
By Reggie Tangan

Published on Sep 12, 2003


J O Y 2 by Reggie Tangan

Disclaimer: all of the characters portrayed here are used fictitious, and used for entertainment purposes. Any resemblance to the characters and situations are purely coincidental.

This story is for mature audiences only. If you don't like mature themes, please leave immediately.

for reactions, critiques, and suggestions please send me an email at or visit my website at

"Just Like Us"

Exactly when you think life has full of surprises and spontaneity and life's subtle unpredictability can cause an uproar when you're actually expecting absolutely nothing.

Like when trouble arises from work and when you know you're doing a good job. Or the time when you're having fun with your current beau and your ex-boyfriends appear out of nowhere and stage a 'Lay-off-against-you' support group.

It's like a surprise birthday party that you won't have but will eventually scare the Jesus out of you.

Then this is the story for you. Stanford Blatch, listen.

I continued the scourge Makati for the best place to have a party for my sixteen year-old cousin, Lizzie. She came from Upnorth and wanted to see the Manila scene for the weekend. Her mom told me that I could be the well-fit probable choice since most of my relatives already left for the US and that I was the only remaining Velasquez left in Manila.

So I obliged taking care of Lizzie and her upcoming birthday.

"Uncle Jet, so you live with a guy?" She innocently asked. Though I thought she had a subliminal message she was trying to point out. "Yes, sweetie, a guy I'm totally crazy in love with." I said. "Cool, so what do you guys do on bed?" She asked again, this time with much more vibrant nonchalantness only Mariah Carey can pull off. "Sex, like other people do," Then it hit me, "Lizzie, you're only sixteen and you're talking about sex?" I placed my hands on my waist in pure disgust.

The girl wasn't really that innocent anymore, I thought. But come to think of it, I guess being sixteen is the best time to know about sex.

"So tell me Lizzie, does any guy in particular like you?" I asked. Knowing the she studies in a coed school back Upnorth. "Yeah, some college guy, just near our school, a real hottie." She smiled and flipped her hair, a sign of courteous lovey-dovey. "Oh, college guy. How long have you guys dated?" I asked again, then a dropped bag of chips in front of the table and she started talking.

"Just one, but he was really sweet." She giggled, "He took me to this really cute restaurant and he even bought beer." "Beer? You're too young to drink beer." I hesitated. "Not for me silly, he only bought one beer for himself." She continued, "And besides, I'm not that stupid." A sigh of relief followed, but with a hyper-active sixteen year-old I didn't hesitate to ask.

"So you guys fooled around?" I asked again, a bit serioous this time. "Us? Hell no. I don't fool around with anybody." "You sure?" "I don't fuck with losers, I immediately dumped him for being immature." We both laughed after what she said about that college guy.

Later we were best buddies.

"God, I wish Lizzie was a guy so I can date mature little men." Alex commented after telling the guys about my flinchy yet reality-connected cousin. Travis, Alex, Chris and I were at The Podium, just in some cool resto-slash-bar. We just wanted to check out the crowd and that is was up to our standards.

"You guys have to meet her, I'll be bringing her to Ian's big bash this Friday. Chris slapped his head with his right hand. He almost forgot his kid's birthday, who's turning eighteen.

"Thank God for reminding me, Jethro." He calmed down, "I haven't bought anything for Ian."

"Speaking of Ian," Travis spoke. "I'm a bit concerned since he started dating Raboff who happens to be twenty-eight years old." "True enough." Chris pondered the thought. "But I know he's not stupid or something." He continued. "Yes, Ian isn't running with scissors." Alex pointed out. "But Raboff is almost within our age range, just like us." Travis spoke out, wanting to point out that Ian is too young to have an older lover.

I gave it a thought that Travis could be right. When you're sixteen or seventeen you should be experiencing the harsh realities of life and love life woes that consists of love at first sight boo-boos, 'I-should- have-made-love-to-you' regrets, and most of all the break-up residue that appears on every youth's face in the form of pimples.

And Travis was right. Raboff is just like us in terms of getting that lover who is just young enough to be manipulated.

Alex met Five Eleven in a club BED the other night. He didn't mean to meet the hunky former varsity player from his old school. It was quite sometime when Alex saw Five Eleven back in school. The story behind was that Alex was giving Five Eleven blowjobs back in college that makes the said varsity player play better in the court.

