
By Suzanne Wright

Published on Oct 25, 2013



This story is fiction. All the names, places and characters are fictitious and derived from the author's imagination. It contains descriptions of Lesbian sex. If this story is not appropriate for you or is illegal where you are then don't read it. The author retains all rights to the story.



The gateman stood by her car and asked Annette for the reason she should be allowed in through the gate.

"I am Annette Midland and I have an appointment with Mrs. DeMarco."

"Just a moment, please," he responded and turned to the gatehouse and made a phone call.

She could hear him as he checked with Julianna DeMarco, nodded and said, "Yes Ma'am, thank you,"

He placed his hands on the car door and said, "Thank you for waiting Miz Midland, just drive straight ahead, turn right at the end and the DeMarco home is the last one on the left,"

"Thank you, have a nice day," she replied with a smile.

"You too, Ma'am," he nodded and she drove through.

As she slowly drove through the private community her mind was recalling the events of three days before when she had first seen Julianna. Annette had entered the cafe with a friend for lunch. As she scanned the interior for an empty table, her eyes were drawn immediately to one of the two women seated next to the only available table. Julianna DeMarco was that woman. Annette sized her up almost instantly. She was younger than Annette and very pretty with olive tone skin, straight dark hair down to her shoulders and very dark eyes. Also she had noted that she was wearing an expensive looking, black A-line, black medium heeled pumps and had a black purse on the table beside her. The hem of the A-line was up a few inches above her knees revealing her thigh. The woman wore no makeup and decidedly didn't need it. She was lovely.

As they sat down, Annette was positioned where she had an open path to see the woman with the olive skin and dark hair. For some unknown reason Annette couldn't seem to keep from taking glances at her. While they ordered, drank, ate and talked, her eyes wandered and several times the other woman's eyes met hers and they both quickly looked away. The more it happened the more curious Annette became, causing her to glance up even more often. One time she thought she saw a fleeting glimmer of a smile on the woman's lips. For some reason, Annette suspected that the woman was from the wealthier side of the tracks. Just her mannerisms and the way she sat and the way she presented herself were giveaways to Annette. She was usually good at recognizing the more well to do women. The one flaw she saw in that assessment was the almost total absence of jewelry. She was wearing only two rings, a solitaire and a plain gold wedding band. She wore no earrings, pendants or bracelets. Not even a watch.

"What are you looking at?" her friend Lisa had asked her.

"Not sure but I think I am flirting with another woman," she said with a chuckle.

Lisa turned to look and 'Julianna' was looking down at her plate on the table.

"Well, she is attractive .... I'll have to give you that much .... but she doesn't seem as interested as you are,"

"I didn't say I was interested but my curiosity is up just because she looks at me as often as I look at her,"

Lisa laughed and said, "She probably thinks you're a pervert and wants to remember your face so she can pick you out of a lineup,"

"Fuck you," Annette mouthed silently to Lisa.

"Every time I look her way, she is already looking at me and I thought I saw her smile a couple of minutes ago,"

Lisa just shook her head and began attacking her lunch.

Annette got up from her chair, "I am going to the little girls room .... back in a few ...."

As she had walked by the other table, 'Julianna' looked up and their eyes met again but no emotion was seen and no words were spoken.

Inside the women's rest room, Annette went into a stall and when she came out, the woman she had been playing eye tag with was there, just standing by the wash basin, waiting.

"Hello," she had said.

Annette answered with her own, "Hello,"

"Have we met before?" the other woman asked.

"Not that I remember," Annette answered after noticing a bit of Spanish accent, "do you think we have?"

She smiled and said, "I don't think so either .... so why were you looking at me every time I looked up?"

Annette swallowed and said, "I thought you were looking at me .... it seemed everytime I looked up .... your eyes were already looking my way,"

Without saying anything, the woman had squinted her eyes just a bit and turned her head so she was looking questioningly out of the corner of her eye at Annette.

After she saw Annette shrug her shoulders, she said, "Well maybe we are both a little guilty?"

Smiling broadly Annette said, "That could be,"

"My name is Julianna, Julianna DeMarco" as she offered her hand.

"Annette Midland here," grasping Julianna's hand and then letting go, but Julianna's fingers seemed reluctant to let go until a few more seconds passed.

Julianna's heeled pumps made her about two inches taller than Annette who stood at five feet six inches, so she surmised that they were actually about the same height.

Annette stood with her arms folded under her breasts, Julianna reached out and lightly touched her arm as she said, "I would like to talk more with you but I don't have the time right now as I must return to my guest. If I give you my number will you call me tonight .... say about nine o'clock?"

With no immediate response, she added, "Please? .... please say yes?"

"I can't promise anything for tonight but I will try .... and if I can't make it?"

"Then try again another night about that time .... please say you will do that."

"Alright .... yes .... I will call you when I can ...."

Julianna took a pen and a small pad from her purse, wrote numbers on it and handed it to her .... then without another word she turned and walked out the door.

Annette waited another minute while she checked her makeup and flipped her blond hair a bit before making her exit to find that Julianna and her guest were gone. Since Lisa had her back to the scene and had been busy with her lunch, she had no clue that both the women had been in the restroom at the same time. Though Lisa and Annette were long time friends, had been lovers in the past, they had remained friends even after their romance had faded. Annette didn't mention the phone number or conversation.

Later that evening, Annette relaxed at home with a cup of coffee while she recalled the incident at the cafe. She reached for her purse and retrieved the paper with the phone number on it. In her mind she asked, "What lies ahead if I call this number? What does Julianna want from me? .... do I even want to know?" The grandfather clock announced it was 8:30 with its chimes.

Shortly after the clock struck nine, she decided to make the call. After dialing the number, she could hear the phone ringing. On the fourth ring an answering device delivered its message and Annette hesitantly began to speak, "This is Annette .... I will call back a little later or," she heard a click indicating that someone was answering the call.

"Don't hang up .... this is Julianna and I wanted to be certain it was you before I answered. Thank you, Annette, for calling," she said in a soft deliberate voice.

"My curiosity is running wild here .... but I had to ...."

She was interrupted by Julianna's voice, "Please let me explain ...."


"First I must ask if you are married?"

"No, I'm not .... would it matter?"

"Yes, I would not want to interfere with another's marriage .... so now I explain,"

Annette nodded to herself and waited.

"I am married .... married to an older and very wealthy husband who is .... well .... often away on business .... I have a few social activities that I participate in during the daytime but that is only for twice in a month. I hope you don't percieve this wrongly, but I would like to have someone to spend some evening time with .... like dining out or taking in a play or a movie."

"So you're looking for a girlfriend instead of a boyfriend?"

"No .... no it isn't like that .... I just want to get out of the house without going alone or creating a scene that would not be acceptable to my husband, does that seem reasonable?"

"I suppose, since you put it that way," Annette replied, "so you want me to be your escort?"

"Maybe .... but more like a friend or a companion .... but I would like to know you better first ...."

"And how do we do that?"

"I would like us to meet .... again .... under different circumstances .... to talk .... just to see if we have compatability .... are you willing to do that?"

"Where would we meet?"

"My thoughts are for you to come to my home where we could discuss things privately but if you're not agreeable to that, we could meet somewhere else,"

"Your home is fine, I don't have a problem with that .... I work out of my home so I can come most anytime .... when and where?"

"Can you be here Friday about 10 AM? The address is 28 Emerald Lane,"

"Oh, you are in Royal Gardens Estates?"

"Yes .... so you know it?"

"Barely, .... about a year ago I had a client who lived there ,"

"I see, .... so I shall look forward to your visit around 10 on Friday then,"

"Right .... I will be there,"

"Very well, goodbye until then, Annette,"

"Goodnight, Julianna,"


Pulling into the driveway, Annette was awed by the massive Spanish styled mansion in front of her. All done in white stone, accentuated by black trimmings, the two story house was quite a prominent fixture.

She pushed the doorbell button beside the heavy wooden entrance and heard the ringing sounds from within. A few seconds later the door swung open and she was greeted by Julianna who was dressed in casual style with designer jeans, a loose fitting knit top and bare feet. Her long dark hair was pulled back and held with gold colored combs on either side. Again she was without makeup .... and as three days before .... her beauty had no need for makeup.

"Good morning, Annette, please come in,"

"Thank you and good morning to you Julianna," she said as the door closed behind her.

"Follow me, I think we will be more comfortable in the sunroom, it's bright and airy,"

She went over to a sofa facing a wall of glass which looked out to a flower garden and motioned for Annette to sit there. A large glasstop table was in front and held a silver tray and tea service.

"Do you drink tea?" she asked in a soft voice with a slight Spanish accent.

"Yes, I do, cream but no sugar please,"

A smiling Julianna poured tea for them as she said, "That is the way I take it too," .... in a tone which Annette took as implying some sort of connection between them.

After a couple of minutes of small talk concerning weather and Julianna's house, Annette asked, "So why is a beautiful, obviously wealthy lady such as you appear to be, interested in someone like me?"

"Don't place me up so high .... and don't put yourself down," she replied, "I once lived an extremely poor existence in Argentina with my family until Ramon rescued me at the insistence of my Father. My marriage was arranged and I was essentially sold, at age 17 to Ramon DeMarco. Since then we have lived here and I have attained a college degree which pleased Ramon since it has helped me to socialize with some of his business acquaintances. We do attend a dinner or party on rare occasions."

"Oh my," Annette sighed, "are you happy in your marriage?"

"I am comfortable and .... satisfied .... but I detest being left alone so much of the time. I never know where he is or what he does. I have no knowledge at all of his job, his business dealings," she paused and closed her eyes for a few seconds, "I have anything and everything I need or ask for .... but .... well I think you know what I am saying .... companionship,"

"Yes, I think I do .... so you feel trapped but yet you have wealth and freedom?"

"Exactly and I would not demean my marriage by consorting with another man behind Ramon's back .... but I am sure that socializing with another woman would cause no problem," she took a deep breath and continued, "Sometime earlier, when I mentioned that to him, he nodded in agreement and dismissed the subject,"

Annette was quiet as she was considering all that she had just heard.

"Now it is your turn Annette, will you tell me about yourself .... your life .... your thoughts based on what I have told you?"

