
By fireflywatcher ford

Published on Nov 25, 2008


The usual disclaimers apply: if you are under eighteen or sexual content is illegal where you live, read no further.

All rights to this original fiction story are reserved by me, the author, and it may not be reproduced or published without my written permission.

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I wish to thank Miguel Sanchez, Rock Lane Cooper, and George Grassby for their encouragement and support.

All comments and suggestions are appreciated. Please write. fireflywatcher@gmail.com You may read all my stories at http://groups.google.com/group/Fireflywatchers-Stories and do not need to join to read or comment.

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Acer tapped his fingers to the beat of the music as the old song played on the radio. It was 'Blue Bayou' with Linda Ronstadt singing.

I feel so bad I got a worried mind I'm so lonesome all the time Since I left my baby behind On Blue Bayou

Saving nickels saving dimes Working til the sun don't shine Looking forward to happier times On Blue Bayou

I'm going back someday Come what may To Blue Bayou Where those fishing boats With their sails afloat If I could only see That familiar sunrise Through sleepy eyes How happy I'd be

Gonna see my baby again Gonna be with some of my friends Maybe I'll feel better again On Blue Bayou

I'm going back someday Come what may To Blue Bayou Where the folks are fine And the world is mine On Blue Bayou Where those fishing boats With their sails afloat If I could only see That familiar sunrise Through sleepy eyes How happy I'd be

Oh that boy of mine By my side The silver moon And the evening tide Oh some sweet day Gonna take away This hurting inside Well I'll never be blue My dreams will come true On Blue Bayou

He brought the tips of his index and middle finger on his right hand to his lips and touched them to Blue's forehead where it rested in his lap. It was 5 AM and he'd driven all night. Four of the horses were in the trailer. The dogs were in the back seat of the crew cab and everything that might be needed for the next couple of months was loaded into the living section of the trailer. Blue slept riding beside him using his lap as a pillow with one leg stretched out in the floor board and the other propped in the seat with the knee pressed to the window glass. The sun wasn't up, but the light shone at the horizon. Blue stirred from the kiss delivered by Acer's fingers, stretched and yawned.

"How close are we?" Blue asked.

"We've come through town and turned off the farm road. We should be at the house in five minutes or so," Acer replied.

"Any trouble?" Blue inquired.

"We were in a dry county at two when the bars close. That was all there was to worry about," Acer informed him. "Did you sleep good, bud?"

"Like a rock," Blue answered. "I'll get the horses unloaded and take care of everything so you can get some sleep when we got there."

"No, I'm good. I can make it to lunch and nap this afternoon. I am getting hungry, though," Blue responded.

"Mmmm, me too," Blue came back, fiddling with Acer's zipper.

"Hey now, I need to put some calories in before I burn any up. You always wake up horney, not that I'm complaining," Acer told him. "Look!," Acer pointed, "Paulie and Carl are here and there's Tommy's truck, too."

Acer pulled the trailer around and backed it up to the lot gate. They got out and let the horses out into the lot and walked to the house. Tommy, Bobby, Paulie, and Carl, were jumbled together naked with what looked like every pillow in the house and those from the couches scattered around the edges like a big bird nest on the rug. Blue went to the kitchen and came back. Acer was sitting in the old rocking chair.

"You want me to fix you some breakfast?" Blue asked.

"What's here?" Acer asked.

"Coffee, eggs, bread, bacon, grits."

"That'll do fine," Acer cut him off.

"There ain't no jelly or butter for the toast," Blue added.

"Eggs on toast will do," Acer responded. Blue took off to the kitchen. The air conditioner kicked on and Acer rose to turn it off. He opened the windows and a red bird in a bush outside the porch cried, "Would ya, would ya, would ya" It repeated it several times and added notes to it's song. "Damn right I would," Acer answered the call.

Tommy was flush against Bobby's back with his fist around Bobby's dick and it was swelling. Tommy's eyes popped open. He turned his head to look at Acer.

