Jumping Over My Mountain

By Tiffani Chin

Published on Apr 24, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is copy right protected. Please do not post it on any other website. If you are not 18 or male on male action offends you, do not continue further. Email me, EliteECrew@verizon.net for any kind of feedback.

Jumping over my Mountain, Chapter 12

Skyler's point of view

As I slowly woke up from my sleep I could feel my muscles aching just lying in bed.

I groaned. Last night in New York had been fucking wild and now my poor body was paying for it.

I felt Zeke's head on my chest and his leg draped over my thighs. I tried to turn into him but my muscles were screaming with pain. I hadn't realized how out of shape I was until now. Maybe Storm was right; I should lay off the carbs and hit the gym more often.

I shook my head. What the hell was I thinking?

No fucking way was I going to give up carbs.

I blinked as sunlight poured into my room. I figured it was noon or well past it. We had gotten home pretty late last night or early in the morning, whatever way you wanted to put it.

I listened to the sounds of the house and I deduced that Storm and Crew were still sleeping because the house was silent. It was Sunday so my Mom was probably visiting the gyms or seeing Aunt Jennifer.

Zeke shifted on me and was now lying directly on top of me, his short buzzed hair tickling my chin. I smiled without moving as I felt him breathing.

I rubbed his bare back slowly and soothingly and I felt him wiggling as he stirred awake.

"What time is it?" he mumbled.

"I don't know," I replied honestly. "Past twelve, I think."

"I need more sleep," he continued sleepily.

"I need to pee, and get some food," I said trying to get off the bed but Zeke's arms suddenly wrapped themselves around me. "Zeke."

"Stay here with me," he pleaded.

"I love you Zeke but I don't want to piss on you," I said forcefully removing his arms. Zeke huffed as he buried his face in my pillow. I smiled and headed to the bathroom down the hall and did my business. I wasn't really in the mood to go back to sleep so I took a fast shower and realized I should have brought some clothes with me instead of just the boxers I was wearing since it was winter and still pretty damned cold. I ran to my room and chucked on a sweater and some jeans and rubbed my arms over my body to create some warmth.

Zeke had fallen back asleep and was now sprawled face up. His eye was a nasty shade of purple and much more swollen than last night and his lips were fatter than usual. I decided to give him some ice later but for now I would let him sleep.

I pulled the covers to his chin and walked quietly out of my room and towards the kitchen.

Halfway there I met Crew who was rubbing his eyes gingerly to avoid his bruised forehead and scraped cheek.

"My nose hurts," he said wrinkling it.

I smiled. "We have ice."

The kitchen was my favorite place in the house. Actually I loved the entire house; my room, the living room, everything. It was a good house.

But the kitchen was huge, plenty of space, lots of counter room, and a large center table with high chairs. It was cool.

I frowned when I walked in.

Shit, Mom wasn't home.

"Uh, Crew, you wouldn't know how to cook something by any chance would you?" I asked uncertainly.

Crew smiled and rolled his eyes. "Jeez, I'm a battered boy and you want me to cook for you?"

I pouted and pleaded, making my eyes extra sad looking.

"Yeah, I can cook, what do you have in the fridge?" he asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know. Fish around, I guess."

Crew emerged with bread, milk, eggs, and tomatoes, peppers, onions, cheese. "French toast and some type of egg omelet?" he asked.

"Sounds good," I agreed.

"Got a pan and some syrup?" Crew asked.

"Not a problem," I said rummaging the cabinets and coming out with two pans, one for the French toast and one for the eggs. I took out some bowls, plates, and utensils.

"Now what?" I asked looking to Crew for direction.

"Um, you can crack the eggs and wash the vegetables and chop them into little pieces," Crew directed.

"Okay," I said finding a large bowl and cracking the eggs. I figured we could wake up Zeke and Storm soon so I cracked about a dozen. Then I got to washing the vegetables and dried them and started to cut them as small as possible.

Meanwhile, I saw Crew mixing eggs, milk, and vanilla extract and mixing it rapidly before placing a slice of bread into it, soaking it thoroughly.

He did about eight slices of bread and started putting them on the frying pan. Seconds later the pleasant smell wafted into my nostrils.

"Oh Crew, I love you," I sighed my stomach growling.

"Because I'm cooking for you?" Crew asked smiling.

"No, I love you in addition to you cooking for me," I corrected smiling as I beat the eggs.

"Cook the vegetables a little first before you add in the eggs," Crew interjected when I was about to dump all the raw vegetables into the bowl.

"Oh right," I said heading to the stove and shoving the vegetables onto an empty pan.

