Journey to There

By Dale Lewis

Published on Feb 3, 2023



This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to any actual events or persons are not intentional and are coincidental.

James is a shy gay 16 year old who struggles to make friends at school. Kyle is a confident 16 year old who is very popular and likes to bully James as often as he can. They are worlds apart but the two worlds are about to collide...

Journey to There

Chapter One

In a small house on the outskirts of the town, 16 year old James was laying on his back on 33 year old, Mike's bed. Mike currently had his cock buried deep inside James.

"You love this don't you?" said Mike grinning as he slowly moved his cock in and out of James.

"I love you, Mike," James said looking into Mike's eyes. Mike's grin grew wider. "I know you do," he said before he started to ram the boy hard. Slapping noises filled the bedroom as Mike's groin hit James' arse. "I'm...gonna...cum," Mike panted. "Tell me you love me again James."

"I love you Mike!" James yelled as he jacked off his cock. "I love you so much!" James' balls tightened and he shot his load all over his smooth stomach. James' arse tightened with every shot around Mike's cock forcing him over the edge. Mike let out a loud growl as he pushed his cock as deep as it would go inside James. James could feel Mike's cock pulse with every shot that was unloaded inside him. Mike collapsed on top of James panting. He laid there in afterglow as James rested his raised legs on Mike's back. Mike's cock started to deflate a little as he finally withdrew. He rolled over onto his back next to James.

"I loved that," James said, finally breaking the silence. Mike turned his head to face James and smiled.

"You are so sweet," Mike said before he closed his eyes. His breathing became heavy as he drifted off to sleep.

James laid back staring up at the ceiling. His arse was still pulsing slightly from the fucking it had just received. He was on cloud nine. What had started out as a bit of fun had developed into a true relationship. He was now grown up and living an adult life. With a smile, James too slowly drifted off to sleep.



A loud shout woke James, Early morning light shone through the pale yellow curtains casting an orange glow on the room.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" came the voice again from the corridor.

As James came to his senses he realised that he was alone in the bedroom. He was not alone for long, as the door burst open and in rushed Mike with a toothbrush in his mouth frantically brushing his teeth.

"Wha...What's wrong?" James' asked with a croaky voice. His throat had gotten dry in the night.

"I'm late for work!" Mike replied abruptly. "I fell asleep and forgot to set my alarm and now I'm late!" Mike quickly pulled on his work trousers before stopping and looking at James. "Well, get up!" he said irritably. James quickly jumped out of bed to put on his school uniform.


In next to no time, Mike and James were out of the front door and rushing towards Mike's car - both had a slice of toast in hand.

Mike drove quickly. He used back roads to try and avoiding the morning traffic.


Soon, Mike pulled up outside James' school. He turned to James.

"I had a great time last night. It was fun," he said before brushing his hand through James' blonde hair.

James' smiled before getting out of the car. He turned back to look at Mike through the open window. "Can I come and see you again next week?"

"Oh James," Mike replied. "You know I don't like to plan ahead. Text me and if I am not busy then we can arrange something. Okay?"

James' nodded his head, "Okay," he replied. He did not like the answer Mike had just given him but he loved Mike and was willing to do whatever it took for their relationship to work. He turned around and walked through the school front gate as Mike drove away. He was deep in thought as he made his way down the front path when suddenly, a football hit him on the side of the head, knocking him to the floor.

"Oops! Sorry James," came the cry of Kyle. "Just get one of your mates to throw it back to us!" He shouted, mockingly. A jeer of amusement came from his mates that he was playing with.

James' was often seen as an outcast at school due to his cleverness. He excelled in most subjects but always struggled to make friends. James got up, dusted himself down and carried on walking.

"At least throw the ball back!" Kyle called before making his way over to where the ball had landed. He threw it again and hit James on the back of his head. James ran into the safety of the school as Kyle's friends laughter rang out throughout the courtyard.


