
By fireflywatcher ford

Published on Nov 8, 2008


The usual disclaimers apply: if you are under eighteen or sexual content is illegal where you live, read no further.

All rights to this original fiction story are reserved by me, the author, and it may not be reproduced or published without my written permission.

Please donate to nifty.

I wish to thank Miguel Sanchez, Rock Lane Cooper, and George Grassby for their encouragement and support.

All comments and suggestions are appreciated. Please write. fireflywatcher@gmail.com You may read all my stories at http://groups.google.com/group/Fireflywatchers-Stories and do not need to join to read or comment.

Health problems have slowed me down. I will write as fast as I am able.

Thank you for reading!


Carl was ecstatic when his truck came from the garage where Paulie had it repaired. He wasn't as ignorant of mechanics as Paulie had thought and saw immediately that it had a new engine. He would have driven it around for days if there had been time. As it was, all the men spent a day moving Carl's things out of his house and the next clearing out Blue's house as an afterthought. It seemed like a reasonable idea to work on both houses at the same time. Then the seed arrived.

There still hadn't been a freeze. The steers were moved to Blue's two sections, his cows and calves moved to Acer's, and the four back sections were readied for onions as well. That began with spraying herbicide and getting the cross fences down. With so much to do, Acer hired contractors to work on the houses.

Carl's house needed a paint job all over, new carpet, and the drapes cleaned. It hadn't been in bad shape when his mom left but three years of neglect had taken a toll. She had used the house as a home office doing her client's accounts and it had been a nice looking place. Blue's house needed more extensive work and needed to be livable by the holidays as space for Blue's and Acer's moms to stay because they wouldn't have time for trips to visit them. They would have to come there.

Acer got two weeks off as vacation after his last judging event. Then he had to spend half a day contacting sponsors or working with them and one day a week at the office or out of town meeting with them in person. Hours spent on the tractor were drudgery for Acer. Moving from town to town with constantly changing faces greeting him for several years had spoiled him. All he found appealing was working on the machinery and working with the stock. Following Paulie's plan the stock would be eliminated from the operation and all that would remain of what Acer enjoyed was machinery repairs. The land was too valuable for farming. There wouldn't be enough time left in the day for him to ride his horses either.

Acer was finally at home most nights and with Blue. He was where he had hoped to be for years, on the verge of independence financially. As the old saying goes, you have to be careful what you wish for.

The holidays came and went. The steers were sold and having all the expenses paid for raising them, they made a healthy chunk of change. The schedule relaxed in the new year and with six tractors running, they could cultivate and fertilize Blue's and Paulie's fields in four or five days. The irrigation was constant up until a few days before they cultivated, which they did about every three weeks. May arrived and a crew of three hundred men arrived. A topper loader scooped up the bulbs after they were lifted from the dirt and filled trailers used to carry them to the barns. The laborers bagged and loaded the onions on trucks after they were brought to the barns. Here the tops had died back and dried a few weeks earlier when the watering was stopped. Then trucks hauled them all away. The trucks were weighed and tallied, leaving Blue and Acer, as well as Paulie, a check to pick up. If the onions were left in the ground too long, they burned up and rotted in the field. Like saying, 'let it ride' at a craps table, the gamble had paid off, this time.

"I will never understand it," Carl declared. He was sitting at the computer after doing the accounts a week after the onion crop had been harvested. Acer had just finished his calls to sponsors and sat across the office from him. "I joined a couple of groups online," Carl continued, "One groups is bodybuilders and the other is athletes, both with lots of nude pics. These guys all have huge bodies and nearly every one has a tiny little dick." Of course, Carl had never told anyone except Paulie about his experiences with the athletes from school. Acer would take his questions as simple curiosity.

"Steroids," Acer replied, in a single word.

Carl had gained sixty pounds from eating regularly, done some work with weights along with Billy and Paulie, gotten his nose straightened and a cap on his broken tooth, and looked like a different person. He hadn't shortened his hair, but had a good cut for the length and he'd let the tuft below his bottom lip grow. His waist was still very slender and his belly rippled from the exercise.

"I'm getting built pretty good without any drugs," Carl added.

"They wanted instant results," Acer responded. "Nothing comes without a price."

Acer was itching to get away from Amarillo after nearly seven months tied to the farm. He'd arranged to make his personal visits with sponsors in clusters where Blue could travel along and the phone work could be done from anywhere. The first stop was to be a few weeks at Acer's home place where he and Blue planned to spend most of their time until October planting started up.

