Journey into Womanhood


Published on Jan 2, 2009


Journey Into Womanhood. Chapter 8.

by rayeanne (

First Goal Realized.

The next few weeks were a period of slow recovery and adjustment for me. Everybody was attentive to me, from Josh on down. All of them had really gotten interested in seeing this experiment succeed, so I was rather pampered, and my whining was patiently tolerated, even by Dr. Johnson and Dr. Sheffield. Actually I was up and slowly walking about the house after just a couple of days but was swollen around my belly and very sore. I think the pain from the dilation and attachment of the cervix in my front rectal wall caused the most soreness. Dr. Sheffield has explained to me in great detail what was done and why, complete with sketches of my internal restructuring.

After three weeks I was feeling pretty good, fully dressing and doing things around the house. Josh had been very busy with various secret medical meetings. The subject was, he told me, Project "Mada". He pointed out that was Adam spelled backwards, because this truly represented a first time male role. My name of course was never mentioned and was only known by a very few people, all of whom could be trusted. It all sounded so mysterious, and kind of exciting, to little me. That night Josh came in late. I was already in bed, when I felt him quietly slip in next to me and then cuddle up to me from the back because I was lying on my side. His hand slipped around and caressed my left breast. I sleepily turned to him and he kissed me. I felt his massive erection pressed against the length of my belly.

"I know we can't do anything yet honey, I just wanted to feel you up close. I miss being with you so much." he whispered as he began to kiss me lovingly.

"Oh?, maybe we can do something." I mumbled into his mouth.

And I slid slowly down his body. I had never really cared much for giving head, and I was not sexually aroused now, but for some reason I had an urge to ..go down.. on him. As I grasped his rigid staff and stood it straight up from his belly, I marvelled at, quivering with a life of its own, so dominating, throbbing in my small hand. I realized that what I had between my legs belonged to this big tool! And I took it into my mouth and stripped it back and forth with my two hands. I felt the need to coax his semen, his living sperm, out and into my mouth and tummy. I was feeling a twinge in the root of my belly, as though my body was signaling its pleasure and approval of my actions. Quickly he responded, soon he was swelling and throbbing madly, and I almost swooned as my mouth felt the first huge, forceful spurt of thick baby cream into me. I swallowed, but too slowly, an it spewed out around my lips. He slowly softened in my mouth as I felt the triumph of sateing and taming this raging sex being. My feelings were different about this act now. I wondered if it was from the continuing conversion of me, perhaps even an effect of my new organs?

I continued to do this for him every night until he left three days later for an extended medical meeting trip, where I was to be the subject. Actually I would be anonymous, and referred to as Project MADA, which Josh wryly pointed out was the mirror image of ADAM. For the next few weeks I continued to improve and feel fully normal, even with those miserable exams in the 'stirrups' every week. The excessive hormones were having their effect on me. I seemed, to my distress, to be getting softer flesh. The doctor said that was what he expected, and Dr. Johnson, during out sessions, said that was wonderful. I whined to her about it because I had to give up my size 5 panties and go to size 6.

"Honey, you ought to be pleased with that. That is your natural size as a mature woman of your frame. You are going to fare better by being somewhat full figured, healthy, and physically sturdy for what is to happen."

"But Dr. Johnson, nothing is happening, other than my feelings becoming more sensitive, and my crying jags everytime Greta scolds me for being untidy at the house."

"Don't worry, 'something' will be happening soon, according to Dr. Sheffield."

And sure enough, a few days later I woke up in the morning and went to the bathroom, slipping down my panties I was shocked to see a little blood in the crotch. I frantically folded some toilet paper in my split and hurried off to the kitchen to tell Mandy and Greta that I was bleeding!!

"Well, welcome to the club kid! You are having your very first period!!", they both laughed and clapped their hands, and Greta rushed off to the phone to call Josh and Dr. Sheffield and Dr. Johnson.

I felt like both laughing and crying, I was O.K. but at the same time I was losing a certain innocence, while gaining something. MY womanly functioning.

I bled for two days! They showed me how to take care of that condition, and soon I was back to normal. After my next exam Dr. Sheffield cut my dosing to very little now. He said that soon I would need no further dosing, my new organs would take care of and regulate my hormone levels. He said that I would experience a considerably higher level of testosterone than other women because I still had two mushy little testicles hidden up under my mons, which I had forgotten about. Because of this I would be blessed with a more intense sexual experience than the vast majority of biological women would ever experience. My experience would be, for all intents and purposes, strictly feminine. It would just lead to a more intense high, like the male experience, but last as long or longer than the normal female orgasm. I thought to myself that this had already been happening for me, or at least I thought so. Little did I know.

