
By Reggie Tangan

Published on Aug 16, 2003


J O Y 2 by Reggie Tangan

Disclaimer: all of the characters portrayed here are used fictitious, and used for entertainment purposes. Any resemblance to the characters and situations are purely coincidental.

This story is for mature audiences only. If you don't like mature themes, please leave immediately.

for reactions, critiques, and suggestions please send me an email at or visit my website at

"Greener Pastures"

When you spend time so much with your significant other, or should I say my ever-so-lovable boyfriend, Tonj. I tend to forget some things but eventually at work, get away with it gracefully.

"Don't go to work..." He protested. "But I have to, eventhough I only write a couple of paragraphs that depict the slicing and dicing public figures." I said. "As usual," Tonj smiled meakly, "Stay in bed."

He was just lying down on the bed, his arm right on his head, though he looked lazy from that position he looked extremely sexy. He smiled again and adding a very seductive wink.

Jethro Velasquez, please keep your head up.

Life was better on when I decided to move in with Tonj and his son, Peter just a few weeks ago after my birthday. Not that I wasn't having jitters or something but I felt welcome and also to Tonj's family. It was good enough for them that Tonj was in a healthy relationship with someone, and that someone is me.

"Wake up sleepyhead! You have work to do." As I grabbed the blankets and slowly moving it away from the bed. "Don't do that!" Tonj almost screamed. "Come on, wake up!" I continued to remove the blankets. "Work doesn't start at ten!" He resisted and took hold of the other end of the blankets covering him. "It's only eight. You know the traffic in Makati." I kept hold of the sheets. This time I'll try to remove the blanket with one quick motion.

Within a second I managed to sweep the blanket away from the bed, within sight I lo and behold a nearly naked Tonj, just a mere boyleg was covering his privates.


"C'mere!" Tonj stood up and grabbed me by the arm and he took me in his arms and kissed me with his sweet lips, his huge sculpted arms surround me, giving me the security that I need.

"Did I say I'm going to work?" I looked at him. "Not that I noticed." He smiled again, this time with much more finesse. "Ok, just get me the phone, please?" I said, finally convinced to stay on bed the whole day.

Alex was on the rut when he discovered for himself that work wasn't making ends meet in his daily budget, and even though he has no control whatsoever in Ken Tatlongreyna's schooling, though the mouseketeer's school fees are handled by his folks, he feels, well, affected.

"I feel like changing jobs." Alex mentioned his plans to us. "Do you have to? Your job in Tower Records is doing well, I suppose." I said. Thinking there is a time when we have to move on to greener pastures.

"We feel sometimes that our current status doesn't satisfy us so we look for a better place or a better job to completely complete us." Travis said. As for him it was quite sometime when that thing with Mr. Marvelous ended. He said that Mr. Marvelous had issues about being the type of discreet men yet flamboyantly picking out men from anywhere.

"Hypocrites." I sounded.

"Eventhough I didn't finish college, I was thankful that Tower Records gave me a job and just a year I got myself a promotion." Alex continued, seeing all his blessings from the past. "But I want to move on, part of me feels I should keep on walking." Then he raised his hand in pledge of his plan.

"I totally agree with Alex, we should move to greener pastures." Travis said, he also raised his hand in agreement.

"Well, you guys move, I already moved in with Tonj." I smiled.

"Oh, that's great!" Both Alex and Travis congratulated me in my new- found life with my boyfriend, Tonj. Well, it was about time when we all need security with someone.

"So let's start. Alex, you get a new job within a month or so, just don't leave Tower Records hanging." I suggested. Then I looked at my dear old friend, Travis. "I guess you should give yourself a meaningful relationship a try, or something." I said, slowly smiling, without sarcasm.

"Yes, I should," Travis agreed, "It's about time I need to give myself some real man to cling on to."

Alex stared at Travis, I could see that he was a bit skeptical in what Travis would do. But I know Travis will do his best to somehow grab the guy who would really make an impression and actually make a really good relationship with a guy.

"And I thought 'Designing Women' was passé," Chris said, "Then 'Will & Grace' is in the rage nowadays." He told me.

Chris has been working double hard to see that his designs get to the cutting board and not the cutting room floor. All of his designs are cutting-edge, and so-called 'street chic' that is the current fad of the nation.

Like the 'jologs' stuff is so out!

"I can tell that your designs are indeed something good to look at, and I know you're working hard to get thru this." I was concerned not only to his career, but also his health.

