Joy's Fantasy

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Feb 7, 2008


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Joy's Fantasy

Part Six

By Chris

Scarlett gracefully got out of the car and came around to open Joy's door and then she held her arm as she walked her to the door. Once inside, Scarlett went and got them and glass of chilled wine making Joy wait by the stairs. She gave Joy her glass and then she made her toast.

"To the most popular model that Miss Lauren's site has ever had."

Joy at first wondered why Scarlett would make a toast to Anita who had always been "The Model" of the site and was rapidly making a name for herself as a Mistress, then she saw Scarlett's eyes twinkle and she let out an excited scream spilling her wine all over Scarlett as she hugged her.

"Miss Lauren posted my first set?" Joy asked excitedly after she had kissed Scarlett.

"Yes she has, it goes online in about a minute." Scarlett told her as she glanced to the clock on the wall which read eleven-fifty nine PM. That was why Scarlett took her time getting home from the restaurant; she was just killing time so that they would get home just at the right moment.

"Let's go up and see it." Joy said as she pulled Scarlett towards the stairs.

"Wait, you haven't drunk to my toast. Let me go get you a glass or you can suck a sip from my dress." Scarlett said as she pushed out her breasts and Joy took the hint. She bent forward and took Scarlett's right nipple into her mouth and she sucked the wine from the fine silk that was clinging to her breast. Joy then went to the other one and she sucked hard on Scarlett's nipple through the dress. Scarlett let out a moan and she held Joy's head to her breast for a moment before releasing her .

"I'll think that I'll get out of this wet dress before we go up and see your pictures." Scarlett said as she put her hands to her hips and she slowly pulled the dress up and Joy watched as Scarlett's long legs were exposed and then her firm thighs. Joy's eyes mouth watered as she saw Scarlett's bare pussy came into view.

Joy dropped down to her knees and she leaned forward as she said, "I believe I spilled some wine down here." And then she kissed Scarlett's clit causing her to moan.

"Oh yes girl." Scarlett moaned as she pulled her dress off and she dropped it by Joy who now had her hands on Scarlett's ass pulling her in so that she could lick Scarlett's pussy better. Scarlett let out a moan as she pulled on her own nipples. Joy slipped her tongue between Scarlett's lips and she tasted Scarlett's juices as they began to run. Joy sucked them up as she pressed her tongue in deeper. Joy slipped her fingers between Scarlett's ass cheeks pulling them apart. She used her fingers to tease Scarlett's asshole as she licked deeply into her pussy. Joy slowly worked her way up to Scarlett's hard clit and she began to tease it with the tip of her tongue. This caused Scarlett to groan and she thrust her hips forward trying to get Joy to lick it harder. Joy instead teased it with her tongue until she had Scarlett squirming and then she really began to lick it. She pressed her fingers in harder against Scarlett's asshole and that made Scarlett groan. Joy sucked Scarlett's clit into her mouth and she tongued it hard. Scarlett let out a lustful cry as she had her orgasm and Joy drank in her girlcum.

"What was that for?" Scarlett asked as she pulled Joy to her feet.

"For picking me." Joy stated with a smile.

"Well actually someone else made that choice for me." Scarlett said and Joy felt a little disappointed upon hearing this as she had thought that it was always Scarlett's decision to use her.

"Who made the decision then?" Joy asked.

"You did silly. I took one look at you and the decision was made for me." Scarlett told her with a mischievous grin.

"Oh you..." Joy said as she flung her arms around Scarlett and kissed her.

Scarlett kissed her back and then as she pulled back, she said, "Now let's go see your pictures." Scarlett told her.

"Oh nno..." Joy said as she looked at the clock which now read twenty minutes after midnight.

"What?" Scarlett asked.

"We won't be the first to see them." Joy replied as she pointed to the clock.

"Don't worry; I have it set so that site won't put up the pictures until you log in. Now let's go see them." Scarlett said as she turned Joy around and gave her a spank on the ass as she directed her to the stairs.

"Ouch," Joy said as she started up the stairs. Then as she took a step up, she stopped and she unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it off. She took another step up and she unzipped her skirt and she let it fall off her hips. She knew that she had Scarlett's attention even without looking around to see. On the next step her bra came off and then her right shoe and then her left. She worked one stocking off on the next step and then the other one. That left her in only her panties. Those she left on until she got to the last step. There she bent over slowly and she pulled them slowly off her hips and down her legs. She kept her hands on her panties even when they got to her ankles and she felt Scarlett's breath on her ass. She felt a soft kiss to her right ass cheek and then the left one. Joy stayed in place and she felt Scarlett's lips on her asshole and she moaned. Scarlett lips then went to her pussy and there she kissed her pouting lips and she took a long swipe going from Joy's clit to her asshole. Joy moaned again and it was only then did she straighten back up and she walked on shaky legs to their bedroom where her computer was waiting.

Joy sat down at her computer and she waited for Scarlett to pull up a chair to sit beside of her. Joy felt her excitement rise as she waited for her computer to boot up. She also began to feel nervous too as she wondered just what she would look like on the computer. She suddenly became afraid that she would look awful. She hands began to shake as she tried to type in her password into her computer.

"You look beautiful, they all turned out perfect." Scarlett assured her as she leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"You're prejudice." Joy told her without looking over at Scarlett.

Scarlett reached over and put her finger under Joy's chin turning it toward her. "Yes I am, but that doesn't change how the pictures turned out."

Joy looked carefully into Scarlett's eyes to ensure that she was telling her the truth and then she whispered, "Thank you."

Joy let the computer get going and then she pulled up Miss Lauren's site and there she was on the first page. She was in her flowered dress and she was tied up. Joy could also see the fear in her eyes. As much as Joy hated to admit it, the picture was an eye catcher.

"I told you so." Scarlett told her and Joy looked over at the smile on her face.

"We haven't gotten into the site yet." Joy countered.

"Yea of little faith." Scarlett said as she took Joy's hand in hers and she squeezed it.

"So what is my log-in name?" Joy asked as she clicked on the member icon.

"Slut, of course." Scarlett told her.

"I should have known." Joy said laughing as she typed in "Slut".

"And my password?" Joy asked wondering just what Scarlett came up with for that.

"Mistress, with the M capitalized of course." Scarlett replied.

"Of course," Joy said smiling. She typed that in and she was brought to the main page. The paged had the same basic layout as it did before with the updates listed and the date they were posted. Joy didn't see her picture anywhere then she saw to the right side of the page and there was the same picture as was on the front page and under it was written "Joy's Fantasy". Joy slowly moved her mouse pointer to the picture and she clicked on it. A new page appeared and there was she was. One had pictures written under it and the other video with that day's date. Normally the site would put the pictures up and then the video up on the next scheduled update but since this was special case, they put both up on the same time. Joy clicked on the picture icon and she was taken to the first set of pictures. Joy slowly clicked on each picture and she studied them carefully. She could feel her fear as Mistress Scarlett cut her dress off and she felt her nipples harden as Mistress Scarlett started to crop her. Her pussy got moist and by the time she was finished with the pictures she was very much aroused and her pussy was leaking juices. Scarlett had remained quiet as Joy looked at her pictures letting her enjoy it. Joy then went to the video and another page popped up and it had four videos. Joy went to the first one and started to download it. She had a high speed internet connection yet it still took longer than she wanted to download. Finally it popped up and Joy hit the play button. She watched as she entered the room and she remembered just how scared she was at the time but also how excited she was. Joy then felt Scarlett's hand on her thigh and she glanced over at her. Scarlett smiled but she didn't say anything, she just directed her eyes back at the screen and so did Joy. They both watched as Mistress Scarlett cut Joy's cloths off leaving her naked. As Mistress Scarlett began to crop her, Joy felt Scarlett's fingers at her pussy and she opened her legs up. Joy let out a moan as Scarlett began to stroke her pussy. Joy watched closely and she loved how she looked on the screen as the tears ran down her face and her skin became redder and redder. By the time the first video had finished, the second one had downloaded and was ready to be viewed. Joy moaned and groaned as Scarlett caressed her pussy as she watched herself being beaten. When Joy got to the forth video, Scarlett slipped from her seat and she got under the desk. She spread Joy's legs out wider and she pulled Joy's hips to the edge of the seat. So as she watched herself eating Mistress Scarlett on the screen, she herself was being eaten by Scarlett. Then when Mistress Scarlett was eating her on the screen, Scarlett increased the pressure of her tongue on Joy's clit. Joy cried out and she came just about the same time that she did on the screen. Scarlett licked hard and long on her clit making her come again and she cried out as the video ended.

"So what did you think?" Scarlett asked her as she got out from under the desk and sat back down in her seat.

"I loved it. It was like I relived it all over again." Joy gasped as she tried to take it all in.

"I told you that it turned out great. From now on you need to believe me when I tell you something." Scarlett told her as she hugged her tightly.

"I do but I just wasn't sure how I would look on screen. I mean I'm not the prettiest model there is." Joy told her.

"You are to me." Scarlett told her as she kissed her.

"I had better be." Joy warned her as she kissed her again.

"You are, don't worry." Scarlett assured her.

"Can we look at them again?" Joy asked.

"We can look at them all night if you want." Scarlett said with a laugh and they just about did as Joy began to study each picture more carefully and she tried to start to pick out the flaws she saw in herself but Scarlett wouldn't let her do that. She made her see the good things and how the pictures did portray someone that was new to S&M.

It was only when Joy began to tire out was Scarlett able to get her into the bed. There Scarlett got them into the sixty nine position and they licked up the juices that each had produced as they viewed the pictures and videos again and again. They first worked hard to bring each other off and then they took their time to lick up the girlcum and start all over again. Only now did they go slowly caressing and teasing each other making the most of their lovemaking. They used their fingers and tongues to make the other feel good. They would tease each other's pussies and assholes with both their tongues and fingers and they would switch who was on top and who was on bottom but when they were ready to cum again, they got on their sides and used their tongues to lick each other's clits and their fingers to fuck each other. As they came, they licked her other clean and then they both feel off to sleep laying there with their faces still nestled against the other's pussy. This made it only natural for them to make love again when they woke up the next morning.

As the next week passed, Joy began to see the need in Scarlett that Anita said that she would and Joy knew that the time to become Scarlett's slut was coming near. Joy talked to Anita a number of times but she really wasn't that much help not that she expected her to be. This was her problem to solve and she knew that she would. Anita was there to listen to her talk and that was all that she needed. Joy was getting worried about it all when she got up on Friday morning and Scarlett was up and getting ready to go to the studio. She watched as she put on her boots and an idea came to her. She knew what she wanted to do but she did need Anita's help. So once Scarlett was out of the house, Joy placed a call to Anita and she put her plan in motion. She then got ready herself and went into work making sure she was out of the office in plenty of time to get things ready.

She rushed home that afternoon and put things in place. Then she waited for Anita's phone call. It came earlier than she would have thought which was good as she was getting more nervous as the minutes passed. What she didn't know was that Anita got Scarlett out of the studio early but she managed to do so without arousing Scarlett's curiously.

When Joy heard Scarlett pull into the drive way, Joy discarded her robe in the bathroom and she did something very mean, then she ran downstairs. She got down on the floor in front of the door and she curled up in a fetal position with her knees tucked up under her. She put her arms down to her sides as she heard Scarlett open the door. She had her forehead on the floor so she couldn't see Scarlett's reaction but she heard her gasp.

"I have done something very bad Mistress and I'm sorry." Joy said meekly.

"And just what is that, my dear slut?" Joy's Mistress asked.

"I peed on your new boots." Joy replied wishing that her Mistress would close the door. She knew that for anyone to see her they would have to step up on the porch but all the same, she was naked by an open door.

