Joy's Fantasy

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Jan 1, 2008


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Joy's Fantasy Part One

By Chris

Joy sat at her computer trying to work up the courage to click on the email link at the bottom of the page of the web site that she was looking at. Her index finger was on her mouse and she started to slowly press down until she felt her heart start to palpate and she jerked her hand back from the mouse like it had turned to molten rock. This was the closest she had come to clicking but yet she couldn't bring herself to actually do it.

Joy then began to think about how she had gotten to this point as she did every time she came to this site and tried to click on that damn email link without succeeding. She was raised in Abilene in the southern part of Texas and while she loved it there, she couldn't wait to turn eighteen and get the hell out of town and be on her own. However the fates had something else planned for her. A great aunt that she had never known she had much less met found out that she had cancer. She was in her early eighties and her husband had died years before. They were never able to have children so there was no one to care for her now. Joy's mother and her mother's sister were the only relatives that the Aunt had and neither had the time to go up to Dallas to care for her. Her great aunt wouldn't leave her home so Joy's mom came to Joy and asked if she would go there and care for her as she went to college. This wasn't what Joy had in mind when she thought about going off to college. She had wanted to experience it all and caring for a great aunt didn't fit into those plans so she flatly refused. Then Joy's mother and aunt decided to sweeten the deal. They would get her a new car and a monthly allowance if she would go and care for the old woman. She would have help during the day as a nurse was going to come and stay with her and she would only have to look after her at night. Joy thought it over and she came back with a counter offer a new car, a new computer, and high speed internet hook up. This was agreed to and after Joy picked up her car and new computer, she headed up to Dallas to meet the sick aunt.

She wasn't too sure about having to care for this woman but she kept an open mind as she drove up. As she pulled into her Aunt's driveway, she felt herself getting nervous and she began to think this wasn't such a good idea. Then her Aunt Carrie opened the front door and stepped out on her porch followed by her nurse. The house was old but from the outside, she could tell that it was well build. Joy took a deep breath and she stepped out of her car with a smile on her face. Joy had never been around any old people growing up so she thought of all old people as being stubborn and crotchety. This was what she expected her Aunt to be so when she got to her aunt, she was surprised by her aunt's show of emotion and the way she greeted her with her soft voice and her warm hug. She then went inside with her and she was taken on a tour of the house. Joy was right in her first impression of the house as she could see just how well her Aunt's house was build. Joy's father designed and built houses for a living so some of that knowledge rubbed off on her as she went with her father to his construction sites. Once Joy got her stuff moved into the spare bedroom, she helped her Aunt fix some dinner. They then sat down and slowly got to know each other. Joy found that her Aunt had traveled all over the world with her now deceased husband and she loved to talk about the places she had been. Joy found that she actually liked her Aunt and her Aunt liked her. That September, she started school going to classes during the day and she studied and looked after her Aunt at night. The first two years, her Aunt did pretty well but the last two the cancer began to work on her and she spent more time sleeping. This left Joy with more free time and since she couldn't leave her Aunt, she found her refuge on the internet.

At first she just played games but when she got lonely, she found herself going to some of the more explicit sites. Most were of women loving women as she was a lesbian though she hadn't been with that many women, just a few when she could find a nurse to look after her aunt for a night. One night when she was feeling especially horny and she was alone in her room, she was going from one site to another trying to find something that would get her going as none of her normal sites were working. She kept hitting links until one popped up and it was an S & M site. She saw a woman that was tied up and was hanging from a wooden beam and she was on her tiptoes with her legs spread wide apart. There was a man standing near her with a whip and Joy didn't like that but she did like seeing the girl so trussed up. She imagined herself being that girl and that excited her. She felt her pussy getting wet and she felt a tingle at her clit. She never thought she would be turned on by something like this but she was. She checked out the site and she found a few pictures of a woman who was spanking another girl as the girl was bent over and tied to a padded saw horse. She pulled her nightgown up and she slipped her panties down. She moved her fingers down to her pussy and she began to caress her outer lips and she could feel the moisture gathering there. She brought her fingers up and she licked the juices off of them and then she put them back to her pussy and she let her middle finger slide between her lips. She stroked her pussy going deeper and deeper between her lips with her finger. She bit her lower lip to keep from moaning out loud as she slipped her finger inside of her pussy. She began to fuck herself as she imagined herself bent over and a beautiful woman spanking her. When she was getting to the point of no return, she slipped her left hand down to her clit and she started to caress it as she fucked herself with her right hand. She slipped a second finger into her pussy and she started to really work them in and out as she started to rub harder on her clit. Soon she felt her clit getting real sensitive and she let her body go as she felt her orgasm wash over her.

After that night, she began to explore this new side of her that she never knew existed. So every night that she had some free time and she was in the mood which was becoming more and more often, she would go out and try to find more bondage and S & M sites but she couldn't find one she really liked completely. There were sites that had women on women but they were a minor part of the site, it was mostly men doing things to women. Joy kept looking for something that she could really get into. About a month into her search, she came upon an interesting site. It advertised that it was all women and from what Joy could see of the preview, it was just what she was looking for. The membership price wasn't too bad and was well within her budget. She entered her credit card number and she got into the site. She looked around at first and she found that she liked what she saw. Before going to the first photo shoot, she got up and went and checked on her Aunt. She found that she was sleeping and she appeared to be doing fine. So Joy got her a soda and she headed back up to her room. Once inside, she put her soda by her computer and then she pulled her nightgown off. She then pushed her panties down and she stepped out of them. She already had a towel on her chair so she sat down and she opened her soda and took a sip before setting it by her computer. She felt her heart pounding as she clicked on the first photo shoot. The first picture was of a black haired lady dressed in a black corset that left her C cup breasts exposed. She had on a G string that barely had enough material to cover her pussy and she had on boots that went all the way up her knees. The lady appeared to be in her early thirties, if that and she had a naked girl that looked to be in her early twenties by the arm. Joy could feel her pussy twitch and she could feel her nipples harden. Joy slowly went through the photos and she watched as the lady hooked leather cuffs on the girl's wrists and ankles. She then hooked one wrist to a chain that was hanging from the ceiling and then she hooked the other one to another chain so that the girl's arms were stretched out wide. She lady then hooked one ankle to a hook in the floor and she stretched the girl's legs out wide and she hooked the other one to a hook about three feet from the first one. The girl was now spread eagle and fully exposed. Joy moved her left hand to her breasts and she began to pinch and pull on them as she slowly clicked through the photos. The lady caressed the girl's body for a few pictures and then she picked up a riding crop. It appeared to be about three feet long and had a triangle of leather at the end. Joy clicked on the next picture and she saw the crop strike the girl on her right breast. Joy gasped and the photo showed the end of the crop make in indention into the girl's breast. Joy let the mouse go and she reached down and she started to caress her clit. She couldn't believe how turned on she was and she felt a little guilty about it however that didn't stop her from caressing her pussy lips. She then wiped her hand on the towel and she went back to the mouse and she went through the pictures and she watched as the lady whipped the girl's breasts and ass. She could see that the girl had red areas on her body where the crop had hit her but she also saw that the lady wasn't leaving any welts or anything. Still Joy knew the crop hurt and that was what was turning her on so much. She was stopping every few photos to caress her pussy and her clit. Finally she had to take her left hand from her breasts and use it on her clit as she used her right hand on the mouse. By the time she got to the last photo, she was on the edge of an orgasm. She clicked on a video and she let herself cool down as it downloaded. However she kept her left hand on her pussy and she slipped a finger inside. She slowly fucked herself until the download completed. She clicked on the video and it started. The same lady came on and since there was sound with the video, she found that the lady's name was Mistress Scarlett as that is what the girl that was with her call her. The video had Mistress Scarlett tying the girl spread eagle on a bed and then she used a small cat-o-nine tails on first the girls back and then she turned her over. Mistress Scarlett whipped the girl's breasts and Joy could hear the girl groan and moan. Then when Mistress Scarlett started to whip the poor girl's pussy, Joy really started to rub her clit and in seconds she was cumming hard.

After she had come down from her orgasm, Joy leaned back and she thought about how as she watched the video, she so wanted to be that girl on the bed. This surprised her as she had always thought of herself as being very strong willed but yet there was this side of her that wanted to be dominated. She got up and went to the bathroom to clean up. When she returned, she shut down her computer and vowed not to go back to that site, but two days later she found that she was sitting naked in front of her computer and she was masturbating as she went through another set of photos and then another video from the site. From that point on, she gave up trying to avoid the site, she figured that she paid for a month's worth and she might as well use it. Then when it ran out, she bought a three month membership. Once she accepted her weird side, she began to explore more about S & M and also bondage. She quickly found that there wasn't a handbook on S & M. It seemed that there were a lot of common things but everyone did it differently. Some went to extreme ends where water sports and scat was involved and this Joy quickly decided wasn't for her. Then there was some that like to be beaten hard so that bruises appeared and some just liked their punishment milder. Then there were those that just liked the humiliation that their masters or mistresses heaped upon them. And then there were the women that were sex slaves to their mistresses. Joy was a little confused as to where she may fit into all of this, if she did at all. She knew that she could ever be a slave to someone, always at their beck and call. But she could see herself being tied up and letting someone do the things she saw on the site to her.

After thinking about this for a while, she felt she needed to talk to someone so she arraigned to meet her friend Lindy. They had been lovers for a short time but then decided that they were better at being friends than lovers. Yet that didn't mean that they didn't get together from time to time for some loving. Unfortunately Lindy was dating a girl so this would have to be a lunch date. They met about a week later and after eating, they went for a walk and it was during this walk that Joy brought up this S & M site that she had came upon and how it caught her interest. She was hoping that Lindy wouldn't reject the subject right off but that is what she did by saying, "Oh hell girl, we're both too opinionated to get into that." Joy was disappointed and she just replied that she agreed and dropped the subject. She then decided that she was just going to have to figure this out on her own. For the next couple of years, she visited other S n& M sites but she always went back to the first one that she had joined. This was the one she liked the most by far.