The first lesson was English. It was a lesson James had with Kyle and he made a point of trying to sit as far away from him as possible. The English teacher was currently writing on the interactive white board about the benefits of onomatopoeia and was completely oblivious to the fact that Kyle was flicking little balls of paper across the classroom with great accuracy. His target was James who was slowly get more and more annoyed with the the paper hitting him from behind. One more piece hit James. James quickly turned in his chair to look at Kyle.

"Stop it!" he shouted across the classroom.

"Mr. Tyler!" Mrs. Rose shouted as she turned from her board.

"But Miss, Kyle is flicking paper at me!" James shouted at her.

"Detention after school Mr. Tyler. I do not expected that kind of behaviour in my class!"

James could hear Kyle sniggering at the back of the classroom.


James returned to Mrs. Rose's classroom after school. He was given a sheet of paper and told to write "I must not shout at my elders" 150 times. The classroom was silent except for the scratching of pens as James wrote his lines and the teacher marked homework. When James had finished, he handed Mrs. Rose the paper. She took it with pursed lips. After being dismissed, James left the classroom.

He made his way down the corridor and was about to turn the corner when someone ran straight into him. It was Kyle. Kyle did not even hang around to make a clever comment, he merely jumped up and ran into the nearby janitors closet.

Next around the corner came a tall man with big muscles and short jet black hair. He saw James.

"Where did Kyle go? I know he came in here!" his voice boomed.

For a second, James was going to tell this intimidating man exactly where Kyle was hiding but for reasons he could not explain, he lifted his arm and pointed to the door that lead to the stairwell.

"Kyle!" the man's voice boomed again as he charged in the direction that James had sent him.

A few seconds after the man had gone, the door to the janitors closet slowly opened.

" he gone?" Kyle asked James, quietly. James nodded his head. "Phew!" said Kyle as he removed himself from the closet, "thanks for not telling him where I was. I guess I owe you a favour."

"Why is that man after you?" James asked.

"I've upset his daughter," Kyle replied with a grin.

"There you are!" a voice boomed from the end of the corridor. The man had returned. His face was red with anger. "I wanna speak to you both!"

"Run!" shouted Kyle as he dashed for the other stairwell. James ran after him as his heart thumped in his chest. They were closely followed by their pursuer. They ran onto the second floor.

"Go for the third door on the left! It will be open!" Shouted James as they ran.

"What's in there?" Kyle asked.

"The library!" James replied. Kyle quickly opened the door and they both ran in. They ran passed the librarian's desk and hid behind the non-fiction shelves. The librarian looked perturbed as she slowly lowered her reading glasses. A loud bang echoed around the room as the door was flung open by the angry man.

"Where are you?" he bellowed.

"Now see here!" the librarian shrieked at him as she stood up. You must be quiet in here and-"

"Shush!" the man said angrily as he looked around the room.

The librarian looked insulted. "How dare you! In 25 years, I have NEVER been shushed in my own library!"

"There you are!" the man bellowed as his bright red face appeared around the shelves of the non-fiction section.

"Go!" Kyle shouted as they both sprang from their hiding place. They ran out of the library followed closely by the man. They ran for the stairwell again.

"Follow me!" James shouted. "I have an idea!"

The man chased the boys back down the stairs. He followed them along the ground floor corridor and lost sight of them for a second as they disappeared out of the exit. He quickly ran out too and saw Kyle running alone through the football field into the far corner.

"Dead end," the man growled as he charged after him. He soon caught up to a scared looking Kyle.

"Mr. McKenzie...I...I am real sorry," Kyle stuttered.

"You will be!" Mr. McKenzie bellowed as he ran at Kyle. He was so focused on Kyle that he did not notice that James had taken to hiding behind a nearby tree. When Mr. McKenzie got to James' hiding spot he quickly sprang out and pushed into the big muscle man with all the strength he had. Mr. McKenzie lost his balance and tumbled down the grassy embankment.

James and Kyle cheered each other as the man rolled down the grassy hill and straight into a pool of mud at the bottom.

"Take that loser!" Kyle shouted down after him before the two boys ran off laughing.

