By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Sep 3, 2003



DISCLAIMER: This story is true. The names have been changed to protect the guilty.

Warning! Teen Raunch Ahead!

JR'S BUTT by RimPig 2003

It was the around the beginning of October, as I remember it. At the ripe old age of 14, I had only just discovered the joys of cocksucking and the overwhelming sexual stimulation that only the ripe and raunchy scents of horny, teenage male bodies can give you! Being in a military school, filled with boys between the ages of 14 and 19 was about as close an experience of 'Heaven' as earth could grant. The fact that these males were (a) constantly horny and (b) completely without their usual outlets for that horniness (girls) made it an ideal situation for a dedicated, cocksucker-in- training. Namely, me!

I had found that military schools had really strange 'rules' among the cadets about what constituted being 'queer' (the only word we knew for it in the middle 60's when all this took place). Because some of the cadets had previously attended other military schools and had either come to this one because their parents found it cheaper or, as was more often the case, they had gotten thrown out of their previous military academy for some infraction or other, I got to learn about the 'rules' in other schools as well as the one's in ours.

Rule Number One: If you sucked another cadet's cock willingly, you were queer. No if, ands or buts. This went for every military school I ever heard of. Now, if you sucked another cadet's cock because he outweighed you by at least 50 pounds and was six inches taller than you were - not to mention several years older - you were not held to be necessarily queer - unless you ended up enjoying it and continued to service the older, larger cadet without any force being applied.

Rule Number Two: If you got your cock sucked but in no way touched the cadet sucking your cock with any intention of reciprocating any kind of pleasure - you were NOT queer. This allowed you to shove the suckee's head down on your hard cock while growling "Yeah! Suck my fuckin' cock, faggot!" to assuage your masculinity, declare your 'straightness' and to let the cocksucker know what a good job he was doing and that he should continue. This is not to say that there were not some really homophobic cadets who still held that ANYBODY who would let a 'fuckin' queer' suck their dick was queer themselves! However, these were usually cadets with extreme facial acne, a preponderance of body weight and an extreme case of penis (sucking) envy. They were ignored by everyone.

Rule Number Three: If you allowed another cadet to insert his hard cock into your tight little teen ass, you were queer! No way around it! However, this is where things differed, military school to military school.

In some military schools, if you fucked a guy in the ass - no matter how masculine you were or how loudly you proclaimed your love of 'pussy', you were queer! Maybe not as queer as the guy who let you shove your hard cock up his dirt road but queer nonetheless because who else but a queer would shove his cock up another cadet's asshole? Or anybody's asshole for that matter! Not a lot of males had figured out that girls had two fuckable holes at that point in their lives. Most of them, despite their stories and protestations to the contrary had still not ever even seen one of the female holes - much less gotten to shove their cocks into either one!

In other military schools, including the one I attended, this was not the rule. If you fucked another cadet in the ass and, especially, if you claimed you did it either because he begged you to do it (and you were horny so 'what the fuck! Why not?') or in some type of revenge for some unspecified slight, you were NOT queer. Of course, this meant that you in no way touched the other cadet except in such ways as necessary to fuck him (such as holding him down while you did it). If you caressed him or - worse! - kissed, licked or nibbled on said cadet, all bets were off and you were as queer as a three dollar bill!

Now, to be honest, I never heard of anybody getting fucked in my military school. At least not while I was there. There were always nasty rumors, but those were the kind that naturally happened between boys when burgeoning male egos got bruised. (For those who think that women are phenomenal gossips - all I can say is that you never went to an all boy school!) Nor did anybody want to fuck me. Well...okay, there was this one night...but we couldn't find any kind of lube and I was too scared to take it dry! (Congratulations to me for that bit of forethought!)

That's why what happened between me and the second guy I ever had sex with was so problematic. It didn't fit into any of the rules and so JR (he was known by the initials of his first and middle names) was profoundly disturbed for a while because he wasn't exactly sure if I'd made him really queer or not.

Let me explain.