Paulie had paid off his land and like Blue had done with Acer, he'd put the property in both his and Carl's names. He had enough cash reserves to get through the next year, but decided to plant a sorghum crop to make more. It was already planted and only needed watering until it was ready to combine in about ninety to a hundred and ten days. Blue turned over his fields and advanced the money for Billy and Alfredo to make the sorghum crop themselves. Neither he nor Acer wanted to be tied down again until fall.

"Paulie and Blue should have supper finished by now," Carl told Acer. He shut down the computer and started for the kitchen.

"What did they fix?" Acer called to Carl.

"Hell, I didn't even ask," Carl replied. "You know me. I go for quantity and almost anything is fine with me. Whatever it is, it smells good."

"Hey Paulie," Acer added. "About your question, me and Blue, and Billy were all athletes in school," He commented and opened his fly. "I ain't ever had anyone call this one small and Billy has the industrial size model."

"Damn Acer," Carl responded, "Mine is that size when it's hard and I always thought I had a big dick."

"Well we all get what we're supposed to have if we don't mess with the plan," Acer replied, zipping up his pants. "My guess is most guys get their size from their dads. That's what it seems like with the stock."

The next day turned out to be a shopping day in Amarillo for all six men, riding to town in Acer's crew cab. "Can we stop by the college?" Carl asked. "I want to pick up an application and maybe take some classes this fall."

"I'm going to try to go, too," Paulie added. "I figured that since I went to school and farmed my place by myself, we both should have time to go."

"Mom took her courses at night for her CPA, so that should work anyway," Carl told them.

"Sure," Acer replied. "How is your mom? Do you talk to her much?"

"I never hear from dad. I get his voice mail but he never calls me back. I talk to mom about twice a month though," Carl informed them. "She's in Georgia, near Atlanta. She remarried and had twin girls and last month she had a boy. Her new husband doesn't know about me yet. I'll probably hear from her more after she tells him."

'If she tells him,' Acer thought. The truck grew silent for a while and Acer broke the silence. "What are you thinking about taking?"

"Accounting, of course and Paulie is going to take it, too. Then we can take the same classes and study together," Carl answered.

At the college Billy and Alfredo went inside, too. Alfredo found a community course in English as a second language offered two nights a week at the high school near the house. He had learned a lot of English but was reluctant to speak it around the men. He still preferred to watch action movies with his limited vocabulary.

A mall was the second stop. "I couldn't find much of anything I wanted," Blue told Acer when he walked up. Blue was sitting on a bench eating an ice cream cone. They had split up once they entered to mall. Acer had one small package. Blue crunched down the last of the cone and wiped his face and hands on a napkin. "Try this on and see if it fits," Blue instructed, handing Acer a small box.

Inside was a plain white gold band about a quarter inch wide. Acer lifted it from the slot and it slipped on his finger, fitting perfectly. "Nice," Acer commented, "Just how did you guess my size?"

"That ring of your dad's you wear sometimes fits me a little bit loose. I got a half size larger than what fit me," Blue replied. "I got one for both of us. If you'll give it back to me, I'll have them engraved."

Acer sat there looking through some CDs he'd bought, waiting for Blue to return. Paulie plopped down beside him. Billy said, "Keys," standing there with his arms full, followed by Carl and Alfredo loaded down as well.

"Alfredo found the leather store and Carl wanted to do some leather work, too," Paulie announced. "There is more on order that will come to the house."

A few minutes passed and Blue returned. Acer opened the ring box and his brows wrinkled up. "Just our initials and last years date?" He asked.

"I bought the rings on the spur of the moment," Blue answered. "I put the same inscription on mine but wasn't sure yours would fit your finger. We can add more later. I figured I needed to give that some thought and talk to you about it, too."

"Carl needs help," Alfredo yelled, running up to Acer as he sat on the bench. They scrambled out the door behind Alfredo to find Billy standing behind Carl who lay on the ground with a bloody lip and a guy screaming at him about saying things he shouldn't. Three others stood beside the screamer.

Now outnumbered six to four, even considering that Carl and Alfredo were outclassed, Paulie answered the guy, "Carl's been working his ass off with us since last fall. He hasn't seen anyone to talk to about your sorry ass. He ain't even talked to me, but being my best friend, I stopped by the house a few times when you were there. It's amazing what these camera phones are handy for, wouldn't you agree?"

"This isn't over, Beckmann," the speaker replied.

