
By Reggie Tangan

Published on Jun 5, 2003


J O Y by Reggie Tangan

Disclaimer: all of the characters portrayed here are used fictitiously, and used for entertainment purposes. Any resemblance to the characters and situations are purely coincidental.

This story is for adults only; if you don't like sexual themes, please leave immediately.

for reactions, critiques please send me an email at or visit my website at

"Catching Up"

There was a time when call boys of the netherworld attacked Malate ever since those gay bars popped out of nowhere. It was easy to tell whether the man is a call boy or not. If the guy wears none to naked he could be easily branded a man whore. If the guy is dressed to the nines beside the call boy, he could be easily be distiguished as the pimp.

Or should we say the 'mama-san.'

But nowadays you can never tell which one is the man whore or just some guy who has a despicable taste in clothes. Well, don't worry my friends there is hope to tell which is which so we can enjoy no-strings loving and don't have to pay. Well, that depends on your liking.

"I couldn't believe those paraks in Manila thought I was a call boy!" Travis complained as he confronted the police superintendent in some Police Station in Manila. I was there supporting his statement. "Besides, you guys have no fashion senese." He said, as he posed his hand, gesturing 'talk to the hand.'

The police couldn't speak that much English, but he was trying. "I am sori, but da pulis wer jus duing ther duti." "Yeah, go to hell, what's wrong with a cut-off shirt with that word 'bitch' emblazoned on it means I'm a call boy?" Travis snapped back, his eyes were on evil mode. As for me, I couldn't help but to amuse myself with Travis fabulous tantrums. "Tell me, officer, do the 'whores' you catch look dappier than me?" "Ano?" The police officer's ignorance took a standstill. "Fuck off!" Travis said, he motioned me to leave the police station and forget the whole thing.

Later on as we returned to Travis' place in Malate, the apartment issued a new guard to the premises. Without knowledge of the tenants or whatever, he managed to piss Travis.

"Sir, how may I help you?" The guard said. "I LIVE HERE!" Travis shouted, I could only follow him and restrain him from doing any trouble. "Boy, you've got some nerve!" He continued to smite the guard. I never saw Travis this angry in my whole life. He was alwasy happy and cheerful amidst pressure from his work in the ad firm.

I guess the stress is catching up.

Immediately after entering his apartment, I ran to the fridge and grabbed some ice-cold water to cool him down from what happened. Well, that's all I can do for the moment. As for Travis he went to his bedroom and slumped himself on the bed with metal framing reminscent of those sci-fi spaceships around. He had it custom-made, he thought the space theme would be perfect since he likes to have wild sex that was, well, out of this world.

"Here's some water." I said, I handed the bottle of water to Travis who moved to the balcony of his oh-so-ever-fabulous flat. "Thanks." Travis thanked me, but instead of drinking the water, he placed the glass over his head and spilled all over him, drenching himself with the water. "God, the heat is totally eating me up."

You're welcome. "I don't know about this, but I know it'll be over soon enough." I said, as I collected my face from sheer embarassment. "Is it hit-on-Travis day? I don't think so." He said, he was finally smiling. He later removed his controversial shirt that almost got him into jail.

The next day, me, Travis and Alex were having some of Coffee Bean's really rich and fabulous Black Forest Ice Blended drinks. I have to say these things are the next best thing to sex. Alex came from work early just to hang out with us. When you work for Tower Records and become one of the higher-uppers you have priveleges, and boy, Alex has those perks.

"Poor Trav, I didn't know those paraks had the audacity to bring you to jail." He said, as he patted his hand onto Travis' shoulder. "Sheesh, I couldn't tell whether my life would be that worse." "Come on," I said. "Look at the bright side, they didn't charge you with something." "Yeah, right." Travis smiled a bit.

I wanted to change the topic from parak ramblings to positive and let's say more time to talk about other than our works and the things we love most of when we hang out together.

You know, the things that keep us socially active.

