
By Reggie Tangan

Published on May 5, 2003


J O Y by Reggie Tangan

Disclaimer: all of the characters portrayed here are used fictitiously, and used for entertainment purposes. Any resemblance to the characters and situations are purely coincidental.

This story is for adults only; if you don't like sexual themes, please leave immediately.

for reactions, critiques please send me an email at or visit my website at

"Complicated Protection"

I have this particular obsession of removing contents of my inbox every week, without remorse, without pity, no shit about anything.

This particular non-issue plagued me when I almost accidentally delete one email sent to me by one of my fans.

Justin Time (Not his real name) emailed me the other day about one of my issues with Paulie, my ex-flame but never really broke up. Why he asked me about that issue? One time I featured this issue in one of my articles in my tabloid "The View."

Justin Time revealed that sort of feeling of remorse of a past flame and that he would go for great lengths to recapture that love he lost. The thing is, like me, he also has a current love.

Reminds me of me, right?

Not that I would follow my heart again, that heart that lead me to so much trouble, yet they seem to be inspiring in a totally different way. As for poor Justin, he took the other way than my way. With this kind of situation, I couldn't tell if he was protecting himself or he is making things complicated than good.

Remember I still took my path with Tonj than going back 'there' with Paulie. When I revealed that situation in my article I thought this should be an ispiration for people to actually 'move on,' but instead my dear Justin Time took the other route.

Back there.

"That made me think are kids emotionally challenged nowadays?" Travis asked, as if I was a Psychologist, like the ones on TV, not the ones you'd normally see on plush offices and offer their couch to relax.

"Maybe, just look at Ken Tatlongreyna." I looked at Ken who was beside Alex, doing our usual lunch. It was quite weird thinking Ken is the only living testimony of emotionally challenged kids, and not denying it. Which is really good.

"I'm not denying myself, I'm still having my moods." Ken admitted. "That's why I like my deary Ken." Alex said, grabing a small smooch on him, "Very honest with himself and everybody else."

That made me think with the surge of technological stuff and the surge of a new sexual revolution. Does kids nowadays have the luxury of having emotional harmony?

I went to Timezone with Tonj hoping to relax a bit with the help of funky wunky video games and that infamous game that made me move around and lose a couple of pounds without much effort.

"Dance Dance Revolution?" Tonj looked at me. "Yeah, I guess this really works." I looked back at him with more than an enthusiastic face. With my Timezone Powercard at hand, reloaded more than enough to make Tonj freak out, because I wanted to play Dance Dance Revolution until I bounced my rocks off.

"Tell me you're going to dance alone, right?" Tonj asked. "What makes you think so?" I asked him back, as I loaded two credits onto the machine. I was eagerly anticipating Tonj's incoming freak out moment on the DDR machine.

"Come on, it'll be fun," I try to convince him, though he was a bit hesitant to dance and the rest of the socialite crowd of Glorietta 4 to watch us. I admit it, in the first place I was extremely shy, but then the confidence factor boosted me up, and losing a few pounds in the process.

"Will it be?" Tonj asked. "It will." "Ok, I want to do the first thingy" "Thingy what?" I asked. "Where's the start button?" "Stop with the questions, you're beginning to nag me," I slurred. "Ok, let's dance." Tonj obliged.

I always though dancing was always a prelude to a foreplay then sex. But this was different. We were dancing like maniacs playing a Simon Says kind of game yet we were having fun, without the sexual athmosphere. I would think Dance Dance Revolution was the best non-sexual activity we've ever done. I suggest you guys play this game.

So load up your credits.

Travis' DJ stint bloomed into the primetime life of Malate. Also his non-commital relationship with hip-hop hipster Diddy maintained to a strictly kinky relationship-slash-guiding light. The Diddy's days at Culture Club were maintained at the same time Travis was mixing music stuff at his newfound stint as a special DJ at Club Mint/Babylon, only for those chillout Thursday nights and so on.

"So, I'm telling I'll beat the crap out of Anton Ramos." He told me, "Though he looks seductive." As he bellowed out a small hum. Trying to simulate sounds of his harmonious Chillout tracks.

"He's my boss, right. I could hook you up with him." Alex suggested. "You would?" Travis asked. "If I could."

