Jumping Over My Mountain

By Tiffani Chin

Published on Apr 17, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is copy right protected. Please do not post it on any other website. If you are not 18 or male on male action offends you, do not continue further. Email me, EliteECrew@verizon.net for any kind of feedback.

Jumping over my Mountain, Chapter 10

(Helaku's point of view)

"It's so cold," I said pulling the covers tighter around my body.

"Stop complaining baby. I'll keep you warm," Bryce said. I felt him pressing his body against me.

"That was one notch below creepy Bryce."

He started laughing and the deep sound resounded into my back.

His hands began wandering across my naked body and I felt them going lower.

"Bryce," I said as I felt his hardness pressed against me. "We've been going at it all week nonstop. It's Saturday now, I need a break," I moaned.

Bryce chuckled. "No break for you," he said kissing my shoulders.

"I haven't even moved in yet. I still need my stuff," I mumbled turning around to face Bryce.

"You don't need anything," Bryce said leaning towards me.

"I have nothing here but one suit," I said incredulously.

"Well you can have the job of being my pool boy and you'll never need clothes again." I laughed. "Are you on that pool boy idea again?"

"Sorry, the idea of you cleaning my pool naked gets me hot," Bryce said thrusting against my thigh.

"I can tell," I said leaning closer so I could thrust against him too.

"I want you in me," Bryce said and he straddled my waist.

"You're killing me," I mock complained.

"Too bad," Bryce said as he eased himself onto me which wasn't very difficult considering he was still slick from our previous love making.

Once he sat down completely I was overtaken by the sheer pleasure of being engulfed by his tight, hot hole.

I gripped his hips and moaned as Bryce slowly began to rock back and forth on me.

I felt like I couldn't get enough oxygen as Bryce increased his pace and was riding me faster now, lifting himself up and down.

"Fuck, Bryce," I said through gritted teeth as I lifted my hips to meet his thrusts.

"Helaku, I'm gonna cum soon," he said as he placed his hands on my chest and started rocking on my cock, not moving a whole lot, but he was groaning a lot so I assumed my cock was stimulating his prostate.

I felt his body tense up and he came all over my chest, his hands applying more pressure on my pecs as his orgasm ripped through his body.

He squeezed his eyes shut and I saw the muscles in his neck straining as he threw his head back, crying out loudly.

"Did you come?" he asked when he returned back to normal.

I shook my head.

"Good, because I wanted to go again," he said smiling rocking over me again.

"Bryce, when did you become so horny?" I said holding his hips again.

"I don't know. Ever since we broke up I couldn't stop thinking about you and now that I have you again I plan on making good use of you," he said jokingly.

Suddenly I rolled him over onto his back and I was leaning into between his legs as I thrust into him now.

Bryce moaned at the sudden change in position.

He sighed and reached for his cock but I took his wrists and pinned them over his head. I continued to thrust into him, going relatively fast and hard as Bryce's head dug into the pillow each time.

"I'm getting close," he gasped.

"Me too," I grunted.

I wrapped one hand around Bryce's throbbing cock and stroked him quickly in time with my fast and short thrusts.

"Hela," Bryce panted wiggling in agony beneath me, his arms struggling against my restraining hands.

I couldn't hold back anymore and I felt myself bursting cum into Bryce's ass. I continued to stroke Bryce hard and with a loud shout he came again onto my chest, some of it hitting my neck and his chin.

"Stop baby. It's getting too sensitive," he said. I slowly unwrapped my fingers and just leaned over him. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and just kissed him for awhile.

"We need to get up before our cum dries up. I don't feel like having my chest hair waxed off," Bryce panted.

I pulled myself slowly out of his ass not wanting to hurt him.

Bryce laid there catching his breath still and his eyes looked glazed over, his blond bangs clinging to his damp sweaty forehead.

I lifted him up off the bed.

"Where are you taking me?" he asked weakly.

I didn't answer him but continued walking through his living room and through a small glass door.

"Helaku," he said in a warning tone as I got closer to the large indoor pool.

"Helaku, don't," he said his arms wrapping tightly around my neck.

"I won't be the naked pool boy today but I can be the naked lifeguard," I said and I dropped him in the water, letting his splash wash over me.

Bryce resurfaced and paddled onto his back.

He was grinning. "Well aren't you going to save me?" he asked.

I jumped into the pool cannonball style.

"Jeez, it really is cold," Bryce said hugging himself as I drove over to my apartment to collect some things.

"I told you it was," I said.

"We didn't really have to get your stuff today did we?" he asked giving me a puppy eyed look. I had been staying at Bryce's for awhile

"Unless you want me to go home and move in next weekend," I said eyeing him. Bryce shook his head.

"I want you with me," he said holding my free hand while I turned into the complex and drove easily into a spot.

"Ok, get ready to help me pack. I have tons of stuff to bring," I said. Bryce made a face and I laughed.

I led him up the stairs but couldn't get very far before Skyler and Zeke bounded down.

I took a step back remembering the time Zeke punched me and Skyler came this close to beating me.

They were laughing and holding hands. Skyler was wrapping a scarf around Zeke's neck with one hand while his other hand was around Zeke's waist.

When they saw me they both stopped laughing and walking. I couldn't get around them however since they were blocking my path.

"Hey," I said nervously stepping in front of Bryce in case Skyler decided to go all ape shit.

"Hela!" Skyler cried out smiling and jumping into my arms.