"You need to understand that whatever problem you have with Carl, it is over," Acer counseled. "Carl is our business partner and we're all there for him. He's a good man with a good heart. No matter what you might do to him, he won't wrong you. Look somewhere else for the cause of your problems and leave Carl be."

The four guys growled and snarled some but ended up backing away and leaving. Acer slid in behind the steering wheel and started the crew cab with the guys scrambling to get in. He'd planned to shop some more. He drove to a restaurant he liked and stepped out without asking if anyone was hungry or what they might want to eat. He passed his credit card to the lady at the register and waved his hand to signal the others were with him. The place was buffet style. All the walls were covered in decorative junk of a sort of western style but none of it was really old stuff. He filled a salad plate first and set it on a long table that would hold all of them comfortably. Then he returned for the main dishes and sides. He went for chicken fried steak with potatoes and gravy but added a few barbequed ribs to the side. On another plate he put several of the side dishes and decided to wait on getting desert until he finished what he had already.

Acer had known what he wanted before he walked in the door. He was half way finished before anyone joined him at the table. The variety offered kept them busy deciding what to choose to fill their plates. He sat patiently waiting as he drank his third beer after he finished a slice of pie.

On the road again, Acer stopped at a liquor store for a couple of bottles and some beer. "You need some weed while we're in town, dopehead?" He asked Billy.

"Naw, I got it covered. I found someone near the house to get what I need, but I don't smoke much anymore," Billy replied. "Is that it? Are we done shopping and going to the house now?"

"I've had all the excitement I'd care for in one day," Acer answered. "Could you eat all right, Carl? I forgot about your lip."

"Yeah, he had on a ring and it just cut my lip on the outside," Carl replied. "I'm sorry about that, Acer."

"It ain't your fault, Carl," Acer told him. "From what Paulie was saying I take it you used to play around with those guys and they think you told someone about it. If you didn't, one of them did or one of them hit on the wrong guy and he spread the word. A lot of guys like to keep what they do a secret or stay in the closet, as they say. Athletes do it more than most and 'roid rage don't help matters any."

"These guys don't think having sex with other guys is gay," Paulie commented. "It's just sex to them, just getting their rocks off. I know that's hard to wrap your mind around but for them, the rules don't apply. They're all on full athletic scholarships at big schools and dating the hottest girls on campus. I'm sure they're fucking the girls, too. They're not big time stars on the teams coming from a small town but all athletes get special treatment."

Carl pursed his lips and fiddled with the sore spot until it began bleeding again. Without a word, Paulie shoved a handkerchief in his hand and continued talking, telling everyone what Carl had told him back in the fall. Carl was bothered and ashamed as he sat there and listened without saying anything. He hung his head until they arrived at the house and was the first man out of the truck. He went right to work hauling the packages inside.

Acer opened a bottle. It was Old Weller, one of Acer's favorites. He poured six glasses and passed them around, at the same time asking Billy to twist one up and share it with Carl. As the second glass was drained and refilled and the roach was all that remained of the joint, they began to relax a little.

"Carl, we can't very well run off and leave you here to face these guys again," Acer declared. "Hell, they may come back again with more friends and have all of us outnumbered. Drunk redneck cowboy athletes with guns is kind of my worst nightmare come true."

"I'm sorry," Carl replied. "I feel sorry for them, too. They could get thrown off the teams, loose their scholarships, and whatever slim chance they have at playing in the pros. I had money saved and what mom left me for college. Dad left and that money got spent in a hurry. I couldn't get help to pay the bills or qualify for food stamps. I had to pay the property taxes or I'd loose the house. I couldn't get grants for school or loans. I was a legal adult at eighteen and I own the fucking house. All I could get in scholarship money was two thousand a year and it wouldn't cover tuition. Everywhere I went I was told to sell the house. That's as fucked up as it can get. I could get a little help today and be homeless tomorrow, and none of the help would come until I spent what I got for the house."

"Thing are a lot different now," Paulie responded. "Your house was worth five times what you thought and you're my partner making damn good money. You eat more than beans and ramen noodles, wear shoes that don't have holes in them, and you don't have to let guys play with your dick because you need more cash than you make working for minimum wage." Paulie confessed that he didn't have pictures of the guys having sex with Carl and hadn't had a clue they were doing it until Carl told him. "I'm amazed that the first thing you said was you felt sorry for these bastards that beat on you. That doctor who fixed your nose said the next time you broke it, a few taps from his little hammer and stuffing your nose with cotton held in place by a nose splint wouldn't fix it. He said it would be surgery and would cost some serious bucks to put it right. That cap for your tooth wasn't cheap either even if they didn't do that one. They might break one the next time."

