Joy's Fantasy

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Jan 16, 2008


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Joy's Fantasy

Part Three

By Chris

"Lauren is actually a submissive, in the bedroom I'm her Mistress." Anita said.

"You're shitting me!" Joy said incredulously. "I mean she is so demanding and bitchy on the set."

"And I bet you don't take shit from anyone at work do you?" Anita asked her.

"Well no, I've never let anyone walk over me." Joy said.

"You haven't let anyone walk over you until Saturday when you let Scarlett whip the shit out of you." Anita said and before Joy could reply Anita added, "Lauren is the same way, at work, she is in charge and everyone knows it but when she gets home, she lets her other side out and she needs for me to warm her ass from time to time and I like doing it to her. We all have different sides to ourselves, it is just for people like us, our different sides are completely different. I mean at work I am the submissive and then the dominate when I get home."

"I guess you're right. I will definitely see Miss Lauren in a different light from now on." Joy told her.

"Just remember who is in charge at work, Lauren will put you out in a second if you give her shit. At work she is the boss and I won't mess with her. She knows what she is doing and what she wants. At work she is my boss but at home we change places and it works for us both. Don't let what I've told you ruin what you have started, okay?"

"Oh god no, I'm in a world all my own when I get on the set and that won't enter my mind, I assure you." Joy told her.

"Good, now let's talk about your first session, I want to hear all about it from your point of view. I know what I saw but now I want to know what you felt." Anita told her.

"Oh fuck, there are no words for it. It was more than I could have imagined that it would be. I was scared going in but once Scarlett started the sacredness went away and the excitement began. I don't think I have ever been that wet before. I mean I could feel the juices on my thighs as Scarlett worked the crop on my body. Not that it didn't hurt, it did but it was a good hurt, you know what I mean?" Joy asked.

"Oh hell yes, I definitely know what you are talking about." Anita said with a good natured laugh.

"I guess you do." Joy said a little sheepishly as she realized just who she was talking to.

"Anything you didn't like?" Anita asked.

"Yea when Scarlett pinched my nipples so hard after she had cropped them and then she whipped them. That was a little too much as I have sensitive nipples." Joy told her.

"Did you tell Mistress Scarlett that?" Anita asked.

"We went over all of that but I don't want her to not pinch them or whip them, you know." Joy told Anita as she wanted to make sure that was known too.

"Oh don't worry about that, they will get their fair share of attention but at the same time, this is something we want you to enjoy. Scarlett knows what she is doing and she will work it out so that she can do what she wants to you but at the same time not go too far. Trust her and you will find that that she will work it out." Anita told her.

"So tell me more." Anita told her and Joy curled up on the couch and she told Anita everything about what she felt during the session and how it felt to her. Then she told Anita most everything that had happened once she had Scarlett alone in her house. She didn't tell Anita everything that happened but she told her most of it. She felt comfortable talking to Anita and she knew she could trust her and then Anita let slip more about her relationship with Miss Lauren and that excited her knowing the other side of Miss Lauren. Before she saw her as just a demanding woman but now she saw that she and Miss Lauren were very similar. They talked for a couple of hours before Anita had to go as Miss Lauren was finishing up her work. Joy hated having to keep her friendship with Anita a secret but she knew that Miss Lauren and Scarlett wanted her to be without contact with anyone who could influence her way of thinking about this project. She also knew that eventually their friendship would be a known secret as was her relationship with Scarlett and Anita's relationship with Miss Lauren. When she hung up the phone, she was feeling better about how Scarlett had left without saying anything but still she was curious as to what Anita was alluding to.

The rest of the week went by slowly as she waited for some type of contact from Scarlett but none seemed to be coming. On Thursday night, she decided to try the number that Scarlett had called her from as she still had it on her cell phone. She wasn't sure if she should but the waiting was killing her so she got her phone and called it. She let it ring and ring and Scarlett didn't pick it up nor did any voice mail come on to let her leave a message. She knew that Scarlett had used this number from her car before so it had to be a cell phone number and it could only be Scarlett's number. After about twenty rings, she hung up figuring that if nothing else Scarlett would know that she had called her.

Oh Friday she had to go into the office as a client of the company was suppose to be there and she had done most or the work on that account. It was a very stressful day as they were full of questions and wanted to know the reason for everything that she did which they seemed not to like. Joy suspected that they were using a double set of books and she discreetly let them know that she suspected it and how much trouble that they would get in. She didn't get out of there until late and she was exhausted. She came home and she plopped down on the couch and just tried to let the day go away. She laid her head back and had just closed her eyes when she heard her door bell ring. She cursed to herself and swore that if it was some religious sect calling on her, she would cuss them out. She hollered out that she was coming when she heard the doorbell being rung a few seconds after they had rung it the first time. She went to the door and as she was opening the door, she was thinking of some choice cuss words when she found herself looking at Scarlett standing there with a six pack of beer in one hand and a pizza in the other. Joy was speechless as she looked at Scarlett as that was the last person she expected to be at her door.

"I happened to be in the neighborhood and decided that I would share the beer and pizza I happened to have picked up." Scarlett said as she walked on into the house and headed for the kitchen.

Joy stood there for a moment before she got herself back together and she thought, "Yea, I bet you happened to be in the neighborhood, you had this planned from the moment that you left Monday morning."

"What did you say?" Scarlett said as she came to the kitchen door.

"Oh nothing," Joy said as she realized she had said what she was thinking out loud.

"Well you going to come in and eat or are you going to stand there letting the heat come in?" Scarlett asked as she went back into the kitchen with a little grin on her face.

"One of these days I'm going to get the better of you lady." Joy said to herself this time making sure she kept her mouth shut, and then she said to Scarlett, "I coming."

"So how was your day?" Scarlett asked her as Joy went to the fridge and she pulled out two mugs from the freezer to put their beer into.

"Terrible, we had the client from hell come in and it was a battle all day." Joy told her and then she asked, "How was your day?"

"Better than yours, we did a shoot that turned out better than I thought it would." Scarlett said as she came to Joy and took her mug and she gave her a light kiss.

"I glad that one of us had a good day. And speaking of shoots, when will my next one be, assuming there is to be one." Joy asked as she stared at Scarlett hoping that she would give it away or better yet, just plain tell her.

"There will definitely be another one but I don't know when. You know how Miss Lauren is and she is still fussing over your pictures." Scarlett told her.

"How long does it take the bitch to look at them? Either she likes me or not, as my mother would say, shit or get off the pot." Joy said as she let all of her frustration out both from the day that she had and also over the long wait between sessions.

Scarlett came to her and pulled her into her arms and she held her tight. Joy resisted at first as she didn't want to be placated right at that moment, she wanted action however Scarlett gripped her tightly and slowly her resistance eased and she melted into Scarlett's arms.

"I'm sorry; I just had a bad day." Joy said a few moments later and she felt Scarlett ease her grip on her.

"I know but once Miss Lauren decides what she likes then she and I will decide how to proceed from here. Normally if she liked you then she would bring you right back but this is a special project for her and she wants it to be perfect. Plus to tell you the truth, the wait is having a good effect on you. When we do the next shoot, you will be just as nervous and scared as you were the first time. I know it is hard on you right now but be patient with us just a little longer." Scarlett said as she brushed the hair from Joy's eyes and she smiled at her.

"Okay, I will trust you to do what is right." Joy said.

"Good, now let me get you good and drunk so that I can have my way with you later on tonight." Scarlett said with a wink.

"You don't have to get me drunk to have your way with me." Joy said as she got on her tiptoes and she kissed Scarlett passionately and Scarlett returned the kiss just as passionately.

"First eat and then sex." Scarlett said as she ended the kiss and she pulled herself from Joy's arms causing her a great deal of disappointment. She picked up her frosted mug of beer and she took a long sip and then she followed Scarlett to the den and they sat on the old couch. Scarlet got her to talk about her day as they ate their pizza. Joy had no problem spilling it all out and how she pussy footed her way around with the customer trying to tell them that they would get caught having two set of books without ever really accusing them of doing it. By the end of the day she was so frustrated and she just wanted to knock the guy she was dealing with on the side of the head. This made Scarlett laugh and Joy had to laugh as she visualized herself doing just that. Joy talked some more about her week and she tried to get Scarlett talk about what she had been doing all week but she kept her answers cryptic and Joy really wasn't getting a clear picture of where Scarlett had gone once she left sometime early Monday morning until she arrived back at her door a short time ago. Joy desperately wanted Scarlett to fill in the blanks but after trying for a while she gave up knowing she wasn't going to get the answers she needed this weekend so she decided to just enjoy her time with Scarlett. So they talked for a few hours as they drank their beers but Joy made sure that she sipped her beer so that she didn't get drunk as she wanted to be in full control of her facilities. So also noticed that Scarlett wasn't drinking her beer any faster than she was and that excited her as she knew that Scarlett fully intended to make love to her that night.

"If you don't mind, I think I'll go and take a shower and get out of these clothes and slip into something more comfortable." Joy said when there was a momentary pause in the conversation.

"That sounds nice, mind if I join you?" Scarlett asked as she put her beer down on the coaster that was on the table beside of her.

"I think that would be nice." Joy said as she got up off the couch and held her hand out for Scarlett and she helped her up.

Joy didn't let go of Scarlett's hand and she led her to the stairs and they started up walking hand and in up the stairs. Joy took her on to her bedroom and then into the attached bathroom. As soon Joy had entered the bathroom, she felt Scarlet pull her hand around and she was now facing her. She could see the desire in Scarlett's eyes and she melted into her arms as Scarlett pulled her in close for a kiss. Scarlett kissed her so passionately that it took Joy's breath away for a moment and she had trouble getting her breath. She felt Scarlett ease up only long enough for her to catch her breath again and then Scarlett pulled her back in tightly for another kiss. This time Joy was ready and she returned the kiss with equal passion. Joy felt Scarlett's hands on her back and she felt her unhook her bra through the silk blouse that she was wearing. She felt the cups loosen from her breasts. Scarlett then ended their kissing as she pulled from Joy's arms and she put her hands to the top of Joy's blouse and she quickly unbuttoned it. She pushed the blouse from Joy's shoulders and she pulled her bra off. Joy looked into Scarlett's eyes and Scarlett looked back at her for just a moment then she dipped her head down and she took Joy's left nipple into her mouth. Joy sucked in her breath as she felt the sweet sensations that Scarlett was giving her. She felt Scarlett slowly start to suck harder on her nipple and Joy let out a little whimper.

Joy then felt Scarlett's hands on her skirt and she felt her lower the zipper. She then felt Scarlett push the skirt off her hips and it fell to the floor. She was now standing there in just her light blue bikini panties. Scarlett pushed her back a step until her ass was against the vanity. She then placed both of her hands to Joy's breasts and she was caressing them as she went from one to the other sucking and nibbling on her nipples. Joy let out a loud moan and she felt all of the tension of the day fade away. After a few minutes of sucking and caressing her breasts, Scarlett raised her head back up and she started to kiss Joy as she let her right hand drop down to Joy's panty covered pussy. As Scarlett's hand cupped her pussy, Joy opened her legs and she let out a contented sigh. Scarlett's fingers were lightly caressing her pussy through her panties and it felt so good. Joy opened her legs even further and she felt Scarlett's finger pressing down harder on her pussy. Joy groaned loudly as she returned Scarlett's kisses. She could feel how wet she was becoming and she wanted to feel Scarlett's fingers inside of her. Joy started to reach down to Scarlett's hand to guide them to where she wanted them but Scarlett quickly grabbed Joy's hands and forced them behind of Joy's back.

"Keep them there baby." Scarlett told her giving her a stern look that told Joy to keep her hands where she was told.