Instinctively I caught him in my arms and held him.

"Storm told me you and Crew made up and are all chummy so I forgive you for being an ass and assaulting me in my own apartment," he said jumping back down to the ground.

"Uh, thanks," I said in confusion.

"And you have a boyfriend?" Skyler asked.

Before I could answer Skyler and Zeke had their eyes on Bryce who was looking nervous and was slowly edging closer to me.

"Is this him?" Zeke asked grinning.

"I think it is," Skyler said to Zeke.

They looked at each other and a knot of fear formed in my stomach.

"I'm Zeke and this is Skyler. What's your name?" Zeke asked in a much too friendly tone.

"Uh, Bryce," he said taking my hand.

Zeke and Skyler looked at each other again.

They turned to Bryce. "Nice to meet you Bryce!" they chimed in unison and together they leapt onto poor Bryce who fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Zeke and Skyler covered Bryce's face with loud kisses enunciated by smacking sounds.

I couldn't even help laughing. This was just too funny. My poor blond boyfriend.

Zeke and Skyler jumped up; Skyler looking completely unfazed by what he had done.

"We're going ice skating," he said shoving a hat onto Zeke's head.

"I don't like hats," Zeke said pulling it off.

"I don't want you to get sick," Skyler said shoving the hat over Zeke's eyes.

"What about you?" Zeke asked.

"I have longer hair. That's my hat," Skyler said taking Zeke's hand. He turned to Bryce who was lying on the ground in shock. "See you later Bryce."

Without another word or glance they walked out the main entrance area.

I turned to Bryce and saw him glaring at me. "Well aren't you going to help me up or are you going to just stare at me?"

I smirked and reached a hand down to pull him up.

"You could have warned me," he said wiping his face of their saliva.

"I had no idea they would do this. Skyler is known for crazy shit but he's been so mad at me that I expected him to just ignore me as usual," I explained.

"Why was he ignoring you?" Bryce asked as I took his hand and continued walking up the stairs.

"The whole thing with Crew. Skyler is extremely loyal, of course taking Crew's side and he didn't speak a word to me for like, when did Crew and I break up?" I wondered aloud. "Holy shit, about nine or ten months."

"He didn't speak to you for that long?" Bryce asked shocked.

I nodded. "Well, we weren't that close to begin with but since Skyler and Storm are brothers, I obviously didn't see much of Storm. The whole loyalty thing."

"Well it seems he has forgiven you," Bryce said. "And they've taken a liking to me. I have to wash my face," he said grimacing. "They gave me sloppy kisses."

"Come on, the sooner we get packed up the sooner we can go to our house," I told him pulling him along into my apartment.

Bryce smiled. "I like the sound of that."

"Of what?"

"Our house," Bryce said emphasizing `our'.

"Me too," I said nudging him as I first headed into my bedroom to get all my clothes packed.

I never realized I had so many clothes before. I guess things just accumulate.

I handed Bryce another bag to carry down and he grunted under the weight.

"That's it, no more shopping for you," he mumbled.

I smiled and steered him towards the door, picking up two heavy bags myself.

"Be careful," I advised.

"Of course I will dear," came Bryce's smart reply.

"Well that's all the stuff I need. The rest I can leave here until the lease is up and I officially have to move out," I said.

"Good, we can go home now?" Bryce asked hopefully.

I kissed him quickly. "Yup."

He hopped into the car cheerily and I laughed at the skip in his steps.

When we got back to his place we started to kiss before we even got inside.

As soon as we stepped inside, continuing our make out session, the kitchen was flooded with light and we broke apart abruptly; momentarily shocked.

I saw a figure walking towards us and I placed my arm in front of Bryce as I felt my body tense up.

"Dad," Bryce said with worry in his voice.

I tensed up even more.

(Zeke's point of view)

"Zeke hold still!" Skyler instructed me, his hand gripping my neck tightly. I groaned as my neck stiffened.

Skyler and I had about a week and a half to spend together. My college in Boston started the spring semester about a week later and I needed time to drive up there and stuff. I agreed to stay a little longer and tag along with him to his classes, and I was glad for the extra time. I was prolonging the very sad and very inevitable good bye.

We both had purposely not mentioned my leaving, I think because we both got too sad over it and I know Skyler wanted to make the most of our time. That's just how he was.

And right now we were doing what we did best.

And no, we were not having sex like rabbits; we were being a couple of idiots.

Skyler was putting make up on me.

Yes, make up that he had taken from his mom's house.

"Why would you want to put makeup on me?" I asked.

Skyler grinned and shrugged. "I'm bored. Come on, do it. You're prettier than I am anyway."

"Prettier?" I demanded.

Skyler's grin widened. "Devastatingly handsome. And you have the most amazing blue eyes, that will be brought out with mascara," he said in a talk show like voice while he held up a tube of mascara. "Now hold still," he said reaching for me. I tried to move away but Skyler caught onto me and pulled me towards him. I sighed and stayed still and looked upwards so he could put mascara on me.

"You're lucky I love you enough to let you put makeup on me," I grumbled.

Skyler smiled at me and I felt him brush my eyelashes gently. "I love you, too. If it makes you feel better you can put mascara on me too," he offered. I smiled.

When he was done I tried to stand but he pushed me back down and whipped out blue eye shadow. I groaned.

"Fuck, Sky, how much makeup did you take from your mom?"

