Julie Series

By moc.liamg@24712j

Published on Jun 30, 2012


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Author: Julie

Title: Julie, The Black Panties, Part One

Summary: Julie confronts her fears and begins the journey of transformation.


As Julie sat down at her desk with the steamy latte and opened her web browser to scan the morning news, she was both pleasantly and unpleasantly aware of the burning sensation. Although slightly painful, she considered it as a badge of courage of sorts for finally getting up the nerve to lose her virginity. Squirming around in her chair trying to get comfortable, she felt the need to pass gas. But at the same time, she couldn't be sure that was all that would come out. In fact, she was becoming genuinely alarmed that her formerly tight little bum might permanently stay in this stretched condition. Still, despite her fears, Julie couldn't get over how good it felt to have a real cock in her ass last night. She had finally done it. And she was proud of herself.

After bouncing around various news websites for nearly an hour, and only able to half-read the articles, Julie found it impossible to concentrate. She couldn't remember a single thing she'd just read. Because she couldn't get last night out of her head. It was as if she had developed a new, nagging addiction. Just as she had felt the inescapable lure of nicotine years ago while trying to quit smoking, she was experiencing a similar, but far more evil craving now. This time for more cock. If doing Coke for the first time could make you an addict, then so could getting fucked in the ass, she realized. Julie wished Ed was still there. She wanted his cock in her butt again. Eventually, she just gave up completely on trying to read the news and checked her email. But finding nothing from Ed, she started browsing the personals on Craigslist. She needed a diversion.

She actually hated the site, but it was essentially the only place left to meet others. Yahoo chat was dead and gone. Killed off by porn bots no doubt. Worse, the rest of the web's personals had all become pay to play. Julie didn't deny that Craigslist was effective. However, she just found it so potentially treacherous and tiresome to find a safe, compatible partner with similar interests. If you were a businessman holed up in a hotel looking to get your dick sucked it was great, but if you were her it was maddening. And her security precautions made it even harder, if not impossible. Countless times she had thought she found someone only to ultimately allow her insecurities to prevent them from ever meeting. Worst yet, the people that posted on Craigslist were gay. She wasn't. She was a girl. She was just looking for a man. Julie clung to the belief that she was so much different than the other people that lurked there.

Julie had spent months exploring the ads, and she knew all too well that lots of fake posters were operating on Craigslist. It was stunningly clear that their sole intention was to obtain incriminating, trophy photos from the naive for a cheap thrill. And it was so blatant you had to be a fool not to see through it all. The easiest ones to spot were the men (or boys?) that pretended to be bi-females to take advantage of the endless stream of gullible couples searching for that ever elusive, never to be found goddess to join them in the marital bed. She guessed, they figured it would patch up their troubled marriage. These hopeless sheep basically fantasized that such women would respond out of the blue and jump in bed with them and their wives - ultimately putting on an x-rated show where they could watch and jerk-off. Or they could get really lucky and fuck this dream lady from behind while she ate their cum out of their wife's cunt. But no matter how many times they attempted to find her, or how many ads they posted in every possible category, or how many times they deleted and re-posted the same ads, all they ever accomplished was to put often naked, private photos of themselves and their wife in the hands of some of the Internet's most disturbed cyber-psychos. Julie was just thankful that these weirdos were mainly after supposedly real women. Although she suspected that they sometimes unknowingly ended up hunting each other. Regardless, pics were off-limits, whenever someone asked for them, even if meant a missed opportunity, Julie refused to send them.

Discovering Ed amongst the miscreants that posted those one-line "come fuck me, I'm so horny" Craigslist ads was pure luck. Julie couldn't believe these idiots didn't realize that most of the stuff posted was put there solely for the purpose of harvesting email addresses. And she didn't feel any lost love for the dummies that responded to such nonsense. Or those that ended up with an inbox full of Viagra sales pitches and adult website spam because of their stupidity. After all, one only needed to highlight the post and click search for it with Google to discover that the same ads were posted in multiple cities, at the same time. Were these guys really this dumb? But yes, finding Ed amongst these picture scammers, sex offenders, cum guzzlers, and dregs of the no-strings-attached personals had truly been a Godsend for her. He was just what Julie had needed to finally get her to stop thinking about hooking up with someone, get over her fears, and actually do it. Ed had managed to not only coax her off the fence, but onto his cock.

