
Published on Mar 1, 1997




I was a graduate student at a mid-western university a number of years ago. It was a medium sized college town and moral in its outlook. There was not much opportunity to find anyone out of the closet. On afternoons when I would drive from the campus to downtown, I would always cruise the studs walking, paying special attention to their buttocks as well as their baskets. I would often stop along the street when I would see a very good looking hunk. I would pause, as if I were reading a map or looking for an address. When they would pass by I would look at them and nod that I would be willing to give them a ride. Not very often but once in a while I would have the company of a young sexy college stud. Usually it was only for a ride and pleasant conversation, but a few times, they wanted sex as much as I did.

One summer afternoon a very solidly built Latino was sauntering down the sidewalk. As I passed him I turned and smiled and pulled to the side, down the street a ways. His round full and firm buttocks, as I passed were moving deliciously up, down, back and forth. I turned and looked at him, especially his basket and how well he filled out is clothes. He had on levis and short sleeved shirt with a knapsack over his shoulder. His neatly cut black wavy hair highlighted his classicly beautiful face. He had a sensuously pleasant smile, his perfect white teeth added to my desire to have this stud.

As soon as I could make close eye contact I winked and smiled, and motioned with my hand that I would give him a ride. He came up the car and I opened the door. "Can I give you a ride?" "Yes, sure, I'd like that, it is hot out here." As he got in and put his knapsack on the floor between his legs, he said, extending his hand to shake mine, "My name is Juan, what's yours?" I said, "I'm Robb." I was shaking his hand and we both held on a bit longer. I asked, "Where are you headed?" Juan said, "To my room, up Central Street a ways, are you going that far?" I said, "Yes, I take you where ever you want, I'm just going for a drive, to relax from school work." Juan said that he had finished his class for the day and was going to relax also, and maybe take a nap. He said he lived in a room in a private home, but they were at work and he had a private entrance to the upstairs room. While we drove and exchanged hometown's, majors in school, what we like to do for hobbies and sports, I was rubbing my hardening cock and looking at Juan's sensuous eyes, deepset, dark and sparkling. Juan massaged his crotch and said, "Would you like to come up to my room for a while?" I said, "Yes, that would be nice, you are a very handsome hunk!" Juan reached over and massaged my thigh and moved his hand onto my hard cock and squeezed it. I reached over and felt his crotch. His cock was getting harder as I continued my ministrations. Juan slid down a bit in the seat so I could get better advantage. Juan said, "You've got a big one, I like that, I haven't been with anyone else for quite a while, that feels good."

I had a hard time concentrating on my driving, but we were quickly at his place. I parked and we walked up the back stairs, and into his room. His perfectly shaped globes were moving sensuously in front of me. He apologized for not having much room, but it was adequate for his needs. He locked the doors and we embraced, hugging each other, and feeling backs and buttocks. Juan smelled good, he had that young manly odor, sweet, musky, clean, delicious. Our lips met and we opened our mouths to entwining tongues. I grabbed tight to his firm ass cheeks, as Juan pushed his tongue further in my mouth and arched his ass into my kneading hands and he squirmed around and then thrust his hips forward crushing his groin into mine. We ground around and around, as I hummed on his tongue.

When we broke, Juan said, "I'll put the mattress on the floor because the bed makes too much noise. I knew we were going to have some fun. When the mattress was on the floor, we had taken our shoes off and we were on the mattress, undressing each other, with some speed. I removed his shirt first, revealing a husky firm body, with beautiful dark chocolate brown tits sticking up from gently defined pectorals. His upper body was hairless and a beautiful bronze color, clean and unmarred by any blemishes. Just below his naval a narrow, dark line of hair went down into his pants. I leaned over grabbed his crotch and sucked on his nipples, pulling him in close to me. Juan moaned and said, "Oh, Robb that feels good, suck the other one, please." I moved over and sucked on his other tit and pinched and massaged the one I had just left, still holding onto his crotch, which was getting very hard, and straining at the cloth.

Juan was feeling me all over my back and reached under me to unbutton my shirt. I stood up and he removed my shirt and kissed and tweaked my tits as I ran my fingers through his hair, and I felt his face and chin as he sucked on my tit. I lifted him up and knelt down in front of him and unbuttoned his levis. As I folded back the flaps I exposed a pair of white jockey briefs, contrasted against his dark bronze skin. I pushed his levis down to his ankles and he stepped out of them. I grabbed a hold of his ass cheeks and pulled his crotch into my face and smelled of his clean and musky groin. The delicious smell of youth. I nibbled on his balls and then his cock through the cloth. Juan's cock responded to my sucking, holding my head and pushing me in close. I was kneading his nice ass cheeks and he started to thrust his hips forward, dry fucking my face.