I looked forward to seeing what would happen when Josh and I next made love. I began to preen myself more than I had before, taking extended bubble baths, using lotions like crazy, examining my body in detail, especially in the mirror. I decided I liked the way my hips looked after all, even though I had to wear size 6 panties. I had gotten even softer and smoother than before, and my lips seem to have filled out a little more. I was looking better with my makeup on, perhaps because I had gotten expert at applying it, like most other women. I made a mental note to work more on my upper thighs in my exercize program. I didn't want them to get any fuller than they already were. That was something I never thought I would ever have to worry about. Wow, those hormones were reshaping me as never before.

Within a week of going on reduced hormone input, I was already beginning to feel needy, and then the need became more urgent. I talked to Josh on the phone and urged him to come back home, telling him that I needed him so much and I was ready to give him what he too needed. He groaned as he heard that and said to meet him at the airport tomorrow night. By this time Greta and Mandy had gone home and I was alone, so I could dress without their criticism of what I was choosing to wear. The next afternoon I got ready in the bathroom and then slipped into a black garterbelt and black net stockings, then a black string bikini and low cut black bra that accentuated my cleavage. I chose my longest blond wig, although I had gotten to the point that I really didn't need to wear one, but I wanted to have my hair hanging down really long. I chose a wicked one piece knit dress that clung to my every curve, and came no higher than mid-thigh. It was flaming red, and I wore red heels with open toe and open back. I looked like a slutty little whore, which is what I felt like. I was so hot for Josh I would fuck him on the terminal floor if he didn't hurry me home.

When he saw me he dropped his bag on the floor and swept me into his arms.

"God, baby, you look unbelievably hot!" he whispered as he kissed me.

"Let's go home darling." I moaned.

He got the message and we hurried out to the car, leaving his other luggage to be picked up later. We were feeling each other up all the way home. Inside I fixed him a drink then hurried to the bedroom to change into a sexy shortie gown with nothing on under it. I went back out and sat on his lap. I immediately felt something stirring under my butt! We kissed and caressed for a few minutes. He then took me in his arms and stood up, carrying me to the bed.

"Darling, we need to set our wedding date this week. I am going to be home much more now so I can be a husband to you, and you are definitely ready to be my bride now."

"Oh darling, yes,yes.." I said breathlessly, and couldn't say anymore, thinking of the meaning of that statement. But then he had me in the bed and suddenly very busy. I was helping him strip his clothes off, and then his magnificent tool was at attention before my face. But before I could take it in my mouth, he rolled me over and mounted me. Then his staff was at the gate, seeking entry. He entered me smoothly, not much resistance, in spite of his size. In three quick strokes I felt his wiry bush scrubbing my tender inner folds.

"Oh, yes, baby, he's home now! Oh darling this is the best pussy in the world, you feel different inside, more feminine feeling in there but soooo tight! You yielded so softly to me."

"Darling, words like that will get you anything you want." I gasped, as I adjusted to his presence in me.

"You, all of you, that is what I want, and I am going to possess you right now!"

And he began to hump powerfully into me, my hips curling up to meet his every thrust, until he slammed against my yielding mound. Already I was moving into orgasm, building slowly. He was gently kissing me with each slow powerful stroke. He was pulling back now, until only his glans remained in the needy grasp of my vagina, and then sliding in one smooth motion all the way back into me, swelling my belly with his presence.

"Oh, darling, I..I'm having the most glorious new feelings.. " I cried.

"Yes, baby, you're gonna get some new feelings now, and I'm fuck you into coming your sweet ass off."

I was having new internal sensations, I felt something else beyond my g-spot being stimulated. It was my new cervix! He felt it too with his cock.

"I'm gonna massage that little cervix, baby, I feel it with my cockhead every time I thrust by it. That's where we want my sperm to go sweetheart."

"Oh, my god, darling, yes, yes, I'm coming now, oh I'm coming now,....ooooohhhhhh....mmmmm....yes, yes, don't stop...ohhhhhh....." I just kept coming and it kept intensifying. I couldn't take any more, ecstacy, oh, ecstacy.

Suddenly he was thrusting urgently, fast and hard into me, battering my vulnerable soft upturned womanhood.

"Oh, yeah baby, gonna give it to you, my little hot pussy woman....noooowwwwww!!! UH...UHHH..AAARRRGGHHH, oh god, yessss."

