simply and then he kissed me softly, nudging me backwards onto my bed.

I fell onto the plush comforter and just enjoyed kissing Hiro, rubbing my hands over his neck, and broad shoulders.

Hiro's tongue entered my mouth and our tongues rolled around each other. The kiss was intense, well for me at least, and without being overly aggressive or brutal. I didn't like bruising kisses. Hiro's kisses were perfect; they were deep and passionate, but still tender and gentle. I liked knowing that Hiro wanted to handle me carefully. I had no doubt he would be a good lover.

Hiro pulled back slightly out of breath and I opened my eyes to look at him.

With one arm he reached behind his head and pulled off his gray long sleeve shirt and dropped it to the side of the bed.

My eyes drank in the sight of him. I had seen Hiro shirtless on many occasions when he slept over but for some reason I felt as if I were seeing him for the first time.

Hiro truly had beautiful skin. It was so smooth and I could see his arm and chest muscles shifting as he balanced himself over me.

Hiro was strong and lean, but his shoulders were the most developed. He had been a dedicated swimmer for most of his life and that could explain the broadness of them. He didn't have a six pack, but his stomach was very tight, taunt, and flat. He really took my breath away.

He leaned back down to cover my neck with light butterfly kisses and I couldn't help moaning and writhing; rubbing my hands on his muscular chest.

He covered my mouth with his again and his own hands went under my shirt, lightly caressing my abdomen and then my chest, grazing my left nipple. His touch was so soft, it tickled me and I arched my back and laughed in his mouth.

Hiro pulled back and looked in my eyes. "It tickles," I murmured smiling at him and he smiled at me before reaching for the hem of my shirt and pulling it off. I lifted my arms to help him.

"Crew, you're adorable," he mumbled as he kissed each of my nipples and then kissed down my light dusting of blond hairs leading into my pants. Once he got to the waistband of my loose sweat pants, he pulled them down slowly to my ankles before they were gone completely and joined my shirt on the ground.

"No underwear," he said softly his hands touching my inner thigh gently and I sighed.

"I was too lazy to put on boxers after I showered," I said with my eyes closed. I heard Hiro unbuckling his belt and the ruffle of his jeans being taken off.

Before I could fully appreciate him in all his naked glory, he was back on top of me kissing me. His cock brushed against my own rock hard member a few times as he kissed me and I groaned into his mouth.

I felt my cock leaking and spilling onto my balls. I broke free from Hiro's kiss. "I can't wait much longer, Hiro," I breathed out.

He nodded in understanding. "Do you have?"

He didn't have to finish his sentence. I already knew what he was going to ask.

I nodded. "I have everything we need in my pants pocket. Could you get me my pants?" I asked shyly.

Hiro only smiled at me and kissed my forehead before he rolled off of me and leaned his long arm out, snatching my sweats. He pulled out the lube Skyler had given me and a long package of condoms.

Hiro looked at me and I burst out laughing at his stunned expression. "Um Crew, I know I'm pretty fit and in shape, but how many times were you planning on us having sex?" he asked as he unfolded seven condoms.

I laughed. "Um, don't get mad but Skyler totally ambushed me about our sex life or lack there of and when I told him I wanted to have sex he gave me all that, just in case," I said my face turning red again.

Hiro frowned. "Did Skyler tell you that you should be having sex?"

I shook my head quickly. "No, I told Zeke I was thinking of taking our relationship to the next level and he told Skyler of course and you know how Skyler likes to get on me and joke around, but no one convinced me to it was time to have sex, I want to be with you," I said never taking my eyes away from his. I wanted to reassure him that I wasn't doing this for anyone else but me.

Hiro just nodded and I smiled as he took out only one condom and rolled it onto himself.

I admit at this point I was getting a little nervous and anxious. I mean I was excited and still horny as hell, but the reality that I was about to lose my virginity was still a scary thing for me.

Hiro looked at me one last time before he slowly spread my legs and I began to breathe a little harder; I could feel my heart beating so rapidly that I thought it would burst in my chest.

"Just relax Crew," he whispered, "I'm going to make this as painless as possible for you," he promised me.

"I know," I said believing every word he said.

I felt his lips applying soft kisses to my left inner thigh, leading up to my penis. I never knew that area was so sensitive and I gasped, digging my head into my pillow.

Then I felt him licking my balls and I rose up from the bed, shaking with pleasure.

"Oh god," I whispered and Hiro continued kissing my right inner thigh, this time, in a downward motion. I was so aroused I felt as if my cock would explode; that's how hard I was.

I heard the bottle of the lube being opened, but at this point I was so lost in my pleasure I didn't feel worried anymore. Now I just felt desire, lust, and passion.

I jumped a little when I felt the cold gel being spread onto my cock and I was confused since he was the one going to be inside of me.

But my confusion drifted away as my eyes rolled back into my head and Hiro slowly stroked me, so slow, it was almost agonizing.

I felt a slight twinge of pain in my ass but I couldn't focus much on the pain in that area because the pleasure in my cock was overwhelming me.