During her senior year at school, Aunt Carrie's cancer began to really take hold of her. Between taking care of her aunt and studying, she had very little time for anything else. She gave up on dating anyone so she was left with just her site and her fingers. Then a month after she graduated her Aunt passed. It hurt Joy deeply to lose her aunt as she had grown to love the old woman dearly. But she knew that her aunt was better off as she was no longer in pain. After the funeral, her aunt's lawyer called her up and Joy found that her aunt had willed her house to her and also what savings that her illness hadn't taken. This left Joy much better off than most recent graduates. She had her degree in accounting, so she started to look for a job in Dallas. Since her grades were high, she was able to hook up with a big accounting firm there in Dallas. The best part of the job was that they had flex work schedules and she was also able to work from her home as long as she got her assignments done on time. This left her time to work on her house and she used her aunt's savings to do that.

A short time later was when she saw the little advertisement on the site stating that they were looking for a woman who was interested in being a model but the caveat was that the she needed to have no experience with S & M. When Joy saw this, she knew she was who they were looking for. She figured that the site was located in New York or even in Europe so that meant that she had no chance of actually doing it even if they wanted her. She looked at that advertisement every time that she went to the site which was often but she couldn't bring herself to actually click on the email link.

Joy brought herself out of her daze and she sat back up in her seat. She put her hand on her mouse and she clicked on the email link and before she could change her mind, she shot off an email telling a little about herself and then she clicked on the mouse forever sealing her fate.

She had planned on working from home the following day but she knew that she would be checking her email every five minutes so she went on into the office. However the first thing that she did when she got home was to check her email and she was sadden that there wasn't a reply and then she felt a wave of relief wash over her. She had made the attempt and nothing happened so she felt she could put the whole incident behind her. The next evening, she checked her email again and again there was no reply to her inquiry. She again felt those same emotions that she had felt the previous night. But for some reason, she kept checking every night after she got home to see if there was something there. Then on Friday, she decided to work from home since she had given up on getting any response from the site. She finished up with her work and she emailed her boss that she was done so that she could look it over, then she went to get her a bit of lunch.

When she came back, she clicked onto her email and she saw the usual junk mail and she was deleting them out when she found one that had as the subject, "Model Questionnaire". Joy didn't recognize the sender so she was about to delete it since it was a rather large email. Then it hit her that it might be from the site as she would be model for them if she was chosen. Joy felt her heart rate go way up and she saw that her fingers were shaking as she clicked on the email and it opened up for her. She immediately saw that it was indeed from the site. They thanked her for her interest and then asked her to fill out the attached questionnaire and they would get back to her. Joy looked over the questionnaire and saw that the first few questions were easy as they were about her looks, her breasts size, hair color, eye color, etc. then the questions turned to S & M. They asked things like how she had found this site, what things she had done. Joy read over all the questions and there were about fifty of them before she went back to the top and she started to answer them. The ones that were about herself were easy but when they started to ask more specific questions about the different forms of S & M she had trouble answering. She had read about some of the things so she could answer them but sometimes the terminology got the better of her. She was tempted to look them up on the internet but decided to go with only what she knew. She felt like this was the best way to go. She wanted to be honest with them so that they would know what they were getting. Once she finished, she read over the answers and was about to send it when she saw the last sentence on the email. This one made her nervous as it asked for a picture of her. Joy sat back and she was suddenly nervous again. She had always thought that she was cute enough with her shoulder length ginger colored hair and semi-firm body. She had kept herself in decent shape going to the gym a couple of times a week and she did yoga several times a week to keep her body loose, relaxed, and flexible. Her breasts were a B cup and she had a nice flair to her hips. The only thing she didn't like about herself was the fact that she was only five foot seven. She had always wanted to be taller but that wasn't to be, she didn't have the right genes. Then she thought about what picture to send to them. They didn't ask if they wanted a clothed one or a nude one. Since she didn't have a nude one and wasn't sure she was up to sending one of those anyway, she chose a clothed one. But even there she had a problem, as she hadn't had her picture taken recently so she was limited as to what she could send. She went through her picture files and finally found a picture that her friend Lindy had taken of her a couple of years before and she was wearing a tight pair of jeans and a form fitting sweater that made her breasts appear slightly larger than they really were. She attached the picture to her email back and she sent it. She then sat back and wondered if it was the right thing to do but she knew that she hadn't committed herself to anything yet. She could still back out or if they should write her back, she could just not answer it. Yet she knew in her heart that if they wrote to her, she would follow up. She had to find out what it was all about. This had become too much a part of her life even though she had never actually done anything that she had imagined herself doing at this site.

It wasn't until Wednesday evening that she got a reply from the questionnaire that she had filled out. This time they just asked where she lived and how flexible her schedule was, i.e. could she be available for shoots if she was chosen. They said that the photo shoots would be taken over a period of months with about one shoot every couple of weeks and it would take all day. Joy knew that they were interested in her and that surprised her a little, as she never figured that they would actually be interested in someone like her. Joy told them that she lived in Dallas Texas and that she could get off work but it depended on how far she would have to travel. She figured that it would be in New York or worse in Europe somewhere and thus she would have to bow out. She sent the email out and then she started to answer her other emails.

The rest of that week passed and by Monday of the following week she had given up on hearing from the site again. She obviously lived too far from the site for her to be considered. She was disappointed to say the least but she did feel good about trying anyway. It just worked out that she wasn't to be a model. So when she opened her email on Tuesday she was extremely surprised to see an email from the web site. She clicked on it and it asked if she could be at Thelma's TexMex restaurant at six on Friday. It listed the address and Joy about had a heart attack. They actually wanted to meet her and meet her here in Dallas; she wouldn't have to fly anywhere to get an interview. But still she knew that they may be meeting a lot of girls there and they would chose one that they liked and then they would have to fly somewhere to actually do the shoots. She then began to think that through and she realized that if they were meeting a bunch of girls, they wouldn't do it at a restaurant and not when everyone would be coming in to eat. She didn't know what to think other than she had to take the next step. She snapped off an email saying that she would be there and then she Googled the restaurant to find out how to get there. Dallas was a huge city and she lived in the eastern suburbs. She found that the restaurant was on the north end of town and she could get there without having to go through Dallas. The only bad thing was that she would have to wait until Friday to find out any more about what was going to happen. She knew that she would be a bundle of nerves until Friday came and she was.

When she got to the restaurant, she was shaking like a leaf. She felt like she was about to throw up and pee on herself at the same time. She entered the restaurant and before the hostess could say anything she saw the bathroom and ran toward it. She found an open stall just as she felt what little she had in her stomach come up. She wiped her mouth with some toilet paper and then she sat down to pee. She was one tight bundle of nerves and she knew it she didn't get control of herself, there was no way she was ever going to become the model that they were looking for. Once she had finished peeing and her stomach had calmed down, she went to the mirror to fix her face back up. She never used much makeup so she just put some blush on her cheeks and checked her eyes to make sure she didn't look like she just upchucked in the bathroom. She went back out to the hostess and told her that she was to meet someone there. It was only then that she realized that she had no clue as to what the name of the person she was meeting. However the hostess seemed to be expecting her and she took her to a table by the window so that she could look out into the street. The table was also placed back away from all the other tables so that whoever sitting there could talk with some privacy. The waitress came over and asked what she was drinking and Joy ordered a diet coke. She sipped on it as she looked outside at the street and the sidewalk. She hoped that she wouldn't be forced to wait long as she knew that she stomach would revolt again if she did. It wasn't long before she saw a woman get out of a car that had just parked down the street. The lady was wearing jeans, a loose fitting blouse and then Joy noticed the boots and they are what caught her attention. She watched the lady walk toward the restaurant and she began to notice how the lady walked and it seemed like she had seen that walk before. She watched closely and as the woman got closer she could see that she was about to meet Mistress Scarlett. This was the woman that she had gone to bed every night imagining doing all types of things to her body. Joy got nervous all over again but for a different reason, not to mention that her nipples were getting hard. She reached for her coke to wet her suddenly dry throat and she almost tipped her glass over. She grabbed it just in time and she looked over at waitress and she saw her smiling at her. She was hoping that no one saw her but that wasn't to be the case and she gave the waitress a smile back. She then set her eyes to the door and she watched the woman that was the center of her fantasies entering the restaurant.

She looked up at her and then she had a sudden fear enter her brain, "What if she turned out to be a real bitch?" That would ruin it all and she would never be able to look at the site in the same way as before. She was then wishing that it had been someone else that came to meet her; she didn't want Mistress Scarlet to ruin everything.

Mistress Scarlet turned toward her and she gave Joy a soft smile. This made Joy feel a little better and she tried her best to smile back hoping that it covered her nervousness. She slowly made her way over to the table and Joy could see how confidently she took every step.

"You're Joy I presume," she said as she came up to the table.

"Oh yes," Joy said as she stood up and stuck her hand out to shake Mistress Scarlett's hand, "It's nice to finally meet you..." Joy started to say and then she didn't know whether to call her Mistress, Mistress Scarlett, or just Scarlett.

"Scarlett is just fine." She said as she gripped Joy's hand firmly and she shook it then held it for a moment longer before letting it go.

"It's nice to meet you Scarlett, I love all your photo shoots, and you're so beautiful in them." Joy said as they both sat down.

"You know flattery will get you everywhere." Scarlett said and then she let out a laugh that was so soft and nice on the ears.

Joy laughed with her and she began to relax, "I will have to remember that." And she laughed as did Scarlett.

"So let's eat and then we can talk, how does that sound?" Scarlett said as she turned and got the waitress's attention.

"Sounds good," Joy said as she felt her stomach flip when she heard Scarlett mention talking as she knew just the subject would be about.

They both sat in silence as they looked over the menu however Joy could see that Scarlett was looking her over. This made her more than a little nervous and she tried to keep a smile on her face but that was just too hard to do and she finally had to relax her mouth. She then saw that Scarlett was smiling at her and she could just feel that Scarlett knew what she was going through. Scarlett's smile just made her smile all over again. She knew that Scarlett was playing with her mind and there wasn't a thing that she could do about it. The only thing that Joy knew she could do to avoid Scarlett's watchful eyes was to hide behind her menu so that is what she did. She looked through the menu but she couldn't decide what she wanted to order. She didn't want something spicy as her stomach was still full of butterflies however it was kind of hard not to order something spicy at a TexMex restaurant. She finally decided on taco salad figuring that she could much down on the lettuce if her stomach didn't calm down. When the waitress took their orders, Joy was forced to give up her menu and thus her hiding place.

"So tell me a little about yourself." Scarlett said with a soft smile on her face that did help Joy to relax a bit, plus the easy question helped.

"What would you like to know?" Joy asked to buy her a little time to think about what she wanted to say.