Julianna listened intently as she heard Annettes life story. How she had grown up rather poor also and was abused by her alcoholic Father .... not sexually but verbally and mentally. However he had physically abused her mother and one time so badly that she died from a beating he had given her. He went away to prison for a long stay. Annette, then thirteen was sent to live with an Aunt, her mother's sister which was where she stayed even after she graduated high school. The Aunt, Marie, had taught her to sew, repair dresses and other clothing as well as how to do alterations and make custom pieces of women's clothing.

Annette had worked with her Aunt Marie at her shop until Marie's untimely death from a heart attack. Annette had been twenty two at the time. Aunt Marie's house, shop and business were all willed to Annette as Marie had no other relatives. Annette had since moved the business to the house and devoted the entire first floor to it while she lived alone upstairs. Business was brisk, steady and provided a good income.

"You have lived quite a stressful life yourself, Annette. I am sorry about your Mother and your Aunt. I have great admiration for you and the way you have risen through all your troubles."

"Thank you, Julianna, it hasn't been easy but I have friends who helped and the passing years have dulled some of the aches."

"I am glad of that .... glad we met .... and glad you are here now. Now I suppose it is time to get into why I asked you here,"

Annette smiled and waited.

"As I said, I am alone alot and would like to get out more often, see things, do things, have someone to talk to and enjoy spending more time outside these stone walls. I haven't met anyone in either of my groups that I want to do that with. I know that if I offered you pay for your time, you would refuse .... so if you accept my friendship .... agree to accompany me to various places and activities that are amenable to both of us, there will be no expense to you. I will take care of any and all fees, food, travel costs, tickets or whatever is encountered. You of course would be on your own for anything you wanted to purchase as mementos, gifts or anything like that. Does that sound at all possible for you to be a part of?"

"Maybe. First I must know, how often would I need to be away from my shop and my work?"

"No more than once a week and then only on the weeks that Ramon is gone, so .... I would say three times in a month."

"And it would always be in the evening hours?"

"Mostly but not always .... on weekends we might want to do something during the daytime as well .... if that is alright with you of course."

"It would be .... I am not obligated to anyone but myself and my clients .... and maybe now a new friend I have met," she said with a huge grin.

"You will do it?" Julianna almost screamed as she danced around and waved her arms.

"I will consent to a trial period of say two months? .... is that acceptable to you Julianna?"

"Oh yes .... yes, yes, yes," she said as she reached out with open arms and hugged Annette.

They drank more tea, talked of things they would like to do, mostly Julianna's choices, and in general that Julianna would initially contact Annette each time and they would develop their plans together .... like whether Annette would go to Julianna's or be picked up at her own home.

With a loose schedule agreed upon, she escorted Annette to the door, holding her arm as they walked. Before she opened the door she stepped in front of Annette and kissed her on the cheek.

"You can't imagine how excited I am right now .... we are going to become true friends .... I am so happy I just want to hug you and not let go for fear that I'll never see you again,"

"Throw away that fear .... I like you Julianna .... you are real, not fake like some others I know .... you will see me again .... and soon I hope."

"Our feelings are mutual .... I like you too and you will receive my call in a day or two so we can firm up our first outing together,"

With that she hugged Annette and kissed her cheek again. Annette returned the hug and cheek kiss before the door was opened for her.

"Goodbye for now my new friend,"

"Bye Bye," Annette said, "I'll be waiting,"

Julianna stood in the open doorway until Annette headed down the street, turned the corner and was out of sight.


So began the adventures of Julianna and Annette. They saw movies together .... dined at places where Annette normally wouldn't even look at the menu .... visited the art gallery and museum .... attended a play offered by a local civic theater troupe. A three day weekend was taken at the seashore in a suite with two bedrooms. They were having a good time, especially Julianna, but also Annette even though she feared she might be getting 'too close' to this beautiful woman.

After several weeks, their relationship had grown and strengthened and Julianna seemed to relax even more. They joked with each other and began to talk more like long time friends. One night after an outing to a very upscale restaurant for a dinner of lobster and a delicious French dessert which Annette dearly loved, Julianna had a persistent smile on her face and finally Annette couldn't hold back any longer.

"What are you so smiley about tonight?" she asked Julianna.

"You don't know?"

"If I did, would I be asking?" she replied.

Laughing, Julianna said, "This is the deadline you set for us,"

"It is? Two months already? I've been enjoying it so much I guess I lost track of time,"

"So .... I have a question for you .... Are we going to continue this?"

"Well .... I'm willing if you are .... but you shouldn't be paying all the time,"

"That was our arrangement .... and it is still in effect,"

"But it need not be like that,"

"Yes it should. I am the 'dater' and you are the 'datee' .... so I pay."

Annette wanted to say something but knew it was useless to do so.

"And I might add, Ramon can well afford both of us, so be it."

"You win .... again .... you're impossible,"

Julianna just smiled her beautiful smile and nodded her head, "Si, I know,"

After dinner, as they strolled through a garden by the restaurant, Julianna reached and grasped Annette's hand. Annette's fingers curled around the hand in hers and they walked silently, holding hands, in the direction of the parking area.

Following the leisurely drive back, they lounged on a sofa in the great room. Julianna seemed in an even more revealing mood for conversation. She spoke more of Ramon and their life together. It was obvious that she was unsettled over all the time he was away and wondered if it was always business but she never dared to ask him. She told Annette that he usually was only home for about one long weekend a month, usually covering Friday through Monday, leaving her to fend for herself in almost every aspect of life the rest of her time.

Annette thought, "What kind of marriage is that?" but didn't say it and her compassion for Julianna kept growing.

"What do you and Ramon do when he comes home?"

She shook her head and replied, "Nada .... nothing .... we make love .... eat .... sleep .... maybe swim together .... he is on his telephone a lot,"

"I see, so he comes home to relax and then back on tour again, huh?"

"Yes and sometimes I am glad when the weekend is over,"

"I don't think I want to question that .... at least not now .... we should find a different subject," Annette said almost in a whisper.

"Please let me talk about this now .... while I am ready?"

"If you're sure you want to .... I am a great listener, is this because he isn't home as much as you would like .... or as much as you need him to be here .... so you can be his wife .... his woman?"

"Si .... oh there I go again .... sometimes my Spanish breaks through ...."

Julianna's mind wandered as she recalled the infrequent sex she had with her husband, Ramon.

"I have told you before how little time Ramon and I are together. Making love with Ramon has never satisied me to say the least. He never take time for foreplay .... well not much anyway .... he only gives me oral to get me wet down there .... certainly not for my pleasure. His fingers sometimes rub me for a few moments, sometimes penetrating and sometimes not. Then he move above me and say to guide him in. Then in a short time he has his climax and he gives out strong thrusts and loud grunts and moans to accentuate his pleasure. Unfortunately, I have never known a release of my own with him and get no pleasure. The time is always too short for me and my arousal is very low. Any sexual release I get, I do by myself."

Annette had a tear streaming down her cheek when Julianna looked up at her.

"I'm sorry .... I didn't intend to burden you with my frustrations and my sorrowful thoughts about our little time together .... the loneliness it brings me,"

"No, don't be sorry .... it's alright .... but if you want to .... need to .... I am the person you can do it with .... you can tell me anything, Julianna, anything at all and it will remain with me."

"Thank you for that .... just sometimes .... I don't know how to say ...." she seemed to choke up and was embarrassed.

Annette reached for and held Julianna's hand while they just gazed at each other.

"You are a true gift to me, Annette. I am happy when we are like this .... sharing our lives and stories,"

"I can tell .... and do you have any idea how warm that makes me feel inside? .... to be able to help you this way?"

"My hope is that it makes you feel the way it does me."

Annette squeezed her hand a little tighter.

"Yet we are much different aren't we? We seem highly compatible but we have much different ways."

"What do you mean?"

"Only little things I notice, especially when we are out,"

"Such as ....?"

"Maybe I shouldn't say .... if I am mistaken I could never forgive myself,"

"Now you really have my attention .... c'mon .... we have said all along that we could discuss anything,"

"Yes .... this is something I observe .... you never seem to look at men but your eyes will follow a woman on occasion,"

Annette didn't quite expect such a direct comment as she cleared her throat and then hesitated several seconds.

"You're very observant and you are also quite correct,"

"Then you are not interested in men?"

"No, I knew from early on that my attention was drawn to .... not boys or men but other girls, women, as it is yet today."

Julianna was quiet and pensive while Annette looked into her eyes and waited for a response.

"You are the only woman like that I have met .... when I was younger I was aware but led to believe that .... how I say .... a woman who loves another woman would look and act differently .... but I find that to be wrong .... you are not different, not at all,"

"Oh Julianna, so many people have wild misconceptions like that. Some women who are like me do look different and act differently but most are very similar to me .... and you, believe it or not. Don't feel badly for saying that to me .... and I am relieved that you don't see me as .... different,"

"Is the way you are the reason you were looking at me so often in that cafe where we met?"

"Oh my, no, no, no, a thousand times no .... please believe me .... you are so beautiful Julianna, I just couldn't stop .... I had no idea or intention that we would even speak to each other. Women like me .... Lesbian ....we are not predators,"

"I believe that is true," she said, "and I must tell you this .... I saw you when you entered .... it was as if a ray of sunshine was making your pretty face glow and drawing me to you .... now it seems .... fate was at work .... your friendship has done wonders for me,"

"I have argued with myself several times, if I should just tell you about me but I couldn't find the right time. So now destiny or fate or whatever .... brought us together .... and I assume from what you are saying that you are not upset or pulling away from me now that you know about me?"

"I am not upset .... no feelings have changed .... in truth I find you even more interesting and appealing .... if that is possible," she said with a wide grin and sparkling dark eyes.

"Please stand up," Annette asked.

Julianna stood with a questioning look. Annette moved closer, held her arms out and said, "I need a hug,"

They embraced .... tightly .... not moving .... their heads were side by side since they were of similar height .... as they shared a lengthy hug .... their first show of real emotion toward each other.

Annette whispered, "Thank you .... thank you Julianna .... I needed that,"

"De nada .... you're welcome .... you are my friend, confidante and companion .... nothing else matters, we will do many hugs,"

"This has been a quite unusual evening hasn't it? I think it is time for me to go home now."