Joy heard Her Mistress suck in her breath before Her Mistress replied with, "You did what?"

"I peed all over your new boots Mistress. I was mad at you for making me kiss your boots before and since you were wearing those boots today, I peed on your new ones. They are in our bathtub if you would like to see for yourself." Joy told her.

"Oh slut, tell me you weren't stupid enough to do that." Her mistress replied and Joy could tell that her Mistress didn't believe that she had actually done it before but now she was beginning to wonder.

"Yes Mistress I did. I got to thinking today about you making me get down on my knees and kissing them. So I decided to get even with you but now I'm sorry that I did that. I really am and I do hope that you can forgive me and not punish me for doing it." Joy said meekly as she really tried to sound like she was really sorry for her misdeed.

"I'll do more than punish you if I find that pissed on my boots. I will beat you within an inch of your life." Her Mistress said and Joy could tell that Her Mistress still wasn't completely convinced that Joy would do what she said that she did. "You just stay there and not move a muscle." She said as she slammed the door closed and Joy glanced back to see Scarlett running up the stairs taking them two at a time. Joy then began to wonder if she had gone too far but then she heard her Mistress let out a laugh and Joy knew that things were okay.

"Slut you are dead, I mean dead, you just don't know it yet." Her Mistress yelled at the top of her voice. "I going to beat you so bad, I'm going to make this weekend a living hell for you." Joy could hear Her Mistress yelling from the top of the stairs. "Pissing on my new boots, just how stupid are you!" she yelled.

Joy was wondering just what her Mistress was doing up there other than yelling at her and tell her how stupid she was and how she was going to beat her all weekend. Finally her Mistress went quiet and Joy heard her coming down the steps slowly as if she was dragging out the wait. Joy heard her Mistress slapping something against her boot and as Her Mistress got near the bottom of the stairs, Joy knew that she had found her crop. At least she knew now what would come first. Joy was tempted to look back at Her Mistress but she knew better. She had got the game started and now she would play it straight.

Finally her Mistress got to her and Joy saw her mistress walking around her. She saw that Her Mistress wasn't wearing the jeans she had worn home but just what she was wearing; Joy had no clue at this point.

"Your punishment shall now commence." Her Mistress said and Joy first heard then felt the crop come down hard on her right ass cheek.

"Ohhh..." Joy moaned.

"You will not speak unless I give you permission to do so." Her Mistress said as Joy felt the crop land on her left ass cheek and Joy let out a moan and she felt her pussy start to get a little moist.

"I will punish you, tie you up, humiliate you, and anything else I can think of." Her Mistress said as she hit Joy on the sides, back, and feet with the crop but she was hitting her a little lighter now. Joy liked it a little harder but then she realized that if she was going to spend the whole weekend being punished then Her Mistress would have to go easier on her than she did when they had their short sessions, however Joy knew that Her Mistress would make it intense at times to keep things fun for the both of them.

"Get up slut; I want to see your cute little body before I mark it up." Her Mistress commanded her.

Joy raised her head up and she let her eyes go up Her Mistress body. She saw that indeed the jeans and tee shirt were going and they were replaced with a pair of blue thongs and a light blue corset and cupped Her Mistress's breast yet left them exposed. Joy's eyes lit up and she couldn't wait to get her mouth on those now hard nipples. Joy couldn't help herself but to let out a little smile as she thought about what was to come.

"Get that smile off your face slut!" Her Mistress commanded in her most severe Mistress voice.

"Yes Mistress" Joy replied as she lowered her eyes.

"Did I tell you that you could talk? God Damn slut, you've managed to forget everything I just told you." Her Mistress hollered at her as she grabbed Joy roughly by the elbow and she pulled her into the kitchen. Her Mistress pulled out a chair and she sat down.

"Get over my knees slut and let's get started on your weekend of punishment." Her Mistress told her harshly.

Joy moved over to her mistress's right side and she lay down over her Mistress's knees. Joy felt Her Mistress put her hand on her side pulling it in a little, and then she felt her hand on her bare ass cheeks. Joy readied herself and as soon as Her Mistress's hand left her ass, it came back down on it hard. Joy let out a yelp as the spank stung. Her Mistress then preceded to spank her ass covering every inch but using licks that while hurt wasn't the hardest that she had felt from her. Joy cried and moaned as she felt Her Mistress's hand land on her ass. Soon Joy had tears coming down her cheeks and she felt her pussy getting real wet. The spanking was just getting painful when Her Mistress stopped and Joy felt her hand caressing her ass. Then Her Mistress surprised her but letting her fingers slip between Joy's legs and Joy felt those fingers starting to caress her pussy lips. Joy opened her legs more and the fingers entered her pussy. Joy let out a moan as she felt two fingers fill her pussy up. The fingers began to fuck her and she felt Her Mistress's left hand slip down to her breasts and she started to caress them. The fingers pulled gently on her nipples and then she twisted them. Joy moaned louder and she began to squirm on Her Mistress's lap. Joy was about half afraid that Her Mistress would bring her to the brink of orgasm and then stop but she didn't. The fingers continued to fuck her and the fingers of her left hand teased her nipples until Joy felt her clit get real sensitive and then she felt herself go over the edge and she came hard. Joy was overjoyed that her Mistress had let her cum so soon into the weekend and she wasn't surprised by Her Mistress's next command.

"Get down slut; I have gotten aroused by turning that cute white ass of yours to a nice pink."

"Yes Mistress," Joy replied as she slid off of Her Mistress's lap and she crawled between her legs. Joy reached out and she grasped the sides of Her Mistress's panties and she began to pull them off. Her Mistress lifted her butt off the chair easing Joy's job of getting her panties off. Joy threw the panties aside and she put her hands to Her Mistress's knees spreading them out wide as Her Mistress slipped her ass to the edge of the chair. Joy kissed Her Mistress's inner right thigh just past the knee and then she kissed the left side. She slowly kissed her way toward Her Mistress's pussy and she kept her eyes on Her Mistress's face and she saw that she was pleased. Joy went closer and she could smell Her Mistress's arousal. Finally she was at the edge for Her Mistress's pussy and keeping her eyes on Her Mistress's face she began to lick. Normally she would close her eyes as she ate Her Mistress's pussy but this time she kept them open so that she could watch Her Mistress's expressions changed as she hit her most sensitive spots. Joy licked the outer lips drinking in the juices and then she slipped her tongue between those lips and Joy saw the look of pure bliss on Her Mistress's face. Joy strove harder to place Her Mistress as she licked and sucked on the outer lips and in-between them. Joy slowly worked her way up to Her Mistress's clit and she began to lick it. She used light strokes of her tongue at first but then she started to lick harder. She saw her Mistress's face change as Joy got her ever closer to an orgasm. At one point it looked like Her Mistress was in pain but Joy knew that was when Her Mistress's clit was at its most sensitive and she sucked it into her mouth. She heard Her Mistress cry out as she moved her legs up on Joy's shoulders and she squeezed her thighs closed trapping Joy head. Joy kept licking and sucking up Her Mistress's girlcum. She felt Her Mistress shake as she came and she licked harder making her cum again and then a third time when Her Mistress released her and pushed her head away. Joy watched as Her Mistress's breathing finally slowed and she opened her eyes. Joy saw her smile for a second and then she replaced it with a scow.

"I'm hungry slut, get up and make me something to eat." Her Mistress ordered.

"Yes Mistress, what would you like to eat?" Joy asked as she got to her feet.

"I'll leave that up to you but if I don't like it then the punishment I plan on giving you this evening will be twice as bad." Her Mistress warned.

"Yes Mistress." Joy replied as she got to her feet. She went over to the sink and she got a couple of paper towels and she got them wet with some warm water. She opened her legs and she started to clean up her pussy and thighs from the girlcum that had leaked out of her when Her Mistress had fingered her into a orgasm.

"Did I tell you that you could clean yourself?" Her Mistress barked at her.

"No Mistress you didn't." Joy replied.

"Then why are you doing it?" she asked.

"I don't know, I'm sorry Mistress." Joy replied and she could feel the wetness between her thighs and it felt dirty in a way but also it felt nice as she knew why it was there. Joy brought the wet towel up to her face as she watched Her Mistress's face and she saw her slowly shaking her head no.

"Since you got a nice warm towel, you can wipe my fingers off, I got your nasty cum all over them." Her Mistress said as she held out her right hand to Joy.

Joy got in front of Her Mistress and as she started to wash Her Mistress's finger, Joy felt her Mistress's left hand at her pussy. Joy opened her legs up and she felt those fingers sliding up and down her pussy lips. Joy stifled a moan as she slowly washed the fingers of Her Mistress's right hand, but when Her Mistress slipped two fingers in her pussy Joy let out an "Oh fuck!" Joy was now more holding onto Her Mistress's right hand than washing it as she opened her legs further apart. The fingers went deeper into her wet pussy and she moaned louder.

"Oh god!" Joy cried out as she gave up trying to wash Her Mistress's right hand and she just held on as Her Mistress fucked her pussy. The fingers went in deep and fast and Joy was trying her best to remain standing as her knees were going weak on her. Then Her Mistress withdrew her fingers and she began to rub those wet fingers on her clit.

"Oh please Mistress, make me cum." Joy cried out as she wrapped her arms around Her Mistress's shoulders and she hung on for dear life. Joy was getting close and she put her head on Her Mistress's shoulders and she hung on tightly. Joy felt Her Mistress's right hand circle her waist and she helped to hold her up as she came hard. Joy felt her girlcum run down out of her pussy and down onto her thighs.

When she was able to stand on her own again, Joy heard Her Mistress say, "Well slut you've managed to get my left hand dirty now, clean it up."

"Yes Mistress," Joy said breathlessly as she brought the fingers of Her Mistress's left hand up to her mouth and she licked her juices off of them, and then she used the wet paper towels to finish the job. From there she went over to the sink and she washed her hands. She could feel the wetness between her legs as she worked in the kitchen fixing dinner. She decided to go for something simple as she knew that whether Her Mistress liked it or not had nothing to do with how bad her evening punishment would be. That was already fixed in Her Mistress's mind. Joy fixed a plate for Her Mistress and she placed the plate on the table in front of her.

"Sit on my lap slut and feed us." Her Mistress told her and Joy was relieved that she wasn't being made to eat after Her Mistress but with her. She was slowly coming to the realization that her worst fears weren't going to come to pass. Her Mistress was going to make her do things that she wouldn't do normally but nothing to really demean her. Joy smiled at Her Mistress as she sat on her lap. She gave Her Mistress the first bite and then she took the second one and that was the way that they ate their dinner. It actually turned out to be a fun way to eat and Joy had fun giving Her Mistress very small bites one time then huge ones the next. The first time she did this Her Mistress gave her a look that told Joy that she would pay for this later and that made Joy pussy leak a little juice but she really couldn't feel it much on her thighs as they were still soaking wet from cumming twice already tonight.

When dinner was finished, Her Mistress had her clean up as she left the kitchen. Joy could hear Her Mistress upstairs doing something but she couldn't discern just what she was up to. She soon finished in the kitchen as she hadn't dirtied too many dishes so it didn't talk her long to rinse them off and put them into the dishwasher. She got that started and then she went to the door wondering what she should do now. She could tell that her Mistress was still upstairs.

"I'm done Mistress." Joy finally yelled up to her.

"Get me a beer and meet me in the den." Her Mistress yelled back down.

As Joy came into the den with Her Mistress's beer, Her Mistress was just coming down the stairs carrying a thick towel. Her Mistress walked slowly to the couch and she put the towel down on the seat before sitting down.

"Sit down beside of me slut and I want those legs spread out wide." Her Mistress ordered.

