
By fireflywatcher ford

Published on Oct 21, 2008


The usual disclaimers apply: if you are under eighteen or sexual content is illegal where you live, read no further.

All rights to this original fiction story are reserved by me, the author, and it may not be reproduced or published without my written permission.

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I wish to thank Miguel Sancchez, Rock Lane Cooper, and George Grassby for their encouragement and support.

All comments and suggestions are appreciated. Please write. fireflywatcher@gmail.com You may read all my stories at http://groups.google.com/group/Fireflywatchers-Stories and do not need to join to read or comment.

Thank you for reading!


By Phil Ford

Paulie woke feeling a hard dick pressed against his ass. Carl had been naked so he followed suit. The feel of skin on skin nearly brought Paulie off by itself. He wanted to turn and take Carl in his arms and share the joy he'd found two men could have together, but he slid out from the covers trying not to wake his friend.

Paulie leaned against the wall and lifting first one foot and then the other, he slipped on his jeans leaving the fly unbuttoned. He fumbled in a bowl on the dresser and drew out a hard peppermint candy, thrusting it into his mouth. It was as if during his nights rest all the energy was drained from him and this lump of sugar jump started his day. He sucked on it a minute as he buttoned the jeans from the bottom up and then crunched it to bits between his teeth and swallowed it all. The glow of the clock read six thirty. He was late rising for his norm but no light came in through the window this early on any October day.

Paulie eased the door shut behind him to leave Carl at peace. "You've got a boner," Blue commented when he entered the kitchen.

"Well, I was a good boy or it would be soft now," Paulie replied. He poured a cup of coffee and took a seat beside the men at the table.

"What's the story on Carl," Acer asked.

"There ain't much to tell," Paulie responded. "His mom was real young when he was born and so was his dad. His dad was a long haul trucker and never home but a few days a couple of times a month. His mom was a secretary when he was little and a CPA by the time he was in the fourth grade. I met him in first grade. About three years ago his mom left saying his dad could take him from there on. He turned eighteen last October and his dad took off, too. It seems his mom had bought the house owner financed and it was paid off but in Carl's name. His dad was pissed off about that. He left him high and dry. His mom had left him some money but I guess its run out by now. We worked together at the feed store the last three summers. That's where he works. Pop Otto always told me not to let on if I had money. I like seeing people everyday, but trying to live on a hundred and sixty bucks a week is a different story. I wanted to see him because his birthday is coming up. I figured I'd put his pickup in the shop and get it fixed up good for him. I could lie about how much it cost. He'd never let me do anything big for him if he knew about it beforehand."

"Does he know how much you have put back?" Blue asked.

"Hell no, my daddy don't even know. I've only told you guys," Paulie answered.

"Driving your old truck and living at home, I can see how you kept it a secret," Acer confirmed.

Paulie realized that the only thing to do was to confront his feelings for Carl before he could do anything else. "Carl would take on the whole world for you even if he knew he'd loose," Paulie told them. "He'd treat an obligation or a debt with the same commitment. I can't let him feel he owes me shit or that I do things for him because I owe him something. He ain't much for mechanics though or I couldn't pull off fixing his truck. You open the hood and the way it looks to him is like giving a guy a hundred cows and telling him he needs to recognize each one when they're all the same breed. He can't look and tell new parts from old ones very easy, but like that same guy, if you stuck a number in each cow's ear or put one on each truck part, he'd know them all by heart in no time. Carl's a whiz with numbers. He gets it from his mom I guess."

"It don't look like he's eating too good," Billy commented.

"He'd take something my mom sent over or if I bought something to cook and there were a few things extra, he'd take that, but if I bought him a bunch of groceries he'd turn it down. He won't take nothing from the food bank either. He says they expect you to go to their church if they give you food and he won't have it," Paulie explained. "I'm just hoping he'll let me fix his truck for his birthday. I'm going to take Carl some coffee and see if he's awake yet."

Paulie carried two cups in one hand and two beers in the other, barely managing to turn the door knob with both hands full. He set them on the night stand and returned to close the door. Carl was snoring softly lying on his back in the center of the bed with the covers bunched around his ankles and a full boner standing tall to tempt Paulie and spur him on to his task. Paulie got a small hand towel from his bathroom and pulled a tube of lubricant from the night stand drawer.

