Journey into Womanhood


Published on Apr 14, 2008


Journey Into Womanhood.

by rayeanne

Chapter 6.

It was again a busy time after Josh left. I had appointments soon with my new doctor and with Dr. Johnson within the week. I first went to Dr. Johnson, who was sort of overall advisor and counselor for this whole amazing journey.

"So, how was your relationship with Josh this time around?"

"Oh, it was wonderful, better than I could have imagined it could be."

"That's wonderful, but first lets talk about how you are dressing. I would have thought that this last experience would have made you more aware of your femininity, so that you would want to wear dresses more than the tight slacks you have on now. First of all the slacks are really tight, right into your split! They look like they were painted on you little girl! You need to be more demure and wear at least a skirt and blouse, preferably a full skirt, something that won't show your ass to the whole world. Remember you are now an engaged woman and will in due time be a wife."

"Well, I do like to wear dresses, but in public I feel so naked and vulnerable under my skirt. Also, it arouses me to wear a dress. I am so sexually sensitive now, especially with my little thingy stretched so tight the way it is, and I...well I.... oh, this is so shameful, I get moist in my split and I have to wear a minipad in my panties."

"Oh for goodness sake! All that is perfectly understandable, natural, and your stretched clitoral penis is on purpose, to keep you sexually sensitized all the time. But you see honey, you have plumped up with female flesh and you are filling your jeans and slacks more than you realize. Maybe its time for you to go up one size with your clothing, but we should wait on that, I'll tell you why shortly."

"OK, fine, I'll go more with dresses from now on." I murmered.

"Now that we're over the dress issue, tell me in detail about how your lovemaking went with Josh this time around. I want to know just what your orgasms were like this time."

"Well, as you know, I had orgasms earlier. But this time, while still having my mini-internal climaxes, I came off like never before in my life. It just built and built and kept on getting more intense and consuming my whole body and finally hitting a plateau and just staying there for a while until I thought I would faint. At first I started to get this exquisite flutter inside, then my butt cheeks started to quiver...then... then my...'insides'... started to involuntarily spasm in rhythm, gripping his massive presence in me. This went on and on and at some point I realized that I was issuing love flow, and that issue intensifyed as he swelled in me to his final readiness and spurted me full of his juiice. I had the feeling that my body was sucking up his semen and devouring it. It was so incredible."

"Aha!, you finally got there girl! Congratulations, you are now coming like the woman that you have become and are still becoming. So you now really feel like you are his woman, yes?"

"Oh yes, definitely, he makes me so aware of my femininity; I know I couldn't get an orgasm like that without him there to give it to me, especially as I feel the flood of his semen into my belly. I just love the feeling of his living sperm swimming in my vagina."

"So the idea of his sperm, his baby seed, in you looking for an ovum to impregnate turns you on huh?"

"Yes, yes, does." I blushed.

"OK, and that is what we plan. You are going next for some breast enlargement, which will be pretty simple, and outpatient. Josh is not a big boob guy as you know, but I recommended some filling for you just to make you have a better proportioned figure. We don't want too much enlargement because that would interfere with proper milk production for breast feeding. "

"You mean that if this wild idea of giving me a uterus and ovaries comes to pass, and I got pregnant, and I delivered a baby, I would be expected to breast feed it?" I gasped.

"Yes honey,that IS going all the way isn't it? That's so delicious don't you think? Although you will never be fully a woman, you will always have that tomboy streak in you, you will do everything a normal woman does. You will become a wife and mother in an almost natural way. And we hope that is going to include natural child birth rather than C-section delivery."

I almost felt faint when she said that. The very idea of me suffering the pain of birthing a baby was unreal. Even if all the things we had discussed actually happened how could I possibly be expected to pass a baby through my tight anal pussy ring? Was there even room in my belly for all this?

"Uh.. this is so intimate, but..well,, you know, how could I....." I stammered, as she interrupted me.