You see, I have never been the least bit interested, when staring at a fully dressed male - of whatever age - in what kind of a 'bulge' he has in his crotch. I don't know why, just never interested me. Of course, if his pants are pushed out with an obvious hardon, now THAT will get my attention! But it better be REAL obvious, if you get my drift.

No, what I have always noticed was the curve of his male buttocks! I am an ass man...well...okay...at that time an ass boy, but I have been totally into guy's asses since as far back as I could remember. It is not the first thing I look at (which are his eyes) or even the second thing (his shoulders and chest) but if I can get a 'rear view', I am one happy little pig - especially if the more 'southern exposure' is nicely rounded and tight!

The problem was, I had no fucking idea in the world what I wanted to DO to a guy's ass! I'd never heard of butt-fucking until I got to military school (I didn't even know what 'fuck' meant before I went to military school! Honest! I was THAT sheltered by Mommy and Daddy!). I knew I wanted to touch other guy's asses but how far beyond that, I wasn't sure. I'd pretty well figured out that I didn't want to fuck a guy in the ass. Well...okay...I would have done it but I didn't much figure that there was anybody who would let me do it so why even think about it?

So here I was, early October, late at night (long after "taps") in JR's room, talking. Well...okay! I was trying to put the make on him and get to suck on his really delicious looking, thick cock which I had noticed in the shower one night earlier that week. I really didn't have my shit together yet on just exactly how to talk a boy into letting me swing on his dick. But, I figured if I could get JR talking about sex, there was a definite probability he would get a hardon. I already knew that about boys! And I also knew something else. I had already learned the saying "a hard cock has no conscience". I hoped and prayed (see God DOES answer prayer!) that if a boy got horny enough, he'd let ANYBODY suck his cock.

The only problem was, things weren't working all that well with JR. I should tell you something about him. JR was a rare cadet. A senior who did not hold any rank. He was, most of the time I knew him, a private. He would occasionally get promoted to corporal or sergeant only to be busted (reduced in rank) within a couple of weeks. JR had a well-deserved reputation as a "bad- ass". He particularly liked slapping around other seniors who were officers and was known to raise other kinds of hell (especially when he managed to get drunk) which kept him constantly in trouble.

Now I must hasten to tell you that JR was not a bully! He was a fairly well built guy at around six feet tall and I would guess about 180-200 pounds with dark, almost black, thick hair and very dark, bedroom eyes. His body was nicely muscular and almost hairless. He was usually quiet and he never bullied underclassmen or picked on kids who were younger and smaller than he was. He reserved all his ire for any kind of authority figure - especially cadet authority figures! The only thing that I think kept him in the school was the fact that he played football really well (you didn't want to be in his way when he moved down the field!) and the fact that he and the Cadet Brigade Commander were good friends. The Cadet Brigade Commander was probably the only cadet officer that JR didn't disrespect on a regular basis and would actually follow any of the Brigade Commander's orders!

JR had another distinction which worked to my advantage as a junior cocksucker. He had his own room. This was almost unheard of at military school. Only high ranking senior officers had their own rooms but JR, lowly private that he was, did. Most people thought it was because no one would room with him because of his sometimes 'poor attitude'. Nothing could have been further from the truth. JR got a private room because his parents insisted upon it and paid extra for it. I know this because I asked him about it and he told me. I had thought that maybe it was his friendship with the Cadet Brigade Commander that got him such a 'perk' but, no. He told me it was part of the deal he had worked out with his parents after the last military school he'd gotten dismissed from for going AWOL (Absent Without Official Leave, in other words - running away) several times. They agreed to get him a private room if he would not run away anymore and "fucking graduate already!". Oh, did I mention that JR was turning 20 by this point? This made him the 'oldest' guy I'd ever put the make on. Well...considering he was only the second guy who I ever put the make on that was rather a foregone conclusion! He'd either have been older or younger than the first and I was into 'older' guys - meaning 16-18 usually.

At any rate, the conversation was not going the way I'd hoped it would and JR was not talking about sex. In fact, my one foray on the subject brought a gruff laugh from him.