So then, with the help of Alex and his work at Tower Records. Travis was able to hook-up with the Chillout master Anton Ramos. For me, he didn't look really attractive or something. But he has this certain appeal that was visible when you look through his music.

Travis was in this party in NBC Tent in The Fort. There was this grand launch of the "Chillout Project - Sounds Of A Modern Urban Life." The CD compilation contained Anton Ramos' favorite dance tracks which are still dancy but not terribly hardcore like the ones I listen in my spare time, and at the same time my less ignoramus co-workers get annoyed by the pulsating beats. I say fuck with them.

Back at Travis, with his blooming carrer, he was getting used to all the bravura of music mixing, free drinks, and free crusing without having to woo the guys in. That means they go to Travis, equals instant date. But in this situation he was trying to woo Anton Ramos.

He got in becasue of Alex's Tower Records connections. As well as a previous kinky attack with a certain Jopster from Sony Music, the publisher of the Anton Ramos's CD.

"So, I think Massive Attack's 'Protection' really shook my brain off." Travis overheard one of the conversation, "And, Daft Punk is dance- chic." He wanted to push himself into the conversation, but later restrained himself. Why? He didn't want to be perceived as a musical wannabe, for the fact he's just starting this new musical venture.

But he kept in mind, he is targeting Anton Ramos.

After a few Pepsi Blues (which are so addictive, like vodka) he managed to grab a few small talk with a few music heavyweights from Sony.

"So, I think Basti Artadi guy should be gay..." Again, Travis swinged his head upon overhearing another conversation. He did remember seeing Basti Artadi in Tower Records a few weeks ago when he and us went there to check out that new CD by Jennifer Lopez.

'This is me...Then.' Does that sound me?

"Like, I suddenly realized, I have this conflict; the dance genre and the rock genre." Travis told me, "I always have a sweet small soft spot for confused little kids," he added. I thought he was saying the truth since that thing with Diddy. "And a roomful of past flings with really hot bad boys."

Maybe for the fact that proverbial bad boys have all the fun and is totally true. Travis wouldn't forget the fact he always had much more fun with unconvential guys or either unusual guys but with great bed techniques.

Now here's the problem. Is Anton Ramos a good guy or a bad boy? And to make things worse, is he the 'in between' crowd. The grey matter. That made things more complicated if he was to look for someone in the music industry.

OK, now I'm confused again.

Alex was so used to dressing down for such occasions as work, work, work, and our weekly gimmick at Club Mint/Babylon. But there was this certain party that won't let you dress down. Instead, you have to wear something very...

"Formal?" Alex almost screamed, "I have to wear something formal?" Ken wasn't in the mood to argue about simple fashion matters, but this was an exception.

"I'm telling you these are the times you have to wear something sharp. And because this means a lot to me." Ken explained in a subtle matter. Ken was looking forward for the debut of her younger sister who just turned eighteen. Since this was a debut is a straight-up formal party complete with the eighteen roses.

"But don't worry," Ken assured Alex, "There'll be a sort of a new thing on this debut." "What?" "You'll surely love this." "What is it?" "Eighteen shots?" Alex pouty face started to form a meek smile. "Eighteen shots!" Then from his meek smile the smile grew bigger.

Alex knew the eighteen shots would bright up his day. everybody knows his love for the spirits, and both the guys know he is not a drunken bastard. He drinks moderately. Like, three bottles of San Mig Light is enough and one shot of vodka or tequila is enough.

"And you're part of it!" Ken surprised dear Alex. "You sure? I barely know your sister." Alex regressed. "Don't worry, she'll appreciate your presence there."

Then boom! Alex thought. He was going to meet not only Ken's sister, but the whole family. Sure, Ken's issues with his family are settled. But meeting Ken's folks was somehow a bit scary for him.

"What?" Ken asked. Looking at Alex's now ghostly face. "Nothing." Alex said, "I was looking forward to get there." Though technically he was scared as hell.

Make things more inspiring. I was talking to Smokie Manalang, a typical smoker in his job as an salesperson in air-condition sales. He told me the times he was so getting to the sex part when something drastic happens. Not totally related to the sex part but this will make you think how adept you are at bed.

Then he started to cry.

"Like, he slept during the play, I felt horrible."

Enter Sandman, Smokie's alleged sleeper during the the play and usually the hyper guy at work. Sandman works as one of those new trends in communication: being one of those graveyard shift call center agents around town.

