Journey into Womanhood


Published on Dec 27, 2008


Journey Into Womanhood. Chapter 7.

By: rayeanne


Chapter 7. Ashley Gets The Needed Tools.

The return of my love was rapidly approaching. I had been so pre-occupied the last few weeks getting adjusted to my changed body and getting some of my clothes refitted that I had not had much time to dream about Josh. He had been kept advised of my progress, and we even sent him nude pics of me after the surgery. Because of the slight spreading of my hips, I had opended a little gap between my upper thighs, which felt strange, though oddly freeing. I had long ago filled the gap that had been there as a boy by filling it with female flesh, so I had to adjust. However, in just the last few days, I had noticed some filling of that gap. I was getting even fuller in the thighs! I sure hoped I wouldn't end up later in life with the 'thunder thighs' that so many women experience. But for now, the end result was an increase in voluptuousness, which I so wanted for Josh. He had told me before that he did not want too much of a good thing, he wanted me to retain some of the tomboy look. But I began to wonder if he could have it both ways, tomboyish and motherly.

As usual, I went to the airport to meet him. This time I was dressed more conservatively, as his fiance' should be. I wore a full skirted, pale green, but low cut, dress with modest heels. I could not resist showing off my enhanced breast structure. I was surprised at how pleased I was with having some modest cleavage. I agreed with the other girls that it enhanced my overall figure a lot. Not to mention that for some reason my nipples, already sensitive, were now even more so. I tingled at the idea of Josh sucking them anew. I was wearing my favorite long tress blond wig, which made me feel so feminine, and was carefully made up. It all paid off as Josh saw me and hurried to embrace me. His intimate kissing embarrassed me after a couple of minutes. I had to push him away, people were staring! Besides, he had a hand on my butt, so everybody knew what he had in mind!

We chatted happily going home. It was almost like we were man and wife, talking about the little things happening for each of us over the last several days. I had prepared a special dinner for him before going to the airport, it was in the oven to warm up. This time there was no one in the house but us, no one to distract us from each other. He fixed us a drink as I got dinner ready, and we sat and sipped and kooed to each other for a few minutes, nibbling each other, and he was feeling up my dress already! I pulled myself loose reluctantly and put dinner on the table. Afterwards, as he sipped a liquer, I slipped out to the bedroom to change. When I came out after prepping myself and putting on a little flimsy gown but no panties and no bra, and a kimono modestly covering me, he was sitting on the sofa in only his shorts. He obviously didn't intend to waste any time. As I approached him, sliding out of my kimono, he quickly stripped off his shorts while lying on his back on the sofa. His majestic tool popped up, and made me catch my breath.

"Come here sweet baby,I want you to sit on my face."


"Yeah, baby bring me that beautiful muff, I've got to eat it out, see what it't like now." he rasped, obviously already very hot.

"All..alright..darling." I breathed.

And I lifted my gown and spread my legs just over his face. He grabbed my hips and pulled my split down into his face as I sat on him. His tongue was soon busy exploring my already juicy split. I began to respond right away, it was so intimate!

"Ohhhh...h..h..honeeee.., so good.." I whimpered, as my ass began to quiver.

"Oh, yeah, baby, just as I imagined it would be. You are definitely spread open more down here, oh so womanly. But the beautiful difference is that incredibly reponsive anal ring that makes your pussy so very special. You slide down me and start fucking me now woman before I go crazy."

"Sweetheart", I mumbled, as I quickly slid my spread open thighs down over his thick muscular torso until I felt the tip of his staff brushing against my wet split. I pushed slowly downward, and his penetration began. I loved having control of the entry into me. I looked down on his handsome face, which was now contorting with pleasure, as was mine, while the penetration continued. I kept pushing down relentlessly, steadily spreading for him. I collapsed down on him as I felt his wiry pubic bush scrubbing my sensitive tender inner split. I sobbed in pleasure as the union was consumated. And then our lips met in a sloppy, wide-open mouth kiss. He immediately began to slowly hunch up into me.