Scarlett went back to kissing and sucking on her nipples and her right hand went back to Joy's panty covered pussy. Joy felt Scarlett's fingers touch her lips and they went back to gently caress her lips. Joy had soaked her panties by now and felt the need come from deep inside of her and Scarlett was just stroking the fires when she needed a log added so that the fire would burst forth from her flaming body. Joy was going crazy and"No...No..." Scarlett whispered into her ear and Joy let her hips fall back against the vanity. Scarlett moved her mouth down and she began to kiss Joy's neck going from one side to the other. She kissed and sucked gently and Joy let out a long low guttural moan. Slowly Scarlett moved her

mouth back down to Joy's sensitive nipples and she started to tenderly bite on them sending Joy into another level of excitement. Joy had never been teased to this level before and her mind was going crazy. Her whole body seemed to be one nerve ending and anywhere Scarlett touched her just added to her pleasure and frustration. Then when she thought she could go no further, she felt Scarlett hands on her hips and her panties were being pulled down off her hips. She felt the cool breeze on her pussy then she felt Scarlett's hot mouth on her clit kissing it then she felt Scarlett suck it into her mouth. The next thing she felt was two or three fingers being pushed up inside of her and she screamed as a massive orgasm seemed to burst forth from her body. It hit her so quickly that she didn't know what happened, she just knew that her whole body was feeling pleasure and she was somewhere above her body. She could see her body sinking to the floor of the bathroom and she saw Scarlett hugging and kissing her. Then she felt her body sinking down and she fought it as she felt just too damn good to want to return back to reality.

"I would say that you are relaxed now." Scarlett said as Joy felt her lifting her arm and letting it fall back to her lap.

"Oh god what did you do to me, I can't move." Joy said as she sat there limp as a wet dishrag.

"I just worked the demons from your body." Scarlett said with a smile as she gave Joy a brief kiss and then she got up and she turned on the shower.

Joy sat there and watched as Scarlett stripped out of her clothes. Joy felt her pussy getting wet again and she felt the desire begin to rise; it was just that she didn't the strength to do anything about it at the moment. Joy sat there as Scarlett got the water temperature right and then she came over to where Joy was sitting and she grabbed her under her arms and she hoisted her up to her feet like she was a ragdoll. Joy let her help her into the shower and she allowed Scarlett wash as she got her strength back. Then she tried to get a little frisky with Scarlett but Scarlett only shooed her hands away saying there was time for that later. Scarlett then washed Joy's hair and the rest of her body making sure that she teased her a bit but not enough to get her going. Then she wouldn't let Joy wash her so joy just stood to the side and admired and lusted after Scarlett's body.

"I've never had anyone do the things that you do to me, I mean it seems like every orgasm you give me seems to be better than the last one. I don't know if I can handle much more." Joy told Scarlett as they cuddled in the bed. Joy had wanted to make love to her but Scarlett said that she wanted to wait until morning and that she just wanted to cuddle. This disappointed joy a bit but the cuddling sounder real good too.

"I just want to feel good baby. We got a whole new world to explore and I'll be your guide." Scarlett said and Joy could see that she was smiling softly.

"You lead and I'll follow." Joy told her.

"Good, now get some sleep, it's been a long day for both of us." Scarlett told her as she gave Joy a kiss and Joy went to sleep wondering why Scarlett's day was so long, "If only she would let me in." Joy was thinking as she fell asleep.

Joy woke the next morning to the smell of coffee and she smiled as she knew that Scarlett was still there. Joy stretched and then she got up making a stop at the bathroom to tidy up and put a hint of body spray on. She wanted to smell good and look good when Scarlett saw her. As she descended the stairs she heard another pan hit the floor and she heard Scarlett let out a loud "Fuck!" She hurried on down the stairs and into the kitchen before Scarlett started to throw things. She found Scarlett at the stove and she snuck up behind her. She kissed her neck as she wrapped her arms around her.

"Morning hon" Joy said as she turned her around and kissed her.

Scarlett kissed her back and then she said, "Morning, did you sleep well?"

"Like a baby." Joy told her, "You need a hand?" Joy said and then before Scarlett could answer, she slid in front of Scarlett and she took over the cooking of their breakfast.

"Are you trying to drop a hint there?" Scarlett asked as she stepped back.

"Nope, just thought that you could use a hand." Joy said keeping her back toward Scarlett until she heard her opening the fridge.

"I don't know, that looked like you were dropping a hint to me." Scarlett said and Joy turned around to see if Scarlett was hurt or anything but when she saw the little smile on Scarlett's face she knew that Scarlett was playing with her.

"Well I did notice that you dropped one of my pans when you were just trying to reheat the ribs last weekend and then this morning you managed to drop another so I figured if I didn't want all my pans dented that I had better take over." Joy came back at her.

"True... well cooking was never my strong point so if you want to cook that is fine with me but I do insist on helping." Scarlett told her, "So what do you want me to do?"

Joy started telling her what to do and she could see that Scarlett really didn't have a clue as what to do in the kitchen. Scarlett was good in whatever she did but cooking was something that was beyond her. This gave Joy some satisfaction in knowing that there was something she could teach her as Scarlett was teaching her about her own body and letting her open her inner desires. Joy had fun showing Scarlett how to cook a good old fashion southern breakfast and Scarlett seemed to be enjoying herself too. Joy knew that this was something she would like to do more with Scarlett and she hoped that Scarlett would be around for more lessons. Once breakfast was cook and devoured, Scarlett decided to take Joy out shopping.

"But I got plenty of clothes already." Joy said as unlike a lot of women, she hated to shop as she could never find anything that she liked. Her sense of style and what the shops tended to sell never seemed to match.

"Not for what I have in mind." Scarlett told her with a wicked smile on her face.

"Oh..." Joy replied as Scarlett hurried her up the stairs so they could get dressed.

Joy knew what type of clothes that Scarlett had in mind now. However, Scarlett completely surprised her. She thought that Scarlett would take her to the shops that sold the sexy revealing outfits that you sometimes saw on the S&M sites instead Scarlett went to the discount stores and Joy was force to try on lots of demure skirts and dresses. Joy quickly figured out that Scarlett was trying to play her off as the innocent that she was as far as S&M was concerned. She also had to get some plain panties and bras but at least Scarlett didn't make her go with all white, as she didn't want Joy to look that innocent. When they got to the cashier, Scarlett pulled out her credit card saying that the site was paying for the outfits and then she added that it would be coming out of her models pay. That brought a laugh from Joy as she was growing to love Scarlett's dry wit. Once the shopping was done, they decided to take in an early dinner and then check out a movie. Scarlett picked out the restaurant and she told Joy that the evening was on her. Joy smiled as she got the feeling that they were having their first real date. Even after all that had happened between them, they had never really had an evening out. The evening then began to take on a whole new meeting for her. She did try again to bring Scarlett out and she got some information about her childhood and as she suspected, she got very little information from her. All that Joy really got from Scarlett was the sense that Scarlett never had a real home or a real childhood. Why that was, she didn't have a clue and Scarlett wasn't giving her enough detail to make a real judgment on what had happened to her. Joy started to press Scarlett for more details but Scarlett decided at that point to change the subject to something more interesting and Joy was now being pressed into talking about herself. From that point on, it was Joy that did most of the talking and that led up to the movie when once the lights went down she felt Scarlett's arm come around her shoulders and she was being pulled in close. Joy let out a contented sigh as the movie started.

"Did you have a good day?" Scarlett asked as they cuddled in the bed that evening.

"Very much so," Joy said as she moved her head forward and she started to kiss Scarlett.

As Joy kissed her, she pressed forward and soon had Scarlett lying on her back. Joy slid on top of Scarlett and she opened her mouth as she felt Scarlett's tongue at her lips. Joy could feel Scarlett's hands caressing her back and going down to her ass, caressing her cheeks as they kissed. Joy used her knees to spread Scarlett's legs out and she pressed her pussy down against Scarlett's pussy. They both let out a little moan as they began to ground their pussies together. Joy slowly lifted her head and their lips parted but their tongues stilled touched. Joy moved the tip of her tongue around the tip of Scarlett's tongue and then she pressed her mouth back down this time slipping her tongue into Scarlett's mouth. Scarlett moved her feet up and she wrapped her legs around Joy's waist and she used her heals to press down on Joy's ass. This added to the pressure between their pussies and Joy groaned loudly as did Scarlett. Joy pushed her hips down harder and she moved her hips faster and she could feel her juices mixing with Scarlett's. Joy could feel their clits making contact on about every upstroke of her hips and that sent a charge of electricity through her body. Soon they were both pushing their hips together and their breathing became pants so the kissing all but came to a stop as they drove each other toward an orgasm. Joy pressed down harder and moved her hips faster as she felt her clit become super sensitive. And then it hit and she cried out and she gave a last hard push down and she heard Scarlett groan loudly and she knew that Scarlett was having her own orgasm. Joy gripped Scarlett tightly as she let the waves of pleasure go through her.

As Joy started to recover, she felt Scarlett's hands on her shoulders and she was being pushed over and she was lying on her back. She felt Scarlett's lips on hers, kissing her tenderly and then she watched as Scarlet got up on her hands and knees. Scarlett turned around and smiled as she knew where Scarlett was going. Joy moved her arm down and she helped Scarlett to get into position. She then put her hands on Scarlett's ass and she pulled downward until Scarlett's pussy was just above her mouth and she could smell Scarlett's rich aroma that was mixed with her own aroma. Joy opened her mouth and she began to lick as she felt Scarlett's tongue on her clit, licking it before she went on downward to lick the juices off of her pussy. Joy moaned into Scarlett's pussy and she started to lick between Scarlett's lips. She scooped the juices that lay there and she used her tongue to fuck Scarlett's pussy. Scarlett had now pulled Joy's lips apart and she was licking deep inside of her and that made Joy moan into Scarlett's pussy. Joy then slipped her fingers between Scarlett's ass cheeks and she let her fingers caress her crack until they found their way to Scarlett's asshole. She used her fingers to tease Scarlett's asshole and she heard Scarlett let out a long loud moan. Joy then felt Scarlett's mouth go to her clit and she took it into her mouth. Joy groaned and then she moaned when she felt two of Scarlett's fingers enter her pussy filling it up. Joy laid her head back on the pillow and just whimpered from Scarlett's ministrations. She just laid there for a moment feeling too good to keep up her end of the deal. So Scarlett lowed her pussy down so it was once again was making contact with Joy's mouth and Joy got the messaged and she went back to licking and sucking on Scarlett's pussy and she placed her finger at the center of Scarlett's asshole and she pushed gently. She felt Scarlett relax her anus and her finger slipped inside. She started to move her finger in and out as she moved her mouth to Scarlett's clit and she sucked it into her mouth. She gently chewed on the hard nubbin and she heard Scarlett cry out. Joy sucked the clit into her mouth and she used her tongue to tease it. Scarlett was now fucking Joy's pussy hard with her fingers and her mouth was sucking hard on her clit. Joy felt her juices flowing and her clit getting sensitive. She started to work Scarlett's clit hard and she was shoving her finger in deep and hard into Scarlett's asshole. They were both moaning and whimpering as they closed in on their orgasms. Joy felt herself going over the edge first and she clamped her lips down hard on Scarlett's clit and that was enough to send Scarlett over the top and Joy's mouth was flooded with Scarlett's delicious juices. As she came back from her orgasm, she found that Scarlett was now lying beside of her and Joy's put her arms around Scarlett and she held her tightly as they both fell asleep.

Sometime in the early morning hours, Joy felt movement in the bed and she stirred but she didn't come completely awake. When she woke up that morning, she remembered that movement and she saw that Scarlett wasn't in the bed again. At first, she feared that Scarlett had left again but then she remembered that it was only Sunday so she had some hope that she was still there but she didn't take any chances as she jumped from the bed and went to the bathroom. Once she had peed and ran a brush through her hair, she grabbed her robe and she hurried down the stairs. She didn't hear any sounds coming from the kitchen and she became frightened again. When she got to the kitchen, she saw that there was a pot of coffee made but it was already half gone. She stopped and listened for a sound that might indicate where Scarlett was but none came to her ear. She felt her heart drop and she felt a veil of darkness come over her. She went back out of the kitchen and as she headed for the den, she noticed the strange set of keys on the table by the door. The darkness instantly disappeared and she renewed her search of Scarlett around the house and still no Scarlett so she went back to the kitchen and she happened to look out the back door and there was Scarlett sitting in the swing under the large oak tree. Joy smiled and she went back to the coffee and poured them both a cup of coffee then put a fresh pot on to make. She then headed out the door into the warm morning air and she saw Scarlett smile at her as she came out of the kitchen door.

"Morning," Scarlett said to her as she approached the swing.