"Anything that you are comfortable in telling me would be fine. How about telling me what you do and then work backwards." Scarlett told her and that helped Joy in deciding what she wanted to say.

"Well I'm an accountant and have been with a firm here in Dallas since I graduated from college. They are real good about allowing their employees work from home and at hours that fit their schedule. The department I work in audits the books for a number of multinational companies. So once we get the information from the company then it is a matter of going over all the entries. So that can be done either in the office or at home. I like to do most of my work from home as it is easier for me to work there. I don't have people coming in to bother me. And since I get my assignments done before they are due my supervisor has no problems with letting me do most of my work from home." Joy told her.

"That must be nice; I wish I could do my work from home." Scarlett said with a little laugh and Joy laughed with her. "So tell me about your college years?"

"Well there's not much to tell there, mostly I just studied and took care of my great aunt." Joy said.

"Why did you have to take care of your Aunt, was she sick or something?" Scarlett asked innocently enough.

Joy had a sudden flashback of the day that her aunt died and she felt a wave of sadness wash over her. She didn't like to talk about her aunt to anyone as it was still too painful and now this strange lady was asking her to talk about her.

"You don't have to talk about her if you don't want to, we can talk about something else." Scarlett told her as she placed her hand on Joy's forearm and when Joy looked into Scarlett's eyes; she saw a softness in them that surprised her considering what Scarlett did for a living.

"No it is okay, I don't mind talking about her." Joy said and then she thought for a moment about where to start. "When I graduated from high school, I found out that my Great Aunt Carrie, whom I never knew existed much less met, was sick. My mother and her sister talked me into going to live with her since she was in the same city that I was going to go to school and actually lived right off campus."

"That was nice of you to do that for her." Scarlett said.

"Well to be honest, it was more like they bribed me into doing it." Joy confessed and that made Scarlett's eyes light up and she laughed.

"That works for me, what did it take to bribe you?" Scarlett asked as she continued to smile.

"Ah... let me think... I got a new car, a monthly allowance and I made them add in a new computer and high speed internet." Joy said and she laughed as she remembered how she, her mother, and her aunt negotiated.

"You did pretty well there." Scarlett said and then they had to stop as the waitress brought them their food. Joy found that she was now actually hungry and the butterflies in her stomach had calmed down. They both tasted their food before Joy continued her story.

"As soon as we had made our deal, I began to have second thoughts as to what I had agreed to. I mean I had never met this woman and she was in her eighties. I had never been around old people before and I just knew she would be this mean old lady that would drive me mad." Joy said as she stopped for a second to get a bite to eat.

"But she wasn't a mean old woman was she?" Scarlett asked.

Joy smiled as she thought about the day she first met her Aunt Carrie, "No she wasn't. She was about the sweetest woman that I ever had the privilege to meet. She welcomed me into her home and she made me feel like it was my home and I wasn't sent there to be her servant. I think that I started to love that old woman that first day. I really didn't mind taking care of her; she made it easy on me. She kept telling me what a bother she was to me and I don't think that I ever convinced her that she wasn't. Then the old bat had to leave me her home and what savings that she had left." Joy said and she felt sad for a moment as she thought of Aunt Carrie again.

"I think she gave you more that you ever gave her didn't she?" Scarlett said more than asked.

"Yea, she did. She helped me to grow up and I can never thank her enough for that." Joy told her.

"I think I would have liked to have met her." Scarlett said.

"She would have welcomed you in home and then talked your ear off." Joy said with a laugh.

"That would have been cool and I bet she had some good stories to tell didn't she?"

"Yes she did, sometimes I wondered if all she stories were true as she had been all over the world yet I knew that they were." Joy said.

"So tell me one of them." Scarlett asked.

Joy thought for a moment then she started to tell Scarlett her favorite Aunt Carrie story and when she was done with that one, she told her another one. It was this way that they got through their dinner and Joy's stomach decided to keep quiet as the butterflies had left. Scarlett kept asking her questions about her aunt and Joy could tell that she was being sincere and she genuinely wanted to know about her relationship with her.

"It's a nice evening, would you like to go and take a walk?" Scarlett asked as she gave the waitress her credit card to pay for their dinner.

"Sure, that'll be fine." Joy replied knowing that the reason that they were both here was about to be discussed. Joy waited for her butterflies to return however they didn't. Scarlett had done such a good job at putting her at ease that she didn't feel as scared as she did when she arrived at the restaurant.

"So tell me how you got interested in becoming a model for an S&M site?" Scarlett asked after they had walked a short way down the street.

"Well there were a lot of nights that I had nothing to do when I was taking care of my aunt. She was usually in bed and asleep by nine. So I would go up to my room and I would play on my computer. Sometimes I would just play games and then when the mood hit me, I would go to "Shall we say, less tame sites." Joy told her and she felt a little embarrassed about confessing this to Scarlett.

"I bet I could guess what those sites would entail." Scarlett said as she playfully poked Joy in the arm.

This playfulness surprised Joy but also pleased her. "I bet you could." Joy said as her wit came out. "Anyway," Joy said to continue on with her story as she wanted to get it all out before she lost her nerve. "I started with the lesbian sites as that is what I am. This was nice and I hit these sites for a year or so when one night I was playing around going from one link to another. That is how I came upon some S&M sites. I found that I was aroused by them and that made me feel guilty. I didn't know something like that would turn me on but it did. I would keep telling myself that I wouldn't go back to those sites but within a night or two I was back. The only problem was that I couldn't find a site that was just women until I found your site. It was the first site that I ever got a membership to and the only one that I have ever kept my membership up with." Joy said as she felt some relief to finally be able to talk to someone about her attraction to S&M.

"Okay now I'm going to ask you some very personal questions, is that okay with you?" Scarlett asked.

"Sure, I expected you to have done that already." Joy admitted to her.

"I wanted to get to know a little about you first, see who you are before I got to some of the hard ones." Scarlett told her.

"I see, so what is it that you want to ask me?" Joy asked.

Scarlett paused for a moment as an elderly couple passed by them on their evening walk and then she asked, "Does what you see on the internet arouse you?"

"Ah... yes it does." Joy admitted in a soft whisper.

"You don't need to be embarrassed by say that, it arouses me a great deal and I would have been surprised if you had said no." Scarlett told her and then she asked her next question, "Have you ever done any of the things that you saw on our site or any other site for that matter?"

"No I haven't even talked to anyone about it until now." Joy said and then she remember something, "Well that's not completely true, I did try once talking to a friend in college but she laughed at the thought of me getting into that and I never pursued it again. It has been my little dark secret until now."

Scarlett was silent for a moment and Joy looked over at her and saw that she was thinking and she started to say something as the momentary stoppage of conversation was killing her, she wanted to get this all out in the open.

"Joy you referred this as your dark secret, do you think S&M is wrong or something only bad deviant people do?" Scarlett asked as she stopped walking and turned toward her.

"I did at first but slowly I found that it was something that I couldn't forget. It was something that I had to try just to see what it was like. It was like an itch that I have to scratch." Joy replied.

"So once you have done it once you will have scratched the itch and be done with it?" Scarlett asked with arched eyebrows.

"No, I don't think so. I believe once I have done it I will want to keep on doing it. I can feel it in my soul. Maybe calling it an itch was the wrong metaphor, it's more like a need that I need to fulfill. And one time won't satisfy that need. You don't have to worry about me walking out after the first session; if you were to choose me then I will keep on going until it is done." Joy said.

"And after that what will you do if the need is still there?" Scarlett asked.

"I don't know, I guess I will have to cross that bridge when I come to it." Joy replied.

"Now let me ask you something else. "Scarlett said.

"Okay," Was Joy's reply.

"You realize that this isn't a walk in the park, there's some pain involved. I mean even when I swing a whip or ridding crop lightly it still stings and some of the positions that you will be put in will be uncomfortable to say the least. You will also have to be in those positions for longer than normal since we will be photographing you." Scarlett warned her.

"I know that it will hurt and that is the part that excites me the most for some reason and being in those positions won't be a problem I don't think. I work out a few times a week and do yoga to keep myself limber. I have studied all the positions that you put your models in and I think I can handle them. Of course I won't know for sure until I actually do them."

"Of course and we'll try to help you out there if we should decide to go with you." Scarlett told her.

"When will you make the decision?' Joy asked her.

"When we find the right model, of course," Scarlett replied.

"How many more models do you have to interview?" Joy asked.

"Maybe none, maybe a great many more," Scarlett said.

"That doesn't exactly answer my question." Joy said with a smile.

"I know it doesn't but this isn't like we are having one call and we pick the best one. As someone comes along and interest us then we will interview them to see if they are what we are looking for. When we find who we want, then we will stop looking and if we don't find them then we will forget the project and go to something else." Scarlett asked.

"So have you found anyone close to what you're looking for?" Joy asked.

Scarlett laughed and then said, "Joy to ease your mind a bit, you are the closest that I have seen since we have started this but don't think that you are a shoe in. You're just starting the interview process and there's more to come."

"Well that makes me feel better" Joy said and then she knew from Scarlett's answer that she was closer to being the model that they were looking for than anyone else that they had talked to. What Scarlett said next only confirmed that theory.

"We keep getting these models that look promising but then they give themselves away and we know that they're not new to this, they have been at it for years."

"Well I have never done anything like this before." Joy replied.

"I know you haven't, I can tell that by the way you talk and how you answered the questions that we sent you." Scarlett told her.

"There was some hard questions you gave me and some of them I really didn't have a clue as to how to answer them." Joy said.

"That was so that we could catch the girls that were lying to us about being new to S&M." Scarlett replied.

"I didn't lie to you, I answered them as best that I could." Joy said.

"I know and you did just fine." Scarlett said, "Now do you have any questions for me?"

"Just one I think or really it is just something that I need to tell you." Joy said.

"What's that honey?"

"I read a lot about S&M and also about being a slave to a mistress and that is something I don't think I'm cut out for. I'm too head strong to become anyone's slave and conform to what they want of and from me." Joy said and she prayed that she didn't just ruin her chances of becoming the model they were looking for.

Scarlett smiled at her and she touched her arm with her long fingers, "Honey I'm not looking for a slave, I already have a couple of those, I just want a model that I can introduce into this lifestyle and slavery isn't always a part of that. It is all a matter of what you want from it. You take what you like and forget the rest. The main thing is finding a partner that wants the same thing that you do or someone who will meet you halfway there."