"Yeah, and what the fuck would you know about sex anyway?" he laughed quietly.

I didn't really feel put-down by it. He was right. By this time, I'd given maybe a dozen blowjobs and gotten two. This was the entire extent of my sexual experience. But even this level put me way ahead of a lot of others in my class! I just couldn't tell them that.

Finally, I figured there was no way I was gonna get into JR's tight, white briefs that night and was just about to head back to my own room to sleep when JR suddenly gave me an opening which I had never thought of! (I did use it to quite an advantage afterwards, however!).

"Hey, asswipe, you know how to give a back-rub?" JR asked.

In military school, most first year, unranked cadets were known by a succession of names: asswipe, asshole, pecker-head (from the southern boys), butt-face, etc. I don't think it really even meant anything. It was just the way the upper-classmen were supposed to relate to you. Notice please, that JR was calling me 'asswipe' but he had allowed me into his room, after 'taps', to talk. Now he was actually offering me the chance to 'touch' him!

It should be noted here also that there were very few 'acceptable' ways for one cadet to 'touch' another except during actual athletic play or practice or during a physical fight. One was pretty much reserved for jocks and their friends - the friendly, relaxing 'back-rub'. Now it is true that these student athletes did strain muscles all the time during practice and especially during games and matches. Some also carried injuries over long periods of time. (I would hate to be some of them today!) It was perfectly acceptable to give a 'buddy' a back-rub, or a leg-rub or a rub of whatever body part hurt as long as that part was not their dick. Give a another guy a 'handjob' and you were treading on dangerous ice of being 'queer' unless the other guy was giving you one at the same time. Then it was just one buddy helping another - as long as nobody saw the two of you doing it!

"Yeah, I do!" I answered JR.

And I did, too! I wasn't lying just to get my hands on JR's nice, studly body! I used to give them to my father who had a bad back. So I discovered that once again, my father had unknowingly assisted my development as a junior horn-dog - homo division! You see, it was Daddy's idea to send me to military school to 'make a man of me'. Well, I made a lot of 'men'. I guessed that counted.

Because we were of such disparate size (I was only about 5' tall at the time) JR allowed me to climb into bed with him and perch on his back, my ass sitting one his with my legs spread, while I worked on his back. God! I loved the feel of his muscles and his soft skin! My first sexual partner, Stretch (who I've written about previously) was no athlete and certainly was not muscular. JR was my first 'jock' conquest and set the pattern for a lot of my attraction to jocks.

I guessed that I was doing well at giving JR his back rub because he began moaning and telling me how good it felt. But then, he said something that almost caused me to faint!

"So, you given a lot of blowjobs?" he asked.

Oh, fuck! It just came out of the blue! No preliminary, no nothing! I didn't know what to say!

"Uhh...well...uhh...what makes you ask that?" I said, stupidly not ferociously denying any such activity which was tantamount to just admitting it!

"I heard around that you did." he said.

Now, where the fuck he could have heard this, I have no fucking idea! Today, I think that he hadn't heard anything. It was just a very educated guess on his part. I think, given my inexperience at seduction, I'd probably made it intensely obvious that I would love to get into his briefs but I didn't figure that out then.

I remained silent, I didn't know what to say. I was afraid if I admitted it, he'd beat me up or something. Of course, if he was going to do that, I sure wouldn't be sitting on his butt with my hands running all over his body at that point, but I was so shocked my brain was not thinking logically.

"It's okay. Fuck! No big deal if you do suck dick. I've always wanted to be able to suck my own." he said quietly.

Oh, fuck! What a fucking admission to make! Interesting, too, because I don't know how that would fit the 'Rules'. Does sucking your own dick make you queer or is it just considered a very exotic and enviable ability at masturbation?

"You...you...ever done it?" I asked, hesitantly.

"Sucked my own dick?" he asked. "Nah! Tried but I can't bend that far. I know this guy who practiced yoga for years to be able to do it."

"Fuck! I bet that would be really great! You'd never have to worry about getting sex!" I exclaimed, continuing to massage his back, going lower and lower, almost to the elastic band of his briefs.