"As you wish," Julianna replied, "as long as you are not running away,"

"Oh no .... nothing like that .... I just would like to be alone for a while,"

"Maybe we both need that .... promise to call me in the morning?" Julianna said with a smile and nodding her head.

"Count on it .... as you said .... no feelings have changed .... so .... until we are together again," Annette leaned forward to kiss Julianna's cheek.

Julianna closed her eyes, put her arms around Annette and held her tightly, then kissed Annette's cheek.

"Be safe, call me .... manana," she said.

"Okay, you're manana," she giggled, which brought a laugh from Julianna.

"Manana means tomorrow,"

"I know that .... one of my ten words .... goodnight my dear friend,"


Annette strode to her car, got in and drove away without looking back .... that was the only way.

On the other side of the heavy wooden door, a wistful Julianna stood silently as she recalled their conversations of the evening. Mentally she asked herself .... "Now I know who she is .... now .... who am I?"


The next morning, Annette was still in bed when she picked up the phone and called Julianna. She answered on the first ring.

"Good morning," she said to the caller.

"And a good morning to you also,"

"Did you sleep well, Annette?"

"Yes, very well .... and you?"

"I retired later but I slept soundly,"

They chatted a few more minutes and agreed they would talk again in a few days.

Their next time together was a Monday evening, which was unusual but they had 'dated' on a couple of other Mondays. This time they were to attend a wine tasting at another home in the gated community where Julianna resided.

Annette informed her that she was not much of a drinker but she would be glad to go and maybe sample one or two. Annette's aversion to alcohol was mostly due to the memories she had of her Father and not because of the taste nor of its effects on her .

There were a lot of people at the gathering. All were in rather casual dress which made Annette feel at ease. She was introduced to several couples as well as singles by Julianna as her very close friend. She was relieved that no one she knew was there. They were separated a few times and she made conversation with a few of the women and one or two of the men. True to her statement, she sampled only two wines and drank half a glass of the second one. What Julianna had been doing at those times she didn't know.

Almost magically, Julianna appeared beside her. She raised a glass of red to her lips and smiled at Annette as she took a sip before she offered it to her.

"Oh no .... please .... I have already had my share,"

"Just a sip? a taste? this is one of my favorites,"

Annette nodded and did not flinch when Julianna turned the glass so that Annette would be drinking from the same side she had used.

She sipped, moved her tongue around in the liquid, swallowed and said, "That is very good, .... "


"No .... no thank you,"

Julianna smiled and gazed into her eyes as she retracted the glass.

Later they walked back to her house. Inside they sat and talked a few minutes before Annette announced that she needed to get home to prepare for a busy day.

At the door they shared their usual hugs and cheek kisses before parting.

Shortly after Annette left, Julianna's phone rang. Excitedly she hurried to answer, assuming it would be Annette. It turned out to be Sheila Baxter who is an acquaintance of Julianna's through their group of charity workers.

After a minute or two of small talk, Sheila informed her that she was hosting the group for a casual barbecue dinner and swim outing at her house on Saturday evening and would like for Julianna to attend.

"I would love to be there, Sheila, but my husband is out of town on business and won't be back yet."

"Not a problem. It's just for us girls anyway, none of our mates will be here. So tell me you'll come, say around six-ish?"

"Oh, I don't know .... I almost never am out alone after dark. Maybe I should decline."

"Nonsense, we will have a great time and I'm sure someone would be happy to see you back to your home,"

"You're not going to let me say no are you?"

"No.... if I must, I will come there and get you myself," Sheila giggled.

"Hmmm .... since it will only be women, would it be possible for me to bring a friend? .... another woman of course,"

Sheila was silent for several seconds before she replied, "Actually, you may .... normally I would have said no but Janie Stern can't make it. They will be out of town. So yes, bring your friend and that will make eight of us as I intended in the first place .... I want you to be here with us."

"Great, thank you, now .... what is the dress code? so I can pass that to my friend?"

"Well, since it is a barbecue and swim party, my suggestion which I have passed on to all the others, is shorts or capri pants.... a comfortable top .... or maybe a beach cover up. Of course you may wear your bikini if you like .... or have it under your shorts. Anything really .... just be extra casual and comfortable,"

"Bikini? you're serious?"

"Yes .... bikinis are the uniform for the evening," Sheila said with a chuckle.

"Sounds very relaxing .... we will be there. Thank you so much for the invitation,"

"You're very welcome .... put it on your calendar .... see you then. Bye bye."

"Goodbye Sheila, see you Saturday,"

The next morning she called Annette but got only the answer machine to which she said, "I guess you are still sleeping. Please meet me at Wally's Cafe around 11:30 for lunch. If you can't make it please call and let me know. Hope to see you there. Bye-eeeee"

She never heard from Annette so she assumed the meeting was on. Julianna arrived around 11:15 and sat watching the entrance for Annette. She was late but only about five minutes. She spotted Julianna, smiled and hurried to the table.

Pulling back a chair to sit on, she said, "What's going on? You almost sounded urgent on the phone."

"I was excited .... " she said as she reached to put her hand on top of Annette's, "I want you to go somewhere with me on Saturday evening. I hope you don't have other plans."

"No plans .... but it sounds like I am going to make some," she said with a grin.

After explaining everything, Julianna just smiled, raised her eyebrows in a questioning manner and waited for Annette to respond.

"Are the others weathy and high society too?"

"They are all wealthy, yes .... I don't know about high society,"

"I might not fit in with them very well, in conversation or ...."

"Ssshhhh .... don't be silly .... you will be fine just as you were at the wine tasting,"

After a bit she said, "Well, I suppose I will have to go shopping for a bikini," she giggled.

"You don't have one?"

"It's old .... "

"I have a better solution ...."

"Let's hear it,"

"My closet has at least a dozen bikini swim suits, most I have never worn, you are welcome to choose one,"

"Mmmm, .... well we are about the same size, are you sure about this?"

"Very sure .... besides .... it will look better on you anyway," she said with a sparkle in her dark eyes.

"HAH!! everything would look better on you .... you tease with me .... were you like that before you met me?"

"That is a secret," she said with a wink, "when can you come over,"

"I guess this evening after dinner if that's alright with you,"

"Come for dinner .... I will make something for us,"

"You got a deal, what time?"

"You choose,"

"Oh you always do that to me, .... how about 6:30?"

"Don't be late," she said with a stern look.

"Yes Ma'am, .... sorry .... si Senora," she said through a laugh.

"Muy bueno, .... which means 'very good', have you been studying?"

"No, and I also know, Senorita, Senor, hola and adios,"

Julianna laughed as she leaned back in her chair and clapped her hands.

"You are dear .... thank you,"

"You're welcome .... I just wanted to surprise you,"

"And you did,"

"Now I must get to work or I will be late for dinner, .... thank you for lunch and I will see you later," Annette said before she leaned down and kissed Julianna's cheek.

Annette finished off an alteration she had promised for the next morning then hurried to the shower. It was nearing six o'clock and she didn't want to be late for her dinner date. In spite all her rushing, she still didn't ring the doorbell quite on schedule.

She stepped in and they hugged, kissed cheeks and Julianna took her hand to lead her to the kitchen area. They sat opposite each other as they ate the shrimp and rice she had prepared. Small talk ensued while they drank an after dinner coffee.

"Are you ready to see my bikini collection?"

"I suppose .... "

So up they went to Julianna's bedroom, well her's and Ramon's when he was home. Annette had not seen it in all the visits she had made. It was huge. A kingsize bed along with two chests, two dressers, a couple of chairs and a night stand on either side of the bed adorned the room. Still it didn't seem crowded. Also there were two walk-in closets and a monster bathroom which held a large glassed in shower with two heads, a whirlpool tub in the corner, a large cabinet with double basins and of course, a commode.

On the bed lay several bikini swim suits of various colors. Not one of them could be called 'conservative'.

"Here are the swim suits I have never worn. You are welcome to try them on if you like,"

"You do have quite a collection, and .... they are definitely bikinis," Annette said with a grin.

"Would you like privacy while you choose one," she answered, obviously ignoring the comment.

"Yes, I think so. But if you ask nicely, I will model my choice for your approval."

"Ooooohhh, si .... just open the door and call to me,"

After the door closed Annette looked over the offerings, picked up a bra and held it to her, then she picked up the matching bottom and held it up as she looked at it and imagined it stretched around her hips.

"Not a lot of cloth wasted on this one," she told herself, "but I kinda like it and the color is nice,"

It was almost luminescent, a lighter green which would likely accent her greenish-blue eyes. So she slipped out of her jeans, pulled her top over her head, unhooked her bra, then shimmied her thong panties down her slim hips and legs. Totally nude she turned to see herself in the full length mirror on the bathroom door.

"Hmmpfh .... not bad for a thirty two year old I guess."

Finally getting the bottom into place and adjusting the top to cover as much of her C cup breasts as was possible, she opened the door and said, "I think I'm ready Julianna," then she stepped back by the end of the bed and waited.

Julianna took one step inside the door and stopped .... staring with her mouth open .... mostly to herself, she said, "Oh, mi dios .... you are so beautiful Annette ...."

Her silky, blond ponytail swung outward as Annette did a pirouette as Julianna smiled her approval.

"That color is for you .... your body .... I never knew .... your clothes hide your beauty too well .... oh mi dios ...."

"Thank you .... you are too kind to me .... so you like the choice I made?"

"Si .... it is perfect for you .... and you are perfect for the suit," she answered with a big grin.

Her eyes raked up and down her body as she just stood and took in the surprising beauty she had not expected. Then she noticed against the green material, a few blond hairs had escaped from behind the front the bikini bottom.

In some instances, Julianna was a bit more forward than even Annette .... this was one of those times as she said, "I see you are a true blond," grinning and looking directly at the triangle of cloth covering Annette's nether region.

Annette looked down and saw the straggling blond hairs and muttered, "Damn .... I didn't expect that .... guess I will have to trim more .... sorry,"

"No need to be sorry, we are both women here and know women's needs,"

"Thank you .... you never cease to amaze me though .... you are so sophisticated usually .... then .... you surprise me,"

She laughed a bit then said, "If you like, I could model the suit I have chosen ...."