"Thanks, I was a little worried about that." Joy said.

"It's cool but just remember that once we are in the studio, you'll be under my absolute control and I will bend you to my will." Scarlett said in a tone of voice that Joy recognized from the videos on the site.

"I know and that is what I want." Joy said and she felt a shiver go through her body as she thought about submitting to Scarlett's will.

"I believe that you do." Scarlett said as she gave Joy a knowing smile.

"So if I get the job will I have to travel far?" Joy asked trying to change the subject.

"Not as far as you might think." Scarlett replied cryptically.

"You're real good at not answering some of my questions." Joy said with a laugh.

"When the time comes I will answer them all, I promise. But for now I just want you to get to know me and I know you. We need to build up some trust here before we get into the studio. I want you to trust me to take care of you. I want to take you to your absolute limits but then stop short of crossing them. You have to believe that I will do that before we get into shooting." Scarlett told her.

"So how do you propose that we build that trust?" Joy asked feeling that she was going to be the model just from what Scarlett was telling her.

"By doing what we are doing right now, getting to know each other. That way I can earn your trust and I can find out if you are the one we have been looking for. So how about we just talk a little as we head back toward our cars and then we can meet back here next Friday night to have dinner and talk some more." Scarlett told her.

"That sounds good but how about you coming to my house and I'll fix us something to eat. That way we can both be more comfortable and feel more at ease." Joy suggested.

"I think that is a great idea, and maybe I can pick something up for us to eat, that way you won't have to cook." Scarlett suggested.

"Don't you trust my cooking?" Joy said as she stopped in her tracks and she folded her arms across her chest.

"Oh no, I didn't mean that, I just didn't want to put you out. I'm sure that you're a great cook." Scarlett said as she stopped and turned back toward Joy.

"Well, I'm not a great cook but I can cook. So you'll come over on Friday evening?" Joy asked with her arms still firmly crossed her chest.

"Yes, I'll be there and I'll just bring us some wine, how about that?" Scarlett asked.

"I can live with that." Joy said as she finally relaxed her arms and she smiled. "I told you I could be head strong." Joy added.

"Well my whip and a crop can cure you of that." Scarlett told her.

"I don't know about that but I sure would like the chance to find out." Joy said.

"Maybe you will, maybe you will..." Scarlett replied and that sent another shiver through Joy's body. They then proceeded with their walk just talking as they started the process of getting to know each other.

When Joy got home that night, she began to review her whole conversation with Scarlett. She tried to break down every sentence that she could remember Scarlett making and it all seemed to lead to one thing to her. That she was the model that they would choose. She wasn't completely confident of that but she was sure enough. However that led her to another question, "Would she really go through with it?" She felt like she would but she also knew that she really couldn't say until she was there and she felt the cuffs being placed on her or whatever they would do for her first shooting. Then she chuckled at herself as she knew she was counting her chickens before they hatched. She straightened up some things around the house and then she went on to bed.

That weekend she went back to her favorite site but this time she was doing her research. She studied each and every position and then she tried to place herself in the same position. It some cases it wasn't too hard to recreate the position but others where the model was hanging from a bream in the ceiling, she had no real way to recreate it and thus feel what it would be like. So she made sure that she did her yoga exercises. She wanted to be as limber as possible.

"So you did find my house." Joy said as she opened the door and she saw Scarlett standing there on her porch holding two bottles of wine.

"Sure, your directions were perfect, I only got lost twice." Scarlett said and Joy felt her jaw fall to the floor as that was the last thing she wanted to have happen, Scarlett getting lost using her directions.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I was sure that I got them right." Joy said apologizing.

"You did, I was messing with you. I got here with no problems at all."Scarlett said as she stepped into the little house. "I didn't know what you were serving so I brought a red and white wine."

"Well I just fixed good old country food so I'm not sure which should be served." Joy told her.

"Then we'll have both." Scarlett said.

"Sounds good to me, here let me show you the kitchen and we can put the wine into the fridge to chill and then I'll give you the grand tour." Joy said as she took Scarlett by the arm and led her into the kitchen. From there, Joy took her around the first floor and then she let her up the stairs to the where the bedrooms were located and the main bathroom.

"You have a lovely home; you have done a great job with it." Scarlett said as she came into the kitchen with Joy.

"Thank you but most of the credit has to go to my great uncle. He designed the house and had it built. He wanted a house that would last for generations. All that I have done was to add a few things here and there. The rest was my aunt and uncle's doing." Joy told her.

"Well between them and you, you have a very nice home." Scarlett said and then she added, "Is there anything I can do to help you with dinner?"

"Yes there is, you can sit there and keep me company as I finish it up. It is really about all done." Joy said as she fiddled around the kitchen putting the finishing touches on their dinner. She was thankful that the first couple of years that she stayed with her aunt, she was well enough to show her how to cook. Her aunt did love to cook. That was something that they shared and something that brought them closer together. Without realizing it, she was telling Scarlett all of this as she went from the stove to the fridge and back. When the food was about done, Scarlett got the bottle of wine out and she poured them both a glass. They sipped their wine and talked until dinner was ready and then Scarlett help her put the food out and they ate.

"So do you have any questions about what you would be doing if we should decide to go with you?" Scarlett said as she curled her long legs up under her as they sat on the couch facing each other sipping on the second bottle of wine.

"Would I have any input as to what we would be doing?" Joy asked.

"For the most part no, as the object of this project is to bring someone completely new to the scene and photograph their reactions to what is happening to her. If you knew before hand what was going to happen then your reactions would not be a genuine." Scarlett told her.

"I didn't think of that." Joy replied.

"Is there something that you had in mind or something that you want me to do to you?" Scarlett asked.

"For the most part no but I did want to something to happen in the first scene that you have me do." Joy said.

"What's that dear?"

"Can I show you, it will be easier than trying to describe it?" Joy asked.

"Sure, that'll be fine." Scarlett said.

"Come on, my computer is up in my bedroom." Joy said as she got up.

"Oh how I do love to be invited up to a girls bedroom." Scarlett said in a lust filled voice.

Joy felt her face go hot and she knew she was blushing from head to toe and she saw that Scarlett was smiling from ear to ear.

"Sorry but I just couldn't resist." Scarlett told her.

"That's okay; I left myself open to that one." Joy said smiling but she knew her face was still red.

Joy tried to think of something witty to say to Scarlett as she walked up the stairs but nothing was coming to mind so she remained silent until they got to her bedroom. She was thankful that she thought to make her bed up that afternoon as that was something that she never did. It was just her there and unfortunately she had few visitors lately that she could bring up here.

"Let me fire up my computer and I'll show you want I was thinking about for our first shoot." Joy said and then she quickly added, "That is if I get that far."

"You got me curious now." Scarlett said as she sat down on the edge of the bed.

"It is probably something that you won't want to do but..." Joy said as didn't know how to end her thought.

"Let me decide that. Even if it's not what we had in mind for the first shoot, it still may be something that we can work in at some point." Scarlett told her and that made Joy feel a little better.

"That will be fine too, I know that you'll have to go with what you feel will work best for me or whomever you chose." Joy told her as her computer finally came up and she was ready to show Scarlett what she had in mind.

"That looks real familiar to me for some strange reason." Scarlett said as Joy brought up Scarlett's site.

"I would hope so." Joy said with a laugh and then she felt Scarlett right behind her. She looked up at Scarlett just as Scarlett put her hands on her shoulders. She felt her heart start to pound inside of her chest and she felt her nipples began to tighten under her bra.

"This is what I had in mind." Joy said as she clicked on the first photo shoot that she had looked at when she had become a member to this site. She moved her seat back a little so that Scarlett could see the first picture of the shoot.

"I sort of remember this one, click on through a few more pictures." Scarlett said as she leaned down and Joy could feel Scarlett's breath on her right ear. That only served to excite her more and she felt a twitch in her pussy.

"Okay..." Joy said as she didn't trust her voice to say anything more. She put her hand back on the mouse and she clicked on the "Next" tab. She felt Scarlett lean on down and she face was right beside of Joy's causing her more discomfort as she getting a double dose of stimulation.

Joy clicked onto several more pictures before she removed her hand thinking that Scarlett had probably seen enough. "Keep going honey." Scarlett whispered to her. Joy slowly pressed the mouse and she kept going. As she watched the pictures, she felt herself getting more and more excited. She was glad that she had worn jeans instead of the skirt she was going to wear as her panties were definitely getting wet. She was hoping that Scarlett would tell her to stop so that she could get to a bathroom and clean herself up before she soaked through her jeans. However Scarlett wanted her to go on.

"I can see why you like this shoot; it is very hot isn't it?" Scarlett said.

"Oh yes..." Joy said and she found that her voice had suddenly gotten a husky tilt to it.

"Let's see the rest of it." Scarlett suggested and Joy wanted to groan as this set always got her the hottest and it was having that effect on her right now and with Scarlett having her head right beside of her and her hands on her shoulders, Joy was about to die.

"Sure," Joy said quickly and she clicked on the next picture.

They slowly made their way through the shoot and Joy just kept getting wetter. She could smell her own arousal and she knew there was no way that Scarlett would not have smelled it also. Unfortunately this shoot had over two hundred pictures in it so it took them awhile to get to the end. Then once there Scarlett caused her even more misery.

"Show me another set that you like."

Joy was about to die by now. Her pussy was demanding attention and Scarlett was staying close to her so that she couldn't jump up and run to the bathroom. She didn't trust her voice at all at this point so she just went to the next photo set that she liked. If she was able to think properly, she would have gone to a set she didn't like all that well so that she wouldn't get any more excited if that was possible. Joy started through this set and she unconsciously started to squeeze her legs together and she started to move them against each other trying to creating some friction onto her pussy. She didn't notice Scarlett glancing down at her legs and she didn't see her smile. Joy slowly went through this set faster than the first one and Scarlett didn't slow her down. By the time that they had completed this set Joy was at the end of her rope.

"I need to use the restroom, I'll be right back." Joy said as she jumped from her seat and streaked toward the bathroom that was attached to her bedroom.

"I'll meet you back downstairs." Joy heard Scarlett say through the door.