Skyler applied some to his finger. "She has a lot of makeup," was all he said as he started brushing some on my eyelids. He glanced at my lips. "Nice lips," he commented, "Don't need any gloss or anything."

I smirked. "Give me a mirror," I commanded. Skyler handed one over and I looked at my reflection. I laughed out loud. Skler could have a career as a makeup artist. I thought I would end up looking like a drag queen or something, but he applied a very light coating of eye shadow and just enough mascara to make my lashes look darker but not overly dark or feminine.

"Wow, aside from the fact that you put makeup on your boyfriend," I teased, "You're really good with makeup. Too bad you're not a woman so you can wear it."

Skyler tilted his nose in the air. "I don't need any makeup. I'm naturally flawless looking," he scoffed in a haughty manner that caused both of us to crack up.

"Seriously Skyler, you're really good."

Skyler shrugged. "It's because I like art and when I paint or sketch or whatever, I know what color combinations to use and stuff. It's no big deal," he said caressing my eyelids.

"You should make this your career," I suggested, "It would be fun and lucrative. Plus I can't imagine you having a desk job," I added.

Skyler chuckled. "Yeah, I know. I can barely sit still in class. The truth is I don't know what I'm going to do after graduation," he said his expression becoming serious.

"You're majoring in Journalism right?" I asked.

Skyler nodded. "Yeah, I did the whole media, communications thing because I like to write and create pieces and presentations don't freak me out like it does most people. The requirements are tough and all, but it's the only thing I was decent enough to do in college. I completely suck at science and math, which is odd since I'm Asian. That's more of Storm's area," he said.

"You want to be a reporter?" I asked.

Skyler shook his head. "Nah, I just want to do something I like. I don't want a dead end job where I feel like killing myself at the end of the day. I think it would be cool to work for a magazine, but it's too soon to tell. All I can do is graduate and hope for the best when it comes to the job market," Skyler said thoughtfully.

"Well I think you should explore your artistic side. You're really good! You can do so many things with art. You can design shirts, advertising, makeup, there's so much," I said excitedly.

Skyler smiled at me and rubbed my head. "Yeah, art is only a hobby for me. My Dad thinks it would lead no where. He's only semi happy with my major now. I know he wishes I did what Storm did."

"What is Storm's major?"

"Accounting, finance, all that boring crap. It's just not me," Skyler said rubbing his fingers together.

Even thought Skyler and I spent a lot of time together and I knew we cared for each other, we never really had a serious talk about anything. We were always too busy having fun together.

This was definitely eye opening for me.

"You know when my parents divorced, I was kind of glad," Skyler said quietly. I didn't say anything and just let him get out what he wanted to say.

"My Dad was always on my case about stuff. I slacked off too much in school and went out too much. He was always comparing me to Storm and it became such a pain in the ass. I get along ok with my Dad but that's because I rarely see him because of his new wife. I get along so much better with my Mom. She wants me to do better in school but she encourages me to find something I'm happy with," Skyler said in a faraway voice.

Skyler looked at me and smiled faintly. "I love Storm and I'm glad I have a brother, especially a twin, but sometimes it would be nice to just be Skyler and not Skyler vs. Storm."

I grabbed his face and looked him in the eye. "I don't compare you to anyone Skyler. You're my Skyler and I love you exactly as you are. In fact, if you ever changed, I might have to leave you," I said letting go of him.

Skyler immediately grinned and yanked me back to him. He kissed me slowly and pulled back. "Thanks baby."

"Oh I do have one comparison between you two," I said solemnly.

Skyler looked at me questioningly.

"I think you're way hotter than Storm," and Skyler hugged me even tighter, cracking up and then he showered my face with kisses.

"I'll be right back," Skyler said getting up and running to his room. He came back seconds later with a black Polaroid camera in his hand.

He sat back down next to me and held the camera in front of us and took a picture. The flash blinded me and after I regained my vision, I saw Skyler holding the picture and fanning it out.

When it was more visible he handed it to me. "This is for you; something to remember our silly moments when you leave."

As soon as he mentioned my leaving we both got quiet.

I guess there was no way of avoiding that topic no matter how hard we tried.

After I was silent for a few minutes, Skyler took my hand.

"Listen Zeke, when you go back everything is going to be fine between us, you know that right?" he asked staring into my eyes.

I nodded, although a bit sadly. I avoided his eyes.

"Look, it's only about four months and it's not too far. We can go back and forth to visit and then there's spring break. Then we get the whole summer again," Skyler continued optimistically.

He cradled me against his chest and hugged me tightly. "Zeke, we love each other. I know we can make this work," he said kissing my cheek. "Please don't feel sad baby, you can call me every night or I'll call you every night, like some stalker boyfriend," Skyler added which elicited a small smile from me.

"I can even show up at your dorm and pee around the perimeter to mark my territory," Skyler said pinching my stomach playfully. I laughed at that.

"You and your gross humor," I said.

"So you agree with me that we can make this work? We'll put in the effort?" Skyler asked nuzzling my cheek. I leaned against him and sighed.

"Of course we will Skyler. I don't want to lose you," I said slightly horrified at the idea.

"You'll never lose me Zeke. You're a lot of firsts for me, and I don't think I'll ever be able to give you up. It looks like you're stuck with a Skyler permanently attached to you," he added gently nipping my ear.

I sighed again. "I just wish we could have this forever. I mean live together and see each other everyday. I hate this whole college thing and leaving you. I'm beginning to hate Boston," I grumbled.