"Tell me, I get tired doing stuff that doesn't catch attention." Chris said, I guess I can relate when you want to be serious totally but nobody is taking you seriously. So typical when they see someone who is actually better. The thing is, why are some people afraid of people who are better than them? Fear of losing their jobs?

Who knows? But sometimes I thought...

Does being a sort of better man gives the better stuff in life?

Travis was himself in terms of working hard in his usual heave work in the Firm (as I would like to call it now.) I know he gets tired once in a while working eight hours a day, trying to convince clients to use their services to advertise. But on one occasion...

"I can't go to work, I'm feeling sick." He told me on the phone. "Dear, I could go there and take care of you, but also in work." I said. "I know, I'm feeling terrible and that I'm terrible in curing myself." Feeling terrible, a very unusual thing for Travis to go into. "Just rest, Trav, get yourself lots of vitamin C, lots of water and..." I heard a commenting snicker and... "Aaaaccchhooooo!!!" He sneezed very hard. "Poor kid, I'll pass by later after work, ok, sweetie?" I wanted to help him so badly.

Later on, Travis called up his assistant, err, the other 'assistant' who was always 'on call' just in case he was getting restless. Alright, in plain English, he was trying to call his f.b., fuck buddy.

"Travis, its really nice hearing you voice." The Assistant said. "Yes, I know, I thought you could come over and..." "And?" The Assistant lurched a bit. "Aaaaccchhooooo!!!" "Whoa! What a cold!" The Assistant moved his head a bit farther from the phone. "Maybe a blowjob can cure that." He suggested which made Travis mad. Not the best time to talk about sex when you're sick. "I can hardly blow my nose and you want a blowjob?" He wanted to swear off his sickness to the Assistant, but that would lather prove worthless, he thought. "What the heck." "So are we up for today?" He said, but Travis gave it a thought.

He's sick and he needs to be taken care of.

"Come on over, but for the meantime, can we skip the foreplay?"

Ian decided to prioritize his studies on a different level. Whatever that meant, he just wanted his studies to get over with.

As simple as that.

"I'm taking the full load in school." He told me. "Are you sure? I don't want you slaving around in your desk, I suppose." I was trying another subtle approach that would prove useful and better. "Like, totally, I want to finish eveything and that I want to get a degree." He said, wishing his future would be as bright as anyone.

I know sometimes the youth of today are power-driven and that these kids would do anything for the better life than what their parents would have expect, and more.

"Just be careful, don't be stressed out that much." I warned him. "I'll be ok, don't worry." Ian said confidently. Indeed he was.

Taking his lunch to McDonald's, a typical lunch joint that combines all classes, just for the fix of fast food stuff disposable by any kind.

There the most frustrations happen when there's no seats available in McDonald's, as we all know seats are on a first come, first serve basis, and also helpful when you have a buddy to save you a seat.

"I swear I'm going to..." "Give somebody a bad time?" Somebody answered from behind him. Ian looked who subtly interrupted him. The guy looked cute but Ian could sense his smearing attitude that was a bit tolerable, but he was cute. A foreigner, has an American accent, he looked young, but he was wearing a pair of slacks and a polo shirt.

"I sure would." Ian replied. "Come I'd love to share a table with a stranger." The guy offered his table. He was alone. Very tempting, but the foreigner was nice.

So why not? He asked himself.

"I'm Raboff, Jay Raboff." The guy smiled. He was striking a conversation. "Ian, Ian Basco, nice to meet you Mr. Raboff." Ian smiled. It was a big smile because it was Ian's first time to meet an actual foreigner. "Call me Jay, I'm not particular with addresses." He said. "Sure, yes, Jay." Ian continued to smile, he has to admit, the foreigner is cute.

Later on, doing dinner at Chris and Ian's place in Makati. All of us for the exception of Travis who was sick and the Assistant with him. Ian couldn't help but talk about the foreigner who was cute and let him share a seat in McDonald's on a very rare gesture anyone would do for him.

"Really, a foreigner gave me a vibe." Ian insisted that Raboff was into his scene. Chris only looked as if in horror to what his son is getting into. "And of course, I can do better." He added.

Chris was is a so ok mood that anyone could find tolerable but pretty vulnerable to gossipy questions and so-called misconceptions on what you actually do. Instead of getting himself into the hotseat. He thought of anticipating the idea and make him ask the questions.