"Come on, maybe he was just tired" I told the poor Smokie. "No, its me, I'm telling you, he wasn't like that before," as he grabbed another piece of tissue and sneezed to it. "What makes you say that?" I asked, "How many times you catched him sleeping during play?"

"A couple of times..." Smokie said, "He'd say sorry, sorry and stuff like that." He continued, as he gave another howling sneeze to the tissue.

Sandman's work as a call center agent was excusable, but letting off a few zzz's during play was a bit unexcusable for Smokie. Though I wasn't a doctor or something I wanted to help him get through this.

But I couldn't.

I later shared this situation to Travis and Alex. Both had very different reactions to Sandman and his sleep thing with poor Smokie.

"I suggest Sandman should leave his job, unless his getting a much better salary." Travis motioned the waiter to get another bottle of Cali Ice Shandy, another alternative to Vodka in broad daylight. "Great, now I want a job being an operator." Alex said. "Don't be 'tard Alex, your job at Tower is fine until the fat lady sings." I told him, as I eagerly munched some chocnut ice cream from Uva, that particularly new restaurant in Greenbelt 2.

"I couldn't believe Smokie is just putting down his standards because of Sandman's sleepiness-slash-prolonged-fucking." He said, sipping the Cali he ordered.

"Shush, keep the 'f' word to the minimum, there are kids here." Alex begged Travis to at least keep the mouthy words, as he pointed a few tables away was a family of five, including the Ya-ya, or sometimes called the Nanny Mommy.

"So? F them."

I corrected Travis that Smokie didn't want to bring down his standards. "He thinks he's the problem why Sandman gets sleepy during play." "Impossible, I already fucked Smokie and I never felt alive than before." Travis snapped, sipping one more time. "Travis!" Alex snapped as well, from Travis' choice of reaction.

Travis couldn't help but tell off the men he slept with from the time he turned 18, (Huh, 18?) as we all know Travis has a promiscuous life, and he is very proud of it.

"Gay men should have sex like men," he said, "Aggressive yet subtle." "Are you implying Smokie, your former fling is losing his touch?" "Oh no, I'm not that evil, Jethro." He waved the red flag in some way. "I'm only saying at some point Smokie should try and improve his sexual performance." He said, pointing out that some gay men lustfully want more aggressive sex.

"Please, change of topic." Alex suggested. Both our heads darted towards him, from which he looked very suspicious or something.

"Don't tell me Ken has those mood swings again?" I asked. "No, its not about that, its just that, well, I feel Ken is..." "Is what?" Travis leaned closer to Alex, perhaps intrigued by the drama. "Ken wants me to meet his folks on his sister's debut party." Alex finally calmed down saying.

"So?" Travis propped up himself, as if the drama as cheap as soap opera material. "Oh."

"Oh?" I stared at Alex, then at Travis. "Oh!" I looked back at Alex. "Please don't tell me you're scared meeting the parents?" But at some point I could see Alex's hesitancy to meet Ken Tatlongreyna's folks. "It's totally different, I never felt this horrified..." "Horrified of what?" I asked again. "Oh please..."

Paranoia can sometimes ruin the goodtimes when your with your lover in the best of times and everything that comes with it. Makes things more complicated as it is. As for Alex's unexplainable behavior from the particular mention of Ken's folks was particularly abnormal for Alex.

Alex was once a really nice kid, nice parents, nice job. But why does he gets giddy-yap all over that place when Ken wants to bring him along for the ride to his parents?

"I don't know with Alex, he seems to be scared of something." I said, as I placed another tag on a bunch of shirts Tonj was putting in the store. Hmmm, black long-sleeved shirt with sequined sides? Cool.

"Maybe it's not the parents. It might be he, himself is the fear factor." He said, as he strategically hung those really cute black skirts for the store.

"What makes you say that?" I looked at him, as well as slowly gesturing that I should have that black long-sleeved shirt with sequined sides.

"Why?" Tonj continued, "Some men think when meeting their lover's folks they feel intimidated, as if they are not enough for their boyfriends."

Good point. I thought. He could well replace me in my article.

"And you can have that shirt." He smiled.


Alex had to face the fact about Ken's debut-slash-meeting-the-parents thing tonight. He was dressed to the nines, looking sharp as he could possibly be. Of course he wanted to impress the folks but he couldn't see how to catch their hearts or something.