"Add oil first," Crew said as he dumped some oil and turned the heat on. He flipped the French toast over to brown the other sides.

When the vegetables were sizzling, I dumped all the eggs into the pan and just watched it.

Crew was placing three cooked slices of French toast onto a plate and was starting to cook three more. He saw me stand there not knowing what to do and he rolled his eyes as he grabbed a spatula and flipped the eggs around.

"Skyler, you're helpless."

I shrugged. "I never cooked in my entire life."

"Didn't your mom ever show you?"

I shook my head. "I was too lazy to learn. Cooking is rather hard. How did you learn to cook?" I asked curiously.

"Your Mom taught me," Crew replied smirking. "Watch the eggs Sky and keep turning it over so everything gets cooked."

"Yes, sir," I mocked and took the spatula he held out to me.

"You're cooking?" Storm asked as he bounded down the stairs wearing a sweater and jeans similar to mine.

"Did you go stealing clothes from my closet again?" I asked him. Storm chose to ignore me.

"I'm hungry," Storm said taking a bite of the cooked French toast.

Crew took out more bread and eggs and milk since Storm was now with us.

I placed the cooked eggs onto a plate and examined them. The eggs were cooked and the omelet looked pretty colorful with the purple onions, red tomatoes, and green peppers. I sprinkled some cheddar cheese on top and felt myself grinning. I felt strangely proud of this small feat.

"Looking good, bro," Storm said checking out the eggs too.

"Thanks, I know I look good," I said smiling. "But what about the nice egg omelet I made?" Storm rolled his eyes as he took another bite of French toast.

When Crew was finished with all the toast, we all began to eat our eggs and French toast, not talking too much; just satisfying our hunger and sipping the occasional cup of juice.

Zeke was still passed out upstairs and I was wondering why he was the only one not up.

"I'm going to take some food up to Zeke," I said and grabbed two slices of toast and some eggs and a glass of juice.

I walked back up to my room and saw Zeke buried under the covers. I placed the food and juice on my desk.

"Hey Zeke, I think you should wake up now," I said nudging him.

"I feel tired," he muttered.

"I know, but we're all up now. Wake up and eat something. Crew and I cooked," I said enthusiastically.

A blue eye opened up and looked at me. "And that's a good thing?"

"Hey, the eggs are totally edible. Storm and Crew are eating as we speak," I said, "I brought you some breakfast even though its technically lunch time." I yanked the covers off of Zeke and he shivered.

"Wake up," I called out nudging him again.

"What do I have to do to wake you?" I sang out as my hands traveled up Zeke's bare leg and stopped near his boxers. "Do you need a wake up call?" I teased running my hand along Zeke's morning wood.

"Uh, Skyler," he groaned.

I smiled. I squeezed his cock through his boxers tightly. Zeke thrust into my hand with his eyes closed.

"My food is really good," I said bringing the plate closer to him while I lowered his boxers and stroked him a little faster.

Zeke sighed and dug his head further into the pillow.

"Won't you at least try my cooking?" I asked sweetly as I stroked even faster, the pre cum making him slicker. Zeke panted and lifted his hips up and down in time to my moving hand.

"Fuck!" Zeke cried out as he came over my hand and my comforter.

"You made a mess," I said walking to the bathroom.

When I returned I saw Zeke sitting up and eating the eggs and drinking the juice.

"Not bad," he said smiling as he looked at me. I wiped my bed with a rag. "Thanks," Zeke said blushing.

I smiled as I hugged him to me enjoying the warmth of his body.

"So what do you feel like doing today?" I asked.

"I don't know. Anything is fine," Zeke said. "I wouldn't mind just sitting here and spending time with you," he said looking at me.

I stroked his cheek with my thumb. "That's fine too."

I sat beside him and rested my head on his shoulder, just enjoying his company.

As school was starting for me Tuesday I realized with an ache in my stomach that I really wasn't ready to say goodbye to Zeke either.

*** (Crew's point of view) ***

"Wow, you got pretty banged up," Hiro said as he gingerly touched my face. His gentle touch tickled my face.

"It's not too bad," I said watching Hiro as he studied me like I was a patient.

After a late breakfast, I had called up Hiro and since I wasn't in the mood to go out, Hiro had come over to the twin's house instead.

I haven't seen Skyler since he went upstairs to check on Zeke, so I guess he was spending some one on one time with Zeke. Storm was in the basement working out; trying to burn off all the calories he consumed the night before and this morning.

"I didn't even fight," I admitted, "I got knocked down by another guy."

Hiro frowned and he took my hand in his and squeezed. "He did all this?"