Once upon a time, three twenty-something men were having their usual caffeine fix at Starbucks Adriatico before going into the hottest club in the infamous Orosa strip. One of them was eyeing for a really hot guy who was innocently looking demure, yet possessed incriminating appeal that only a few would notice.

"Travis, he works as a Barista, you can't just date him." Alex looked directly to Travis, who I guess is salivating because of the said Barista's sexual appeal. "Why shouldn't I?" He asked, he continued to look at that hot barista. "Baristas have a busy life, they don't have time for a real life." Alex continued to explain, I don't why Alex had this penchant for work, from all of its perks to its disadvantages. "Don't tell me you dated one of them before, right?" Travis snapped back.

Alex silenced himself. Gotcha! Travis thought.

Then the three twenty-something men proceeded to BED, but to their utter dismay, the three twenty-something men had to fall in line, because the said club was jam-packed and the bouncer had direct orders not to let anyone in if the place loosened up a bit in terms of crowd control.

"How long should we wait?" I almost slumped myself in sheer arrogance. "Where's Tonj? Is he supposed to be with you tonight?" Alex asked, and speaking of boyfriends, Ken Tatlongreyna was in the province to spend time with his grandparents out of respect and possibility of that certain thing that brings all families together for something like...

The Will.

Back to answer Alex's question...

"Tonj will be here in a few minutes." I assured both of the guys. As we all know that Tonj is always late yet he makes a grand entrance of everything.

"I have to tell you Jethro, Tonj is one helluva catch. Thank God he wasn't like Stud or even Paulie." Travis said, he looked a bit nice from the usual evil eye mode he usually does. Though I have to admit Travis has his share of serious relationships. "Are you telling us that you want to be in a serious relationship?" I asked Travis, this time it sounded very serious. "Why not? Not that I'm tired of fooling around, it's just we all have our turning points, right?" We all nodded in agreement.

Finally, it was our turn to enter BED, but Tonj was still nowhere in sight. I wanted to wait for him so that we could go in together.

"You know what? I'm staying outside to wait for him, maybe traffic here in Manila is horrible eventhough its nighttime. "Sure, just doon't keep us waiting, Ok?" Alex smiled at me. "Yeah, I will." I reassured them both that we will be going in and try not to miss all the fun inside BED.

Immediately, I brought out my new phone; a bright new shiny 7650 that I got a few weeks ago. This was totally unusual for Tonj to be this extremely late. But I know he has the right reasons to be late. Later I opted to stay in front of Fidel, which has been the proverbial rendenzvous point for us guys.

Ten minutes, he hasn't responded to my text message I sent him. Instead of sulking I bought those really cute squid balls just outside the premises. I always have this sort of fetish with street food. But when I scanned around for Tonj, I saw someone who was very familiar.

"Ian Basco! Speak of the angel, why are you here?" I approached the young seventeen-year-old son of my bestest best friend, Chris Basco.

"Jethro Velasquez, you stud! What's up?" He said, we exchanged hands and a hug. It was a tad few months ago when Ian and I talked, because of his school activities in Ateneo, I barely had the time to talk to him, with the exception of his father, Chris, who was always on the lowdown on what's happening to my favorite kid this side of town.

Father and Son tandem, Chris and Ian Basco shared the same name. Offically, their name is Christain Lindsey Basco, the only difference is Ian got the junior treatment. I didn't ask why Chris wanted to give Ian the same name but I know Chris did all for good taste.

Often mistaken as brothers, Chris is thirty-six and Ian is seventeen. Chris, who impregnated his girlfriend when he was eighteen, the next year he finally admitted that he was gay but he took responsibility of taking care of Ian. Unfortunately, the same girlfriend-slash-ex- slash-mother of Ian died. But Chris continued to take care of Ian until now, well, with the help of Chris' dad who was very supportive to both of them.

Just recently, the young Ian Basco came out of the closet after playing a few hoops of basketball when he accidentally touched stomachs with one of his teammates. He realized that he liked men.