Thinking back caused Julie to squirm again on her seat. Ed had been so good to her. And for her. Looking down at the skimpy black underwear that barely contained her swollen womanhood, she wondered what he was doing now? He had given her those panties on their first date. In fact, they were his first of many gifts to her. Was he thinking of her now she wondered?

Ed was different. Offbeat. Slow, yet gentle. Smart. Creative, thoughtful, and at times forceful. Even though she had had met him on Craigslist by responding to an ad he had placed looking for a "special t-girl," he didn't seem to fit the mold of the average person that hung out there. And if he hadn't of been so sensitive about slowly turning her into that special t-girl, then it never would have worked. It had taken several weeks of flirting via email alone before she had finally worked up the nerve and agreed to meet him at a local coffee shop on the other side of town. And even then, he had to promise no commitment to anything. Also, no sex talk or any other conversation that would might allude to the true reason for their meeting. Julie had just wanted to meet and see if their online attraction could survive crossing the barrier to something more. She had to know.

Julie still remembered the drive to the coffee shop. It was only several miles, but it seemed like a hundred. She swore she kept recognizing people in cars at stop-lights or in oncoming traffic that she might know. To say that she had butterflies in her stomach was an understatement; she was literally terrified, because she had to confront the fact that she wasn't really a girl. Julie was just a fantasy. An escape. A twisted urge for perverted sex. Julie desperately wanted to become her, but deep down inside she knew it was impossible. And fantasy's didn't have other real-life obligations at home such as an actual female spouse that would surely go ballistic if she knew her husband wanted to dress as a woman and service other men. But despite all of this, she kept driving.

Julie had seen the coffee shop a few times previously while running errands, but had never actually been there. Nor had she really ever paid any attention to it. She was supposed to meet him at 2:30 p.m. Ed had suggested late afternoon as a good time because business would be very slow there then. He had carefully explained that he wanted her to be able to relax and that he knew it would be impossible if there were lots of people around. And at the same time, he wanted for them to meet somewhere in public so she felt safe. But just to be sure they could meet privately, he confided to her that he had secured a private meeting area. She tried to relax.

When Julie arrived for their date, she quickly realized the shop occupied a defunct, former bank. The night deposit box still on the front, exterior wall was a dead-giveaway. Ed greeted her in the parking lot, and she immediately recognized him. Julie was relieved that he actually, accurately matched the person in the photos he had shared with her during the email chats. That was often a huge problem she'd heard when meeting people for the first time. And it helped immensely to put her at ease.

As Ed had correctly guessed the place was literally deserted. Without hardly a word, Julie followed as he led her to a small room off to one side of the coffee shop. Ed instructed her to take a seat before going off to fetch them a caffeine fix.

Surveying the small room, Julie smiled when she realized that when Ed had said he had secured a private meeting area, he really wasn't kidding - the meeting room was the former bank vault. Albeit nicely redecorated well enough to hide everything but the heavy entrance door. They joked about it when he returned with their drinks. Julie couldn't help but wonder how many times before he had been there and for what reason. Stop, don't screw this up, she warned herself.

Ed could tell how nervous she was and slowly worked to alleviate Julie's anxiety. Skillfully, he guided the conversation through everyday topics. But as promised, sex, or even subtle hints about it were never mentioned despite the obvious attraction between them. And it wasn't long before he was able to elicit a few laughs from her. Eventually, Julie even caught herself unconsciously sitting in a feminine manner with her legs crossed and her body directly facing him.

Fixated by his handsome, but yet gentle facial features,Julie felt really good. The more he talked, the more she liked Ed and the attention that he lavished on her. He made her feel as if she she truly was his date. And she couldn't wait to dress up for him. She wanted him to let her be Julie for him. Deep down, she prayed and hoped that he found her attractive as well.