Joy sat down and she did as Her Mistress had asked. She had to lay one leg over Her Mistress's legs to do as she was asked. Joy could feel her pussy lips opening up and she could feel the cool air against her hot pussy.

"I want you to open the beer and give me a sip when I pull on your nipple." Her Mistress said as she wrapped her right arm around Joy's shoulders and she placed her hand on Joy's right breast. Then Her Mistress gave her a dire warning, "But you had better not spill a drop on me or I will whip your hide off." Her Mistress said as she reached down with her left hand and got the remote to turn the TV on.

"Yes Mistress," Joy said and she carefully opened the beer can. She waited for Her Mistress to pull on her nipple and when she did, Joy put the can carefully to Her Mistress's lips and let her take a sip. She did so without a hitch and she relaxed for a moment. Her Mistress continued to tease her nipple as they watched the TV show. Her Mistress would pull gently on her nipple ever once in a while and Joy would give her a sip. Soon things began to get a little boring as nothing was really happening. The show wasn't all that interesting and here she was all excited and Her Mistress seemed to have completely forgotten about her. Joy felt another gentle tug on her nipple and she put the can to her Mistress's lips. It was about half empty and she wasn't paying attention to what Her Mistress was doing. Just as she got the can to her Mistress's lips, she felt her Mistress move her left hand over and then she heard a strange noise. An instant later, she felt a hard vibration on her clit and she felt Her Mistress pinch her right nipple hard.

"OOH FUCK!" Joy cried out as she felt the powerful little pocket rocket that Her Mistress had hid in her left hand hit her clit. The beer can that she was holding dropped from her hand and it ran all down Her Mistress's front soaking her pretty corset. Her Mistress kept the pocket rocket pressed against Joy's clit and Joy was screaming from the sudden stimulation to her clit. Joy had stayed aroused sitting by Her Mistress with her legs splayed apart. Her Mistress was moving the little vibrator around Joy's clit and Joy was moaning and groaning from the stimulation that it was giving her. Soon, Joy felt her clit get sensitive and she cried out as she felt her orgasm gather speed and then it hit her hard. Joy shut her legs closed and she pushed Her Mistress's hand away as she couldn't take it anymore. Joy blacked out for a moment and when she opened her eyes, she saw Her Mistress standing in front of her and she looked very angry.

"Look what you've done to my corset slut, you've ruined it." She yelled at her.

"I'm sorry Mistress, I was careless and I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing." Joy said in her defense not adding that if Her Mistress hadn't placed that vibrator against her clit then she wouldn't have spilled the beer on her.

"Take this into the wash room and put it onto soak. Then get your ass back out here quick as I'm going to whip the hide off of you just like I promised that I would!" Her Mistress yelled as she rapidly unhooked her corset and threw it at Joy.

"Yes Mistress," Joy replied as she caught the corset in midair and she ran to the laundry room to put it onto soak in the sink. Joy could feel her pussy getting excited all over again as she thought about finally getting what she wanted all night.

When she came back out of the washroom, she went to find Her Mistress. She was no longer in the den so she went on toward the stairs. It was there she found Her Mistress naked and what she saw beside of her excited her all the more. Her Mistress had tied two ropes from the top rails of the hallway that led to the upstairs rooms. Then at Her Mistress's feet was a spreader bar.

"Get your fucking ass over here slut and let's get this over with. And don't think that this will be for you pissing on my boots; we haven't even got to that yet. I'm planning something very devious for that." Her Mistress said as Joy came over to where Her Mistress was standing.

She raised her arms up and she let Her Mistress wrap the cuff around her wrists and she held still as Her Mistress pulled on the end of the rope that held her right arm and her arm was pulled up tight. Her Mistress went to her left side and she pulled that arm up tight and tied the end of the rope off. Her Mistress then got down on her knees and she hooked the spreader bar to her ankles. Her Mistress then pushed her ankles out wide so that she was practically hanging from her arms. Joy looked down and she saw Her Mistress look up at her and she gave her a little wink that made Joy smile.

"I'm going whip that little smile right off that face of yours!" Her Mistress yelled as she got to her feet and then she went to the table by the wall and she grabbed the whip laying that that Joy hadn't noticed before.

Joy kept her eyes on Her Mistress as she came over to her and Joy whipped her head around so that her hair was now hanging to her back. She prepared herself as she saw Her Mistress bring the whip around and she swung it toward Joy's breasts.

"Ohhh..." Joy moaned as she felt the tails of the whip lash across her breasts. Her Mistress then swung the whip back handed and the tails came back across her breasts. Joy felt her pussy begin to gather more juices and she felt her breasts tingle of the lashing of the whip tails. Her Mistress whipped her breasts a few more times and then she worked her way down Joy's body. Her Mistress worked at a slow steady pace as she turned Joy's pale skin to a light pink then a light red. Her Mistress then stopped the whipping and she tenderly examined Joy's breasts and stomach. She then moved her fingers on down to Joy's pussy and she stroked her pussy. Joy let out a moan and Her Mistress caressed Joy's clit for a moment and Joy let out a long moan as she pushed her hips forward. Her Mistress kept on caressing Joy's clit until Joy was at the edge of her orgasm and that was when she took her fingers away.

"Oh no Mistress!" Joy cried out as she wanted those fingers back on her clit however what she got was the whip lacing across her buttocks.

"Ohh..." Joy cried this time in pain. Her Mistress worked Joy's ass for a few moments then she went to the back of her thighs. Joy moaned and groaned from the whipping but she didn't want Her Mistress to stop. Joy felt the tails of the whip work up her body to her back and there Her Mistress began to hit her just a little harder and that brought forth a long moan from Joy. The whipping ended sooner that Joy would have liked but then she knew that she had two more days of this and that more than made up for the light whipping that still left her skin tingling and with a reddish tent. Her Mistress then proceeded to untie her wrists and then she went to the steps and she sat down on the third step. She opened her legs out wide and she looked over at Joy.

"Well what are you waiting for, an invitation slut?" Her Mistress said to her.

"Joy looked down at the spreader bar that still held her legs wide apart and then she looked at Her Mistress hoping to get her to come over and remove her from the spreader bar.

"Well get your ass over here slut. I'm horny from whipping that cute body of yours." Her Mistress said in a much more commanding voice.

Joy knew she was stuck with the spreader bar and she leaned her body to the right and she shifted her left foot forward. Then she repeated the same more to the left and she began to waddle over to where Her Mistress was waiting for her. She could tell the Her Mistress was enjoying watching her struggle to move with her legs spread so far apart. Joy finally made her way over to the bottom step and she dropped down so that she knees landed on the first step and then Her Mistress moved up a step making it a little easier on her. Joy placed her hands of Her Mistress's thighs and she lowered her mouth to the pussy. Her Mistress's pussy was very wet and Joy buried her mouth into it. She began to lick up and down Her Mistress's slit and she would pause at the top to suck on Her Mistress's clit. This made Her Mistress moan and groan but she would always go back to Her Mistress's pussy and she would lick in deep swirling her tongue around as she did so. Her Mistress was giving her plenty of juices to lick up and she loved sucking them in. She finally moved back to Her Mistress's clit and this time she felt a pair of hands holding her there. Joy let the tongue move around Her Mistress's clit not putting too much pressure on it. She heard Her Mistress groan in frustration and then she heard her moan out, "If you don't make me cum soon slut, I swear I won't let you cum the rest of the weekend." Joy took this dire warning to heart and she wrapped her mouth tightly against Her Mistress's clit and she sucked hard. Then she started to lick it as she slipped a couple of fingers into Her Mistress's pussy. She started to fuck her with her fingers as she licked and sucked on her clit. Her Mistress's let go of her head as she arched her back and she pushed her pussy into Joy's mouth. Joy moved her fingers in and out of Her Mistress's pussy faster and harder as she licked rapidly on Her Mistress's clit.

"Oh baby, I'm cummimggg..." Her Mistress cried and Joy felt her fingers being soaked with Her Mistress's girlcum. Joy removed her fingers from Her Mistress's pussy and she licked them clean, then she went to her pussy and she licked up all the girlcum flowing out.

"Oh god, that was good baby." Her Mistress said breathlessly as she reached down and she grasped Joy by her face and she pulled her up. Joy closed her eyes as she realized that Her Mistress was going to kiss her. Joy felt her lips touch Her Mistress's lips and she returned the kiss passionately. Their mouths were soon open and their tongues were having an intimate dance inside of Her Mistress's mouth.

"You're the best slut that I have ever had. I'll think I'll keep you around for awhile." Her Mistress said as she smiled at her.

"You had better!" Joy said before she remembered what roles that they were playing.

"So my slut is now giving Her Mistress orders now." Her Mistress asked as she arched her eyebrows.

"No..., I mean yes... ahh?" Joy said stuttering as she didn't know how to answer Her Mistress's question as she did mean what she said but she knew that wasn't the proper way to talk as a slut.

"Turn around and bend over until your hands are on the floor and I will show you what happens to sluts that tell their Mistress's that they had better stay their Mistress." Her Mistress commanded.

Joy slowly shifted around with the spreader bar still keeping her feet far apart. She then bent over until her hands touched the floor. This left her ass high in the air and very exposed. Joy tried to prepare herself for the spanking she knew was about to start on her still sore ass. Joy was very surprised when instead of receiving a hard spank on her ass cheeks, she received sweet kisses. She let out a moan but she still expected to be spanked until she felt Her Mistress's fingers start to play with her pussy lips and Her Mistress's lips kissed her asshole. Joy let out a long moan as Her Mistress caressed her pussy and her tongue rimmed her asshole. Soon she felt a couple of fingers enter her pussy and a tongue enter her asshole.

"Oh fuck yes!" Joy cried out and she pushed her ass back into Her Mistress's face.

Her Mistress pushed her tongue deep into her ass as her fingers went in deep into her pussy. She was being fucked in both holes and she could only moan louder and louder. Her body felt alive as her skin tingled from the whipping and she pussy and asshole was being caressed like they were. Then Her Mistress slipped the fingers of her left hand around Joy's hip and it started to tease her clit. Joy's knees about buckled under her and she had to lock them in place to keep from falling to the floor. Joy could feel the fingers go deep into her pussy and then back in much harder and faster. The pressure increased on her clit and that was more than she could take as she let out a cry and she did fall forward but Her Mistress caught her and eased her to the floor as she gave a few last caresses to her asshole, clit, and pussy. Joy then blanked out as she rode the waves of pleasure from her orgasm.

"I think I got the laziest slut in the world, falling asleep on the floor." Her Mistress told her as Joy started to recover from her intense orgasm.

"I'm sorry Mistress; I won't let it happen again." Joy said as she couldn't help but to smile up at her Mistress.

"It had better not. Now get up off your lazy ass and get our bed ready, I'm getting tired." Her Mistress ordered.

"Yes Mistress." Joy said as she got to her feet realizing that the spreader bar had been removed from her ankles. Then as she went past Her Mistress, she gave her a kiss that was returned with a smile. When the kiss ended, Joy ran on up the steps and she went to the bedroom to turn down the bed. When Her Mistress got there, she walked past Joy and she slipped into the bed. Joy turned off the light and then slipped in beside of her. Joy slid in close to Her Mistress and she kissed her.

"Can I ask you something?" Her Mistress asked.

"Yes Mistress, whatever..." Joy started to say when she felt Her Mistress's finger on her lips.

"Is just us now, we'll start again in the morning. We'll keep this time for us unless I decide to play and then you will be bound in some way when we get in here." Scarlett told her.

"That sounds nice, so what do you want to know?" Joy asked.

"I was just wondering if you were going to signal that you want to play by doing something like what you did today." Scarlett asked and Joy had to laugh.