"Alex, dear how is your new lease in life?" Chris asked. "Clearing out some issues before I dip my hands into the fire." Alex weakly but audible response. Chris continued to ask. "So how's Ken?" Chris asked, Alex's eyes grew big in awe, as if prone to a barrage of selfless guilt and other issues that leads to...

"Ken broke up with me on a Post-It!" Alex almost shouted. A simultaneous "WHAT!" chorused around the dinner table.

"What!? Ken Tatlongreyna broke up with you?" I asked, placing my hand on his shoulder for support. "The breaking part was horrible, but dumping you on a Post-It is totally grotesque." Ian, was into opinionating for his debate class brushed up a smooth answer.

"That bastard!" Alex started to calm himself of Chris' ready made fried chicken and gobbled it down. "He even left the Post-It on the fridge, just this morning!"

We all gave out a surprising gasp as we realize Ken was no longer in the arms of Alex.

"This happened just this morning? Where is he now?" I asked again. "Somewhere in San Juan, with his parents." Alex replied, and another bite on the fried chicken.

"Does Travis know about this?" I asked, only to discover. "Oh no you don't," Alex almost choked, "Don't even tell him that this relationship was in the pits, or else..." "Or else what?" I cocked an eyebrow.

This reminded me of a time when dear Travis told me about his friend who had a loser streak, and that Travis' presumptions were right. Then he made this 'I-told-you-so' song and dance that was very annoying.

"I know we had issues, but I don't want him to make that 'I-told-you-so' song and dance. That's the last thing I want to hear from him." Alex said.

"Well. good thing he's sick today and he can't get up that easily." I said, also thinking that the Assistant was there with him giving him a dose of some loving and some Vitamin C. "Just don't tell him yet we've broke up with Ken Tatlongreyna." Alex pleaded enough to convince the rest of us to keep it from him.

The next day I decided to check out Tonj and his store Tonj in the hopes of getting another killer shirt for this Saturday's tryst in Bed. But instead of seeing clothes and accesories, much to my horror, Tonj was packing up his merchandise.

"What the hell is happening?" I wanted to know what's going on with him. "It's hard to explain, Jethro, but you can see..." "You're closing the store for good?" I asked the most trivial, obvious question that would lead me to insanehood. "Hard to believe." Tonj said, as he continued to pack those really cool clothes onto the box.

Later he told me that the store wasn't getting enough sales, and more about that, he cannot afford the rental space anymore and that the maintenance of the electric bill and rights for the designs were killing his deals. For one wild moment I thought, his designs were not hip anymore, it's now ancient literature.

"So I finally thought that I should close down the store." Tonj said. "I couldn't believe your doing this," I said, "I know things will get through." I just stood there in absolute horror. "Don't woorry about that. I can find a job easily with my contacts." Tonj reassured me that the store was just a mere beginning in terms of creating a solid fundation for our family, expecially Peter, his kid.

Then it hit me. Do we sometimes have to move to greener pastures just for the sake of financial problems?

Maybe this one is an exception.

"What!? Alex broke up with that Mousketeer?" Travis almost shouted and at the same time sneezed from his horribly cold nose. "No, it's the other way around, Ken broke up with Alex." I corrected. Another sneeze followed then Travis cleared his throat to speak again. "I knew that Mousketeer would dump him for something." He said. "Just don't do the 'I-told-you-so' dance." I asked Travis a favor not to do that even though I haven't seem him do that. "Oh please," sneezed again, "I knew that Ken guy had issues that they cannot comprehend, so that's it, it's over."

Did I realize that Alex and Ken's previous problems were tolerable enough, I overlooked their other problems that I thought I shouldn't get my nose into. Not only it was an invasion of privacy, but it was also a sign of respect to my friends.

"Don't worry. When I'm well enough I'll just do the dance." Travis said.

Ok, the dance is acceptable.

Raboff had finally asked Ian to have an impromptu lunch date near the outskirts of Ateneo and within the area of Loyola Heights. Where there are throngs of hip restaurants and savory coffee shops.

Raboff and Ian opted to go to this small quaint place called Café Rialto. Ian said, "They have the hippest Hookahs and killer javas." Raboff surely amused by Ian's energizing appearance.

"I see that you really like going to this place." Raboff started off the conversation, with a fiery smile that Ian couldn't resist. "Yes, I do, well not onlt for the Hookahs and stuff like that." Ian replied, thn subtly sipping his coffee on delicately ornated cup.