"How could you stretch open enough to pass a baby? Don't worry, muscle relaxers will take care of that. Your anal ring can stretch as much as the opening to a normal vagina stretches during birth, although it will probably be a very tight fit. Which brings up a question to be answered by Dr. Sheffield. Tomorrow you go for the implant and two days later you are to see your ob/gyn. He is going to make some measurements to see what the size of your pelvic opening is. He will explain about that."

The implants went well. I had to admit I was pleased with how my new B-cup breasts looked. A surprise to me was that my aureolae were stretched a little to a larger diameter and my nipples protruded much more. Now I had natural cleavage using just a standard bra. Greta and Mandy were in town and I showed them my new breasts.

"Honey, they look very natural. They have just the right hang to them. Josh is going to be very happy with the results." Greta concluded, and Mandy agreed with her.

My visit with Dr. Sheffield was a long one. He ran all kinds of tests on me, and of course I had to get in those awful stirrups and be probed between my legs. He was making a lot of measurements with a tape and calling out the inches to his assistant. After I got dressed we sat to talk.

"Ashley, as you know, I have joined the team with Josh and many others to make medical history, with you as the subject. We all want very much for this to be a fulfilling experience for you, dear girl. Now, our tests here show that in order for you to have natural childbirth it will be necessary to expand your pelvic opening slightly. We will need to spread you only about one half inch in order to safely pass a close-to mature fetus out of your body. We will convey this information to Josh by email today and I expect that we will need to do surgery on you in the next day or two. You can talk to Josh by phone tonight to get his reassurance that everything will be ok for you as you recover from this surgery."

Needless to say, I was stunned by this revelation. All these people were really serious about me not only getting pregnant but actually delivering a baby in natural child birth, even though they all knew I was not a complete woman.

"Oh, doctor it will hurt to do this I know it will, is there any other way? I mean assuming that I were to get pregnant after the transplant couldn't we do a C-section?"

"We have discussed that, and we won't know until just weeks before you deliver whether that will be necessary. All of that is a long way down the road yet. We just know that if we don't widen you there would be no option when and if we get you there. Yes there will be some discomfort for a couple of weeks after the surgery, but you will be pleased with the results in terms of the further feminization of your body that will result."

"Hello? Josh?"

"Yes, darling, how are you feeling, do you miss me?"

"Oh, honey, you know I do. But..I am so concerned about this surgery Dr. Sheffield wants to do on me!"

"It's not going to be as bad as you think. All they will do is put a 1/2" thick spacer in your pubic bone, which will cause a small increase in the area of your opening. There will be a little discomfort for a few days and in a couple of weeks you will be good as new. Your hip measurement will increase so your figure will be somewhat enhanced and more fulsome. We both want that don't we?"

"Yes, darling, I want my figure to please you and that will please me. It sounds like I am heading for a 37" hip measurement. I would never have believed I would reach such voluptuous size if you asked me several years ago."

"I can't wait to see your new breasts baby. And you are going have a new motion in your walk after this surgery, which you will need to adjust to but it will again enhance your womanliness. You will see what I mean. Now, this will be the last thing we do before the implant surgery. I want to come home soon and be with you for a little while before the implant. "By the time I get there in about three weeks you should be recovered from your surgery. I can't wait to get you in my arms, I'm so horny for you and think about fucking you every day."

"Ooooo...honey, don't say that! I will start getting wet panties thinking about it."

Greta and Mandy were with me when I came out of recovery and nursed me for a couple of days before I was sent home from the hospital. I had to wear a brace around my hips for more than a week to stabilize my bones while the healing got going. After two weeks I was out of the brace and learing to walk with my new configuration. It was different, because there was a tendency for my hips to sway as I walked, even with short mincing steps. But after a couple of days working with it, Greta thought my gait was very similar to the very feminine walk of Mandy. I took that as approval because I felt that Mandy was a very feminine woman. I started to spend much more time in very feminine attire, even wearing three inch heels most to the day. Dr. Johnson was very pleased with my new figure and with the more natural way I was handling my self in public.

I am feeling so lonely and so hot for Josh now, I can hardly wait for his arrival in a few days.

Let me know what you think. Love, rayeanne.

Next: Chapter 7

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