Julie Series

By moc.liamg@24712j

Published on Jul 2, 2012


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Author: Julie

Title: Julie, Lipstick and Hosiery, Part Two

Summary: Julie meets Ed in the park at night in her new black panties.


Two days had passed since Julie's first meeting with Ed and she still hadn't formulated any type of plan for their second date. It was also becoming increasingly clear for her that this whole, whatever it was that she was doing, gender crisis, I'm secretly Julie thing, wasn't going to be as easy as she initially thought. At home his wife was becoming more and more concerned about what exactly it was that he was so preoccupied about. Which for now was manageable as long as that concern didn't morph into something far more serious such as outright investigative curiosity. She had even went so far as to ask him why their sex life was in such a rut lately, and suggested that maybe he should see a doctor. At work things weren't going any better. His boss had cornered him, then chewed him out about home sales being down. Sure, he hadn't sold a house in two months, but sales were down across the nation. Nobody else was selling any houses either. They were right smack in the middle of one of the most dismal recessions in history. Didn't his boss get the memo? What the fuck was he supposed to do about it? Then there was the even bigger screw-up that nobody had even caught on to, yet. While only half-paying attention on the phone yesterday with a client and asked for his name, he had responded that it was Julie. An apology and a quick explanation that he was distracted by an earlier call with someone named Julie had been a relatively easy fix, but it was still worrisome. Things hadn't reached crisis levels yet, but Julie's life was clearly in turmoil.

Ed wanted Julie to meet him the following evening at 8:30 p.m. in a parking lot on the backside of the city park. She immediately agreed, however she wasn't thrilled about the prospect of continuing to meet him in public places, but for now it would just have to do. It wasn't as if she was going to say no. Julie still didn't have any kind of formal plan for their date as Ed had instructed. Instead, she had already decided that with all of the turmoil going on in her life that she just wasn't going to worry about. She didn't need the stress. Excitement yes, stress, no. She concluded that it would be best to just let whatever it was that was going to happen, just happen. Her current plan was, no plan. Drive with her eyes closed. Fly blind. Besides, their initial meeting had already transpired, and she didn't expect to be half as nervous this time. Julie knew the park didn't close until ten. That would certainly give them ample time to spend together. And of course a good portion of that period would most likely be in the dark, which opened up all sorts of possibilities.

Julie was practically hidden by the large, dark screens that completely covered her rear porch as she relaxed in the big lounge chair. She'd come out to the porch to relax and do some reading but now found herself watching the neighbor's daughter wash the family car instead. The young girl was probably 19 now, Julie guessed being that what look like the Senior Prom limo had been there last year. They seldom crossed paths and virtually never spoke, but Julie was now getting a first-hand view of how well she had matured. Her long brown hair and teacup breasts in the loose bikini top mad Julie shiver. And whenever she would stretch to wash the roof of the car, her beautifully rounded butt cheeks would begin to slip out of her swimsuit bottom. Why can't that be me, she thought. Julie's womanhood was quivering so badly she had to cover her lap with the magazine that she'd been pretending to read. Julie wished she could look just like her, even if it was only for a night.

She now found herself in full confrontation with the innumerable problems that dressing up and secretly pretending to be a woman posed. To make matters worse, she wasn't even young anymore. Body hair, the older she grew, the more it seemed to sprout. It was like fighting a forest fire. Makeup, she didn't know anything about that. Razor stubble. Red bumps. Ingrown hairs. Her middle age paunch. Where to hide her girly things. And as if all of that wasn't enough to make her pull her hair out (hair that she didn't even have anymore!), then toss his wife that would run full speed for divorce court into the mix. Julie knew damn well that she'd go after his pension. She let out a long, purposely dramatic sigh. Julie wished she could just go get in the shower right then and shave off every inch of her body hair before meeting with Ed. But, she knew that was impossible. Jesus, what would his wife Andrea think if she saw him like that? Julie was pretty sure she knew the answer and didn't want to think about it. She picked the magazine back up. The excitement had completely drained out of her womanhood and she didn't have anything to hide anymore. Oh well, she thought in sadness, she may not be able to shave everything off, but at least she could trim every last bit of it from her private parts. Climbing out of the chair, she headed for the bathroom. Julie couldn't wait to feel Ed's panties against her freshly shaved cock and balls. And as she walked across the house, she practiced her sexy, new strut.

Julie practically skidded to a stop in the CVS Pharmacy parking lot on her way to meet Ed, and this wasn't a planned detour. She couldn't believe that she hadn't thought of it before. Inside the store, Julie strolled up and down the makeup aisle impatiently. With tubes popping out of the shelves everywhere, the number of colors was nothing short of dizzying for someone too wound up to read the tags. Red, red, where is the red, she wondered. Finally she found it. Julie didn't even bother to read the label, all she cared about was the color. She recognized cock-sucking red when she saw it. Julie told the cashier that she didn't need a bag or receipt because he and his wife were late for a wedding and they still had to get dressed, then rushed out the door. Back in the car, Julie shoved the little tube into one pocket and pulled her watch out of the other. She'd taken the band off and stopped wearing it because she thought it was too masculine. It was just slightly after eight, and she was close to the park. She had plenty of time.