Skyler kissed my neck. "We'll move in together one day," he said so matter of fact that I turned to him quizzically. Skyler continued, "I think after we graduate we should move in together. But I don't want to live in New Jersey anymore. We should move somewhere else, but together."

I looked at him with amusement. "You've given this some thought haven't you?" I asked.

Skyler shrugged nonchalantly. "A little. I just know that I want a change of scenery when I graduate and I want you to be with me. It could be anywhere, really, as long as I have you."

I was so touched. Who knew goofy Skyler could be so sentimental.

"Well, wherever you decide to go, I'll be happy to go with you," I proclaimed.

"Really?" he asked.

"Absolutely Skyler. I love you, and I feel as if you're my family now. I don't think I can be away from you too long in the future." I looked at him thoughtfully. "Won't you miss Storm?" I wondered.

Skyler laughed. "Of course I'll miss him but we can always visit each other. There's no set plan for us to live in the same state or together for the rest of our lives."

"But you're twins," I said in amazement.

"I know, I got that memo," Skyler joked.

"Does Storm know you want to go off somewhere after graduation?"

Skyler shrugged. "I didn't mention it to him. None of our plans are set. I think he said something about wanting to move to New York. We're different and we want different things," he explained. "Or he could always live next door to us," Skyler added contemplatively. "I have lived with him for twenty years straight."

He shook his head as if clearing his head of those thoughts and looked at me.

"What about your family?" Skyler questioned.

"What about them?" I asked shrugging.

"Well, I know I'll miss my family and visit them as often as possible, but are you going to visit yours?"

I shrugged noncommittally. "To be honest, I'm not too sure. I'm really not close to my family, at all. Not like yours anyway."

I was silent as I thought about my family. "My parents divorced too and they both remarried. I get along okay with both of my step parents, but I haven't spent much time with them since I went off to college or when I came out to them period."

Skyler frowned. "But they're okay with you being gay?"

I nodded. "Yeah, they've accepted it and they still provided for me, but I feel as if they lost some respect for me, especially my real Dad. My mom and step parents just don't understand how I can have feelings for the same sex." Skyler stroked my face sympathetically.

"It doesn't really bother me. I get on just fine without them. My coming out could have been worse," I reasoned.

"True," Skyler agreed. He paused.

"Can I meet them?" he asked.

"Meet who?" I asked confusedly.

"Your parents; both sets of parents," Skyler said rubbing his nose in my hair and inhaling.

"You really want to?" I asked in surprise turning around so I was face to face with him.

"Of course I do Zeke. You met my entire family and besides we're getting more serious. I want to meet your parents," Skyler insisted. "Don't you want them to meet me?"

I didn't say anything.

"Or were you planning on not telling them anything about your gay life and ignore them forever?"

I sighed. Skyler knew me all too well.

"I just don't want them to make judgments about you Sky. You're important to me and I don't want them to knock you down in front of me. That's what they do. They have no respect for me or what's important to me," I said getting slightly angry now.

"You can't let them bother you," Skyler advised. "Trust me when I meet them they won't be able to break me or run me off or anything like that. You know me, I take everything in stride."

I nodded in agreement. "That you do." I smiled at him. "Actually, it would be pretty funny to see you meet them."

"How so?"

"Because you're going to be all honest and have these ridiculous answers or comments and they won't know how to react. It would be funny to watch them try to adjust to everything. You know I really would like you to meet my parents," I stated kissing him softly on the lips.

"Good. So I was thinking over spring break?" Skyler pressed. "When you come back down?"

"Ok," I agreed a little lost in my thoughts.

Skyler spun me around and I was sitting in his lap, straddling him. He grinned at me and held up the tube of mascara. "So you want to do my eyelashes?" he asked batting his eyes.

I smirked and grabbed the tube from his hand. Skyler always knew how to cheer me up.

"Thanks Sky."

He squeezed my sides reassuringly in response.

(Helaku's point of view)

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Bryce asked swallowing nervously.

I took in his father's appearance, which reminded me of my fathers. Bryce's father looked like Bryce; with the blond hair and blue eyes, six foot three stature, but he had my father's distinguished, mature, business man look. He was more intimidating than my father in my opinion, but then again, I wasn't too intimidated by my father. He was my Dad after all.

"I came here to talk some sense into you Bryce. You've had some time to cool off and maybe think things over."

I looked at Bryce in confusion.

Bryce's mouth was set in a firm line. "There was nothing to think over. I told you I was gay, you said you despised me more or less and then I walked out saying I didn't want to have anything to do with you."

Bryce's father narrowed his eyes and glared and even I swallowed hard. I had never seen someone create such a cruel hateful look before in my entire life, and especially directed to his own son.

"Bryce Whitman! No son of mine is a fag! Be reasonable here, you have to get over this phase and be normal!" he demanded loudly.

"This isn't a phase! I'm gay and have known since high school! And I am fucking normal!" Bryce screamed his face becoming red.

I was becoming alarmed; I had never seen Bryce so angry before.

Perhaps his father just brought it out of him.

"You are not a fucking fag! Why do you choose to be this way? Don't you know how hard your life will be and how others will look at you?" Bryce's father screamed.

"I didn't choose to be gay," Bryce said in a much calmer tone.

Bryce's father turned on me. "You, you did this to him," he said pointing accusingly at me and stepping forward.