"Finally, some time to give myself to go out and enjoy the nightlife!" Ian finally breathed in. I could as well say the same. "So does you Dad know you're here?" I asked, trying to pry something from Ian. I know sometimes Chris is a bit protective. "Yeah, he just dropped me off here in Fidel," he said, "I'm supposed to hang out with you since he mentioned to hang out with the guys!" He smiled, he was really eager to hang out and dance the night away. "Really then? That's nice. Actually, Alex and Travis are inside club BED, now and I'm waiting for my boyfriend to come out any moment." "That's Ok, I can't wait to meet your boyfriend." Ian said.

Twenty minutes has passed but still no sign of Tonj. It was already one a.m. and I bet Alex and Travis are dancing their hearts out.

"He's still not here, and he hasn't left a message in my cellphone?" I started to rumble a bit, but still maintained sanity. I have no particular reason to hate him, but with this kind of situation he wants to make me hate him for this night.

"Maybe he's stuck doing something, or something else." Ian said.

Don't give me ideas.

The next day I didn't bother to call or text Tonj from what happened from last night. Not that I wanted to give him the silent treatment but a guy has limits, and when someone crosses over that limit...

You don't want to know.

Chris then called me up that morning. He sounded hesitant and as if he was totally worried of something. I am totally clueless to what is happening. Later on I realized that kids nowadays are different.

"Have you seen Ian? He didn't come home last night." He said, as if he almost cried. "Why? He didn't come home? I knew he left early from BED." I said. "He went out clubbing? With you?" His voice jolted up a bit. "I just found him just outside Fidel, wait a sec, I thought you dropped him off at Fidel?" I was beginning to doubt Ian's sudden misbehavior. "I didn't, and besides my car is in the mechanic's since Friday." "So you're telling me Ian just went out without asking permission?" I asked, my fists were clenching so hard I could feel my hard-rock nails. "Obviously, and I bet he lied to you that I dropped him off there." He said, "Not that I don't like the place, I just have no time to go out now that I work in The Inn."

Now, I'm handling two problems. First was Tonj with his no-show entry last weekend, and second, Ian with his all-show entry and feeling like the younger that I don't want to have.

I guess the stress is catching up.

"Really Jethro," Tonj said as he tried to convince why he was a no-show last weekend. We were both at the store, it was about four-thirty in the afternoon. I was just passing the store, well, I was just trying to get his side why he didn't go so he started explaining.

"I had things to do, you know, issues." He said. "Issues? About us?" I looked directly to Tonj, trying to probe the truth. "Not about us, its about my family." He started to sweat a bit, as if what he said isn't convincing enough. "Of course they know about us, right?" I asked, only to get another answer.

Which surprised me.

"I have a son...He was sick at that time. He was yearning for me so my mom called me immediately that I should come home and take care my son."

What!? It took me by surprise that my own Tonj would keep a secret from me and never tell me. What is this? Why would I deserve to not know anything about my boyfriend? I always have the capacity of taking the dirtiest details of Tonj and totally accept. But not keep it from me.

"How old is the kid?" "Five." "Where's the mother?" I crossed my arms, not in evil angry mode. "In the US, actually, she wanted to have the baby aborted but..." "You kept the baby." "Yeah, it was hard for us at first, but my mom was thoughtful to care it for me." He later revealed a picture of the kid from under the cashier counter. The kid was cute and has Tonj's eyes. I almost cried. "Well, you did the right choice, but you didn't have to keep it from me." I complained. I am a loving, accepting person. Curiosity was on my mind, not anger anymore. It did let me remember about Chris and Ian. How Chris took responsibility for Ian and how one single father and a caring grandfather will do to make things go thru.

Oohhh, that Ian be making one helluva graceful excuse.