"Morning yourself, I brought you a fresh cup of coffee. I wasn't sure it you needed one or not." Joy said as she handed Scarlett her cup and then she gave her a kiss before sitting down.

"Thanks, I was about to go get a fresh cup, you saved me a trip." Scarlett said however Joy had noticed that Scarlett's old cup was still full but she didn't say anything. It was nice for Scarlett to say that she wanted it all the same.

"You're welcome, so you been up long?" Joy asked her.

"Oh not too long," Scarlett told her.

"Seems like I remember someone getting out of bed some hours ago, you wouldn't know who that was, do you?" Joy asked her.

Scarlett looked at her questionably as Joy saw her thinking over her answer. "Okay so I have been up for a while, I never sleep for more than a few hours each night. And besides I like the early morning hours when the world is quiet." Scarlett told her.

"Have you always been that way?" Joy asked her with concern in her voice.

"For as long as I can remember, I did have one doctor that tried to put me on sleeping pills and they did help me sleep but I didn't like the way they made me feel. Plus I felt like I was beginning to get hooked on them so one night as I went to take one so I could go back to sleep, I decided that this wasn't for me so I flushed them down the toilet and went and made me some coffee. After that I just accepted that three or four hours of sleep was all that I needed. So don't worry about me, I do just fine with little sleep." Scarlett said as she grasped Joy's hand.

"Okay but all the same I wish you would spend more time in bed with me." Joy told her as she gave Scarlett's hand a squeeze.

"You just want me there so we can fuck." Scarlett said with a wink that made Joy blush as she couldn't deny that.

"True," Joy said as she slide in against Scarlett and they swung gently in the swing as they sipped their coffee. Then they decided that it was long past time for breakfast and Joy let Scarlett help her again cook. That day drove into the city and took in an afternoon play that was in town and Joy had wanted to see. Joy could tell that Scarlett was just going to please her so Joy's greatest fear was that Scarlett would have a terrible time but once the curtains came up Joy noticed that Scarlett became engrossed in the way the actors played their roles. It didn't hurt that it was a great play that had the audience laughing throughout. Once it was over, the play was all Scarlett could talk about as she had never seen a play and she really didn't think that she would like it but she had to admit that she did. They then went to a restaurant that was nearby and they continued to talk about the play as they had a long leisurely dinner. Once they got back, they raced each other up the stairs and were quickly naked and in bed making love. The love making was at first hurried and rush but once they had both had their first orgasm, the lovemaking slowed down and they brought each other to a number of orgasms before falling asleep.

Again Joy was aroused in the early morning hours as she felt Scarlett moving from the bed. This time she woke up and she felt Scarlett lean over and give her a kiss on the cheek. Joy knew then that this was her goodbye kiss. She kept her eyes closed and her breathing even as she listened to Scarlett gathering her clothes and she heard her walk out of the bedroom. Joy so wanted to jump up and go after Scarlett but she remember Anita say that she had to take it slow with Scarlett and let Scarlett have her space to work out the relationship. When Joy heard Scarlett downstairs, she eased out of the bed and she went to the bedroom door. She listened for a few minutes and when she heard the front door close, Joy went on downstairs. She went to the front window and she parted the curtain a hair and she watched Scarlett get into her car and then pull out. Joy felt the tears fall down her cheeks as she stood there for a long while. Then she wiped the tears from her eyes and she went back to bed wondering when Scarlett would come her way again.

That evening, Joy texted Anita and then waited for her to call her back. They had decided that was the best way for them to get into contact with each other without Miss Lauren knowing. It wasn't until late Tuesday evening before Anita could get free to talk. Joy told her all about her weekend with Scarlett and how she was dying to get back to the studio for another session. Anita as always told her to be patient as she would be back soon. Miss Lauren was about through going through the pictures from the first shoot and she had the videos done. Anita assured her that the videos came out great which made Joy wanted to see them but that she knew wouldn't come until they were done doing all her shoots. She hated that and she didn't agree with their reasoning but there wasn't anything she could do about it. They talked for a couple of hours and Joy got Anita to talk more about her and Miss Lauren which was so exciting to hear. They talked again on Thursday night and again Joy tried to get Anita to talk about Scarlett and what Scarlett did the rest of the week but there Anita was a little vague. Joy wasn't sure if it was because Anita wouldn't or couldn't say or because she didn't know. Joy suspected that it was more of the former than the latter.

As Friday evening came, Joy began to wonder if Scarlett was going to show. She had shown up before seven on the previous two Fridays but it was going on nine now and still no Scarlett. Joy felt depressed as she gave up on Scarlett and started to turn out the lights downstairs. She had decided to go on upstairs and do some work before hitting the bed. She was just starting up the stairs when she saw a light pulling into her driveway. Her heart started to race as she went to the door opening it. She had to smile as she saw Scarlett get out of her car. She stepped on out on the porch even thought she was just in a long tee shirt and her panties.

"Hey there girl." Scarlett called out to her as she came up the walk to Joy's pouch.

Joy first instinct was to bitch at Scarlett for making her wonder if she was going to show up or not but instead she went to Scarlett and gave her a kiss and then she told her, "I'm glad you came by tonight."

"Are you heading up to bed already?" Scarlett asked as they entered the house.

"Nah, I was going to do some work." Joy told her as she pulled her in close and she told her, "But maybe we can find something else to do that is more fun than working on a financial spreadsheet.

"Oh, I believe that we can." Scarlett told her but Joy noticed that Scarlett had this weird grin on her face.

Joy should have know that Scarlett had something up her sleeve but as Scarlet put her hands on Joy's ass they went up the stairs, her mind was only on one thing. Joy giggled as she wiggled her ass at Scarlett and she felt Scarlett pulling her panties down. By the time she was at the top of the stairs, her panties were at her knees and she was having trouble walking so she stopped and she let her panties drop to the floor. She then took Scarlett by the hand and led her into the bedroom. She pulled her tee shirt off and she started to help Scarlett shed her clothes. Joy kissed Scarlett's breasts as her bra came off and then she got down on her knees and helped Scarlett out of her boots and then jeans. Once Scarlett was naked, Joy put her hands on Scarlett's ass and she pulled her in close. She inhaled deeply and she could smell Scarlett's arousal. She blew gently on Scarlett's pussy and she heard her groan and then she moved her head in and she started to lick at her pussy. Joy felt Scarlett's hands on the back of her head pressing her face into Scarlett's pussy. Joy stuck her tongue out and she licked deep into the slit, parting the lips and scooping out the juices. Scarlett opened her legs more and she bend her knees giving Joy more room to work and she did. She would lick into the slit and then go up to Scarlett's clit sucking and teasing it before going back to the slit and to lick some more. Her fingers dug deep into Scarlett's ass cheeks as she pressed her mouth into Scarlett's wet hot pussy. Joy sucked hard on the lips and she heard Scarlett moan loudly. Joy then moved her right hand around and she pressed the tips of her index and middle fingers at Scarlett's pussy getting them wet before she pushed them inside of her. She eased her mouth up to Scarlett's clit which was hard and peeking out from its hood and she used her tongue to tease it first before sucking it into her mouth as she began to fuck her. She pushed her fingers in as far as she could and she pulled them back out only to push them back in harder and faster. Scarlett was moaning and groaning and she pushed Joy's face into her pussy even harder. Joy sucked the clit into her mouth and she used her tongue to tease it. Joy fucked Scarlett hard and fast as she worked on Scarlett's tongue. Soon Joy felt Scarlet start to shake and she felt her fluids running down her fingers as Scarlett came. Joy pulled her fingers out of Scarlett's pussy and she licked them clean before licking Scarlett's pussy clean as well.

"Come on girl; let's get you in the bed." Scarlett told her as she reach down and pulled Joy up. Scarlett positioned her in the center of the bed and Scarlett was laying to her right side.

"Put your hands over your head and keep them there." Scarlett told her and she did so.

"Now close your eyes and keep them closed." Scarlett said and as Joy closed them, she felt Scarlett get out of the bed. Joy wanted to open her eyes but she didn't. She heard one then another of her dresser drawers open and close and then she felt Scarlett get back into bed. Then next thing she felt was Scarlett putting something soft and silky around her wrists tying them together. Then her hands were being pulled up toward the head of the bed. Joy could hear Scarlett doing something and Joy suspected she knew what Scarlett was doing and when she pulled her hands down she found that she was tied to the head board of her brass bed. Joy felt Scarlett leaning over her and she felt Scarlett's lips on hers kissing her tenderly. Joy cooed and she returned the kiss. As they kissed Joy felt Scarlett's fingers go to her nipples teasing them with her fingers tips thus making them hard and sensitive. Joy let out a moan and she tried to pull her hands down but the knot that Scarlett tied was too good so she just relaxed and let Scarlett do her thing. Scarlett kissed her face and she moved her mouth down to Joy's nipples as her fingers snaked their way down to her pussy. Scarlett kissed and sucked on her hard nipples as her fingers caressed her outer lips. Joy let out a moan and she pushed her hips up wanting more contact from Scarlett's teasing fingers. However Scarlett kept her fingers lightly touching Joy's outer lips and then her clit. She never gave Joy enough contact to get her close to an orgasm, she just heightened her arousal to the point that she was just moaning and crying for release. She then felt Scarlett move in the bed and she felt her legs being pushed outwards and Joy thought that at last Scarlett was going to give her what she needed. She felt Scarlett's hot breath on her pussy lips and she could feel her pussy gathering more moisture. Joy then felt the tip of Scarlett's tongue teasing her lips and her clit.

"Oh Scarlett, lick me harder!" Joy cried out as she began to get frustrated at Scarlett's teasing.

Joy felt Scarlett's tongue leave her pussy for a moment and she began to calm down then Scarlett went back to teasing her so that she rose to even a higher level of arousal. She felt her juices leaking down pass her asshole to the bed getting it wet.

"Oh fuck girl, please make me cum!" Joy screamed at her but it didn't do any good. Scarlett just teased her until she couldn't take it anymore and she would stop only to start it all over again when Joy had calmed down. Then she would start it all over again and this time Scarlett got her to the point that she thought she was going to die if she didn't cum.

"Don't you dare touch yourself tonight. I want you horny as hell when you get to the studio tomorrow at eleven." Scarlett told her as she got off the bed.

"You can't do this to me, I need to cum!" Joy cried out as she opened her eyes to see Scarlett getting dressed.

"I believe that I'm doing just that to you." Scarlett told her.

"You fucking bitch!" Joy screamed at her before she knew what she was saying.

"I do believe that your ass is going to pay for that remark tomorrow. I'm going to have to wear it out and I have the perfect strap to do it with." Scarlett told her as she came over and gave her a tender kiss before leaving her tied up in the bed.

Joy pulled on the scarf or whatever it that was holding her but they didn't give and she cussed and moaned. She was so aroused and then Scarlett telling her that she would have her second session tomorrow and that she was going to use some type of strap on her ass only aroused her more. Joy tried to rub her thighs together to get some friction oh her clit but it didn't work. She thought about turning over and trying to rub her pussy against the bed but she thought better of it. Scarlett wanted her horny as hell and she would go by her wishes. However that only made it harder to go to sleep as all she could think about was how her pussy needed to be touched. She twisted and turned in the bed for an hour or so until she finally calmed down enough to fall into a restless sleep.

She slept until about nine the next morning and she found that her hands were still tied to the bed. She looked up and saw that it was just a slip knot holding her and she reached up and pulled on one end to the scarf and she was free from the bed. It was a bit more of a struggle for her to get the knot that was holding her wrists together undone. Since she was no longer tied to the bed, she was able to bring the knot to her mouth and she used her teeth to get it undone. She got up and she went to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet. As she peed, she thought about the night before and she could still feel the need that drove her last night was still there. Her pussy ached to be touched and Joy didn't completely trust herself to wipe the pee off. She was afraid that once she touched her pussy, she wouldn't be able to stop until she had cum. So she decided that a shower would be better and she got up and turned it on. She washed herself leaving her pussy for last and she did a quick wash job there limiting her touches as much as possible.

When she got back to the bedroom, she noticed that hanging on the closet door was a knee length skirt and a light colored blouse that had buttons that snapped together. These things were some of the things that she and Scarlett had gotten the previous weekend. There was also a bra and a pair of panties with these two items. When she went over to them she noticed that a note was attached to the blouse.