I was getting close; I felt another twinge of pain in my ass and then a third as I was getting ridiculously close to the edge.

"I'm going to cum soon!" I told Hiro as my hands gripped my pillow tightly on either side of my head.

"It's ok baby, cum," Hiro whispered and I felt my ass hole being stretched wide as I assumed Hiro put in a fourth finger. There was no time for me to feel discomfort as at that moment I felt a huge explosion of pleasure.

I cried out several times, gripping my headboard and arching my back simultaneously, shooting all over Hiro's chest. I felt my neck straining as I leaned my head back, my eyes still clenched shut, just letting the unbelievable feelings wash over me.

I took in a deep breath, my eyes still closed, and I was panting heavily when I opened them again.

I looked right into Hiro's eyes; his normally light brown irises looking almost black.

I moved my legs around and shifted my hips. I saw Hiro drop his head and groan slightly.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Crew, baby, don't move too much, otherwise I'll cum too soon."

I looked down and noticed that Hiro was completely buried inside of me and I hadn't even noticed. I was too lost in my previous orgasm.

Wow, Hiro was definitely good at all this foreplay stuff or preparation thing.

Hiro was breathing a little harder himself now and there was a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead.

"Just let me know when I can move," Hiro said licking his lips, his own eyes closed.

"I'm ok Hiro," I whispered and I spread my legs open a little wider to show him I was ready.

Hiro slowly took half of his cock out and then pushed back in. His movements were small so that the discomfort was minimal.

Gradually his thrusts became longer and deeper as I became more adjusted.

Hiro was right; his cock moving in and out of me was amazing. I didn't know it could feel so good.

When Hiro hit something deep inside of me that caused me to scream out; I was shocked at how intense the sensation felt.

He lifted my hips slightly and now each time he thrust into me, he hit that thing inside of me that caused me to scream. I wrapped my legs around his waist tightly and pushed my ass onto him every time he thrust inwards.

This felt so good I felt as if I was going to die. That didn't even make sense to me, but at that moment it did.

I hugged Hiro, my arms holding on his neck as he went deeper and deeper. My once again hardened cock was rubbing against his stomach, so with all the stimulations, I felt myself rapidly approaching my second orgasm.

"Oh Crew," I heard Hiro mumble into my ear as he paused briefly and then continued to thrust inside of me shorter and faster as he approached his own release.

I felt him straighten up slightly and saw him throw his shoulders back as he shouted out. His head was pointed towards the ceiling and his jaw muscles were twitching sexily.

I didn't have time to enjoy his expression because even as Hiro was cumming he was still pumping into me and that feeling became too much as I arched my back once again and squeezed my legs more tightly around his waist.

My fingers were gripping the blankets so tightly I felt them briefly go numb.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!! HIROOOOOOOOO!!!" I moaned as I shot straight up into the air, landing on my chest, a little on Hiro's and some onto my chin.

As I came, I kept lifting my hips up and down, riding the feelings out.

Hiro dropped onto me and I felt his lips brush against my ear.

"Crew, I love you," he said softly and in my euphoria I wasn't sure if I heard him correctly.

My eyes flew open.

"What did you say?" I asked hurriedly as Hiro kissed my neck and ear.

"I love you, Crew. I think I always have, from when I first saw you last semester. There was just something about you," he continued as he continued to gingerly suck on my neck. "I hope that doesn't scare you, but I love you," Hiro murmured as he kissed my throat and up my chin to my lips.

Well he at least tried to kiss my lips but it was hard for him since I was grinning widely.

He leaned his head back and looked at me.

"What's so funny?" he asked quizzically.

"It's just that when we all went to NY over winter break and you stayed home, we talked on my cell and you said `love you' before you hung up and I remember thinking if you meant that or not. I didn't know if I should say it back or not because what if you didn't mean it like how I thought you meant it and then I told you I loved you and you didn't love me back and then I would be one of those needy boyfriends who told their boyfriend they were in love after dating for like a week?" I rambled.

Hiro just smiled. "So, are you going to say it now?" he asked shyly although I think he already knew the answer to that. I couldn't resist having a little fun though.

I turned my eyes to him and widened them innocently. "Oh, I don't know," I said in a singsong. "Let me think it ov-"

I never got to finish my sentence as Hiro kissed me again, sucking on my top lip, occasionally biting on it teasingly.

When he moved to the other side of my neck and was showering it with kisses I whispered, "I love you, too."

He rolled onto his side, taking me with him and he leaned his forehead against mine, staring into my eyes.

"Good," he said simply and I couldn't help giggling at the simple comment that could only come from him.

I kissed him lightly and I felt him reach behind me and wrap my comforter over my body before rubbing my back.

"Don't want you to get cold," he said softly smiling at me.

He pulled me closer and I cupped the side of his face, getting lost in his tender kisses.

As I felt myself becoming hard as our kisses lingered on, I wondered if in fact Hiro and I would be using all those condoms Skyler had given me.

Next: Chapter 14

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