"They won't be home long," Carl said. "Last year they left near the end of July and that's just six or seven weeks away. We don't go places much and I can lay low for that long."

"I think you both should come down to Acer's with us. You might want to do a little traveling, too," Blue suggested.

"Alfredo and I can keep the sprinklers running," Billy offered. "When you come back, we can do some traveling while you and Paulie mind the watering and it'll be a fair trade off."

"I can go for that," Paulie replied. "I wanted to do some traveling after the crop was in and thought that would have to wait until next year. I used to go up to Northern New Mexico when I was a kid and do some trout fishing every year. The season closes at the end of May. If Carl and I head up there now we'd have time to fish a little before then."

Carl went from hanging his head to smiling as he listened to Paulie talk about the mountains and the trees. He'd never traveled far and was rearing to go. Paulie called his granddad, Blue's uncle, and asked to borrow his motor home. They packed a few things and would pull Carl's little pickup behind it, leaving the next morning. They planned to show up at Acer's in a week or two.

"I was afraid we'd end up staying here all summer," Blue told Acer. Billy and Alfredo had gone to bed first and he sat alone with Acer in the living room now. "Maybe those guys will find out who outed them and leave Carl alone after this."

"I didn't know you knew that word," Acer replied.

"I might not be right using it. They are trying to keep it quiet after all," Blue answered. They snuggled together on the couch watching a movie and fell asleep before it ended. At five the next morning the sound of the coffee maker woke Acer up first. He squeezed out from under Blue to find Billy in the kitchen.

"I finally bought a couch that didn't leave me with a stiff neck," Acer exclaimed, walking in for a cup. "I never fell asleep on this one until now."

"I thought I'd better get an early start in case watering all the fields is more than we can get done working normal days," Billy told him.

"Sorghum don't need as much water as cotton did last summer," Acer replied. "You may get by watering once every two weeks. If you can get all of them running in a day, you'll only be checking them until they finish one pass and be done in three days. Watch the color and when the leaves turn a blue-grey, they will start wilting right after that. If they dry out too often your yield will drop and you won't make as much as you are expecting to make. This crop is for you."

Alfredo popped through the door and a moment later Blue was beside him jockeying for a cup of coffee from the pot. "We're going to hang around and make sure you can handle it," Blue told him. "Five in the morning is too damn early to talk business, though. Who wants breakfast?"

An hour later after the sun was up and with Billy and Alfredo out the door, Acer and Blue sat watching cartoons and drinking coffee like two kids on a Saturday morning. Paulie and Carl passed trough only taking time to grab cokes from the fridge. The were back pretty fast with an older, slightly faded motor home and a towing tongue to attach to Carl's truck. Taking a peek inside, Blue commented, "It looks brand new in here."

"Yeah, granddad only has thirty thousand miles on it. He don't use it much," Paulie answered. "He starts it once a week and washes it every now and then. As little as he travels he could have paid the motel bills until he died for the price of this toy."

"Paulie conned him out of it for three thousand so he's getting some of it back," Carl bragged. "The tires are two hundred each. This boy is one smooth talker."

"That old man has his gears turning all the time," Paulie commented. "He didn't want to tell me no and didn't want the grief or the liability if I wrecked it. He's changing the title over today and putting it on my insurance. I bet he buys a new one before the week is out."

They were loaded with the truck hooked up in a few hours and headed to Eagles Nest. It wasn't a long drive and they'd arrive in the afternoon with plenty of time to get set up and drop a line in the water. Acer had been there and to the ski resorts nearby. Like many places in the west, you'd be driving in the endless flat plains or through the short sage brush, or even the dry desert landscapes and climb hills into a different magical world full of trees and green and the gurgling sound of flowing water. Eagles Nest emerged through a more gradual change in scenery. From Amarillo you would cross the plain to climb the escarpment and reach a second level of plain. Then you'd begin the ascent through hills covered with western cedar like those on the hillsides around Acer's home and up through winding canyons lined with broken volcanic cliffs that formed vertical columns reaching for the sky. The reservoir was surrounded by tall pines and in the still of the early morning with the dew on the grass, it shone like a sheet of glass. 'Maybe Blue and I can find a few days to run up there,' Acer thought.

