Julius, Hipster Boy

By Johnny Murdoc

Published on Jun 2, 2008



Julius, Hipster Boy by Johnny Murdoc

Copyright 2008 Johnny Murdoc Please send comments and questions to johnnymurdoc@gmail.com

Remember, sex is always safe in stories. It's not in real life. Protect yourself and your partners.

Sex is fun, he says.

I don't know, he says.

I just like to do it. He smiles, and I reach over and wipe my cum off of his lips.

Before today, Julius was straight. At least, that was my perception of him. In an embarrassing manner, I had watched him for months. At friends parties and punk shows, at a bonfire. I had watched him, I had stiffened in my shorts, and later I thought about him when I beat off.

Julius wore cop glasses and never seemed to comb his hair. He smoked cigarettes and perpetually looked like hadn't shaven for two days. Any day. He wore tight jeans and nearly tight button up shirts that looked both contemporary and retro at the same time.

Julius was a hipster boy. Julius was my fantasy fuck toy.

The way it happened was, we were at a party. The way it happened was, I didn't say anything to him all night. The way it happened was, I watched him drink a beer from across the room, and I thought about the beer bottle like it was my cock. The way his lips seemed to drag over the glass lip of the bottle. The way the neck disappeared a little bit into his mouth every time he took a drink.

The way it happened was, I re-adjusted my erection and continued talking to my friend.

Two hours later, the party thinned out. Two hours later, people were passed out. Two hours later, and Julius was sitting next to me. We were alone, floating on a couch in a sea of passed out people.

Do you smoke pot, Julius asked.

I don't smoke pot, I said.

I'm going to smoke, Julius said.

I'll smoke pot with you, I said.

It had been a few years since I smoked pot for the first time. It had been a few years since the last time I smoked pot.

Apparently, it's a little like riding a bike. I took a drag, and I watched Julius straighten his body out, pushing his ass of the couch. He reached into the front of his pants, and scratched. He had to straighten his body out to fit his hand into his tight jeans. I wanted to smell his fingers.

It's always like this, he said.

Like what, I asked.

Like I'm always the last one awake at these parties, he said.

You're not alone, I said. He smiled. I fantasized about kissing him. I closed my eyes. I could, in my own private thoughts, do whatever I want with him. Pot always makes me horny, he could say to me. I haven't had a blowjob in months, he could say to me. Any of a dozen dirty porno lines, he could say to me. I would suck his cock, if he would give me just one dirty porno opening line. I would clean his nuts with my tongue, if he would just say something. I would spread my butt cheeks open and invite him in, if he would just say-

Didn't I see you at the Bouncing Souls show, he asked. I didn't care for their last album, he said. I'd still see them again, he said.

These are not the dirty porno opening lines I'm looking for.

I closed my eyes again. The couch shifts a little, and I'm sure that he's left me.

He kisses me.

I jump, shocked. His lips press against mine, the same lips that I've watched caress three beer bottles tonight. I can taste the beer on his lips. I feel his tongue, not forcing my lips open, but tasting them. Licking them. Licking me.

He sits back, suddenly. I open my eyes. He's looking down at his feet.

Did that happen?

I don't have a dirty porno opening line, he said.

I don't know how to respond.

But I want to have sex, he said.

We were alone, floating on a couch in a sea of passed out people.

I leaned into him, and kissed him back. Beer, and pot, and I could cum right now. He popped open the button on his jeans, and lifted his ass off the couch again. Straightened his body out, this time so he could pull his jeans down. His underwear wass cute. Hot pink briefs with white trim. His penis wass hard, and pushing against them.

This wasn't the first time I'd seen his penis.

At the bonfire, last summer, there was skinny dipping. I didn't join them, but I sat next to the bonfire and nursed my beer and watched as friends abandoned their clothing and inhibitions and jumped into the lake. I wanted to taste test all of them. But it was Julius I wanted the most. It was Julius that I watched when everyone started coming out of the lake. It was Julius I watched as he pulled up his boxer shorts, his penis threading through his fly and bouncing a little before he reached down and tucked it back in.

Tonight, on the couch, he pulled down his jeans. He pulled down his underwear. His erection bounced around for a second before settling against his stomach. I didn't know what to do first. I wanted to kiss it, I wanted to suck it, I wanted it ejaculating in my mouth right that moment.

He pushed at the base of his cock with his thumb, to make it stand straight up.

Suck it, he said.

I obeyed.

His cock was salty. Sweat. His cock was silky. A partial foreskin covered just past his corona, but not the entire head. It was smooth against my tongue and I stroked his cock. My free hand grabbed his hip. I could feel his hip bone beneath his warm skin. He grunted, and made a little thrust. I pushed my tongue against the underside of his cock. I could have kept him in my mouth, forever. Maybe I planned to. You don't let go of you dream boy, your fantasy fuck toy, once he's in your mouth. You keep him there forever. You pledge allegiance.