I stepped backwards. "Mr. Whitman," I started before his father snapped, "Don't talk to me, you stupid little Indian."

"Shut the fuck up!" Bryce shouted.

I saw Bryce's father's arm reach out suddenly and instinctively my own arm shot forward and I blocked the punch before it even touched Bryce.

His father looked shocked and was staring at me and then at his arm which he now retracted.

I was now standing directly between him and Bryce and I was staring hard at him. I was no longer intimidated by Mr. Whitman. He was a fucking loser for not being able to accept his own son.

"Don't you fucking touch him," I commanded in a firm voice.

He looked even more stunned with the way I talked to him.

"Don't come near Bryce again. If I find out you hurt him I'll kill you. Just because you have money and a pseudo perfect life doesn't mean I can't find ways to hurt you, sir," I spat out sarcastically.

"I think you should leave," Bryce added stepping out from behind me.

Mr. Whitman looked even more enraged when he saw the two of us hold hands right in front of him.

"Leave now or else we'll call the police," I threatened.

"I have a key, he's my son," his father sneered.

"So now he's your son?" I asked rolling my eyes. "Just get out. We don't want you here as much as you want to be here."

"You're living here?" Mr. Whitman shouted.

I nodded. "For about a week or so now and we just came from my apartment to get my things, so I can stay permanently," I said stressing permanently. Mr. Whitman's eyes blazed.

"You fucking fags," he said in disgust.

"Mr. Whitman," I began politely, "You have the words in the wrong order. I smiled. "Yes, we are fags," I paused, "fucking."

The color drained from Mr. Whitman's face. He turned swiftly on his heel and stormed out slamming the door loudly.

Bryce squeezed my hand and I faced him. He suddenly burst out laughing.

"That was awesome Hela! That last comment, Jesus, where did you get the balls to say that?"

"I don't know. Maybe it was all my time hanging out with Storm and his brother," I said modestly.

Bryce looked at me, his eyes bright with warmth. "And you stopped him from hitting me," he stated.

"Yeah, we should send a thank you card to my Dad. He got me into fencing and that kind of stuff. I have good reflexes," I bragged and Bryce laughed while hugging me tightly.

"Bryce," I said into his hair, "You need to change your locks. He can't have a key to come and go as he pleases. I know he's your Dad and all but I don't trust him. He wouldn't directly try to hurt you would he? As in burning down the house while you or me, or both of us are in it?" I asked worriedly.

Bryce looked at me. "I don't know," he responded honestly. "I guess he's capable of anything I suppose."

"I think it's time for a location change," I suggested.

"Hela," Bryce began.

"Bryce," I cut him off. "I worry about you and about us. We got this far, we can't let your Dad get in the way or ruin anything further for us."

"So you really want to move?" he asked me.

I paused. "Maybe we should. I mean your place is great and all, but if we go somewhere new it can really be ours and your Dad will never be able to bother us again."

Bryce looked thoughtful. He smiled after awhile. "Where did you want to move to?"

"Anywhere Bryce, just a place where you'll be safe."

He smiled at me and kissed my neck. "Look at you all worrying about me." He smirked at me when I bit his nose playfully.

"We have to put this place for sale and look for another place. Meanwhile, we can stay at my apartment. The lease isn't-"

I was cut off when Bryce kissed me, wrapping his arms around my lower back, pulling me to him.

I placed my hand on his neck and the other on his cheek, caressing him gently as he leaned into me further, deepening the kiss.

I was a little out of breath when he pulled away. He stared into my eyes.

"Thanks you Helaku."

"For what baby?"

"For being there for me. I love you," Bryce simply said.

"I love you, too, baby and you don't have to thank me for that," I said rubbing my hands up and down his sides comfortingly.

"Well, I do want to thank you," Bryce said smiling mischievously. He locked the front door and walked back to me. "Let me start now," he said pulling me by my coat while unzipping it at the same time.

I saw we were headed for the bedroom again.

"Bryce, baby, I can't go anymore," I groaned half heartedly. Bryce laughed as he pulled my sweater off and I lifted my arms helpfully.

He flicked my nipple and reached for my belt next.

"I can't possibly produce any more cum," I added feeling a cold rush of air as my pants fell to my ankles.

Bryce eyed my cock which was creating a tent in my boxers. Bryce's fingers reached for the waistband of my boxers as well and within a second it was off of me.

"Oh well, you can have a dry orgasm then," Bryce said shoving me onto his bed.

I moaned and dropped my head onto the soft pillow as Bryce skillfully got to work on me.

It turns out I had plenty of cum to spare.

I heard my cell phone ringing early the next morning.

I groaned and reached my hand out trying to feel around for it. My eyes felt way too heavy and glued shut to open them. I heard something heavy fall to the ground with a thud and I literally tore my eyes open and saw the little silver device lying on the carpet.

I grabbed it and flipped it open.

"Yeah?" I croaked out.


"Crew?" I croaked out again.

"Did I wake you?" Crew asked.

I cleared my throat and swallowed. I took the phone away from my ear and looked at the time. 9:30.

"Hela?" Crew said again.

"Uh yeah," I replied lying back into the warmth of the bed and Bryce's body. His legs and arms were tangled with my legs and torso, and he snuggled closer to be, wrapping the covers firmly around him.

His soft blond hair tickled my abdomen.