"He said giving him a blowjob before the game made him perform better." Alex regretted the fact that he was used just for Five Eleven's sexual satisfaction and his preformance skills in basketball.

But this was different.

Five Eleven recently admitted that he was bisexual and that he was all for the sexual part of it. One time, he was in another club in Malate and was grinding with a girl. But when he felt a guy brush up against him, he went after the guy and left the girl behind confused and frustrated on the dancefloor.

"Alex, all dressed up and ready to go?" Five Eleven greeted him. "Yeah. So how's sex, er, life?" Alex admitted that Five Eleven is still hot as ever since college. "Here and there, everywhere." He gave a mischevious smile that hinted Alex that Five Eleven is horny. "I really have to go." Alex wanted to leave the club and go home. "Please, hang out with me," Five Eleven begged, "I don't want to be alone in this big club." "Please, tell straight up what you want." Alex crossed his arms in almost utter disgust from Five Eleven's true sexual colors.

Alex could tell from Five Eleven's sudden kindness that he wanted an encounter. But come to think of it, Alex did enjoy giving Five Eleven blowjobs. So why not for good time's sake.

"I just miss you so much." He smiled. THen he motioned the bartender some beer for Alex. "Here, enjoy, drinks on me." "Thanks." Alex said. "So are you up to it?" Five Eleven asked with his hand on Alex's chin. Alex noticed the huge bulge forming on Five Eleven's pants. He gave himslef a hard thought on this move. First of all, he's alone for the moment, he's also feeling a bit restless, and lastly, he wanted to prove that Five Eleven hasn't seen anything yet.

"So when Five Eleven and I played hardcore, it felt I was a virgin again." Alex said, feeling a bit sentimental after having sex with the said hunky former varsity basketball player.

"There was something in him that yearned for me," he crossed his arms, "Something special." "Or something else." Travis commented. "True Travis, but come to think of it a blowjob was different from having sex with him."

"But you said that Five Eleven was after the sex, and you're telling us that you have latent feelings for him?" I pointed out a conflict. "Maybe, or was it I was thinking of someboody else and Five Eleven was just a mere diversion, or he wasn't just my type."

We all nodded in agreement. There are times when we think about sex, we didn't care who we were doing it with, all we care is the pure satisfaction and desire that is being placed upon the platter.

Ok, in plain english, we don't care about the look of the food, we care the taste of the food. Kapeesh?

"He's just like us, wanting more than the usual." Alex sunk on his seat.

Enter Prometheus, Travis' internet pseudonym. During his free nights and his non-social working hours, he's spent some time in the internet to search anonymously to possible dates and the most common of all internet bravura: chatting and cyber sex.

"Of course the internet has its wonders. You can explore the inner desires of men and other people. It's a free community. It's normal to be a voyuer, it's normal to be crazy because nobody knows you." He said. "It's even safer than safer sex." He added which is true.

So we log into Travis' internet chatting. He was talking to a certain Mr. Longbottom (no pun intended) an investment banker as he said to Travis. Well, all he cared was the no touch sex that led to really hot masturbation.

you've got me all wet... yeah, you like it that way... all the way, all the way...

When cyber sex with it's lurid details convert into those typical dates. Travis tend to go for something beyond the sexual bravura the internet has to offer. Of course, Travis goes for the usual three dates. (We all know what those dates mean.) But on the internet it could last up to months and months and all you have to worry about is your internet account.

so when are we going to meet? i don't know we barely talked personally i know its go for the kill kind of conversation maybe this weekend, but its totally your call.

"Why Mr. Longbottom?" Travis tells me, "Well, we kinda chat accidentally and that he's totally a straight guy who gets off with gay men for sex." "And so now he's gay?" Alex asked. "Hell no, he's still straight, he never touched a man before." "So why jack off with gay men?" "He goes to the internet just for the porn." Travis said.

eight p.m. starbucks adriatico i know that place, i actually live near there. good... i'm better than good.

Eventually the two net-struck people met up in Starbucks Adriatico for that one and only date number one. Technically, in date number one the date and the datee (sic) just talk about themselves, talk about their sexual fantasies, but on the part of Mr. Longbottom as his nickname applies to be the bottom guy and to exactly experience having sex with someone 'older.'

