Joy of Sex

Published on Mar 15, 1997



from Studs BBS

(415) 495 - 2929


Uploaded to Pink Triangle by David Crawford

When I was 17, and having failed my A-levels, I was sent to a crammer college. It was there I met Dave, also the same age. He was a good looking lad, with mousy blond hair. His Dad used to give us both a lift to the college in the morning and we rode the same bus back at 3 o'clock after lessons.

We became friends, studying the same courses and so on, and Dave took to coming into the flat I was living in on our way home for a coffee and to do our homework together.

I never imagined he was like me, but one day we were sitting on the living room floor doing our work, and for some reason started sort of play fighting. I ended up lying on top of him and I could feel his cock getting hard under me. I asked him, "Do you like play fighting?"

"I've never done it before, why?"

"Well, I can feel something of yours getting quite hard."

He gave me a funny look and said, "What about yours?"

I had to admit I too was beginning to notice the same. We got talking about it, both of us feeling a little embarrassed about what had happened. I told him that I'd had a few wanks with friends at school, and didn't mind if he didn't. So I got up and beckoned him to follow me. We went into the bedroom and shut the door. I reached across to him and started undoing his belt, unzipped his trousers, and slowly pulled his trousers down. What fantastic legs he had. Not a hair on them, smooth like silk, and being so fit, were such a shape that I could hardly take my eyes off him.

I knelt down in front of him and gently ran my hands over his great legs, not touching his now enormous cock sticking up above the waistband of his pants. Up and down his great thighs, feeling his bum, and just a little brushing my hand across his cock. Every time I did that he jumped a bit, and sort of breathed in through his teeth. By now I could feel my own cock straining, almost hurting it was so hard, and the end was soaking wet with the 'prelims'. "Let's take all our clothes off," I said.

"No - let me take yours off for you," Dave offered.

I could hardly believe that he would do that to me, as every time I had a dream about this, it was exactly what I wanted. His hands were shaking as he pulled my trousers off. His hand was warm to the touch, and he too teased my cock through the cotton of my pants.

He asked, "Have you cum already? It's all wet down there."

"No, that's just me getting ready for a really good cum."

"God! Wait for me," Dave said, almost out of breath. He slipped my pants down, we threw the rest of our clothes on the floor and climbed into bed. God was his body nice to touch. His skin was perfect, not a spot or blemish anywhere. His cock was so big, it was bigger than any other that I had seen. "What does that juice on your cock taste like?" asked Dave.

"I don't really know. I have only tasted full cum once, and I didn't really like that." I explained.

"Watch this." he said and with that he slid down the bed and took my cock in his mouth. It was all I could do not to spurt right then in his mouth. It was warm, wet and lovely. I had never felt so randy in my life before, and was sort of frightened that it would explode. My cock was throbbing and hurt with desire.

I asked him, "Have you ever done this before with anyone?"

"Well, only once," he said, "and that was a teacher at my last school. He showed me quite a few things that you can do together."

"Like what," I asked, "I have never had my cock sucked before."

Without another word, he got off the bed and went over to where he had dropped his school bag. He fished around inside the bag for a second and came back hiding something in his hand. "Close your eyes." he commanded.


"Trust me, go on, close your eyes."

So I did. He sat on my stomach facing my feet, and started playing with my cock again. Then I felt something cold and wet being rubbed into my cock.

"What on earth is that?"

"Just shut up, and keep your eyes closed." He replied. I felt him raise himself up, and then I felt him pressing against my cock. I couldn't resist looking and there he was pressing my cock against his anus. He had spread some sort of jelly all over it, and I saw it disappear right into him. He sat right down onto me with a sort of grunt.

"God ... I didn't know that was possible! Oooh, that feels good, how about you?" I asked.

"Mmmmmm." He started lifting himself off and I thought that was it, but no, he lowered himself down again. Up and down, a little faster and harder each time.

I couldn't control myself any longer, and to my surprise let out a great scream as I shot and shot and shot. I though it wouldn't stop. "Stop stop, I've cum." I cried.

"I know. I could tell." He said. He slowly lifted himself off and said, "What was that like?"

"Great, sort of hot and hard."

"Now it's my turn, but first you have to get used to the idea."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, before my teacher put his into me, he spent some time using his finger so that I could get used to it. Here, put some of this KY on your bum, and then I will finger you for a bit."

Well, I had never felt anything like it, not having even thought of trying anything like this before. At first it seemed like it was going to hurt, and was a little uncomfortable, but after a few gentle strokes of his finger, it felt funny but nice. He pushed his finger a little deeper in and touched something right inside, and almost straight away I noticed my cock growing hard again.

"See, there is something inside you which sort of triggers your cock into life again." he explained. "You're ready now."

So he turned me over onto my stomach, and I felt his cock pressing against me. It was so big I thought it would never get in, but he gave a little shove and WOW! It hurt, badly. I thought "How can this be fun?"

"Sorry," he said, "did that hurt?"

"Yes." I mumbled.

"Well be patient, relax, it will stop hurting very quickly."

And it did. He only pushed in and out about five or six times before he too gave a great shout and I could feel what felt like gallons of hot sticky cum flooding inside of me. He slowly pulled out of me and flopped down beside me. By now my own cock was hard again, and we spent another hour or so gently rubbing each other's cocks until we both came again, this time all over each other's cock and balls, making each other wet and sticky with all that lovely juice.

This first time was the start of a very warm and loving friendship until careers and jobs caused us to lose touch with each other. I miss those carefree teenage days when the excitement of discovery was more than half of the joy of sex.

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