Acer's cell phone started singing to him and he flipped it open, stepping outside away from the sound of the television. "Get your boots on. We're going to the airport," Acer told Blue as he slipped into his. Blue gave him a puzzled look and Acer responded, "It's a surprise."

Acer was outside removing the bed cover from his pickup when Blue joined him. The lifted it off and leaned it against the side of the house, jumped in, and tore off down the road. At the freight terminal, he backed up the ramp for pickup loading, stopping with just enough room to drop the tailgate. Blue got out and tended to that. Then he stood with his arms crossed leaning against the truck while Acer went inside the office. The door rolled up and Acer was bent over an extra large carrier crate with a red tongue lapping at his fingers and another crate sat beside it. He had to reach down and pull the pins that held the gooseneck hitch in place and remove it to slide the crates into the bed. Blue was getting his fingers licked as the second crate scooted up to the first. Acer closed the tailgate and again they roared down the road.

"Do you like boys or girls or do you want to share?" Acer asked Blue.

"You sure know how to surprise a guy. I thought you didn't like dogs. I kind of like girls best but it don't matter," Blue replied. "What breed are they? I couldn't see much but tongue and face."

"Anatolian, it is related to Great Pyrenees and Mastiff and one of the oldest breeds but pretty rare here. I saw some breeders at a show a couple of years back and waited until now because I wasn't home enough to keep a dog," Acer explained. "My dog died when I was in high school and I haven't had one since. He was a Pyrenees I got when I was five. It broke my heat loosing him."

"What are we going to name them?" Blue asked.

"I had to pick names when they went to the trainers," Acer replied. "The boy is Pal and the girl is Sissy, but they have those long names on their papers the breeders always make up. If I'd asked you for a name it would have spoiled the surprise. They switched out trainers all the time so the dogs wouldn't bond until we got them and I'm told that made them very sociable dogs who like people a lot. The breed is very protective and they may grow to be wary of strangers as they get used to familiar faces and a new home, though."

Acer pulled into an IAMS store that was on the way home before leaving town. He went inside and Blue got out to comfort and talk to the dogs during the wait. Acer returned with two hundred pounds of dry food and several cases of wet along with a bag of toys, collars, and leashes. At the house Acer opened Pal's crate and attached a leash to the collar he had on and led him through the yard gate as Blue followed him leading Sissy, shutting the gate behind him. He unclipped the leash and let him sniff out his new domain. Sissy circled the yard in the opposite direction. Acer and Blue set out food and water dishes on the porch and propped the screen door and house door open so the dogs could do a full inspection of the place.

"I noticed that when we saw someone with a dog you would greet the person and spend most of the time playing with the dog," Acer told Blue. "I thought you'd like some as much as I would."

"You got that dead right," Blue replied, giving Acer a big kiss and hugging him close. "I couldn't afford to feed one before or I would have had one. Then we were in your house so I didn't ask. These two are real beauties."

Both dogs sensed who their new masters were and lay beside each man's chair after they tired of exploring. When Billy and Alfredo came in for lunch they raved about the new additions to the household. Acer and Blue ate with them and decided on a nap and some romantic play after lunch. Sissy followed them to the bedroom. Pal was stretched out taking up the entire bed. He lifted his head and laid it down again when he heard the men enter. "Go lie down, Pal," Acer told him, and the dog jumped down from the bed and found a spot on the floor. Sissy snuggled up to Pal resting her head on his side. "They've both been with the trainers for four months," Acer told Blue. "He's ten months old and she's nine. They still have a lot of growing to do."

Blue reached for Acer's collar and popped the snaps down to his waist. He tugged the tails out of Acer's jeans and finished unsnapping the rest. Then he ran his fingers along Acer's ribs on both sides, saying, "I'm more in the mood for naked and nasty than a nap."

In response, Acer slid Blue's t-shirt up and over his head. He tossed it on the dresser and went for the buttons to Blue's 501s. Jeans joined the pile with Blue's boots on the floor in front of the dresser. "Sexy, I like it when you go free balling," Acer commented. He bent and kissed Blue just below his navel while Blue tugged at Acer's jeans. They ended up tit to tit and toe to toe, hard dicks rubbing together, with Blue lying atop Acer on the bed. Blue kissed from the center of Acer's chest up to his chin and sucked Acer's bottom lip into his mouth gasping for breath. After a tongue duel, Blue felt through the night stand drawer pulling out a tube of lube, applying it to both of them, and riding back until he rested flush and filled on Acer's loins. He rocked as Acer rose to meet him with the motion you'd feel in the saddle doing a brisk trot until Acer grasped his hips in a death grip while releasing his load. Acer pushed Blue on his back and swallowing his throbbing rod, he worked him until Blue, too, was spent. The satisfaction and completion carried them to slumber entwined between the sheets.