"But Mr. Longbottom is something you wouldn't bargain for." Travis later regrets. Turns out Mr. Longbottom is a sixteen year-old loser from Don Bosco High. Not only he wanted to experience gay sex, he's a total raging virgin that girls wouldn't want to date because all he can talk about is sex, sex and yes, sex.

"Though he had a vivid imagination, and really sexy voice, I had to literally shoo him away and that we were in Malate, Manila." Travis said, "Minors aren't allowed to stay up late at night and I know people around Malate, they'd think I'm a sick pedophile.

"What is it with me with lost little boys?" Travis gave himself a thought smasher.

"Oh, remember Diddy?" Alex remembered one of Travis' trysts from Culture Club. "Diddy was different, he wasn't boyish-looking, but Longbottom was terribly a small brat." He said, then checking his 7250i cellphone, as if to check his messages but to use the camera to spot the very potential date-ables.

Brrriiinngg!!! Brrriiinngg!!! Brrriiinngg!!!

What!? The damn phone rings, as if it acts like my alarm clock which I never bothered to use. I only used the clock as a clock, not as a bird yapping in your ear every morning, and besides I already have my own wake-up call. Of course it's pretty obvious its my gym bunny Tonj.

Groggily, I answered the phone. It was Kurtis, one of my friends from my former alma mater.

"I know it's two in the morning, I just need someone to talk to." Kurtis said, he sounded a bit tense if not agitated on something...

On a daily basis that is.

"Jeez, you would have called me earlier at least I'd still be awake in a very uncompromising state." I said, trying not to wake up Tonj as he drifted off to sleep a few hours ago.

Weeks ago, Kurtis spent some time with friends and drinks in the posh W Bar in Makati. Definitely he was having fun flirting with the girls and had such fun time doing the raging horse-or whatever it was called. The thing where you ride it and it moves around like a raging horse. You get it I suppose. But anyway, one of the girls brought along a male friend, who just happens to be gay.

Let's call the gay guy Spotter. Later I will reveal why I named him that.

Spotter instantly fancied Kurtis and as any respectable homos do their mating rituals-he made friends with Kurtis. Eventually, Spotter and Kurtis became good friends, they were gym buddies, they hanged out in video arcades, played basketball, they even subscribe to FHM.

"Eventhough I knew he was gay there was something special about him." Kurtis pointed out, "He was actually more masculine than my other guy friends are, he really appreciated me as a guy."

After dinner in a really, really, really fine restaurant. OK, I was exaggerating, it was a semi-fine dining. Kurtis admitted to Spotter that he appreciated having him as a friend, a true friend and that no other guy could replace him.

"Am I gay or something?" Kurtis asked. "Maybe, but I know you can have platonic relationships with gay men." I said, "And of course there is a possibility." "And..." "And?" "Uhmmm...something happened."

Instantly, head cocked up in utter astonishment.

"It all started with a massage." Kurtis told me. "After playing some shoots in the garage. It was purely non-sexual at first."

But when Spotter massaged Kurtis' neck, he appeared to be turned on in a way. At first, Spotter didn't notice what was happening, but when he massaged again Kurtis' neck, he definnitely felt the heat coming out from Kurtis.

Of course, as any respectable homos do, they don't take advantage when their friend is in the state of sexual awakening. But Spotter continued to massage Kurtis, then Spotter would hear Kurtis moan in unspeakable pleasure.

"And I made the first move." He admitted. "What!?"

"I wanted to make him stop but I couldn't, his hands were really good and I guessed he spotted my G spot." He said, "I couldn't even believe he found it."

Kurtis in a swift move, grabbed Spotter by the hand and motioned to kiss him. A really big kiss. Spotter kissed him back, then a struggle ensued, feverishly tearing their clothes, kissing back and forth.

"I have to admit it was better than with a girl's." He said. "Welcome to the club." I said, sarcastically. "Boy, I am finally free and I know what I want, and I could get it from my own sex." He said. "And where is he now?" I was referring to Spotter. "Well, he's trying to avoid me." "Why?" I didn't like the idea when Spotter who has a huge crush on Kurtis was trying to avoid him, whe Kurtis in the eyes of gay men...

A catch.