I nodded and noticed Hiro's jaw muscles twitching angrily.

"But I'm ok," I added quickly not wanting him to make a big deal out of it.

Hiro didn't seem done fussing over me though as he ran his fingers along my neck and face. "I'm sorry, I wish I was there."

I smiled. "It's not your fault Hiro, and I'm ok," I insisted taking his hands in mine and holding them over the counter top.

Hiro motioned for me to come over, holding his arms wide open. I walked over and let him engulf me in a hug and helped him lift me so I was sitting in his lap. He kissed my forehead where there was a small lump and bruise from where I fell.

"I think we need to get you invested in some karate lessons," Hiro murmured in my ear, his breath tickling my ear.

I laughed. "Maybe, but I don't think I have it in me to learn. I'm not a very good fighter."

"Anyone can be good if they work hard at it," Hiro countered.

"Not me; I freeze up and panic. When everyone started fighting, I couldn't feel my body and I just stood there, unable to do anything. I had no idea there was someone behind me."

Hiro hugged my body tightly. "Next time I'm definitely going with you," he promised kissing the side of my neck.

"I thought you couldn't fight for shit without some kind of weapon?" I teased.

Hiro smiled. "Hey, I'd figure something out. Just as long as you don't get hurt."

I was touched. "My hero," I paused, "Hey, hero and Hiro," I said smiling widely.

Hiro chuckled. "I'm surprised it took you this long to say that to me."

I shrugged and was about to say something further but Hiro reached for my chin and tilted my face so he could kiss me. His lips met mine in a soft kiss and I wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning into him. His lips parted and I slipped my tongue inside and I sighed as Hiro's arm rubbed my lower back gently.

"Ugh, how nauseating."

We broke apart and saw Skyler smirking and Zeke smiling.

"And you call us sickening?" Zeke huffed sarcastically.

"Hey Hiro," Skyler greeted and Hiro nodded in reply.

"What are you guys going to do today?" I asked them.

Skyler shrugged and hugged Zeke from behind. "I don't know. I feel kind of, I don't know, like I don't feel like doing anything."

I nodded. "I kind of feel the same way."

"School is starting soon and it's bumming me out. Having to go back and sit in class, pay attention, take notes, AND read! It's fucking madness!" he sighed dramatically and Hiro and I shared amused glances.

"It will go by fast," I said. "It really does."

"Not fast enough," Zeke mumbled and I knew he was already anticipating the summer where he could spend his time with Skyler again.

"We should really go out and do something," Hiro suggested. "No use sitting around, thinking about school and dreading it."

"I agree," I piped in. "What should we do?" I asked Hiro.

Hiro shrugged. "I take it no one is interested in learning anything new?"

"No learning!" Skyler groaned and Zeke laughed.

Hiro smiled. "Ok, so snowboarding?"

"Too far a drive, I'm too tired," Zeke said and everyone murmured in agreement.

"I can drive. I'm not tired," Hiro offered.

"Ok, that's fine. Snowboarding is like a no brain activity since we know how to do it," Skyler said. "I'll get dressed," he said dragging Zeke by the hand upstairs.

I turned to Hiro. "My stuff is at my house. Can you give me a ride?" I asked.

Hiro nodded and I got off his lap and headed to the door.

*** I started laughing uncontrollably as I scrolled down the IM window on Skyler's laptop.

This was just too funny.

Skyler walked into his bedroom and noticed me by his laptop. He knew what I was looking at.

With one long arm, he bumped me out of the way and I literally went flying face forward. Luckily, there was a pile of clothes on Skyler's floor, probably dirty, but since they cushioned my fall, I was oddly grateful for that dirty laundry.

"Hey!" I protested.

Skyler ignored me. "That's what you get for snooping," he said although he didn't sound angry. He just continued typing away.

"I wasn't snooping," I defended myself standing up and brushing my pants of imaginary dirt. "I was glancing and happened to notice your conversation with Zeke."

I plopped on the bed next to him. "Is this what you do between classes? Instant message Zeke with a bunch of I love you's?"

"Pretty much," Skyler said.

I leaned back into the pile of pillows behind me and watched Skyler type continuously.

It was about a month into the spring semester of our junior year and although I wasn't around when Zeke said goodbye to Skyler, I bet it was really sad for both of them.

They had become so close and attached over winter break. It was no surprise since they had been flirting around and developing something for about a year.

And from the matching rings and professions of love, I'm guessing they were mad serious.

I didn't know Skyler could be serious about anything and anyone, but he really was when it came to Zeke.