"Yeah. I love my cock! I would love to know how it would feel in my mouth...what it would taste like." he said. "Closest I ever came was sucking my older brother's cock. His is just like mine."

Holy, fuck! There was no way that JR was not going to let me swing on his dick after THAT admission! Fuck, he's just given me enough information to maybe make him let me fuck him! If I was so inclined, mind you.

"You sucked your own brother's dick?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah. Once. Now he won't talk to me." JR said.

"Is...is...that the only cock you've ever sucked?" I asked him.

"No. I've sucked a couple of my buddies in my other school. How about you? How many have you sucked?" he asked.

"Just Stretch. He's the only guy that's let me so far." I said.

"You ever get a blowjob?" JR asked.

"Yeah, Stretch gave me one the first night - before I ever blew him. He said I needed to know what it felt like in order to do it right." I said.

"You like it?" JR asked.

"Yeah. It was great! I all but fell over when I came! I couldn't stand up through the whole thing! My knees buckled on me it felt so good!" I enthused.

JR suddenly rose up and turned his head around to look at me as I related my feelings about my first blowjob. He grinned at me.

"Really? Nearly fell over, huh? I'd like to see that!" he said.

"You would?" I asked, not knowing exactly where this was headed and feeling that we'd just made a wrong turn somewhere along the line but I couldn't figure out where!

"Yeah! Think you'd fall over if I gave you one?" he asked.

See! I told you! This was all wrong! It was JR's cock that I wanted to suck on - not him suck me! Well...I mean...I wouldn't 'refuse' a blowjob if he was offering but this was fucking up my plans! But, I figured, 'Fuck it! Just go along and maybe I can suck him after he sucks me!'

"Yeah, I probably would as long as I was standing up. Stretch has only given me one other one but that was in bed so I didn't fall over." I said.

"Okay, so climb down off me and stand here by the bed." he said.

I did as he said. Laying face down on the bed put his mouth right at level with my very hard little cock. (Hey! I was only 14! Don't tell me you had 9 inches at 14!) This position for sucking cock later became my own favorite in bath houses. I could lay on the bed and suck cock for hours, my body completely relaxed while I did so!

"Take off your underwear, asshole!" JR growled and I quickly slipped them off.

"Uhh...are you gonna take your's off?" I asked.

"Why? You wanna suck my cock?" JR asked, seemingly surprised.

What the fuck did he think? That I was trying all night to get him to blow me!? Yeah, right! A sophomore getting a senior to blow him! Except that's exactly what was about happen.

"Yeah. I do." I said softly to him.

"Okay. But not until I blow you, okay? Otherwise I might not feel like doin' it if I get off first." he said, sliding his briefs down and off.

I got my first look at the beautiful mounds of his butt!

"Sure!" I agreed.

Fuck! What a deal! I get a blowjob and I get to suck on JR's cock! This was turning out WAY better than I ever imagined!

"Uhh...it's okay, to cum in my mouth. I want you to." JR mumbled.

"Okay." I said, not elaborating.

What JR had just done is to admit totally and without revocation that he was "queer". There was a part of the "Rules" which I sort of left out. If you willingly let a guy cum in your mouth - especially if you swallowed his cum, you were automatically totally "queer" for the rest of your life. You could get married and have kids and, under the "Rules", you were still a "fag". Of course, many guys in my generation did exactly that so maybe the "Rules" weren't so far wrong after all?

JR leaned down and took my hard cock into his mouth. I was NOT a mouthful by any stretch of the imagination so he had no trouble taking it right down to my few pubic hairs. I have to admit, JR was phenomenally better than Stretch was at giving blowjobs. I think this is because Stretch only gave them in order to get them. JR obviously enjoyed giving them and didn't seem all that insistent upon getting one in return. Well...insistent or not, he was getting one! I couldn't wait to wrap my lips around his cock.