"Yep, although I'm not sure I can top what I did today." Joy said still laughing.

"No nothing will top today's and while I can't say that I liked you pissing on my new boots, I have to admit that I'm already curious as to what you plan on doing next." Scarlett told her.

"Actually I'm kind of curious about that myself. I think I should have worked up to pissing on your boots instead of going for a home run on my first at bat." Joy told her turning serious as she wanted to continue doing things like what she did.

"I'm curious about something else." Scarlett said and then she continued with, "Why do you feel the need to do something to let me know you want to play?"

Joy thought for a moment before she answered, "I don't think there is one real reason. I think a part of me needs to do something to you so that you have a reason to whip me. I mean so that I can tell myself that I'm not just doing it because a part of me needs to be dominated. I always thought of myself so strong that I would never bow to anyone but now I'm seeing that I do yearn to be dominated by you. I know that it may sound silly to you but that is one reason."

"Now that I have gotten to know you that makes perfect sense to me. I really can see where you are coming from." Scarlett told her and that made Joy feel a little better knowing that Scarlett understood her needs and motivations.

"Then there is this other reason that I can't say isn't just as much the reason." Joy said and she couldn't keep a devious grin off her face.

"And that being..." Scarlett asked.

"Well from my first session you have come up with ways to surprise me and make me screw up so that you could whip me. Well I'm just doing the same thing only in reverse. I figure now I would get in the first lick in." Joy told her and she saw Scarlett's face light up and then burst into laughter.

"Now that is definitely something you would need to do." Scarlett said between laughing. Joy laughed with her as she really wasn't sure which of the reasons that she gave to Scarlet was the truest.

When the laughter died down, Joy cuddled up against Scarlett and she gave her a kiss before settling down with her head against Scarlett's body. Joy lay there feeling good about how the day had gone. Her body was still tingling from the whipping and she knew that Scarlett was pleased about the day. And she knew that Scarlett wasn't mad at her for pissing on her boots or at least not too mad at her. Then as she thought about things her mind came upon something she couldn't believe that she had forgotten.

"Is Miss Lauren going to post anymore of my pictures or video's tonight?" Joy asked Scarlett.

"She might be, you never know." Scarlett said giving her a cryptic answer.

"What time is it?" Joy asked.

"It could be a few minutes after midnight." Scarlett said.

"Can we?... Please..." Joy asked trying to give Scarlett her best sad puppy dog look.

"I don't know, you did piss on my boots today." Scarlett said.

"And you've punished me for that indiscretion." Joy quickly replied.

"No, I've only just started to punish you for that. A little whipping isn't even the start of your punishment for that and I would have to say it was more than a little indiscretion." Scarlett said.

"Please Mistress...Please... I'll be a good slut the rest of the weekend, I promise." Joy said trying to sound weak and meek.

"Yea like you are capable of being a good slut. That is way beyond your capabilities" Her Mistress told her.

"I try, I really do Mistress. Please let me look at my pictures." Joy pleaded for real as she desperately wanted to see the next set.

Her Mistress made her wait as she pretended to study the idea, "Oh okay..." Her mistress started to say before Joy yelped.

"Oh thank you Mistress!" Joy cried out as she jumped from the bed and headed toward her computer.

"STOP SLUT!" Her Mistress yelled stopping Joy in her tracks. "Don't you dare touch a key on that computer."

Joy turned around to see Her Mistress slowly moving g to the edge of the bed and then sitting up with her feet on the floor. "Get your ass over here now slut!" Her Mistress ordered and Joy walked slowly over to where Her Mistress was sitting. "Well you know what to do." She said and Joy was confused for a second until Her Mistress padded her lap and then Joy knew what was coming. She moved forward and she lay across Her Mistress's lap. Joy allowed Her Mistress to moved her ass on up so that it was in the perfect position.

'You should know that any rewards that I shall see fit to bestow on you must be first paid for in full." Her Mistress told her sternly.

"Yes Mistress, I know." Joy said when she actually didn't but she for sure did now. Not that she minded as she loved it when Her Mistress decided to do anything to her whether it is painful or pleasurable. But then again even the painful things were in themselves pleasurable to Joy.

"Then let us begin." Her Mistress said and Joy felt the first slap upon her ass cheeks.

"Ohhh..." Joy moaned as she felt the sting of Her Mistress's hand.

Her Mistress then started to spank her using an even steady pace. She didn't go to fast or too hard but the spanks began to add up quickly and Joy could feel her ass becoming tender. Her Mistress moved her hand from one ass cheek to the other and then she went down low getting Joy's upper things and moving from there to the top of her ass. It didn't take Joy long to start to squirm and she felt her pussy getting wet. Joy started to raise her ass up to meet each slap and Her Mistress started to hit her ass harder and faster.

"Ohh Fuckkkk..." Joy cried as her ass began to really hurt. Her Mistress didn't seem to be in any hurry to stop the spanking and Joy felt the first tear fall from her eyes.

"Oh my ass hurts Mistress!" Joy cried out.

"I want you squirming as you sit and look at your pictures slut!" Her Mistress told her sternly.

"Yes Mistress," Joy sobbed out as she opened her legs up and she pushed her ass up higher giving Her Mistress a better target which she took full advantage of.

The spanks came raining down hard on her ass cheeks now and Joy could hear the echo of Her Mistress's hand land on her ass go around the room. Joy's ass was red hot now and she was hurting bad and then she landed a few hard slaps to Joy's asshole causing her to cry out in pain as she felt her asshole tingle with pain. It was only then that Her Mistress pushed her into the floor and Joy landed with a thump on her hip causing her more pain.

Joy turned quickly and got on her knees. She put her hands on Her Mistress's knees pushing them out wide. Joy could see how wet and swollen her Mistress's pussy's lips were and that made Joy proud as it was because of her that Her Mistress was so excited. Joy leaned forward and she began to lick the outer lips.

"Oh yes my baby slut, lick me just like that." Her Mistress cooed.

"Yes my Mistress." Joy said lifting her lips from Her Mistress's pussy for just a moment then she went back to licking. Joy ran her tongue up and down the slit drinking in the juices and then she moved her tongue up to Her Mistress's clit and she sucked it into her mouth.

"Make me cum slut!" Her Mistress ordered however Joy wasn't ready to stop yet so she lowered her tongue back to Hew Mistress's lips and she started to lick them and then she slipped her tongue between them to go deeper. She scooped out the juices and drank them down before she started to fuck Her Mistress with her tongue.

"Fuck baby!" Her Mistress called out as she lifted her ass off the bed forcing her pussy into Joy's mouth. Joy sucked harder and she moved her tongue back to Her Mistress's clit and she started to lick it. Joy then slipped a couple of fingers into Her Mistress's pussy and she started to fuck her. She pushed her fingers in deep and then she withdrew them only to push them back in harder. Joy sucked Her Mistress's clit into her mouth and she teased the tip of Her Mistress's clit with her tongue. Her Mistress let out a long moan and Joy felt her Mistress's pussy clamp down on her fingers. She moved her fingers around inside of Her Mistress's pussy and she sucked harder on the clit. Soon she felt her Mistress's girlcum leak around her fingers and Joy pulled her fingers out and she licked that girlcum up.

"I think that maybe you have earned the right to look at just a few of your pictures." Her mistress told her breathlessly.

"Just a few?" Joy asked and then she said, "Let me earn some more." And she buried her face back into Her Mistress's pussy getting it coated in her juices.

"Oh no baby, I can't take any more." Her Mistress groaned as she pulled Joy up to her and she kissed her girlcum coated lips.

"I can see them all Mistress?" Joy asked as the passionate kiss ended.

"Yes my slut, you can." Her Mistress said smiling as she kissed her again.

"Thank you Mistress." Joy said as she jumped up to her feet and went to her desk and she plopped down in her chair. "Ohhh..." Joy moaned as she landed on her sore ass.

"A bit tender are we?" Her Mistress asked smiling down at her as she had moved over to her side.

"Yes Mistress." Joy said as she tried to find a way to sit without her ass hurting and not finding one, she was just deciding to just endure the pain when Her Mistress pulled her out of the seat and she sat down. Then Her Mistress motioned for Joy to sit on her lap which Joy did. This position was even more painful than sitting on the soft seat of her office chair but Joy liked the feeling of Her Mistress's naked body pressed against her own naked body.

Joy logged into the web site and she clicked on her picture. Joy saw that there was another set of pictures added to her section. This was the second of three parts of her first shoot. Joy quickly clicked on the second set of pictures and they popped up. Joy felt herself getting even more aroused as she clicked on the first picture of the set. As she studied it, she felt Her Mistress's hand slip around her hip and toward her pussy. Joy opened her legs by reflex and she welcomed Her Mistress's fingers to her pussy. Joy let out a little moan as Her Mistress' started to caress her pussy lips. Joy slowly went from one picture, studying each carefully and letting out more moans as Her Mistress's fingers worked her pussy lips and clit. Joy loved how her pictures turned out and she could remember ever strike of the whip hitting her body. The fact that she had just been spanked and she ass was still hurting and that she had been whipped only an hour or so before make the memory only that much clearer. As she got closer to the end of the set of pictures, the closer Her Mistress's fingers were getting her to an orgasm. Joy was soon having trouble concentrating on her pictures as she felt her pussy clinching against Her Mistress's fingers. The last picture was a close up of her ass getting hit with the whip and that with Her Mistress's fingers rubbing her clit caused her to tip over the edge and she came hard and her girlcum leaked onto her pussy lips and thighs. Joy collapsed back onto Her Mistress's body and somewhere in the fog of her brain, she felt Her Mistress wrap her arms around her and she felt little kisses on her cheek. Then she felt herself being lifted and placed into the bed. She curled up against Her Mistress and she fell asleep.

When she woke up, she heard a shower running and she slowly got up. She felt her thighs sticking together from all the juices and girlcum that she had produced from the day and night before. She put her hands to her face and she could feel Scarlett's dried juices on her face. Joy got up and went to the bathroom attached to the bedroom and she found that Scarlett wasn't there but the boots that she had pissed on were still sitting in the tub where she had left them. She started to remove them and clean them up then she decided to see how long Scarlett would leave them there. Joy went back to her bedroom and she heard the shower in the guest bathroom running. She went in there and saw that Scarlett was taking a shower.

"Want some company?" Joy asked hopefully.

"I don't take showers with sluts. You'll have to use the sink slut." Her Mistress ordered and Joy knew that they were back to playing the game.

"Yes Mistress," Joy replied.

"You can wash everything but your face and pussy. I want you to look like the nasty slut you are." Her Mistress told her.

Joy wasn't sure she liked the idea of not being able to shower but she found that her pussy liked the idea as it was starting to get excited again. Joy first brushed her teeth before filling the sink with warm water. She got a wash cloth from the cabinet and she started to wash herself. This did make her feel better but not as good as a shower would have felt especially with Her Mistress with her. She was about half way done washing when Her Mistress stepped out of the shower. She was made to dry her Mistress's body and then blow dry her hair. Her Mistress then sat on the toilet seat and watched as Joy finished her bathing. Joy could feel the dry cum on her thighs and she could also feel a fresh batch being made by her pussy. When Joy finished, she looked at herself in the mirror and saw how messed up her hair was. She wanted to wash it but she didn't know how without getting her face wet.

"What's wrong slut?" Her Mistress asked.

"I need to wash my hair Mistress." Joy said as she looked over at Her Mistress.

"I think we can solve that problem, get the shampoo and a towel and meet me in the kitchen." Her Mistress said.