And somehow after getting together with Zeke, Skyler was becoming more serious in all aspects of his life. Well, he was still goofy and made jokes or did dumb things, but he was getting his act together. For example, I noticed some exams lying around his apartment and the grades were good. Like A's.

Now I knew Skyler was by no means dumb, but he never got A's. In the past, he never read anything or went to class and now he was pulling off A's like crazy. He modestly said it was because he was going to class, but for some reason he had more focus.

I think because of Zeke he wasn't in the mood to go out and party; he was social by nature, but I'm guessing he didn't feel right getting wasted or high unless Zeke was there. As a result, that left more time for school.

"Why aren't you in school Crew? You've got nothing better to do than drop by randomly in my apartment in the middle of the day?" Skyler joked glancing up at me.

I shrugged. "I have a large break in between my classes and I got bored," I answered.

"You mean Hiro isn't around?" Skyler smirked.

"No," I said averting my eyes.

Skyler laughed. "I understand. If Zeke were around, I'd be like, Crew who?" he teased.

"Thanks," I said laughing along with him. "So is Zeke coming to visit this weekend?" I asked.

Skyler turned off his laptop and shook his head. "No, I don't think we're going to be seeing each other on weekends anymore."

"How come?" I asked frowning.

"I want to go to Florida over Spring break with him and I'm going to put aside some of my snowboarding money and he got a job at school. Unfortunately, it's on the weekends, so yeah," Skyler said.

"Well that's cool. Going to Florida I mean," I said.

Skyler nodded. "Yeah, Ft. Lauderdale is cool. I went there senior year with Storm and there is a small family type hotel room right near the beach, so we don't need a car," he said grinning excitedly. "School blows, why can't it be over already?" he added sighing.

"Don't think about it Sky. Spring break will be here in no time," I reiterated.

Then suddenly a thought occurred to me. "Wait, Zeke said he was coming down here for Spring break and something about seeing his parents?"

A look of understanding dawned on Skyler's face. "Oh yeah, I'm meeting his parents, but the Florida trip will be after that."

"You're meeting his parents?" I asked in surprise, "Wow."

"What?" Skyler asked meeting my eyes.

"You just never met any girl's parents before. I'm a little shocked by all this," I admitted.

Skyler grinned. "Yeah, I'm totally pulling a Storm."

"Is Zeke nervous?" I asked.

"I kind of get the impression he is," Skyler agreed.

I nodded. "That's understandable; his family is," I hesitated, "they're supportive, but it's like a double edged sword. Like they say they're ok with him being gay, but then they ask him questions like, `are you out of this stage yet' or things like that. It really bothers him."

Skyler lifted his chin confidently. "Well, I'm up to the challenge."

I smiled at him. "If anyone can handle his parents, I think you can. Although," I continued, "Zeke's never brought a guy home before so his parents will be in for a shock of their lives also."

"I didn't realize I was his first boyfriend," Skyler said. "He knows he's my first, but I just assumed he had other boyfriends since he was out for such a long time."

"No, he's had-" I trailed off. "You know, you and Zeke can discuss that stuff in more detail."

Skyler studied me but didn't push any further. Skyler remained silent and I just sat there thinking about nothing in particular.

We were shook out of our thoughts with the door slamming.

"Skyler, Mom asked us to have dinner at home tonight. Aunt Jennifer, Jade, and Arthur will be there, too!" Storm's voice called out.

Skyler groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Your cousins?" I asked in amusement.

He nodded. "Jade is cool, but Arthur is so lame. It's gonna be such a pain sitting through dinner with him." He sat up. "Crew, come with."

I shook my head. "No way, it's a family thing, I can't come."

"You're family," Skyler insisted. "Come to dinner, please. My Mom will be so much cooler with you there; I swear she loves you more," he said in a pleading voice, turning his big brown eyes on me.

I laughed. "Fine, I'll go," I relented.

*** I was beginning to know what Skyler meant by his cousin Arthur being lame.

He didn't have half the personality of either twin and he looked stuck up. Not to mention, he seemed to love talking about himself.

The dinner part wasn't bad because Mrs. Chin and her sister were having animated conversations while Skyler, Storm, Jade, and I had our own with Arthur looking at us snootily.

Now after dinner and eating our desserts in the living room, Arthur was yakking about himself while Jade and Storm played video games. Jade was so adorable. If I was a straight guy, I would love her.

She was petite, thin, and really cute. Her high voice was bubbly and seemed to be always full of laughter. She gestured wildly and was competitive and completely able to hold her own against the HALO game she was currently engaged in.