While he was blowing me however, he was laying on his stomach. This gave me a very up-close and personal view of his butt. And what a beautiful fucking butt it was, too! Muscular, round, smooth - all in all a butt that any guy would be proud of and any self-respecting 'fag' would fall in love with! I couldn't help myself, I had to reach out and touch it! Since JR was sucking on my cock, I figured - quite rightly - that any part of his body was no longer 'off limits'! I began stroking his butt and squeezing the cheeks with my hand, feeling the strength of the muscles and the softness of the skin. As I said, even though JR had dark hair, his body was almost hairless. He had just little puffs under his arms and around his cock. Almost no hair on his balls and none on his buttocks. There was faint dark hair on his legs but not on his arms. JR was dark complected and I've always wondered to this day if he didn't have a lot of Native American heritage.

At any rate, I no sooner started playing with JR's butt and he started moaning around my cock and his hips began to undulate. It was obvious that whatever I was doing to his ass was turning him on all to shit! I kept it up and he pulled off my cock and looked up at me.

"That feels really good! Keep doing it!" he groaned before going back down on my cock.

Like I was gonna stop? Was he crazy!

Unfortunately, things were rapidly 'cumming' to a 'climax' with me! The stimulation I was getting at just touching JR's magnificent ass - not to mention the incredible blowjob he was giving me - (I credit JR with really improving my 'technique'!) was about to make me shot my load far quicker than I wanted to! But, what the fuck, I was 14 for Christ's sake! How much control does a 14 year old have? None!

True to my promise to JR, my knees were rapidly starting to give out. My legs were trembling and I was truly afraid that I was going to fall backwards onto the floor and split my skull open or something! JR was about to get his wish, but I couldn't then (or now) understand just exactly what kick he got over me falling over with the intensity of his orally induced orgasm!

"Uhh..uhh...ahh...I'm gonna cum!" I groaned out.

And at that moment two things happened simultaneously. First, I started squirting out my thin boy-cum and my legs let go and I fell not back or forward but straight down as my legs lost all ability to hold me erect and I ended up sitting on the floor with my cum dripping from JR's lower lip and down the side of his mattress. JR watched the entire 'performance' in rapture and grinned at me when I finally looked over at him - we being eye-level by that point.

"Fuckin' cool!" he said, grinning enthusiastically, obviously enjoying my lack of physical coordination.

Well, whatever floats your boat!

I grinned back at him.

"My turn now!" I said.

"Yeah." he said and started to turn over.

"Uhhh...JR..." I started and he stopped in mid-turn and looked at me.

"Before you turn over...uhh...ahhh...could I feel your ass some more?" I asked.

He looked at me a little funny, I think assessing my intentions where his butt was concerned. Then I think he thought better of any reservations he might have. After all! He was a foot taller and outweighed me by close to 100 pounds! There was no way I was going to 'rape' his ass! He just grinned and settled back down on his stomach.

"Sure, that felt kinda good." he admitted seeming to settle down for another round of massage, only this time on his ass.

That was my idea at the moment, too. I just wanted to touch his ass more. Now that I could move closer to his butt and could reach out with both hands to massage it, my whole focus was on those two luscious mounds of teen-butt. However, now more I began massaging them, the more my curiosity was getting the better of me. I'd never had the chance to really explore another guy's ass, up-close and personal, so I bent over as I massaged his butt to get a better look at it. I pulled the mounds apart and suddenly I was staring into the hairless trench and right at his asshole! This was the very first male asshole I had ever seen. I hadn't even seen my own! (A few months later a small mirror corrected that oversight!)

I found the opening looked like a star, the most beautiful 'star' I'd ever seen - more beautiful than any in the night sky. At least to me. But something else, something more provocative began to happen. When I parted his cheeks and spread open his butt, his ass scent came wafting out and hit my nose! For the first time in my life, I was smelling the scent of another male's ass! A scent that to this day, almost forty year later, still attracts me as nothing else on the face of the earth does! The rich, warm, assy scent hit my senses and I was literally lost to it!