At first, I wanted just his head. I wanted to kiss it, and to nurse it like a beer. But I wanted it all in my mouth. I wanted to gag on it. I went down as far as I could. I tried to rub my nose in his pubic hair, and his cock pushed hard against the back of my mouth.

Mmmm, I said.

Ah, he said.

I pulled my head back, and paused to admire his erection. His cock. His big, beautiful cock. The one I had dreamed about. The one I had snuck glances at.

There was another time, we were at a party. Julius got drunk. Obnoxiously drunk. And then he took a piss off of a balcony. He still had a beer in his hand. As everyone laughed, he rained urine down two stories below, into the pool. People were swimming, and everyone thought it was funny. After he finished, when his stream dried up, he stumbled backward, his cock still dangling from his fly. It bounced and wobbled, and continue to do so as he staggered back into the party, trying not to spill his beer. Failing to not spill his beer. His penis, soft, bounced up and down, and when he almost lost his footing, left and right. I watched it for as long as I could without someone noticing. I watched it for awhile. I wanted to get on my knees and suck it there, then, even with small drips of urine still falling onto the carpet. Julius stopped, just then noticing that he was walking around with his penis sticking out, and he took it in his hand and shook it three times, like you would at a urinal, and tucked it back in.

Maybe it was Julius's habit of showing off his cock that made me want him so badly.

And then it was in front of me, hard and slippery with my saliva, having just been pulled out of my mouth. I leaned back a little bit and admired his entire package. Below his cock, in his soft and hairy little sack, his nuts. His beautiful and masculine nuts. I wanted to lick them, so I did. I wanted to do everything, and there was my chance, so I did.

The skin of his nuts was still soft, and they jumped a little as my tongue brushed against them.

Ah, said Julius.

I took a more forceful lick, smelling soap and sweat. Quickly, I kissed one testicle, and then licked the entire sack again. I nibbled, and pulled an entire ball into my mouth. Behind me, my foot slipped and kicked a passed out guy, and he stirred, but he didn't wake up. I wouldn't have cared. I would have still kept licking Julius's nuts.

Goddamn, Julius said. You're good at that.

Thank you, I mumble.

I grab his cock again, and stroke it as I continue to lick him. I reached down and unbuttoned my own pants, reaching through my fly and pulling out my own cock. I wanted to jerk both of us at the same time. I wanted to jerk off while I licked his nuts. I wanted to jerk off as I blew him. I wanted to jerk off as he came in my mouth.

If I do this right, maybe their will be another time. If I do this right, maybe he'll have sex with me again. If I do this right, maybe he'll let me blow him again. If I do this right, maybe he'll run away with me to Canada. If I do this right, maybe he'll marry me.

I swallow his cock again, and I give head like it's the last chance I'll get.

There was another time, we were at a restaurant. A burger joint, late, after a concert. There were nearly ten of us, shoved into one semi-circular corner booth. Ten obnoxious punks. One sad and tired waitress. She didn't know how well we would tip her. We didn't have that much money, but we never stiffed a waitress. Anway, this other time. We're sitting at a restaurant, and we're getting stared at. This couple, older, they give us dirty looks, and they stare, and they don't even try to hide it. Try to hide their contempt. Finally, Julius has had enough. Finally, Julius decides he's going to give them something to stare at. Finally, Julius stands up and pulls down his pants, waggling his cock at the old couple. Everyone laughs, or gasps, and the old couple stands up and quickly leaves. I miss the expression on their faces, because I can't stop staring at Julius's penis.

Tonight, I blow him better than I've ever blown anyone before. I bounce and bob, and I stroke, and I lick. Julius starts to gasp and groan, and he doesn't seem to care if he wakes anyone up. I want nothing more than for him to come in my mouth. When his gasps and groans turn more and more into oh yeahs, oh yeahs, I know he's close.

Oh, yeah, he said. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah...

And I feel it. I feel his nutsack pull up a little, and I feel the first warm shot of his cum hit the back of my throat, and I keep stroking him, and I can taste him. The bittersweet taste of his cum, the sweet bitter flavor of his spunk as he shoots into my mouth. One shot after another, I feel them all. I keep stroking my own cock.

When, finally, his orgasm subsides, I hold his sensitive cock in my mouth. I feel his cum pooling together, and I rub my tongue in it, spreading it around my mouth, and around his cock. And then I swallow.

Stand up, he said. Stand up, and I'll do you.

I stand up, quickly, but before he can even get his mouth around my dick, I come. Shot after shot, I spray right on his face, on his lips, and in his open mouth. I stroke every last drop out, and my calf muscles quiver. Julius laughs, and swallows.

I collapse onto the couch, next to him.

I thought you were straight, I say.

I am, he says.

What, I ask.

Some days, he says.

Sex is fun, he says.

I don't know, he says.

I just like to do it.

He smiles, and I reach over and wipe my cum off of his lips.


I hope you enjoyed the story. Let me know at johnnymurdoc@gmail.com

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