"Take that Storm!" she shouted cutely her short chin length black hair swishing around. "And that's how it's done!" she whooped jumping up, her knee length shirt and beige UGG covered feet bouncing around in a victory dance.

Storm dropped his head in defeat. "Rematch," he demanded and Jade promptly sat down and grabbed the controller.

"So Crew, what's your major?" Arthur asked me.

I turned to him and saw him looking at me with a mixture of interest and disdain.

Apparently, Arthur was one of those Asian kids that thought they were superior to all other races and that really bothered Skyler.

"Exercise Science and Sports Studies, and American History," I replied.

"Double majoring?" Arthur asked raising his brow. "Impressive." Skyler rolled his eyes.

I didn't like the look Arthur gave me. It was like I was worthy of being in his presence now or something.

Arthur was tall and lanky, thinner and shorter than the twins, and had short cropped hair, glasses, and delicate Asian features. He was polite but I got an aloof vibe from him.

Jade and Storm finished their second game, as Jade won remarkably quick and her shouts of victory were amusing.

They joined us at the coffee table to finish their chocolate cake which had been left unattended while they played.

Jade plopped herself between Arthur and me and stuck a large forkful of cake into her mouth.

"Mmm, good," she said emphasizing the taste and squeezing her eyes shut.

We all laughed, except Arthur of course.

For a 17 year old girl, Jade was certainly a character.

"So, Sky, Storm, dating anyone new?" she asked.

I saw Storm glance at Skyler but didn't say anything. I got the feeling that their cousins didn't know about Skyler's recent status change in his sexuality. I remembered Skyler mentioning that these cousins weren't at this year's Christmas party because they had gone out of the country.

But in typical Skyler fashion, he forged ahead without missing a beat.

"Yeah," he answered.

"Yeah, is it going to last longer than the weekend?" Jade teased.

Skyler smiled at her. "It already has," he replied.

"Really?" Jade asked in surprise. "Are you gonna marry her?" she asked.

Storm and I immediately looked at Skyler, wondering what he would say.

"I don't think so," he smiled. "But I think we'll be together a long time, if not forever."

"Then why won't you get married?" Arthur frowned.

"We can't," Skyler said simply.

"How come?" Jade asked curiously.

"Well, last I checked, two guys can't get married," he replied.

I saw Arthur's face go pale, and Jade looked surprised.

After a pause, Jade spoke up. "You're gay?" she asked.

"I was bisexual, but I've given it some time and thought, and I've decided I'm gay," Skyler said grinning.

"What about all those girls?" Jade asked wide eyed.

Skyler shrugged. "They were fun, but it's nothing compared to what I have with Zeke."

"Zeke?" Arthur asked uneasily.

"My boyfriend," Skyler said in challenging tone, as if daring him to say something.

Jade squealed. "You have a boyfriend?!? That is so cute!"

I chuckled.

"What does he look like? How old is he? Can I meet him?" she asked in a rush.

Skyler and Storm laughed.

"Well he's our age, he goes to school in Boston so you probably can't meet him too soon, and as for his looks, he looks like him," Skyler said jutting his chin in my direction, "only cuter," he added smirking.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

Jade gave me an appraising look. "Nice. Lucky you," she said to Skyler. He laughed and I blushed.

"Will you guys take me shopping?" Jade burst out. She was definitely related to Skyler; she jumped from question to question and it was sometimes hard to keep up with her.

"Just because we're gay doesn't mean we want to go shopping with a girl," Skyler said rolling his eyes. "We're still guys."

Jade pouted. "Some gay guy you are," she said, but she was smiling. "I'm going to get more cake," and she stood up heading towards the kitchen.

"So Arthur, got a boyfriend yet?" Skyler asked.

Arthur looked stunned. "I'm not gay," he spat out.

"Really?" Skyler asked in mock surprise. "So those glasses are some kind of fashion statement then? My mistake," Skyler said faking sincerity.

Arthur got up and stalked into the kitchen.

"He deserved to be knocked down a peg or two," Skyler said taking a gulp of milk. "He's always such an ass to me and Storm."

He looked at me seriously. "He's just pissed that Storm and I are smarter, better looking, and more athletic than he is. He's just jealous. Hell, if I were him, I'd be jealous of us, too," he finished.

There was a pause and Skyler burst out laughing and even Storm was snorting while trying to stifle his own laughter. I guess Storm agreed with Skyler's assessment of their cousin.

Arthur walked back into the room at just that moment.

"Hey buddy," Skyler said in a suspicious sounding tone and Arthur looked uneasily at Storm and Skyler as they both shared another laugh.