When Joy got to the kitchen she found that the counter on the right side of her skinks was cleaned off. Joy handed the towel and shampoo to Her Mistress and she got up on the counter and she laid on her back as Her Mistress instructed. Her Mistress pulled Joy's hair from under her shoulders and she got the water warm. When Her Mistress was ready, she got the sprayer and she wet down Joy's hair. Then she applied the shampoo and she started to wash it. Joy expected Her Mistress to make quick work in the washing of her hair. But as Her Mistress continued to run her fingers through Joy's hair, Joy closed her eyes. She began to relax as Her Mistress massaged her scalp. Joy was just getting into the shampooing of her hair when she felt the warm spray hit her head and Her Mistress was rinsing the shampoo from her hair. Her Mistress wrung the excess water from Joy's hair and Joy was about to get up when she felt the cool shampoo hit her scalp and Her Mistress was doing a second shampoo to her hair. Joy let out a contented coo as Her Mistress took her time washing her hair.

"That feels so nice Scarlett." Joy said forgetting that they was playing their game again but Scarlett didn't seem to mind as the next thing that Joy felt was Scarlett's lips touching hers giving her a soft kiss.

"Mmmm..." Joy murmured as the kiss ended.

Scarlett continued to wash Joy's hair for a while longer but then she finally rinsed it off and she got the towel and she began to dry Joy's hair. She then had Joy get up and sit in one of the kitchen chairs. Scarlett went out of the room leaving Joy sitting and feeling so good. When Scarlett returned, she had one of Joy's brushes and she brushed out her hair.

"I want my breakfast now slut!" Her Mistress ordered and Joy knew that the game was back on.

"Yes Mistress!" Joy said as she jumped up to start breakfast.

"But first I think we need to start your day with a little spanking." Her Mistress said as she grabbed Joy's arm.

"Yes Mistress, I do need one to keep me inline." Joy said as she waited for Her Mistress to sit down in the seat that she just vacated. Joy then lay down across Her Mistress lap not noticing that Her Mistress still had her hair brush in her hand.

"Let me see how you like the flat side of this hairbrush." Her Mistress said as she ran the hairbrush across Joy's ass. Joy groaned upon hearing this and then she yelped as she felt the first lick of the hairbrush on her right ass cheek.

"Oh that stings Mistress." Joy moaned as the second lick struck her left ass cheek. As bad as the hairbrush stung, Joy knew that Her Mistress wasn't hitting her all that hard but all the same it stung. Her Mistress moved the brush from one cheek to the other and then up and down one cheek before moving to the other and spanking it. It didn't take Joy long to start crying as she wiggled her ass trying to relieve some of the pain that she was feeling. Soon the spanking ended and Joy found herself being pushed off of Her Mistress's lap. Her ass was stinging as she got on her knees in front of Her Mistress. She pushed Her Mistress's legs apart and she dived into her pussy. She licked up all the juices and she made Her Mistress moan and groan as she ate her out. She took her time in getting Her Mistress to orgasm as she wanted to make it a good one and she did. She then got up and went to the stove and she started breakfast with Her Mistress's juices on her face and her own juices running down her thighs.

Joy wasn't sure what to expect to happen during her first full day as Her Mistress's slut. She knew that Her Mistress couldn't spend the whole day whipping her and of course, she didn't. Instead Her Mistress would tease her from time to time and then she would bind in different way making her stay in that position until she saw that Joy was getting tired and then she would do something else to her. Joy soon realized that Her Mistress was just trying to find different ways that they would play in the future. It wasn't until late evening that Her Mistress came up with a unique torture.

"Come here slut." Her Mistress ordered her and Joy came immediately. "Turn around and put your hands behind your back slut!"

Joy put her hands behind her back and she felt Her Mistress bind together. "Now get down on your knees slut." Her Mistress ordered her and Joy carefully dropped to her knees which was harder than you think when you had your hands bound behind your back. "Bend over and put your shoulders to the floor." Her Mistress furthered ordered and when she was in place Her Mistress ordered to spread her knees out so as to open her ass and pussy to her. Her Mistress went upstairs leaving Joy in place. Joy wondered just what Her Mistress was going to do to her. A couple of minutes later, Joy saw Her Mistress coming down the stairs carrying a long feather and a short strap. She came over to Joy and sat down on the couch behind her.

"We are going to play a little game slut. I'm going to use the feather on you and if you can remain perfectly still then you will get a kiss on your pussy and ass but if you move then you will feel the strap. Do you want to play this game slut?" her Mistress asked.

Joy knew that really wasn't a question seeing how she had her hand bound behind her back and she wasn't in a position to argue. "Yes Mistress, I would love to play the game."

Joy then felt the tip of the feather tickle her asshole and then run down to her pussy lips. This really tickled and it made her pussy tingle with excitement. Joy tried to stay still but when Her Mistress brought the tip of the feather back to her asshole and she caressed it with the end of the feather, Joy couldn't help but to move her ass. Then she felt the feather leave her pussy and she felt the strap land across her ass cheeks.

"Oh fuck!" Joy cried out from the sudden change of sensations going from light caresses of the feather to the painful stinging of the strap. Then the feather appeared again and Joy tried her best not to wiggle her ass but Her Mistress knew just how to move the feather across her asshole and pussy and Joy had to jerk her ass from the tickling of the feather. The strap landed hard across her ass and Joy then let out a loud cry. Her Mistress went back to the feather and Joy tried hard to stay still but she couldn't and she felt the strap land across her ass going lower this time. Joy knew she wasn't ever going to win this battle and she finally gave in and just let Her Mistress tickle her and then she felt the strap when she finally moved as she learned that Her Mistress was going to keep using the feather until she did move. Joy felt the juices gathering on her pussy lips as she was getting excited by the pleasure she got from the caresses of the feather and then the pain of the strap. The extreme differences of pleasure and pain were more than she had ever felt before. She hated this form of play but then she was loving it as it was making her extremely horny. The feather came and then the strap until she felt like she was going to go crazy.

"Oh fuck Mistress!" Joy cried out as she felt the strap land across her ass cheeks one more time and she felt them burning like they were on fire. Joy then felt a series of licks from the strap going up and down her ass and thighs. Joy was crying hard as she felt the strap hit her sore ass and she thought that she was going to die of pain and lust as she wanted her pussy played with so bad. Then the next thing she knew, her head was being lifted and she saw Her Mistress's pussy coming at her face. Joy quickly began to lick hungrily as Her Mistress's pussy using her tongue to hit all the sensitive places that she knew Her Mistress's loved to have licked. Joy moved her tongue around the edges of Her Mistress's cunt and then she went to the slit and she licked in between the lips. Joy sucked up Her Mistress's juices and she sucked them down. She heard Her Mistress moan and she licked that much harder. Joy's shoulders and back began to ache but she kept on licking wanting to give Her Mistress a great orgasm. She worked her way up to Her Mistress's clit and she licked at it hard. She used short quick strokes of the tongue and she slowly brought Her Mistress to an intense orgasm. Joy continued to lick up Her Mistress's girlcum as she rode out her orgasm.

Her Mistress suddenly pulled her pussy away from Joy's mouth and Joy let out a disappointing moan. Her Mistress then roughly pulled Joy to her feet. "Come here slut, I'm not done with you yet girlie."

Joy felt herself being dragged up the stairs and she was flung down on the bed. Her Mistress pushed Joy onto her stomach and Joy felt her hands being untied. Her Mistress then rolled her over onto her back and Joy moaned as her sore ass hit the bed. Her Mistress then set into tying her ankles and wrists to the bedpost. Joy watched as Her Mistress went over to one of the drawers of the dresser that Joy had cleaned out for her use and she saw Her Mistress pull out a strap-on with a medium size dildo attached. Joy could not help but to smile as she thought about what Her Mistress was going to do to her in just a few short moments. Her Mistress got some lube out and she rubbed some on the fleshed colored dildo.

"You ready to get you brains fucked out slut?" Her Mistress asked as she crawled up in the bed.

"Fuck me hard Mistress, I need it so god damn bad." Joy moaned out and she saw Her Mistress smile down at her.

Then Joy felt the head of Her Mistress's fake cock rub against her pussy lips. Joy let out a moan and a louder moan as Her Mistress teased Joy's clit with the head of the cock. Her Mistress then used her hand to direct the head of the cock to the entrance of her pussy. Slowly Joy felt the head pry apart her pussy lips and it slipped inside of her. Joy moaned again and she so wanted to wrap her arms and legs around Her Mistress but seeing how she was tied to the bed she could only lay there and let her mistress do what she wanted when she wanted. The cock slowly slipped into her pussy filling her up and Joy let out a satisfied moan as Her Mistress settled on top of her.

"I'm going to fuck you until you pass out slut." Her Mistress told her as she lowered her head down and she kissed her. Her Mistress kept the cock planted deep in her pussy not moving it as they kissed. Her Mistress then began to withdraw the cock a few inches and she pushed it back in causing Joy to grunt out her pleasure. Her Mistress arched her back so that she could kiss Joy's nipples as she began to fuck Joy with her fake cock. The cock was filling her up and Joy was moaning out her pleasure. Her Mistress's mouth was teasing her nipples kissing them and then biting them softly and then harder. Her Mistress began to fuck her faster and harder and Joy could feel Her Mistress's pubic bone rub against her clit causing Joy to groan and moan. Her Mistress moved her hips around as she fucked Joy and Joy could feel that movement deep with her pussy. Joy cried out for her Mistress to go faster and harder as she needed to cum so bad.

"Here it comes baby!' Her Mistress cried out as she propped herself up on her elbows and she used her hips to drive the cock deep inside of Joy's pussy. Joy pushed her hips up meeting every stroke and then she felt her clit getting so sensitive and she let out a scream as she came hard coating Her Mistress's fake cock with her girlcum. Joy was lost in her orgasm and when she came around again, she felt Her Mistress's fake cock moving within her pussy. Joy opened her eyes and she smiled at Her Mistress and without thinking she went to wrap her arms around her Mistress and to her surprise, they obeyed her commands. She found that Her Mistress had released her. Joy pulled Her Mistress down to her and she wrapped her legs around Her Mistress's waist.

"Thank you Mistress, I like this way better." Joy whispered to her as she hugged her tightly.

"I'm Scarlett now, and you're welcome." Scarlett told her.

Joy kissed Scarlett passionately as she felt Scarlett move the cock slowly in and out of her pussy. Joy tightened her legs around Scarlett's waist and s moved her hips in rhythm with Scarlett's thrusts. Joy kept on kissing Scarlett until the fucking got too intense and she had to stop so that she could breath. Scarlett worked her hips around moving the cock within Joy's pussy and Joy could only moan in her ear. Scarlett kissed Joy's neck and shoulder as she fucked her slowly and when Joy urged her to pick up the pace, Scarlett did so and Joy felt the cock moving faster and harder within her pussy. Joy grunted out her approval of Scarlett's fucking ability and she rotated her hips against Scarlett's thrusts. Joy soon felt her body coming toward that end that she was yearning for and she felt her clit get sensitive as she felt herself going over to the other side and she let her body go as she came hard. She pulled Scarlett down hard against her and she cried out her pleasure then things went blank for a few moments as she experienced that most pleasurable of emotions.

When she came back around, Scarlet was slowly moving the cock inside her now sore pussy. Scarlett was using gentle strokes and she was kissing her tenderly. Joy opened her eyes and she pulled Scarlett's lips to hers and she kissed her passionately. "Can I fuck you?" Joy asked.

"I would love that baby." Scarlett answered with a smile as she slowly withdrew the cock from Joy's sore pussy. And while she wanted to fuck Scarlett badly, she hated to feel the cock leave her.