"Go ahead and fuck him if you want to. It would be hot to watch," Acer exclaimed. "Blue and I are going to do it when we finish eating."

"You can watch us if we can come watch you," Tommy replied with a yawn. He pulled his hips away from Bobby's ass to show Acer he was already hard and inside Bobby. He began pistoning slowly as Blue handed Acer his plate of food. Bobby thrust his hips back into Tommy but he didn't stir other than that. Blue took both empty plates to the kitchen. Tommy disengaged from Bobby and he and Acer followed Blue to the bedroom. Bobby didn't move.

Food followed by sex put Acer to sleep as soon as he came. Tommy went with Blue to the yard where he gave the dogs some food and they sat under a tree. Blue drew in the dirt with a stick as they talked. Tommy was telling Blue about his classes and the people he'd met at college. Blue's face turned red and he looked as if he'd been struck. He jammed the stick in the ground and broke it off, tossing it off into the grass. He jumped up, leaving Tommy in mid-sentence and ran for the house. "There are some balls there to toss for the dogs," Blue yelled back, "I'm got to do something."

A grassburr snagged Blue's toe. He leaned against the screen door and jerked it free before crossing the porch and entering the house. One of the pillows was cast aside and he took it to the bedroom where he slid it beneath Acer's head. Then he jetted over the scattered bodies and out the back door toward the barn. Reaching inside the trailer, he filled both hands carrying tequila, beers, limes, and salt which he sat on a high shelf next to the stall. He pulled his pocket knife out and sat it open beside the limes. Then he climbed to the top rail and took his first swig from the bottle. Salt and lime followed and beer to wash the taste out of his mouth.

Ranger came up and nuzzled Blue's thigh. He stroked the horse's nose before reaching for the bottle again. Half a dozen or so swigs later the flush left Blue's face and his heart rate slowed from the racing pace. He stepped down from the rail and walked to the opposite wall where he turned on an old boom box. The station played it all, from the nineteen forties to the present, in every genre to please a small town audience, but Blue wasn't familiar with the stations in the area. Any sound was fine.

Blue started to climb the rails again but his first step told him that was a bad idea. He took two trips to move the bottles and took a seat on a bale of hay. Ranger stretched over the top rail, scratching his chin first and zeroing in his ears in Blue's direction. Blue's mood was one of self pity even though he had no cause for it, just the opposite, he now had a large farming operation and had made a great deal of money. He had a guy he loved that loved him. What set him off was Tommy talking about college.

Blue felt he'd been pushed from his hometown by guys he'd thought were friends. He'd been pushed by his dad to live at his own place, cut off from any help. He'd been pushed by his mom to assume her debt and take over her property, plus paying her a yearly amount to add to her income. Then he'd been pushed by the farm to get all the work done. He hadn't had a choice of going to college or extending his youth a moment longer without the responsibilities he now faced. Now he felt he was going to be caught up in a repeating cycle of work that would only end with his death, years down the road. He hadn't had a choice of what he wanted to be or do. The only choice he'd gotten was whether or not to love Acer and with that choice he was happy. Right then his choice was to get drunk as a skunk so he could wake up the next day without these troubling thoughts.

"What you doing?" Carl asked, stepping into the barn.

"Getting drunk, 'cause I want to, 'cause I can," Blue replied. "You want a snort?" Blue asked, thrusting the bottle into his hand. Carl gulped down a big drink and handed the bottle back.

"I got some of Billy's weed. You want some of that, too?" Carl asked.

"I ain't smoked it but a couple of times. Why not? Twist one up," Blue answered. Carl dug in his pocket and produced a small baggie. "Can I have a kiss, Carl?'

"I um,"Carl started.

"Just a fucking kiss Carl, nothing more." He pulled Carl's face to him and they battled tongues for a minute.

Carl leaned back, sputtering. "That tequila tastes better in your mouth that it did in mine," Carl declared.