Arriving way too early, Julie circled the park several times, then circled a couple of nearby streets, and then she circled the park a couple of more times before she spotted Ed's white BMW. She could have just parked and waited, but she didn't want to sit there alone in such an anxious state. It was ridiculous, and she knew it didn't make any sense, but Julie was terrified that anyone who saw her would know she was wearing the black panties beneath her jeans. Thank god she hadn't gotten in a car accident. Parking next to Ed, she looked around cautiously before getting out, and then quickly jumped into the car with him. The luxurious dark brown seat wrapped itself around and practically swallowed her. Ed must have sensed that she was nervous, because he touched her arm asked if she was ok? She nodded, and told him she was. Looking around inside the big sedan, Julie asked him if it was a five series? Ed told her it was one of the seven series, a 760li to be exact. Running her fingers across the elegant dashboard, she doubted the smell of leather ever disappeared in a car like this. Ed tuned the radio to some soft music and urged her to relax. Julie thought she recognized it as the Sirius Love Song channel. Julie knew she had to do something to calm down, so she stared out the window and thought about herself dressed in a skimpy bikini while washing the car as Ed watched.

As the light faded the two of them sat in silence. Julie tried focusing on the music, but she was still so nervous all she could do was stare straight ahead through the windshield. The bikini fantasy had helped though. Ed on the other hand was sitting partially facing her. Occasionally, Julie would look over at him, and each time she realized that his gaze rarely left her crotch. In the darkness, Ed began to softly stroke her arm. Finally, he spoke. Ed asked her if she had worn his gift? Julie, hardly able to talk and feeling as if she suddenly had a lump in her throat, didn't know what had happened to her voice, but she whispered that she did. Ed asked her to show him the panties. Julie looked frantically around the parking lot before unsnapping and then finally unzipping her jeans to reveal them. Ed wasn't satisfied, and told her she would have to do much better than that. So Julie lifted her ass off the seat and lowered the jeans until they were down around her ankles. That seemed to satisfy him and he resumed stroking her arm.

Fearful that she was ruining their date, Julie tried again to pull herself together. She forced herself to relax by concentrating on the feeling of Ed's fingers softly stroking the tender skin of her inner-arm. Julie could tell that it was working when she began to feel that weird, familiar sensation emanating from her womanhood. As the sensation heightened, so did her confidence. Julie didn't even have to look, she knew the panties were barely containing her. If he had so much as touched her, she probably would have exploded. Julie could come easily, and if the mood was right stay hard and ejaculate again. Ed watched with interest as Julie slipped off her shoes and used her feet to remove the jeans completely, then reached down to search for something in one of her pockets.

Julie had never sucked a cock before, but she had always wanted to. With the little tube in hand and her womanhood threatening to pop-out of the panties, she turned to face Ed. Julie pretended that he was a mirror and applied the lipstick the same way that he had seen his wife Andrea do it countless times before. She let the tube slowly glide across her lips, and then pressed them tightly together to ensure the sticky, bright red substance had covered them completely. Julie felt Ed jump every so slightly when she unzipped his trousers, reached inside, and grabbed his cock. He was hard and that encouraged her. With her fingers firmly encircled around it, she began to pump it. Jule would run her hand completely to the top of it, and then back down, making sure to pull the skin taught. She studied the effect it was having on him, and listened as his breathing became heavier and heavier. Then she leaned across the console and took him into her mouth. But just the head of cock. Julie didn't want to rush it, because she didn't know how sensitive he was, and she didn't want to gag. Julie formed a tight seal around the tip of his cock and practiced stroking it with her lips. Ed didn't know it, but this was more for her than him. Next, she experimented with pressing her tongue against the tender, looser skin on the underside while continuing to suck him. By the noises he was making, Julie could tell he was really enjoying that, so she began to stroke his cock and lick and suck him in that manner all at the same time. Ed was making little grunting noises, and his breathing kept getting heavier and heavier, but Julie had no idea that he was about to come - it just happened. And when those big gobs of semen hit the back of Julie's throat, her head instantly shot back in an involuntary state of recoil. Which of course caused the subsequent spurts to splatter all over her nose, cheeks and chin. Up until that point, he hadn't touched her at all during the blowjob, but before Julie could retreat back to the passenger seat, Ed put one of his large hands on the back of her head, and while gripping his cock with the other, rubbed his dick all over her cum-covered face. Julie gave in and didn't fight it. Once his penis stopped quivering, Ed let her go. Julie practically fell back against the passenger door. In a daze, she was wondering how she was going to clean herself up? Julie realized that she hadn't given that any thought at all. Ed must have read her mind, because he leaned over and popped open the glove box to reveal a packet of Kleenex and another gift-wrapped package. Then he pointed to the dash clock, which read 9:50 p.m. and warned Julie that they better go.

Julie couldn't help but wonder as she pulled her jeans back on and tried to straighten her appearance if the package was for her, or just there by coincidence. Ed hadn't said a word. But she found out soon enough, because he asked her if she was forgetting something when she started to get out of the car. Smiling, Julie opened the glove box again to retrieve her second gift.

Ed had already driven away by the time she opened it in the car. Julie was absolutely thrilled, Ed had gotten her a pair of black stockings from Victoria's Secret.

Copyright Notice: This material is copyright, 2012, by the author at J21742@gmail.com. All rights reserved. I specifically grant the right of downloading and keeping one electronic copy for your personal reading so long as this notice is included. Reposting requires previous permission. You may not post this story on any website for financial gain, or otherwise use it for financial gain.

All persons here depicted, except public figures depicted as public figures in the background, are figments of my imagination and any resemblance to persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

If you enjoyed this story you can email me at J21742@gmail.com and encourage me to write more.

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