Paulie worked a liberal amount of the lube into his ass with his fingers and moved up onto the bed, straddling Carl's slender form and facing him. He rubbed another glob between his hands to warm it some and as he coated Carl's hard dick, he touched him intimately for the first time in his life. Paulie was trembling and felt like he couldn't draw a breath. He'd thought about taking the hard rod in his mouth first but decided this was a better defensive position if Carl woke up swinging. Paulie felt a throbbing pulse in response to his touch and quickly lined up the pole with his pucker, easing back and down slowly as it entered his moistened cavity. Carl's dick was long and thick, larger than David's had been. He couldn't quite take the full length inside him at first and the stretching felt like he was tearing something as he moved down. Reaching his limit, Paulie began his ascent. He was able to continue his repetitious motions for several minutes before Carl began to stir.

"Where in the hell did you learn how to do that," Carl exclaimed as he opened his eyes.

"Are you mad at me for doing it, Carl," Paulie asked.

"Surprised but not mad, Paulie," Carl answered. "I had a sick thought of sticking my dick in there last night when I woke up with it poking against your ass. I never thought it would feel this good, though. I'm going to cum any minute if you keep going and I might just want to do this a few more times before we're done. Does all cum taste the same?"

"Why do you ask that?" Paulie queried.

"I've tasted mine and I was wondering because I guess I'll suck you off for doing this for me," Carl replied. "I don't know if I could take your dick up my butt, yet."

"You don't have to do anything for me, Carl," Paulie told him.

"It ain't a have to, Paulie, it's a want to kind of thing." Carl grasped Paulie's shoulders, pulling their mouths together for a kiss. Carl rolled Paulie on his back and took control. He grasped Paulie's dick and stroke in time with his thrusts. When Paulie coated Carl's hand with cum the sensations he felt from Paulie's clenching ass brought Carl off, too. He drew his hand to his mouth and took a lick. "You taste a lot sweeter, Paulie. I kind of like it. Do you think we could be more than friends now, maybe boyfriends and you could move in with me?"

"We'll figure something out, Carl. Would you let me put your truck in the shop and get it fixed up for your birthday?" Paulie asked.

Carl was reluctant but finally agreed. After that, they were both ready for another round. When they finished the second round, it was no trouble to talk Carl into eating breakfast and by that time everything had been cooked. At eighteen, it hadn't taken long at all for either of them to shoot two loads.

"Damn that smells good," Carl exclaimed. "I ain't had a regular breakfast in a while."

"Dig in then," Blue insisted. "If we ain't got enough to fill you up, we'll cook more. How many eggs do you want and how do you want them?"

"I'll take three over easy," Carl answered.

"Say Carl," Acer began, "Do you think you might consider a job change? We're going to need more help around here this year between Blue's place and Paulie's."

"I don't know nothing about farming. You'd have to teach me everything," Carl replied. "I could sure use a different job though."

"Paulie is teaching all of us how to grow onions and I think he can handle one more man learning from him," Blue replied. "You might even want to move in here if you can handle sharing a room with Paulie and you could rent your house out for some extra income."

"Sign me up," Carl replied, giving a wink to Paulie. "My house will take a little work before I could rent it out and I'd have to put the furniture somewhere. I've been spending most of what I've been making just to pay the bills and the taxes. It's been hell. I even keep a couple of black plastic barrels in the back yard for warm bath water so I don't use up the propane and freeze later on when it gets cold. They shouldn't call it minimum wage, they should call it slow death if you ask me."

"Hell, we'll help you fix up the house," Billy told him. "We built this one."

"We've got to go into town," Acer told Carl. "Get Paulie to show you around both places and we'll see you both this evening." Alfredo and Billy tagged along with Blue and Acer, leaving the breakfast dishes to be tended to after they left. The check for the cotton crop had to be deposited and they intended to spend the day shopping and making a visit to Acer's office while they were out.

"Where do you want to start after we get the dishwasher loaded?" Paulie asked.

"I think I'd better call my mom and then my dad to let them know I'm renting out the house. I haven't seen either one since they left, but one of them might show up looking for me eventually," Carl replied. "Is it all right to use the phone here?"