"Oh sorry. I figured you'd be used to waking up early," Crew teased. "You know, since you have the whole 9 to 5 thing going on."

"Ha, ha," I said dryly. "What's up?"

"Well, today is Sunday and it is our weekly `pizza and donut pigfest' as Skyler has called it. We wanted to invite you," he said.

I raised my brow skeptically. "Did you suggest this or did Skyler actually invite me? He can be a little intimidating," I said.

Crew laughed. "I know, he can be sometimes, but he seriously wants you there. He said you guys are ok now and he would like to hang out. He even said he met your boyfriend, uh, Bryce is it? Skyler said to bring him along also."

I chuckled. "I don't know if Bryce will want to come along."

"Oh you mean after Skyler and Zeke jumped him?" Crew asked giggling. "That was no big deal. They do that shit all the time."

"I don't know; it would be weird. I haven't seen you guys in such a long time and it's hard to jump right into your clique," I said rubbing my forehead.

Crew sighed. "It's not like that at all. We're open to new people and besides you and the twins go way back. There's no reason to avoid them anymore and besides, Storm is worried about you."

I snorted. "That I can believe."

"And we're not some snotty group or whatever. Just come and hang out with us. It's free food and we can all meet Bryce. Come on, please?" Crew begged.

Even though I no longer had romantic feelings for Crew, I was definitely fond of him and I could imagine his begging face which was too cute. But I didn't want Bryce to be uncomfortable with this.

"Uh, let me ask Bryce first," I stalled.

"Ask me what?" Bryce mumbled sleepily as he rested his head on my chest.

"Crew invited us to lunch with our old friends," I said holding the cell away from my mouth.

Bryce frowned. "I don't know. Lunch with Crew. I mean he's your ex and everything. I don't know if I would be comfortable with that," he said.

I nodded in understanding. That did make sense to me. I wouldn't want to hang out with Bryce's ex if he had one that is.

"We don't have to baby," I said rubbing his nose with my finger and Bryce smiled.

"Hey Crew, I can't, Bryce said no," I said and Bryce grinned at that. He mouthed the word whipped and I stuck my tongue out at him. Bryce retaliated by pulling on my ear.

Yeah we were immature.

"Let me talk to him," Crew demanded.

"Crew," I started.

"Come on, give the phone to Bryce," Crew said impatiently. "I have to go soon, Skyler wants me to get the sodas and you know how he gets when there is no soda; now hand him the phone."

I turned to Bryce and handed him the cell sheepishly. "He wants to talk to you."

Bryce's eyes widened in surprise and he reached for the phone in a daze.

I pulled the phone back at the last minute and pressed the speaker. Then I handed it back to him.

"Hello," Bryce said into the phone.

"Hey, this is Crew," Crew said his voice coming out loud and clear through the phone. "You must be Bryce and everyone is looking forward to meeting you. We were all good friends with Hela and it would be great to hang out as a group together again."

"Yeah, it's just-"

"And you don't have to feel worried or anything. There's nothing going on between Hela and me. He has you and I have Hiro. Don't you want to meet Hela's friends? See what he's really like?" Crew teased.

"What?" I asked into the phone.

Crew laughed. "Come on Bryce. You'll see that none of us are that bad. Skyler and Zeke will be there, too. You met them remember?" I heard the smile in Crew's voice.

"Yeah, I did," Bryce replied but didn't get a chance to say anymore.

"It's pizza Bryce! Lots and lots of pizza and it's free. Did I mention there would be lots and lots of donuts also? Just say yes?" Crew pleaded.

I looked at Bryce and even thought Bryce had never officially met Crew, it appeared he was having trouble saying no to him as well. I lay on the pillow looking at my boyfriend in amusement.

Bryce looked at me as if he wanted help but I just smiled and looked away, clearing leaving the decision up to him.

I grabbed his hand and kissed it. "Whatever you want baby, it's ok with me," I murmured softly so Crew couldn't hear.

"We'll be there," Bryce said.

We heard Crew give a little cheer and we both couldn't help chuckling at his child like enthusiasm.

"Lunch is around 1 at the twin's place. Hela knows where it is. Later," and Crew hung up.

I took the phone back and put it on the dresser.

"You ok with this?" I asked.

Bryce shrugged. "He's right. I should meet your friends. I don't want to be one of those couples that never see anyone else besides each other. This can be good," but he didn't look too convinced.

"Bryce whenever you feel uncomfortable we can leave, ok? You just have to say the word," I reassured. Bryce smiled at me. "And I love you," I emphasized `you'. "Crew is just a friend, a kid brother if you will," I added.

"Ok," Bryce said leaping on top of me to smother me with kisses which I gladly received.

(Bryce's point of view)

As soon as the Asian guy that looked exactly like the guy named Skyler, except for his shorter haircut, opened the door, I was hit with the smell of pizza.

My stomach immediately started growling and despite my earlier reservations about coming here, I was definitely ready to pack in the pizza.

"Come on in. You must be Bryce, I'm Storm," he said holding out his hand and smiling.

I didn't know Storm but he had a nice smile and a calm, easygoing manner, unlike that crazy twin of his.

"Thanks," I replied smiling back and taking his hand.

Storm motioned for me and Hela to walk further inside and we followed him in. I noticed a blond guy that I at first thought was Zeke and beside him was a pale skinned Asian guy with light brown hair and small eyes which he aimed at me curiously.

I opened my mouth to say something to them when I heard my name being called from behind me.