"Sweet one, so good, so good." he groaned, as his manhood probbed the deepest depths of me. He was getting maximum penetration of me in this position. I instinctively began to curl my hips, increasing the friction of his shaft against my now fluffy clit, which was weeping due to the size of his presence. But I couldn't tell if it was that or the fact that I was already having my first climax!

"Oh, Josh, darling, I.. yes..oh..oh.."

", baby, I feel you squeezing me, ahhh..that's sooo good!"

"You see what you do to me? You made me come already with your wonderful love tool." I breathed as I lovingly kissed him.

"Little darlin', my balls are swollen full for you and I can't wait any longer to unload in you." he rasped, as he suddenly flippe me over and under him, keeping himself embedded in me.

I wrapped my arms around his thick neck and slid my legs up, digging my heels into his lower back, as his big hands moved down to envelope each smooth soft globe of my butt. I suddenly was aware of myself being completely possessed by him, as he began to slowly grind deep into me, pulling my ass up with his hands to meet his every thrust. I didn't have to move my hips up to meet his thrusts, he was doing it for me. I felt for the moment that I was just along for the ride. His corkscrewing motion was beginning to drive me toward ecstacy. But he was now going so deep that I felt discomfort at the depth of each stroke. I was not about to tell him to pull back. On his outward motion he was pulling back until only his huge glans was still in my grip, and as he plunged in, he was stimulating my g-spot, and that at least was good. Oh, I felt so tightly sealed about him.

"Baby, I'm getting deeper in you than ever. Your new pussy is so wonderful and opened up for me, but still sooo tight." he moaned as his motion became more urgent.

Now I was feeling the familiar tingle beginning to rise from deep inside me, and this time it began to move to my clit.

"Oh, darling, faster, faster, don't stop! I cried as my butt began to shake like jelly. Oh, god I'm going to flow off, I thought.

Then my rythmic grasping started as I began to spasm. I was paralyzed in ecstacy.

"Ohhhh...yea... here it is my sweet little slut, gonna fuck that pussy full of my seed!!!"

I felt the flooding wetness spurting into me time after time as my orgasm milked him in unison.

"EEEEEE....d..darlin..sooooo gooood, aaarghhhh, uh! uh!." I gurgled joyfully as he blasted into me.

It took both of us a while to come down from that, easily the most wonderful sex we had had so far. I mean, I really don't think it could ever get any better than that. Different maybe, but not better. We lay peacefully, nibbling each other and whispering sweet nothings in mutual gratitude for such an incredible experience.

I was reluctant to let him slide out of me because I didn't want to lose any of his semen, which I wanted my body to absorb, making a part of him become part of me. But I suddenly realized that my split was very sticky and wet. His seed has been to some extent spewed out around our very tight connection because I no longer had an endless channel to accept his issue. I had forgotten that I now had an anal vagina, which was of limited depth. Oh well, I would still absorb some of him.

I told him about what had happened and that I was disappointed at losing some of him.

"Don' worry darlin', it won't be long now before there will be a place for those little bullets to go inside of you, and that will be a very important place."

"What do you mean honey?"

"Well, I mean your new cervix and uterus and fallopian tubes and ovaries. Honey, they are all ready for transplant. I brought them back with me from the research lab in Europe. We will need to go forward with the transplant right away, like tomorrow afternoon you will be checked into the hospital and the surgery will be early the next morning."

"Oh, my god, this...this is so sudden darling. Are you sure this is what we should do? I mean what if something goes wrong, do these doctors know what they are doing? What if they mess me up!"

"Darlin', calm down now, believe me we really, really know what we are doing, and with great pre-planning. You are about to make medical history, unprecedented history, although you as an individual will always remain anonymous. But the fact is no fully DNA compatible female organ transplant into a transexual has ever been performed. Even the idea of a temporary transplant has not been successful. Not only will this process result in permanent new reproductive organs for you, it will also permit pregnancy. We just don't know until we try it how long it will take for you to become fertile and actually conceive. So our first two objectives, scientifically speaking, are now in reach, and the first of these will be history by day after tomorrow"