They both got up on their knees and Joy allowed Scarlett to put the harness on her body and she tightened it down for her. Scarlett then lay back on the bed and she opened her legs and arms to Joy who moved toward her. Joy placed the head of the cock to Scarlett's pussy and she ran it up and down Scarlett's slit and then she pressed it against Scarlett's clit. She rubbed the head hard against Scarlett's clit making her moan loudly. Joy then shifted her legs out and placed the head of the cock at the entrance of Scarlett's pussy. She felt Scarlett pull her into her body and she let the cock sink into Scarlett's pussy. Joy moved her hips up a bit and she felt Scarlett wrap her legs around her hips. Joy leaned down and she kissed Scarlett passionately as she pulled her hips up and then she push her hips back down hard causing Scarlett to grunt. Joy just seemed to know that Scarlett would like it hard and fast and that is what she did. She put her hips to work and she used all the muscles in her legs and back and she drove the cock in and out of Scarlett's pussy. Scarlett urged her to go faster and harder and Joy did. She worked the cock in and out of Scarlett's pussy and she kissed her hard as she pinched on Scarlett's nipples. Scarlett pulled her down against her body and moved her hips up against Joy's thrusts. Soon Joy had Scarlett cumming hard and Joy just kept driving the cock deep into Scarlett's pussy. She went in as deep as she could and then she withdrew most of the cock so that she could drive it back into her pussy. She drove Scarlett into a series of orgasms and they continued to fuck until they both ran out of energy and Joy collapsed down onto Scarlett driving the cock in deep into Scarlett's pussy.

"Oh god that was good baby." Scarlett told her when she could talk again.

"Yes it was, we'll have to do this more often." Joy said with a wink.

"Do you like it better when you are tied up or free?" Scarlett asked her.

"Both I guess. It was fun when you had me tied up during one of our sessions and then tonight but I also liked it when you freed me and we could do it with me able to hold you. I guess it depends what mood I'm in." Joy answered her as she thrust her hips downward driving the cock back into Scarlett's pussy.

"Oh..." Scarlett cried out and she wrapped her legs around Joy's waist tighter drawing the cock in deeper into her pussy. "I think I know what mood you are in tonight." Scarlett said as she kissed Joy again and the kiss went on for a long while as their tongue moved from one mouth to the other and then they would let just their tongues touch before pressing their lips back together. As they kissed, Joy began to move her hips again and Scarlett moaned as she pushed her hips up to meet the thrusts of Joy's hips. It did not take Joy long to start really fucking Scarlett's pussy with her fake cock. Scarlett moaned and groaned as Joy went at it harder and faster driving the cock deep into Scarlett's pussy. Joy moved her hips around as she pushed the cock in and out of Scarlett's pussy and their bodies were soaked in sweat as they worked their hips together. Soon Scarlett was moaning and crying out as she came. This time when her orgasm hit Scarlett let her legs fall from Joy's hips and she lay there trying to catch her breath.

Joy laid her head down on Scarlett's shoulder and they both rested from the intense fucking that they had just done. They both grew silent as they rested and they were left to their own thoughts.

After about fifteen minutes, Scarlett ended the peacefulness by saying, "You know what we need."

"No, what?" Joy asked as she rose up on her elbows and she looked into Scarlett's eyes.

"We need a playroom, somewhere where I can rig up some pulleys and stuff. None of your spare rooms are really big enough. I mean I can work around that seeing how there isn't any other place that we can really play in private." Scarlett told her and Joy could hear the disappointment in her voice.

As Scarlett said this, a thought came slowly to Joy's mind and as it became clear, she couldn't believe that she didn't think of it before. "Actually we do have such a place." She said as she smiled down at Scarlett.

"Where, I have been everywhere in this house and I don't think any of rooms fit the bill unless you want to tear down some walls and I don't think you would want to do that to your aunt's house." Scarlett told her.

"First it's not my aunt's house anymore, it's our house and secondly you haven't been everywhere in the house, there's one place I haven't shown you but that's about to change." Joy said as she started to push herself off Scarlett's body.

""Hey slow down baby, we're still attached." Scarlett said as she pulled Joy back down and she wrapped her legs back around Joy's hips.

"Oh sorry, I forgot." Joy said as she kissed Scarlett and then she slowly pulled the fake cock from Scarlett's pussy and Scarlett poutd a little moan. Once Joy had pulled free, she got on up and she helped Scarlett up. The more she thought about her idea, the more excited Joy got and by the time she had gotten Scarlett to the stairs, she was practically dragging her. It was all Scarlett could do to keep up with Joy as she led her to the kitchen and then she went into the pantry. There on the right side was a door and when opened there was another small room that had all the electrical boxes. Joy bent down and she hooked her fingers into a small ring that was laid into the floor. She pulled it up and there appeared a set of stairs. Joy turned on a light switch and she started down the steps still pulling Scarlett by the hand. She led her down the narrow stairs and into the basement of the house that was one big room. There was an old couch back against one wall and some shelves with some old can goods. And other than that, the large room was empty.

"What is this?" Scarlett said in wonderment.

"When my great uncle built this place, it was in a rural area and not built up like it is now. So he wanted some place that he could take his family if there was ever a tornado. So he dug out a basement and then when he laid down the floor of the house, he did it with the strongest wood that he could." Joy said as she pointed to the ceiling, pointing out the large beams that supported the floor of the house. "He wanted this to be the place that they could go to and be protected. A tornado could tear down the house and this part would remain unfazed. My aunt told me about it when I moved in with her and showed me how to get here and to tell you the truth, I haven't thought about it again until tonight. Do you think this fits what you want?" Joy asked.

When Scarlett didn't answer her right away, Joy started to repeat her question but then she could see Scarlett brain working. She had seen that look in Scarlett's eyes before and she had learned to just be quite until Scarlett had completed her thinking process. "With just a little work, it will be perfect. Can I bring some people in to put some drywall in and maybe lay down a floor?" Scarlett asked and then she quickly added, "I would pay for everything."

"You can do anything you want honey, and I will help pay since it will be for the both of us." Joy told her.

"No that is okay, I got plenty of money and it might add up to several thousand dollars before I'm done. I've never had my own place to work and this is perfect." Scarlett said excitedly and she came over to where Joy was standing and she started to hug her when the cock that Joy was still wearing poked her. "I see that you're just as excited about this as I am." Scarlett said as she pointed down to the erect cock that Joy was wearing.

"Oh god I forgot about that." Joy said as she blushed.

"I think we need to put this thing into use and break in our new playroom." Scarlett said as she reached down and she started to unbuckle the harness.

"I think that's a wonderful idea." Joy said as she helped Scarlett get the harness off of her and then as Scarlett was putting it on herself, Joy went to couch where there were a couple of blankets laying. Joy folded them in half and laid them down on the floor. Joy started to lay down on the blankets but Scarlett stopped her.

"I want you on top. That way I can play with those lovely breasts of yours." Scarlett said as she leaned in and kissed each nipple in turn.

"Mmmm... that sounds nice." Joy said as she watched Scarlett get down on the blankets lying on her back. Joy looked down at Scarlett with her pert breasts and hard nipples and that started to arouse her. She then glanced down at the dildo sticking up from Scarlett's pussy. Joy smiled as she put her feet on each side of Scarlett's legs and she lowered herself down so that her knees were just above Scarlett's hips. She lowered her hips down until she felt the head of the cock rub against her pussy lips. Joy let out a moan and she moved her hips forwards and backwards as the head of the cock rubbed along her slit. Joy closed her eyes and then she felt Scarlett's hands cup her breasts. Joy let out a moan as Scarlett began to gently squeeze her breasts. Joy moved her hips forward until the head of the cock slipped between her lips and it pressed against the entrance to her pussy. Joy slowly began to lower her hips down onto the cock and she felt the head of her cock pop into her pussy. Joy let out a moan and she slowly lowered her hips down until she had all of the cock inside of her pussy and she was sitting on top of Scarlett.

"Oh man that feels good." Joy sighed out and she felt Scarlett's fingertips tease her nipples. The fingers were circling her nipples and then Scarlett would let her fingernails run across the harden nipples. Joy sat there for a minute just enjoying the feeling of being so filled and having Scarlett teasing her nipples.

When she was ready, Joy placed her hands down on Scarlett's breasts squeezing them as she raised her hips up a couple of inches and then she fell back down onto the cock. Joy raised her hips up again feeling the cock pull her pussy lips outward as it slowly left her pussy and then press them back in as she fell back down. Joy fucked Scarlett's fake cock with this slow motion and then she began to pick up the distance that she pulled up and down and also the speed in which she fucked herself. Joy felt Scarlett's fingers start to pinch and pull on her nipples. This intensified the sensations that her brain was receiving and made her go ever faster as she fucked herself on Scarlett's cock. Joy leaned forward and little more and she could feel the increased friction on her clit.

"Oh god this feels good." Joy cried out and she fucked herself faster and harder. Soon her ass was slamming down on Scarlett's hips and Scarlett was pulling hard on her nipples causing more than a little bit of pain but instead of pulling her breasts from Scarlett's pinches, she pushed them forward wanting more and Scarlett gave it to her. Joy was rising up to the point that only the head of the cock was inside of her and then she would slam back down on it. And Scarlett was using her hips to push upwards increasing the speed and depth of the cock. Joy felt her clit getting very sensitive and she worked her hips as hard as she could. She was dripping sweat down onto Scarlett's body. Joy felt her pussy clamp down on Scarlett's cock and she came hard coating the cock and Scarlett's thighs with her girlcum. Joy then fell down on Scarlett and she felt Scarlett hug her tightly as she went through the throes of her orgasm.

When Joy recovered from her orgasm, she found that she was now lying down on the blankets and Scarlett was in the process of sliding the strap-on up her legs. Joy lifted her hips making Scarlett's Joy easier. Scarlett quickly got the harness in place and she crawled up Joy's body wasting no time in putting the cock to her pussy and sitting down. Scarlett let out a long sigh as she sat down. Joy give Scarlett a smile as she reached up and gave each of Scarlett's a hard pinch causing her to moan in pain.

"Pinch harder and pull." Scarlett told her in a lust filled voice.

"Yes Mistress." Joy said with a wink as she put her thumbs and forefingers to Scarlett's nipples and she pinched them hard and she pulled the nipples out from Scarlett's body. Scarlett gave out a long moan as she lifted her hips up and she slammed them back down on Joy's fake cock. Scarlett rode the cock hard and fast and Joy was using her lifting her hips upwards as Scarlett's ass came down. Their bodies were slamming together so hard that the sound of their flesh slapping together could be heard all around the room. Scarlett was grunting at every stroke of the cock and she was sweating profusely just as Joy was doing. Scarlett rode her long and hard before her body went rigid for a moment as her orgasm hit her. Joy pulled Scarlett down to her and she rolled them to their sides. Joy then pulled the cock from Scarlett's pussy and she undid the harness. She then pulled part of the blanket from under them and she pulled it over both of their bodies. She kissed Scarlett who returned the kiss as best as she could but she was just as exhausted as Joy was. Joy pulled Scarlett over on her and she caressed Scarlett's back until she knew that Scarlett was sound asleep. Joy then closed her eyes and was fast asleep.

When Joy woke the next morning, she found that she was as stiff as a board from lying on the hard concrete floor all night. She also found that she was alone on the blankets. She opened her eyes and she looked over at the couch but Scarlett wasn't there. Joy let her eyes circle the room and the saw Scarlett sitting naked on the cold floor in the center of the basement. Scarlett's eyes were going back and forth across the room and then she would turn and carefully surveying the room. Scarlett's eyes went on past Joy sitting on the blanket not even noting her. Joy knew that Scarlett was imagining how she would fix the room up and she wasn't seeing anything but what her mind was making the room into. All Joy could see was Scarlett getting sick from sitting on the bare floor so she got up and went over to where Scarlett was sitting.