I spun around and saw two bodies coming towards me and leaping onto me. I fell to the wooden floor with a loud thud and groaned at the weight on top of me. If these were the same guys that had jumped on me last time I was justified in feeling bruised. I was older than they were and these guys weren't exactly tiny little things.

I felt wet kisses on my face and groaned loudly.

Then I saw the grinning faces of Skyler and Zeke looking down at me.

"Hey buddy, nice to see you again," Skyler said reaching a hand to help me up. Zeke reached out another hand and together they easily hoisted me up.

"Can I have a towel or something?" I asked and Storm nodded smiling while Skyler and Zeke started cackling loudly.

Skyler wrapped an arm around my shoulder and led me to one of the leather couches in the living room. "Now don't be that way Bryce. We were just welcoming you into our group."

"I didn't get one of those," the Asian guy beside the blond guy on the couch said.

Skyler looked at him. "You want one?" he arched his brow seriously.

The pale kid shook his head and smiled. "No no, I think I'm good," he said in a thoughtful tone and everyone laughed.

Zeke was immediately on my other side. He nudged my stomach. He pointed to the blond sitting on the couch.

"That is Crew Jamison and before you ask, no we are not brothers. We get that shit all the time. Next to him is Crew's man, Hiro Takashami, and I am Zeke Masters and beside you is Skyler Chin, my man," Zeke said and then he pushed me out of the way and lunged at Skyler who easily caught him with his arms. Zeke wrapped his legs around Skyler's waist as Skyler flopped onto the couch beside Hiro.

I was a little surprised.

Everyone here was gay?

That was oddly comfortingly, yet strange. I had never been in a room with so many gay guys before period, especially a group who looked so well, manly, and hot. I scanned the room and noticed that everyone here was smoking. None of them compared to my Helaku, but they came damn close.

Zeke had that naughty look on his face with a perpetual smirk and the eyebrow and lip ring gave him a hot bad boy quality. He and Crew both had short, buzzed blond hair with Zeke's being lighter, like mine, and Crew's was a dirty blond. Crew's eyes were a brighter shade of blue and wider, not to mention his lips were red and full. Either way, both Zeke and Crew were really attractive.

Hiro was unique looking and exotic which drew my attention. He looked tall, long and lean, with slender fingers and even sitting down he exuded some sort of elegance. His pale flawless skin and light brown hair and eyes, coupled with his defined eyebrows and straight nose, he could easily pass for a runway model.

Yeah I looked at magazines and noticed the male models.

The twins were hot also. Jesus!

Storm was wearing a tight form fitting white sweater which despite his pale skin coloring looked good on him. It showed enough of his firm muscles without being overly gross or frat guy looking.

"I know what you're thinking," Storm said smiling at me, "And no, we are not all gay. I'm straight."

"Yeah, he's not as cool as the rest of us," Skyler piped in as he cradled Zeke in his lap. "Although I still say there's a slight chance he can be as cool as us, if he just gave it a chance, right Stormy?"

Skyler hugged Zeke to him and kissed his cheek while Zeke looked at me. They were cute. Even if they enjoyed slobbering on me every chance they got.

I saw that Storm just rolled his eyes and ignored the comments of his brother. I smiled in amusement.

"Come on guys, let's eat," Storm said leading the way into the kitchen.

I was a little shocked at how much food there was. Well there were only pizza and donuts but there were enormous amounts of both. I wondered if they ate this much without having invited Helaku and me.

There were seven large pies, as if one pie would feed one person. There were also five dozen donuts and like ten Pepsi bottles. I wasn't as young as these guys and I didn't know if I could pack away so much food in one sitting.

Storm saw my wide eyes and he smiled. "You don't know Skyler very well yet, but he really packs in the food. We all manage to eat a lot, but Skyler is the only one that can manage about three meals in one sitting," he informed me.

I looked at Skyler as he shot his brother an indignant look. "Storm, I'm insulted. That's four meals in one sitting," he said rolling his eyes and holding out four fingers with emphasis. "Get your facts straight," and everyone in the room started laughing.

The pizza lids were opened and everyone reached for a slice and for a few seconds the only sounds in the room where chewing and sipping of soda.

"So you and Hela work together?" Storm broke the silence.

I nodded. "Yeah we met at the agency," I confirmed. "Back in June."

"How long have you guys been going out?" Storm asked.

I glanced at Hela and our eyes met. "We officially started dating in August but we spent a lot of time together as friends."

"In fact we decided to move in together," Hela burst out.

I looked at him and we smiled at each other.

"Really?" Zeke and Skyler asked with great interest.

"Yeah, I already spend so much time at his place anyway; I don't really need a place of my own," Hela answered.

"So you're moving in with Bryce then?" Storm asked.

Hela shook his head. "We're going to look for a new place entirely."

"Why?" Storm asked.

I looked at Hela and without even really looking at me he seemed to understand what I was trying silently to communicate.

"We just decided a new house we found and bought together would be more special and besides Bryce's neighbors are really annoying," Hela deflected smoothly. I didn't know these guys too well, and while they seemed nice enough, I didn't want to share any history about my father with them.

"How are your neighbors annoying?" Crew asked licking his lips.

"The fact that we have them," Hela said joked, "They don't like listening to us, you know, into all hours of the morning."

I turned to him shocked and everyone cracked up.

I blushed slightly when the guys glanced over at him.