Paulie assured him it was fine to make the calls and stepped out on the porch to make a call of his own. He'd already bought a newer model GMC Sonoma with and engine and transmission that would interchange with what was in Carl's old Chevy Luv pickup. The Sonoma had belonged to and old man and had been given to his grandson after the man died. The body was totaled in a wreck right afterward and the engine and drive train were in nearly new condition. If Carl had refused his offer, Paulie would have looked for a body with a blown engine to make a vehicle for himself. The little four cylinder engine with fuel injection would be great for light duty around the farm.

Paulie called the mechanic he'd already made arrangements with and got the tow truck sent to the house to pick it up. Paulie was even having it repainted and all the work would be done within a week. Paulie had just finished his call when Carl joined him outside. "Have you got anything you need to take out of your truck? The tow truck is on the way here," Paulie asked him.

"Naw, it's clean inside," Carl answered. "Every week I've been hoping I'd have enough to get it fixed and inspected, so I kept it cleaned out. I called Wilkins and told him I quit, too."

"Thanks George!" Paulie yelled to the driver as he drove away with Carl's truck. He and Carl were sitting on the edge of the porch then, sipping on beers. Paulie's cell phone rang. "Yeah, I'll let you ask him," Paulie said.

"This is Acer. We're going to some of the thrift and used clothes stores for work clothes. Jeans are around a dollar a pair and shirts are less than that. Do you need any?" Carl answered that he did and gave Acer his sizes.

"You want to take a ride around the places and see what we've got going on?" Paulie asked Carl after he ended the call.

"Sure," Carl replied. "I never looked around at your leases before. I wasn't sure where they were." Paulie started out by driving through Blue's land, pointing out the small houses that had been for field hands and saying Carl's furniture and things could be stored in one of them. "Why didn't you move into one of these houses or ask to move in with me?" Carl asked.

"I didn't know you were needing a roommate and I liked staying with the guys," Paulie answered. "It's easier sharing the cooking and more fun with the guys around the house. I should have checked on you, too. I was afraid you wouldn't want to be around me anymore if I liked guys, so I stayed away, but I missed you Carl."

"Won't these guys be all pissed off when they find out we're fucking around?" Carl asked. "We can't hide something like that for long if we're living in the same house with them."

"They ain't going to care one bit Carl, because they're doing the same thing," Paulie replied. "Acer and Blue are together and so are Billy and Alfredo. They even drag me into bed with them sometimes if they think I need it. It was Billy's brother David who got me drunk and had me sucking his dick and giving him my ass in the first place. I'd have been too chicken shit to do anything even if I wanted to except for him."

"Can we do this tour some other time and go back to the house?" Carl asked. "All this talk has me boned up and wanting to play again. I want to make love to you Paulie."

As Paulie drove back toward the house, Carl pulled open his fly and went to town sucking Paulie's dick. "You do that pretty damn good for a guy's first time sucking dick," Paulie commented when they reached the house.

"It's my first time doing it but you pick up a lot from having it done for you," Carl replied. "Did you ever see that movie 'Boogie Nights'?"

Paulie nodded. "Well it's like that last scene where Mark Walberg looks down at his dick and says, 'Baby you're a star'. After mom left, I was on my own at home except the couple of times a month when dad came home. I was just down the road from the school. You'd always be off working your fields. Tony Johnson was the first. You know how he'd always talk about hating fags and shit. I guess he'd been checking me out in the showers. He brought a six pack over one afternoon and talked me into letting him suck my dick, not that it took much talking. A few days later he got me to fuck him and it became a regular thing. I always made him bring beer or a joint or give me a few bucks to let him. We were walking out to the parking lot one day and he started his shit, yelling at one of the freshmen and calling him a fag. I called him on it and he busted my nose the first time. He said, 'I ain't no fag man, I just have this thing for that big dick of yours' and I didn't give him any that day. My fucking nose was broke."

Paulie and Carl were in the bedroom undressing at that point. "Tony was a football jock," Paulie commented. "He wasn't the only one?"

"Naw, they all acted like I didn't exist until we left school. Bobby Martin seemed like a nicer guy. After he blew me once I was going to blow him and started to go for it. That was when I got my nose broken the second time. There were five of them, all football players. If anyone asked why they were at my house, they always said they were drinking because no adults were at home there. All of them went off to college this year. You're my best friend but I just couldn't tell you. You never acted like you were gay and it would have broke my heart to loose you as a friend."

"I was over here almost every evening," Paulie said.