*** "Spring break has officially begun for me!" Skyler yelled as he flopped on the leather couch. I was chilling at his place while I was on break between my classes. Although Skyler didn't have Friday classes, I did, so I still had one more day left, but I was definitely feeling the excitement of spring break.

I know why Skyler was excited; he could see Zeke again and go to Florida, but I was excited because this was going to be my first vacation with Hiro, as a couple.

A week ago he had told me we were going to do something fun over spring break and I curiously asked him what that was, but he refused to tell me.

I liked surprises, but I hated waiting to know what was going on so I bothered him incessantly although he didn't seem to mind my whining or curious begging.

Finally one night he relented and told me he had booked a hotel in Vermont for five days, so we could go snowboarding together. The weather here was getting a little too warm and the mountain had closed down a few times because of the lack of snow.

When I found out I was so happy and excited to spend all that alone time with Hiro and go snowboarding and very pleased he had been so thoughtful.

I was also a littler nervous too, though.

Hiro and I had officially begun dating in early January and we technically hadn't been a couple for too long, but we had been close ever since we met. Lately, sex had been on my mind a lot, probably because Skyler kept talking about how he couldn't wait to jump Zeke's bones. I was wondering if I should take the next step with Hiro or if I should wait. Hiro hadn't given any indication of wanting to have sex yet and while I was happy we weren't rushing ahead, I was secretly curious as to why we haven't done anything. Was Hiro as nervous as I was? I wondered if he had more experience than me? I didn't have much; Hela and I never had anal sex so I was kind of still in the dark.

And now we were going to be together in another state for four nights and I was just wondering what I should do.

I mean I had stayed at Hiro's place lots of time and he had stayed at mine occasionally and we always slept in the same bed, but we never messed around.

The only difference now was that we were on vacation and somehow, the thought of going away for spring break and having a hotel room with my boyfriend got me thinking a whole lot more about sex.

Damn it.

Zeke's point of view

"Zeke!" Crew said, his expression shocked when he opened the door and I pushed past him into his house.

"What are you doing here?" he asked in confusion, "I thought you weren't coming home until tomorrow?"

I was panting and wringing my hands. "Dude, I'm totally panicking."

"Why?" Crew asked closing the door and facing me.

"You know how Sky's meeting my parents?" I asked and Crew nodded. "Well, I'm seriously regretting my saying yes to this whole thing."

Crew smiled. "Zeke, it's going to be fine."

"No it won't," I said fervently. "Crew, come on, you know my parents. They're both equally bad and obnoxious. God, this is so fucking messed up," I said sitting in a chair and dropping my head into my hands.

Crew sympathetically rubbed my shoulder. "Listen Zeke, it's better this way. Your parents will finally know how serious you are about being gay," he said referring to my mother and father always saying how I would grow out of my "stage". "And now they can meet Skyler, someone who will be with you for many more years. It's good to get it all out there."

"My parents are gonna be insulting him left and right," I mumbled miserably.

"So what?"

I looked up at Crew incredulously.

"So what?" Crew repeated. He sat down beside me. "Zeke, the only one who is agonizing over this is you. I bet your mom and dad don't get worked up over any of this, because they're too ignorant. And you know Skyler won't let anything they say bother him, so the only person left is you. Just ignore whatever they say; you have Skyler and I know how much he cares about you," Crew reasoned. He stared into my eyes. "Did you know Skyler turned down every party this past semester and spent his time talking to you on the phone?" he asked seriously. "Trust me, you're really important to him and besides, you know Skyler. He ignores all things parental."

I smiled. "Yeah, Skyler doesn't let people's opinions get to him."

"Yeah, so why are you freaking out?"

I shrugged. "I guess I just got a mild panic attack or something. Thanks for helping me."

"No problem," he responded smiling.

I glanced at his bags sitting by his bedroom.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked.

Crew grinned. "Yeah, Hiro's taking me to Vermont. It was supposed to be a surprise, but I weaseled it out of him," he said proudly.

I raised my brow. "You're going away with him?"

He nodded.

"Wow, so you guys are getting serious too huh?" I asked smiling.

Crew looked at his hands. "Yeah, I guess we are."

"It looks like things are really working out for the both of us," I commented thoughtfully.

"Yeah," Crew agreed softly.

"It's about time," I added, looking at him.

"Definitely," Crew said. He glanced at me. "Does Skyler know you're here?"

I looked away. "No."

Crew looked amused. "You wanted a day to vent?"

"Yeah, I didn't want to freak out in front of him," I admitted.