What Julie thought had been mere minutes was actually close to an hour. So it caught her off-guard when Ed suddenly broke off the conversation and announced that he had to get back to work. He apologized, but told her he couldn't miss a scheduled appointment. Julie told Ed she completely understood, but yet she secretly didn't want their meeting to end. The attraction was powerful. And she sensed that it was mutual. As they readied to leave, Julie started to gather the now empty coffee cups from the table. But Ed put his hand on her forearm and stopped her. Then, he reached into his pocket, retrieved a small box, and pressed it into her hand. He told Julie that it was her first gift. It was slightly too large to fit in the pocket of her jeans, so Julie attempted to hide it by keeping it pressed against her leg, and covered by her hand.

Back in her car, Julie studied the small, white cardboard box in her lap for a few minutes. Almost as if she was unsure about how to proceed or what to do with it. Would she incur any obligations by opening it, she wondered. The elegant little carton looked as if it could contain jewelry, but she doubted Ed would have gotten her such a thing already. Besides, at roughly three inches by three inches, it was too large for jewelry. Finally, she succumbed to her curiosity and tugged the delicate, red ribbon apart to open it. Inside she found yet another ribbon, this one white, tied around something black. Upon undoing the second ribbon, Julie quickly realized that the mysterious black cloth was actually a set of panties.

Up until now Julie had ever only worn his wife's panties on a few daring occasions. But now, she was thrilled to finally own a pair of her own. Just thinking about herself in them caused her womanhood to strain and grow inside the tight confines of her jeans. Then suddenly she remembered where she was as she heard the slam of nearby car door. Quickly, she glanced around trying to locate the source of the noise. Horrified, she wondered if anyone had been watching? Nervously, she clenched her little black gift. After not seeing anyone nearby, and satisfied that she was safe with her precious new secret, Julie hid it under some papers in the glove box. Then she headed home.

As soon as she got inside, Julie headed straight for her computer to check her email and see if Ed had written her. Did he want her? What had he thought of her? Relieved that he had in fact written her, she rushed to read it. Her heart was racing, but eventually relief flooded over Julie as she read his message. Then she forced herself to slow down, relax, and then she read it a second time to ensure that she correctly understood him. In summary, Ed had found her incredibly attractive. He told her he was fantasizing about her now. He was dying to see her in the new panties that he'd given her. And there other things: Ed had given her instructions to come up with a plan about how she was going to sexually please him while wearing her sexy new, black gift. Or, she could decline to continue any further. But if she chose that option, then she would have to throw away the panties. Unused, of course. Ultimately, Ed gave her three days to decide. And told her they would meet again, if as he hoped, she decided to continue their relationship. Ed also told her that she was forbidden from wearing her new panties until that next meeting with him.

Julie was buzzing with excitement as she rushed upstairs to hide the panties. Where to put them, she wondered. Finally, she stuffed them in the jacket pocket of an old suit. But then she immediately took them out again. Slowly, she stroked the soft fabric. Then she stroked her cheek with them. The delightful sensation caused her womanhood to bulge and pulse however, so she quickly put them back in their hiding place. No sex for three days, she told herself firmly. She needed to think straight. She needed to keep the urge strong. To savor the hunger. To channel it effectively. Above all though, she needed to devise a kinky plan.

Climbing onto the bed, Julie felt completely drained from the day's excitement. Within minutes, she was fast asleep.

Copyright Notice: This material is copyright, 2012, by the author at J21742@gmail.com. All rights reserved. I specifically grant the right of downloading and keeping one electronic copy for your personal reading so long as this notice is included. Reposting requires previous permission. You may not post this story on any website for financial gain, or otherwise use it for financial gain.

All persons here depicted, except public figures depicted as public figures in the background, are figments of my imagination and any resemblance to persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

If you enjoyed this story you can email me at J21742@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 2: Julie 2

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