Then I suppose Ian Basco was trying to ooze some sensuality by just sipping on a cup. You know, to grab some attention without exerting too much effort. Raboff is a huge catch, period. But Ian had to admit for himself, he's quite nervous proving himself that he's worth it.

"Ian, you know you really look cute when you giggle." Raboff complimnted. Of course, trying to reach those hearty standards, he gave out a throaty yet not-so-fake giggle.


"Really, you're a riot!" Raboff also started to giggle with Ian Basco. "Thanks, and so are you." Ian replied. He couldn't believe that he is exerting little effort just trying to make this foreign potential to work, and it's working.

Raboff adjusted himself closer to Ian trying to possible make his move on Ian. He also noticed the yummy American wanting to move to first base. Raboff motioned his hands on Ian's hands, which began to shake a bit.

"Don't be nervous," Raboff ensured Ian, "I feel it's worth it." "Yeah, I guess." Ian replied. Both the guys looked at each other eyes. Slowly, Ian thought, it's definitely working.

"You are really cute, Ian." Then Raboff slowly kissed the young boy. Ian felt the warmth and sincerity Raboff is about to offer to him. He thought, maybe he would try to relationship with Raboff a try.

"Really, Mr. Raboff." Ian parted his lips. "Call me Jay." Raboff insisted again, but he knows Ian was trying to pull...

His leg. What the hell are you thinking?

"Whatever you say Jay." Ian then moved his head to kiss Raboff.

This time, more fiery than Raboff's kiss.

Travis finally got himself out of bed and out of that terrible cold. The Assistant made a good job in taking care of him and as well as giving him enough sex to make him through the past week.

First off, Tonj, the store. I asked him if he could lend a hand packing up the rest of the unsold merchandise and also give out some moral support for Tonj. Of course, the rest of the gang; Chris, Ian, Raboff, and the person who is definitely on the rut, Alex was there.

"Jeez, all this stuff is going where?" Travis asked Tonj. "I don't know, maybe send them in the Salvation Army." Tonj answered. "Salvation Army?" Chris look appalled. "No such thing." "Well, might as well give it to someone who needs clothes."

Then everybody threw up their hands, and shouted...


Then Tonj thought. "The hell! Everybody can get whatever they want!"

As if we were children in a defunct candy store. We found the best laid hidden treasure in Tonj's now closed store. But I couldn't help but see Tonj start the waterworks, poor Tonj, business is tough, and he just saw the passing of his store.

"Awww, come on, I know it's hard." As I comforted Tonj, he continued to cry and the rest of the gang stopped rummaging through the clothes in the box and looked sympathetic and approached us. Tonj continued to cry feeling that his future is now turning bleak and that his love for tasty clothes is now diminishing.

That night we all decided to catch BED on a Friday night. It was sort of a breather and relief for Tonj. Heck, we all want to cheer ourselves up. It was worth it to move to greener pastures. Alex moving on without Ken, Chris getting new offers for his designs, Ian having himself Raboff as a boyfriend, Travis trying to get into a real relationship.

Well, for Tonj, a new lease in life would help him move onto greener pastures. He still looked disappointed but happy becasue we all are there to support him and make him look forward to the future.

"Guys, this is the time when we all need to celebrate and think of our accomplishements and failures," I started to speak up in front of the guys, "To see them as the catalysts of our existence, these moments and experiences gave us the edge to be ourselves and look oursleves in another light."

Everybody nodded in agreement and raised out cosmopolitans and gave out a toast to a new pathway to walk onto. Greener pastures are what we are looking forward to.

Towards the end, Tonj thanked me for giving him the reality check boost that he needs to move on.

"Jethro, you are one guy who can make the world go round on your favor." Tonj said. Hugging me and giving me a small quick kiss on the forehead.

"Do I?" I looked into his eyes, clear off some residual tears. "Yeah, you do." He said, kissing me again. "My job as a writer in a tabloid does make ends meet, and not feel complacement about it." I said. He agreed.

"You know, I think I also need to move to greener pastures." I finally admitted that my writing skills need another level boost.


"Travis mentioned that I could be a psycho-analyzing-counselor." I said. "Why not?" Tonj said.

Why not.

To be continued...

for reactions, critiques, and suggestions please send me an email at or visit my website at

Next: Chapter 13: Joy II 2

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