"Oh, I forgot to hand you some salt and lime, and a beer to wash it down. I'm starting to feel the shit, Carl," Blue replied.

Carl took another big gulp, followed by lime, salt, and a chug of beer this time. He twisted a thin little excuse for a joint, lit it, and they burned it up in three tokes apiece. Carl's third gulp caught him up with Blue. They both sat there on the hay bales, shit faced. "Blow me Carl," Blue instructed. He was already popping his fly buttons and forced Car's face to his crotch. Carl took it in but less than half the length would fit in his mouth. Blue stopped him and pulled Carl's shorts down his legs and off over his slender hips without opening the fly. Blue brought Carl off pretty quickly. "Tequila tastes best mixed with cum," Blue declared. He got up and grabbed an old bottle of Corn Husker's Lotion off the shelf by the radio. Without asking, he turned Carl over a bale, shook out some of the lotion, and pushed his dick through Carl's pucker. Carl winced for a moment. Then he rocked back to meet Blue's strokes. He unloaded on the bale and afterward Blue emptied himself inside Carl.

"Don't stop," Carl pled. "I know why the football players like getting fucked now." It was a useless request. Blue was done. They pulled on their shorts and stumbled together back into the house. Carl collapsed beside Paulie and Blue just made it to fall next to Acer on the bed.

Sissy was licking Blue's face as he woke up. "Get your pants on, bud, we're going to the store," Acer announced.

"I got drunk with Carl. I smoked some weed. I was horney and we fucked around," Blue confessed.

"I know. I found the bottle in the barn and asked Carl. It's OK. I'm glad you had a little fun. I love you bud," Acer answered.

Carl took a piss and was surprised his head didn't hurt. He dressed and joined Acer in the truck. They stopped at Dugan's Store, which had been Dugan's Red and White Store when Finn Dugan's parents ran it. Finn was in his late eighties and had turned over most of the running of the store to his son Sam and Sam's wife Carolyn who were both retired from other jobs. In the past, Acer was forced by prices, to do most of his grocery shopping at Wal-Mart or a chain grocer, but the service and specialty items Finn offered brought him back now that price wasn't as big a concern.

Acer and Blue's boots clicked as they walked to the back of the store across the painted wood plank floors. Finn was at the back where he butchered. "Howdy Finn," Acer called to him, extending his hand and introducing Blue who shook his hand in turn. "What are you up to today?"

"Dipping now," Finn replied. "I done showed Sam some more butchering. I'm frying chicherones and dipping the hulls off of this batch of masa." Acer could see four pig's heads in the glass case. "They don't sell pigs heads anywhere else and I had four cured pigs brought over from the locker plant this morning. A Mexican lady buys them off me for tamales on Saturdays."

"Does she make them to sell?" Acer asked.

"Yeah, but she uses the brains and everything. They're damn good but they'll give you gout if you eat too many," Finn replied. "Her card is on the board. What can I get for you today?"

"I want some of those pocket cut pork chops for stuffing and some T-bones about an inch and a half thick, and some stuff for sandwiches," Acer answered. The pork chops filled with corn bread stuffing were for a special meal for Acer's mom. Acer and Blue got those items and a lot more. Finn had mesquite smoked honey ham in his smokehouse and some slow cooked roast beef for sandwiches. He had the usual deli meats, but these were made there. Carolyn had fixed mustard potato salad that morning and they bought a tub of it. All around the store, they found something to buy. Sam had helped them pick some wines to go with their meals. Lastly, they bought summer straw hats they found in the front window.

"That cost you an arm and a leg," Blue told Acer on the way to the house.

"Cotton raises the beef he sells and those will be some of the best steaks you've ever eaten," Acer replied. "He's a sponsor, too, and puts an ad in the rodeo programs. I put what we call 'The Cowboy Seal of Excellence' on the ads to bring him more business. I love that old man."

The trip to the store got them stocked up to settle in for the summer. It was a good beginning.


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