The next thing I knew, my nose was right down in the cleft of his ass, snorting as much of his butt-smell as I could draw into my nose! Either JR had not showered that night or, like most teen- boys, was not scrupulous in his hygiene because the scent was strong and heady! It was the smell of sweat, musk and those wonderful pheromones which teen males produce in such abundance! I thought I would pass out I was breathing so hard! I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and wondered why JR couldn't hear it as well. But JR was about to be shocked to the very core of his existence.

Without even thinking about it because, certainly, if I'd thought about it I don't think I would have had the guts to do it, my tongue snaked out and I began to lick JR's butt trench! I didn't just want to smell the raunch between his cheeks - I wanted to taste it! Of course one swipe of my tongue through his trench and JR reacted. His shoulders raised off the bed and he hissed at me:

"What the FUCK are you doing?!"

I quickly pulled my face out of his butt and looked down at the floor shamefacedly.

"I...I'm...uhh...I'm licking your ass." I said quietly - like he didn't know that already!

"What the FUCK are you doing THAT for?!" he hissed again.

"I...I...I don't know. I just wanted to. Did it hurt?" I asked.

Since I'd never done this before, I thought there must have been something wrong with either what I was doing or the way I was doing it.

"No, it doesn't hurt." he said, his tone much more reasonable. "In fact, it felt kinda good. But that's nasty!"

"Yeah...I know...but I don't mind. I kinda like it." I admitted.

Kinda liked it?! Who the fuck was I kidding! I fuckin' LOVED it! But I didn't think I wanted to admit that to JR at just that moment. Not with how disapproving he was being about it.

"Well, fuck! If you wanna do it, go ahead! For a little while! Just don't expect me to do that to you!" he huffed.

"Oh, no! JR! I would never ask you to do it to me!" I swore.

Fuck! I figured there was no way in the world that anybody would ever do it to me! After all, as far as I was concerned, I was the first person in all of recorded history to ever do it! I told you I was sheltered!

JR lay back down and I bent over, pulled his ass-cheeks apart and buried my face back in his butt. I, of course, took time to snort more of his wonderful ass-scent before beginning another run down his trench with my tongue. This time, JR moaned slightly at the feeling, beginning to enjoy himself now that he'd made his obviously obligatory protest. I should have realized that I would get a reaction like that out of him. After all, I didn't tell him what I was going to do or ask his permission to do it. He must have been quite shocked at the liberties I had taken with him. But now that he'd made his protest and given his permission, we were both free to enjoy what I was doing to his butt.

I licked up and down his butt-trench, tasting the salty tang of boy-butt. It was so fucking delicious that I didn't even have words to describe it! I found the darkest, richest of the flavors where the puckered opening to the inside of his body was. I began concentrating my licking there and JR's moans grew louder. As I licked his hole, I could feel the soft, smooth wrinkled skin beneath my tongue begin to soften. Something was happening to his asshole but I didn't have experience enough to realize at first what it was.

His hole was 'softening'. No longer the tightly clenched rosebud but it was very gradually blossoming open so that my tongue was actually able to slowly slip inside. Not far, a couple of millimeters only, but it was a start! And with each millimeter deeper my tongue went into his ass, the corresponding flavor became darker and richer - driving me on to want more and more, deeper and deeper into his hole!

As I concentrated on trying to tongue-fuck JR, his moans began to not only get louder but to take on intelligible language!

"Ahh, fuck! Yeah! Eat my fuckin' butt! Lick out my hole, you little ass-licker! Fuckin' cocksucker! Eat my fuckin' ass out!" JR moaned.

This vulgar litany was pure music to my ears - and my cock! I was boned hard and dripping, just from the verbal abuse he was heaping on me, letting me know in no uncertain terms just how much pleasure I was evidently giving him!

I continued to lick harder and deeper into his butt until my tongue was almost as far inside him as I could reach! I didn't know that a strictly virgin ass should not have opened so easily for me. I would learn later that JR loved to shove a couple of fingers up his butt while jacking off. It was he who introduced me to the technique of rubbing a guy's prostate with my fingers up his ass while sucking on his cock.