Joy didn't say anything as she was too busy shucking her jeans and panties down and her hand went to her pussy and she began to masturbate. Her pussy was soaking wet and her fingers slid across her pussy at a rapid rate. She had her eyes closed tight and she was remembering feel Scarlett so close to her and seeing those pictures on her computer screen, only in her mind it was her and Scarlett in those pictures. It usually it took her a few minutes to bring herself to orgasm. However she was so aroused that after only a few strokes of her fingers on her clit, she felt her body began to tighten up and she had to bite her tongue to keep from crying out. She felt the release to come to her and she let out a moan as her orgasm coursed through her body.

When she felt the effects of her orgasm begin to ease, she realized what she had done. She knew she probably looked stupid to Scarlett and she knew her chance at being the model had just gone out the window. She turned and looked at herself in the mirror and she cursed herself. This was something that she wanted and she just blew it. She figured that Scarlett would probably have left by now so she took her time in washing her pussy off getting her girlcum off. She then peeked into the bedroom and she found that it was empty so she walked out with no pants or panties on and she put on a clean pair of panties and she put on a matching pair of jeans. She took a deep breath and she walked out of the bedroom and she went downstairs. She was more than a little surprised to see that not only was Scarlett still there but she had poured them both a fresh glass of jeans.

"Feel better now?" Scarlett asked and she had a knowing smile on her face.

"What?" Joy asked but she knew what Scarlett was talking about. She could see it on Scarlett's face that Scarlett knew what she had just done. She only hoped that Scarlett wouldn't say anything else about it. She could feel her face turning a bright red and she wanted to crawl into a hole if only she could find one.

"Honey, sit down and let me tell you something." Scarlett told her in a sweet but somehow commanding voice.

Joy sat down and she took the glass of wine that Scarlett was holding out for her. She put the glass to her mouth and she took a long drink from the glass. She could feel the wine begin to relax her but she was still so embarrassed about the way she had acted and how she was unable to control her body.

"Joy, I was testing you up there. I wanted to see if you got aroused by what you were seeing. If you just went through those pictures acting like you were looking at houses then I would know that you weren't what we are looking for. And you did get very aroused didn't you?" Scarlett asked.

Joy let a smile come to her face as she realized that she had passed her first real test and she said, "Very aroused."

"So aroused that you had to change your jeans, I see." Scarlett said smiling that knowing smile again.

"How did you know? These are the same as the other ones that I was wearing." Joy asked.

"The other ones had flour on the butt where you wiped your hands on them. These jeans seemed to have lost that flour." Scarlett said.

Joy twisted around as if to see where the flour was or rather had been and then she realized that she had been wearing those flour covered jeans all evening. "You mean I had flour on my jeans when you got here?" Joy asked feeling embarrassed all over again.

"Yea but don't worry about it, I thought that it was cute and you looked more at home that way. I wanted to see the real you and that showed me a little more of that. So don't worry about it, it's just another point in your favor." Scarlett told her and that made Joy feel much better about the way the evening was going.

"Well that's good then but I still feel foolish that I didn't check myself before going to the door to let you in." Joy said.

"Don't worry about it, I'm bad about doing that myself and Lauren is getting on me all the time about it during a shoot." Scarlett told her.

"Who's Lauren?" Joy asked.

"Oh I haven't told you about her have I?" Scarlett stated.

"No you haven't, is she a model or something although I don't remember seeing her name anywhere?" Joy asked.

"No she's the owner and the photographer of the site." Scarlett said with a little laugh.

"I thought you were the owner on the site, your name is all over it and you are in most of the shoots." Joy said more than a little surprised.

"Oh no, I just work for her and I do most of the shoots but I also do the interviewing of the models as well as train the new Mistresses. When I started, I was just the Mistress for the site and she centered it around me and she did the rest. But as the site grew then she started having me do some of the other stuff. Now I'm doing more of the administrative stuff and we are bringing in some other people to take over for me as this just broadens our reach and hopefully bring in more customers." Scarlett said.

"Then who would be the one my..." Joy asked and Scarlett finished her sentence.

"...Mistress? I would be if you would like." Scarlett told her.

"I would, you are kind of the center of my fantasies." Joy admitted as she blushed.

"That's nice to hear. And that is part of why I'm here so that you can get to know me and thus hopefully learn to trust me. I have to have that for this to work. You will need to know that I will take care of you even when I am hitting you with a cat-o-nine tails or a riding crop or whatever else that I chose to use on you." Scarlett said.

"I know and it's there a word that you will give me to let you know when I can't take any more? I think I have read that in several places." Joy asked.

"Yes there is but since you will sometimes be gagged so we like to use a gesture instead of a word." Scarlett told her.

"You mean like this?" Joy asked as she stuck her middle finger up with the rest of her fingers folded down thus throwing Scarlett a bird.

Scarlett let out a big laugh, "That will work just fine."

"Oh no, I was just kidding with you." Joy said.

"Nope I like that signal so that is what we will use. That way I know that I will get the point." Scarlett said still laughing.

Joy let out a laugh and they started to talk more as Scarlett told Joy about how the site started and how it had evolved into what it was now. Joy enJoyed hearing about all that went on behind the scenes of a site like the one Scarlett was on. She learned a great deal about what was to happen to her and it made her want to do it more.

"I guess the wine is done and I need to head home." Scarlett said as she took her last sip from her glass.

"Why don't you stay here, you have had too much to drink for me to let you drive and you will be more comfortable here instead of in some strange motel room." Joy told her.

"Hey I thought I was the mistress here." Scarlett said with arched eyebrows.

"I didn't mean to tell you what to do but you are welcome to stay here. I got a spare bedroom with a nice comfortable bed better than a motel bed." Joy told her.

"I know what you mean and I'm alright to drive but just to play it safe I'll take you up on your offer. I didn't really want to drive home this late at night." Scarlett said and it was then that Joy realized that Scarlett had said home and not a motel twice.

"You said home twice, just where do you live?" Joy asked.

Joy watched a shy smile come to Scarlett's face as she said,"Oh my apartment is about an hour from here."

"You live in Dallas?" Joy asked shocked.

"Yea, all my life." Scarlett said.

"Then just where is the studio for the site." Joy asked.

"About a mile from where I met you last Friday evening." Scarlett said and Joy could see that she loved her reaction to this information.

"I thought you were based in New York or someplace like that, not here." Joy told her.

"I know and I let you believe that. I didn't want you to know where we were located at until I was sure that you were what we were looking for." Scarlett told her.

"You mean I'm in, I'm going to be the model?" Joy asked as she felt her heart pounding from excitement and more than a little apprehension.

"Yes and no, I think you are what we want but you still have to get past Lauren. I still have to talk to you some more and make sure you know what you are getting into and that you will stay for the long haul. We will be doing this over a long period of time so I have to know that you will hang in there with us. If we make a commitment to you then we have to have the same thing from you." Scarlett said.

"Oh I will, this is so exciting, it's like a dream come true." Joy said as she leaned over and she gave Scarlett a hug before she could think about what she was doing.

"Hopefully it will be everything that have dreamed it to be." Scarlett whispered into her ear as she hugged her back.

Joy squeezed Scarlett tighter and she felt reluctant to let Scarlett go. It was nice to hold her and as she had begun to get to know her and she liked Scarlett. Joy gripped her tighter as she felt her thought about what was to come and the things that she would be doing with the lady that was in her arms. Soon she realized that the hug had gone on too long and she started to let Scarlett go however Scarlett held her a moment longer before letting her go. As Joy leaned back she looked into Scarlett's eyes and she liked what she saw. This wasn't someone that she had a fantasy about but someone that she was quickly growing to like. She found that Scarlett was staring back at her and the tension was growing.

"So where is this spare bedroom of yours?" Scarlett said as she broke their eye contact.

"Oh upstairs, it's right by my bedroom." Joy said wondering why she added that last part.

"Well, I'm going to hit the bathroom and then hit the sack." Scarlett said as she got up off the couch.

"Me too, let me turn off the lights down here and check the doors and I'm be right up." Joy said.

"I'll check the doors and you can get the lights then." Scarlett said as she headed for the front door and Joy went to the kitchen to get the lights.

She met Scarlett at the steps and she followed her up. Joy's eyes look in Scarlett's long legs and her ass as it swayed. She felt her body begin to respond to what she was seeing and she tried to take her eyes off of Scarlett's body but she couldn't. Her eyes followed Scarlett's body as it went to the guest bathroom and they said their goodnights.

When Joy went into her bathroom, she saw her jeans and panties in the floor and that reminded her of what she had done just a few hours before. This time it didn't embarrass her but instead made her smile. She knew she couldn't help how her body reacted to Scarlett being so close to her as they viewed those pictures. Joy also saw the flour that was on the seat of her jeans and that made her smile more. She then went to the mirror and she saw that she had a big grin on her face that she couldn't remove, not that she wanted to. She was feeling on top of the world now and she didn't want to come back to earth just yet. She washed up and then went to bed. She tried to relax but too many things had happened that evening for her mind to stop working. She decide to let her mind work for a few minutes then try to sleep but that wasn't to be. She could feel how tired her body was getting only her mind was working a mile a minute. She turned to her right side then her left before lying on her stomach. From there she went to her back and started the process all over again. She flipped and flopped all over the bed for about an hour or so before she decided that sleep wasn't going to come. She sat up in bed and decided to go down and get a cup of tea to see if that would help her sleep. Normally she would just walk down there naked but since Scarlett was there, she got a robe from her bathroom and she put it on. She slipped out of her bedroom and she eased her door open. She eased her way down the hall not turning on the light. She passed by spare bedroom door and she was tempted to look in at her but she didn't. She walked on past the door and then she stepped on the board that always creaked and it did so this time. Joy cursed herself for forgetting about that damn board and she hoped that Scarlett didn't hear it. She went on down the stairs skipping the step that creaked and she went on into the kitchen. After making her tea, she wrapped her robe around her and she opened the back door and stepped out onto the back porch. It was a warm summer evening and she thought that the night air would help her to relax enough to sleep. The stars were out and she felt a cool breeze come through and that made her shiver so she put her cup of tea down on the rail to tie her robe close. Just as she set her cup down she felt someone behind her and she jumped as she felt arms sliding around her waist and pulling her back.

"Couldn't sleep?" She heard Scarlett asked.

"No I was too excited and my mind was going a mile a minute." Joy said as she leaned back into Scarlett's arms. "I hope that I didn't wake you." She added but secretly she was glad that Scarlett was here with her.

"No, I couldn't sleep either and when I heard you, I decided to see where you were going." Scarlett told her.