Pal let out a bark, signaling the return of Billy and Alfredo. Blue and Acer stirred and pulled on some shorts. Hearing the shower running, Acer grabbed two balls from the dog toy bag. He tossed one to Blue and sought the shade on the east side of the house through the front porch. Blue grabbed a couple of beers and sat beside Acer on the bench there. Pal and Sissy chased the balls and returned each throw, sometimes going for the same ball while the other one was ignored and left where it fell. Blue tossed the next ball toward the idle one. Both returned.

Music filled the air and Billy stepped barefoot out the door, combing his fingers through his damp hair. "All we have to do for three days is check the systems to be sure everything is running allright," Billy informed them. Alfredo handed Billy a beer, joining him on the other bench that sat outside the door. He was in board shorts, the same as Billy, and likewise barefoot. Acer waved off Pal when he returned the ball and Pal carried it to Alfredo who gave it a toss. "It's all up and the fields look clean except for the sorghum. We might have to do the fertilizing over a couple of weeks, but I think two of us can handle the work," Billy explained. "You can stay or leave whenever you have a mind to."

"The boys drove home from Tarleton and are airing out the house and dusting it down. Cotton is mowing the yard. If we show up too soon there'll still be work to do," chuckled Acer. "You in any hurry Blue?"

"Hell no, as long as I'm with you, I'm where I want to be," Blue replied. A pickup pulled through the cattle guard and stopped beside the gate. Pal and Sissy took spots beside Blue and Acer with Pal grumbling out a low growl. "Stay," Blue told them. It was two of the guys from the parking lot.

"Is Carl around?" the one who'd done all the talking before, asked. "I came to tell him we were wrong the other day."

"Come in and pull up a chair," Billy told them. Alfredo went for beers and returned handing each a bottle. "He and Paulie went on vacation. You came to apologize?" Billy asked.

He screwed up his face and replied, "If anybody's going to apologize, it's Jerry Wayne. He's the motherfucker who lied. He partied too much and flunked a class, got put on probation and off the team with no scholarship until his grades are back up. We just did what was right for what we were told. I've done a hell of a lot worse than bust Carl's lip for less cause. I don't apologize, ever."

"You're Tony and he's Bobby, right?" Billy asked. Both nodded. "Which guy was Jerry Wayne?" Billy tugged at his dick and smiled to Alfredo. It had taken a while but Alfredo learned to top because Billy enjoyed the other role sometimes. Acer and Blue were seeing Billy intent, having heard Carl's story about the young jocks.

"Jerry Wayne wasn't there the other day. He just got home," Tony answered.

"Follow Billy's lead," Acer whispered to Blue, bending down to scratch Pal's ear. Blue gave his dick a tug, too. He was in gym shorts.

The dirt road in front of the hose wasn't traveled much and when a vehicle approached a dust cloud preceded it with the sound of tires on the gravel following. It wasn't long before it escalated to sex. When the head of Blue's dick was visible poking out from, the leg of his shorts and Billy's log was tenting his shorts, Tony and Bobby were sweating. Acer and Alfredo were boned up watching the guys reactions, too. The action moved indoors and in spite of efforts to make the sex a rough painful experience, sex is a pleasurable act and their attempt failed. Tony and Bobby only begged for more.

"Hell, I didn't even cum," Billy declared after they had run the two jocks off.

"I pissed in Bobby's mouth and all it did was make me puke. He swallowed my piss right down," Acer added. "I think we made a mistake here. These mother fuckers are just going to come back begging for more."

"We don't have to worry about them for long," Blue replied. "Tony said they were going to a special training camp next week and Jerry Wayne was taking summer classes to get his eligibility and scholarship reinstated. Maybe they'll all find teammates to take care of their appetites."

Acer called Paulie after supper to relate the day's events. Paulie blew him off, joking he had bigger fish to fry, in reference to the trout he and Carl caught after setting up camp at the lake. Sure enough, the jocks never came by the house during the next week while Blue and Acer were still there. A poker bluff had kept them at bay. Paulie reminded Tony of the non-existent video and none of the jocks had the balls to call him on it.


Next: Chapter 11

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