Suddenly, I couldn't take any more! Without realizing it, eating JR's butt had been so stimulating to me that I was ready to shoot my wad without having even touched myself! I buried my tongue in his butt, moaning out my own climax and proceeded to shoot my load all over the side of his bed! I shot more in that orgasm than I did in the incredible blowjob he'd given me! I again collapsed, but this time across his body with my face and tongue still buried in his fragrant ass!

The 'little while' turned out to be longer than all the blowjobs I'd given or gotten put together. JR knew I had cum again and left me resting with my face in his butt for a few minutes. Then he quietly reminded me that I had another job to perform. I eagerly pulled my face from his trench and allowed him to turn over. His cock was so hard, it was like a length of steel - a long, thick length of steel! JR was WAY bigger and longer than Stretch. Looking at his arching cock, I had some serious doubts about even being able to get it into my mouth!

His cock was producing cock-honey like crazy so the first thing I did was lean over and swipe my tongue across the head of his cock, tasting his ball-juice for the first time! Sweet! Not salty like Stretch's! I loved it instantly! Without even thinking, I opened my mouth and took the head of his cock inside me and began sucking on him. JR lay back on the bed with his hands behind his head, letting me take over the blowjob completely. This is, to me, still the sexiest pose that a male can assume. This was the first time I'd ever seen a guy assume it during sex and my cock boned instantly at the sight. I had cum twice already and JR hadn't cum at all but I knew that I would have to be careful or I would cum again before I finished him off - he turned me on so much!

Luckily, even at 19, JR didn't have much in the way of control, either. He was very horny. He told me later he hadn't jacked off in days and between the 'massage' I'd given him, the blowjob he gave me, and then my eating his ass - he was a 'hair-trigger' waiting to be pulled. And he was 'fully loaded'! Let me tell you! He started moaning, his cock started growing larger and harder in my mouth and then, all hell broke loose! It was like an eruption of Mount Vesuvius! I was prepared for him to shoot his load, but not the amount! He must have pumped at least ten times into my mouth nearly drowning me in the thickest, sweetest cum I'd ever tasted! I swallowed as best I could but it still squirted out my lips and even ran out of my nose! Still, JR kept cumming! When he finally stopped, there was a lake of cum all over his pubic hair. I quickly got down and started sucking it out of the sparse hairs in his groin, licking up as much of the delicious liquid as I could find.

I finally managed to clean up all I could. JR took his briefs and ran them over his cock, balls and pubic hair to get any that I missed. In all of the excitement, I didn't realize that I had cum again until he leaned over and suck of a drip of cum from my cockhead!

"You better get back to your room. We'll do this again." he said quietly.

And I left.

JR however didn't talk to me or ask me to his room for several weeks. I figured I had done something wrong. Either I was not good at sucking cock or I had really freaked him out by eating his ass and he was disgusted with me and wanted nothing more to do with me. I spiraled into a depression over it, refusing even to have anything to do with Stretch. I tried to think of some way to apologize to JR but I didn't know what I'd done wrong and I didn't know what to say.

Finally, one night, as we were coming out of the mess hall after dinner, he walked past me and very quietly, so that only I could hear it, said:

"Come see me after taps."

My heart flew! My mood immediately was one of elation! Whatever I had done wrong, JR had decided to forgive me for! Or at least that was the way I figured it. In actuality, it had been my eating his ass that had caused the problem. JR later admitted that it had bothered him a great deal - how much he'd enjoyed it! It gave him thoughts that maybe he wanted to be fucked or something! This was not in keeping with his 'macho' image. If anybody was going to fuck, it would be JR doing the fucking! But, he finally came to terms with it because when I got to his room that night, he was laying on his bed, butt-naked, his legs spread and a horny grin on his face.

"Come here, asswipe! Eat my butt!"


I hope you like this memory of my days in military school. It joins the other stories STRETCH, STUMPY and FALLING IN LOVE WITH CHARLIE. You can find them all on the NIFTY Archive. If you did, please write me at rimpigfl@yahoo.com

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