I slowly pulled down his briefs around his buttocks and spread his cheeks apart and ran my hands up and down the cleft finally finding his rosebud. I circled it with my finger as Juan pushed back onto it. I only teased him a bit, because I wanted his cock first, and wanted him to suck me hard and wet so I could slide between his tight ass cheeks and into his hot hole. I pulled his briefs down in front with my teeth, exposing his hard uncut cock, about five inches long and tapering to a pointed lance with his foreskin still covering all of his head. His pecan sized balls were hanging in a hairless sack firmly against his shaft. The black luxuriant curly hair that poised itself above his beautiful phallus, was like a small fan being held upside down by his naval.

I sucked on both of his balls, taking them into my mouth to taste there sweetness. Oh, how nice! Juan moaned, "Oh, Robb, Oh, your mouth is so hot and wet. Oh, it feels so good, don't stop. Ohhh!" I sucked and tugged on them as I took hold of his shaft and slowly felt the size and shape and moved the skin up and down, jacking him off slowly. My other hand was between his legs, with one finger probing his tight hole. "Hummm! Hummm! Ohhh!" Juan moaned as he was pushing forward and then backward trying to enjoy both ends at the same time, "Ohhh! Robb! that sooo good, Ohhh! you'd better stop before I come, Ohhh!"

I stopped, slowly letting his balls out of my mouth and sitting back on my haunches. I just kneeled there admiring his full masculine body, an Aztec Adonis, what a joy to behold. Juan reached over and helped me up, while he licked his way down from my tits to waist, unbuttoning my levis and pulling them to my ankles. I stepped out of them and kicked them aside. My seven inches of hard cut cock bounced straight out and up as I wasn't wearing any underwear. Juan was on his knees, and grabbed a hold of my shaft with one hand and was jacking on it as he exclaimed, "Oh, Robb, what a big cock you have, I want to eat it and have you fuck me, Oh! Wow! Hummm! It's nice." He got one ball in his mouth and sucked on it and felt my thighs and buttocks and tugged on my balls and then sucked hard until his almost got the other one in, but couldn't keep it there. He immediately went down on my cock over half way, hitting be back of his throat. I grabbed his head and felt his cheeks with my cock thrusting in and out of his mouth. "Wow, Juan, you sure have a hot mouth. Oh, yeah! that's it! Suck it hard! Get it as hard as you can so I can fuck your big hot ass. Ohhh! yeah!, That's it, do it." He was tugging on my ball sack and sucking hard on my cock.

I had to tell him to stop for a minute, so I could cum up his ass. I said, "Let's 69 for a while, shall we?" "OK" Juan said. We lay down facing each other on our sides. I looked at and played with Juan's cock, to make sure I didn't forget what a beautiful genitals he has, with its small but dense black furry crown. I had not had his cock in my mouth and I was looking forward to sucking out all of his juices. I pulled Juan's lower knee forward, so I could rest my head and stuck out my tongue to lick the head of Juan's lance. I pulled his foreskin forward and made a small mouth out of it and put my tongue in and could only get the tip of it to find his glans. Juan moaned and thrust his hips forward shoving his cock into my mouth. I sucked on this hard shaft and went all the way to the hilt. His cock head touched my throat, I had all of him in my mouth. It was just the right size mouthful. My right arm was under his leg and I was poking at his ass hole and kneading his firm flesh.

I backed off of his shaft to get a good taste of his cockhead and I tried to pull his foreskin back. Juan thrust backwards to get away from me and came off my cock fast and said, "Robb, that hurts, I can't skin it when I'm hard, please don't do that." I said, "OK!" and I pulled his foreskin as far forward as I could, and stuck my tongue in the tight ring and licked as much of his precum as I could. That drove Juan crazy, he bucked back and forth like a wild bronco. He was panting, and moaning, "Ohhh! Robb! Ohhh! Ohhh! you're driving my crazy, I'm going to cum! Ohhh! Robb! Here it is!" He drove forward and stiffened out his legs and shot wads of cum at the back of my throat. I swallowed some and kept some. It was sweet and delicious. I held him tight and he started sucking on my cock again. in long slow strokes. When Juan's cum stopped I rolled back away from him so that I wouldn't come in his mouth. and I twisted around so that I could kiss him and share some of his sweet juices with him. I lay on top of Juan and embraced him and kissed him, sharing his load. I ground my hard cock into his, and he responded, thrusting back. Our hard cocks rubbing against each other.