"I know why I couldn't sleep but what kept you awake?" Joy asked.

"I kept thinking about you." Scarlett said as she tightened her arms around Joy's body.

Joy let out a contented sigh and said, "I like hearing that, I was thinking about you too. I can't seem to get you out of my mind."

"You're just thinking about what I will soon be doing to you." Scarlett said.

"No, it was more than that. I was thinking about just you." Joy admitted to Scarlett as she turned in Scarlett's arms. She looked up into Scarlett's eyes and she saw that Scarlett was staring right back into hers.

They held their gaze until Joy went up on her tiptoes and she put her hand to the back of Scarlett's neck. She pulled her head down and their lips met in a kiss. Joy felt Scarlett hold her tighter and she melted into her hands. Joy opened her lips slightly and she felt Scarlett's lips opening. Then she felt Scarlett's tongue slipping into her mouth and she met it with her own tongue. She let out a moan as they kissed. She loved how Scarlett was kissing her and she could feel that the need inside of Scarlett was met by her own need. The kiss was becoming more passionate and she felt Scarlett's hands caressing her back when suddenly Scarlett pushed her back breaking off the kiss.

"We can't do this!" Scarlett cried out and she added "I knew I shouldn't have followed you down here." Then she turned to go back inside the house.

Joy reached out and grabbed her forcing her to turn back around. "Why can't we do this, we're both adults, there's nothing stopping us? We both obviously want to." Joy said as she could hear her own desperation and need.

"Because we will be doing things in the photo shoots and if we make love now then that will be taken away from the shoot. You see why we can't make love now. We have to wait. That is all there is to it." Scarlett said as she gently as she could and then she turned and walked back into the house.

"Fuck!" Joy said into the night. She knew that Scarlett was right but that didn't help the fact that she really wanted to make love to Scarlett. Her whole body was aching for her and she was up there in her spare bedroom and there wasn't a damn thing that she could do about it. She thought about running up there and throwing herself on top of Scarlett but she knew that Scarlett had lots more self-discipline than she did and she would only kick her out of the bed. Joy picked up her cup of tea and took a sip and found that it had gotten cold on her. She cursed again and threw the cup into the yard in her frustration. She then turned and went back inside. She made her way back to her bed only hesitating for a second at Scarlett's door. She lay down and she tried to sleep but all she could think of was the kiss with Scarlett. She had gone from a fantasy to something much more real. She still wanted Scarlett to do those things she had see in the pictures only now she also wanted Scarlett to make love to her. And the problem was now she didn't know which she wanted worse. Was she willing to give up on being the model to have Scarlett as a lover? She didn't know the answer to the question and she spend the next couple of hours trying to decide before sleep eventually found her and she slept but her dreams were filled with all types of erotic things involving Scarlett.

When Joy awoke the next morning, she rolled over and looked at the clock on her bed stand and saw that it was a little after eleven. "Oh god, I've slept half the day away." Joy thought to herself as she lay over on her back. She had always been an early riser no matter what time she went to bed. Her mind was just coming back to Scarlett when she heard a loud clang come from downstairs followed by "Shit!"

"Oh god I forgot all about her." Joy cried out to herself as she jumped from the bed and headed into the bathroom to brush her teeth and run a brush through her shoulder length ginger colored hair. She then rushed out of the bathroom putting her robe on as she went. She was just tying it closed as she slowed to a walk as she entered the kitchen.

"I hope I didn't wake you dear, I was trying to make us some breakfast when that damn pan decided to fall." Scarlett said as she pointed to the offending pan that was now sitting on the counter top.

Joy almost wanted to laugh as she saw Scarlett give the pan a stare that almost dared it to fall off again. Joy then got her wits about her and she told Scarlett, "You don't have to fix anything, you're a guest in my house, and I'm the one who should be doing the cooking." Then she went over to where Scarlett was standing by the stove. She could smell the scent of her body spray and she had to use all of her strength to keep from turning Scarlett around and kissing her.

"You cooked last night; it's my turn this morning." Scarlett said but then she slideover and let Joy help her with the eggs that she was making into a western omelet.

"But how am I going to butter you up if I let you do the cooking." Joy told her.

"So that's why you wanted me to come over here last night, it was all just to bribe me into making you the model." Scarlett said as she gave her a disapproving look that Joy could plainly see was for show.

"Sure, why else would I bring a woman so beautiful into my home?" Joy said as she glance up at Scarlett who she saw let a soft smile come to her face and she knew that she was getting to her.

"You know flattery will get you everywhere with me." Scarlett told her.

"That is what I was hoping." Joy said as she used her hip to bump Scarlett knocking her slightly off balance.

"Hey girl." Scarlett said smiling as she got back beside of Joy and they went back to cooking and they talked for a bit. Joy kept waiting for Scarlett to hip her back but it didn't come until they were almost done with the cooking and Joy had forgotten about it. She was completely relaxed when Scarlett flexed her hip sending Joy off balance and she almost fell but then Scarlett reached out and grabbed her keeping her upright.

"Damn girl you got one hell of a hip." Joy said laughing.

"That ain't all I got." Scarlett said as she arched her eyebrows.

"I bet." Joy said as she looking longingly into Scarlett's eyes. Joy saw a moment's hesitation in Scarlett's eyes and then it was gone and she again cursed the woman's self control.

"I declare these omelets ready to be devoured." Scarlett said as she put one into each of the plates that Joy had gotten out.

Joy poured them both a fresh cup of coffee and then they sat down to eat. Scarlett steered the conversation away from anything to do with the site and Joy's desire to be the model that they were looking for. She talked some about herself but not much of what she said gave Joy any insight as to what made Scarlett who she was. After they had eaten, Scarlett suggested that they go for a walk and it was here that she began to ask more questions surrounding Joy's interest in S & M and questioned her about whether she had ever tried any of it, if even on herself. Joy told her that was something that she had thought about but decided to wait. She knew that whatever she would do on her own wouldn't be anywhere near as satisfying as it would be if she did it with someone else. So she decided to wait even if that meant that she tried it and found that it wasn't anything like she dreamed that it would be. But that she seriously doubted. She felt like this was something for her. Scarlett attacked her from many different angles and Joy always came back to the same answers which showed that while she knew quite a bit about S & M she had never been a part of any scene nor had she tried it with anyone. Joy wasn't sure how long that Scarlett would keep this up but as they entered her drive, Scarlett stopped the questions and went on with something else completely unrelated and Joy knew that the questioning was over. Now it was in the hands of the gods, as they say.

"I think I could use a shower." Joy said as they entered the house as it was a warm afternoon so they were both soaked in sweat.

"Me too so I think I'll take my leave now. I'll give you a call Monday and let you know when Lauren can meet with you." Scarlett said as she went toward the kitchen where her purse was.

"Nooo... you can't go yet." Joy cried out with more desperation in her voice than she wanted to show.

"I think that it's best that I do go honey. If I stay something may happen and that I would like to save for the photo shoots." Scarlett said as she went on past Joy on her way to the kitchen.

Joy knew she needed to find a way to keep Scarlett there for at least another night. So she probed her mind trying to think of something to say as she followed Scarlett into the kitchen. "What if I promise to be good and keep my hands and lips to myself?"

"That's a promise that I don't think either of us could keep." Scarlett said with a knowing smile and Joy knew she was right.

"I'll call you Monday, I promise." Scarlett said as she came to Joy and she leaned down and she gave Joy a brief kiss before she moved on past her.

Joy stood there still feeling Scarlett's lips on hers when she heard the front door open and then close. She felt so alone but she was happy too. She knew that she had gotten the job and that soon she and Scarlett would be doing the things that she had fantasized about. And she knew that there was something going on between her and Scarlett. That would make everything so much better. She wasn't sure how long she stood there before she came out of her dream state but when she did she could feel that the sweat had dried on her body so she went on to the bathroom and she took that shower.

Monday was a long time coming and then she had to wait until the end of the day before her cell phone rang and she didn't recognized the number but she knew that it had to be Scarlett.

"Hi, this is Scarlett; did I catch you at a bad time?" Joy heard her say.

"No, its fine, I was just getting ready to leave the office. I decided to come on it as I know I would never get any work done if I stayed at home." Joy told her as she sat back down in her chair. She was surrounded by cubicles but most of them were empty as the occupants had left for the day or hadn't come in yet.

"Good then, are you free Wednesday afternoon around three? Lauren would like to meet with you." Scarlett asked her.

"I believe so; let me check my calendar real quick." Joy said as she went to her calendar on her computer knowing that if she had something scheduled, then she would change it at all cost. Nothing was going to prevent her from meeting with Lauren.

"No I'm free, just tell me when and where and I'll be there." Joy said relieved that she wouldn't have to change anything as she nothing scheduled. She would just have to work late on Tuesday to get her work done as she knew Wednesday would be a wasted day as far as work went.

"Not eager are we?" Scarlett said and Joy knew that Scarlett probably had a big grin on her face right then.

"Ohhh... nooo... not me; why would you ever think that?" Joy said trying not to laugh but when she heard Scarlett laughing on the other end of the phone; she had to laugh with her.

"Well here is the address, just don't be late. Lauren hates for her models to be late." Scarlett said then she gave Joy the address.

"So does that mean that I'm the model?" Joy asked hardly able to contain her excitement.

"Not if you are late..." Scarlett said and then Joy heard the line go dead.

"Yessss..." Joy shouted as she jumped up from her seat and she pumped her fist a couple of times. Then she saw a couple of heads pop up from behind a couple of the cubicles. Joy held her hands up in apology and then she shrank down in her cubicle but she was still so excited that she could hardly contain herself. She hurried and closed up her laptop and she made her way out of the building. She went first to the gym and worked out for a couple of hours trying to get the energy out of her body. She thought about how it would be to finally get to live out the fantasies that had been in her head for these past few years. It was a great workout and then she went home and did her yoga exercises to get her body stretched out. She then took a shower and grabbed a bite to eat before she sat down and did a little more work. When she was as tired as she could get, she went on to bed. She knew that she needed to be exhausted or sleep would never come and even then she had trouble going to sleep. When she woke up the next morning, she found that her right hand was on her pussy and it was wet. It didn't take much thinking to figure out what she had dreamed about that night. Tuesday she repeated the same routine as she went on into the office and she worked late before going to the gym and then she did her yoga exercises. Wednesday she went into work early and she worked hard trying to keep her mind off of what was really on her mind. However when she left the office at noon, there was nothing that could prevent her from thinking about what the afternoon would bring.