And I felt him spurting in me, feeling very wet inside, as he continued to unleash his potent gift in me I continued coming, aware of my vagina urgently squeezing and sucking on his shaft, forming a pocket inside of me to receive his precious gift to me and not let it escape, except through my cervix and into my new uterus. I finally came down from the most incredible sexual climax that could be possible, totally sated, used up by this man. He slumped down weakly onto me and then rolled off to my side and we both fell asleep, me dreaming of his sperm swimming in my uterus, looking and looking...

I awoke early and slipped out of bed to the bathroom. After I cleaned up and returned to slide up next to him he woke up.

"Good morning sweetheart, it was so good last night", he mumbled as he kissed me and rolled out of bed to head for the bathroom. Soon he was back and nursing on my nipples. He seemed to know exactly what I needed. My nipples had been overly sensitive and aching, and now it felt so good to feel the gentle suction of his lips, at once soothing and stimulating them.

"OOOOO.. darling, keep that up and I will be making milk soon.", I cooed.

"You are going to be making milk for another reason before long sweet little one." he said as he covered me and entered me.

Afterwards we were up and busy getting ready for the day. We had breakfast and he hurried out for his morning meetings.

"Ashley darling I want you to call Greta this morning and tell her and Mandy to take you out to shop for a wedding dress. Tomorrow we will go to apply for a marriage license. Lets plan on the wedding for two weeks from now. We should hold the invitation list to maybe 25 or 30 people. I will speak to her later about that. Is that ok with you sweet one?"

"Oh wow! that is quick, do you think you got me pregnant already?" I joked.

"Who knows baby, who knows."

The next two weeks were a whirlwind of activity. Between planning the wedding, doctor visits, and keeping him satisfied took all my time. The girls and I settled on a semi-formal afternoon wedding, and picked out a three quarter length wedding dress, in white of course, with a tight bodice that accentuated by bust, with a full chiffon skirt. A veil reaching down my back to my butt was about right, with pale blue conservative 3" heels. My jewely was some I already had plus a new pearl necklace. I also got a complete new set of lingerie for our wedding night. Time went by rapidly and suddenly there we were in the wedding chapel. We had a very exclusive invitation list: the doctors and some of Josh's business friends, of course the girls, a few of my friends from art school who had incouraged me during my long transformation and a few other couples we knew, including hetero and ts-mated marriage partners. I was in a dream through the whole ceremony, it didn't seem real, yet I heard the minister say "I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride."

We had a wonderful wedding reception, and afterwards we departed for a secluded location in the Bahamas for a week long honeymoon. We must have had sex twenty times that week, and it was all wonderful. We actually had time to go on the beach, and I wore a bikini bathing suit. On the beach I had second thoughts about that. I wore it to keep Josh's attention away from other girls but what happened was that all the men were staring openly at me, and I felt uncomfortable. Thank goodness my big man was by my side. He said he was not about to stray away from my side with these guys around. He said he knew exactly what they had in mind. I realized that I was going to have to get used to the experience of getting a lot of male attention, even when I did not want it.

When we returned we settled into a more or less normal married life, joining in on the local social scene. Only a few of the people we met knew about my history, so I was welcomed as a normal wife. Some of the women even asked me if we planned to have a family, not knowing what would be required for that to happen. I saw Dr. Sheffield each month and he was reporting to the research team on my fertility progress. I seemed to be having a period about every five to six weeks now and the cycle time was growing shorter. I was keeping a record of my temperature, and I could tell from my mood swings where I was in my cycle. My menstrual flow increased in quantity, I hated that, but yet I knew it was necessary. I was becoming obsessed with this whole issue of seeking pregnancy, without coming to terms with what the ultimate consequences would be. I knew Dr. Johsons counsel would be necessary to adjust if it actually happened.

Our lovemaking never did get anything other than more satisfying, more fulfilling for me and I became so contented with just having Josh in me. It felt so natural to have his glorious probbing of me.

We had just gotten back from a trip to New York, and I was not feeling well, kind of out of sorts and distracted. The next morning after getting back home in the evening we slept late, and when I awoke I felt nauseous. I went to the bathroom and suddenly I was throwing up! Something I almost never did. I wonder what that is all about I thoght.

Has our little beauty just experienced the miracle? If so how in the world can she become prepared for such an experience?

Stay tuned for the further adventures of our little star. Your comments, thoughts, questions?

Love, rayeanne.

Next: Chapter 9

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