"Bring these with you and don't be late!" and Scarlett had signed the note with Mistress attached to her name. Joy then realized that Scarlett had obviously stuck around the house until she had fallen asleep and that made her feel good to know. What she didn't know was that Scarlett had actually stayed just outside her door all night just to make sure that nothing happened to her since she was tied up and thus defenseless. Scarlett had only left the house when she heard the shower come on and she knew that Joy had gotten herself untied and was safe.

Joy felt the butterflies start to swarm in her stomach as she thought about what was going to happen to her and now she knew what it would feel like. She felt her pussy begin to get wet as she remembered how the crop and whip had felt like as they hit her body at her first session. She now knew how much it would hurt but also how much pleasure that she would get from it. She knew that Scarlett would make her cum so hard when she was done with the whipping of her body. This all made her excited and made her horny as if she could get any hornier than she already was. Joy looked at the clock on her dresser and saw that she was running out of time so she grabbed a pair of shorts and a tube top and she got the clothes that Scarlett had picked out for her. Just as she placed her clothes on the back of the couch to go get her keys and her pocketbook, she heard the door bell ring.

"Who could that be?" Joy asked herself as she went to the door, hoping that she could get rid of whoever it was quickly. She looked out the peephole and she saw Anita standing there.

"Hey girl, what you doing here?" Joy asked cheerfully as she opened the door.

"We figured it would be better to have someone pick you up considering the condition you were in the last time. So I volunteered to bring you as I knew you would want Scarlett to bring you home." Anita said as she stepped inside the door.

"I don't about that, considering what she did to me last night." Joy told Anita as she used a voice that plainly indicated that she was irritated at Scarlett.

"What did she do honey?" Anita asked suddenly concerned.

"I'll tell you on the way." Joy told her as she got her clothes and she handed them to Anita as she locked the door.

As Anita backed out of the driveway, Joy started to tell her all about how the previous evening had gone. She went into detail as to how Scarlett had teased her to no end and then left her hanging. Joy noticed as she told her story that Anita was trying to rub her thighs together as she drove through the city which wasn't easy to do.

"So did you do anything when you got up?" Anita asked.

"No, but it wasn't easy. I so wanted to tear my clit apart when I got up and I'm still that way. I just don't understand why she did it, it's not like I don't get excited just by doing the session." Joy stated.

"I'm not sure what her reasons could be but obviously she wanted you on edge when you got there." Anita told her.

"You really don't know what is going to happen today?" Joy asked her.

"Well yea Scarlett and Miss Lauren told me what they had in mind. I have to know that so that I can set up the stationary cameras as well as know where I want to be for each scene that she does. But why she wanted to teased you like she did, I don't have a clue." Anita told her.

"I don't guess you'll give me a hint as to what Scarlett has planned, will you?" Joy asked hopefully.

"Not a chance in hell is that going to happen." Anita said with a laugh as she took Joy's hand in hers and she squeezed it. "But I do think you'll enjoy it."

"I didn't think you would and to tell you the truth I didn't really want to know." Joy told her.

"Oh I know but you had to ask. I know I would have." Anita told her.

"I do have one question for you though that I do want an answer to." Joy told her.

"What's that honey?" Anita asked.

"Are you all going to play any tricks on me this time?"

"Now would we do something like that to you again?" Anita asked her with a surprised look on her face.

"Oh hell yes and you would have fun doing it." Joy said laughing.

"Now you cut me to the core saying something like that." Anita said seriously and then she laughed at her obvious absurd comment.

Joy waited for Anita to say something more but she didn't so Joy changed the subject and she got Anita to tell her about her week and all the shoots that they did and the models that they used. It helped to pass the time and before she knew it, she was in the small dressing room with Anita helping her to get dressed. This time she brought her clothes in herself so that she knew that Anita couldn't switch anything on her. When Anita left her to go see how things were going, she felt confident that Anita didn't switch anything on her as they only thing she let Anita do was to hook her bra together and she only did that because Anita insisted. As she waited for Anita to come for her, Joy checked her makeup and hair knowing full well that both would be in disarray by the time the session was over. It wasn't long before she heard Anita coming to get her. The routine was the same as before as Anita went on inside the room, except this was a different room from before, leaving Joy standing there getting just a bit more nervous as each second ticked by.

It seems like an interminable wait before she heard Scarlett using her Mistress voice commanding her to enter. Joy took a deep breath and she put her right hand down, which was shaking like a leaf, to the door knob and she turned it. She slowly opened the door and she entered. Mistress Scarlett was standing in the center of the room dressed in a red corset that left her breasts exposed and she had on a pair of red boots that went to just below her knees. She also wore a pair of red G string panties. Joy felt her pussy getting moist as she thought that Scarlett was so damn sexy in this outfit. She could see Miss Lauren to the right side of the room taking her pictures and Anita on the left manning the video camera. Joy closed the door and she stepped on into the room.

"Well you did come back, I was figuring that you were a pussy and wouldn't have the guts to return for more. I guess you proved me wrong." Mistress Scarlett told her.

Joy wasn't sure what she was suppose to say so she went with what she would say when someone challenged her, "I guess I did, didn't I."

"I see that you still got that attitude don't you and you obviously don't retain anything that I have tried to teach you." Mistress Scarlett said and then she covered the ten or so feet that separated them in what seemed like a split second.

Joy felt Mistress Scarlett grasp her hair and she pulled her head back. Mistress Scarlett then put her face a fraction of an inch from Joy's and she could feel Mistress Scarlett hot breath on her face. "Didn't I tell you to address me as Mistress Scarlett?" She said angrily.

"Yes Mistress Scarlett." Joy said more than a little frightened by Mistress Scarlett sudden anger toward her.

"That's better, try to remember that more for more than a minute this time." Mistress Scarlett yelled at her.

"Yes Mistress." Joy said and then she realized she forget to add Scarlett.

"God damn girl, you went a whole three seconds before you forgot, I don't know why I even bother with you!" Scarlett yelled and Joy felt bad as she watched Mistress Scarlett walk away from her. For a brief second, she thought that she had really screwed up and they would stop using her but then from the corner of her eye she saw Anita smiling. Then she knew that whatever mistakes she made just played into what they were after.

Scarlet then pivoted on her heels and she brought up her right hand and she looked at her watch, "You have thirty seconds to get out of your clothes." She then began to tap her right toe and Joy knew that's the clock had already started on her.

Joy went for her shoes and she slipped them off and then not bothering to unbutton her blouse she pulled it from her body and over her head. She next went to her skirt and she slipped the zipped down enough to get the skirt off her hips. She pushed it down and she stepped out of it. She knew her time was running out but she was down to her panties and bra now. She reached back to unclasp her bra but it wouldn't come undone. If she was thinking clearly, she would have just pulled her bra on off but thinking wasn't something she was doing at the moment so she kept trying to get her bra clasps undone but they wouldn't give. This was something she had done since she was in her early teens and for some reason, she couldn't do it. Finally in frustration, she did what she should have done in the first place; she just moved her hands to the sides of the chest and just yanked the bra over her head. She threw the bra down on the floor and it landed with the clasps on top. She saw that there was something between the two ends of her bra and she knew that Anita had put something on the clasps as she hooked them for her earlier. She glanced on at Anita and gave her a look that would kill and she saw that Anita wanted to burst out laughing but she was doing her best to keep it in. Joy turning her face back toward Mistress Scarlett who had a disappointed look on her face as she kept her eyes on her wristwatch and she was now tapping her toes even faster. Joy knew that she had long past her allotted thirty seconds so she took her time pushing her panties down and stepping out of them.

"You took over a minute to get undressed that is pitiful." Mistress Scarlett said as she pivoted on her heels again and she went over to a table that was up against the back wall. She looked over some items laying there. She took her time before picking up a strap that looked about twelve to fifteen inches long. Joy's eyes went wide as she saw the strap and they got wider when Mistress Scarlett came over to her and handed her the strap. It felt heavy in her hands and she could only imagine just how much it was going to hurt when Mistress Scarlett laid it upon her backside.

"Come over here." Mistress Scarlett ordered as she walked over to a padded saw house. Mistress Scarlett held out her right hand and Joy gave her the strap and then with left hand she pointed to the padded bar of the saw house. Joy knew what was expected of her so she placed her hands first on the bar and she started to lean over it. As she settled her hips on the bar, she moved her hands off the bar and she reached for the floor as she leaned over it. Joy adjusted her hips a bit on the bar and found that the padding on the bar made it comfortable to lie across it. Joy felt Mistress Scarlett kick her feet out wide and then she looked between her legs to see Mistress Scarlett placing the leather cuffs around her ankles and then hooking them to the back legs of the saw house. Joy then waited as Mistress Scarlett came around and put cuffs on her wrists and they were hooked to the front legs of the saw horse. Joy was now completely helpless and she could feel how her ass was exposed for all to see. She saw Mistress Scarlett come around to her side as both Miss Lauren and Anita got some close- ups of her ass and pussy. The cool air on her hot wet pussy was sending shivers through her body and she was getting horny all over again.

"That is such a pretty ass and I so hate to have to punish not once but twice." Mistress Scarlett said as Joy heard her slapping the strap against her palm.

"Two punishments, Mistress Scarlett?" Joy asked.

"Yes two punishments, you don't think I forgot about you calling me a bitch last night do you?" Mistress Scarlett asked her.

"I didn't mean to call you that Mistress Scarlett." Joy said not believing that Mistress Scarlett would bring that up with Anita and Miss Lauren there.

"You just added a third punishment for lying to me. You know you meant to call me a bitch and you probably called me worst names after I left you tied up and dying to cum." Mistress Scarlett told her and Joy felt her face blushing as she thought about Anita and Miss Lauren picturing her tied up like that.

"Yes Mistress Scarlett." Joy said as she hung her head.

"So you now agree that you deserve what you are about to receive." Miss Scarlett asked her.

"Yes Mistress Scarlett." Joy said and then she heard the swish of the strap and she felt it land hard across her ass cheeks. She didn't feel anything for a split second and then the pain hit her.

"Ohhh..." Joy cried out as she felt the sting that the strap left on her ass.

She readied herself for the next strike but instead she felt Mistress Scarlett's hand caressing her ass cheeks. Then she felt Mistress Scarlett leaning over her and she heard her whisper in her ear, "You okay with this?"

"Yea, keep going." Joy whispered back. She knew that this would be edited out of the video that Anita was shooting. Joy watched as Mistress Scarlett got back into position and as soon as Mistress Scarlett hand left her ass, she heard the swish again and then the strap struck her ass, this time hitting mostly her left cheek and that really stung. Mistress Scarlett didn't give her a chance to relax as she hit her again and Joy felt her eyes starting to water as she swung her head back and forth from the pain she was feeling on her ass. Mistress Scarlett hit her three times in a roll going from the top of her ass to the bottom and by the third strike Joy was trying to twist her ass. Mistress Scarlett then stopped for a moment and Joy felt her hand back on her ass caressing it a moment before Joy felt Mistress Scarlett's fingers moving between her legs and Joy was slightly embarrassed as to how wet she was. She knew a normal person wouldn't become aroused by being hit on the ass with a leather strap but then she wasn't normal nor did she care to be. Mistress Scarlett's fingers ran up and down her slit making her want to have those finger driven deep into her pussy, instead those fingers were taken from her pussy and the strap was being applied to her ass once again.

"Oh fuck!" Joy cried out as she was taken from pleasure to pain in a split second.

The strap went from one side of her ass to the other and then across both of her cheeks. Joy wasn't sure which was worse and in the end it didn't matter as both hurt but she was enjoying it. Joy was trying to move her ass however Mistress Scarlett left her little room to more. Her ass was placed in the perfect place to be abused and Mistress Scarlett was doing her best to do just that. Mistress Scarlett then stopped and Joy felt Mistress Scarlett's hand on her ass again only this time she could feel just how tender her ass was becoming. Yet Mistress Scarlett's fingers felt good as they caressed her warm ass cheeks and she felt even better when those fingers found her pussy again, going a little deeper into her pussy however not nearly far enough to bring her to orgasm.

"Well I think that completes punishment number one, only two more to go!" Mistress Scarlett said.