"You will? .... you aren't kidding me are you? .... I would adore a preview of that,"

With that she went to the closet and retrieved a hanger holding a white swim suit, turned and said, "Stay right there, I will change in the bathroom and be back in a moment,"

Annette knew pretty well what she was going to see since Julianna usually wore clothes which were not so loose fitting as what Annette herself wore most of the time.

Still when the door opened and she saw all the darker skin, covered in those strategic places by the white, almost transparent bikini, she felt a tremor of shock course through her. Julianna's darker skin just seemed to glow, her legs were perfectly shaped and her dark areola were obvious through the white bra. Annettes knees felt a little weak for a few seconds.

"And you called me beautiful? My god, Julianna, I knew you had a great body .... but I am stunned .... you are truly a goddess .... a very sexy goddess,"

She smiled her always gorgeous smile and said, "Thank you .... but I am just who I am .... nothing more,"

Now sitting on the edge of the bed, Annette watched as she walked toward her, did a slow turn and walked back toward the bathroom where she turned around and said, "Why don't we each choose another suit to wear and go for a swim tonight .... we haven't been in the pool together .... do you have time?"

"Uh .... yeah .... I guess so .... if you want to, we can do that," she answered and began to wonder if Julianna had other motives but put that thought away since she had never said or done anything to indicate that sort of interest.

So they each grabbed another bikini, Julianna changed in the bathroom and Annette in the bedroom. Julianna emerged in a bright red and Annette had on a dark blue as they headed downstairs and out to the pool area.

Julianna dove in and swam to the other side. Annette was still standing on the edge. She dipped a toe in and found that the water was cool, not cold.

"It feels good .... come on in," she heard from across the pool.

In she went and swam over to Julianna. The water was not so deep so they could stand side by side with the water up to their armpits.

"Race you to the other end," Julianna dared.

"You're younger than me .... I should get a head start,"

"Not that much age difference .... only four years .... so .... race?"

"Oh alright .... what does the winner get?"

Julianna rolled her eyes as she thought, then said, "Something neither of us has ever had ...."


"A real kiss .... on the lips .... from whoever is second," she said as she raised her eyebrows as she always does when she wants approval.


"Why not .... we are very close friends at this point and we have never kissed except for our cheeks,"

"So we are going to both be winners .... no matter," Annette said with a grin.

"Exactly ...."

"Okay .... you're on .... you count down to go,"

"I will do 'ready .... set .... go'"

"I'm waiting,"

Julianna said, "And may the best swimmer win, .... ready .... set .... GO"

They splashed across the pool side by side and Annette won by mere inches, which meant that Julianna would initiate the kiss for the winner.

After they both caught their breath, Julianna said, "Time to reward the winner," as she moved through the water toward Annette.

She reached out putting her palms against Annette's cheeks and leaned in as she closed her eyes just as their lips touched. Annette felt a shudder run down from her neck through to her toes. Julianna's lips were slightly parted as she held the other woman's head in her hands and worked the kiss as she might have with Ramon but with no tongue and she soon discovered that .... kissing another woman wasn't quite like kissing a man. As indescribable as it was, a real difference was evident to her. Annette's arms went around Julianna and pulled them tightly together while the hands that had held her face slid around behind her head and arms circled around her neck. The kiss lasted for about twenty seconds before Julianna pulled back. Their eyes met and locked in on each other for a few seconds before Annette tugged at Julianna's shoulder and they entered into another kiss of even longer duration. Both were a bit breathless when they separated. Their arms went down, their hands met and fingers meshed together as they both were silent.


"Ssshhh ...." as Julianna put her finger againt Annette's lips,"don't say anything .... let me,"

"My first kiss with a woman who is not of my family .... I did not expect such intensity .... I was overcome with emotion .... I am sorry,"

"Don't apologize .... I loved it .... and I am responsible for the second kiss .... I should apologize to you,"

"No .... I could have resisted .... but I didn't .... we both wanted it,"

"Maybe we should go, dry off, get dressed and discuss things inside," Annette offered.

"You may be right," as she climbed up the pool ladder.

Annette followed her as they dried off outside and then went in.

"You go change first and I will wait down here," Julianna suggested.

A few minutes later they were both dressed again and sitting in the great room on a sofa.

Annette started by saying, "I loved kissing you .... but .... I am a gay woman and try quite strongly to not be aggressive with straight women such as you,"

"I appreciate your concern, Annette, but I chose the reward which meant we would kiss .... no matter who won .... I wanted that .... that is not aggression on your part,"

"The second kiss was of my doing .... your beauty is intoxicating to me .... I was the aggressor,"

"But I was willing .... not passive .... I wanted us to kiss again,"

"I just have to be careful .... I hope you understand that ...."

"Yes, I do but we were in total privacy at that time and .... the things I have been thinking for a while now .... maybe I am not so straight,"

"It was a magical moment for me, Julianna," she said softly,"and if we kiss again sometime, well .... after all you are a woman with a husband .... you don't need rumors to start. We are very close friends and must practice discretion at all times .... please my dear friend, do not classify yourself that way just because we enjoy kissing each other."

"We are on the same line of thought .... and we will soon kiss again I am certain .... I hope you accept that,"

"I do .... and I think this would be the perfect time for me to go home,"

Julianna smiled and asked, "It is rather late .... could I persuade you to stay here tonight?"

Annette was a bit stunned and while her mind was buzzing, she said nothing.

"You're upset .... " Julianna whispered almost to herself.

"No .... I am being cautious .... I am NOT upset at all .... I just didn't expect you to ask that,"

The dark haired woman just smiled and said, "Soon I will ask you that again,"

Annette hugged her and with her lips touching Julianna's ear, "Let me think on it and ask me again Saturday after the pool party,"

"I shall do that," she answered with a smile and a nod.

They walked hand in hand to the door. Julianna opened it and they kissed each other on the cheek.

"Goodnight my dearest friend...." Annette said.

"Goodnight and sweet dreams mi amiga," Julianna said with a grin.

Julianna slept fitfully during the night. Her sleep was invaded by dreams of Annette and her, in various situations of undress, in the pool, in the house, at one time .... both naked and kissing as Julianna was savoring the feel of Annettes breasts and nipples against her own. She awoke, almost feverish, sweating and only when she went to use her hand to wipe her brow did she realize that she had been masturbating with both hands .... to the images of Annette in her mind .... and just as she awoke had experienced one of the strongest orgasms she had ever known.

She brought her fingers to her mouth as she had done many times before in Ramon's absence, using an anonymous face for his replacement. Her tongue flicked over her fingers and behind her closed eyes she imagined that it was Annette's exudate that she was tasting.

"I wonder if we taste anything alike?" she quizzed herself.

Her next hour or so was consumed with remembering a video she had recently seen on her computer of two women engaged in pleasuring each other. Their faces were replaced with the faces of Annette and herself. This enforced her need to use her fingers hile she was fully awake and envisioning Annette, poised on her knees, leaning down with her face hidden by Julianna's thighs as they held the blond beauty's face against her womanhood.

Another orgasm wracked her body as her hips rose and fell with the imagined actions of Annette. Julianna moaned, called out Annettes name and writhed in orgasmic spasms as the mostly unfamiliar pangs faded and left her limp, weak and breathless.

She was finally able to sleep, but only for short duration, then waking again.

The digital clock displayed the time as 4:33AM and she knew she would no longer be able to rest. She got out of bed, made coffee and while she sipped the brew, she mentally relived the kisses of the previous night.

With thoughts returning to Ramon, her suspicions were high that he had other women while he was away and felt that very possibly he had become romantically involved with someone else. While this frustrated Julianna, as long her rich life could continue, she was not deeply concerned. After all it had been an arranged marriage. She felt that theirs was not really a love life but more of a convenient situation designed to provide a home base for him and allow him to play the role of the busy, successful business man who is away alot but has a beautiful wife waiting for his return. What business does he do she questioned silently. I know nothing and he tells me nothing. At least I have my own bank accounts which are sinfully large thanks to his successful business ventures. All our property, home, autos and such are titled in my name alone at his request. He said he had done that to protect all the assets because of the dangers he encountered in some of the foreign areas he had to visit.

Finally she got all the negatives out of her mind and prepared to go to the salon for her weekly pampering.


Saturday, pool party day arrived. Julianna was on the phone calling Annette to ask her to come over early. Of course she agreed and arrived just before three o'clock. Julianna was wearing a terry robe, pale blue and only reaching to just above her knees. When she sat, her gorgeous legs and thighs were exposed.This did not go unnoticed by Annette as she couldn't keep her eyes away from the lovely scenery.

"I have a robe for you too.... " she pointed to a chair across the room where Annette saw the robe and the bikini she had chosen to wear, "it matches your bikini," she grinned.

The robe was identical to the one she was wearing except for the color which was a pastel green.

Julianna opened her own robe, showing her own bikini and said, "I am wearing mine and taking other clothing in this bag .... why don't you do that too?"

"Well .... alright .... I suppose .... but I don't know anyone so what are they going to think of me?"

"They will love you .... you worry too much,"

"Maybe .... but I am different,"

"Not as you may think .... you will like them .... everyone is close in age .... just be Annette," she said softly, "go .... go change so we can leave,"

"I thought it wasn't until later?"

"Sheila called and said we could come anytime .... a couple of the others are going earlier as well,"

Annette smiled, then snickered and replied, "Maybe that's a good thing .... I won't have to meet them all at the same time,"

She took her robe and bikini into the bathroom and changed but came out carrying the robe. Julianna stood, gawked and then took off her robe before she raised her open arms to Annette. Slowly they moved toward each other, eyes locked together and their hug evolved into a kiss, initiated by Julianna. While their bare legs pressed together, Annette's larger breasts pressed against Julianna's chest, their tongues met and danced together as the kiss became more heated and very wet.

Finally pulling away, Julianna said, "oh mi dios .... I am so sorry Annette but you are so beautiful I could not help myself .... please forgive me,"

Annette pulled them back together and the ensuing kiss was tender, wet and full of tongue play as their bodies molded together. Both their breathing had quickened when they parted.

"I think right now would be a good time to leave for the party and get into the company of other people," the blond woman whispered.