The moment Raboff stepped out of his car and left the garage, Ian followed him stealthily up the stairs of the apartment building. As soon as Raboff closed the door behind him, he knocked.

Raboff chuckled. "Did you miss me?" "And you?"

Raboff didn't have time to answer and began tickling Ian off to the sofa. Laughter filled Raboff's place and started kissing Ian, which the young man glady obliged.

"Really, did you miss me?" Ian asked, wiping some tears of laughter from his almost swollen eyes.

"I do, I really do." Raboff said, then he took something from the nearby closet a wrapped box for Ian. He looked surprised.

"A present? For me?" Ian looked surprised enough, he didn't mention to Raboff that it's his birthday. But the idea of getting gifts on your birthday is sweet. Immediately, Ian opened the wrapped box. Upon his eyes the box revealed a really cute teddy bear, its stomach inscribed...

"My true teddy bear."

"My true teddy bear?" Chris couldn't believe when Ian showed him the actual teddy bear when he cooked Ian's birthday breakfast. "Truly sweet, totally Raboff." He said, as he hugged the said teddy bear so tight. Good thing it wasn't a real bear, it would have choked to its immenient death.

"Dad, I know you have the right to doubt Raboff's motives, but I see he is doing a very very sweet gesture and currently he knows we're only dating non-exclusively." Ian reassured his Dad. "I can be paranoid at times, but what if Raboff tries to hurt you?" "He wouldn't do that." Ian defended, "He may be old, or something, but he is a gentleman."

A few days ago, Chris with his social contacts dug up some information about Raboff. True, that he is a protocol officer that is connected to the US Embassy. True, that Jay Stuart Raboff is his real name.

The truth hurts...

Chris discovered Raboff is still in a relationship with a La Sallian and that they've been together for almost a year. This made Chris doubt Raboff's sweet motives to his son.

Chris wanted to tell Ian the truth about Raboff, but today's is his eighteenth birthday.If he told the boy about Raboff's other relationship he would later be hurt and heart-broken. He didn't want to see his son hurt on his day. Ian should be happy, not sad, not frustrated.

"Ian, I have to tell you something." Chris didn't hesitate. "About what?" Ian asked, not noticing his father's hands are on his shoulders. He somehow felt this sounded serious, so he stopped smiling.

"No, nothing serious, its your birthday, I really love you." Chris said. He thought the time isn't right to tell Ian about Raboff. So he kept it in himself and confided to me and the others.

"I just couldn't tell him." Chris said, finally confiding in me. We were on the phone, talking about Ian-Raboff issues. "You did the right thing, Ian doesn't deserve to get hurt on his day." I said, but as for Raboff, "If Raboff really loves Ian, then what about that La Sallian guy?" "I don't know, I guess I should keep my nose from it." Chris said. "You should, Ian doesn't have to know everything from you." I told him. "Yes, there are some things he has to discover for himself."

Even heartbreak.

It was already eight o'clock and almost everybody was at BED. Travis got ourselves the whole night there for a private party for Ian's eighteenth birthday. Some of the regular clubbers of BED were a bit dissapointed discovering they shooed away by the huge bouncer and telling them that Ian's party is strictly invitational.

"Thanks Travis for getting the place." Ian asked Travis. "Anything for our little boy, I mean, young man." Travis said, then giving himself a dose of a double vodka tonic.

Friends were greeting him and also his schoolmates and other people who knew Ian. He looked totally happy. But when Raboff entered the club, Ian's face gleamed with glee and is happy to see the foreigner.

"Did you miss me?" Raboff asked Ian. "Of course, silly." Ian said, then a quick smooch on the cheek. Obviously, Chris didn't look directly at Raboff.

As Chris tried to avoid Raboff's gaze, Alex was on the other hand talking to Five Eleven, goodness Alex convinced Ian to put him in the guest list. Not only he was looking forward for another gimmick with Five Eleven, he would try to make things more interesting than sex.

Lizzie was also there, looked extravagant as ever, knowing she is surrounded with males, and with good sense of smelling the difference between the gay friends and straight friends of Ian, she was able to sniff out on straight guy.

And I'm not worrying. Actually, I'm proud of her.

And I have to amdit, she's just like us.

To be continued...

for reactions, critiques, and suggestions please send me an email at or visit my website at

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