"Yes Mistress Scar..., oh shit!" Joy cried as she felt the strap laid upon her ass once again.

The strap was once again hitting her ass only Mistress Scarlett was just hitting her right cheek and it was quickly becoming sore so Joy tried to turn her ass and that only made Mistress Scarlett go to the left cheek making it hurt as much as the right cheek. Joy was crying freely now and she could feel her juices running down her thighs. About the time that Joy was wondering if she could take any more Mistress Scarlett stopped. She laid the strap on Joy's back as she used her right hand on Joy's ass caressing it again. Joy could feel how tender it was becoming and Mistress Scarlett's hand and fingers felt nice, especially when they went back to her pussy. Mistress Scarlett let her middle finger push into her pussy and Joy let out a moan. She was finally was getting what she needed so bad. She felt the finger go in deep and then Mistress Scarlett ever so slowly withdrew it then she push it back in so slow. Joy so wanted Mistress Scarlett to speed up her finger but she knew that Mistress Scarlett was just torturing her again. She tried to push her ass back toward the finger entering her and all that served was to make Mistress Scarlett remove her finger completely.

"I think that is enough for your second punishment and I have decided to be nice to you tonight. I will let you decide how you are to receive your third punishment. You can either have more of the strap or maybe you would rather have me spank you with my hand, the choice is yours." Mistress Scarlett told her.

Joy thought for a second and she figured there had to be a trick there as she didn't trust Mistress Scarlett for a second when she playing her part. Joy knew she didn't want any more of the strap. "I'll go with your hand Mistress Scarlett."

"I was hoping that you would say that." Mistress Scarlett said and then she gave out an evil laugh and Joy knew she was screwed.

Joy felt Mistress Scarlett's hand on her ass once again caressing and tenderly patting it then it was gone and she felt like her head would explode as it landed on her right ass cheek.

"Oh fuck that hurts!" Joy cried out and she started to cry harder as Mistress Scarlett's hand landed on her sore ass going down one cheek and back up the other. Joy moaned and groaned as Mistress Scarlett's hand landed on her ass with a steady rhythm. Joy's ass felt like it was on fire and she wasn't sure how much more that she could take. She loved it but it was also getting to her. All the same, she felt the itch in her pussy was getting to a breaking point. She wanted the spanking to stop but she wanted her pussy touched more and that made her want the spanking to continue and it did. Finally she began to have trouble catching her breaths between her sobs and Mistress Scarlett stopped.

"Are you going to lie to me again?" Mistress Scarlett asked angrily.

"No Mistress Scarlett." Joy said between sobs.

"Are you going to call me a bitch again?" Mistress Scarlett asked angrily.

"No Mistress Scarlett." Joy said sobbing.

"Are you going to follow my orders from now on and not dawdle?" Mistress Scarlett asked angrily.

"No Mistress Scarlett." Joy said and she couldn't help but to add, "But only if you don't fix it where I can't possibly do as you ask."

"Oh I see you haven't learned a thing girl. Well my crop may change your attitude." Mistress Scarlett told her.

Mistress Scarlett then set about releasing her from her bonds and she pulled Joy up. "Get over there." Mistress Scarlett said as she pointed to two boards that were made into an X shape.

Joy started in that direction when she felt Mistress Scarlett's hand on her shoulder turning her around. "Are you doing okay?" She asked.

Joy looked at her confused at first but then she saw that Anita and Miss Lauren were setting their cameras up so that they were now directed at the X and she knew that they were taking a break. "Yea, I'm fine and ready for more."

"I bet you are." Mistress Scarlett said with a laugh. "And smelling your pussy juice I would say you are more than ready."

Joy blushed as she looked down the see the moisture on her thighs and she could feel how swollen her lips were with arousal. "You're one to talk." She said as she made a point to look at Mistress Scarlett's panties which had begun to show her moisture.

"Shut up and get over there." Mistress Scarlett said with a laugh then her face turned serious and Joy knew that the game was back on.

Joy walked over to the X and she turned her back to it. She had seen this thing used in the pictures of the site so she knew what was about to happen. Mistress Scarlett squatted down and she attached one of Joy's ankles to one end of the X and then she attached Joy's other ankle to the other side. Joy's legs were now spread out wide and she put her arms up to the other two ends and she allowed Mistress Scarlett to attached them to the upper ends of the X. Joy was now locked in place. Joy watched as Mistress Scarlett moved her right hand down to the side of the contraption and she hit a button. Joy heard a motor running and she felt the X moving and her legs were being spread out even wider than before. Her feet left the floor and she was fully suspended on the X. Mistress Scarlett went behind her and Joy felt something come up to support her head. Joy heard the motor running again and she felt her X begin to tilt backwards. This scared her for a second and she jerked as her eyes went wide. She could see Mistress Scarlett smiling at her momentary surprise and fear. Joy soon found herself lying horizontal and she could feel her sore ass lying partially on the hard boards. She moaned a bit until she got use to the pressure. Joy kept her eyes on Mistress Scarlett as she went over to the table and retrieved her ridding crop. She slapped the small end against her boot as she came back over to where Joy was laying.

"Let's see if you have any attitude left in you after I'm done using this." Mistress Scarlett said as she brought the end down on Joy's stomach causing her to grunt as she felt the sting on her tender stomach. Mistress Scarlett then started to move the crop up her body using short quick strokes of the crop to hit her. It felt like she had a swarm of bees stinging her as the crop moved up to her breasts and covering each breast without touching her nipples. The crop then went back down and Mistress Scarlett moved it around her lower stomach and on down to the area just above her pussy. She then went down her right leg and back up before going down her left leg. Mistress Scarlett stopped at this point and looked down at her handy work. Joy's tried to slow her breathing as she felt her body tingle from the cropping that she had just received.

When Joy had calmed down Mistress Scarlett moved back to her side and she gave Joy an evil grin as she brought the crop down on her left nipple.

"Oh fuck!" Joy screamed as she jerked against her bonds. The tears came back to her eyes as the crop hit her right nipple and she screamed again. Mistress Scarlett then set about moving the crop around her right breast making it hurt from the stings that the crop was leaving with each strike. She then went over to the left one and she carefully moved around this breast causing Joy to cry out from the pain the crop was leaving on her now tender breasts. Mistress Scarlett worked both breasts twice more before striking each nipple again only this time much harder than before and Joy about jumped out of her skin from the pain. However she didn't dare tell Mistress Scarlett to stop as she loved ever single strike of the crop. They were freeing her of every thought that she had and she only thought about the pain and how aroused she was getting. Her pussy was over flowing with juices and she only wanted to cum at this point.

Mistress Scarlett let her rest for a moment as she positioned herself between Joy's legs. She waited until Joy looked down at her then she slowly lifted the crop up and then she brought it down on her right inner thigh near her pussy.

"Shit!" Joy cried out as she felt like Mistress Scarlett had taken the skin off. Joy started to cry as Mistress Scarlett hit her left inner thigh in the same place and Joy cried out in anguish. Mistress Scarlett went from side to side striking her hard and Joy tried to close her legs but that was impossible. She just wanted to protect her inner thighs but there was no way to do that. She just knew that she wouldn't be able to close her thighs for a week after this and she wanted to cry out that she won't lie to Mistress Scarlett again or ever call her a bitch for as long as she lived but there was something inside of her that refused to let her do that. She would rather have the pain. Finally Mistress Scarlett stopped and Joy was relieved until she felt the end of the crop lying on her wet hot pussy.

Joy thought to herself that Mistress Scarlett would never hit her there but she wasn't that sure about that now. Mistress Scarlett gently rubbed the end of the crop across her pussy causing Joy started to moan in pleasure even as her body felt the pain of the strapping and cropping that it had received. Joy felt the crop leave her pussy and then it hit her there but with little force behind it however the strike still hurt and she cried out. It definitely hurt but Joy found that it gave her some pleasure and involuntarily she tried to raise her hips up for more and Mistress Scarlett hit her again and Joy cried out once again before she lifted her hips again. She hit her one more time before stopping and that was a harder hit but still not enough to really cause her real pain. Mistress Scarlett only let her rest for a moment before Joy felt something round and hard at her pussy. She looked down as best she could and she saw Mistress Scarlett was using the handle of the crop to rub against her pussy lips and Joy cried out again however she did so in pleasure as her pussy was getting the attention it had been begging for since last night when Mistress Scarlett had teased her so unmercifully. The end of the crop slid up and down her slit. Joy tried to lift her hips up to get the end of the crop to penetrate her however Mistress Scarlett was careful to keep it at the edge teasing her yet again.

Joy couldn't stand the teasing anymore and she looked into Mistress Scarlett's eyes and she pleaded with her eyes and voice as she said, "Please..."

Joy saw Mistress Scarlett studying her and she had that impassive look on her face. Joy was so afraid that Mistress Scarlett would just continue to tease her unmercifully but then she saw her face softening and a soft smile came to Mistress Scarlett's face as she pushed the end of the handle into Joy's pussy.

"Oh god yes!" Joy cried out as she felt the handle begin to piston in and out of her pussy. She closed her eyes as she tried to move her hips with the handle fucking her. A moment later she felt Mistress Scarlett's mouth on her clit and she was licking hard. Joy moaned loudly as she felt her clit being sucked upon and then licked.

"Oh yes thank you Mistress, thank you!" Joy cried out forgetting to say Scarlett after mistress but that was overlooked. Joy made no effort to hold off her orgasm, she had been waiting too long now for it to come and she just let her body go. The handle was going in and out of her pussy fast and hard and Mistress Scarlett's tongue was lapping hard at her clit. Joy moaned and cried as Mistress Scarlett was quickly bringing her to her orgasm.

"Oh fuck I'm about to cum!" Joy yelled as she lifted her hips up despite her bonds. Joy felt the handle leave her pussy and Mistress Scarlett's mouth replace it as Mistress Scarlett's thumb began to rub Joy's clit. Joy let forth a fury of curses as she felt her clit come alive and her orgasm over took her body. Then for the first time in her life, she squirted her girlcum from her pussy. She had always leaked lots of girlcum when she had her orgasm but never had she squirted until now and she coated Mistress Scarlett's face with it.

When she came back around from her intense orgasm, Joy found that the X that she was tied too had been lowered and she was looking up at Mistress Scarlett's pussy and it was as wet as Joy had ever seen it.

"You got your pleasure and you damn well had better give me better than you got." Mistress Scarlett commanded of her.

Joy didn't think that was possible as she had just have a massive orgasm however she was going to do her damnest to do just that. She lifted her head and she began to lick the juices off of Mistress Scarlett's pussy lips. The juices were as sweet as they always were and Joy began to lick deeper between the lips. With her hand bound down, she couldn't reach up and spread Mistress Scarlett's pussy lips open so she was grateful when Mistress Scarlett did that for her. Joy pushed her tongue in deep into Mistress Scarlett's pussy and she moved her around. She heard Mistress Scarlett moan and that pleased her. She wanted Mistress Scarlett to feel as good as she did when she came. Joy licked up and down the slit and she tilted her head backwards so that she could get up to Mistress Scarlett's clit and she licked at it. That brought a moan from Mistress Scarlett and made Joy lick that much harder. Her neck began to get a crick in it from being in this awkward position but Joy wasn't about to stop. She kept licking at Mistress Scarlett's clit and she sucked it into her mouth. She used her tongue to tease the hard nub as she sucked as hard as she could. She felt Mistress Scarlett begin to shake and then she heard a long groan. She then felt Mistress Scarlett's girlcum on her forehead so she moved her mouth to the source and she licked it up.

"That was pretty good but I think you can do much better if given the proper motivation. Mistress Scarlett said as she began to undo Joy's bonds. She then helped her up and off the X contraption.

"Now get down on your knees slut!" Mistress Scarlett commanded her and Joy dropped to her knees.

Mistress Scarlett went back over to the table and she picked up a whip. Joy knew then that the only part of her body that hadn't been touched would now be whipped. As soon as Mistress Scarlett's pussy was in front of her, Joy pleased that her hands were now free and she used them to grasp Mistress Scarlett's ass and brought her pussy to her mouth where she started to lick. Mistress Scarlett gave her a moment to lick before Joy heard the swish of the whip and it landed hard upon her back. Joy jerked and let out a moan as she started to lick harder and deeper. Mistress Scarlett began to swing the whip in a steady rhythm and Joy could feel the tails of the whip spread across her back. Each lick stung and they hurt worse when Mistress Scarlett let the whip go lower so that the tails curved around Joy's sore ass cheeks. Joy would let out a cry into Mistress Scarlett's pussy when that happened.