"I don't think he would have minded you freaking out on him. I'm sure he could have comforted you," Crew teased.

"Yeah, Skyler is real good at comforting," I snickered.

Crew got quiet and I studied him. "What?" I asked.

Crew was still silent.

"Something on your mind?" I pressed.

Crew looked up at me. "I was just wondering," he hesitated.

"Yea?" I asked wondering why Crew was having so much trouble saying something to me of all people.

"When did you and Skyler, I mean when did you decide you were ready to have sex?" he finally got out.

I raised my brow. "Why, are you planning to have sex with Hiro in Vermont?"

Crew avoided my eyes. "Well no, I wasn't planning anything, exactly," he stammered, "I was just wondering how you and Skyler got, you know, it started."

I laughed. "How we got it started?"

Crew shot me a dirty look. "You know what I mean."

"I don't know what to tell you Crew. It just sort of happened. I know it's not a good answer, but we kissed and things went from there. I guess we both just felt ready and went with it," I explained, "But if you're thinking so much over it, you're probably not ready. You wouldn't have to ask yourself if you're ready, you would just know it."

Crew nodded thoughtfully. "I guess."

"Has Hiro been pressuring you?" I asked curiously although I already knew the answer to that. Hiro barely spoke let alone pressured anyone to do something. He was usually the mediator or the peacemaker.

Crew shook his head. "No way. I was just thinking about it lately."

I smiled at him mischievously. "Have sex on the brain, do you?" I teased and smiled as he blushed profusely.

"I don't know. I was just thinking maybe it was time for us to take it to the next level," Crew said shrugging. "How come this is so hard for me, but everything was so easy for you?" he groaned.

I took a carton of chocolate milk from his fridge.

"Crew, don't stress. While you're on your trip, once you guys start getting physical, make a move and see how he reacts," I suggested.

"But I would feel awkward doing that," he protested.

"I don't think you should feel awkward. I doubt Hiro would turn you down, let alone turn sex down," I said rolling my eyes. "Who would turn down sex?"

"We've only been a couple since mid January. I don't want to give him the wrong idea," Crew argued.

"Yeah, but you guys were practically married to one another since September," I countered.

He looked at me questioningly. "You know, being together without the sex or anything. Like married."

"Besides, Hiro's obviously into you. I can just tell. I'm sure he wants to become more intimate also, but doesn't want to push you either," I said.

"Maybe," Crew said nodding. "I guess I'll figure it out," he said sighing.

"Little Crew is growing up so fast. So sad," I said sighing.

Crew glared at me.

"Crew's going to have sex for the first time, wow, how the time flies," I went on as Crew frowned at me. "Do you need some tips? Want me to buy you some condoms?" I teased reaching to pinch his red cheeks.

He slapped my hand away and reached for the cordless phone.

"Maybe I should call Skyler and tell him you lied about coming in tomorrow," he threatened.

"Shit," I muttered and I stood up and Crew backed away.

"Crew, come on," I said following him.

I watched as he pressed the talk button.

"Crew, don't," I ordered.

Crew stumbled over a soccer ball on the floor and I lunged forward, toppling him over.

We rolled around in his living room, each trying to pin one another.

"Asshole!" Crew called out.

"You're the asshole!" I shot back.

"No, you're the asshole!" Crew said.

"No, you're the asshole," I said gritting my teeth.

"No, you're the-" Crew began.

"Truce!" I shouted.

Crew dropped the phone, panting.

"I was trying to help," I said giggling as we lay beside one another.

"I know," Crew said laughing with me. "Actually, some condoms would be nice." I laughed loudly.

*** The door swung open and I had no time to react as a pair of arms wrapped around me and lips were on top of mine, prying mine open.

I melted into Skyler's embrace and kissed him back as he pushed me against the door.

"I missed you," Skyler said as I leaned my head back to look at him.

"Storm?" I asked in surprise.

Skyler grinned and stepped away from me. "You don't recognize your own boyfriend? We haven't been apart that long," he joked.

I shook my head. "You cut your hair," I stated.

Skyler had cut his hair not exactly like Storm's, but very similar. While Storm's was short, he had enough hair to mess it up, but Skyler's hair was short all over, but longer on the top, even giving some slight bangs. Right now he had put some gel in his hair and he spiked the top up in choppy pieces. I liked his new haircut; the shorter do showed off more of his perfect bone structure and perfect skin; and the pseudo bangs drew attention to his beautiful dark, round eyes. He looked good, but then again he always looked good to me.

"You look great," I said running my eyes down his black dress pants and shoes, and black dress shirt underneath his preppy red and black checkered sweater.