"Okay enough redecorating for today, you still have a day of beating me left." Joy said as she took Scarlett by the arm pulling her up and thus breaking Scarlett's concentration.

"I see my slut is demanding her Mistress's attention when her Mistress is obviously busy. She should know better than that but I guess not." Her Mistress said with a long sign. "I guess I've just got to start her retaining. Stay right here slut, I will be back and you will regret interrupting me." Then she walked a few steps away before coming back to where Joy was standing.

"This room is going to be perfect, thank you." Scarlett told her as she pulled Joy to her and she kissed her as passionately as Joy had even been kissed. Joy was left weak and disoriented but smiling.

Then as Her Mistress went up the stairs, Joy sneaked off to the little bathroom that was in the corner of the room and she peed as she was about to burst and she knew that Her Mistress was finding something to tie her up with so this might be her last chance for a while. She saw from the gleam in Scarlett's eyes and she was as happy as she had ever seen her. This weekend was turning out better than she would have dreamed it would be when she squatted down and peed on Her Mistress's boots on Friday night.

Her Mistress spent several minutes upstairs but when she came bouncing down the stairs, she had the ankle and wrist cuffs in her hands and she was also carrying lots of rope and her riding crop. Joy felt her pussy tingle with excitement. Her Mistress came to the center of the room and she put her stuff down on the floor.

"Come over here slut and put these socks on. I don't want your little tootsies getting cold from the concrete." Her Mistress ordered her.

"Yes mistress!" Joy replied as she ran over and took the wool socks from her. She slipped them on and then she put her hands out before Her Mistress asked.

"I see you're trying to butter your Mistress up by being good for once, well it won't work." Her Mistress scowled at her. Joy tried not to smile as Her Mistress put the cuffs around her wrists. She then went to one of the supporting posts and she used a table to stand on to tie one end of the rope to the top of the post. She then went to another post about ten feet away and tied the end of another rope to the top of that post. She connected the end of one rope to her right wrist and the end of the other rope to the left one. She went from one side to the other until she had Joy's arms pulled up and she was firmly secured to the posts.

"Hike your right leg up here slut, I don't get down on my knees for sluts!" Her Mistress ordered her.

"Yes Mistress," Joy replied as she lifted her right foot up until it was about even with her belly. Her Mistress tied another rope to the cuff and Joy thought she was going to tie it to the bottom of the post that her right wrist was attached to but Her Mistress obviously had another thought in mind. She instead took the end of the rope to the pole and she got up on the table. She slowly tightened the rope until Joy felt her leg being raised to a level of her head. Joy could feel the muscles in her groin tighten as well as her thigh muscles. Her left leg was still firmly planted on the floor and was holding most of her weight and Joy was thankful that she had kept you her workouts and yoga exercises. That was something that she couldn't get Her Mistress interested doing but she did seem to enjoy watching her do her exercises if she did them in the nude which Joy did just to please her. Plus by the time she was finished with them, Her Mistress was so horny that she would practically attack her. When Her Mistress was done she came over and studied her handiwork.

"Nice and comfy?" her Mistress asked.

"Not really Mistress." Joy groaned and that brought a smile to her Mistress's lips.

"Then I know this will only make things more uncomfortable for you." Her Mistress said as she picked up her riding crop.

Joy knew that with the position that she was in, any lick of the riding crop would hurt and she watched as Her Mistress brought the end of the crop up to her pussy and she ran it along Joy's slit. Joy tried not to moan but with her being so aroused that any contact to her pussy made her moan. Her Mistress then rubbed the leather end against her pussy causing Joy to moan more and louder. Joy knew that if Her Mistress kept this up that she would be cumming soon. But Her Mistress knew her limits and she stopped just as Joy was about to cum.

"Just look how wet you are slut, if I didn't know better I would say that you're getting off on this." Her Mistress said as she brought the tip up to Joy's lips and she could taste and smell her own arousal. Without thinking, she stuck her tongue out and she licked her juices from the end of the crop. Joy looked at Her Mistress as she did this and she could see that the Her Mistress was getting off on her doing that so she licked the end of the crop long after her juices were gone and Her Mistress seemed to be unable or unwilling to pull it back. Joy could now smell her Mistress's arousal now.

"You are such a slut aren't you? Well I'm going to whip it out of you today!" Her Mistress said as she pulled the crop back and she flipped it across Joy's right breast. Joy let out a yelp going from pleasure to pain suddenly.

Her Mistress then began to flick one then the other breasts and Joy moaned as she felt her breasts getting tender. Joy could tell that her pussy was beginning to leak its fluids and she was getting an itch in her pussy that needed to be scratched. However she would have to endure Her Mistress's crop for a while longer and that she loved just as much as having her pussy itch scratch. The crop worked down to her stomach and with the position she was tied that made her muscles tight and the crop more painful. Her Mistress worked her way down her left leg that was still on the floor and then she went back up it and onto her right leg that was stretched out onto the air.

"Oh fuck!" Joy cried as the crop came down on top of her thigh. And then she cried out "OH god!" as Her Mistress brought the crop up from under her thigh and hit the bottom side. Her hamstring muscle was pulled tight and that made the licks there especially painful. Her Mistress went from top to bottom as she worked down the leg and then she went back up causing Joy to start crying from the pain. Her Mistress stopped for a moment then she moved to Joy's back. Joy knew this was going to hurt and it did. Her back muscles were pulled tight too and the crop was painful but it was when Her Mistress got to her ass that she really cried out. It was still sore from the strapping she got the previous night and with it tense up with how she was tied up that she really cried out. Joy had tears running down her face by the time Her Mistress was done with her ass. It was only when she felt Her Mistress's tongue on her pussy did she stop crying and let out a different type of moan. With her leg being pulled up like it was, her pussy was open to her Mistress's tongue and she was going in deep.

"Oh Mistress that feels so fucking good; please don't stop. Make me cum; I need to so god damn bad!" Joy cried out as she felt Her Mistress's tongue reach deep within her pussy and she felt it moving around. Joy moaned and groaned and she even lifted her leg up higher to get Her Mistress's tongue in deeper and it did. It left her pussy and went back to her exposed asshole and she let her tongue run around the edge. Joy groaned and she tried to push her ass down on her Mistress's tongue but she was bound too tight. She was forced to let Her Mistress do as she wanted and lucky Her Mistress knew what Joy needed and wanted and Joy felt her tongue slid inside her ass. Joy let out a loud long moan as Her Mistress fucked her ass with her tongue. Her Mistress tongued her for a few minutes before her mouth returned to Joy's juicy pussy and she licked up the juices that had gathered there. When they were gone, Her Mistress went to Joy's clit and she sucked it into her mouth. Joy let out a loud cry as she felt her clit get real sensitive as Her Mistress's tongue teased it as she sucked on the little nub. Joy jerked around for a moment as she felt her orgasm rising from within her pussy. Then it hit and Joy let out an extended moan as she rode out her orgasm.

Joy blanked out for a few moments and when she opened her eyes she found that she was alone. Joy listened carefully and she could hear Her Mistress stirring around in the kitchen. Soon Joy's nose began to pick up some delicious smellsthat were making their way down the stairs. Joy felt her stomach growl and she was forgetting the strain that her body was feeling from her leg being trussed up like it was. The smells kept getting stronger and she could smell a fresh pot of coffee brewing and that made her mouth watered. After what seemed forever, Joy finally saw Her Mistress's feet at the top of the steps. Joy could only hope that she had food for her. She needed something to eat and she also needed for her leg to let down. It had been up in the air for a long time now and the strain was getting to her. Joy watch as Her Mistress descended the stairs and she could see that she was carrying a tray. Upon this tray, Joy sat a big plate of food and two cups of coffee. Joy didn't say anything as Her Mistress put the tray down on the couch and she came over to her.

"I think I've had this leg up long enough for now slut and I guess it would be cruel not to feed you." Her Mistress said with a sigh and she pulled the little table over to the pole that her leg was tied to and she untied it and Joy was finally able to lower her leg. Joy expected for Her Mistress to also undo the rope that held her right arm up but Her Mistress let that rope in place. As Her Mistress got down, Joy was flexing her right leg getting her muscles to relax.

"You okay?" Scarlett asked coming out of character for a moment and Joy replied with, "Yes I'm doing fine." Then Her Mistress went back into character.

"I don't know, I worked up a pretty big appetite cropping you this morning, I might just eat all of this food that I made." She said and Joy could feel her mouth watering. Her Mistress wasn't much of a cook but Joy had been able to teach her how to make an omelet and the ones on the plate on Her Mistress's tray look real tasty. And it looked better as Her Mistress took a fork and she cut a bit off and started to put it to her mouth.

Joy didn't know what to say so she decided to just give Her Mistress her pitiful look and hoped that it would work. She saw Her Mistress studying her a moment before she said, "Well if you are going to look at me that way then I guess I will give you at least a bite."

Her Mistress then put the fork down and she put the tray on the table and pulled it over in front of Joy. She picked up one of the mugs of coffee and she carefully brought it to Joy's lips. Joy took a sip of the hot coffee and it warmed her up. Her Mistress then took the bite that she had cut off earlier and she brought that to Joy's mouth. Joy took the bite and it tasted as good as it looked. Joy chewed slowly before she swallowed. Her Mistress then gave her another sip of coffee before she took a bite of the omelet. Joy then ate while being tied up for the first time and she figured that this would not be the last time that she would eat this way. She did like the fact that this time it was her Mistress feeding her but then with the way she was tied up, there was no way she could feed Her Mistress. Joy didn't realize just how hungry she was until Her Mistress started to feed her and she ate everything that Her Mistress fed her and Her mistress took her fair share of food.

Once the food was gone and the coffee drank, Her Mistress made Joy lift her left leg up and she tied a rope to it and Joy knew what was going to happen next so she went ahead and moved her leg to the left so that Her Mistress could tie the end of the rope to the top of the pole that her left arm was tied to.

Joy could feel the muscles in her lower back tense up and she tried to relax as much as she could. Her Mistress took the tray back upstairs and she was up there for a while. When she finally came back down the stairs, she was holding a sketch pad, rulers, and a couple of pencils. Her Mistress then sat down on the table in front of Joy and she began to talk about how she wanted to build their new playroom. Joy made her comments when asked and she was amazed at how Her Mistress could sketch out what she was wanting to do and then making changes as she saw fit. One of the few things that Joy had learned about Her Mistress was that she had actually gone to college and gotten her degree in mechanical engineering. She knew that Her Mistress was smart so that didn't come as much of a surprise. But this was the first time that she had seen Her Mistress put that knowledge to use. She also listened to Joy suggestions and that made her feel good. Her Mistress kept telling her that it would be their room and she needed to put her thoughts into it too. The room ended up being divided up into three parts. There would be one big room that would be their playroom and then a section that would become Her Mistress's workshop and then a small room that would become a bathroom with a shower and tub. Joy wasn't sure why they would need a tub but she was sure that Her Mistress had something in mind. They had been at it for about an hour when two things came to Joy's mind. Her muscles were getting tired and sore and the coffee that she had drunk had now gathered in her bladder and it was begging to be released. Joy was hoping that Her Mistress would let her down by now but she was still talking about the room and what all they could do in there. Finally Joy had to say something or risk peeing all over the floor.

"Ah... Mistress, I need to use the bathroom." Joy finally told her.

"And how is that my problem slut?" Her Mistress asked as she arched her eyebrows.

"Mistress please, I really have to go." Joy pleaded as the need was rapidly becoming to the point of no return.

"I really should just make you hold it all day after you peed on my new boots." Her Mistress said.