Josh could see how upset I was, and he lovingly picked up my nude, still dripping from my split, body and took me in his arms to the bedroom and put me under the covers. He kissed me and stroked me for a while and I dozed off to sleep, even though it was only 8:00. I awoke maybe three hours later, feeling his naked presence holding me closely. He explained he had been on the phone for the last several hours setting up things for tomorrow. I asked him what and he said later, because he was feeling me up and obviously had other things on his mind. I couldn't believe it!! But the next thing I knew he was between my legs, pulling them up, and entering me. He thrust into me for maybe 15 min. non-stop. Then he suddenly grew in me and hardened even more as his time approached. I had not much noticed the change in his phallus as he approached his peak in me before, I guess because I too would be in the throes of climax when that happened. But this time I was just laying there, not getting much out of it. Then he was once again spurting in me, and this time I could really feel it! My god, he was drowning my poor pussy! I thought it was good that I could have the chance to experience the action of his coming in me. But I was still worn out from our first intercourse, and also I was upset about tomorrow. Soon we were both off to sleep.

I awoke early, got up quietly to do my toilette, my god, I was still full of his cum and leaking it down my thighs as I entered my shower. When I returned from my chores, he was awake and pulled me down to him and proceeded to fuck me again with no ceremony at all. He quickly came in me again.

"Sorry baby, I just had to have it one last time before you go because it will be quite a while before I can have you again."

"That's alright darling, I'm so pleased that I turn you on so much that you take me three times in less than 12 hrs., wow!, that's a lot of love making!"

We were soon up and dressed and he headed out to the hospital, telling me not to worry, that Greta, Mandy, and Dr. Johnson would arrive shortly to be with me all day to prep me. I was relieved to hear that.

They arrived together and began to fuss over me right away, as though they already knew what to do. I was babbling on to all of them, whining about the sudden events about to happen, how I was afraid.

"Here I am about to get new body parts and you all don't seem concerned! I won't be the same person, don't you see? Do you even care? I'm so afraid.", I sputtered.

"Sweetie, please calm down. In the first place you are not going to get 'new body parts'. These parts are of your body, they simply need to come home to you. Remember, they were rendered from your stem cells and your DNA, with some special treatment. When you receive your new reproductive organs you will be the same person, just more fulfilled in meeting your destiny. You dear girl, are going to be the same person but with much expanded potential. The potential to experience almost complete womanhood, and the potential to achieve full motherhood, though from the transexual state. Now honey that has to be exciting for you because I know your psyche like the back of my hand."

"But Dr. Johnson, won't it change my feelings, won't it mess up my sexual sensitivity? How will I look to people? And besides I have no idea what to even think about actually having a baby, how to take care of it, or anything."

"Now Ashley, young lady, I want you to calm down, look forward to this as the final fulfilling experience. The issue of children lies in the future. We are going to calm you down now, and keep you focused on the exciting transformation you about to experience."

She was giving me an injection in my arm as she spoke, and within minutes I was feeling much more at ease, and reflecting on what she had said.

Greta and Mandy had been busy fixing food and getting my clothes ready for the trip. This would be the last food I would have for some time, I was told. We spent the next few hours talking about what it would be like. How proud I would be when I had my first cramps and my first period! Yeah, wow. Anyway, they finally dressed me, as though I were a little girl, and away we went to the hospital. I was used to being in hospital by now and everything was routine. The next morning I was heavily sedated as they took me to surgery, but when they put me on the table I was surprized and comforted to see Josh's handsome face over me, as he pulled down his mask momentarily to reassure me. He was to be advising the surgeons during the lengthy procedure to follow.

I was released from the hospital, amazingly, just two days later. The scar across my lower belly was only about six inches long and even now the incision hardly showed. It would disappear completely in a couple of weeks I was told. But I had a lot of pain and soreness for the next week, barely able to get out of bed for toilette. The girls took such good care of me, living in while I recovered, and Dr. Johnson visited me every day. It seemed all of them wanted to be part of some perceived new triumph of medicine. I wasn't so sure my feelings after this would be the same.

Let me know what you think girls (and by all means, you guys too!) Love, rayeanne.

Next: Chapter 8

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