"I'll get you one day Kyle!" Mr. McKenzie's voice boomed. He did not get up. He felt in no mood to go running after Kyle covered in mud.

James and Kyle ran down a back lane behind the semi-detached houses and finally came to rest on a small wall once they knew they were a safe distance away.

Kyle leaned against the wall panting. "That was genius!" Kyle said, still laughing.

"Thanks," James said with a smile. "I was not sure if that was going to work."

"I'm glad it did. That guy would have had me hung, drawn and quartered," Kyle replied, making them both laugh. "How did you know there was a pool of mud all the way down there anyway?"

"I usually go down there to sit on my know..." James looked sheepish, "because I don't have any friends."

Kyle stopped smiling as guilt took hold of him. "Listen, James," he said, "I've been a real jerk with you...I'm sorry."

James shrugged his shoulders, "That's OK," he said.

"No it's not. You saved my skin today – three times. After everything I have done to you, you did not have to do that but you did." Kyle put his hand on James' shoulder. "You don't need to sit at the bottom of the playing field on your own anymore. You've got a mate."

James couldn't help but grin broadly. "Cool," he said simply.


They walked home together talking excitedly about their eventful chase. Kyle's house was first on James' route home. Kyle lived in a terraced house that had a front door that lead immediately onto the pavement. Arguing could be heard from inside. It was a man and a woman. James guessed it was Kyle's parents.

"I would invite you inside to play on my Xbox for a bit but as you can hear I am having a few family troubles," said Kyle as he pointed to his house.

"That's OK," James said, he wondered what they were arguing about but did not want to ask Kyle such a personal question when they had only just become friends.

"My dad often gets drunk after work and spends all the money so we never have enough for food and bills," Kyle said. It was almost as if he had read his mind. "If we are going to be mates, you may as well know. Please don't tell anyone though. No one else knows."

"Yeah sure," James said. He was humbled that Kyle had shared such a secret with him and he really wanted to reveal a secret in return...but he only had the one...

"I'm gay," James heard himself say. He was not sure why he told Kyle. No one else knew except for his boyfriend, Mike.

"Oh," said Kyle, "that's cool...I mean...I don't have a problem...I mean...why would I have a problem...I mean..." Kyle stuttered as he searched for the correct words to use. He wanted James to know that him being gay was totally fine but he did not want to insult him in the process. "Help me out here," he asked nervously, "I've met a...uh..."

James smiled. He was humbled again at his friend's attempts. "You have never been friends with a gay guy before and so are not sure what you can and can't say?" James finished Kyle's sentence for him.

Kyle grin and nodded sheepishly.

"That's OK," James said, "I've never been mates with a straight guy before so if I say or do anything that comes across as offensive, please just tell me so I can learn."

Kyle grinned even more broadly as he realised that they were both in the same situation. He felt totally relaxed around James and knew they would be good friends.

" you have Call of Duty?" Kyle asked James.

James shook his head, no. "I don't have a games console."

"Oh, what do you do to unwind?" Kyle asked, curiously.

"I have a shed in our garden where I do little science experiments. I'm currently..." James tailed off.

"Currently what?"

"No it's OK. It's just something silly I am working on," James said sheepishly.

"I love silly," Kyle said, grinning.

"Alright...I am building a model of the Solar System," James said. He waited for Kyle's reply.

"Oh right..." Kyle said thinking. "You mean like space and stuff?"

"Yeah," James said. He was sure that he was close to losing the only friend he had ever had thanks to how uncool he was.

"Maybe I could come by and help you with it?" Kyle said. "I mean, I don't know anything about Space or anything clever but I could try and help."

"Yeah?" James said, grinning. "I would like that."

"Cool," Kyle said, grinning also. "What about tomorrow after school?"

"Tomorrow after school," James confirmed as he grinned.

They said their goodbyes and parted company. James walked home with a spring in his step.

Thank you for checking out my new story. It is six whole years since I last posted a story on here and I am glad to finally have the time to post again. I hope you enjoy the read and please let me know what you think!

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