After taking a shower, the second of the day, she went to her closet to find something to wear. Most of her dress clothes were conservative as that was what she was required to wear as per the company's dress code. She went through all her dresses and skirts trying to find one that would work for her. She tried to find something sexy but nothing seemed right. The problem was that she didn't have a clue as to what a model for an S&M site was suppose to wear. She was getting frustrated when it occurred to her that she didn't need to dress like what she thought a model would dress. She was suppose to be new to all this and not have a clue as to what was going to happen and in her case that was pretty much the truth. She went back to her closet and she found a simple flowered printed dress that went down to her knees. This, she thought, was perfect. She loved this dress as it was cool and breezy and she felt good in it. It didn't make her feel sexy or anything, just comfortable. She fixed her hair and put a little makeup on then she slipped the dress on. She looked at herself in the mirror and decided that this was the way to go. She grabbed her purse and ran out the door.

She took the directions that she had gotten from the computer to get to the address that Scarlett had given her. At first she wasn't sure she had gotten the address right even though the number on the building and the street was correct. She parked and looked the building over which was actually a small warehouse surrounded by much larger warehouses which had trucks backing up to them and then others pulling out. She found a parking place beside several other cars. She checked herself in the rearview mirror and then she got out. She walked to the door on the side of the building and she tried the door but it was locked. She checked her watch to make sure that she wasn't late and she wasn't. She started to knock on the door when she saw the buzzer and then she noticed the video camera just above the door. She hit the buzzer and then looked up into the camera. She waited for a minute or so and was about to hit the buzzer again when she heard a click over the speaker by the buzzer.

"May I help you?" She heard a younger sounding female voice say.

"Yes I'm Joy, I have a meeting with Lauren at three." Joy said into the speaker and then she looked back up into the camera. The door opened and Joy recognized the face of the girl that she was just talking to. She couldn't remember her name or at least the name that she used on the site but she was one of the newer models and very pretty. She was dressed in jeans and a tee shirt that showed off the C cup breasts that were obviously uninhibited by a bra.

"Hi, I'm Anita, it's nice to meet you." She told her.

"It's nice to meet you too; I love all your shoots." Joy told her as she reached out and took Anita's hand.

"Thank you, you're going to be the new model, the one that hasn't ever done this before right?" Anita asked and she brought Joy over to the couch that was to the side of the small room.

"I hope to be, if Lauren decides that I'm what she's looking for." Joy said as she sat down and she was happy that Anita had decided to sit with her.

"From what I have heard Mistress Scarlett tell Miss Lauren, I think that you are a shoe in. You've got that fresh innocent look that they are looking for." Anita said.

"Thanks but I guess that will be decided today. Can I ask you something?" Joy asked.

"Sure, what do you want to know?" Anita replied.

"What's it like to be a model? I mean how hard does Scarlett strike you with those whips and crops?" Joy asked as that was what she wanted to know the most.

"Don't answer that question Lauren!" A lady who looked to be in her early thirties commanded as she burst into the room. "Mistress Scarlett is waiting for you in the studio to help set up the next shoot and if you value that cute ass of your, I would get in there in a hurry."

"Yes Miss Lauren," Anita said as she jumped up from the couch and started toward the door that Lauren had just come through. However as got to the door, she turned to Joy and said, "Good luck, I hope you get the job."

"Move your ass Anita!" Lauren shouted at her and that scared Joy and she feared that she had gotten Anita into real trouble but then she heard Anita giggle and then she stuck her tongue out at Lauren who had her back to her. Joy then had to giggle herself and she saw Lauren turn around but Anita had disappeared by this point.

"I really don't know what we're going to do with that girl. She is always giving us trouble and she thinks that I don't know that she sticks her tongue out at me when I have my back to her." Miss Lauren said as she came to Joy and stuck out her hand as Joy stood up.

"She seems like such a sweet girl though and she does photograph well." Joy said hoping to come to her new friend's aid.

"Oh she is both and that is why we put up with her. We love her too much to get mad at her. But Mistress Scarlett does make her pay if she gets too full of herself." Lauren said.

"I bet she does." Joy said and Joy could also see that there was something about the way Lauren talked about Anita that made her suspect that there was something was going on between the two. She also remembered the way Anita gave a smile when she heard Lauren's voice hollering at her.

"As you may have guessed by now I'm Miss Lauren and I own this site." Lauren said.

"I'm Joy; it's nice to finally meet you. Scarlett has told me so many nice things about you." Joy told her.

"Mistress Scarlett likes to tell lies so don't trust everything she says." Miss Lauren said and Joy knew that Miss Lauren had very diplomatically corrected her and she now knew that when she was here it was Mistress Scarlett and not just Scarlett. "Why don't we go to my office and talk a few minutes?" She added as she turned on her heals and started toward the door that she had just come through. They went down a short hallway and made a right at the end of the hall and Joy found herself in a small office that was full of cameras and computers.

"Mistress Scarlett has told me a lot about you and she thinks that you are who we are looking for but I have yet to make my decision." She told her and Joy felt her heart sink. She was sure that she had the job but now she wasn't so sure. "So tell me why we should go with you and you don't need to go through your history with the site, I've heard all of that from Mistress Scarlett." Miss Lauren said and Joy was taken aback by her directness and she lost as to what she should tell her.

Joy thought for a minute before she spoke, "I'm not sure what I need to say then. I will work hard for you and this is what I want to do. After that I don't know what to tell you that Mistress Scarlett hasn't already told you. I mean here I am and either I'm what you looking for or I'm not." Joy said as she decided to be just as direct with Miss Lauren as she was to her. Joy then sat back as she watched Miss Lauren carefully to see how what she had said was received.

"Fair enough, stand up for me." Miss Lauren told her.

Joy did so wondering if she would be asked to strip and that thought made her a little nervous.

"Turn around slowly." Miss Lauren stated and Joy slowly turned around wondering what Miss Lauren was looking for. When she was back to facing Miss Lauren, she told her to bend over and touch her toes which Joy did easily. She started to raised back up and then thought better of it and she stood there bend over with her fingertips curled around the toes of her shoes. She kept waiting for Miss Lauren to tell her to get up but she seemed content to leave her in this position for more than a few minutes. Finally Miss Lauren told her to stand up and then she told her to bend back until her hands were on the floor behind her. Joy wanted to smile to herself but she held it as she slowly leaned back until she could get her hands on the floor and she stayed in this position for about as long as she did touching her toes.

"Any other position you want me in? I'm very flexible." Joy said and then she wanted to take the words back as she was supposed to be the submissive here and not shoot off her mouth.

She saw Miss Lauren smile before she said, "Mistress Scarlett said that you had a backbone and I see she was at least she was right about that."

"I do and I admit that but once I'm in the studio then I know that you and Mistress Scarlett are in charge." Joy told her as she stood in front of her desk.

"You had better or you'll have the shortest modeling career ever known." Miss Lauren said.

"I will." Joy said as she started to let herself have hope again.

"Let me take a few pictures of you to see what type of filter I will need to use to highlight the color of your hair and skin." Lauren said as she got up and picked up one of the cameras that were on her desk.

"Does that mean I've got the job?" Joy asked trying to hide her excitement.

"Yes you got the job but if this isn't what you want then let us know as soon as you know in your heart that this isn't your type of scene." Miss Lauren said seriously.

"Oh I will, I promise. But I don't see that happening." Joy said now smiling from ear to ear.

"We'll see." Miss Lauren said and then she walked out the door without saying another word. Joy wasn't sure what she should do. She wanted to explore the studio yet she felt that wasn't the thing to do. She looked around the room for a minute but there really wasn't much to see or discover there. She was about to go looking for someone when she heard the distinct sound of high heels coming down the hall toward her. She was hoping that it would be Scarlett that would come to get her but she knew that she wore boots and her heels weren't that high as she was so tall to begin with. Joy stood up just as Anita came into the room now dressed in just a small bra and a G string. Joy couldn't help but to look her over and Anita stood there for a moment to let her look.

"Before you ask, I have been ordered not to tell you anything about what it is like to be a model here and no I can't give you a quick tour." Anita said seriously but Joy could see that it was killing her not to say anything as Anita was someone who loved to talk. Joy could see the two them becoming fast friends but not romantically involved as Scarlett had already stolen her heart.

"Then I won't ask." Joy said disappointed as she was going to ask her both of those questions.

"However I am supposed to tell you that Mistress Scarlett will call you as to when your first shoot will be and you are to wear that dress when you come." Anita said as if she was reading it from a clue card.

"Anything else you're supposed to tell me?" Joy asked wanting to get this part of the conversation over with.

"Nope that's it but I'm supposed to hurry up and get you out of here so that we can start the shoot for today." Anita said.

"Well then we had better hurry, I don't want them mad at you." Joy said as she started to walk toward the door.

"Aw hell, let them stew a few minutes. They both love me too much to be mad long. Beside when Mistress Scarlett gets mad she swings harder and I like that. Sometimes I have to piss her off to get her really going. And Miss Lauren would be lost without me. " Anita admitted and Joy could see that Anita was pretty sharp and she knew her place in the world.

"How much does it hurt?" Joy had to ask.

"That depends on your threshold for pain. If you always went crying to your mom at any scrape when you were a child then this ain't for you but if you dusted yourself off and went on playing then you'll do just fine. I mean it all stings and there is pain involved, I'm not going to bull shit you, but it's not like Mistress Scarlett is going to leave you black and blue. That isn't what this is about. I like it harder than some of the other models do. It just arouses me all the more." Anita said seriously.

"I know it will hurt and that is what excites me about it. I think this is just what I want and need." Joy told her.

"Then you'll do just fine. Miss Scarlett will feel you out and see what you like and once she knows what you can take then she won't go over that line. She knows her stuff." Anita said.

"Anita get your ass back here now!" They both heard Scarlett yell from somewhere within the small warehouse.

"I think I have her just where I want her so let me show you out before she really gets mad." Anita said giggling.

"That's okay I know my way out, you had better go." Joy told her.

"Thanks... oh can you call me after your first session; I want to hear all about it." Anita said.

"Sure, I would love to talk to you again." Joy said as she got out a pen and paper and wrote Anita's number down and then wrote her number down and gave it to Anita.