Julianna smiled and her starry eyes sparkled, "Yes .... I think that too .... I want them to meet you,"

They both put on their robes, Annette picked up their bag of clothes and led the way out.

Three cars were in Sheila's driveway when they arrived but one belonged to her. They walked around the side toward the pool and found three bikini clad women sitting at a table, talking and sipping cold drinks.

"Hola," Julianna said loudly causing them all to look up.

A very stately blond woman stood and said, "Hello and welcome .... but we speak English here," then laughed.

"Someday I will teach you my beautiful language, Sheila .... but now I want you to meet my very close and dear friend .... Annette this is Sheila Baxter, our lovely and gracious host,"

Annette extended her hand and Sheila took hold of it before she said, "This group does a lot of hugging .... I hope you don't mind," as she tugged Annette closer and into a hug.

"Don't mind at all Sheila, I come from a long line of huggers," she replied with a snicker.

She was then introduced to Angie and Donna, both brunettes, also quite attractive and hard huggers as she found out. They all sat at the long picnic style table by the pool as Sheila took orders and delivered drinks. Conversationally, Annette fit right in but she knew she was far outside the circle of their wealth. She also noted that she wasn't intimidated by that as she had previously imagined. They were all women and they had accepted her.

Shortly two more women arrived, both wearing cover-ups and one with a big floppy hat on her head, covering her red hair. The redhead was introduced first as Diane and the other with light brown hair was Allison. Last to arrive about fifteen minutes later was a stunning, raven haired beauty named Gretchen. Of course there were hugs all around as the introductions were completed and Annette was relieved to see that all the other women were quite congenial and accepting of her in spite of her being an 'outsider'. Julianna never left her side.

Needless to say, all seven of the women were anxiously eyeing each other, trying to figure out how to top the others the next time they met. Annette could see it was somewhat of a competition for them. Julianna herself was busily assessing the other bikini clad ladies as well. When she turned to see Annette looking at her, she would turn her own attentions toward her part time companion. They both knew where their own interests were focused.

Everyone except Julianna and Annette were rather strong drinkers. They apparently knew that Julianna didn't drink much but several attempts were made to get Annette to imbibe a little more but she steadfastly refused their offers and only drank water or diet soda. When they all sat down to dinner, she did take a glass of wine and near the end of the meal, took a refill. All the women spent time in the water and Annette got more acquainted with them. When they found out that she does sewing, alterations and such they all wanted to know more about where her shop was.

After darkness set in, Sheila turned on some music and started dancing with Donna. Julianna and Annette got up to dance to the beat. They got into a few bump and grinds as the music intensified. Gretchen sipped wine and watched them. Diane and Allison also joined in the dancing and coaxed Angie in as well. Gretchen didn't receive an invitation and showed no sign of wanting to dance anyway. After a few dances, they more or less retired to the lounging chairs. Gretchen came to sit with them but seemed more interested in occupying Annette than anyone else. Not wanting to offend her, Annette tried to be attentive without flirting back in any way.

After getting touched on the arm a few times and grabbed on the shoulder during a Gretchen laugh, she stood and said, "I think I need to get back into the water," as she headed for the steps leading into the pool.

Diane, the redhead, was in the pool and went closer to talk to Annette.

"I think I remember my mother having some work done at your shop quite a while ago, I thought you would be older."

Annette smiled and replied, "She may have been there but that would likely have been my aunt Marie. It was originally her business and I worked with and learned from her since I was thirteen and when she passed away she willed me the business."

"Ahhhh .... that explains my dilemma," she laughed, "I thought maybe you had discovered the fountain of youth .... I will pass the word around to my other friends and maybe send some more business your way,"

"Thank you, that would be great," she smiled at the pretty redhead who was without her hat since the sun was down.

Most of the women had opted to change from their swimsuits as the night air was cooler and both Julianna and Annette were in shorts and pullover tops.

At a little after nine o'clock, Julianna broke away from the group she was sitting with and went over to Annette who was sitting with Sheila, Diane and Allison.

"How late do you want to stay?" Julianna asked.

She could see the glimmer in her eyes even in the dim light and answered, "Whenever you want to go .... after all, I'm the outsider here," she said with a wink just for Julianna.

Sheila blurted, "No you're not an outsider .... you're one of us now .... we have all talked about how much we like you and are so glad you came with Julianna," then she turned to Julianna and said, "If you must leave so early, I can take Annette home later,"

Julianna shook her head, "I did not say I had to leave, I just thought maybe she was tired with all the questions by now,"

Annette reached for her hand and smiled, "I am fine .... everyone has been so nice and I have truly enjoyed being here .... so whenever you choose, we will go,"

"Madre de dios .... they are stealing you away from me already," she rolled her beautiful eyes, "another hour and then we will see," she said with a chuckle.

At ten fifteen, just after Gretchen, Allison and Donna had left, Julianna said, "I think I am ready .... unless ...."

With a laugh, Annette said, "No, I'm ready too .... besides if I stay much longer they may not want me back again,"

Sheila stood and hugged her tightly, "You are welcome here anytime .... with or without Miss Argentina,"

Julianna pouted out her lower lip and lowered her eyes bringing a chuckle from Sheila, Diane and Angie.

There were hugs all around, kisses on the cheeks as thank yous were stated and Julianna and Annette made their way to Julianna's car. Annette got into the driving seat as she knew Julianna had consumed more drink. As they were getting settled and buckling their seat belts, Julianna's hand squeezed Annette's arm.

"Thank you for coming with me," she said seriously.

You're welcome and I thank you for asking me," she nodded, "all your friends are absolutely delightful .... I love them all,"

"Does that include me?" she said quietly.

"Especially you," Annette said as she looked deeply into Julianna's eyes.

"Kiss me,"

They leaned toward each other as their lips parted before meeting and enjoying a soft, sensual kiss that ended just before they heard the others coming.

On the way back, they held hands and Annette asked, "What is it with Gretchen? I had the feeling she was after me,"

She laughed and said, "I saw her .... she has done the same with me before .... but I ignore her that way,"

"She is very pretty," Annette mused with a smile.

"Yes, she is very pretty .... but how you might say .... a blubber mouth,"

Annette laughed at that and said, "You are prettier .... but I think you mean blabber mouth,"

"I think she is in a bad marriage .... and needs attention .... I do not believe she is .... like you,"

The gateman saw the windshield sticker and opened the gate as the waved to us. Annette's car was on the driveway and she pulled around it to enter the garage.

Once inside the house, Julianna kicked off her sandals and tilted her head at Annette.

"What?" she asked.

"Are you going to remove your shoes?"

"Should I?"

"Yes .... you are staying with me tonight .... yes?"

"Are you sure you want that? Do you really know for sure?"

"I do .... sit here with me, let me talk,"

Annette indicated she was listening.

"As you know, Ramon has been my only man and in his many absences, I have been left to amuse myself, so to say .... since you and I have been friends he has been home just four times in those six months. The last time, a few weeks ago, I was on my menstrual and would not consent to sex so he left very angry with me,"

Annette was silent.

"I am a woman who needs to be loved more frequently .... I cannot, will not, take another man .... and I have never slept with a woman .... "

Annette only raised her eyebrows.

"You and I met .... became friends .... very close friends .... I want to know if I have been on the wrong path .... I feel such strong attraction to you Annette .... it is more than mere friendship,"

Annette put her finger to Julianna's lips, "You must realize that if we .... go there .... our relationship will undergo drastic changes,"

"Tell me .... I did not want to ask ...."

Annette cut her off, "Yes, yes I do .... I have those feelings for you too .... I just would be devastated if sleeping with you somehow destroys us,"

"How then will we ever know? Please say you will stay with me tonight .... we both want the same .... make love with me .... woman to woman love," Julianna pleaded as she stood and reached for Annettes hands.

Standing, they kissed and kissed and kissed. Annettes hands went to Julianna's butt and pulled them tighter before she moaned and said, "We need to go upstairs if we," into Annettes mouth as they continued kissing.

"I will stay," Annette said after pulling back and looking into a pair of dark but sparkling eyes.

Julianna led her up the steps, into the huge bedroom and then stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want to use this bed for us .... come with me," as she walked out and down the balcony which overlooked the main entry.

She opened the door to another bedroom that Annette hadn't seen. It too was large and held a king bed.

"Ramon has never slept in this room. It will be mine and yours alone," she said softly as she squeezed Annette's hand.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, kissing, their hands began to roam with Annette rubbing a soft, smooth, darker skinned thigh while Julianna slipped a hand under the blond's top and lightly explored the skin on her ribs and back. Their breathing quickened as they each explored and touched heretofore unkowns. The younger woman spread her knees a little as the hand on her thigh moved more and her own hand came around to Annette's front and cupped her covered breast.

"Unhook it," she managed to say while still tongueing Julianna's welcoming mouth.

Two hands released her bra hooks, freeing her ample breasts while her own hand worked its way under Julianna's shorts to find her panties. To her surprise, there were none. She pushed up and around to Julianna's pubic bone and found it to be smooth and void of any hair, not even any stubble.

"I like that .... so soft and smooth," she whispered as her fingers played around the extreme top of her slit and mound.

"Long before we met I had laser to remove it and keep it from growing back .... Ramon liked it .... I hoped you would like it too,"

"I love it Julianna .... put your hand on me, down there, I shaved and used a cream hair remover today .... just for you,"

"Shaving I did not like but I still have to after 3 or 4 months and I go twice a year for laser touch up,"

She pushed her hand down the front of Annette's shorts and felt nothing but smooth skin before she pushed further and felt the top of her slit which brought a slight moan from the blond.

"Ooooooh, you are so soft .... I have never touched anyone else like that .... only myself ...." as she lightly played her fingers over the smooth skin.

"Do you like the way I feel .... you have a very nice soft touch .... stay there as long as you want,"

"Si, I do like it .... so .... you knew you were going to stay with me but you didn't say?"

"Let's just say I wanted to be prepared .... besides that .... doesn't a bit of mystery make for more excitement?" then she kissed Julianna again as she gently pushed her back onto the bed.