Skyler smiled. "Yeah, I wanted to change up my look. I was getting bored of all my hair and these pants are nice. I'm going to have to buy my own one of these days," he said.

"Storm's?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yeah, like I own dress pants," he scoffed.

He drew me to him again. "So you ready to head out soon?"

I hugged him and inhaled his cologne. "Yeah," I said reluctantly.

"It's going to be fine," Skyler reassured me rubbing his arms in circles around my back.

I tightened my arms around him and didn't say anything.

"Come on baby, we should head out soon. We don't want to be late for your Dad," Skyler said.

I nudged his chest with my face.

"We have a half hour drive to their house," Skyler continued but he didn't release me.

"I missed you," I said raising my head and kissing his neck.

Skyler groaned. "We don't have time," he said but he hugged me tighter.

I sucked on his neck and he moaned a little louder and I felt him poking me.

"Little Sky missed me too?" I asked grinning.

"Very much," Skyler panted. His hands cupped my ass and he rubbed his erection into my crotch and attacked my mouth hungrily with his lips.

I felt my knees give out and I fell forward onto Skyler.

"Oh shit, Skyler," I moaned.

He grabbed my hand. "Maybe we have some time," and he pulled me further into the apartment towards his bedroom.

With a smile he threw me onto his bed his hands reaching for my belt.

"Zeke, breathe will you?" Skyler murmured in my ear as we walked up the concrete steps to my Dad's house in Edison.

I took a deep breath and felt Skyler's hand wrap around mine.

He smiled at me. "I'm here, ok?"

I nodded weakly. "I know," I croaked out quietly.

I rang the doorbell and my Dad opened the door.

"Zeke!" he greeted waving me in.

He smiled faintly at Skyler but I could tell it didn't quite reach his eyes.

I immediately felt my stomach drop and I knew this dinner was going to go down the toilet ASAP.

"Come in," he said motioning at us.

"I'm Andrew," my Dad said shaking Skyler's hand.

"Skyler Chin."

"Let's go to the dining room. Dinner is almost ready," my Dad said.

Skyler smiled confidently at me and gave me a gentle push.

We went into the dining room and I noticed my stepmother placing some dishes in the center of the table.

I also noticed another guy sitting at the table and he smiled at me.

I looked at Skyler and he looked just as surprised and a little curious.

I just had a bad feeling about all of this.

Skyler and I sat side by side across from the stranger. Skyler being Mr. Friendly and Social got the introductions rolling.

"Hey, I'm Skyler."

"I'm Oliver," the guy said smiling at Skyler. "You're Zeke?" he asked me.

I nodded.

"Your Mom told me all about you," Oliver said.

"Stepmother," I corrected and I could feel the glare coming from my father.

I suddenly felt very uneasy with the way Oliver was looking at me. It was definitely a look of interest and it was making me uncomfortable. I was with my boyfriend for god's sake. I didn't want another guy hitting on me right in front of him.

"Oliver just moved here from Canada," Michelle, my stepmother said smiling at Oliver.

"Oh yeah?" Skyler asked. "Why'd you choose Jersey?"

"My sister lives here and needed some help jump starting the spa she recently opened up. So I decided to help her out," Oliver explained.

"He's very good at massages," Michelle gushed. "You have to get one Zeke," she said.

Oh God. This was another one of her infamous setups.

I glanced at Skyler out of the corner of my eye. Her timing couldn't have been worse.

Well, I was going to have to do something about this.

I cleared my throat. "Michelle, this is Skyler."

Michelle smiled widely, showing off her perfect, even, white teeth. "Hello Skyler."

"My boyfriend," I added pointedly.

Michelle looked at me in surprise and then at Skyler, and finally at my Dad.

"Andrew, you said Zeke was bringing over just a friend, not his boyfriend," she said.

Dad shrugged. "I guess our communication got mixed up."

Communication my ass.

He purposely did this. He didn't want to admit I was gay so when I mentioned bringing Skyler over, he just considered Skyler a friend.

I glanced at Oliver who didn't seem heart broken that I had a boyfriend. In fact, he was looking back and forth between Skyler and me with even more interest and something in his expression made me nervous.

His look could only be described as plotting, mischievous, challenging even. It was an odd combination but back in the day I had planned some stupid things and I could spot a plotting face when it was presented blatantly in front of me.

I looked at Skyler who was already chatting with Michelle and smiling broadly.

I met Oliver's eyes and he smiled at me, like a prospective suitor would to a woman.

I swallowed.

Yup, dinner was a HUGE ass mistake.

Next: Chapter 13

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