"I thought mentioning my son would scare you off." "Scare me? Remember Chris Basco?" "Yeah, you're best friend who has a son." "He reminds me of you now that you've mentioned you got a son." I was telling the truth, I am inspired by parents who knew how to love their kids amidst issues and complications and dysfunctionality.

By the way, all families are dysfunctional, that's why they call it 'normal.'

"What's the name of the kid?" I asked, this time with a smile. "Peter." "So when am I going to meet the guy?"

"See that guy in that Ad Congress commercial made a killing just to be gay." He said, in a whole butch fashion, punches me lightly on my shoulder which it meant he totally likes the guy.

"Yeah, really nice," I said, cynically, "Are they both gay?" "No, the other one is," he continued, "The guy who was jogging is the real gay guy, the other was just a hired non-actor." Travis said.

"And would you believe that the people who made that commercial, had no idea that the guy who was jogging was actually gay." He added.

I was amused that TV nowadays accept new gay themes. Either be subtle or totally maxed out, meaning all throughout there are men kissing, making love and stuff like that or the MTRCB will ban total television. But right now I can say that people have elevated their tastes.

"Jethro are you listening?" He nudbed me in the arm, I was just sitting motionless, with my hand on the straw of my untouched Black Forest Ice Blended drink. I was listening to Travis but I was also think of Tonj's not-so-secret-anymore son.

"Earth to Jethro, come in Jethro." Travis nudged again. "Oh, sorry, I think I'm semi-phased out." I said. "Is there something bothering you?" "Nothing." "Is it Tonj?" This time Travis' look turning suspiciously concerned. "No, its not him, its something else." "Would you like to tell me?" "No, not really." But I want to, yet I wanted to somehow reassure myself that I am capable of handling this kind of situation.

Being a parent.

I confronted Ian Basco about his all-show and sudden misbehavior and not telling his Dad about going ut alone on a Saturday night. Though Ian was of age to go clubbing at night I didn't want to spark insecurity and let his Dad worry to much about him when he comes out.

Actually, Chris told me he was terrified when Ian finally admitted that he was gay. But eventually, he had to accept that fact that there are some things passed on to generations. Specifically Gen W to Gen X and then to the current generation - Gen Y.

"Ian, listen to me, I'm like your older brother..." "Don't lecture me, I didn't want a brother!" He said, he wanted to turn away from me, trying to avoid my gaze. "Please, I know its hard for both of you to understand about this new lifestyle you're going in to." I said, "I'm here to guide you and tell you if what you're doing is wrong."

I couldn't tell whether Ian was listening or what, but I wanted him to know that I want to lead him to what is right and be dignified in manner of playing safe.

"Your Dad loves you and he will be devastated if he knew you're playing around and not let him know about this..." His head turned around, his face sombered, "I really appreciate you helping me out, but to me, there are things I want to discover about myself, like what you did before."

Then it hit me. Ian was me in terms of self-discovery.

"Ian, you still have a lot to learn." "Tell me about it."

Alex and Ken Tatlongreyna was in Tower Records, they were in the lower basement where all the dance and hip-hop cds are sold. Travis and I were also hanging out there giving ourselves that much needed sound trip and also trying to organize our very own soundtrack to our lives. Currently, the cd player was playing "Absolutely Not" by Deborah Cox.

"Wear my hair in a ponytail, or should I dress myself up in Chanel..."

Ken was dancing a bit amidst some customers browsing around. He didn't seem to care about it, and Alex didn't seem to mind Ken dancing around.

Neither a care in the world.

"Sometimes I envy Alex and Ken." I whispered to Travis. "Most gay men do, seeing that other couples can make it happen an such." "Do you think Tonj and I would make it?" "How should I know, you're the couple."

Later on, Tonj appeared on the stairs leading down to the basement, he somehow looked contemplative and softened, not unusual though. He brought with him a small surprise that made Travis, Alex, and Ken turn their heads.

"Guys, this is my son, Peter."

To be continued...

for reactions, critiques please send me an email at or visit my website at

Next: Chapter 11

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