She put her leg across and then rose to her knees above Julianna. She lifted her top up above her bra and ran her fingers over the exposed flesh of her breasts. Then her hands went under the cups and pushed up baring the smaller, firm, darker skinned breasts. Her nipples were like pencil erasers, standing tall and rigid as Annette lowered her mouth to one nipple where she sucked, licked and nibbled lightly with her teeth. Julianna squirmed, moaned and pushed her chest up to the warm wet mouth. She spent time, massaging, kissing, sucking and licking the firm breasts as she felt the need rising in Julianna.

Kissing up her neck, her cheek and then her ear, she whispered, "Need to get your clothes off," as she pushed her shorts down to her knees and then pulled at the bottom of her flimsy top to pull it over her head along with her bra. Julianna responded without a word as whatever Annette wanted was what she was going to do. In a matter of seconds, she was totally bare from head to toe. Annette sat back on her own feet and feasted her eyes on the beautiful body beneath her.

She said, "Stick out your tongue and close your eyes," then as she lowered her face to Julianna's, she opened her mouth and sucked the exposed tongue into her mouth, clamping her lips closed and sucking hard on the younger woman's tongue. Julianna threw her arms around her and began to hump her hips up to Annette.

Then she placed her lips by Julianna's ear and whispered, "Patience my sweet love, patience .... let me lead you,"

She sat upright, removed her own top, her previously unhooked bra and squirmed to push her own shorts and panties down to be kicked off of her feet.Then she laid down beside her bed partner, turned on her side to face her and put her leg over Julianna's thighs.

They kissed softly, then firmer, then with probing tongues and lots of salive swapping.

Annette said to her, "We won't hurry this .... I don't want it to be a short, almost violent episode of lust .... slow, loving and intimate is what I want us both to enjoy tonight,"

"Si .... I understand .... I am yours .... to take when you are ready,

The blond woman, ran her hand down to wet pussy lips, played her fingers over the exterior of her clit and then slowly slid a finger down and back up Julianna's wet slit causing her to moan and squirm. Their mouths met again and kissed over and over as the fingers pressed deeper and deeper. Annette pulled back from the kiss then lowered her face again, licking Julianna's lips, then licking her cheeks and her ears before going back to her mouth and plunging her stiffened tongue deep into the younger woman's open mouth.

Kissing and licking, leaving wet trails on her skin as she went, Annette moved downward toward Julianna's now wet tunnel entrance. She licked down to her knee, back up the other leg, across her mound and dragged her tongue down the junction of thigh and pussy lip. A moan and grunt from her prey spurred her to retrace the route as Julianna's breathing was laboring and her body motions intensified.

On the third lap, she put her mouth against the wet labia and kissed up and down her slit, alternately probing with her tongue tip along the way. She pushed her middle finger in to the first knuckle, barely penetrating her outer labia. Rotating it in a small circle then plunging deeper brought unintelligible sounds from Julianna's throat. A few seconds later she added her index finger and pushed slowly in and out as Julianna squealed a little and grunted as she pushed against the invader. Her juices were flowing and her inner muscles were contracting and relaxing in rhythm with the penetrations.

Annette repositioned herself, on her stomach with the long, darker legs over her shoulders. Pushing herself forward, Julianna's legs rose, bent at the knees as Annette's face made its way to her goal .... the wet, pink lips of Julianna DeMarco. Her tongue licked up from bottom to top of the slit, then rolling her tongue into a probe, she pushed in and dragged it back to the bottom. Licking and flicking with her tongue tip was having the desired effect on her partner. She removed her fingers and pulled at the outer labia to spread them wide, spreading the inner labia as well, which exposed the dark entrance to the younger woman's love canal and allowed her clit to emerge.

Annette, marvelled at the sight. A small protusion maybe a quarter of an inch long with an equal width beckoned to be kissed. Annette kissed it. tongued it and put her mouth over it like a suction cup as she sucked at the clit, drawing more blood to it, causing it to become more rigid and more sensitive.

Julianna's body was in constant motion as she writhed and moaned to the waves of pleasure she was feeling. The fingers of her lover went back into her wet canal and she felt the stretch as three fingers were now inside her, plunging, turning, spreading and flexing as they worked in and out of her sensitive center. Again, Annette's hot mouth covered her clit area and between the sucking and the fingering as she reached for Julianna's Gspot, she erupted into her first ever orgasm induced by another woman. She squirmed, squealed and went through wild body contortions as the orgasmic explosion coursed through her body from her head to her toes. Her pussy walls spasmed against the fingers of her lover, juices flowed like lava from a volcano but Annette wasn't finished. She only slowed and relaxed until the tremors slowed before she began again her quest to bring Julianna to another orgasm close on the heels of the first one.

She knew the clit would be hypersensitive so she avoided touching it directly but massaged it from the outside while she continued to finger fuck the hot, wet pussy, causing a repeat of the writhing, moaning and squealing responses she had just brought on. Within another couple of minutes, Julianna screamed and humped her way through a second orgasm that was almost as intense but of shorter duration than the first. When her body went quiet, Annette removed her fingers from the squishy confines of a still spasming pussy, licked the excess liquid from them and laid her cheek against the wetlips of the oozing pussy.

When it seemed that they had both quieted somewhat, she disentangled herself from Julianna's legs and crawled up beside her, kissed her cheek and laid her head on the pillow beside her.

Finally Julianna stirred, turning her head to look at Annette with a smile on her lips. No words passed between them. Only looks of satisfaction, acceptance and maybe .... love.

"Oh mi dios .... I thought I would die .... I could not breathe .... all went dark and such intense heat I felt inside me .... like I was burning, both times," she said brokenly.

"Shhhhh .... just rest a little more .... you are still not recovered .... " as she turned on her side, put her leg over Julianna and pressed their bodies together.

In a couple of minutes, Julianna turned onto her side, smiled at Annette and said, "Kiss me,"

Her face, mouth, lips and chin covered with sticky, drying liquids from inside Julianna, Annette moved closer and their lips met. The kiss was at first, soft and tender but soon evolved into a tighter, lip smashing kiss with lots of tongue as Julianna, her arms around her lovers neck and pulling her tight, bestowed her appreciation upon Annette before she rolled onto her back again, still breathing raggedly.

"Never have I felt such a bodily experience. I had no control of myself. You knew what I needed .... what I wanted .... you knew what to do .... mi dios Annette, you are an amazing woman,"

"Glad you liked it so much .... I must tell you .... I enjoyed it almost as much as you did," she said with a chuckle.

With their bodies nestled together, both women relished the afterglow as they murmured to each other, lightly touched each other as they played over warm, soft skin amd still erect nipples.

After several minutes Annette spoke in a whisper, "You are so beautiful Julianna .... I am so glad we met,"

"Thank you .... you are more beautiful than I .... and I am the happiest woman on earth,"

"Are you sure about that? I don't think you realize just how happy I am right now, my lovely Argentine goddess .... you didn't know but I myself had an orgasm with you .... I was so excited for you .... and then it just happened .... never before have I done that,"

"Really? .... I did not know about that .... so you climaxed too ...." she paused, "I just told you that you are an amazing woman," she snickered and pushed her open mouth against Annette's lips for another wet kiss.

"Are you tired?" the blond asked.

"I am not certain of that but I am totally relaxed .... are you ready for me to ...."

Annette put her finger to Julianna's lips, shushing her, "It doesn't have to be now .... pleasing you as I did is all I need for this time .... but I know this is all new to you and if you reciprocate is your own choice .... we will have other times ...."

"You do not want me to,"

"That is not what I said nor what I meant .... yes, absolutely yes, Julianna .... I want you to make love to me as I have with you .... but in your own time when you feel it and want to do it .... it need not be now or even this weekend .... does that make sense now?"

"Si .... yes .... I think I understand .... no urgency for you?"

"Right .... my urgency will arise when you are ready for me," Annette said tenderly, "so shall we rest and sleep for now .... that may be best for you but you decide,"

Silence prevailed as Julianna's brain processed the possibilities and made her decision, "We should sleep .... not that it will change my mind .... I know you will be by my side when I wake up,"

"I will .... right here with you ...." as she bestowed several light, short kisses on Julianna's lips, "goodnight and sweet dreams,"

"Goodnight to you .... I love saying goodnight instead of goodbye as we have done before,"

Julianna turned onto her side with her back to Annette who snuggled up tight against her, an arm over her torso and they both were quiet as they allowed sleep to envelope them.

The morning light roused Annette. She looked around the room in a bit of a stupor before she remembered that she was at Julianna's. The other woman was sound asleep, on her stomach with the sheet just covering from her feet to mid thigh on her nude body. Annette smiled at the vision before her, a beautiful naked woman .... a willing, beautiful naked woman .... her gorgeous ass on display and her legs splayed apart exposing her pussy lips and the cleft between her butt cheeks.

On closer look, she saw that there was no hair whatsoever on her butt cheeks, just like her pussy. She gently slid her fingers over the smooth flesh and felt nothing but .... well smooth flesh. No hair, no stubble and no sign of hair at all. Then she realized she was smiling, kissed both bare cheeks and went to pee. When she returned Julianna was awake and lying on her back smiling as she watched Annette cross the room.

Her bright eyes sparkled as she said, "Buenos dias mi angel hermoso,"

"Is that good?"

"Si, muy bueno" she laughed, "Yes, very good .... come here and kiss me,"

Crawling on her knees, Annette lowered her face and kissed the soft lips that were offered, then pulled away and just smiled broadly at the beauty beneath her.

"I was almost awake when you kissed my backside,"

Snickering Annette said, "I thought you were asleep .... you didn't stir a muscle,"

"I was waiting for more," as she pursed her lips rather comically, "but you ran away,"

"I HAD TO PEE," she replied emphatically.

Julianna just giggled and Annette said, "I was .... well .... I guess I was surprised that you have no hair in back either, were you lasered there too?"

"Yes, the technician, she suggested it and told me that most of the women like it done both front and back, so I did it too .... did I do the right thing?"

"Oh .... well .... yeah .... your ass is beautiful anyway and being hairless just makes it even moreso,"

"Is that why you kissed me there?"

"Partly .... but mostly just because it is yours and I wish to kiss every inch of your sexy body and beautiful skin," she giggled.

"And so you shall .... but right now, I also must pee," as she almost jumped from the bed and sped toward the bathroom.