"I see that got your attention slut, let me try more of that." Mistress Scarlett said as she kept hitting Joy lower on her back and she tails curved around her ass and a strand or two slipped between Joy's ass cheeks thus hitting Joy's sensitive asshole. Joy pulled Mistress Scarlett's lips open wider and she began to lick harder and deeper. Joy slipped a couple for fingers into Mistress Scarlett's pussy and she began to fuck her as she started to lick and suck on her clit. Mistress Scarlett let out a loud moan and she began to swing the whip harder and faster. The tails stung Joy's back but at least Mistress Scarlett had moved the whip up so she was no longer hitting her ass with every swing of the whip but it still reached her ass about every third or fourth strike. Soon Joy's back became tender as Mistress Scarlett was swinging the whip harder as she got closer to her orgasm. Joy added a third finger to the ones fucking Mistress Scarlett's pussy and she fucked her hard with them as she licked at her clit. Mistress Scarlett gave a final hard swing of the whip which caused Joy to cry out in pain and then she felt Mistress Scarlett's girlcum began to flow as she came. Joy kept fucking and licking Mistress Scarlett until she pushed her head away from her head and she pushed Joy onto her back causing her to moan from falling on her tender back and ass.

Joy closed her eyes as she got use to the cold floor on her sore back and ass, then she felt Mistress Scarlett at her feet pushing them up and toward her body. Joy opened her eyes and she watched as Mistress Scarlett tied a rope to each ankle cuff and she then tied her right wrist to her right ankle and her left wrist to her left ankle. She then pushed her legs out wide. Joy was now bound back up with her pussy and ass exposed. Mistress got down on her knees and she placed her hands under Joy's ass lifting it up so that Joy had most of her weight on her shoulders. Mistress Scarlett gave her a grin as she lowered her mouth to Joy's pussy and she started to lick her from her clit down to her asshole and then back up. Joy cried out in pleasure. She felt Mistress Scarlett's tongue lick at her asshole and push its way inside it causing Joy to moan out her pleasure and then she would lick her way up to her clit causing her to moan again. She would suck and lick on her clit before going to the entrance of her pussy and she would drive her tongue in deep before going back to her asshole and teasing it. Joy was getting an overload of sensations and then Mistress Scarlett started to use her hands to spank her sore ass. Joy cried out in pain and pleasure until she got a sensory overload and she began to have a series of orgasms. After spending so many hours being denied an orgasm she was now in the midst of a series of them that sent her into a whole new world where nothing but she and Mistress Scarlett existed. She finally went over the edge of consciousness and she blacked out.

When Joy came back around, she found that she was lying on her side and as she started to stretch out she found that her wrists were still attached to her ankles. She opened her eyes and she saw Anita, Scarlett and Miss Lauren talking and paying her no mind. She cleared her throat and that didn't seem to have any effect on the three women as they continued to talk. Joy was about to get angry when she saw Scarlett briefly cut her eyes toward her and she must have said something to Anita and Miss Lauren as Anita then ever so subtly cut the eyes toward her before turning then back to Scarlett and Miss Lauren. Joy knew that they were all playing with her and she was tempted to just see how long that they would let her lay there except that the floor was getting hard and her body was starting to protest being in this position .

"Excuse me; as much as I really do hate to break up your obviously interesting conversation, I was wondering if someone would be so kind as to release me." Joy said in the sweetest voice that she could muster.

They all three turned toward her and they all had this look of irritation of having their conversation interrupted. "I'm sorry, did you say something?" Scarlett asked as if it was normal to see someone trussed up on the floor and given the place that they were all, it was something normally seen.

"Yes I did, I would like to get up and stretch if that wouldn't be too much trouble." Joy told them as she smiled again hoping that she was playing her part right.

"Oh it would be a lot of trouble." Scarlett said as she turned her back to Joy and she started to talk again as if she wasn't there at all.

"Please..." Joy said as she really did need to stretch now and this game was becoming a little old.

"Oh all right!" Scarlet said with back still to Joy making Joy start to feel angry at Scarlett but then Scarlett turned around and she was smiling as she rushed over to her.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't resist." Scarlett said as she first bent down and gave Joy a sweet kiss and then she began to release her from her bonds.

"I forgive you." Joy said as Scarlett took the last leather cuff off her wrists, Scarlett reached out and she pulled Joy to her and kissed her tenderly and with more than a little passion.

As the kiss ended, Joy looked up at Anita who was had this shit eating grin on her face and she said, "You however I will never forgive."

"What did I do?" Anita asked innocently.

"Last time you changed dresses on me and today you did something to my bra so that I couldn't unhook it." Joy said seriously but then she smiled as Anita replied with,

"I didn't do any such thing; you just don't know how to take a bra off." Anita said.

"Go get my bra and I'll show you, then your ass is mine." Joy called to her and she started to look for her bra. Anita was one step ahead of her as she snatched up Joy's bra and ran out of the room laughing.

"I'll get her, I swear I will." Joy said to Scarlett and then she began to feel how drained she was. She pulled Scarlett to her and she held on to her tightly as Scarlett rocked her for a moment.

"Come on baby, let's get you dressed and then I'll take you home. You've had a busy day." Scarlett said as she got up on her feet.

"That I have but it was so much fun. Thank you." Joy said as she let Scarlett help her up and then she needed Scarlett to support her as her legs were shaky and weak.

"I enjoyed it as much as you did sweetie, god you turn me on so much." Scarlett admitted to her as she started to walk her out of the room.

Anita met them at the door and she slipped her arm around Joy's waist to help Scarlett escort her to the front office. Joy gave her a dirty look and then she gave Anita a peck on the cheek forgiving her of the little trick that she played. Joy knew that she was just playing her role in this scene just as they all were. Anita gave her a hug and they went on to the front room where Scarlett and Anita helped her to sit down however when her ass hit the cushion she let out a moan as her ass was sore and it hurt to sit on even the soft couch.

"Did I go too hard on your ass honey?' Scarlett asked with a concerned look on her face.

"Oh no, I loved it and for the next session you can go a little longer and harder if you want." Joy told her as she did liked having her ass whipped like that, even if it was very sore now.

"You sure?" Scarlett asked.

"Yea, I sure, I loved it all today, I swear." Joy told her as she leaned against Scarlett and she let her hold her for a few minutes as Anita went to get her clothes.

When she returned, Joy took one look at her jeans and decided to just go with the skirt that she wore in the scene. She stood up and Anita came over to her to help dress her.

"I'm not sure I trust you dressing me, I may never be able to get it off again." Joy told her.

"Oh I think that Mistress Scarlett will have you naked as soon as you are home." Anita said with a wink that caused Joy to blush and had Scarlett giving her a dirty look.

They got the skirt and blouse on Joy forgoing her bra and panties and then they walked with her out to Scarlett's car. She had regained the strength in her legs by now but she was still tired as she was just as emotionally and physically drained as she was after the first session. When Scarlett got her home, she took her on up to her bedroom. She laid Joy into the bed and then she got up and Joy was afraid that she was going to leave her and when she went out the bedroom door she was sure of it but then she heard Scarlett say that she would be right back as she needed to get something from her bag. When she returned, she was carrying a larger jar of cream of some type.

"Turn over on your stomach and let me rub some of this cream on you. I think it will ease some of the pain you are feeling." Scarlett said as Joy turned over.

"I don't want the pain to go away yet." Joy told her.

"It won't and besides there is lots more where that came from." Scarlett said as she dipped her fingers into the cream.

"That's nice," Joy said and then she let out a contented sigh as she felt Scarlett began to gingerly rub the cream onto her sore back. Scarlett's hands and fingers seemed to barely tough her skin yet it made the pain and stinging come back alive and that served to make her excited all over again. Slowly Scarlett's hands worked their way down to her sore ass. Joy let out a moan as Scarlett's hands caressed her ass cheeks bring out the pain that was still there. Joy opened her legs up and she groaned. Her ass was really sore and Scarlett's fingers seemed to hit every place that hurt.

"Spank me." Joy heard herself saying as she raised her ass into the air.

She felt Scarlett's hand leave her ass and then it hit her right ass cheek. It wasn't a hard lick but considering the whipping that she had gotten a couple of hours before it was more than hard enough to cause her to cry out.

"Oh fuck!" Joy cried out as she felt the pain from the first lick and then she cried out again as she felt Scarlett's hand hit her left ass cheek just as hard. Scarlett began to spank her ass covering her ass cheeks with her hand. Every slap of Scarlett's hand on her ass caused her intense pain but also pleasure and she felt her pussy getting wet. Joy began to cry as she moved her ass around not really trying to get away from Scarlett's hand but just because she couldn't keep it still. Scarlett moved from one cheek to the other causing Joy's ass to get redder and redder.

"Spank me hard!" Joy cried out not knowing where the words came from only knowing that was what she wanted.

Scarlett raised her hand up high and she started to really spank Joy's ass. This was almost more than Joy could take as Scarlett's hand bounced off her ass cheeks causing them to bounce around. Joy cried and cried as she moved her ass more and she cried out over and over again for Scarlett to keep spanking her. The pain got so intense and her pussy was leaking juices. She thought that she was going to cum just from the spanking alone. She was about to the breaking point when she felt Scarlett's hands on her hips flipping her over and causing her to land on her red hot ass. She felt Scarlett push her legs up and she then felt Scarlett's mouth on her wet hot pussy licking and sucking at her pussy lips.

"Oh fuck yes!" Joy cried out as she grabbed Scarlett's head and pushed it into her pussy. Joy humped her hips upwards as Scarlett gripped her sore ass in her hands and she squeezed them tightly. This caused Joy more pain and it sent her over the edge. She felt her pussy convulsing and she came hard. The orgasm was so intense and she could just feel her body floating away as Scarlett ate her pussy as if it was the last pussy she would ever eat. Joy felt her soul leave her body and she was able to look down at Scarlett as she ate her and then she watched as Scarlett got up and she began to once again rub the lotion on her breasts and stomach.

When Joy woke up she was lying on her stomach and she could feel how sore her ass was now. The second spanking had really done a number on it but it also made her feel so damn good. It made her feel closer to Scarlett for some reason; it was like a part of Scarlett was still with her. She got up and she went over to the mirrors that were on her wall and on the back of the door. She positioned them so that she could look at one and see her ass in the other one. She could see how red it still was and when she put her hands back there, she could still feel the warmth and the tenderness. She then looked at her breasts and she could see some little marks that were left there by the crop. She felt them and her nipples and she could feel the tenderness there but they weren't nearly as tender as they were after her first session. Scarlett had cropped them just right, enough to make it hurt but not enough to make them too tender to touch. Joy examined herself for a bit more then she went into the bathroom and she took a quick shower. This refreshed her and she put her hair up and put some perfume on before donning her robe and she headed out to find Scarlett.

She didn't have to go far to find Scarlett as she heard the noise coming from the kitchen long before she got there. There were no pans crashing and Scarlett wasn't cussing but all the same, Joy hurried her pace to get in there before Scarlett got frustrated with something. The poor woman didn't have a clue as far as a kitchen was concerned.

"Need a hand?" Joy asked as she came into the kitchen.

"Oh shit!" Scarlett cried out as she turned around and Joy saw the fright in her face. "You scared me to death." Scarlett said as she caught her breath.

"Sorry about that." Joy said as she came over and she took Scarlett into her hands and gave her a long passionate kiss.

"I guess you are feeling better now." Scarlett said as she brushed the hair from Joy's eyes and then she kissed her again.

"Much better, thanks but for some reason my ass is killing me." Joy said as she moved her hands to her ass.

"I bet." Scarlett said as she laughed.