Fortunately, Travis and I were also invited to Ken's sister's debut. I was eagerly seeing all the drama that could unfold every minute of the party-slash-turning-point which for me is totally useless.

Why? I have nothing against debuts and up-coming debutantes. Why spend hundreds and thousands of bucks proclaiming you're eighteen when you can just say your eighteen without the much-useless hooplah.

"Where are the drinks?" Travis was starting to complain. Not that he was there looking around for future prospects on bed and such he wanted to somehow get away because all he can see are kids.

"Wait, Trav, you can't just go down gulping stuff." I reminded him. "All of these kids running around makes me feel I don't want to have kids in my lifetime." He thought, for one wild moment, I thought, Travis could be the next old geezer in the block.

And I'm still, I'm still Jethro from the block. (sic)

A few minutes later, Alex arrived from the Comfort Room still a bit shaken and all that. Feeling a bit nervous I bet. I could see that Alex's knees were shaking admidst all excitement in Ken's sister's debut party.

"Tell me you want to meet Ken's folks?" I asked. "Yes, no..." Alex fervently replied. "Tell me again, you want to meet Ken's folks?" I asked again. "Yes, no..."

I wanted to smack in Alex's face to bring his stupid closed eyes to open up and give him the reality that he needs. Of course, we are gay men so instead on punching him.


"Ouch!" Alex screamed in utter horror. "That hurt. What the fuck?" "Alex, first of all there is nothing wrong with you," I continued, "And besides, you're not getting married yet, you're just meeting the folks."

Maybe the fact that Alex was just scared for himself making the wrong gesture or something, but come on, just exchanging hands with Ken's folks isn't haunting enough for me.

"Just remember this," as I straightened his collar, "Be yourself, I think they don't bite." I said, assuringly that Alex wouldn't have another anxiety attack or something.

As usual, Tonj is late for this unknown party of Ken's unknown sis. He always wanted to course himself up in every party he goes, but this is one exception, he has an actual excuse to be late.

"God, the traffic is horrible here to Ortigas, Jethro, I couldn't help but contort the damn car around." He snorted. And boy was he right. Traffic is extremely heavy here in Ortigas Center thank God I took an early taxi ride.

Oh yeah the debut was held on Edsa Shangri-La Hotel. Pretty cool for a place to serves the best breakfast and actually eat it on bed.

Bed and Breakfast as they say.

"But anyway, where's your date?" I asked. "Always pretty," he complimented me. "Thank you." I replied and giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

Onto the debut party.

"I didn't realize the party was actually fun." Travis said, as he drank another round of Coca-Cola Light without any regret of missing any alcoholic drink whatsoever.

Amidst the conservative hetero nature of the debut party, everybody in the debut party was concentrating on Alex and Kem, and not the unknown sister's actual debut party.

Alex seemed calm when he danced the overly corny "Cheeky Song" with Ken, and everybody seemed to be nonchalant. But I bet Alex was enjoying the moment he is spending with Ken. As for the folks...

"Finally, I guess our dear son has finally found someone." His mom said. "At first I was a bit against it, but I know our son needs happiness," the disgruntled yet the dad understood the situation, "God, I need a vodka." The dad spurted on the last sentence.

Later on, Ken and Alex approached the parents, holding hands together, they both looked together, very happily Ken started the conversation.

"Mom, Dad meet Alex." Ken said. "Hi! Nice to meet you." Alex breathed freely as he said those words.

We continued the party to that new club just a few feet away from Club Miny/Babylon. I thought the new change in scenery would help elevate the new confidence we imbued to Alex and Ken.

And I thought mine as well.

"Ok, let's get in line and hopefully the angel-feathered-winged-huge bouncer won't have to take anyone down." I told the guys while I was clinging on to Tonj, who was giving me those melting 1000-watt smiles.

It's new club called Bed, really cool, really sexy, really something to look forward to at the end of the night.

"Would you go to Bed with me?" I asked Tonj, who was still smiling. "Sure," he replied, "Of course, we are talking about the club, right?" "Yeah, sure." I grinned. "Come on, let's go."

We entered the doors of the new club, hopefully this is the start of a new lease in life.

To be continued...

for reactions, critiques please send me an email at or visit my website at

Next: Chapter 9

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