When she returned, Annette was sitting on the side of the bed with her feet on the floor. Julianna stood in front of her, put her hands on Annette's head as she climbed onto the bed, pushing her back and down on the bed before straddling the blonds hips. On her knees with her face above the other woman, she leaned down to kiss her. Annettes arms circled her shoulders pulling her down tight against her own body.

"I want you to teach me .... now .... help me learn how to please you as you pleased me last night,"

They kissed, long and hard, again, before Annette whispered in her ear, "If you are ready .... there really isn't that much to teach .... if, that is as long as you have the desire,"

Julianna was quiet with an inquisitive look on her face, "Please explain,"

"Mostly it is just a matter of doing it .... every woman is the same but different .... same parts .... different likes, dislikes, erotic zones and responses .... you know what you like so you start there .... as if you were making love to yourself .... be attentive and notice what you do that your partner responds to in a positive way .... she may also offer hints of other places or actions that she would like,"

"So .... it is learning, knowing your partner? and there must be basics to follow until you learn, is that what you mean?"

"Exactly, you are very perceptive," Annette replied, "and I will be anxious to help you,"

As the dark haired woman leaned down for a kiss, their nipples were pressing together as were their hairless mounds. Annettes hips rose and fell in a humping motion and when Julianna moved over, she swung her legs up onto the bed and spread her feet to leave room 'at the top'. The warm, wet mouth of her student covered her left nipple and sucked it and some flesh into her mouth. Her tongue worked as her cheeks and throat created suction. Her other hand was on Annette's hip and then she moved it to the other breast, massaging and rolling the nipple between thumb and forefinger.

That brought a moan from Annette and a hungry mouth moved up to deliver another kiss. Annette had always enjoyed morning sex and this was going to be a joyous morning she told herself as she let go of a little bit of tension. Julianna was doing everything just right and the heat was building in her. She raised her knees and created room for her lover who responded by positioning herself between the upraised legs and pressing their mounds together while she kissed at Annette's neck and shoulders before sliding down to kiss and lick her turgid nipples. Soon, fingers found her wet outer lips and played up and down the slit.

Then kissing her way down the body beneath her, her tongue left a wet trail as she descended to the inverted vee at the top of the slit. Her tongue tip wiggled and licked, then her lips engulfed the area and she sucked at the soft flesh. Annette was trying to stay calm but the desires and heated feelings were beginning to overpower her. Then she felt a finger penetrate her vaginal entrance. She spontaneously jerked and moaned causing Julianna to pull out.

"I'm sorry," she offered.

"Oh no .... go back .... that was just positive reflex,"

The finger was pushed in and then began an in and out motion as her tongue licked forcibly around the top of the slit, massaging Annette's clit without touching it. A short thought told her that indeed, Julianna had read and watched some things that had helped her know what to do.

"Another finger now," she pleaded,

Julianna obliged and added her index finger. Annette squirmed and her legs spread wider now as the intruding fingers went in and out faster. As the speed increased, the pressure against her pussy lips increased as well and she reached for Julianna's wrist and said, "Gently .... not so hard .... yeah .... just like thaaaat .... you're doing great .... oh god that feels good,"

A couple of minutes later she pulled her fingers back, moved her mouth down to the wetness she had created and began licking and sucking there as her wet, slick fingers worked to uncover that little nubbin of pleasure. Annette was far enough along that she responded with a humping up and down of her hips. Her breathing was faster and more shallow which was noticed by Julianna as well which caused her to intensify her concentration.

"Keep going .... yes, yes, yes .... oh my god .... oooohhh .... more .... more .... oooh .... fuck .... oooh god .... fuck me Julianna .... coming .... fuck - fuck - fuck - oooohhh yeesssssss " as her body went rigid and she pushed her crotch up to Julianna's mouth. Her fingers tangled in the long dark hair and pulled the hot tongue and mouth tight against her spasming pussy lips. Then as the peak tremors passed, she relaxed and fell back against the bed. Her arms dropped to her sides and she was gasping for air.

Julianna pulled her fingers out and licked them dry as she watched the contortions of Annette's face disappear and be replaced with a glimmer of a smile as she opened her eyes.

"Kiss me, kiss me and don't stop until I say so,"

They kissed for a couple of minutes until she said, "Stop .... I need to breathe more,"

Julianna stretched out beside her, stroking her breast and kissing her cheek.

"Girl, you are fabulous .... I expected to give you more guidance .... but it wasn't necessary .... are you sure that's your first time?" she chuckled.

"Si, I swear .... you are first to do those things to me .... and first other woman I ever kiss or do anything with,"

"Oh I believe you .... and I could tell you are inexperienced but .... whew and wow .... you're so beautiful .... such a good kisser .... and a wonderful lover, mi amiga," she said with a grin.

They wrapped up in each other's arms and legs, kissed several times and just lay hugged together in silence for several minutes.

Julianna was the first to move away, saying, "Go shower while I prepare some breakfast,"

"Nope, you need a shower as much as I do .... WE will go shower and WE will prepare breakfast,"

"Okay .... okay .... dictator," she laughed.

Their shower was, for the most part, uneventful. Of course they soaped, washed and massaged all the important regions, shared numerous kisses as they whipered to each other and enjoyed the closeness.

After a breakfast of orange juice, fruit, cereal, toast and coffee, they sat at the small glass table in the kitchen, both still naked and shared small talk about themselves. They laughed a lot and learned more of each others past.

Finally Annette asked, "So what do you have planned for us today?"

"Hmmmm .... you're so beautiful I haven't had time to think that much," Julianna smiled.

Annette leaned across the table and they kissed, "That's no excuse," she laughed, "because you are more beautiful .... and you are my hostess ...."

"Welllllll, we could go back to bed," she offered.

"Are you still sleepy," the blond asked facetiously,

"No .... I had something else in mind,"

"Ohhhh? and what might that be?"

"Better to show you than tell you,"

"Okay .... let's go,"

Two naked women, front to front, lying on the bed kissing as their legs scissored together.

"I want to do that number thing with you .... "

"You mean sixty nine?"

"Si, that's it .... yes, sixtynine,"

Annette quickly turned and swung her legs over, straddling Julianna's head eliciting a giggle from the dark haired beauty.

As she lowered her body and her head moved down toward Julianna's crotch, her tongue licked along the pathway leaving a trail of saliva. Before she reached her goal, she felt a pair of lips and a wet tongue pushing against her own slit, causing her to lower her hips a bit to make for easier access. They stayed in that position for a while before they swapped putting Julianna on top.

A few minutes later, neither of them had come, Julianna rolled off, turned around, kissed Annette and pushed her fingers inside between her wet lips.

"Come for me again, Annette .... I must know if I can take control and do this on my own...." while she was lowering her face to lick, suck and finger her blond friend to another climax.

Annette had no doubts that it would happen and she was determined that it would but also she was determined to allow the burden to be on Julianna since that was what she really wanted.

Actually it didn't take that long. Julianna was a very forceful lover and brought her partner along nicely as Annette smiled inwardly and felt the beginnings of an orgasm deep in her body. Through her closed eyes she imagined the dark hair of her lover, obscuring her face as she licked and sucked to bring more satisfaction to her blond lover and pride to herself.

With her hips beginning to move, rotating slightly as the initial pulses rose inside her, Annette put her hands on the back of Julianna's head in anticipation of what was next. The heat built inside her and the muscular contractions became stronger as she pulled her knees up for leverage when she would hump her hips. The roar through her body came a lot earlier and stronger than she had thought at first. She was taken by surprise as the wave hit and hit hard, causing her to shudder from head to toe. Julianna was fully aware of what was happening so she pulled her fingers out and held the thighs that were squeezing her head as she pushed her face into the gaping pussy before her. When Annette slowed down, so did Julianna but she didn't stop until the woman beneath her was quiet. Only then did she withdraw her tongue, lick all around the surrounding area and finally rested her cheek against the wet, sticky mound in front of her, using it as a pillow.

A voice aroused her as she heard Annette saying, " .... you've done that at least thirty times .... unbelievable that you're that good already,"

"No .... no .... never before you and it is you who makes me want to do the best I can .... I know I could never do that with a woman other than you,"

A great rush of heat rose up through Annette and before she could stop herself she blurted out, "I love you Julianna,"

Silence is deafening at moments like that.

"Oh damn .... what have I done .... I'm sorry Julianna .... I didn't .... I didn't intend to say that .... you're married and I'm lesbian .... "

"Is what you said not true?" Julianna said quietly.

Annette closed her eyes, held her hands to her cheeks and slightly rolled her head around, "That's the problem Julianna .... I do mean it .... it is true .... I'm crazy in love with you .... but I did not intend to tell you like that .... and I have known for a while now,"

A smiling Julianna put her hands on Annette's head and tugged for her to lie along side her. When she was settled in, Julianna turned and kissed her. Tears were on the blond's cheeks as she opened her eyes.

"I love you Annette .... a short time ago .... I knew .... and I knew I had to hold it back .... but now you have allowed me to reveal my feelings for you .... thank you my sweet love," then they kissed again.

Annette looked at Julianna and said, "There is one more thing I want to do with you .... if you are willing that is ...."

"Please explain?"

"Well, I'm sure you know what a dildo is?"

"I think so .... a fake cock?"

"Yes .... women like me use them together sometimes .... have you heard the term 'strap-on'?"

"I have and I must confess, I have seen internet video of that,"

"Good, I myself have a strap-on and I brought it with me, hoping that we might do that also .... I even got a new .... uh .... attachment for it .... never used before so it will be only for me and you,"

"It is all new to me .... teach me all I need to know .... "

So Annette went to her overnight bag and retrieved the strap-on which already had the cock attached. She stepped into the harness, positioned everything and snugged the straps.

Back in bed, Julianna placed her hand on the rubbery cock and slid up and down the eight inch missile and said, "It feels different than Ramon .... and bigger,"

"When it is lubricated and inside you, you will like it .... I promise I will not hurt you ...."

Annette began kissing her partner, massaging her breasts and eventually slid two fingers inside Julianna's very wet pussy. She rubbed her juices on the dildo but decided to give it a squirt of K-Y as well just to make sure it was well lubed.

She moved into position between Julianna's legs and pointed the dildo toward her lovely, bare and moist pussy lips. Spreading the lips with one hand, holding the fake cock with the other, she slipped just an inch or so inside.