"I don't know what made me ask you to spank me like that." Joy told her

"I do but we'll talk about that later, first help me get these steaks ready. I'm going to grill you the best steak you have ever eaten." Scarlett said and when Joy gave her a funny look, Scarlett added, "Hey I may be lost in a kitchen but I can grill a mean steak. Help me get these out to the grill, I have it all warmed up." Scarlett said as she thrust the plate of raw steaks in Joy's hands and she gathered up her seasonings. When they got outside and Scarlett had put the steaks on the grill, she sent Joy inside to get them a beer. When Joy got back out, Scarlett had already seasoned the steaks.

"Hey I wanted to see what you used on the steaks." Joy told her as she handed Scarlett an opened bottle of beer.

"Well you should have stayed and watched me." Scarlett said as she took a sip of her beer.

"You sent me in to get us a beer." Joy reminded her.

"And I appreciate that, it does hit the spot." Scarlet told her as she gave her a smile.

"I always seem to be a step behind you and Anita." Joy said as she started to sit in a lawn chair and then she changed her mind and decided that standing would be a better idea.

"I plan on keeping it that way too." Scarlett said with a laugh and then she came over to her and she gave her a kiss.

They talked as the steaks cook and when it came time for Scarlett to season the steaks again, she sent Joy back into the house to check on the potatoes that were baking. Joy knew what Scarlett was doing yet she went in willingly. She figured if Scarlett wanted to keep her seasoning a secret then that was fine with her. When the steaks were done, Joy brought out the baked potatoes and another beer for them both. They sat at the picnic table, after Joy got a soft cushion to sit on, to eat. When Joy took the first bite of her steak, she thought she had tasted a piece of heaven. The meat was so tender and the juices make her mouth water. She had never tasted a steak that good before and she told Scarlett that. Joy saw Scarlett's eyes light up with the compliment and that made her feel good. They spent the rest of the evening outside talking and Joy went over the session that they had that morning. Even though she had only experienced S&M twice now, she was very much hooked. It was only later that night when they were in bed that Joy remember to ask the question that she wanted a answer to earlier.

"So why?" Joy asked.

"So why what?" Scarlett asked.

"Why did I want you to spank me this afternoon when you were putting the cream on me?" Joy asked.

"Oh that," Scarlett said, "It's really simple to tell you the truth."

"Well tell this simple minded person because I really don't have a clue why I asked you that knowing that my ass was already sore from when you strapped it this morning." Joy told her.

"When you go through a session like this morning, it's an intense feeling isn't it. I mean you are getting a rush that you have never gotten before and then when we are done, I try my best to give you an orgasm that is out of this world. So when I came back here and am caressing your sore ass, you are reminded of the feeling you were getting just an hour or so before, right?" Scarlett asked.

"Yea, definitely." Joy said as she began to understand her own actions.

"So it is only natural that you would want to feel that again and experience the high you are getting from it."

"I see, it almost makes me want you to spank me again now." Joy said giggling.

"Well you don't need for me to spank you now; your ass needs a break." Scarlett said as she reached down and gave Joy's right ass cheek a gentle squeeze. She then pulled Joy on top of her and she brought Joy's head down for a kiss, which quickly became very passionate as they went from kissing to making love in short order. Their lovemaking earlier in the day was almost all passion driven but now it was a way for them to show how much they cared for each other. Joy first brought Scarlett to an orgasm and then Scarlett turned Joy around so that they were in the sixty-nine position and they made love this way until they exhausted themselves and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

After Scarlett had given Joy another examination to see if she had marked her in any way the previous day, Joy decided that Scarlett needed to learn how to do yoga so that she could learn to relax. Scarlett wasn't too keen on the subject but she went along. The fact that Joy wanted to go through the exercises naked did help to encourage Scarlett to give it a try. Joy gave her the basics and she went slowly as she helped Scarlett to stretch her muscles and to let them relax. Scarlett was a good student for a couple of hours then she decided that they needed more strenuous exercise which could only be done in the bedroom. Joy decided that wasn't such a bad idea and she raced Scarlett up to her bedroom where they spent the rest of the afternoon making love to each other.

In the early morning hours of Monday morning, Joy was awakened when she felt Scarlett giving her a soft kiss on the lips. She then watched through barely open eyes as Scarlett got dressed and left the bedroom. Joy quietly got up and she followed Scarlett at a safe distance and when she heard Scarlett close the front door, she went to the front window. She watched as Scarlett got into her car and she saw Scarlett look up at her. She had the curtain partially open and even thought the room was dark, she knew that Scarlett could see her. She saw Scarlett hesitate a moment before she started her car and she backed out of the driveway. Joy felt like crying as she stood there long after Scarlett had left then she returned to her bedroom and she tried to get some sleep.

She called Anita that evening and she talked to her a while. Anita was good at keeping her grounded when it came to Scarlett. Anita just seemed to know what to say to make her feel better and just knowing that there was someone out there who knew where she was coming from really helped. She talked to her again on Thursday and she found out all that was going on at the site and what Anita and Miss Lauren had been up to. Since she had let out the little secret about Miss Lauren, she loved to talk about their time together and that always served to excite Joy to no end.

Friday arrived and Joy was back in the office, as she had been for most of the week. She had just gotten a new client assigned to her and she had to spend most of the week with their financial team getting to know how they did their bookkeeping. She gave them some ideas as to how to improve on what they were doing and she was learning just what they did so that she could do a better audit on their books. She got out late and she had to stop by the grocery story to pick up some items just in case Scarlett decided to show up. When Joy was a few houses down from her home, she saw Scarlett's car in her driveway. She pulled in behind her and she saw that Scarlett was sitting on the steps of her porch. It had been a long week for Joy and she was so happy to see Scarlett waiting on her. She rushed up to Scarlett and she planted a big kiss on her lips. Scarlett was surprised by this sudden display of affection however she accepted the kiss and she gave Joy a big hug.

"Now that is a real greeting." Scarlett said as the kiss ended.

"It was a long week; I'll tell you about it after you help me with the groceries." Joy said as she turned back toward her car.

"Hey I didn't come here to be your servant." Scarlett told her.

"Then you won't eat this weekend." Joy countered.

"In that case, I guess I had better help." Scarlett said with a laugh.

Scarlett followed Joy to her car and they began to unload the bags of food. Joy tended to put off shopping for as long as possible and then she would buy out half of the store to restock her kitchen. This happened to be one of those shopping days so they both had to make several trips to her car and then they spent the next hour putting stuff up. Joy could have done it quicker without Scarlett's help as she had to keep telling Scarlett where something was supposed to be placed. Joy didn't mind as she enjoyed having Scarlett help her and she loved having Scarlett there again. Once the groceries were put up, Joy wasn't in the mood to cook so she decided that they would go out to eat.

Saturday morning Joy woke up alone and she saw that the rain that the weather forecasters were predicting had arrived and that ruined her plans for the weekend. So she and Scarlett spend the weekend inside making love and talking. Joy again tried to get Scarlett to talk about what she did during the week but other than what happened at the studio, she didn't get much out of her. This frustrated her to no end but she wasn't about to give up. She knew that Scarlett cared for her. Scarlett wasn't one just to spend her weekends with someone she didn't like. Anita had told her that Scarlett had never spent any time whit one of the models at the site until she arrived. So Joy knew she just had to keep working and she had Anita to help her.

When Joy felt Scarlett kissing her gently on the lips very early Monday morning, Joy decided it was time to change her tactics. As Scarlett's lips started to leave hers, Joy reached up with her right hand and she curled it around the back of Scarlett's neck and she brought Scarlett's head down for another kiss. She felt Scarlett hesitate for a second and then she relented. She allowed Joy to bring her head back down for another kiss. This time the kiss wasn't just a gentle goodbye kiss but one more passionate. Joy wanted Scarlett to remember this kiss as she drove to her home or wherever she went once she left her. When the kiss ended, Joy gave Scarlett her sweetest smile and she saw a small smile come Scarlett's face. Joy then sat up on the edge of the bed and she watched Scarlett get dressed. Neither one said anything and Joy didn't try to get Scarlett to stay longer. This wasn't the time to do that. Joy followed Scarlett down stairs and just before Scarlett opened the front door to leave, Joy turned her around and she put her arms around her. She pulled Scarlett in tight and she gave her a proper goodbye kiss. She pushed her naked body against Scarlett and she felt Scarlett's hands caressing her back and they ended up on her ass where Scarlett gave her ass cheeks a squeeze as the kiss ended. Scarlett then turned and opened the door to leave but as she did so she turned back toward her, Joy could see that she had gotten to her. Scarlett had this look of indecision on her face and Joy knew what Scarlett was indecisive about, she wanted to stay but felt the need to go. Joy wanted to pull Scarlett back inside the door but she didn't and she watched as Scarlett turned back around and left her standing there. As Joy went back to bed she felt good for once. She knew that she hadn't won Scarlett over but it was a start. She had taken the first of many small steps in the process of getting Scarlett to love her.

Late Thursday afternoon, Joy was working on some spreadsheets when she heard her doorbell ring. Not expecting anyone, she hurried downstairs to chase whatever religious group that had decided that today was a good day to save her soul. She didn't bother to check her peep hole to see who it was before opening the door. Joy was more than a little shocked to see Scarlett standing there dressed in a tight pair of jeans and a tee shirt with a picture of Joy's favorite rock band on it.

"I just happen to have to front roll tickets to tonight's concert, you wouldn't want to go with me would you?" Scarlett asked as she brought her right hand from behind her back and they were holding those tickets.

Joy let out a loud shriek and she pushed open the screen door almost knocking Scarlett down and she hugged Scarlett tightly. "I wanted to go so bad but it was sold out before my number came up on the internet. Then I tried to get some from the scalpers but they were charging more than I could afford to pay."

"Then I guess you owe me big time don't you." Scarlett said with a big smile.

"That I do, what do you have in mind." Joy asked as she arched her eyebrows.

"Well I would say that I will have to take my payment out with my whip and crop this Saturday." Scarlett told her.

Joy shrieked again at the knowledge of having another session and she had to ask, "And maybe a strap?"

"Maybe, we'll have to see." Scarlett said shyly not about to give out what they had planned for her.

"That's cool, I know I will enjoy it." Joy said.

"So will I, now get that cute ass inside and get ready, I want to get something to eat before we get to the concert. I have hardly eaten all day."

Scarlett said as she turned Joy around and she gave her a good smack on the ass sending her back into the house to get dressed.

Joy took Scarlett's hand and she pulled her inside and on up the stairs. She talked a mile a minute as she shucked the shorts and tee shirt off and she headed into the shower. Joy tried to get Scarlett to join her but Scarlett demurred saying that if she did, they would never make it to the concert. Joy gave her a little pout and she wiggled her ass at her as she stepped into the shower.

Joy could hardly eat as she talked about the concert, she felt like a little kid and she saw that Scarlett was getting caught up in her excitement. The concert was a great and Joy sang every song with the band. Scarlett kept making these comments about her singing ability and that only made Joy sing that much louder and she made sure that Scarlett could hear her over the band. Scarlett would then put her hands over her ears and Joy would pull them down and sing into her ear. They both laughed and Joy kissed her before going back to her singing and dancing to the rhythm of the music. On the way home, Joy put in a CD that she had bought at the concert and she sang to Scarlett who let out a loud moan but she did it in jest as she also took Joy's hand in hers and held it as she drove them home.

When they got home, they were both coated in sweat and Joy suggested that they take a bath and relax before going to bed. Scarlett smiled at this suggestion and she gave Joy a sweet kiss before taking her by the hand and leading Joy up to the guest bathroom where Joy had installed a large tub. Joy started the water and she put some bubble bath beads into the water. When she turned back around, she saw that Scarlett was already naked. Joy smiled shyly and she stood still as Scarlett came to her. She closed her eyes as Scarlett leaned in for a kiss and she felt Scarlet's hands go to her waist. She held up her arms and she allowed Scarlett to pull off her tee shirt. Joy moved her hand back to Scarlett's as Scarlett reached around her back to unhook her bra. As Scarlett brought the bra straps off her shoulders and she pulled it off Joy's breasts, Scarlett leaned down and she kissed both of Joy's nipples causing her to moan. She then kissed her way down Joy's stomach as she dropped to her knees. She unsnapped Joy's jeans and she pulled the zipper down. She put her hands to Joy's sides and she pulled both her jeans and panties down, kissing her lower stomach and then she ginger colored pubic hair. As the jeans and panties cleared her hips, she felt Scarlett's lips kissing her pussy lips. Joy let out a moan and she placed her hands to the back of Scarlett's head holding her there and she felt Scarlett's tongue licking her clit making her shiver with pleasure. However Scarlett removed her lips from Joy's clit and she helped Joy step out of her jeans and panties.