"I really sorry Mistress, I really am. So please would you let me down so that I can go." Joy said as she eyes began to water.

"I know you're sorry now that you have to go but will you be sorry once you have peed?" Her Mistress asked making no move to release Joy from her bonds.

"I will be I promise..." Joy said as wasn't sure that she could hold it much longer.

"Oh you are such a wimp!" Her Mistress said however she did come to her and she quickly untied the ropes from her wrists and her left leg.

As Joy dropped her left leg it started to cramp up on her and she felt a little pee leak from her pussy. "Oh god my leg is cramping and I am starting to pee."Joy cried out as she felt more pee run down her leg and her calf muscle tighten up into a knot.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry. I went to long with you didn't I." Scarlett said as she half carried Joy to the small bathroom and sat her on the toilet. The pee poured out of her as she cried from both the pain from her bladder and her cramping calf muscle.

"Oh god, I'm sorry." Scarlett kept saying and she tried her best to massage the cramp out of Joy's calf. Scarlett kept saying that she was sorry and it wasn't until her calf muscle began to relax that Joy could say anything.

"Honey, it's okay. It was just one of those things." Joy said as she cupped Scarlett's face in her hands and brought it up and Joy could see that Scarlett was crying. Joy kissed her softly to show Scarlett that there was no harm done and everything was fine now.

"I really didn't mean to leave you hung up like that for so long. I just got caught up with our room and forget the time. I know better than that." Scarlett told her and Joy could see how sorry that she was and Joy knew that it really wasn't her fault. She was also forgotten about the pain she was feeling as she was caught up in the same excitement.

"It's cool baby, I forgot about it too, I was just as excited about our new room too. And remember that it is just as much my responsibility to tell you when I have had enough and I didn't." Joy told her as she kissed her again.

"But it is more my responsibility than yours, I am the one that should know what I'm doing." Scarlett told her.

"Hey I'm not the innocent I once was, girl. I know what we're doing here so don't give me that crap. Let's just forget it for now and help me stretch out this muscle." Joy told her in much the same voice that Scarlett used when she was being the Mistress and that caused Scarlett to give her an approving smile. So she got up and she helped Joy to her feet.

"Maybe we should call it a day as far as our games are concerned." Scarlett suggested.

"Oh no we don't, I got a couple more spanking coming yet today. Remember it was me who peed on your boots Friday." Joy told her as Scarlett helped her to walk around the basement so that Joy could get her calf muscle worked out.

"That I will never forget," Scarlett said as she popped Joy's ass with her hand causing Joy to yelp and then giggle as she remembered hearing Scarlett holler when she saw what she had done.

They made their way back upstairs and after cleaning up the mess that Scarlett had made while she fixed their breakfast they went to the den and talked about their new playroom. Scarlett knew now what she wanted but she was worried about how the workers would get their supplies down into the basement and that was something that Joy didn't have an answer to. Her great Uncle had only put the one entrance into the basement and he had sealed the walls so that they would never leak and they never had. Scarlett also wanted to put in a separate heat pump into the basement so that it won't get to cold and the air wouldn't be so stale. Joy was fine with everything that Scarlett wanted to do as long as the house wasn't torn up and Scarlett said that she knew just the person to get it done within the boundaries that they set for them.

"So how long will it be before he will be able to start?" Joy asked now anxious to see the finished room even thought the work hadn't even started yet.

"Oh I'm sure that I can get Rusty to start tomorrow." Scarlett assured her.

"How can you be so sure that he will be able to start so soon?" Joy asked not believing Scarlett for a second as she has tried to get work done and she was lucky to get anyone there just to give her an estimate in less than two or three weeks.

"His sister Jana use to be one of my slaves and I met Rusty through her. Some of the things that I used on you were actually made by him. I give him the design and he builds them and I have always paid him well so he knows if he wants to continue to get easy jobs that pay well from me then he has to come through." Scarlett told her.

"I see," Joy said not completely convinced but now there was something else that had her attention. "So do you still talk to Jana much anymore?"

Scarlett smiled before she said, "I was wondering if you would pick up on that one. I was hoping that I could slip it by you."

"You should have known better than that." Joy told her.

"You're right I should have." Scarlett said and then she got that distant look that she always got when she was thinking about something important. Joy let her think and she didn't say anything even thought she was just dying to do so. Little by little Scarlett had begun to open up to her and here was another chance for Scarlett to do so again and Joy was so hoping that Scarlett would take it. Scarlett finally looked into Joy's eyes and Joy didn't look away. She tried to keep her face neutral but she wasn't so sure she was succeeding in doing so. It wasn't so much that she was jealous of Jana or anything, she knew that Scarlett was hers now but she did want to know more of her history and thus know how she became the woman that she fell in love with.

"You know that I have had lots of slaves before right?" Scarlett finally said and Joy wanted to jump over and hug Scarlett for taking the opening.

"Yea, I figured that would be the case and Anita has hinted at that at times although she would never really tell me anything. She just said that it was your job to do so when you were ready." Joy said hoping that she didn't just get Anita into trouble.

"I should have known Anita would have to put her two cents in." Scarlett said and Joy interrupted her.

"She really didn't tell me anything that I hadn't already figured out and even then she only confirmed what I knew. And she wouldn't ever tell me more than what I have said."

"Oh I know," Scarlett said as she put her hand on Joy's thigh to calm her down. "I'm not mad at her; Anita hasn't done anything wrong as far as I'm concern. Not that will stop me from fussing at her." Scarlett said smiling and then she continued on. "Since I started as a mistress, I have always had plenty of women who wanted to serve me and I let them. For a long while it pleased me and made me feel good. And they got what they wanted at the same time.

Scarlett paused for a moment and then she went on about some of the slaves that she had and what they needed from her. Joy was surprised at the number of professional women who when they weren't in their corporate offices, they were on their hands and knees in front of Scarlett begging for her to pay attention to them. One of the first slaves that she had went on to become the CEO to a multinational corporation. But not all were like that woman, most were just regular women who felt the need to be whipped or degraded or both. She talked for a couple of hours about these women and Joy began to get the sense that Scarlett was starting to find that she had needs too, needs that these slaves couldn't fill.

She paused again and she looked at Joy and told her that was when she had answered their ads. This made Joy smile and she felt like she wanted to cry. She for the most part held it in but a tear or two did run down her cheek. Scarlett said the more that she got to know her the more she liked her sprit. But she had two slaves that she had to find places for before she could be free to pursue her. It was then that Joy realized what took Scarlett so long to move in with her. There was so much going on in Scarlett's life that Joy was ignorant of but then that was partly Scarlett's fault as she wasn't telling her these things. Scarlett said that she worried long and hard about whom to send her slaves to as they were nice girls and they needed someone who would treat them right. Then she said that she came home one day and they told her that they had decided to leave on their own as they had fallen in love with each other. They had solved Scarlett's problem for her so she let them buy her house. Scarlett became silent for a moment and Joy knew that she was done talking for now so Joy slid over and she cuddled up against Scarlett's warm body and she kissed her. They sat there just kissing and caressing each other and Joy felt like their bonds became tighter that day.

Later on that afternoon, Joy again found herself tied up in the basement and she felt the tails of the whip sting her skin. Her Mistress whipped her harder as this would be their last playtime for the weekend and she would have all week to recover. Joy enjoyed the whipping as that made her orgasms that more intense when Scarlett had finished with her. Then when they were done, Scarlett took her with her to the shower and she washed the weekend's worth of girlcum from her face and pussy. That felt good to Joy but at the same time she the leftover cum reminded her of the fun that she had that weekend.

The next morning Joy woke up and she heard Scarlett in the bathroom. Joy stretched and she got up and wandered into the bathroom to pee and see what Scarlett was doing. When she entered the bathroom, she saw Scarlett ass sticking out at her as she was lying across the side of the tub and she heard Scarlett mutter, "I still can't believe the slut did this."

"What slut would that be?' Joy asked as she went to the toilet and sat down to relieve her bladder.

"I think you are the only slut around here but if you piss on my boots, I believe I will find someone to replace you." Scarlett threatened her. Joy put a big pout on her face."Don't you try pouting on me, it doesn't work." Scarlett told her but then she laughed.

"Well I had to try." Joy said as she laughed.

"Well it didn't work." Scarlett said again.

"Sure it did, it always does." Joy said as she washed her hands and then she got down beside of Scarlett and started to dry the boot that Scarlett had just cleaned. "I was wondering how long you were going to leave these boots in here."

"I thought about making you clean them..." Scarlett said and then she hesitated before adding, "...with your tongue." And then she laughed as Joy made a face at her. "But then I decided that I liked seeing them in here and thinking about what you did. So I left them here and was going to keep them here longer but then I realized that I had planned on wearing them today so that meant that I had to clean them up."

"I'm glad that you did leave them here and I'm also glad that you didn't make me lick them clean." Joy told her.

"Would you if I had told you too?" Scarlett asked and the question took Joy by surprise but her answer surprised her even more.

"Yes I would have Mistress." Joy said knowing that she was telling Scarlett that she would do anything that Scarlett told her to do. Joy had decided at that moment that whatever Scarlett asked of her, she would give. She trusted Scarlett not to go too far and she knew that Scarlett would never humiliate her in front of others. That was one place that Joy couldn't go and Scarlett would never take her there.

When Joy returned home from work late that afternoon, she found several trucks in her driveway and the tail end of a big truck in her back yard. Joy had to park out on the street and as she entered the house she heard banging coming from the basement. Joy dropped her work case on the counter and she ventured down the steps to the basement. She found several workers around the room putting up sheetrock and there was a middle aged man standing in the center of the room talking to Scarlett or rather, he was standing there and Scarlett was doing most of the talking. Joy walked over to Scarlett and she waited for Scarlett finish giving her instructions to Rusty.

"Who are all these people?" Joy asked knowing it was a stupid question.

"Rusty and his crew, I told you that I would have them here today didn't I?" Scarlett asked knowing full well that she did, she was just rubbing it in a little.

"Yea you did but I didn't..." Joy started to say "Believe you." But she stopped herself.

"Believe me." Scarlett said laughing at Joy and then she leaned down and gave her a kiss.

"I did but I didn't." Joy confessed. "How long will it take to finish?"

"About two weeks. Rusty has to special order the shower and tub that I want installed and there are some boards that I want to put into the ceiling that he has to order. I want everything very secure so that if I decide to leave you hanging from them all day, I can." Scarlett said with a twinkle in her eyes that made Joy blush as she was afraid that one the men working would hear her. Joy left Scarlett with the workers and she went back upstairs to start some supper. She just didn't know how much to cook as she began to wonder if Scarlett wouldn't keep the men long after suppertime. So she made some sandwiches and she brought them down. Scarlett wasn't real happy when Joy made the men stop their work so that they could eat but then Joy didn't ask Scarlett for her permission.

For the rest of the week, Joy came home to strange men in their house working. They had taken out the steps and to go into the basement so you now had to use a ladder as Scarlett had decided that she wanted a grander entrance to the playroom. Come Friday, Joy had enough of the workers and she sent them home at noon and told them not to come back until Monday morning. So when she met Her Mistress at the door naked and curled up on the floor, she confessed her sin of making the workers stop for the weekend. Scarlett screamed her at for delaying the completion of the room and threaten to beat her to within an inch of her life. Her Mistress's voice did sound that she was genuinely angry with her however when she glanced up at her she saw that she had that lustful grin on her face. Scarlett was ready to play just as much as she was. And play they did but Scarlett kept them out of the playroom this weekend. She said they wouldn't play there until it was finished. Unfortunately the room wasn't completed for another three weeks as the tub and shower took longer to get in and getting in the heat pump installed was also delayed.

End of part six.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 7

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