Julianna let out with, "Mmmmmm, feels good already,"

Annette pushed forward, slowly entering the slippery tunnel as Julianna moaned and pushed up for more. Pulling back without pulling out, she slid in again, this time slowly as well but didn't stop until the full length was in.

"Madre di dios .... mmmmphh....." she grunted as her pussy was stretched and filled to a depth she had never felt before.

"You alright?"

"Si .... keep going .... oooohhh .... muy bueno .... fuck me ...." she begged as Annette stroked in and out.

Julianna's knees were up, her feet spread wide as they developed a rhythm between them. They humped and rocked together until Julianna began bucking wildly as her climax began. Annette raised slightly and held onto Julianna's hips as she worked to keep the rhythm.

Julianna's moans and guttural screams were sheer music to Annette's ears as she tried to prolong the ecstasy as long as possible .... until Julianna just collapsed and gasped for breath. Annette pulled out of her, then kissed the insides of her thighs, up to her breasts where she feasted on the nipples of breasts that were covered with a the sweat of passion. Finally she ventured to kiss the lips of the woman she loved.

When Julianna finally spoke, she said, "Nothing ever .... ever felt so good to me .... my orgasm .... so strong .... you know what I need and how to please me...."

"It pleases me .... to be able to please you my lovely lady," as she removed the strap-on and dropped it on the floor beside the bed.

"Soon you must allow me to please you that way .... I have so much to learn,"

"In time .... let's just stay here a little while and rest," Annette whispered as she pulled a cover up over them.

In seconds, Julianna was asleep.

Later while they were enjoying tea, Annette said, "So where do we go from here? You're married to Ramon, so we can't live together. Are we destined to a clandestine love until death do we part?"

"I don't know .... I can't answer .... I'm so sorry,"

"Don't be sorry .... never be sorry for love .... I know you have never loved Ramon and it is quite likely that he does not love you .... but you are husband and wife,"

"I'll divorce him,"

"NO, no, I can't let you do that Julianna .... even as much as I want you .... I couldn't,"

"What am I to do? I want you Annette .... want us to be together .... as one,"

"Okay then, let's just continue as we are now and see what happens .... we will have our time .... I definitely do NOT want to stay away from you,"

So status quo was agreed upon and for the next three months they got together often, made love often, Julianna experienced using the strap-on to please Annette .... they enjoyed each other's company and became more visual to Julianna's friends and acquaintances as they went out in public more freely but tried to keep down any signs of romance. Through that time, Ramon had only called on the telephone a few times and not been home to visit his beautiful wife. Julianna missed him less and less as his absence continued.

Then one evening, just after they had finished dinner and were contemplating some bedroom time, the phone rang. Julianna answered, listened, gasped and a look of horror covered her face.

"Yes, thank you, allow them in," and she put down the phone.

"What's wrong?" Annette asked.

"That was the entry .... friends of Ramon's are here,"

"Are you scared of them?"

"No, only scared of why they are here," she said as she went to be by the door.

The big black car stopped in the driveway and two men got out. One stood just outside Julianna's door and the other one entered the house.

He and Julianna shared a quick hug and she led him into the sunroom.

"This is my friend, Annette," she said to him.

He nodded and then she said, "Annette, this is Ramon's associate and friend, El Toro Grande,"

He smiled and said, "Please Julianna, I am Eduardo,"

"Yes, Eduardo, I remember," she said with a forced smile, "why are you here without Ramon?"

"I bring sad news .... Ramon is no longer alive .... he died in a raid by rebels in Santa Maria last week,"

Julianna threw her hands to her face and started sobbing. Annette went to hug and comfort her while Eduardo stood and waited.

"Where is his body?" she asked.

"Gone .... there was a bomb and a fire .... nothing left .... I am sorry to say,"

"So? I will not see him again? I cannot have a last visit with him? No funeral?"

"I am sorry .... but there were no remains to be found, the bomb was quite powerful,"

"I see," she mused, "were there others?"

"Si .... it was a party for a client .... maybe ten others," he said shaking his head slowly.

"So now, Eduardo, what am I to do?"

"I don't know .... details of your life with Ramon was unknown to me and our associates .... he rarely spoke of it,"

"You could have done this on the telephone .... may I ask why you are here?" she said firmly.

"That is true .... but news such as this should be delivered in person .... plus .... Ramon had papers that I need .... business papers,"

"I know nothing of that,"

He reached into his coat pocket and removed a folded paper, "Ramon gave me this a long time ago .... it is chart of your home and shows where he keep the papers,"

"Let me see it," as she took the piece of paper and looked it over.

"This shows the pantry by the kitchen .... I know of no box or anything in there,"

"May we go look?" he asked.

She motioned for him to follow her then she waved for Annette too.

In the pantry on his knees he found a loose floor tile which he worked to remove, revealing a small metal box hidden away. He lifted it out, opened it and removed several pages of paper.

He nodded and smiled as he scanned the handwritten pages, then he looked up and said, "These are what I need, thank you, Julianna,"

"What is it?" she asked.

"It is only business .... I'm sorry but it must remain secret to you,"

"Is it about money?"

"No .... not at all .... the money is of no concern .... whatever Ramon had is yours now .... I know he followed the rules and everything is of your title so all belong to you."

Julianna was shivering a little and Annette put her arm around her shoulders for comfort which helped.

"Now, Julianna, I must go .... you will never see nor hear from me again," he said as he handed her a large envelope, "anything you may need of a legal nature is in here,"

She looked confused and he added, "Proof of his death, endorsed by the Ambassador .... a statement of ownership transferring to you, anything that may later be found bearing his name as owner,"

"This is all? after our years of life together? this is the end?"

"Yes, I'm sorry for your loss. We will all miss Ramon. Now I must hurry back to the airport. Good luck to you." he said and nodded to Annette as he turned and left.

Julianna was shocked, confused and visibly shaken but there were no tears. Maybe they would come later.

Annette hugged her and they clung tightly together in silence for several minutes.

Julianna kissed Annette on the ear and whispered, "You will stay with me tonight? I need you with me,"

"Of course, I wouldn't think of leaving you alone,"

They had wine, Annette one glass and Julianna three. They talked for a long time until Julianna said, "We should get some rest," as she took the other woman's hand and led her up the stairs to "their" room.

Annette presumed that the heaviness of the news would be depressing to Julianna and they would go straight to sleep but she was wrong.

They engaged in a long lovemaking, with each of them enjoying two orgasms, before they slept.

When Annette awoke, Julianna was already up. Pulling on a robe, she went to find her. She was in the kitchen, with freshly brewed coffee and a table full of papers, bank books and check books she had retrieved from the envelope Eduardo had given her.

"What's going on?" she said as she leaned down to kiss her lover.

Julianna smiled and said, "I am checking on my wealth," she nodded at the table, "these are all my finance documents and I want you to see,"

"It's no business of mine Julianna,"

"But it is .... it is ours now .... I share with you,"

"No, .... you may need it yourself without Ramon now,"

"I could never spend all this .... the total is millions of dollars,"

"WHAT? you must be mistaken,"

"No, it is real .... sit down and do it with me,"

Annette sat down and they made a list. In various banks and investment institutions scattered around the United States, there was a total of just over twenty million dollars in liquid accounts, all in the name of Julianna DeMarco. There were statements of account pertaining to accrued interest amounting to around one million a year on the liquid accounts. There were copies of tax returns and everything was up to date. Her wealth exceeded twenty million dollars and it was all hers free and clear. Ramon had taken care of everything so now she would have to find a professional money manager to help her through and keep everything up to date.

Over the next couple of months, both Julianna and Annette held meetings with financial advisers, bankers, investment counselers and finally settled on a plan to secure her wealth and take care of all the details such as taxes and ensuring that only Julianna could authorize any changes or expenditures.

The two of them spent more and more time together as Julianna insisted they should be together as often as possible. Until another couple of months had passed and the day arrived that Julianna called and said, "Annette, you must come here .... we have to talk,"

"Is there a problem?"

"No but I have a proposal that we must discuss,"

"Is dinner time soon enough?"

"Si, I will expect you at six,"

"Alright, six it is, see you then,"

When Julianna opened the door to her, she held a glass of wine which she extended to Annette.

"We celebrate tonight," she said with a big grin.

"Just what are we celebrating?"

She led them into the sunroom and they sat side by side on the sofa.

"Since Ramon passed, I have been thinking more and more about the situation that was created between us. Do you realize it has been just over a full year since we first met in that ladies room?"

"Yes, I know .... I remember it well and will never forget,"

"I feel the same, Annette, that was a critical but special time in my life and now .... I want us to be closer .... I want us to be .... to be what we really are .... I am very much in love with you as I have stated before .... and I feel we should be together as lovers, living our lives together, sharing everything as a couple .... we belong together so I am asking if you will come to live here, with me?"

Annette sat silently for several seconds before she replied, "I have envisioned us living as one ever since we first kissed in your pool that night but of course I couldn't do or say anything because you were married to Ramon. Then after his death, you and I became much closer but I still couldn't take that first step. I knew how wealthy you were and I certainly didn't want to seem that I was after your money. So, here we are at the place in time I have desired for most of our relationship and you have opened the portal for me to again tell you how much I love and care for you .... I am deeply in love with you .... and have been for quite a while now. Yes, Julianna, I will come to live with you .... but you must understand, I will keep my shop and continue to work there as I have in the past but I will live here, with you and do anything and everything possible to keep our love strong and growing."

So their fate was sealed and within the month Annette had moved into Julianna's home and made it her home as well. They presented themselves as a couple rather than just close friends to any and all of their friends and acquaintences. Not so surprising, most of them had already figured out what was going on with them even before Ramon had died. So for them to accept Annette being in her new role, which really wasn't so new .... was an easy transition.

A few months later, in the spring, they decided to have a ceremony and invite all their friends, business partners and neighbors. Their civil union was performed in their own back yard garden and was well attended. Of course it was not considered legal but that didn't seem to matter to anyone. Especially Julianna and Annette. For them it was as legal and binding as any marriage that has ever taken place.

The End.


Thank you for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed it, Suzi.

Comments to ..... storeegurl@inbox.com

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