"Don't be embarrassed Bryce. You're cute. If I were with you I would be all over you too," Skyler said.

Zeke turned to him and pinched him.

"However," Skyler said biting Zeke's neck, "I am not attracted to you at all and I am happily in love with this sexy beast here, so everything I fore mentioned is just shit." He then kissed Zeke on the lips.

"I didn't know you guys were so serious," Hela said.

"When did you guys meet?" I asked, getting into the groove of the group.

"I visit Crew every year during all the breaks and he, ahem, kind of ditched me last winter so I spent all my time with Skyler over here," Zeke said.

"But we were just friends then," Skyler input.

"Yeah we were only friends and we strictly were pen pals in a way. We called, text, emailed, that kind of stuff. I mean I went away to California for the summer and then the semester started, so I was gone for like eight or so months straight. It would have been too hard to start something solid. But we grew pretty close anyway."

"But this winter break started and Zeke over here couldn't keep his hands off of me," Skyler said spreading his arms around the table like some kind of pimp. "So we made it official."

"I think it was you who couldn't keep your hands off of poor little Zeke," Storm said. "These walls aren't that thick, bro."

Skyler smiled. "Perhaps you're right," he agreed thoughtfully, "It's hard for me to focus with this thing prancing around me," he added rubbing Zeke's leg.

Indeed it seemed as if both of them couldn't get enough of each other. Both of them certainly didn't mind the whole PDA thing.

"You guys all met in college?" I asked.

Skyler and Hiro nodded while Crew and Zeke shook their heads.

"Zeke and I knew each other from high school, sophomore year," Crew said.

"Best friends," Zeke grinned.

"I met the twins when I was 18 when I became a snowboarding instructor," Crew continued, "and I met Hela through them," he added quickly avoiding my eyes. "We all met Hiro at the beginning of last semester, and you know how Zeke and Skyler met," he finished.

I saw Hiro take hold of Crew's hand and massage it gently.

But my attention was directed towards Skyler who was now holding a slice of pizza in one hand and a donut in another. Yet no one else at the table seemed fazed by his action so I'm assuming they were all used to it.

"How old are you Bryce?" Skyler asked suddenly.

I blinked my eyes. "I'm 27."

When I said that everyone became silent.

I became slightly uncomfortable. "How old are you guys?"

"We're 20," Storm answered.

"21," Crew piped in.

"21 in July! I can't wait," Skyler called out.

Jeez, everyone here was so young. Then again Helaku was going to turn 23 soon and his friends were close to his age range.

"Wow, I feel old," I commented.

"Don't feel old. You're old enough to drink," Zeke said.

Skyler frowned. "What? We drink now."

"But illegally," Hiro said to him.

"Oh," Skyler said in mock understanding.

"Hey Bryce, you up for a trip to the city?" Crew asked, but he looked at the both of us when he asked that question.

I thought about it. "I guess so, why?"

"Well we have only a week before break ends and we wanted to do as much as possible as a group," Hiro said. I looked at him questioningly. "We'll have trouble seeing each other during the semester since our classes are all over the place and Zeke has to return to Boston," Hiro finished. I saw Zeke frown at the last statement.

"We'll make time to see each other," Skyler said to all of us although he appeared to be talking to Zeke.

"We were thinking of seeing a show and then just walking around Times Square, maybe get something to eat," Storm added.

I nodded. "Sounds like fun," I agreed, "When do you plan on going?"

"Tonight," Skyler shot in.

I looked at him in surprise. It was Sunday and it was already 2 in the afternoon.

"Probably next Saturday," Hiro said.

"That would be good for you guys since you work during the week. I mean you wouldn't want to do it Friday night, right?" Storm asked.

Hela shook his head.

"Ok, next Saturday is good for everyone?" Storm said addressing the entire group.

Everyone nodded.

"I'll look up tickets for a show," Skyler said.

"Hey we should bring Bryce to that gay club," Zeke jumped in.

I looked at him, slightly stricken.

Gay Club?

"You guys have to get going so soon?" Storm asked.

We had talked more and watched some Dave Chappelle DVDs, but Hela insisted he wanted to move some things back to his apartment where we could stay the night.

Hela must have been really worried about me and my Dad.

"Let's bring all the clothes and little things and we'll worry about the furniture and kitchen stuff when we get closer to selling the house," Hela said taking charge of the whole situation.

"Yeah, but we'll be back soon and I'll be only two flights up," Hela reminded Storm.

"Yay!" Skyler cheered. "Now we can visit you and Bryce more often," he said winking at me.

Before Skyler and Zeke could stand up and jump on me again, Hela waved at them, grabbed my hand and led me out the door.

As we walked towards Hela's car, he squeezed my hand and kissed my head. "Did you have fun?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I actually did. This is the first time I got to hang out with a group of people in a long time."

"Good, so you're really ok with hanging out with them next Saturday right?" Hela asked his brow creasing with worry. "I know they can be in your face sometimes and force you to do something. Are you really ok with it?"

I laughed. "I'm ok with it. They're all really nice and funny. And I know I don't have anything to worry about because you love me."

He kissed my nose. "That's right, I do love you."

"I'm also beginning to think that Zeke and Skyler love you, too," he said mischievously. "Or at least are trying to rope you into some sort of threesome with them. I'm going to have to watch you."

I groaned as I rubbed my sore ribs from where they collided with the wooden floor.

Next: Chapter 11

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