"I think it's time to take our bath." Scarlett told Joy softly as she turned off the water and she stepped into the warm water. She then held out her hand helping Joy to join her in the bathtub. Scarlett kissed her softly and then she sat down in the bath. She turned Joy around and she guided her down in the tub. Scarlet put her arms around Joy and she pulled her back against her. Joy could feel Scarlett's hard nipples pressed against her back and her warm pussy pressed against her butt. Scarlett wrapped her legs around Joy's hips and she had her hands clasped beneath Joy's breasts.

"This feels so nice." Joy murmured."I think I could stay here all night."

"Me too baby. Me too." Scarlett whispered into her ear.

"If I forget to tell you later on, I want to thank you for this evening. It has been so wonderful." Joy told her and she turned her head to kiss Scarlett.

Scarlett returned the kiss slowly and passionately and when the kiss ended, Joy laid her head on Scarlett's shoulder and let out a contented sigh. They lay there for a while not talking, just enjoying the silence and the feel of their bodies pressed together in the warm water. Joy soon felt Scarlett's fingers moving against her arms, caressing them with a loving touch. Eventually those fingers moved to the undersides of Joy's breasts. Joy let out a quiet moan as the fingers of Scarlett's hands circled her breasts. Joy's nipples were hard long before Scarlett's fingers got to them and they got even harder when Scarlett teased them with her fingernails. Joy moaned louder and she started to run her fingers up and down Scarlett's thighs. Scarlett pinched Joy's nipples and she pulled out on them causing Joy to groan. Joy felt her pussy getting wet from her juices that were now flowing. Joy let out a moan as she felt Scarlett's right hand leave her right breast and snake her way down her stomach. Joy opened her legs and she felt Scarlett finger pull up on her pubic hair. Then they went on down and Joy moaned as Scarlett's fingers touched her clit. Joy moaned louder as Scarlett's fingers began to caress her clit and she grasped Scarlett's thighs in her hands. Scarlett used her left hand to continue to caress Joy's breasts teasing her nipples and squeezing one then the other breast. Scarlett's fingers moved to her pussy and Joy felt one then two enter her pussy. Joy opened her legs wider and she moved her hips to meet the thrusts of Scarlett's fingers. They were going deep and they filled her pussy up making her feel so good. Joy was crying out her pleasure as Scarlett fucked her with her fingers and pulled on her nipples. Then her fingers went back to her clit and she started to rub it hard and fast. Joy moaned and she lifted her hips up wanting Scarlett to run her clit harder and she did. Scarlett's fingers worked her clit until Joy felt it get real sensitive and she cried out as she felt her orgasm come. She jerked and cried and she felt Scarlett hold her tight as she rode out her orgasm.

When she recovered, she turned around and got up on her knees. She bent over and kissed Scarlett as her hands went to her breasts. She squeezed them both and she pinched her nipples getting a moan from Scarlett. When Joy ended the kiss, she moved her mouth down to Scarlett's nipples which were just above the water and she kissed them both. Her right hand went down to Scarlett's pussy and she played with her outer lips first before pushing three into Scarlett making her groan and then moan. Joy began to fuck Scarlett with her finger as she bit on her nipples. Scarlett started to move her hips in rhythm to Joy's moving fingers and Joy's fingers went even deeper. Joy then moved her thumb up to Scarlett's clit and she caressed it as she continued to fuck her. Scarlett moaned louder and Joy worked hard to bring to orgasm and Joy felt Scarlett's pussy clamp down on her fingers and she could feel her girlcum coat her fingers. Joy kept her fingers going until Scarlett couldn't take anymore and she pushed Joy's fingers away. She then pulled Joy down and Joy lay on her side against Scarlett as they kissed. They stayed in the bath until their skin got wrinkled and the water cooled. They then got out and dried each other off and they retired to the bed.

Somewhere around three in the morning, Joy felt movement in the bed and she knew that Scarlett had woken up. "Don't go sweetie." Joy said as she reached out to Scarlett and stopped her before she left the bed.

"I've gotten all the sleep I'm going to get tonight, go on back to sleep and I'll see you in the morning." Scarlett told her as she leaned over and she gave Joy a kiss. "Now off to sleep, my beauty." Scarlett said but Joy kept her grip on her arm.

"Let me try something and see if I can get you back to sleep." Joy told her and she gave her a sad puppy dog smile.

"I told you, I tried everything and I won't take sleeping pills again." Scarlett said.

"I know and I promise no pills, just let me try baby." Joy told her pleadingly.

"Okay and when it doesn't work, you'll let me go and you'll go back to sleep?" Scarlett asked.

"I promise." Joy told her as she released her arm and she padded the mattress right beside of her. "Lie on your stomach and put your arms around your pillow above your head."

Scarlett sighed and she lay down on the bed as Joy asked her to do. "Now breathe slowly and concentrate on my voice. Just let all your thoughts go and let your body respond to my touch." Joy said as she let her voice slowly go lower and lower. She then placed her hand on Scarlett's back and she used a very light touch as she made circles on Scarlett's back. Joy then began to tell Scarlett a story about a young lady going out into the world and the things and people that she met. Joy let her voice keep going lower until it was barely a whisper and she could see from the expression on Scarlett's face that she was beginning to relax. She saw that Scarlett's breathing slowed and got shallower. Joy kept on talking and drawing circles on Scarlett's back with her fingers and like her voice the touch of her fingers got lighter and lighter. After about fifteen minutes, she heard Scarlett let out a sigh and her eyelids fluttered but never opened. She knew she had her and she kept on talking for a few minutes more before she curled up next to Scarlett and went back to sleep herself feeling very satisfied.

When Joy woke up that morning, Scarlett was still fast asleep and she smiled to herself. She slipped out of the bed and she got her robe from the bathroom. She then went to the guest bathroom so she wouldn't disturb Scarlett. Once she got to the kitchen and she put on a pot of coffee, as it brewed she got her stuff ready to make them some breakfast. She didn't have to go into the office that day so she had time to relax. When the coffee was ready, she made herself a cup and went out on the porch. She had finished her first cup so she went back in and made a second cup. She began to wonder about Scarlett and thought about checking on her but decided to wait and let her sleep. By the time she finished her second cup she did begin to wonder if she should wake Scarlett up as she didn't know just what Scarlett had to do that day. As she opened the screen door and started to enter the kitchen, she saw a sleepy Scarlett walk in rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Scarlett walked over to the coffee pot to pour herself a cup. She took a sip of it and she winced, then she put the heavy cream and sugar into her cup. It was only then did she look at Joy and words fell from her mouth.

"Just exactly what did you do to me last night?" Scarlett asked her.

"Did you sleep well?" Joy said as she smiled slyly.

"I slept harder last night than I have ever slept but you didn't answer my question. Did you hypnotize me?" Scarlett asked.

"I did what my mother did to me when I couldn't sleep when I was a little girl. Maybe there was some hypnotic effect to what I did, I'm not sure but it always worked on me and it worked on you last night. How do you feel after getting a good night sleep?" Joy asked her.

"I don't know? I mean how are you suppose to feel after sleeping that long. I have never gotten more than three hours sleep a night in my life." Scarlett told her.

"Well as long as you're in my bed, you'll get a good night's sleep." Joy told her as she came over and gave her a kiss.

Joy fixed them both a light breakfast, then Scarlett took off for the studio and Joy went on up to her bedroom so that she could get her work done. She hadn't expected Scarlett to show up like she had so she had planned on getting some of her work done last night and then finish it this morning. However it was now midmorning and she was a long way from having her work completed. So she sat down at her desk, and she logged into her computer at work. Then she set about her work. Unfortunately with her line of work, you couldn't speed up and get it done faster, when you did that, one tended to make mistakes. Since she was working with millions of dollars, mistakes weren't allowed. So she worked at a steady pace, not taking any breaks except to get something to drink and then to pee when her bladder filled up. She lost track of time and it wasn't until she heard the doorbell ring downstairs that she realized that it was already seven and she still wasn't done but she could at least see the light at the end of the tunnel. She heard the doorbell ring again and she knew she didn't have time to make herself presentable so she raced downstairs and she opened the door to see Scarlett standing there smiling.

"Seems to me that you were wearing that same outfit when I left this morning." Scarlett said giving Joy a kiss as she came into the house.

Joy looked down at her rumpled robe and realized that she had never taken the time to get dressed after Scarlett had left. "I sorry, I just had lots of work to do today and I was just finishing it up." Joy told her.

"Well get on back to work and I will see what I can hustle us up to eat. I don't guess you have eaten all day have you?" Scarlett asked.

It wasn't until then that Joy realizes that she in fact hasn't eaten since breakfast and they didn't eat a lot then. "No I haven't and now that you mention it, I'm starving."

"Well go finish your work and I will see what I can come up with." Scarlett told her as she turned her around and sent her toward the stairs.

Joy took a few steps and then she had a thought, "You're not going to try cook are you?" Joy said thinking it might be better if she stayed and helped her.

"You cut me to the heart girl." Scarlett said as she put her hands to her heart.

Joy laughed and decided that maybe a quick exit was the best thing she could do so she rushed up the stairs leaving Scarlett still holding her heart. Joy went back to work trying not to hurry too much but wanting to get done as soon as possible. However she wasn't as close to the end as she thought she was when she found an error in the numbers and she had to go back and find it. She worked hard and she never heard Scarlett enter the bedroom until she smelled the food that she had brought up.

"That smells so good." Joy said as she turned in her seat and saw the tray of food that she was carrying.

"It had better taste just as good, it cost me a fortune to have delivered." Scarlett told her.

"What is it?" Joy asked.

"I don't have a clue, I just told the chef at Henri's, that fancy French restaurant that just opened up, to make me something great."Scarlett told her.

"French?" Joy said as she gave Scarlett a weird look like she wasn't so sure about eating something French, especially since Scarlett didn't know what it was.

"Just go back to work and I'll feed you." Scarlett told her as she turned Joy's chair back to her computer. Joy still wasn't sure about this until Scarlett lifted a fork to her mouth and Joy had no choice but to open her mouth and try it. She let the food settle in her mouth and an extraordinary amount of flavor rushed from the food to her mouth.

"Oh god that is good! What is it?" Joy said as she savored the food.

"I really don't know, I'm just a common old Texas gal, so what do I know of French food." Scarlett said as she used the same fork that she used to give Joy a bite to get herself a bite of food.

Joy didn't quite buy Scarlett's "common old Texas gal" comment. Scarlett was pretty sharp and she was knowledgeable on almost any subject that Joy had brought up in their conversations. So she suspected that Scarlett knew exactly what they were eating however she decided not to push it. It tasted good and that was all she needed to know. So every time that Scarlett presented her with another bite, she took it. Joy worked hard and Scarlett was kind enough not to try to talk to her as she worked. This helped her to finish quicker and as she took her last bite of food she was sending her report to her supervisor and logging off her computer.

"Done!" Joy said as she shut off her computer and she turned in her seat to face Scarlett.

"It took you long enough." Scarlett told her seriously and Joy frowned for a moment before she saw Scarlett's face break into a smile.

"I would have been done sooner if you hadn't kept putting that delicious food in my mouth." Joy told her.

"So it's all my fault?" Scarlett asked.

"Yep!" Joy said smiling broadly thinking that she was getting the upper hand on Scarlett.

"Well if that is going to be your attitude then maybe I shouldn't let you have any of the desert that I also got and is currently sitting down on the kitchen table." Scarlett said as she arched her right eyebrow.

Joy's smile disappeared quickly as she realized that Scarlett had an ace slipped up under her sleeve. Joy tried to think of a great comeback and none came to her for a moment then she knew what she had to do. She leaned forward as if to give Scarlett a kiss like she was now sucking up to her but at the last second she pushed Scarlett back on the bed and she took off toward the bedroom door.

"You little slut! You had better not touch a single pastry!" Scarlett screamed at her.

End of Part Three.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 4

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