"Yea I want to talk to you again too. I want to know all about the woman who has caught Mistress Scarlett's eye like you have." Anita said giggling as she went out the door at the end of the hall and Joy had to smile as it felt good to know for sure that Mistress Scarlett had talked about her like that.

Joy was so excited when she came out of the warehouse that she had walked about twenty feet past her car before she realized it. She smiled to herself and she hoped no one was watching her as she turned and retraced her steps to her car. The then quickly started her car and she tore off for home. She couldn't believe her luck and she thought back to the beginning and how she had come to this site to begin with. Her mind was more on what was about to begin and not on the road. It was a wonder she didn't have an accident and quite logical that she found herself miles from her home when she came back to reality. So she again had to retrace her path so that she could get back to her house. The first thing that she did once entering her house was to shed her dress and place it into the washer. She had no clue as to when Scarlett would call her for her first shoot and she wanted to be ready. She tried to do a little work as she dress washed and then she let it dry a little before taking it out and she set up her ironing board. She hated to iron but she didn't one wrinkle in this dress when she showed up for her shoot.

She decided to work at home on Thursday and Friday just in case Scarlett would call. That way if she should shout or scream, she wouldn't be disturbing anyone. However as Friday progressed, she began to realize that she wanted to hear from Scarlett period, whether she had something to tell her about when her first shoot would be. The previous weekend had been so nice and she wanted to spend more time with her. She wanted to just talk to her for a few minutes if nothing else. She got done with her work and still no call and she started to get anxious. She tried to do some yoga exercises but she just couldn't make herself to relax enough to get into her exercises.

Finally her cell phone rang and she ran to find it as it was in the living room and she was back in her laundry room washing the sheets from her bed. She saw the number and she knew it had to be Scarlett. "Hello"

"Hey there, how are you doing today?" Scarlett asked.

"Fine and you?" Joy asked.

"Oh pretty good, we just got done with a shoot and am just leaving the studio." Scarlett told her and Joy wanted to ask about when her shoot would be but she thought better of it.

"How was it? Did you go with Anita again?" Joy asked.

"No it was another model, she isn't as good but she has big breasts and some of our members like her so we use her sometimes." Scarlett said and Joy could hear her entering her car.

"Oh I think I know who you are talking about, she is pretty but not as pretty as Anita." Joy said as she sat down as her knees were shaking and she knew they wouldn't support her much longer.

"Yea I like to work with Anita better too, she shows lots more reaction and gets into it more, but you have to go with what the customers wants sometimes, they pay the bills." Scarlett told her.

"True enough." Joy said and then she decided to go for it and she asked, "So why don't you stop by and I'll fix us some dinner?"

"I don't know if that is such a good idea, how about I stop by and pick you up and take you out for dinner. That way I can drop you off after we eat." Scarlett told her.

Than wasn't what she was going for but she decided something was better than nothing, "Okay, I'll go get dressed and be ready by the time you get here."

"Get dressed? You mean I've been talking to a naked woman all this time. If I had known that then I may have taken you up on your first offer." Scarlett said laughing.

"Well no, I'm in shorts and an old tee shirt but next time I'll be sure to be naked." Joy said laughing with Scarlett.

"Be sure to do that." Scarlett said and then she rang off.

Joy ran up to her bathroom and took a quick shower and then she put on her best pair of jeans and a blouse in which she left the top button open so that the beginning of the swell of her breasts showed as she was wearing one of her push up bras. She was just putting on the finishing touches of makeup on her face when she heard her doorbell ring. She grabbed her pocketbook and ran for the door.

"So how about coming in for a glass of wine before you go?" Joy asked as Scarlett was pulling into her driveway after a nice dinner and good conversation in which Scarlett didn't bring up a thing about as to when her first photo shoot would be.

"No, I think I'll pass this time." Scarlett told her and Joy felt so disappointed.

"Just one glass and we can talk some more then you can leave." Joy said and then she decided some begging wouldn't hurt so she added, "Pleaseeee..." as a little girl might when she wanted something bad.

Joy could see Scarlett was thinking it over and that gave her hope so she added some puppy dog eyes to her pleading look. "Just one glass and I'm out of here." Scarlett said as she turned off the engine and she started to open her door.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Scarlett said as she started to take a sip of her wine after they had settled on the couch.

Joy thought for a minute and she knew what she wanted to ask. It was the same question that she had wanted to ask Scarlett all night long. Time was running out on her and she knew that Scarlett was just going to drink one glass and she would leave. "Did Miss Lauren mention anything about when she wanted to do my first shoot?"

Joy saw a slight grin come to Scarlett's face. "I was wondering when you were going to bring that up?" she replied and Joy waited for her to say something else but she didn't.

"Well, I have been waiting to hear and I know that you have to schedule me in and decide what you want to do however the wait is killing me." Joy told her.

Scarlett sat there and thought for a minute or two and Joy knew something was up. It was just a matter as to what Scarlett would decide to tell her. Scarlett took a sip of her wine and she put her wine glass down on the coffee table and then she sat back. Joy was felt her heart start to beat faster as Scarlett opened her mouth and the words, "How about tomorrow at one?" came out.

Joy sat there for a moment not believing what she had heard. She had waited for so long for this to happen and when she finally knew that it was going to, her mind didn't quite comprehend what it was hearing. Eventually though, the words did penetrate her mind and she gasped out, "Seriously?"

"Yes seriously, we talked it over Wednesday afternoon and decided that Saturday would be the best day. We were all free and no one else would be there so we could take our time and do it right." Scarlett told her.

"Oh god, thank you!" Joy shouted and she leaped from her seat forgetting about the wine glass in her hand and she reached to hug Scarlett only the wine that was in her glass got to Scarlett first soaking her blouse. Joy threw the wine glass over the back of the couch before she got to Scarlett and then she wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tight. "Thank you... thank you..." Joy kept saying and then she felt Scarlett's hand at the back of her neck caressing it. She hugged Scarlett for a moment or two before she felt the wine that she poured on Scarlett start to soak onto her own blouse.

"Oh god I got you soaked!" Joy said as she lean back and she saw just how wet Scarlett was.

"I sort of noticed." Scarlett said smiling as she pulled her blouse from her body.

"Shit, my timing is perfect. You tell me I got my first shooting scheduled and I promptly spill my wine on you." Joy said feeing like shit.

"Honey's it cool. I should have taken your wine from you. I was smart enough to put my wine down but I forgot about yours." Scarlett said with a laugh.

"Here take off your blouse and let me put it onto soak so that the wine won't stain it." Joy said as she stood up.

"I knew that you'd figure out a way to get me out of my clothes tonight." Scarlett said laughing as she started to unbutton her blouse and pull it off. Joy felt her nipples tighten up and she had to force herself to breath normally.

"Well that may be true but I didn't want to do it this way." Joy said as she took Scarlett's blouse from her.

"Here take this too." Scarlett said as she reached behind her back and unsnapped her bra and she pulled it off like it wasn't a big deal. "It's not like you haven't seen my tits before." Scarlett added as she handed it to Joy.

"But not in real life." Joy thought to herself as she stared as Scarlett's full firm breasts with her dark areolas and her one half inch nipples that had begun to stick out. She reached out and took the bra then turned to go to the laundry room as she was speechless. When she got there, she filled the sink with water and she put some stain remover into the water then she turned to go as she allowed the blouse and bra soak. As she came back into the living room, she saw that Scarlett was still topless and she looked so erotic with her jeans and boots on and no top. Joy stopped in the doorway to watch as Scarlett poured them both another glass of wine.

"Enjoying the view?" Scarlett asked as she sat back and she let her breasts do her talking.

"Very much so," Joy said as she walked on into the living room and she sat down on the couch facing Scarlett. Joy tried hard to look into Scarlett's eyes and not let her eyes wander down to those breasts that Scarlett was showing her. However she did find that her eyes did do some wandering and she felt her own nipples tightening and she felt her cunt lips swelling not to mention the moisture gathering there.

"I do hope you don't mind me going topless as my blouse and bra soak." Scarlett asked and Joy knew that she was teasing her.

"Oh no at all, maybe I should do the same?" Joy asked deciding that two can play this game. Then she started to reach for the top buttons of her blouse.

"No don't, wait until tomorrow when I can see you naked for the first time. I think the shoot will be better that way." Scarlett said as she reached over that she put her hand on Joy's stopping her.

She grasped that hand and she held onto it as she brought it down. Joy felt her heart beating fast as Scarlett held onto her hard not releasing it and Joy had no intention of taking her hand away. Joy looked into Scarlett's eyes and she tried to show her the need that she felt in her body. She could see that same need in Scarlett's eyes so she eased forward. She kept her eyes locked on Scarlett's eyes until she got to Scarlett and she went on forward until she was lying against her. Joy could feel Scarlett's bare breasts pressed against her forearm and she felt her body shake with excitement. She eased on up and then she did what she had to do. She moved her head forward and she closed her eyes as she turned her head slightly to the right. Then she felt her lips touch Scarlett's lips. It was a gentle, slow kiss and she felt Scarlett's lips pressing back against hers. The kiss went on for what seemed like an eternity but then it ended as she lifted her head and she looked back into Scarlett's eyes. She felt Scarlett take her hand away and she thought that Scarlett was going to stop it here but then she felt that same hand on the back of her neck and it pulled her head downward for another kiss. This time Scarlett opened her lips and Joy felt Scarlett tongue enter her mouth. Scarlett ran the tip of her tongue around the front of her teeth before moving it on inside of her mouth. Joy met it with her own tongue and the kiss became so very passionate. Joy slipped her hands around Scarlett's body and she hugged her tightly as they kissed. Joy felt Scarlett's hands moved around her back as they kissed. Joy slowly pushed Scarlett's tongue from her mouth and she pushed her own tongue into Scarlett's mouth. Joy shifted her body around a little as they kissed so that she could feel Scarlett's breasts better. Scarlett kissed her hard and sucked on her tongue. Joy was feeling so excited and her body was feeling the need that hadn't been fulfilled in a very long time. Joy loved every moment of the kiss but suddenly Scarlett ended the kiss and she started to push Joy away.

"I don't think this is the time or place baby." Scarlett said as she started to slip out from under Joy.

Joy gripped her tightly not wanting to let her go, "Please, I need you..." Joy said as she looked into Scarlett's eyes not trying to hide the need she felt for Scarlett's love.

End of Part One.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 2

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