He lifted his knees up and held me between them until we broke our kiss. "Ohhh!, Robb. You sure know how to make a fellow feel good. That was the best blow job I have had. Wow! I love you, Robb!" "You are a handsome stud Juan," I said, "it is easy to make love to you. You are so delicious to eat! Now I really want to make love to you and fuck your hot tight ass. Are you ready?" "Oh, yes, Robb," Juan said, "Make love to me! Fuck me! Make me come again! I want to feel that big dick inside of me!" Juan rolled his hips up and put his legs over my shoulders. I looked down at this bronze Aztec god almost creaming then and there thinking about his hot hole. Juan said, "Reach over to the dresser and get some oil, so I can take all of you."

I got the baby oil from the dresser and coated my hard cock and his, and rubbed some up the crack of his ass and into it with one finger and then two. Juan moaned, "Ohhh! Robb! Ohhh!" As he pushed down and let my third finger slide into his hot canal. His sphincter muscles tightened hard around my fingers and Juan let out a gasp "Huhhhhh! ... Ohhh!" as they relaxed again. I worked them back and forth a few times and then slowly withdrew them. "Ohhh!" I said, "You have a hot tight hole Juan, Uhh huhh! This is going to be a beautiful fuck for both of us."

I grabbed my cock and bent it down, rubbing his perineum back and forth, finding his hole and rolling around it a few times and then coming back up to his lovely balls and feeling them and his hard under cock shaft and then back down to the beautiful dark brown rosebud, with it pink lips, twitching, waiting for penetration. I pushed against it, and worked my cock around so that it would be in just the right place. I felt Juan's sphincter, working on my cockhead. It was hot and sucking in its motions. I looked into Juan's face and he smiled that sensuous smile of ecstacy, and said, "Put it in easy I want to feel it go in slowly, and fill me up."

I was holding Juan's ankles and he reached around and grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled me into him slowly. As my shaft penetrated his hole, Juan's muscle tightened around my cockhead and squeezed it. Juan stopped us, so he could get used to the size and when he let out his breath, his ass relaxed. I moved forward as Juan pulled me into him. One long slow motion and I buried all my cock into his ass up to the hilt. "Ohhh!, you are sooo big! Ohhh! you fill me up! Ohhh! Yes!!! Oh! It feels sooo good! Let me get used to it. Yeahhhh!" Juan said. He took several deep breaths and then said, "Oh, Robb, now fuck me, long and slow, but don't take it out, Ohhh! Fuck me! Fuck me! Robb."

I started a long slow fucking motions, withdrawing everything but my cockhead which was locked in behind his love muscle. My rhythm got faster and I drove home harder with each thrust. Juan was pushing up against each movement of mine. I bent him over more and kneeled up closer as my balls slapped against his backside. Juan was clamping down with his sphincter muscle with my every thrust. His hole was hot and tight. His love chute was undulating around my shaft and massaging it. My phallus is curved up and I could feel Juan jump a little as I passed over his prostrate. "Ohhh! Juan! You've got a very delicious hot hole. You are making me so hot I'm going to come soon! Will you cum with me?" Juan said, "Oh, Robb, can you jack me off while you fuck me, please?" I reached around his leg and took a hold of his hard cock and rubbed back and forth and jacked more skin over the head of his cock, pulling his ball sack up very tight and reached up and pinched on his tits, one, then the other. I worked in unison with my fucking and Juan held on to my ass cheeks and worked us together.

I could feel Juan's cock stiffening up as mine was also, we were both breathing loud moans of pleasure, my fucking and jacking got faster, I was going beyond the point of no return. I exclaimed, "Ohhh! Juan! Here I cum, you fucking stud, I'm going to fill you ass full of fuck juice! Ohhh! Here it issss! Ohhh! Yeahhh!" As I rammed hard against his buttock and unloaded shot after shot of cum up his ass. Juan squealed, "Ohhh! Robb! Here I cum tooooo! Ohhh! Ohhh! Ohhh! Yeahhh! Yeahhh!" I could feel his prostrate pumping cum out of him and watched as it hit his face and chest and the blankets beyond. We just held there in suspended animation until we both came off this wonderful erotic high of cumming.

Juan relaxed first and slid his legs down around my ass. He pulled me down and said, "Don't take it out yet, give me a kiss first." I lay down on top of him and rubbed our bodies together with his cum and thrust my tongue into his mouth and sucked on his lips. We lay there for what seemed quite a while and I once and a while fucked his hole as it spasmed around my softening shaft. With a big sigh, I slowly withdrew my love stick and rolled off of Juan. We rested for a while and then dressed. Juan kissed and hugged me again and said, "That was just what I needed to relax." "Me, too, thanks very much." I said as I slipped out the door and drove off. I never did see Juan again, but the memories are still cock hardening thoughts.

Robbo make love to you. You are so delicious to eat! Now I really want to make love to you and fuck your hot tight as

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