"They'd be gone by then Paulie. They didn't come to visit their bud. I was the skinny guy with the big dick. They were muscled up jocks. I couldn't figure it out but if they wanted to play with my dick and treat me like shit the rest of the time, I made them pay for it," Carl replied. "After graduation none of them came around much and then they left for football camp at their colleges. I really needed the extra money. I've been damn near starving to death. I went and got tested in case any of the guys gave me something that wouldn't wash off, but being broke makes you pretty damn stupid. I got lucky."

"I didn't know things were that bad Carl," Paulie told him. "I would have helped you out."

"We're naked now Paulie. Can I make love to you again?" Carl asked.

Paulie wrapped his arms around Carl and pulled them both down on the bed. As with their earlier play, they were satisfied in a short time and back to the tour of the farm. On Blue's place, they saw the fields just cultivated, those furrowed into rows ready to plant, and the feeder steers. Going to Paulie's place, Carl could see the onions already planted and growing. After that, they returned to the house as lunch time was approaching.

"Hey Blue," Paulie said into the cell phone. "Are ya'll going to be back for lunch or should I just fix something for me and Carl?" Blue informed him they were bringing lunch and about fifteen minutes away from the house. He went to the fridge and grabbed two cokes for Carl and himself. Then he settled into a chair beside Carl in the living room. "They're bringing burgers and fries and will be here in a minute," he told Carl.

"Why ain't we working those fields today, Paulie?" Carl asked.

"The main reason is we're waiting for the seed to come in. Onion seed won't keep long at all and has to be fresh from cold storage when we plant," Paulie explained. "The second reason is it's a big payday today. They took the check for the cotton crop to the bank this morning. I've got my own money but the guys have been making due with token pay since May. Acer's been footing the bill up till now and they have to get the accounts straight and pay Billy and Alfredo what's due them. I'll get a chunk, too. Blue got his place from his mom by taking on her debt at the bank and they're paying that off today, too. They hadn't planned to pay off the loan until December when the feeder calves sold, but it was a good crop and a good payday."

"What about your place?" Carl asked.

"I lease my land with an option to buy. I've been doing it on my own for several years now, I guess you know. Except for a couple of pieces of used equipment, I've saved everything I've made. Even my truck is one dad gave me for help on his place and until I started helping Blue and Acer, I've lived at home for free. When my crop comes in this next May, I'm buying my place and it will be paid off."

"You've got nearly twice as much land in fields, I'd guess," Carl commented. "You must be doing something right."

"I'm just doing what my dad and granddad do and what Pop did for years," Paulie replied.

"Good thing we're all just a little different size," Acer exclaimed coming through the door. Alfredo had the food and each of the others carried brown paper grocery bags full of clothes. "We can bring in the rest after we eat. We got you a few new things, Carl, for your birthday that's coming up. When is it anyway?"

"It's today," Carl answered. "I didn't say nothing because it ain't no big deal."

"Damn Carl, I screwed up," Paulie responded. "I thought it was next Monday."

"Good deal," Acer told him. "I got a German chocolate cake, if that works for you, and some ice cream."

Carl nodded his head and had a big ear to ear smile. Lunch disappeared as fast as it had come in the door and the cake was set aside to eat after supper. Blue and Acer cleared the table and began spreading out receipts and invoices across it. "It ain't balancing, Blue," Acer declared. "I know we have plenty left until we sell the steers but it has to balance for taxes next year."

"Let's go through it one more time," Blue pled.

"I know I don't look like much," Carl interrupted. "But mom was a CPA and when it's tax time you make all your money in just a couple of months doing returns. She had me doing taxes and accounts when I was still in grade school. The reason she put the house in my name is because she said I earned it helping her with tax work every year. Before she left, she didn't even need to check my work. She knew I did it right."

Blue and Acer looked at each other and Acer said, "Go for it." Acer took Carl into his office and showed Carl his computer. He had an adding machine that spit out paper as well and Carl gathered all the papers scattered across the table. He shut himself off in the room and didn't come out for a couple of hours. When Carl emerged he had everything neatly organized, sorted, labeled, and put in file folders. He'd printed out spread sheets that made it simple to understand and use in the farm operation. It balanced.

"I told you Carl was a whiz at math," Paulie boasted.

"Will you get mad if I check out some frisky cowboys or read some stories on the computer," Carl asked.

"Not if I get to check it out, too," Acer chuckled.


Next: Chapter 10

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